The Todd Herman Show

Did You Feel The Cultural Shift? Conservatives Are Taking Ground In Pop Culture & Kammi Harris Will Make Their Work Easier Ep-1743

Memes are important. We'll make a comparison between how the Right and Left are doing memes and what it says about both sides. If you've seen the Dukes of Hazzard, you will love this meme portraying President Trump, JD Vance, and others. We'll also spend some time looking at how the media is continuing to pimp Kamala Harris. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 12:22 ESV  
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.
Revelation 21:8 ESV  
But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”
Matthew 11:28-30
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

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26 Jul 2024
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So, did you feel, or are you feeling, a cultural shift? The conservatives, and this is largely due to you younger people, thank you, are getting so much better at engaging the culture and doing it online. I'll give you one very crisp example, two things. But an attempt to meme Trump from the left, and a memeing of Trump in a campy, ridiculous, would be cringy way. If it wasn't done so well by people on the right, there is an opportunity for this to get even better for conservatives, because Kamie Harris is probably the most memeable person in politics, and there's this. She doesn't even need to be mean, because she is her own meme denigrating herself. We'll talk about that, but prior to getting to all that, God spoke in to me this morning on a piece of scripture my friend and I have been puzzling about. That is, my yoke is easy, my burden is light. This is the Lord Jesus saying, "Come to me." My yoke is easy, and my burden is light. That doesn't always seem to be true. Being a Christian is sometimes very, very hard, and yet the Lord Jesus cannot lie, because He Himself is truth. This just came to me. I've been looking at this, I think, all wrong. I think a lot of people are. We'll talk about this with the help of our YouTube channel, where we are actually succeeding in reaching young men with the word of God, praise God. It's the Todd Herman Show, and thank you, God Almighty, for making that possible. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times in which God has decided we shall live. My friend Kevin, and this is actually dedicated to you, Kevin. I don't know if you're going to see and or hear this one, but my friend Kevin and I have been sharing life stories and life challenges with one another, and Kevin gets me in ways that other people can't get me given some common experiences that we've had. He was a wrestler far better than I was, big time, big time college wrestler. There are a lot of very, very common backgrounds and interests and experiences. We've both been puzzling over the phrase, "My burden is easy, my yoke is light." In fact, this is the image in the scripture notes for the show. Maybe we can add it while we're going here, because it just came to me that, no, no, the cami-harris thing, we'll talk about that. But I heard God say, "Hey, I told you something, and I need you to tell people, so I obey." If your burden is easy and your yoke is light, and I've been talking with God about this, help me understand this, because sometimes being a Christian is very, very difficult. Sometimes, for instance, you just want to quit a job, and yet we are to work like we're working for the Lord Jesus. Sometimes you want to tell a boss off, and sometimes you want to cheat on your finances, on your taxes. Sometimes your flesh gets up at another dude. I watched it this morning. I was actually concerned there was going to be a road rage shooting this morning, because some of the worst road rage I've ever seen. And look, I've done the road rage thing. I plead guilty to having done that. So I saw that, and those two people were up in their flesh. I don't know whether they know the Lord or not, no idea. So sometimes being a Christian is very, very hard, and sometimes those battles go on for years. And with many of my brothers in my discipleship group, there are these very long-term challenges they've faced. Another brother of mine, who is my elder. Now, not in terms of performance and intellect, he actually is very, very young. But man, he's in the middle of a storm. And there's things he wants to do, but they are not God sponsored. So this morning, I was saying to the Lord thinking about my brothers in this conversation. It's an ongoing conversation we've been had holding each other to account. But if your yoke is easy and your burden is light, why doesn't it feel that way? And here's what God said. You're thinking in earthly terms. You're stuck thinking about your temporary home. You're thinking of it in your time frame. Think of it in my time frame. See, God doesn't have time. He has always existed and will always exist. And there will come a day when we don't have time anymore. And eternal existence. You and I are eternal beings. So if saying no to cheating in your taxes seems hard, or saying no to smacking a guy who needs a good smacking seems hard. Or maybe you're one of those people who still struggles with pornography. And it seems like, well, you just can't get away from it. But Lord, this is so hard. Maybe you're someone and you're living the single life. And