The Todd Herman Show

Don’t Tell Me God Isn’t Protecting Donald Trump. There Is No Other Explanation that Makes Sense Ep-1739

This is a response to a coordinated massive effort to mock and ridicule and argue against the notion that God protected Donald Trump. It's not just the shooting; it’s everything else as well. Ron Johnson has been right on Covid. He was willing to step out and call the injections what they are. Now he's willing to ask questions about the assassination attempt against President Trump. We’ll also look at how the Republican National Committee decided this year to strip God from the platform. I find it so, so foreboding.

What does God’s Word say? 
God laughs at schemers 

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Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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Representative Thomas Massey just said the weirdest thing. This is so weird. No member legislating the removal of President Trump's secret service protection should serve on the task force investigating Trump's near assassination. These members have already displayed politicized malice, and Speaker Johnson should block their appointments. Hey, that's a weird idea. People who wanted to make it easy to murder President Trump shouldn't be on the bodies that are going to investigate the decision someone made, or a series of someone's, to let one of the would-be assassins through the nets. That's the only conclusion I am able to draw from the combination of, I think, planned incompetence, you picked the team that protected Trump, and they were far less trained, and they were far lower in number than the people who were protecting the President of the United States of America, Dr. Jill Biden. Well, through Barack Obama and the people who give her permission to be President at this point, the new President, of course, being Kammy Harris, and whoever backs Kammy Harris, same people. But don't tell me this, because the left is continuing to say it, there are countless people, lecturing Christians that you don't get to say God protected President Trump. It is self-evident that God prevented this assassination and protected President Trump. We'll talk about this with the help of that same God. Thank you, Lord, for protecting us. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. Can anyone tell me? Just, just, let me just start. No preamble. No visiting. How are you guys? By the way, when radio host do that, that freaks me out. Like, what? There's a guy here, and I said it wasn't going to do this, and I am doing it. There is a guy who does radio here. He seems like a sweet young man. I say here, meaning North Idaho there, which I live. And he often opens his newscast by saying, "Hi, how are you guys? How are you doing today? No, really, how are you doing?" I hear it, and as the radio, former radio guy, I want to say, "We can't answer you. We can't answer you." Oh, that bugs me so much. So, here I am doing a version of that. Just not have any preamble. Let me just go to this image. This is a headline about the Secret Service. And it says here, "Main man investigated by Secret Service for joking about Biden wearing depends." That's an actual news story. So, the Secret Service had time to go do that. That they did not have time to review the detail that was around President Trump. Item 1. When the Secret Service decided to not have Secret Service agents guarding President Trump, but instead to have DHS agents untrained in all this. And when they made the decision to have actual and visible DEI hires guarding Trump, those women were not competent. It was an embarrassment to competent women. I know a woman who is a former LAPD cop. Her husband is a former Navy SEAL sniper. You are not going to get the drop on those guys at any time, ever. Not that couple. And I'm here to tell you that I won't say her name because then I'm permission to do that. I'm here to tell you, her head's always on a swivel, always about protecting her community. That stuff never leaves you. So, from that decision to staff President Trump with people who were demonstrably unable to respond to gunshots in the way in which Secret Service agents were trained begins the setup. Shoes disqualified people, not for Dr. Jill Biden, but for President Trump. Despite that, the shooter missed five, six, seven, eight times. I don't buy the second shooter theory, by the way, because if there was a second shooter, I think President Trump would have bet that although God could have prevented that as well. So, item one, Bill Marred said if this was God protecting Trump, he's pretty bad at it. Pretty lazy God to allow it to get that close. No, pretty glorious God. Because there are two ends served here. One is this, President Trump is alive. The other is this, President Trump is aware he's alive. He will always have, probably, a tiny little scar on his ear. I had to talk with someone once years ago about something that humbled her. And it happened when she was in high school. We talked about this six or seven years ago. She was admiring her nose at the mirror in school. She was admiring her nose. And she was comparing it to other girls' noses. I have a great nose. That same day, she got into a bicycle accident and broke her nose. And the shape of it has changed forever. She's fine with how the