The Todd Herman Show

10 Ways To Pray for America Ep-1740

Dave Cabal at wrote, "Five Ways to Pray for America." and I wanted to add five. This is really inspired by watching our country being torn apart. This is a cultural revolution and Satan is right at the center of it. He loves discord, he loves distress, disorder, depression, distraction. God is a God of order, not chaos. Although it seems like everything has changed, God is still very, very much in control. God is with us. We talk about 10 ways to pray for America and go through the Figurehead's statements he gave last night. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Psalm 46:10
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;    I will be exalted among the nations,    I will be exalted in the earth.”
Matthew 5:44
 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
Ephesians 6:12-13
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Matthew 18:6
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
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26 Jul 2024
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Our country's being torn apart. This is a culture revolution. And Satan is right at the center of it. He loves discord. He loves distress, disorder, depression, distraction. He loves all of it. God is a God of order, not chaos. And if I could just impart one thing before we begin the program, chill. Nothing has changed. It seems like everything's changed. We'll talk about this in detail next week. Nothing has changed. To be cliched, it's just the deck chairs getting moved around. To be biblical, nothing has changed. Be still and know I'm the Lord. That has not changed. God is still very, very much in control. The ship, yeah, but the boat we're on in the middle of the Sea of Galilee, yeah, it's rocking. It absolutely is. But the Lord Jesus is sleeping in back. Or if you like, he's walking across the water to join us. And we'll be sleeping back. And any time he chooses, he can say, be still to the storms and the waves. And he can also remind us that sometimes he is the storm. The prophet Elijah was afraid. He had just done God's bidding and gotten rid of a bunch of false prophets, in fact, killed them. It was after God gave him the power to draw down lightning from heaven to scorch this soaked ox that he was now going, this is going to burn as an offering. They couldn't get theirs to burn. And God gave him this incredible power. And then he was afraid of a woman, albeit an evil woman. He was hiding in a cave. And God kept saying, come out. And in the midst of the storm and the fires in the earthquake that God caused to come out, Elijah heard a still, small voice saying, I'm with you. God is with us. So let's go through this together. But let's not do it in a state of panic. Let's just do it in a state of godly analysis. So we talk about 10 ways to pray for America and go through the figurehead's statements he gave last night. We'll do this with the help of God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City exile, Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. You've seen this picture of the figurehead. We'll show it to you in a second. If you watch the speech, did you notice something? We'll show you that in a second. Look at this picture. If you're on the video service, if not, you can get a free seven-day trial subscription at, the last refuge on Twitter. He's got big issues, a very deep bruise on his lower left jaw, screen right, which changes his speech pattern, creating even more slurring. He has a bruise over his left eye, directly on the socket where the eyelid folds, and he has lower tooth pain, likely from taking beds. That's why he looks like he just had a root canal. Something happened. Indeed, if you look at this photo, somebody really messed up the figurehead's makeup, or he's got huge, huge issues, and maybe he took a fall, and that would make sense because he falls all the time. Maybe this was a serious one. Maybe he had a microstroke. Part number one. The people behind the scenes running this, running all of it, Lord God, we don't know who they are. You do. We're guessing it's Brock Hussein Obama in his cabal, but you know, Lord, please remind the righteous. That's our, none of us really, none of us are righteous. None of us are good. None of us can approach the Lord Jesus for perfection, but we can allow the process of sanctification to make us more holy. Remind those of us who serve the Lord Jesus that were under your protection, under your care, and that no spiritual harm can come to us. Let us not fear those who can harm the body, like the people who are running things behind the scenes. We'll talk more about some prayers for America in a second here, or how we can pray, 10 of them. This is a picture of Harry Reid. Harry Reid went home to Nevada. Do you remember this? Harry Reid went home to Nevada and came back and clearly had taken a beating. Do you remember what Harry Reid blamed? He blamed a band-based exercise device. I think it was the, what was it called the band flex or something like that? Is this device you use bands instead of weights? And he said it snapped back and hit him, Bowflex. I think he blamed Bowflex. It should have called that Broflex, by the way. That would have been so much better, Broflex. And if you remember the bruised face, he came back from Nevada with the bruised face. Now, I'm not saying someone beat the figurehead, but I'm not saying they didn't. I know that's breaking the bench, your parole rule. The more likely outcome, or I likely what happened