you know that you're called to be married or to not go out and date and have sex with multiple people. And maybe that's just something that you, well, you know, I want to do that. I get it, but it's just so hard or gambling. And squandering your family's finances in that way. I don't think that gambling's a sin, but squandering finances, it leans up against sin at the very least, particularly if it leads to you not taking care of your family. Don't think of it from an earthly perspective. Think of it from an eternal perspective. On the day you die here, you're either going to have an eternal, horrible, torturous burden, or not. Beautiful, eternal satisfaction, joy, and love. You will have a lot of time forever to ponder that decision. To look upon the Lord Jesus with whom we will walk in the new heaven and in the new earth. And understand, your burden is incredibly easy. Your yoke is incredibly light. If you make the decision, the non-servium decision, which is what Satan effectively said, I will not serve, you're going to have a long time eternity to think about. Wow, I bet Jesus' burden was easy and his yoke was light, because hell is just the opposite. When God revealed that to me, I reminded myself the more often we think in terms of the kingdom, the less likely we are to fall for the lies of this earth. Lies like, for instance, you can cheat on your finances and nothing's ever going to happen to you. And maybe you're one of those people. Maybe you never get caught. But look what's going on in Washington, D.C. Everything wants whispered in the shadows is now being shattered from the rooftops with the DNC. What they've been forced to do is transact their business in public. And part of me thinks they want to do this. It's a show of dominance. They're saying to their voters, "Your 14 million votes don't matter to us." We have our own government telling us, "Your own financial laws don't matter." The Fed, "Yeah, sure. We'll vent a bunch of fake money and give it to the Treasury." And the Treasury says, "Yeah, we know it's illegal to give $720 billion to BlackRock's companies, but we're going to do it anyway. There's nothing you can do about it." They're even pretending that math doesn't matter. They're even pretending that inflation isn't eventually going to matter. Zach talked to us in the first hour about how our economy is effectively dry, tender, and at some point there is going to be a spark and it's going to burn down industry segments. And your retirement portfolio might be one of those, that every month you give 40% of your investment money to seven companies without regard to their performance. That's fakery. That's scary. You can address this by getting Zach Abraham's Team at Bullwork Capital Management. Go to or call them 866-779-RISC. Simply ask for a free portfolio review. You will personally meet with Zach. He will look at all your investments. He'll look at your likelihood for retirement success and he'll tell you if you're on track or not. Again, it's 866-779-RISC. Bullwork Capital Management or Investment Advisory Services offer their Trek Financial LLC and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Trek24-244 go to Do you feel this cultural shift? I do feel a cultural shift and I'm sort of observing it. Here's an example. This is a guy who went to prison for speech. He said things outside the White House that the figureheads people did not like. His name is Oren Schoyer. He works for Alex Jones or with him. I don't know the arrangement. I think for him. And he took a screen grab during the figureheads speech. I'd said the other day that I don't have any reason to believe this is live. Were the reporters in the room? Why would I think this is live? Why would I think they wouldn't do multiple edits of this? We just talked about this yesterday in the weird bruising on the figurehead's face. And he writes, "Biden's Watch clearly says 613. He gave his televised statement at 8 Eastern. Last night's live stream was clearly recorded." Now, it could be that the figurehead can't tell time anymore. Therefore, his watch is a prop. And it legitimately could be that his watch is a prop. He may not ever look at time. It could also be that it's set to a different time zone. But then it would not be at 813 or 613, unless this is 15 minutes in his speech. But the easiest explanation is, yeah, they take this in advance. And then if we flip this around, if you're in the video service, now you can see this right side up and that's the watch. And it does say 613 PM. I don't think for a second they were going to allow the figurehead to actually give a live statement to you. Why would they do that? He fumbled that one to a degree. And he looked sick. And he looked to me like he either took a bad fall or not bad, but a face slapping beating. Like the one we talked about that Harry Reid clearly took a Las Vegas. That wasn't a Bowflex that did that to Harry Reid. So there is a switching in pop culture. That's very, very effective. But it's not funny. It's interesting. It's also not conclusive, but it sure adds up into a pattern that we see. When the Hamas supporters, and that's what they are, they aren't supporters of the Palestinians, they're Hamas supporters, they went and vandalized the Freedom Bell. And this is an indication when we get to Netanyahu of why memeing is so important. They vandalized Union Station in