shape of her face is. She is told the story countless times for her kids. What was she taught? Pride goes before fall. In the case of God risking President Trump from untrained agents, purposely there, there was a dual end. President Trump now knows he was saved. He knows how close it came to ending his life. That's so like God to want to leave a mark, to draw some blood. Yeah, it's miraculous that it's that close. Why would God not make it close? Why would he not make it obvious? All of the setups, and yet it failed. As we continue to watch this all unfold with the now resigned former boss of the Secret Service, all of it goes back to, let's make sure that we have all sorts of CYA cover your "You know what" abilities. That's very, very clear in this next sound clip. This is the now former director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheetell. As you watch and/or listen to this, keep two words in mind. Jeff Epstein. Does the Secret Service routinely record communications between and amongst detail? Radio communications? Any communication. Email communications are captured as well as text messages. And then depending on the detail, radio communications are recorded. Does the Secret Service have recorded communications from the July 13th event? We do not have radio communications from that day. The cameras outside Jeff Epstein's cells are cell. Dad, they were on the frits. The cameras inside his cell, darn the lump, they went out. The 911 calls from the prison to paramedics. Shoot, we erased those. Possible deniability starts with building it in. So there's no record. We had these meetings in DC. We had meetings where there were no notebooks, no recording devices, no phones. It happened in a secure war room. And when I say no recording devices, I mean the lawyer of the RNC sending you a written notice. You are not to bring these things to this meeting and being checked to make sure you didn't have these things. Possible deniability. Now, I can tell you, we didn't go in there with a desire to break the law. It was never about that. The lawyer at the RNC was a good lawyer. He was a solid and a patriotic man. It was to make sure that things weren't leaked. But there were also all sorts of steps of plausible deniability. In DC, you never have a meeting with a principal alone. There is never a time where you go on one-on-one unless you are lifelong friends. Because at no time do they want some third party to be able to come out and say, "Oh my gosh, the president said this or the chairman said this." They always want to witness who will stand with the chairman. No, he didn't. He never made that promise. Always. In this case, the decision was to not have recording devices. And President Trump recorded history. What God allowed us to see in risking President Trump is a continuing version of the curtain being ripped in half. The day the Lord Jesus died, my friend Doug, a longtime viewer, listener to the program, pointed out, Todd, the curtain didn't fall. It was ripped in half. He's right. The curtain of the temple was torn in half. A thick, I think three feet thick curtain between the regular people and the holy of holies. As the Lord Jesus died, God said, "Okay, now it's between you and me. You don't need an intermediary anymore." And I think that when that bullet hit President Trump's ear, President Trump put to the ground, the well-trained agents went to his defense. The DEI hires hid and fumbled with their guns. God is saying, once again, behold. Behold your human kingship. Behold your kingship in comparison to my sovereign hand turning that man's head two inches. And here is his life saved. And now let's behold your leaders in the dishonesty. God laughs at evil schemers because he knows their day will come. And the day has come that Kimberly Sheedle was forced to resign. And this call came in the aftermath of a godly action. The fact is this, as I view it, to call this anything other than an act of God is naive. President Trump is a humbled man. In his discussion about this, he still seems humbled. No one told you not to take the stage. Nobody mentioned it. Nobody said there was a problem. And I would have waited for 15. I just said, let's wait for 15 minutes, 20 minutes, five minutes, something. Nobody said, I think that was a mistake. How did somebody get on that roof? And why wasn't he reported? Because people saw that he was on the roof. I mean, you had Trumpers screaming the woman in the red shirt. She was screaming. There's a man in the roof. And then other people said, there's a man on the roof who's got a gun. And that was quite a bit before I walked on to the stage. So you would have thought somebody would have done something about it. The felonies, the 36 felonies, the attempt to ban him from business, the attempt to steal a billion dollars from him for correctly valuing his real estate portfolio, the effort to rid him from the ballots, the effort to paint him as a wanton walking around raping women constantly guy, all of these things have failed. You think of the power of the mockingbird media and they have massive power. They are now aligned. They are literally pretending. I'm not saying that they're kind of pretending. They are literally pretending this. This is from Time magazine. Kamala Harris was never Biden's borders are. Here's what she really did. That