is he took a bad fall. And maybe, maybe even had a, well, minor stroke. Number two prayer. God, give us a heart so that we can actually pray for enemies. Please, give us that. It's important that we not fall into the trap of hating our enemies. Please give us an actual heart for that. It's easy to say I pray for my enemies. It's hard to pray for enemies. Enemies like the people running things behind the scenes, because people are obviously running things behind the scenes. This is some of the figurehead speech from last night. By the way, I read online that the guy who'd been writing this speech had denied writing the speech. Of course he had denied writing the speech. He was denying writing the speech even as he was writing the speech. And then when the speech came out, he was trumpeted as the speech writer. None of this has been operating in truth. All of it, they're trying to perform in darkness. But remember this, God sees, everything whispered in the dark one, they'd be shouted from the rooftops. - When you like to meet in this office, I promise to always love with you. - Hey, if you're watching the video service, take a look at figurehead Biden's left chin. That's to the right side, it's screen right. Also look at his left temple, bad makeup? I don't think so. He's awfully orange though, which would mean that they're trying to cover something up. - To tell you the truth and the truth, sacred cause of this country is larger than any one of us. And those of us who carry that cause. - Who'd share that cause? I screw up all the time, but I'm also not reading a teleprompter. There is nothing unless I'm reading a news article and you know that 'cause it's on the screen, 99% of the time I'm reading it with you. The man cannot read a teleprompter in the most important moments of his career. - The cherish is so much. A cause of American democracy itself. Must unite to protect it. You know, in recent weeks it's become clear to me that I need you to unite my party in this critical endeavor. I believe my record is president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America's future all married to the second term. - Okay, let's pause, sorry, Niana. It's important that I unite my party. Okay, was it that people were demanding that you step down? That's uniting a party? Were people demanding, "Cami Harris, take your place?" Was that uniting a party? And who is your party? I don't know that there was any huge grassroots efforts to have you resign. There was a donor-driven effort to have you resign. There was a Nancy Pelosi effort to have you resign. That's all real. But we were told that you were the leader until when? Back to the video. - But nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. - Okay, oh my goodness, Niana, we're gonna be here for seven days straight, just on this one video. You are protecting democracy by switching places with your supposed vice president who has never received a vote to be the nominee of your party. You are doing this though you have a convention in a few weeks where the tradition is you nominate candidates for presidents for whom the people vote, then you come out of the convention with a nominee on whom the people agree, having gone through a democratic process. This is the furthest thing from protecting democracy. - That includes personal ambition. So I decided the best way forward is to pass the torch for a new generation. That's the best way to unite our nation. - You know, there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life. There's also a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices. Yes, younger voices. And that time and places is now. - Fresh voices. The fresh voice of Kami Harris, who was a political creature from the moment she left college. With her privileged background, both parents with high degrees, graduate degrees, a Howard University graduate and then Berkeley, someone who never touched poverty, who never took a segregated school bus that never happened. Someone who was political from the get go and power hungry from the get go, dating powerful men from the get go, men like Montel Williams. And then this is an indelicate way to say it. It's an accurate way to say it. Sexually servicing Willie Brown while he was married. And again, in pursuit of power, this is a woman who was then a, she was given a district attorney's job. I mean, handed to her, given powerful commission jobs, handed to her, married a guy who's all mobbed up in California state politics, investing in things like commercial prisons, as Kami Harris rose through California, became a G, she did things like linked in the sentences of people in prison, you know, to help her husband's margins. And when she got to Washington DC, nothing changed. She's not a new voice. There's nothing new about Kami Harris. She's an old school. I get mine first. Marxist, if that's what's popular, sort of human being. She is shrewd, she is racist, she is cold, she is calculating, she is self-serving. There's nothing in her that conveys any form of the fruit of the spirit. And yet we're told that her whole life is based upon her Christian upbringing. Well, because half her family is Christian. Half of her primary family. That's her Christian upbringing. It's the root of who she is. Don't you know? Figure ahead, Biden continued. - Only the next six months, I'll be focused on doing my job as president. That means I'll continue to lower costs for hardworking families, grow our economy. I'll keep defending our personal freedoms on our civil rights, from the right to vote to the right