Washington, D.C., vandalized the Freedom Bell in Philadelphia. They vandalized monuments. And of course, there's been no imprisoning. This was not insurrection-y. There's been none of that. And this is being memed very, very effectively. There are memes, and I saw them this morning. They didn't have time to grab them. But Rashida Tlaib sat there during the congressional address that Benjamin Netanyahu made. And she was, I think, breaking rules. You're not supposed to have signs in Congress. You are not supposed to have signs. And her signs had war criminal. There were people who took that and meaned it to show her holding a sign of the Liberty Bell vandalized. Because, of course, she sponsors this. Those sort of cultural shift moments, and I should have grabbed that one, they're speaking to a pattern. Benjamin Netanyahu's speech writers are paying attention to American pop culture in meme land. This is Netanyahu addressing the United States Congress, and it's lame. It's English. I don't think this is his first language. It's a lame-timed joke. It's not particularly funny unless you've never seen the meme 10,000 times. But it shows that right-leaning memes are gaining recognition by powerful people, like the people who write speeches, for Benjamin Netanyahu. That's amazing. Absolutely amazing. Some of these protesters hold up signs proclaiming gays for Gaza. They might as well hold up signs saying, "Chickens for KFC." The explanation we don't need on this program, everybody understands it. But for people who might be seeing this for the first time, given our YouTube thing, this beginning to take off praise, God, thank you to Neon and the team. What he's referring to is the fact that if you live in the Palestinian territory, if you live in what they call Gaza in the Hamas's territory, and you are openly same-sex attracted and promoting it, you're going to get murdered in gruesome ways, eventually going to get murdered in gruesome ways. Now, of course, the brave, brave Muslim fighters have in the Quran permission to enslave boys for pleasure in sex. But that's not really being same-sex attracted. That's just perversion. But they somehow get this waiver thing. But that's the Quran, which is why we don't go around praying to false gods. Republican National Committee. Just don't do it. You know, Ron Fornier is... Ron Fornier used to be a very, very thoughtful journalist. He did. He wrote a beautiful piece about ten years ago calling into question the ballots of the mockingbird media, and he described it as experiential. He was saying that the reason that there is this imbalance is because most journalists have never experienced life around people like perhaps you and me. Conservative Christians, evangelical Christians, places like North Idaho, they're all from the same type. Well, I don't want to say family, but intellectual inbreeding. Something changed in him, and I think it was fame. I think Ron got invited on TV shows, and then someone said to him, or his ego said to him, you know, if you lean just a little bit further to the left, you might get more exposure. Maybe Trump happened to him. If you're looking at the video service, you'll see this meme that he tried to push on President Trump. And it's... I don't... I legitimately don't get it. If you're not in the video service, I'm going to kind of explain it to you. It's Trump with his hair looking very aged, his skin looking very aged, wrinkly, saggy, pink under the eyes. Now, maybe that's supposed to be somebody. Maybe this is a reference to race and art, or maybe he's supposed to look womanly. I have absolutely no idea why that's supposed to be funny. And this is what Ron Fournier wrote. This is me. Nobody should share it. Nobody did. And he's got a pretty significant followership on Twitter. Actually, I mean, there are like five people shared it. On the other side of this is a meme that was created that you could look at as cringy. And I can tell you exactly how this would have been viewed by the RNC. It has to do with a famous TV show that featured two brothers. Beats all you never saw been in trouble with the loss in today, they was born. Got it? We'll get to this. I will tell you how this would have been viewed by the RNC when I work there and why it wouldn't have been pushed. Now, I'm not saying this came to official channels, but I'm saying that the meme is very, very effective, but I'll tell you how it would have been blocked at the RNC. And they would have taken one look at it and said, no, we're not doing that. I know because I used to get things like this push. I used to try to push things like this through the RNC channels where everything had to be debated to be able to go online. Well, okay, we'll talk about that because I get very, very distracted. Sometimes people look at something that's very simple and say, that can't possibly work. How could that possibly work like this meme? I can show you the device that is responsible for this entire studio never stinking. It never stinks in here. I don't care what we spill. I don't care how much coffee I drink. I don't care how much gym work I've done. We have a research team over here, Ziggy and Max, and Ziggy and Max eat garlic food all day long. And that's just what they do. And Ziggy and Max, guys, sorry, you stink. But not in here because of the oxy leaf to thunderstorm device. If you saw this plug into the wall, you wouldn't