The Todd Herman Show

Mark Zuckerberg Shows Why The Left Hates Weightlifting and Combat Sports; ANOTHER “Gender-’Doctor’” Caught Ep-1737

Maybe you saw the clip of Mark Zuckerberg admitting that Trump raising his fist and chanting “fight, fight” is the most badss things he’s ever seen. Now, I'm not saying that Zuck has got red pilled. What I am saying is that Zuckerberg being involved in combat sports, CrossFit, and weightlifting is pumping up his testosterone. Testosterone allows men to identify with bravery and drives men to defend others. So Zuckerberg can now admire this in ways prior to this, he could not. That's one reason why the Left hates this sort of activity. We'll also touch on Nancy Mace questioning the disgraced former director of the Secret Service. And can you tell if your pastor is an apostate liar? Here's one way to tell. Listen to this supposed Lutheran pastor tell us how the Great Commission is not the Gospel. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Matthew 28:16-20
The Great Commission
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Episode 1,737 Links:

t “One of the most badass things I’ve ever seen in my life.”

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    Broadcast on:
    24 Jul 2024
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We'll talk through that in a series of items from culture, from religion. It's warming up into a new format we're going to be doing. We'll just keep the first hour of this program the same. It's basically the radio show that we used to do in podcast form. But we're going to be doing a new format where we focus on the single topics. You sort of mini-casts allow us to dive deeper than other formats allow. So, it's sort of a test of that today in a way. Do you saw this Zuckerberg clip? We talked about President Trump getting up with his fists in the air saying fight, fight, fight. Zuckerberg said it's the most badass thing he's ever seen. Pardon the language. That's really instructive because it proves something about weightlifting and testosterone and combat type sports. We need to talk about that. Plus, is anyone actually shocked that another so-called gender doctor got caught with video and photographs of infants and children being raped? Why would that shock anybody given what he did for a living? Plus, can you tell if your pastor is an apostate liar? I'll play for you a video that indicates that ends and a further explanation of my concern about the RNC allowing prayers to false gods. With a couple of emails on that topic challenging me. We'll get started with the help of and with the providence of God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. If you're joining us live, we appreciate you being there live. If you're listening and they're watching later, we love you equally. If you want to try the live experience, you can do that at You get free seven-day trial of our video service. And I got a heck of a compliment the other day. I got a note from a guy who worked in television news for 22 years. And honestly, this is much more for Niana and Tofur who built this place. And this is a note from Kenneth worked in television news for 22 years complete with a little SIG lines. Proving is I actually know who this guy is. And he wrote and said, "I tried the seven-day free trial of your video service and I want to give props to whoever set up the studio. The quality of the video is absolutely top-notch. The camera use is absolutely top-notch. And the studio affects the sound and the lighting. I don't know what you paid for that, but it seems to be a pretty precious dollar. As a guy who works in television news for 22 years, I know that that was not an easy thing to decide to do. Thank you for doing it and can't wait for day eight when I start paying for the video service. A fellow refugee from the separate country of Seattle, so I actually know this guy. So that's just a note of thanks to Tofur and Niana who did the actual work on this studio. And just a reason to try it at Nancy Mace was one of the people who I think led to the resignation of Kimberly Cheetah. Maybe it's just that Kimberly Cheetah realizes that she is in a very, very deep mess. My judgment in this has not really evolved. I had this belief that they decided to let one through. That is my belief to this day officially. Right now, my belief is the party decided to let one through, one being someone who wanted to shoot and murder President Trump, and instead ended up murdering Corey Compentori, a retired fire fighter chief volunteer, by the way. Nancy Mace is questioning, had some language, and I understand why it had some language. To say, Director, we're pretty close to the halfway point during this. You answered more questions with an ABC reporter than you have with members of Congress. We have a lot more questions. The American people are demanding that we get answers to those questions, and that's what the purpose of this hearing is today. So I'm sure a lot of the questions that have already been asked are going to be asked again, and hopefully we can get some answers to those questions. I strongly implore you to answer those questions. You're here with a subpoena, and we expect you to answer the questions. Chair now recognizes Ms. Mace from South Carolina. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Director Chidl. The American people are watching, and they're wondering if there are any questions you can answer honestly today. So, Director Chidl, I have a series of questions, very specific questions. I want very specific answers. Most of my questions are going to demand a yes or no answer. Do you understand? I do. Okay, my first question. Both sides of the aisle today have asked for your resignation. Would you like to use my five minutes to draft your resignation letter? Yes or no? No, thank you. Was this a colossal failure? It was a failure. Yes or no? Is it a colossal failure? Is the question yes or no? I have admitted this is a terrible question. This is a yes or no series of questions. Was this a colossal failure? Yes or no? Yes. Was this tragedy preventable? Yes or no? Yes. Has the Secret Service been transparent with this committee? Yes. Would you say the fact that we had to issue a subpoena to get you to show up today as being transparent? Yes or no? Yes or no, you didn't want to answer the question. We had to issue a subpoena to get you to show up today. That is not transparent by the way. You stated earlier, Secret Service is not political. Is that correct? Yes. Okay, would you say leaking your opening statement to punch full news? Politico's playbook in Washington Post several hours before you sent it to this committee as being political. Yes or no? I have no idea how my statement got out. Well, that's bull. So, Mr. Chairman, I would like to ask unanimous consent to enter into the record. Articles by Punchbowl News, political playbook, Washington Post, all done at 5.24am, 6.12am, 6.34am. A solid three to four hours before this committee got your statement. Without objection to order. Okay, is the Secret Service fully cooperating with our committee? Yes. Okay, you say you're fully cooperating with this committee. On July 15th, this committee sent you a list of demands of information that we wanted. Has the Secret Service provided this committee a complete list of all law enforcement personnel that were there that day? Have you done that? Have you provided a list to the oversight committee? Yes or no? Yes or no? I'll have to get back to you on that. That is a no. Have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee as we asked on July 15th? Yes or no? I would have to get back to you. That is a no. You're full of sh*t today. The cursing is understandable and at some point some member of Congress jumps in and says let's maintain decorum, respect for the body. So, we'll stop there, but let's offer a solution. If President Trump somehow makes it through the massive amount of vote fraud, they're going to pour into this election. If he somehow makes it through another God forbid assassination attempt and you think they're not going to continue to leave this open, you see the game they're playing? The game they're playing where the Secret Service wants President Trump to not have any more outdoor rallies because Kamie Harris can't fill up the backstage area? If he makes it through that and gets into office and we have any control of our Congress to the Senate, there are things we can do to make them answer questions, to make them. And I want to get through that because there's got to be a clearing of the air. So, before we get to that, a way to clear your air in your home is The code word Todd 3, that's for the Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm device. It is on right now. If you listen to the background noise, there isn't any because it's relatively silent. If you were to walk into the door to the studio, you would smell the same effect that you have after a thunderstorm, that fresh air, that is ozone, and it removes any and all terrible particles from the air. Cat litter, cigarette smoke, cooking smells. In this case, I got up this morning at 4 o'clock and had two workouts. And I did not, and Naomi doesn't know this, but now she does. They did not have a time to shower. Now, my second workout was swimming in the lake, so I'm perfectly, perfectly fresh smelling because I smell a lot like bass and trout and stuff that goes in lakes because I happened to swim through the lily pads and there was a turtle. It didn't bite me. I'm okay. But I might smell a little bit like mud, but she can't tell because of the Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm device. You can get your own at, enter code Todd3 to save $200 on whole home coverage, three of these devices,, code Todd3. There is a way to make them answer questions. It's this. When I was in startup land, our venture capitalists included in our contracts in terms of funding the company and executive pay, clawback provisions. A clawback provision is a very scary provision. It works like this. If you as CEO violate fiduciary duty, that is your duty to protect the shareholders interest above your own, if you violate that, the board votes that you have violated it, the venture capitalists could clawback all monies they gave our company. So at that point, any outstanding