just popped up on Twitter as a recording show. Kamala Harris was never Biden's borders are. Here's what she really did. Well, but then we could go play. I guess I could hold it up to the microphone if I really wanted to do this and really annoy Niana. And just play it this way. I asked her VP today because she's the most qualified person to lead our efforts with Mexico in the Northern Triangle. And the countries that need help in stemming the movement of so many folks stemming the migration to our southern border. She, in other words, was the czar of the border. The power that these guys have and President Trump was able to get through that don't tell me that's not God saying there's a choice. Which just goes back to the root of my fear that President Trump is going to win the country and lose souls. I'll give up on the RNC thing. I'm not going to continue to hammer that into the dirt, but it is so frustrating to me because it's such a clear pattern. God saves you at the same time as you're saying, "Hey, why don't we pray to some false gods?" Senator Ron Johnson gained, I think, a well-regarded and well-earned reputation as a guy who's willing to speak of things that are not to be spoken in the ways that they're not to be spoken about. About which they're not to be spoken. And he did that on COVID talking about the cartels and the fact that the mRNA injections are killing people and the hospital protocols are killing people, I think he's earned their reputation as a guy's willing to speak some truth. And a guy's willing to go just to explore things in public. He's exploring the miraculous way. He's not doing it this way, but it's miraculous that people can think that God didn't protect President Trump when you listen to Ron Johnson. He was on with Maria Bartholomew from Fox News. We'll get to that. When he was in the studio, he was a guest. It was a guest on the screen. When we have in-studio people, I no longer fear about them coming in and smelling my coffee breath or my gym bag. I said I could do two workouts this morning and came in and unable to shower and ended up going into the lake. And that was my shower, but then I smell like fish and trout don't smell that good. And particularly when you're swimming through the lily pads has happened and confronting turtles, et cetera. So I might smell like mud, Diana would not know that. But, well, she would if it wasn't for the Octo leaf tooth thunderstorm. That's the device we use in the studio that produces ozone. We can't use an airfare. So there's one there. We should give that away to someone to shoot at. But there's an air filter over there. We would spend two to four hundred bucks per year to renew the filters, to get new filters in this, plus it's too noisy to use during a show. And this is an air purifier. The Octo leaf tooth thunderstorm device. It's an air purifier. Ozone purifies the air of bad smells. In my case today, me, the bad smell, my gym bag, the bad smell. In your home, it might be cat litter. It might be cigarette smoke. Please stop smoking. It might be that your kids going to live in a dorm. And that's going to really stink, probably, because, you know, dorms. So one device in a dorm knocks all that smell out. I will give you three devices, whole home coverage, with a two hundred dollar savings. Just go to and enter code Todd3. You can breathe the breath of fresh air. You don't need to be embarrassed when people come over. You don't need to be embarrassed about the cat smell. And your kids don't need to suffer in a stinky dorm. enter code Todd3 to save two hundred dollars on the Octo leaf tooth. Edinpurdeals code Todd3. This is a longish and it's important dish. It's Ron Johnson, the Senator, talking with Maria Bartholomew on Fox News. He questions the ATF's involvement in all of this. My staff immediately started reaching out to local law enforcement. We've gathered a fair amount of information. Again, we're just scratching the surface. But a couple of things that we found out, for example, the Secret Service did not even attend the nine o'clock security meeting with local law enforcement. Pretty well put in charge the Butler County law enforcement to coordinate things. Law enforcement wasn't even on the same channel. So that was just to be clear. Senator, that was a nine a.m. meeting on July 13th, the day of the shooting. Correct. Yeah, thing serves to be there for site visits weren't even there. You kind of turned over some of the outer perimeter stuff to local law enforcement. They weren't even on the same security channel. So the sniper and SWAT teams weren't on the same channel as patrol officers and they were on the same channel as Secret Service. So they had to relay things. One of the things we found out is that we've got a more detailed timeline. This picture is now on the internet, but a picture was photos taken by the local sniper team in the AGR building at 514 of crooks. So again, we had pictures of this guy. Why was he intercepted? There's so many unanswered questions here. The pictures were taken at 514 and he was shot at 611. Correct. Okay. And again, we've got them more. So I'm going to be issuing a preliminary report. Again, it's preliminary. It's just scratching the surface. We're primarily going to release that report to solicit more eyewitness testimony. If you took video, save it. Make a