think it's an air filter. And guess what? You're right. Air filters are huge and bulky and loud and expensive because you have to renew them for getting new filters every year for two to 400 bucks at a pop. This barely covers an outlet on the wall. And it works this way. It produces ozone in this room. Those O3 molecules bond to any and all bad smells. There's, by the way, there's no research team. I would never say to a team of people that you stink. That's a joke. Sometimes people get all up in the air about that. But it bonds to bad smells like cat litter, like wet dog smell, cigarette smoke smell, all those smells we don't want people to have. I'll save you 200 bucks on this. Your home will be a place of fresh air. Again, go to That's and enter code TOD3. Boom. 200 dollar savings and the house always smells just like the day after a thunderstorm Enter code TOD3. It's the dukes of hazard. And if this, I tried to get this pushed through the RNC. Here's exactly what I would have heard. Are you kidding me? A Confederate flag in the carton, they're going to call us racists. And I'd count this conversation like this. They're going to call us racists. And before I grew to understand the game, I would say, "Guys, they are going to call us racist no matter what we do. We should make fun of that. We should take that on until they understood something." Many of the people who work in Republican politics aren't all that Republican. They had to choose a team. Think of it this way. You want to work in politics. You want to work in politics at a high level. You want to work at politics at a high level and make big money. So you have to pick a side. The first side to hire you is often the side you pick. Think of it this way. You want to wrestle or play football at a high level. Maybe your goal is to go play football at Texas A&M or Alabama. That's your goal in your mind. I'm an Alabama starter. I'm going to go down and be at this legendary school. And that doesn't happen. So maybe it's Kentucky or it's Texas A&M or it's Colorado or Colorado State or someone comes. Eventually, then it's the Idaho Vikings. You're going to go play and guess what? That's going to be your team. And probably after a while, you're going to go, "You know what? I'm so glad I never went to Alabama. I wouldn't have started. It would have been this miserable experience. It would have been away from home. I've been all these friends. I love playing here." And it becomes your team. That's the dynamic with a lot of professional Republicans. They aren't truly Republican in nature. They're not truly conservative. They wanted to work in politics. One side hired them. So they've adopted it as their team. But in the case of college football, once you graduate, you step back and go, "You know what? My team sucks." They can't do that because they're trapped in it. So they would never allow something like this. This is so well done. And it's President Trump and JD Vance driving around this bow and Luke Duke. And if you're not on the video series, a video show, I can only beg you. Maybe this is the reason you try it. Go get a seven day free video dot the Todd Herman Show dot com or try to go find this on your own. Here it is. President Trump, JD Vance and others in Dukes of Hazard. I love that show so much. The faces is so well done. Dukes of Magga was it Dilly Meme Team. Congratulations Dilly Meme Team. So there's the scene where both Luke Duke are shooting arrows. The faces are spot on. Oh, you never saw men in trouble with the law since the day they were spotted. The Roscoe P. Coltene is getting his gun put back in his pocket by JD Vance who would be Luke Duke. His bow is over there against General Lee. Okay. And that's Melania as, oh, what was her name? Oh, I can't remember. Dixie, Daisy, Daisy, cousin Daisy. By the way, that was an inside joke on the south that both the boys were kind of romantically interested in cousin Daisy. And never thank God did anything 'cause they were cousins and all. Well, that was Barack Obama. That was Obama as the cop letting Daisy off of a ticket because she's pretty. Okay, so then we get to figure. You never, I can tell by now as a reaction. She's never seen this show. She's like, wait, this, this was entertainment at one time. You people watch this. What is wrong with you? So there is, um, there is the figurehead Biden as Roscoe P. Coltene driving the car with Cammy Harris next to him. Now, I don't like the fact that they put Cammy on the, the Cammy's face on a dog. I mean, don't, don't, don't do that. This is the way she is. Rush Limbaugh as Uncle Jesse. Now, the fact is Rush would never play a role other than a starring role in a TV show 'cause he never had to, but that's a stroke of genius. You know, that's just a little bit more. Dan Scadino is cuter. Just a good old boy. Joe Biden is sheriff. Roscoe P. Coltene. Hillary Clinton is boss hog. Biden, the system like a two modern day Robin. That's, man, that's so, so good. That's so good. The cultural shift with things like this are vital and important because it takes from the left the ability to come to us and scare us by calling us racists. And that was so very effective at the committee and it goes back to this. So many people in Republican politics aren't truly conservative. They aren't truly movement people. They're right there in the middle and they hang out with Democrats. That's