to choose. - All right, I'm sorry. Is this, wait, are we still alive? Is this still recording? I just, could you start that again? Because I just became very, very confused on something. Just started again, and we'll take this out. If you're watching live, don't worry. I'm not having an event, a medical event. If you're listening later, and this is still in, because I'm joking about taking it out, I literally cannot believe what I just heard. Let's just take this second video from the top. Here we go. - Only the next six months. - Yep. - I'll be focused on doing my job as president. - Okay, from Delaware, in one of my homes, I'll be focused on it now, because I've not been focused on it previous. Okay, but that's not the part. - That means I'll continue to lower costs for hardworking families. - Okay, you're not doing that. The reasons food and energy have been removed from the Consumer Price Index is because those things are continuing to go up, but it's not that, it's not that part, it's... - Grow our economy. - Okay. - I'll keep defending our personal freedoms on our civil rights. - Okay, but not for rights for women to not have male rapists in their prison cells, to have their own scholarships, to not get injected with things they won't be ejected with, but no, that's not even it, it's... - From the right to vote to the right to vote. - Oh, no, he did it! - The right to what? There's a convention coming up. You're spending millions and millions and millions, and millions more, dollars on a convention where you could nominate people of your party and have a democratic process where people could vote. For the next nominee, but as election wizard points out on Twitter and they're right often, breaking DNC moves to hold virtual nomination of Cami Harris before the August convention blocks delegates from nominating new candidates in Chicago despite Cami receiving zero votes. So as what appears to be a bruised and maybe beaten, but probably just more likely bruised, figurehead is promising to protect the right to vote. The DNC has stolen 14 million votes, and this is letting more of them occur. And there are people who have fallen for this. Next week we're gonna go through the Cami Harris scyop and just remind all of us that nothing's changed. It's just doing in public what they've done behind the scenes for the past many decades. - Choose, I'll keep calling out hate and extremism, make it clear there is no place, no place in America or political violence or any violence at ever, period. - Well, I mean, actually. Yeah, around the Liberty Bell, it's okay to drag cops and beat 'em and such 'cause, you know, Israel. Well, well, and then in D.C. if it's the right side doing the violence that's, then that's okay. Well, in Portland, trying to break into a photo courthouse for a year straight, that's, we're good there, that's fine. But other than that, yes, there's no, we don't have any tolerance for the violence. - I'm gonna keep speaking out to protect our kids from gun violence. - I will use words to protect kids from being murdered on the streets of Democrat cities by other kids in cities where cartels are being allowed to set up shop. First for drug trafficking and then on the heels of that sex trafficking, which then begins wars between the Honduran cartels, Mexican cartels and Russian cartels, but I will use words to prevent tools from killing kids. - Our plan from climate crisis is the existential threat. And I will keep fighting for my cancer moonshot. - Okay. He was given that assignment by Barack Hussein Obama, and God bless Rush Limbaugh. He has previously contended that he cured cancer, but in the next six months, a mentally deficient, probably Parkinson's victim. Is going to cure cancer with his operation moonshot. And this is in heroic speech by a selfless man. - We can end cancer as we know it because we can do it. I'm gonna call for Supreme Court Reform because this is critical to our democracy, Supreme Court Reform. - It is critical to our democracy, that the executive branch co-equal to the legislative and the judicial mess with the Supreme Court, which is a co-equal branch to protect our democracy. I don't think that's what democracy means. - You know, I'll keep working to ensure American remains strong and secure in the leader of the free world. I'm the first president in this century to report to the American people that the United States is not a war anywhere in the world. (sighing) - We are literally fighting a war in Syria. You disgusting liar. (sighing) We literally have troops through NATO in Ukraine and though they're not officially in Russia, in Russia. We have committed resources to fund both sides of a war. Between Israel and Hamas and you built a $300 million dock, which collapsed because our troops were given sufficient cover to build it correctly. And we're not at war. - We'll keep rallying the coalition of proud nations to stop Putin from taking over Ukraine but we're not at war. - We're doing more damage. We'll keep NATO stronger and I'll make it more powerful and more united at any time in all of our history. - In six months. - In six months. See, nothing's really changed. It's just now that they have to lie so, so vigorously and so, so obviously because the stink has just gotten to be too much. So now they're just covering it up. They're just covering it up. That's stuff, you know, covering up stink actually doesn't work. Have you noticed that dynamic in life? That, for instance, you might spill something in your car. You know what the worst thing to spill in your car is? And