backup copy. Copy. We can glean things in terms of audio, in terms of where the shots came from. Was it one rifle? Was it more than one? I've seen some pretty interesting video on the internet by experts that certainly calls into question what the FBI is telling us about it. Again, we're only just beginning this, but it is so important that people who saw things that have information, they preserve it. They memorialize what they saw because memories change over time. They can be influenced. So again, it's good news on a bipartisan basis. Chairman Blumenthal and I are dedicated to taking transcribed interviews with law enforcement and public, just members of the general public. They were at that rally, no matter how insignificant your piece of information might be, it might lend to provide the full story of what happened because American public needs to understand what happened here. We talked about this last week, and this video actually did very well on our YouTube channel. We're talking about words mean things. One of the points I made was in a law enforcement world, if you are interacting with the public and you're arresting someone and you hear the phrase "gun," it means you're about to get shot. It's a very easy way to communicate information. In a law enforcement world, everybody can hear the dispatch. It's not just the cop who's going to respond to the call. Everybody can hear officer down. Officer needs help. Assist the officer. It goes throughout the police force. Everybody can hear it. A decision at this Trump rally on J-13 to not have a common channel would allow private communications, like let him stay there, do not engage, but you could never get someone to do that. You could never get a DHS officer to let a man shoot President Trump. It's impossible. It is. You've all seen the footage of DHS officers, Department of Homeland Security officers, cutting open. The fences in Texas, cutting open the locks, welcoming illegal immigrants into the country, giving them money and food and flying them around the country. There are DHS officers today who are aiding and abetting an obvious invasion of our country. There was the case in Texas where the FBI was with a famous phrase, "Let Texas burn." They knew someone was planning a shooting. So, of course, you could find agents who would be willing to let something like this happen when you have politicized the government to this degree, which makes it more and more obvious that President Trump was saved by God in my mind. Absolutely obvious. Senator Johnson talked about this guy with the ATF who showed up this gray suit guy and what was that about, again, with Maria Bartholomew on Fox News. After the shooter was taken down by Secret Service, the local law enforcement, and I know this from some of your preliminary comments, your preliminary findings, started taking pictures of the dead body, right? Can you tell us what happened then? Correct. So, that's a nice routine that was in the AGR building. They're the first ones that went up on the roof. They were the first two encounters that the dead assassinated at that point in time. Later on, other people joined them and, you know, somebody told them to send the pictures they had taken to an ATF agent, which I think is very strange. And we called up that ATF agent, that individual said that he was with ATF, and now he's gone dark. We've also reached out to the Secret Service agents in charge on the ground. All we're getting there is the runaround. So, we are getting information from local law enforcement, and we appreciate that, but unfortunately, federal law enforcement agents, they're just saying, we'll go through your congressional liaison. Again, that's going to be unacceptable. I wish I could rely and have faith in the FBI and the Secret Service to do a truthful accounting of this, but that's not been my experience with the Russian inclusion hoax, and for years, deal with federal law enforcement. We need completely separate and independent investigations, and it has to start now. So, are you questioning whether or not there was a second shooter? Is that what you're questioning? Or if the shooter had a different gun? You know, I saw you extremely convincing video online. I know it's all over the place. You know, there were three distinct shots early on, followed by another five in more staccato, more rapidly fired, and then the final one, which we believe took the shooter out. How do you explain that? I don't know. I'm not an expert. But the individual putting that video out says it clearly shows that there are at least three different weapons fired that day. Again, I don't know, but we can't trust the FBI and the Secret Service to do an honest and open, transparent investigation. That's just a very sad fact. So we've got to rely on other sources independent to really find out what the truth of the matter was on Saturday, July 13th. And that shouldn't be the case, but we do have to rely on this, because remember this. Mayorkas, who runs the Department of Homeland Security, is impeached. He will not admit a purposeful and obvious decision to allow illegal immigrants into the country. He won't. He tried to stop Kimberly Cheadle from testifying. We cannot rely on this. The power of the federal government, the power of the mockingbird media, the power of the scientific bureaucratic state, the