the racist part that bugs them. That's the thing that has kept meme land from taking off in official Republican politics. Now, I have friends who are Democrats. Maybe you do. I don't have as many as I used to. Part of that's because of where I live. Part of that's the result of people going, "Hey Todd, I love you. Can't spend time around you." They don't say it. They just don't do it. They don't respond, say to things on Facebook, even if it's pictures of the kids. I don't get invited to certain things and sometimes it's hurtful. And sometimes I just recognize sign of the times. In Washington, D.C., the class, I'm thinking in terms of the Cask system. The Cask system puts party second or maybe even third. The Cask system in D.C. starts with access to whom do you have access? If you are an upper echelon access person on the Republican side, you probably have friends who are upper access, upper echelon access persons on the left. Here's why. When you need to get something moved through left-leaning politics, you go to your friends. And they go to you. The same thing is true with journalists and with people who are opposition researchers. I have a friend who is nominally Republican. She's very good at what she does. She's a delightful, delightful and fun person and I enjoy talking to her. But I also know that she'll put a head out on a Republican through left-leaning opposition researchers if she needs to to make money because that's what she does. She makes money. So the second layer down from access is money. How much of it do you have? Because access is money, but money is also access. Those things matter so much more than party to the professional politics class. And these wars we fight over control of the country, yes, it is on behalf of the so-called grassroots, but they in D.C. get the joke. We are often the joke. They get the joke that they're dividing and conquering. And when mean land begins to take off, now the grassroots can begin to push our position upon the right. We should be viciously memeing. Mitch McConnell, we should be viciously memeing. Go along, get along Republicans in the same way, or doing it in a funny sense. Everything shouted from, everything whispered in the dark, one day will be shouted from the rooftops. The Democrats have been forced to move their dark backroom antics onto a stage as we watch. But courtesy of social media, they cannot fake up the enthusiasm they want to fake up. That's become very, very evident and painful to them in one of the most cringy things you're ever going to see and has to do with the dear, dear, great American fine man, Chuckie Schumer. And this has got to cause him massive indigestion, but he tried this and utterly, utterly face planted. I don't think you can see that coming. Sometimes the face plant, the physical face plant, sometimes there's things that just hit you, for instance, I did not know when I was fat. And I was fat. I wasn't overweight. I was fat, nearly 400 pounds. I did not know all of the implications to that. For instance, this, I had a point where I had thyroid disease. I had to take thyroid pills every morning, and my doctor told me you're going to need to take this for the rest of your life. When I was about 26 years old, and it started to get acid reflux disorder, that's where your stomach juices, a lot of fun come up in your throat. And eventually it just eats away to your esophagus. I started to get that, and I started to get heart type. Like I was having a heart attack. Like seriously, pain in the chest connected to breathing. And I was calling my sister, who is a nurse practitioner. Like, am I having a heart attack? And she'd go through this with me and eat the aspirin. You know what? No one ever said to me? Dude, lose weight. No one. Because it's rude. It could be hurtful. The first time someone said that to me was actually a salesperson. Back when I did Seattle Radial, Ethan came to me. Great man. Wonderful man. Ethan Kelly. Ethan walked into the studio and said, "Hey, tough question. Are you interested in losing weight?" Yes! I also didn't know this, that I probably had fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disorder. You probably do 200 million Americans if they're overweight or are obese have fatty liver disorder. And what this means is that your liver cannot properly do its job. It's under way too much pressure. That's why I had acid reflux. That's why my heart hurt because my organs were just being crushed by fat. Same thing happens with your liver. And if it's crushed with flat, it can't fat. It cannot do its job of screening out heavy metals and alcohol and toxins. And if God forbid you're unstattened, screening that out. So you end up feeling sluggish. You have poor energy. You will get even more weight gain, which is then this vicious cycle. Fortunately, there's liver health formula. Liver health formula contains 11 clinically proven botanicals that help recharge and protect your liver. And it is power packed to recharge all four pillars of liver health, which is health in and of itself, really. That promotes healthy fasting and blood sugar and AIC levels, reduces blood sugar spikes after meals, supports healthy cholesterol levels, supercharges your fat burning metabolism, helps you drop blood sugar levels and improve insulin insensitivity. And it can restore your energy levels. And it comes with a 365-day money-back