this is, I almost said, God's my witness on this, no, don't pledge that way. The worst thing you can spill in your car is something called muscle milk. Have you ever spilled this in a car? I spilled that in a car. And I think this was the, I was stupid and unfortunate enough to buy a used jaguar. Beautiful car, horrible, horrible money suck. And I spilled muscle milk in it after pledging to not eat in the car. That lasted about two weeks. That stuff is, first of all, not good for you. Secondly, it has so many mixed chemicals in it that when the sun hits the muscle milk and it dries out, it would be difficult to describe it, but it would be sort of like death that doesn't die. It just keeps dying. And death that doesn't die, it just keeps dying. So the death smell keeps getting worse. It keeps getting deathier, as it were. And you may have something like that in your car right now, and just be honest, if you do, maybe it's not your home, maybe it's your car, or maybe you are a truck driver, long haul, and look, I, nobody's judged. That's a tough way to earn a living, and it's a super important way to earn a living. And maybe the cab you sleep in doesn't smell that great. There's a whole bunch of uses for the Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm device, and I'm thinking about long haul truckers. Oh my gosh, this could be a blessing for you guys. It plugs in via USB, and it will remove terrible orders from vehicles overnight. I know this because my friend Ben has done it twice, with kid puke and rotted bear sausage, and Ben is a very neat and tidy human, by the way. It doesn't go around messing things up that way. But you might have a vehicle now, you're embarrassed of, or you're RV, or a room in your house that was just at one point, you know, the catch what nuts in there, I've never seen this fail. It is not an air filter, it destroys bad chemicals, it smells, it doesn't filter them, it produces ozone, that bonds to the bad smells, and it destroys them, it even works with viruses. So simply go save $200 today on whole home coverage, or for your entire truck, if you're a truck driver, RV, or that room you just can't air out. Go to, enter code Todd3 to get $200 off the OxiLeaf 2 thunderstorm device that's, use code Todd3, got it? Get it, got it, good. The figurehead lying through all of this, he got more into the Supreme Court, and understand something, please, 'cause we're headed into this phenomena, and you are riding in this raft with God, and God is, he's still in charge and all of that. It does not mean that we don't take steps. We'll talk about some of the steps we can take in just a second here. This is the figurehead's now on the topic of the Supreme Court. - Border's secure in our border. - I think. - Border crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office. - Border crossings today. Do I even need to confront this lie? Does anyone believe what that man just spoke? No, no one believes it. - I've kept my commitment to point the first black woman to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. - Okay, there we go. - I've kept my commitment to remove the review of someone's capabilities, responsibilities, history of action from putting someone in positions of power. - I also kept my commitment to having an administration that looks like America and to be a president for all Americans. That's what I've done. - Yeah, I know a lot of Americans who are cross-dressing open Satanists who say the best way to fight a sexually transmitted disease among same-sex-attracted men is to pretend the disease has a new name. It's not monkeypox. That looks a lot like America. It looks like a lot like America to switch races. That happens all the time. I just the other day, it was at my discipleship group with a bunch of brothers, and we were talking about things of our soul and our friend Matt, who led the group that morning in the absence of our friend Jim, the pastor. He was just leading us in discussion and as men, being comfortable praying out loud, just praying out loud. And I know that one of my brothers said, "Hey, you know, I just wanted to pray. I'm a Chinese-American now." We were a little surprised 'cause he's a white dude, but Jamie Harris can just decide to be black. Well, then, why can't Hank? It's not his real name, Howard, Colm Hank. Why can't he just, all of a sudden, be an Asian woman? It doesn't look like America. But what he's saying there is at the same time as he's telling people and his party's telling people, "Don't call Cami a DEI higher? That's wrong, it's wrong to do that, don't do it." Well, we're going to do it because you did it. Your entire habit is either Obama holdovers for power or the display of intersectionality as virtue. It's clear. None of this means we don't do things to protect ourselves, none of it. If you haven't, it's what is today, Thursday, it's, oh my gosh, it's tonight. If you're watching this live, or you're listening to it in the morning, on Thursday the 25th of July, 2024, do you remember, please, that there is a free live webinar tonight. It's actually 330s Pacific right now. It's just, I get a few hours. And I don't know if this is full up right now. It may well be, just occurred to me. I forgot to mention this. It is this evening, 330 Pacific. Zach's putting this on. It's about how to make sure that your portfolio makes it through what's about to happen to our economy. Because you don't think we're going to see six months of chaos. You think they're going to let Kami have any risk? They're going to do everything they can to