power of the international government. None of it has stopped President Trump. The power of an assassin's bullet touches his ear. None of it has stopped President Trump. Is President Trump himself a God? No. To see this as other than a decision of God to protect Trump to me is naive. It doesn't mean that God loves President Trump more than he loves us. It doesn't mean that at all. It means that he is somehow and for some reason using the President for his ends. Just as he used to figurehead for some ends, I think the ends of showing your government is a lie. All of it. With some good people working within it. There's so many things that if you just track back, just take it just a careful little walk back through history and you look at what the government has done to the populace. It can't all be mistakes. It can't all be if the people are incompetent. Some of it has to be malice. For instance, this, our good old friend, the food pyramid. Do you know how that was created? It was created through lobbying. The food pyramid as it exists today is absolutely upside down. You should get most of your calories from grains and carbs. For most people, that means obesity. And yet they continue to push this. This insane position that the government took that sugared cereals are more healthy for you than meat. Then a steak. It's insane. It's obvious. It's criminal. And look what's been the result. A hundred million Americans are walking around right now with something that can become a killer. It can lead to liver disease. And that is fatty liver. There are a hundred million Americans suffering for this. And the suffering usually starts with being tired and slow and sluggish and not sleeping well. It starts like that. If it progresses, it can become liver disease, which means your liver cannot adequately filter your blood. Which means, well, the worst. Fortunately, there's liver health formula, which contains eleven clinically proven botanicals. Not chemicals, botanicals, shown to reduce this risk you have with fatty liver. It protects your liver. It can even help you lose the belly fat, which is causing fatty liver. Obesity and fatty liver and being too heavy with too much fat and fatty liver are absolutely married to one another. So, liver health formula creators want you to know this. Though they give you a 365 day money back guarantee on their product, though that's real. They want you to use the product as a stepping stone to correct the body fat situation. But you can right now get help. By a 30 day supply of liver health formula and get a free bottle of blood sugar formula to keep your heart healthy, visit You also get a free bonus gift with your order. It's a 30 day supply of liver health formula plus a free bottle of blood sugar formula 3 plus a free bonus gift. Go to That's Wrapping up with Senator Johnson, was I saying Bartholomew? Barth, I can't say her last name. How does that Bartimolo? See, I don't watch Fox News. I watch clips. So, my apologies to Maria for "bidenning" her last name. He wraps up his discussion on Fox News. Senator Ron Johnson does about the attempt to take President Trump's life and attempt, I think, was welcomed and stymied by God Almighty. So, let me go back to what happened after the shooter is dead. You just mentioned somebody goes up. So, this is the guy in the suit who walks up the ladder, goes to the roof and tells the local, the locals send those pictures to this cell phone. Who was that person? Well, again, I'm not sure that was the guy. I think another county law enforcement gave the number to the other county law enforcement, the snipers, to send the text. Some guy in the suit walks up the ladder. They believed you, secret service. I'm not sure where they gave credentials, but that's part of it. Again, Maria, this is so preliminary. I'm issuing this. I'm providing this information, a much more detailed timeline, to prompt others to come forward. We need to complete this picture. We have a lot of puzzle pieces to fill in here. Is it odd to you that the locals were being told to send the pictures to the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Agency, ATF? Where does ATF come in? Yeah, it's very odd. The oddity starts with the fact that local law enforcement were just tasked with securing the perimeter, told to go cover that AGR building. Not really told where it is set up, so they set up on the second floor. They went to that AGR building at 10.30 in the morning. They were stationed, though, well in advance. They noticed this suspicious character at 5'10". They took a photo of him at 5'14". The president was shot at 6'11". Again, an hour is passed. Again, they didn't have communication, same channels with their law enforcement patrol officers. That has to be a choice. It has to be a decision to not have the communication. And it adds to me the proof that with all of these steps, and if you want to say it's incompetence, be my guest. God is never incompetent. To me, there are far too many in competencies at a crucial time, a day before the convention, and a party that knew. Figurehead Biden could not complete this campaign, cannot run this country. They know that we know, and one of the things the party hates is that they know that we know that they know. They hate that princess diary thing. So they overthrow 14 million Democrat voters. This