guarantee. So take action. Remember, information is only potential power. It becomes power when you take action. By a 30-day supply of liver health formula, you get a free bottle of blood sugar formula to keep your heart healthy. Visit You also get a free bonus gift with your order. That's a 30-day supply of liver health formula plus a free bottle of blood sugar formula 3 plus a free bonus gift. Go to That's And get this taken care of, please. So here's the indigestion-causing moment I was talking about with Chuck E. Schumer. He's getting the grassroots fired up. He's a meme machine. He's sure to throw his support behind Cammy Harris. From the grassroots bottom up, we are here today to throw out support behind Vice President Kamala Harris. You are my witness. I spit-took that. You don't have to. I know you're busy looking at the screen. You're my witness. I spit-took. There's literally -- and so you're listening to the audio letter -- I'm sorry. I got to do this again and play it again. I -- and I've heard this like five times from the grassroots up where we stole 14 million votes from you. You played out. From the grassroots bottom up, we are here today to throw our support behind Vice President Kamala Harris. I'm clapping. You don't have to. Ha, ha, ha. They're not. Memable. All of it is memeable. This is simply an image meme. It happens at President Trump retrused this on true social, and it made it on over to the Twitter machine. On the left-hand side, 2016, California's Kamala Harris becomes first Indian-American U.S. senator. Then on the right side of the screen, 2020, Biden picks Kamala Harris as running mate, first black woman. Hey, she's two things at one. And that's true. She has both of those ethnic heritage issues in her background, but why did she decide to change one? Why did she decide to swap a rue? This is memeable. Now it could be risky, but it's memeable because you could have Kamala Harris as a Hispanic woman. Kamala Harris is white man. That would be funny. Put her into that position. See, she is her own meme. Kami is a person with the demonstrable willingness to do whatever in order to get the things we talked about earlier. Access, which in politics, equals money, and then money, which equals access. If you trace her career, Kami was willing to be the cold-hearted Indian-American woman who laughed and cackled and giggled about jailing black parents whose kids were truant. She proved herself to be a woman, as Attorney General, willing to go back to court to extend the sentences of BIPOCs, among others, but BIPOCs, so that her husband's company, or one of the companies into which he invested heavily, a private prison company, didn't have to retrain their labor because that cost the money. Just keep the trained prisoners there. She proved herself willing to attack a documentary filmmaker who simply went under cover at Planned Parenthood to prove that Planned Parenthood was breaking federal law by doing abortions with the goal of selling the body parts of babies. You trace her back through all these behaviors, you see that she's willing to be whatever, and to do whatever. The problem is, when you're willing to do whatever, you may someday be put to the test. This is Kami Harris talking about what you should be allowed to eat. Certain countries have changed their dietary guidelines to reduce the consumption of red meat in light of the impact of the climate change. If elected, will you be supporting dietary guidelines, and then how do you plan on implementing the changes so that people effectively change the diets? Yeah, I mean, and thank you, Carol, for your work and the question. By the way, the background on CNN is about the climate crisis. The point that you're raising in a broader context, which is that as a nation, we actually have to have a real priority at the highest level of government around what we eat, and in terms of healthy eating, because we have a problem in America. And we can talk about all that we are now, the subject of this conversation, we can talk about the amount of sugar in Africa. The question, would you support dietary guidelines changes to reduce consumption of red meat? Everything we can talk about, soda, we can go on and on. So the answer is yes. Okay, so the answer is yes. Question was, would you support dietary guideline changes to reduce consumption of red meat? Yes, yes. She just talked about soda, which is, of course, poison. Refined sugar is absolute poison. And red meat is absolutely healthy. They are the two opposites from each other. But the answer is yes. She gets that pass and the smile on the face of the lady. Oh, she's smiling. My gal's with me, Cammy's with me. And then Cammy has to continue, because her whole job here is to confusion sandwich this. So she starts with the observation where we can talk about a lot of these things, and sugar, and in America we have a problem. We should have a conversation about that. The answer is yes. And then she continues in the confusion sandwich. The answer is right there in the middle, and the satisfied lady is smiling. But I'll also say this. The balance that we have to strike here, frankly, is about what government can and should do around creating incentives. And then banning certain behaviors. I mean, just to be very honest with you, I love cheeseburgers from time to time. Good for her for actually saying that from time to