debts we had for employees or rent or equipment, anything that we'd financed would be on my shoulders as the CEO or the executive team. That was a scary provision because they could come along and say, "You owe the contractor who built your building. You owe them $7 million." Personally, in our employment contracts, they included clawback provisions. So you could be four years into your startup, you could be headed into or in fact had had an IPO, you could have $30 million bucks in your pocket. And if they went back and discovered something that they decided was a violation of fiduciary duty and the board voted that it was, they could trigger the clawback provision. And your stock is theirs. Anything they paid you is theirs. It all goes back to them. The fact that the private industries can do this and we don't do it in government is insane. It's a sucker is bet. If President Trump makes it through the massive vote fraud, if God protects him from another assassination attempt and we don't think one's coming, he, if he has any control over Congress, any persuasion over Congress, he must begin to refashion the civil service contracts to include things like clawback provisions. Your job is contingent upon your cooperation with congressional subpoenas. If we subpoena something from you and you do not provide it, we are going to trigger the clawback clause. We will take all monies you've been paid since you were put in that position back from you. We will take your retirement back from you. There has got to be a right sizing of the relationship between Congress and elected body and these bureaucrats and invented body invented post constitutionally invented. Nancy may should have been able to say to that lady, you are going to get clawed back. The after effects of this assassination attempt are going to be, this is, it's Kennedy, it's JFK and you know this, it's a JFK level event. And this comes by way of two different sources. One was Charlie Kirk, the other is a site, Jordan Chatel writes, and I trust Jordan, it's called dossier, there's a link in the show notes. So dossier is quoting Charlie Kirk because they went and confirmed some of Charlie's reporting. We're told a very different story. We verified that several of the core elements in Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk's viral ex post from Monday are indeed true according to law enforcement. The secret service was saying they're not true. There's no veracity to this. This is what Charlie Kirk wrote. Got a weird lead on a story that people should look into. I got a call from a source close to the Vegas Metro. The visual story was that Joe Biden's trip was caught short last week due to COVID. However, according to his source, this source, US Secret Service and Form Las Vegas Metro, that's Metro Police. There was an emergency situation involving Joe Biden and close to close necessary streets so that POTUS could be transported immediately to University Medical, which they began to do in earnest. Then, mysteriously, there was a stand-down order. In the United States Secret Service and Form Las Vegas PD, they were going to, quote, "Metivac" POTUS to Johns Hopkins, which they presume meant fly him back East ASAP. Apparently, the rumor mill in the police department was that Joe Biden was dying or possibly already dead. I don't think too much about this lead seems to be too wide to be true, but given that Joe Biden has been out of the public site for days and dropped out of the race via an ex post, and his brother James indicated health was a factor, I'm beginning to grow more curious if COVID or something else has been more serious than reported. And then he asked you have an opportunity for people to get him some leads. So, Jordan Chautel's group at the dossier looked into this. He writes, "The dossier obtained independent testimony from over half a dozen law enforcement officers who participated in the president's security detail and others who spoke from first-head knowledge of the incident that unfolded that day. What they found was that Charlie's post was accurate." We'll talk more about this later this week, including a local Las Vegas news report that aired at the same time that didn't get any national coverage at all, even though they're the member of an affiliate group, like an NBC or an ABC. A story of that nature would usually roll up to the network, but we live in an era of lies. Sometimes a lie is on purpose. Sometimes I think it's an abuse situation. In relationships, say a marital relationship, or a friend relationship, or an employee relationship. The partner who cares the least controls the most. This is axiomatic in situations with trauma kids. Trauma kids, they've been through trauma. They don't particularly care what happens to them, and sometimes in those mindsets. They're in such a risk-taking, such a hurt mindset that they will escalate things because they don't care about the outcome. And you have the parents who care so very, very much. They'll do anything to save the kid, to rescue the kid, to keep the kid safe. And the kid will just continue to escalate because they don't care to the same degree. In a controlling