create more chaos. That's just going to be wonderful for retirement portfolios. Go to This is a free event, but you have to register to attend. It's Zach will answer questions and show you how you can get your portfolio set up for this insanely risky environment. Go to The investment advisory services offer the Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money. And past performance does not necessarily indicate future results. Trek24-244, go to It does mean that we take chances or we take opportunities to protect ourselves. Now, a man who pretends men or women, who pretends that the Bible is okay with murdering babies, a man who just spent the last many, many minutes lying, a man who is stealing the votes of Americans strictly from the DNC, 14 million votes stolen. There is going to be no vote for Kami Harris. They're trying to bypass the vote but he's protecting democracy, who is actually involved in a literal invasion of our country in an effort to steal the Electoral College from the rightful owners. He wants to talk about our souls. Dear Lord, let us remember that the country even powered with all of these natural resources with our ability to defend ourselves. All of those things are great blessings, common blessings to us, but that our fight is not against flesh and blood. Remind everybody that our battle is against spirits and principalities in the dark heavenly realms. Armist for that, you're going to continue to provide the common blessings you always do. Armist for that. And put around all of us the full armor of God and help us destroy these strongholds rhetorical and otherwise, a third way of 10 to pray for America. The figurehead talking about the soul of America. I ran for president four years ago because I believed in still doing that the soul of America was a stake, the very nature of who we are was a stake. And that's still the case. America's an idea, an idea is charming, any armory. OK, America is not an idea. America's many things. Most importantly, America is 330 million souls. America is a landmass. America is a series of documents. All those things are beautiful. And aside from the landmass, which isn't technically inert, the souls, America is not an idea. America is a country with people in it. The idea that America is an idea makes it changeable, controllable as a reason God gave us in alienable rights. Father God, please peel back. Please peel back. Whatever scales are on the eyes of Americans, please let them see this man for what he is. He is empty. He's deceitful to hear him speak of the soul sickens me. And he's a spiritual captive. Let us remember as we look at this man, he is literally in a spiritual jail cell. And let us pray for that. Bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant. It's the most powerful idea in the history of the world. That idea is that we hold these truths to be self-evident. We're all created equal by whom? Is he going to say it by whom? In Dabarketer, a certain in alienable rights. OK, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. We've never fully lived up to it, to this sacred idea. But we've never walked away from it either. And I do not believe the American people will walk away from it now. Life, liberty, pursuit and happiness endowed by our creator who made a mistake. He screwed up. Done put children in the wrong bodies. He screwed up. Screwed up at the races. He made racism. We'd rescinded that. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, liberty. Indeed, that means a freedom to act within constraints. The freedom, for instance, to question whether you were depends. I'm not trying to be cruel. You sent the secret service out to question a man who was asking whether you were depends. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, liberty. You have in prison, grandmas and grandpas who were utterly non-violent. Never hinted at violence on January 6th. You have them in prison for walking in to the capital and taking selfies after they prayed. And then they went home. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. You don't believe any of that. It's somewhere in the muscle memory of your mind that phrase. It's somewhere on your teleprompter. It's somewhere, yeah, in front of you on your teleprompter written by a speech writer who had denied writing the speech until he was now credited with writing the speech, the soul of America got it. Biden said he made his choice. His choice, remember this, he is protecting democracy. And he's made his choice as he makes clear. Just a few months, the American people choose the course of America's future. I made my choice. I made my views known. I want to thank our. Am I wrong or is that a lot of swallowing? Now, I know what it's like and I know that hypocrisy. I just reached over and took a drink of something. He doesn't have something to drink from, but I'm just wondering if that's a lot of swallowing. I mean, vice president Kamala Harris, she experienced she's tough. She's capable. She's been an incredible partner to me and the leader for our country. OK, so no, she's not been. Kamala Harris had a constitutional duty. To employ the 25th amendment and asked that it be prosecuted against you because it is very evidently clear to everybody as it became clear on the CNN debate that you are not of your right mind. You haven't been for many, many years, at least two, and it's worth sitting. And we all see it even in this speech in a closed room with the teleprompter right next to you with something you've probably rehearsed for a month, read for a month, and we're