time. Right, I mean, I just do. And I think that, but there is, but there has-- Okay, see, but see, now, back to the confusion sandwich. And she actually admitted that. Now that, by the way, if you look at how she did this, the head in the thing that's working in her mind is, wait a minute. There's, wait, I've eaten hamburgers on video cheeseburgers. Okay, I gotta confess, I gotta say that, because as an Indian American, we ate a lot of-- Wait, wait, wait, hold on a second. Wait, cows are sacred in India. Wait, I thought she had an Indian upbringing. Oh, I'm sorry, she's an African American, I apologize. To be also what we do in terms of creating incentives that we will eat in a healthy way, that we will encourage moderation, and that we will be educated about the effect of our eating habits on our environment. And we have to do a much better job of that, and the government has to do a much better job of that. We have, yeah. So, I mean, I'm just saying, you love cheeseburgers. I mean, we all do, I don't know whether you can-- I mean, you know, from time to time, the beyond burger, the impossible burger, right? They try, but it's not quite the same. That's my personal opinion. But what do you support changing the dietary guidelines? Yes. You know, the food pyramid. Yes. Yes. And the juice red meat. Yes. Yes, I would. But why? That's not the problem with the food pyramid. The problem with the food pyramid is the base of it is carbs that most people capitalize that way. There's a whole-- don't get me started and other things. In fact, don't ever get me started talking about what the food pyramid did to me. I'm a victim. I'm a victim. Someone should come and comfort me because I'm a stinking victim of my own desire to eat stuff like that. A lot of people get victimized that way. A lot of people do. It's easy to have happen. I'm going to victimize myself this weekend. And I'm just going through the documents. In fact, it's right over here in front of me. I've got my two, my primary coach. She's been my coach for going on four years. My friend Ben, who is my sports mid-doctor and very good friend. They're shared to a document that contains eight-- is that right? Eight three-hour blocks of working out. Each of the blocks has a purpose. They're different energy systems. Some of them are wet and sandy. Some of them are muddy. Some of them are skill-based. But the design is to be awake for 24 hours in these three-hour exercise segments, all eight of them. And in doing-- you're going to do this. I went yesterday and spent some money to purchase hydration stuff. I've got my native path hydrate. I use that. And that is my very favorite. But I have canned things that I can open while I'm running. I've got some coconut water. I've got that. I've got some quick access carbs, things that can just squeeze into my mouth. And I prepare this way. And I've looked at that and said, OK, so calories don't matter. I'm not going to replenish the calories. I will burn in these couple days of workouts, non-stop. I'll burn somewhere around 20,000 calories, somewhere around that. And you're not going to replenish that. So really what you're just trying to do to survive. But one thing I will not put myself through is destroying my joints. So in every opportunity I have to sit down and refuel and give myself these little breaks, I've got two one-hour breaks in all of this. I'm going to be taking the heck out of native path collagen. Because when you do this during workouts or prior to workouts, it prevents joint damage, joint degradation. Now, my little thing here, my ego thing, my seal fit thing, is nothing in comparison to a life of hard work, like being a firefighter, being a construction worker, a landscaper. There's a whole bunch of professions watching, and they're listening to this, where you do that on a daily basis. And if you're not consuming collagen, you can be sacrificing muscle tissue recovery. You can be sacrificing your bone mineral density. You're a cartilage. And native path collagen has only one in three type collagen fibers. Why? Because that makes up 90% of your body. Anyway, it's found in cartilage, bones, skin, hair, nails, gut. And native path collagen puts itself through a process where they let third parties examine their product to make sure they don't contain heavy metals and it ensures product safety. This stuff is flavorless. So if it's native path hydrate and I mix it with that, fantastic. I'm not going to taste it. And it helps prevent joint injuries and joint degradation. You can get this as well. Right now, when you visit get native, you can stock up a native path collagen and save up to 45% off plus get free shipping. That's every day. It comes with a 365 day money back guarantee, so you can try it risk-free. The website, again, is get native for up to 45% off. Get native The cultural shift we've all felt, or I don't want to say that. I don't know that you've felt it, but I've felt, is a good news and it's even better news that Kami Harris is the nominee. Because Kami Harris is a walking, talking meme of herself. Kami Harris said that she is, yeah, I'm open to changing dietary guidelines so that you all people will eat less meat because it's very, very bad for you. These are Wisconsin voters talking about Kami Harris. Who do you blame for President Biden being in office in this condition? Who deserves the blame? It's close