relationship, in a dysfunctional relationship, one partner who cares the least controls the most, because the partner who cares about the marriage or the relationship or the friendship seeks always to improve the position. The person who cares the least doesn't care. So they have this ability to say, "Hey, if you want to do that, go ahead. I can always do something else." Sometimes superstar, rock star employees are that way. You know what? I'm not coming in Saturday. You need me more than I need you. The government right now is indicating to us in many, many ways. We care less. They don't need to care because Kimberly Cheeto, though she's resigned, you know she's going to get paid to not work for the rest of her life. We don't get that. She doesn't have to care to the same degree that we have to care. Likewise, the respect given the white coat. I hope that all of us have learned a lesson about the white coat. Yes, we should have respect for people who pursue a medical degree. It's a hard thing to do. We should have respect because they're human beings, respect because they're made by God, because God loves them as much as he loves us. And we have to stop having reflexive belief that white coat doctor equals good heart. I don't think this is any more clear than in this case that Libs of TikTok uncovered about a so-called gender doc. Look, there's a great reason to want doctors to want this advice in your life. I've decided, coming up this weekend, I got sign off from a CrossFit coach. I got sign off from my sports med doc. The 24-hour workout is on. And to say, I'm nervous is an understatement. This is not a physical thing for me. I'm not going to gain anything physically. I'm not going to have positive adaptation. It's not like I'm going to get better at this. It is going to be one time through this in preparation for seal fits at the end of September. Here's the tool kit for me. It's going to be getting the best sleep I can and loading up on collagen, native path collagen. Why? Because when you use collagen on a regular basis and load up on it prior to big exercise, like I'm going to do exercising for 24 hours, you end up preventing joint damage. You end up preventing joint pain. And native path collagen is scientifically back to increase bone mineral density, so less likely to break a bone. It accelerates tissue recovery. I'm going to need that. I'll have this throughout the day, by the way, throughout the 24 hours. This will be in my recovery drinks, my hydration drinks. And then there are the other ancillary benefits, like reducing wrinkles, enhancing hair thickness, strengthening weaker damaged nails. Now I consider those things ancillary. I don't walk around thinking about how thick my hair is, but some people do. This native path collagen contains type 1 and type 3 fibers that are the two most important 90% of the collagen in your body. So here's what you can do. If you experience joint pain, you don't want it. You want better bone mineral density. Right now, when you visit native path, get, pardon me, get to Stock up on native path collagen for an incredible 45% off today. Seriously, up to 45% off. Every order comes with a 365-day money-back guarantee, so you can try it utterly risk-free. The website, again, is get native for up to 45% off. Get native For watching the video service, you see a picture of a so-called gender doctor. He's an anesthesiologist. His name is Christopher R. Shear, D.O., anesthesiology, Baltimore, Maryland. This is what Libs of TikTok writes. "Horrific. Dr. Christopher Shear, an anesthesiologist at Boston Children's Hospital, was arrested for possession of child porn." I don't like that phrase because it's inaccurate. These children did not involve themselves in pornography. They didn't choose to do this. These are images and videos of children being raped. Babies being raped. I don't say that to be hurtful. I don't say that to be a sensationalist. I say it to be accurate. Use the right words. Describe what this is. Authorities reported they found material on his phone of children ranging in age from infants to pubescent teenagers that showed sexual abuse of children by adults. How is this shocking? How is it shocking? There are plenty of good people at Children's Hospital. Children's Hospital is a fallen organization. There are plenty of good people within fallen organizations. Children's Hospital is utterly fallen. It is utterly under the spell of gender ideology. When you fall under a spell of gender ideology that tells you that a confused 11-year-old child should be taken at face value when confused 11-year-old child denies the physical evidence of what they are and they should be drugged and chopped up. How is that caring? In what way does this indicate any fairness towards the child? The fairness of being allowed to grow up and out of it. We should not be surprised that men like this choose to find bottleneck positions where they can work next to children, bottlenecks of power. I pray on my knees that he did not use his power to abuse kids. But looking at images of children being raped is a precursor to wanting to rape them. And this goes to the illness of pornography in