told you were delivered at live. There is no proof of that. This could have been taped and cut many, many times. You're doing this. OK, fact is, Kamala Harris was supposed to protect our country by calling this out and to do it lovingly to you if she's in fact your partner and a leader. She has led nothing. There is not a single thing she has led that you can point to the barter, the border. Well, she was never the czar, except she was the czar. On women's issues, she has followed, she has cackled, she has laughed, she has complained, she has yelled, she has screamed, she's given speeches. She has not led because there are no followers. One percent of Democrat voters voted for her in the last primary. She had to drop out before Iowa. There has been no leadership from this woman. Now the choice is up to you, the American people. When you make that choice, remember the words of Benjamin Franklin's hanging on my wall here in the Oval Office, alongside the busts of Dr. King and Rosa Parks and says, "I shove it." When Ben Franklin was asked, as he emerged from the economy, the convention going on. Wait, they had a convention? Why? Why have a convention? Just Ben Franklin should have just decided everything. Whether the founders have given America a monarchy republic, Franklin response was a republic. If you can keep it, the republic, if you can keep it. Whether we keep our republic is now in your hands. Wow. Remember the 14 million votes Democrat voters cast for me? Never mind. They came from all around the country, all the many states. Never mind. There's a convention happening in Chicago, where Democrats, grassroots representatives are flying in from all around the country, where they could have a discussion live time, and hear from various officeholders who seek to be the party's nominee, and therefore people from all the many states could have a discussion, and a debate, and a series of votes, until they came to an agreement on who would be the Democrat Party nominee. They could do that, you know, like a republic. But you don't want them to keep it. Your party and you are literally erasing, or let me see it better, altering the math and the Electoral College. And you've been doing this for about a decade. There are a few people noticed until the last year by flooding the country with illegal immigrants, you've given at least 23 extra congressional seats to left to states, and you're accelerating that. Your party intends to do away with the Electoral College, but they know that requires a constitutional amendment. So why do that when you can use illegal immigration? You, from your perch and the people who run you, you don't need a stinking republic to decide that men are women. You just use an auto pen and now men are women. It's not a republic. Many of the states have decided to outlaw abortion, now with the Roe versus Wade ruling, and you at the federal level are breaking their laws by making the abortion pill available in those states. You don't care about a republic. Utterly, utterly breathtaking to me that people can buy these lies. It is. The lie of helplessness. We right now are watching history happen. We can vote. We must. We can be involved. We must. We can teach our children. We must. We can be activists. We must. We need to fight for election integrity. Never give in to helplessness because we say we don't trust in chariots and horses. We trust in the word of God because we are trying to be still and know God is in charge. That doesn't mean that we don't get involved. That doesn't mean you don't do the things you can do for yourself and your country. There's things that people could do, but don't. There are a lot of people like this. This is. Okay, this could sound super, super prideful, really prideful. I was doing a sled pole around my neighborhood and where I live is very hilly. It's a very, very steep hill and it's very rural and I live around retired Marines and seals and cops and SWAT officers. So I'm the one idiot who didn't serve and I'm the guy out there trying to do things physical and one day I'm pulling my sled up the hill and I think I had like 150 pounds in the sled and it was going to be a mile and a half sled pole and the rule was no stopping and it was a very hot day and who comes along, but my friends, a Jonah who was in the Navy and he'd been through the budge program and then life intervened and he had to drop out of buds and go do life. And so he comes and walks with me and he was talking to me about what I'm doing, et cetera. And so he understood what I was up to and I got done with that and Jonah went to his home and I came around the corner and I got done with this and one of my neighbors came across the street, a dear guy and he said, wow, did you pull that all the way around the block? It's the all the way around. That's a long way. How long does this amount of half? And this is, I swear to you what he said. He goes, do you do any cardio? What? I mean, do you like run or do any cardio? And I, yeah, and I wanted to be polite. Yeah, I, yeah, a little cardio. My heart rate was at a hundred and seven, eight beats per minute for about 45 minutes pulling that, but it wasn't his concept of cardio. And then he said this crazy thing to me, he goes, I really, really want to get into athletics. What supplements do you take? Well, that's step five. The first part is step one of, of getting into shape. And again, he's a dear man. I didn't want to be rude, but there's steps that you can take today to help yourself right now today. One of the things that people lack in their diet