is not getting enough press. So the DNC on a dime were told, although this has been happening in the background for months. The degree, the number of payoffs involved in this, what do you think that Gavin Newsom is getting for not challenging? Cammy Harris, what do you think other Democrats are getting? You think this is all cost free? No way. There are a whole series of payoffs in this. And Hunter Biden probably drove the negotiations for his dad because Hunter don't care. God, his hands in the air wave him around like he just don't care that's Hunter Biden. So they overthrow the will of 14 million Democrat voters, and there is not a peep of concern from the Mockingbird media on this, the same media that talks all about our democracy, our democracy. And God continues to reveal. He laughs at schemers. He laughs at evildoers because God knows their day will come. Do we know that? As I'm sitting here recording this, I'm watching this unbelievably coordinated effort from the media. This is the second one I've seen. Axios has now updated their articles to remove the phrase border czar. Axios is as inside Beltway mobbed up a journalistic entity as there can ever be. And they're going back to an article in 2021 to, quote, correct it. To say that Cammy was never the border czar. This is a absolutely coordinated effort and still they can't get it done. Still, they can't bury the lies of who they are. And all of this comes as people are starting to reexamine the culture that made Cammy Harris, Cammy Harris. Item one, she's not, not culturally black. Not the way Democrats define cultural blackness. When you think of blackness, how do Democrats define it? They define it as victim downtrodden thug life. That's their definition. That's the black experience in America. Cammy Harris comes from as economically privileged background as one can come from. She went to Howard University and then Berkeley. Both her parents have advanced degrees. She never identified as, quote, culturally black in the ways that Democrats would define it. But Cammy Harris was not someone who was unfamiliar with how to gain notoriety and fame and influence. This is so often overlooked about her background. For instance, this entertainment piece about Cammy Harris. Long before she met Doug Emhoff, she dated some prominent men including in 2001, former talk show host Montel Williams. Back then, he was the famous one and had to introduce her to the paparazzi. Now the whole world knows who she is. Cammy Harris was also a woman who, when she married, made sure that her husband was in on the swindle. Her husband started to invest money in private prisons. And look at that as Attorney General Cammy Harris used her position to make sure to extend the sentences of people who were working in prison labor. Well, because you don't want to cause her husband's company to spend more money training new people. I don't want that at all. Cammy Harris is the same Attorney General who, when the Center for Medical Integrity was then it, discovered that Planned Parenthood was absolutely inarguably selling body parts of children, therefore making a product of abortion, not just to quote "save the life of a mother" or for choice, but for profit. They proved that and it is illegal to do that. But as Attorney General Cammy Harris went after the film makers, the documentarians, the activists, for using a technique that has been used in journalism forever, the hidden camera. Who she is is what she is. She is vicious, she is scheming, she is heartless, and that's just describing her behaviors from afar. And it's not even that far. She is also the least gifted orator in the history of Democrat politics. Here she is describing Ukraine. Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country, Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that's wrong. Basically that's wrong, man. That is some sharp, sharp rhetoric, which will bring us right back to where we started. And that is God protecting President Trump. Cammy Harris is the big threat. Well, we'll talk about that. She couldn't get one percent. She had to leave the Democrat primary before Iowa. And this is the hope. This is now why the Democrats and the Mockingbird media, same thing, are all gathering around. Oh, she was never the borders are. Oh, no, nothing like that. She didn't know Biden was decrepit. She had no idea his intellect had been challenged. She had no idea he wasn't. Well, she loves him very, very deeply. And she's a civil rights leader. You know, she rode those segregated buses. When Cammy Harris is going to school in the Bay Area, segregation had been over for about 17 years. When she was writing the school buses, remember, she talked about that segregation and that deep experience of the black experience. Cammy Harris is not just a liar, she is a lie. She is. And there are so, so many lies under which this country just suffers. One of the lies that I think we suffer from in terms of our bodies is, look, you just hurt when you get older. True story, joints age, there's going to be some discomfort, but you do not have to live with it. You simply don't. And there's things you can do to avoid it. Let me ask you this. Do you take a collagen supplement? Well, why would you? Well, because you're probably not getting enough collagen. So what would be some of the signs of