society that goes to the illness of worshiping false gods, which we'll get to. We should not be surprised that people who look at children's bodies is a thing to be modified, mutilated. Why would he draw the line at cut up? Think of the mindset involved in this. Looking at images like this for sexual gratification. What goes into your mind and it's a dark place, maybe don't even go there. But how would he draw the line from it's okay to do that to an infant, but not okay to cut up an infant's body parts and to invent what you want the infant to be or the child to be? Elon Musk came out and I think we talked about this the other day and he said that the woke mind virus has functionally killed his son his son is now living apparently as a girl. That can be a huge, huge game shift to have someone with Elon's, well, footprint. Some would say credibility come out and admit that he got conned. Elon Musk got conned by a white coat into signing off on this process and they conned him the same way they conned every single parent, well not every single one, but most of them. And that's an old trick. You want a dead son or a living daughter. If you don't do this, there's going to be a suicide. So with white coats, here is the instant response anybody should get when you're ever given a question like that from a white coat. You have to do this and you have to do this now. The response should be I'm going to pray about it. If you're an emergency room situation and they are pressing you, you have to do this now. Maybe your prayers for 30 seconds. Maybe it's for a minute. I'm going to settle myself in prayer and I'm going to look at some things. Are you presenting me an absolute must? Are you giving me an ultimatum? People of goodwill normally do not issue ultimatums, not like that. Are you saying to me anything that makes sense given a common understanding of reality? You have to make this decision. Do you want a dead son or a living daughter? I have to make this decision now. This situation has brewed for 11 years. This child could have killed themselves coming into the clinic. Was there some rash mass suicide of kids prior to us coming to this conclusion that they should be chemically and surgically altered? Are the numbers going down? Settle into prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and then think about the fruits that you're seeing from these people, pressuring you, honing you, issuing ultimatums. Those are not the activities of people who are seeking to serve rather than be served. This should be our modus operand that when we're dealing with white coats. By the way, on the topic of gender, Merrim Webster put out a tweet. I want you to think about, you know, we've talked about people being spiritually captured and organizations being spiritually captured. There was a whole team of people somewhere at Merrim Webster when they were talking about what to do on Twitter dash X that they came up with this. What's the word dash grammar hill you're absolutely willing to die on? This came out on the 17th of July, 2024. Well, you might want to die in the hill if don't end a sentence with the proposition. It's because right there, you could say, on what grammer or language hill are you willing to, upon which you're willing to die? What is the hill for grammar and language upon which you're willing to die? You know what the responses were, right? Merrim Webster had to turn off, first of all, turn off the replies. Then they had to delete the tweet because people were taking screenshots of it. They got utterly destroyed in ratio. What that means is people replying to this versus liking it. Nearly every single person in the thread was saying, "I'm going to die in the hill where a man is a man and a woman is a woman." And it shocked them to the point that they turned off replies and then had to delete the tweet. Now imagine afterwards, there is no self-reflection. Is there a meaning in Merrim Webster where they say, "Hey, you know what? Maybe we're getting this whole gender thing wrong. Maybe we're very confused on this. Maybe the normies are right, or are they the normies." I get confused about that. Are we normies or are they the normies? What is normal? God's design for normality was this. We walk with them. We ask Him questions. We seek His guidance. We employ His wisdom not around. God's design. That was the garden. What's normal? Well, for us, normality has become living with sin, sometimes managing it, sometimes letting the Holy Spirit conquer it in us. So what is normal? Well, normal is to re in relationship with God. That's normal. How can we say that? Because throughout history, people have sought to have a relationship with the higher power throughout human history, all cultures for the most part. Atheism is not the normal course of human existence. It is a relatively recent invention, and it is always attractive to tyrannical regimes. And we know why, because a God is an inconvenient thing. So it is a normal thing to seek a relationship with a higher power. It is a selective thing to allow Jesus to be that higher power for you. Who is the son of God, always was, always is, always shall be, and is God Himself. So