and America is collagen. This has a lot to do the way foods are processed and there are ways that you can actually get collagen into your body and it can help you. Why? Because it helps with tissue recovery. It helps with not being sore. It helps you not, not, not destroy your joints. If you're water skiing, you're getting ready for winter skiing, you do gardening, you do construction work, your joints take a beating. I take native path collagen and I load up on this before workouts and I make it part of a protocol I use at home to try to preserve my body so I can do things like a mile and a half sled pole. Native path collagen formula is scientifically backed to increase bone mineral density and to accelerate tissue recovery. It also makes you look better. It helps do away with wrinkles and mix your hair thicker and helps like to stop getting weaker damaged nails. They take huge, huge pain to make sure this is pure. In fact, they use a third party to test it for heavy metals so it ensures safety. It's flavorless. It's made with only the type one in three fibers of collagen. That's the most common in your body except 90% of your body. It's flavorless. You can mix it into anything. Native path has sold over 4 million jars of collagen. So over 1 million happy customers with over 8,000 five star reviews. There's even an 800 number you can call and ask about usage. You could do this right now. Go to get native, stock up on native path collagen for an incredible up to 45% off savings plus get free shipping. Every order comes in a 365 today money back guarantee package, right? Just keep it, use it. If you don't like it within a year, send it back. The website to get is get native for 45% off get native The figureheads decided to give us a history lesson because as you know, he was a history professor. The great thing about America is here. Kings and dictators do not rule that people do. Well, yeah, except no. History is in your hands. The powers in your hands. The idea of America lies in your hands. We just have to keep faith. Keep the faith. I remember who we are. We are people who allow the switching out of a candidate in two days. We are people who don't notice that, wait, didn't we vote for you, not her? Isn't there a convention? Couldn't there be a series of debates? No, we just say, "Cami's great." We're the United States of America and there's simply nothing, nothing beyond our capacity. We do it together. So let's act together. Preserve our democracy. God bless you all. Make out protection. Oh, I want to skip ahead real quick. And then we'll get back to the winter of peril. Is that okay, Nana? Didn't he say something about protect our children? What if Elon Musk has anything to say about that? Elon's a pretty smart guy. Elon's got some pretty good brains in that skull of his and that... Does he have red hair, kind of reddish hair at skull? It happened to one of my older boys where I was... I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier. This was before I had really any understanding of what was going on and the COVID going on and so there was a lot of confusion and you know I was told hello, you know, Xavier might commit suicide. That was a that was a lie. This is puberty blockers for his son who now lives life pretending to be a girl. From the outset? Incredibly evil and I agree with you that people that have been promoting this should go to prison. So I was I was straight into doing this and you know it wasn't explained to me that puberty blockers are actually just sterilization drugs. So anyway and so I lost my son essentially so you know they call it dead naming for a reason. So the reason it's called dead naming is because your son is dead. So my son Xavier is dead killed by the woke wine virus. I'm sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what that would be like. I feel like having a kids solid for me I imagine. We'll get to more of that next week. Father God, the Lord Jesus spoke and said he or they who would come between these little ones in me would wish that a millstone were tied around their neck and that they were tossed into the ocean. Father God of all things please please let parents see. The people like to figure ahead when they talk about protecting our kids or God please let them see the lies. Please raise up a new generation of people founding their views, their life, their life view on you. You're unchanging unchangeable word. Let us see a revival of people committed to living life based upon biblical principles. The figurehead spoke of a winter of peril. You know that thing where we're all going to die but he's been saying for the past almost four years. You know it comes so far since my inauguration and that day I told you as I stood in that winter we're stood in a winter of peril and winter possibilities peril and possibilities. We're in the grip of the world we were in the grip of the worst pandemic in the century. No we weren't. We were in the midst of something labeled a pandemic that never even really rose to what that used to mean until the World Health Organization destroyed the meaning. The economic crisis sense of great depression caused by a lockdown. The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War. Liar. We came together as Americans. We got through it. A winter of peril. The worst virus ever that wasn't. The worst pandemic that wasn't. The worst economy caused by a lockdown by people who were protecting democracy by destroying it. Got it. There's five more ways to pray for America. I want to share from this article from the stream