staff. They work with them every day. I think that's what also makes me nervous about the vice president Harris. Talk about that a bit, so yes, she's going to be in it, but she also helped keep him in where he's at right now, and if he really is as bad as what they've been saying, I think if he steps down as president and she steps into the presidency before the end of his term, it almost makes me question a little bit more why it didn't happen sooner. She's worked with him. To my understanding with him daily, or at least a couple of days a week, why hasn't this been brought to an attention if she's willing to hide that type of information? Once she's in office, now what she's willing to hide for herself. That is a very, very good assessment, and it's constitutional. Now, most people won't go this deep, but it's constitutional. She has a constitutional responsibility to invoke the 25th Amendment when she sees that the so-called president is failing. And at the same time, we know that the Mockingbird media is memeable. They're getting memed and destroyed for their insistence that Cami Harris was never the border czar. The border would be less of a talking point now if there was less migration to the border, say if somebody had addressed root causes of migration. Wait a second, did you not hear the beginning of my... It was, I know there were a lot of toppers, but one of the toppers, I talked about what we're seeing at the border. It's down by 55%, not because of Republicans and Congress and what they did. Because what this president and this vice president did, they saw it. They moved forward and took actions to deal with what's going on at the border, where Republicans continue to block getting resources to the border patrol agents. They continue to block actually dealing with an immigration system. So yes, we are going to debunk the false characterization of the vice president. She was not a border czar. It was legislation. I can show you the bill. In 2023, recognizing her as the border czar, they have to say these things. They have to find some way to deal with the border. Harris was appointed border czar in 2021, but she has not visited Arizona border. That's an ABC News affiliate saying she was appointed border czar in 2021. It's not just the border. There's also this. This comes from a ABC affiliate, I believe. No, it's an NBC affiliate, WCCL. Trump falsely accuses Harris of donating to the Minnesota bail fund, bailing out dangerous criminals, but she tried to raise money for the Minnesota bail fund. In fact, community notes on Twitter says on June 1, 2020 at 3.34 p.m. Minnesota time, Tammy Harris tweeted, "If you're able to chip in now to the Minnesota bail fund to help post bail to those protesting in the ground in Minnesota, this tweet contained a donation link." So maybe she didn't write a check, but why do that when you can use other people's money? Because of memeing, because God is peeling the curtain back or splitting curtain so that people can see, people are beginning to see. And speaking of God, Proverbs, chapter 12, verse 22. "Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are as delight. Lying lips can be Harris." Revelation, chapter 21, verse 8, "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death." Now, I am not judge of Tammy Harris and you're not, God is, but we can judge behaviors, and her behaviors are being judged. These are some Wisconsin swing voters, all of them women being asked about Tammy Harris. How do you perceive Vice President Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency and experience? I think she's worse. She doesn't even know what's going on at the border. And that's what she was supposed to be doing and in charge of. I mean, as a school teacher, if I did not do what I was supposed to be doing, you better believe my job would be in jeopardy. Well, it isn't. It not only was her job not in jeopardy, she was just handed a promotion. Is there anyone that Kamala Harris could appoint as her Vice President that you would find reassuring? Would make you consider voting for her? No. No. No. No. I would know RFK Junior way before that. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. And she's not the first woman to run for the presidency, Hillary Clinton. I'm assuming no one voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. So it's not necessarily going to sway you to vote for a woman in office. When do you think America will have a female president? When there's a competent one, I don't get a good feel for her. I think she's an idiot. Right. Mary, why do you think that she's not that bright? Because she hasn't done anything in the time that she's had. I don't know anything about her as far as her three years so far in the White House. She's not real smart. Beautiful. Beautiful. Praise God that people are beginning to see. And memes help. The cultural shift is going to continue to help. And I don't think there's been a more memeable person in politics than Kamala Harris. But interestingly, I don't think there's ever been a person who needs memes less than Kamala Harris because she is her own meme making device. Thank God for frustrating the supposed to be wise with the simple things and shaming the powerful. The weak things. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well. Be strong. Be kind. Please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [MUSIC]