again, we go back to something like this, in this Miram-Webster meeting. Did any of them go back and say, "You know what? Maybe the Bible's right." Maybe plain, objective science is right. That we really can tell the difference between men and women. Speaking of the Bible and departure from it, can you tell when a pastor is an utter heretic? I don't say this to point fingers. I don't say this to be sensational. I say that the woman from whom you're about to hear is not just a heretic. She is a satanic heretic who gets to call herself a Lutheran pastor. It is unconscionable to me. I don't believe that she can believe what she's saying unless she is fully and completely spiritually captured. So let's pray for her during and after we hear from her. Let's do that together. This is a Lutheran pastor, and I have no conclusion to draw from this other than the fact that this woman has to be, has to be, utterly satanic. Listen to this and/or watch it. This prescribed reading is known by the church as the Great Commission. Now I deliberately-- Okay, so the reading is this, and this is what she's quoting, just so people who are not biblically, they're not setting the Bible, no. It's from Matthew 28, verses 16 through 20. Then the 11 disciples went to Galilee to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him, but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I've commanded. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age." That's what she's calling the Great Commission, and it's commonly known as the Great Commission. I do not read the Great Commission, and indeed I doubt that I will ever again read the Great Commission and publicly claim it as the Gospel. Over the course of many years of study, I have come to believe that the so-called Great Commission is anything but the Gospel. Indeed, I have come to believe that this particular ending to the Gospel according to Matthew may be the source of the systemic racism which permeates not just the Church, but also all of the Western cultures and institutions which arose out of what history has dubbed the Holy Roman Empire. Jesus, in all likelihood, never actually said these words. Let me be clear. The so-called Great Commission was added to the Gospel by the Christian community sometime around the year 325 to bring this Gospel into line with the brand spanking new creed which the Church had just written, which we know as the Nicene Creed. The doctrine of discovery not only justified the dehumanization of the peoples who lived in lands beyond Europe, the doctrine of discovery birthed by the Great Commission solidified the notion of white supremacy in the so-called civilizing of North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Asia and far too many points in between to enumerate here. The roots of today's civil unrest run deep into the very Bible the colonizers used to ensure the privileged status of their descendants. That's you and me and all the other white privileged folk who continue to thrive as settlers on lands stolen from indigenous peoples. I need to settle myself. We can have the discussion about the addition of the Great Commission. Here's what you cannot have the discussion about. There were apostles because Jesus made disciples. He did the thing that Matthew calls us to do. This was the job of the Lord Jesus. Yes to die in the cross, yes to complete the law, yes to wash us of our sins who give us the opportunity to be redeemed through him and his blood, yes. The first time that Jesus said in prayer to God the Father that he had completed his task was not at the cross. It was prior to it in talking about his apostles now prepared to make disciples to go out and make disciples. There is a Christian church because of disciple-making. The very scripture this woman denies does not allow racism. It doesn't allow it. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations. The misuse of scripture in human hands does not mean scripture created racism. It does not mean the Bible caused violence against people to try to force them into conversion. The Bible didn't do that. Jesus Christ himself never issued an ultimatum. He issued invitations. He gave warning. He talked about some of the wheat being thrown out, some of the shaft being thrown out. He talked about the process of dross being taken off the top of precious metals like silver. He did give indications. But he never said, "You'd better come with me or you will burn straight in hell." He talked about it. He talked about Hades. He talked about the conclusion. The book itself, the Bible in many, many ways, says these are the things that can keep you out of heaven. He never used violence. He never tried to force anyone to convert. There would be no Lutheran church to which this lady contends to belong. And I'm sure she does because there are utterly fallen flavors of Lutheranism. It wouldn't exist without the disciple making process. If you believe Jesus Christ is and was and always will be the Son of God and is God himself, and if you believe that redemption flows only through him, what kind of selfish person would you be to keep that from others? Is it because you're afraid that