I've given you mine. Pray to be still. Let Lord open our hearts to pray for enemies. Let us recall that we do not battle against flesh and blood but against the dark forces, spirits of the dark realm to wear the armor of God. For God to peel back the scales from people's eyes to see the lies before them. The lies of course I think emanating from the original thief and liar Satan himself and and to actually protect kids that the Lord would cast his protection around kids and remind others who are leading these kids away that they're going to wish a millstone have been tied around their neck and they'd be tossed in the ocean unless they repent. So get to these five other ways to pray for America because I think this is a very well thought out article. He mentioned there this pandemic. I can't tell you how many people I've met in the past year who used to work in the insurance world of medicine, pharma and insurance. I think specifically of two doctors at whom I spent a weekend who told me doctors are no longer about finding what makes you well. They're about finding what makes you feel well in the form of pills. I just had a discussion of the day really hard discussion with a friend of mine who's been told he's got advanced heart disease and he went to go see a friend of mine a doctor named Dr. Duke Johnson and I'm on the board of the nonprofit of Duke's medical clinic. Duke told my friend a couple of things. You need to stop eating sugar right now. You probably have type two diabetes. Did anyone tell you that? Oh no, they just gave you some things to make you feel better. Number two, you have probably had a couple of heart attacks. Did anyone tell you that? No, they just gave me these pills. This is an older man who doesn't have a lot of resources. He's a man who's given his life to God recently. Well, in the past four or five years, he had some challenges before that. His first time a doctor sat him down and said, "Here's some things that can make you well." This is what happens at in Port of Arto, Mexico. They don't want to have to be located in Mexico. The people who have moved down there, they're American expats. They like Port of Arto. I fell in love with Port of Arto, at least a resort part of it, and downtown. It's beautiful. I wouldn't go to a lot of other places in Mexico. Port of Arto is pretty safe. Seven police forces guarded. One of them dedicated only to tourists. They don't want to be located there, but they have to because the ethically gathered stem cells that come from placentas and umbilical cords are illegal to use here. They're illegal. What's in them? Building blocks. Those cells build tissue, cartilage, muscle. The first thing they do is get into your body and destroy inflammation. That's what causes the pain from injuries and it speeds the healing from surgeries like rotator cuff surgery, knee replacement surgery, back surgery, and so often, so often, you can go there and get this treatment and not have to have your body cut and sliced open. Spend all that time in rehab. They do far more than the stem cells while you're there. It is a full spectrum treatment and you will meet. I guarantee you will meet unless he's gone. He makes a habit of meeting everybody. The two, well the man who runs it and his partner. They make an effort to meet everybody. In fact, they take most patients to dinner and get to know you. It's that serious. Go to and let them make the decision. They will tell you if they can help you not. Your kids, your grandkids, they'll tell you it's Please do tell them you heard about it on the program At the stream, gentlemen named Dave Kubal suggests the following ways to pray for a country for godly leadership. "Pray for authorities in the judicial legislative executive branches on both the state and federal levels and don't forget to include your mayor, city council, school board members, and others at the local level and he suggests 2 Timothy 2 verses 1 through 4. "Pray for Shalom in America," which can mean peace, but one of the most compelling translations of the word he writes is, "May things be the way they ought to be." Well, things ought to be godly. "Pray for the church," he says. If you've been a Christian for a little while, chances are you've heard this is the church goes, so goes a nation. Indeed, our churches are being captured, many of them. Far too many. I agree. "Pray for the church." And then he says, "Pray for revival." To revive something means to bring it back from the dead. If we're to pray for revival, America, it's going to begin within the church, but it can't stay confined there. It's got to spread beyond the church, if it's going to mean anything at all. We've got to acknowledge that the church in America is too much like the one in the Sardis, as described in Revelation 3. We've got the reputation of being alive, but we're actually dead. Ouch. "When did revival become so focused on external things like laughter, jumping around, dancing, and goosebumps? Revival isn't about any of that. It's about god-breathing life back into his church." No revival's ever begun without repentance. No revival's ever happened when a nation or city was experiencing prosperity, just the opposite. Church history shows that revival happens when nations are in turmoil and darkness. That's what we're seeing today. It's right. It is what we're seeing today. I invite you to pray for revival. Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you for reminding us to be still and know that you are still you. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [Music]