that? Well, joint pain is one of those signs. And there is a easy solution to this. Use what I use, which is native path collagen. This is scientifically shown to increase bone mineral density, accelerate tissue recovery, reduce wrinkles, enhance hair thickness, strengthen weak or damaged nails. And it is also this for me. As I'm building up into my 24 hour workout in preparation for seal fit in the end of September, this is a run through is not because I think I'm going to get better physically. This is a mental thing for me. This is me going to California knowing, okay, I know I can work out for 24 hours. I know it didn't kill me. It sucked. It was painful. It was hard. It was times I wanted to quit and I didn't. I know I'm capable. But without loading up on collagen for this, I would be a fool. My friend Ben, who's my sports med doctor, shared with me some research that having collagen before significant work on your farm, at your construction job, in the garden, no matter what you do, can help preserve your joints and have all these other benefits. In the case of native path collagen, it's a single ingredient formula. It has no additives. It has no artificial sweeteners. It's third party tested for heavy metals and ensures safety. That two native path is purity. Right now, when you visit get native, you can stock up a native path collagen for an incredible savings of up to 45% off plus free shipping. Every order comes at the 365 day money back guarantee, so you can try it risk free today. The website again is get native for savings up to 45% off. Get native Those are some of the lies that we're being told about President Trump and about this secret service director and oh, we tried so hard to protect him and it's so, so obvious that I think that it is God doing the protecting and now we loop back. Joy Behar, did you know that she's a very solid Christian, but she leans on her Christian upbringing when she makes her commentary on the view? Well, here's some of that Christian commentary. I want to point out one thing, I'm speaking to fellow Christians. I was raised Catholic, I'm a Christian girl. When something like this happens to you like this assassination attempt and you say something like God was watching me, that is a very unchristian thing to say because it's very narcissistic. What about, what about Corey, what's his name? Sandy Hook. All of those people. Oh, God was watching me and not watching them. There's something very disturbing. God should have pulled the plug on that mic yesterday. Wait, God is the technician now? Yes. You needed one. Okay, so she is a Catholic in Christian. Same thing. Well, I mean, I know there's a discussion about that and I'm happy to have the discussion. So she is a Christian who believes that God didn't see Corey Comping Tory, escaped his view, but he saw Donald Trump. That's what Trump means when he says God was watching out for me. The hardest thing about being a Christian is trusting God. It's the hardest thing to trust his timing and if you're here to tell me that you always trust God's timing, I don't know if I believe you. God used the blood streak on the ear of President Trump for something. God used the death of Corey Comping Tory for something else, showing manhood. Now, this is me reading into God's motives, it's just a dangerous thing, but we can see the curtain in DC torn in half. Your government is a lie. Your leaders are corrupt. Just as corrupt as Nebuchadnezzar, who God allowed to turn into a guy who thought he was a cow, munching on grass in a field for a couple of years, we've had a figurehead who has been mentally lost for three years and we all see it, just like the people of Babylon saw Nebuchadnezzar munching on grass because they thought he was a cow. God used the blood streak on President Trump's ear, I think, as a signature. I turned his head and in the case of Corey Comping Tory, we saw something else. But it means to love in the deepest, biblical sense. No greater love has man than to lay down his life for his friends or in the case of Corey Comping Tory for his family. He sheltered them and Corey Comping Tory knew the Lord. He is with the Lord and he understands all, yes, it's painful for his family. I can't relate to losing a husband, a spouse, and a father that way. I don't know who can. The fact is absent God's intervention, imagine what we would have seen, imagine this. If President Trump's head had exploded and he dropped dead, I think we would have seen what the party ultimately wanted to see, an explosion of violence. I think that there would be people so outraged, they tried to jail him, they tried to imprison him, they tried to steal his businesses, they tried to take him off the ballot and they stole an election from him and now they have killed him. Maybe that is what God was preventing. Though this nation has largely turned its back on God Almighty, he still loves his children and so does not want to see that day when America is at war against America, not in a physical sense. I would pray that the Lord would have mercy on the Republican National Committee who made the decision to turn their back on Him, much more importantly, I would pray that God has mercy on all of us, because all of us need it, those who give mercy will receive it. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (dramatic music)