heaven would be crowded? That you're not going to go share this? The actual phrase, "good news," the gospel means the good news. What was the good news? Jesus spoke it. Repent and be baptized for the kingdom of heaven is near. Every time he spoke, he was sharing himself, sharing his ideas, sharing the word in hopes that others would come to him for more. Take up your cross and follow me. What is the disciple? It's a follower. That woman has to be spiritually captured, to think that these words create racism. Humankind will always, always end up misusing things like this because of the original problem, sin. A couple of emails on the topic of theology and religion, Matthew Moore writes to me, "To begin, I enjoy your theology, but consider your constant claims that God gave everything taught logically true with Satan's offer of the kingdoms of the earth, saying their mind to give. Conflation of dimensions in any given fact set leads to distortion of understanding. Since you claim to have understanding, this kind of thing should concern you." I will admit, Matthew, I'm not entirely clear about your note, but let me just take from what I do understand. Satan cannot give the earth. He can rent it. The owner of the earth and everything on it in it and above it is God. God has allowed Satan to have dominion right now, the prince of the air. That phrase is on purpose. What does he actually own? Nothing. Air, you can't own air. I mean, you can constrain it in containers, but eventually it goes bad, you can't own it. Satan owns nothing. God is the owner, Satan is a renter. If you rent a building, you can't legally say to someone else, this is now yours. I give this to you. You can sublet it, you can let someone stay in your rental, but you don't own it, therefore you can't give it. Satan is a liar, a thief, and a murderer from the very, very beginning. So when he's saying to the Lord Jesus, all this I will give you, when he's trying to attempt Jesus, all this I will give you. Jesus being God always was, always will be, son of God. He knew you're a fraud, buddy. This isn't even belong to you. It's one of their topic on the issue of religion, and this comes from the RNC. So at the RNC, they decided for whatever reason, and no, this is not for whatever reason. This is big tent. This is political math. Let's have prayers from Muslims and Sikhs. Let's have prayers from everybody. Let's gather all the people so we can win a fantastic victory. Let us win the things of this earth. Let us store up treasures on earth where moths and thieves can come and destroy and steal. I want the country back. I want President Trump in office. I want the Democrats just absolutely thrown into the dustbin of history to use a cliché. I want this to happen. I want our country saved. I do not want my daughter growing up under people like Kami Harris in the figurehead. I would like to see a resurgence in ability to believe in the government. I would like to be able to look at our intelligence services and say, we can trust them. I want these things. You know what I want far more than that? I want my daughter to exist forever with the Lord Jesus. I want it for you. I want it for all of us. So it matters to me that the RNC decided to have these prayers. By the way, can I just please? Oh, my goodness, this so hurts my heart. Please never bow your head to a God you don't understand. Never do that to Father God. Never, ever bow your head in prayer to anyone else who's not praying to the Lord Jesus. Please don't do that to her Father God. Please don't do that. That is not polite. It's not polite to God. Dear Waheguru, our one true God, we thank you for creating America as a unique haven on this earth where all people are free to worship according to their faith. We seek your blessings and guidance for our beloved country. Please bless our people with wisdom as they vote in the upcoming election and please bless with humility, honesty, skill, and integrity, all those who conduct the election. Finally, we thank you for the Jardic Allah spirit that we have witnessed in President Trump. That is the tireless and uplifting spirit that is sustained even in the face of violent adversity, like a founding father centuries ago, and we thank you, dear God, for protecting his life. We thank you for his examples of near-ba, fearlessness, and near-vaer, the absence of hate when faced with vitriol. These examples of extraordinary calm inspire us. Non-aknam, Jardic Allah, Derebane, Serbatap Allah. May your name forever be exalted, spreading happiness and blessings and good spirit that everyone may prosper and enjoy the grace of your peace. Thank you. So let's meet Kay Dylan. She's a patriot. She loves this country. And she is a believer in a false religion, false God. And I looked into this God to the degree that I could, given the time to do show research. This is an image of the God, as this is portrayed by the Sikhs. And it happens that the name Wahu Guru refers to a God who is genderless and equality in the Guru Grazai. This is what she was talking about, this guy, this false God. And when you celebrate a false God, you are simply following the same exact pattern that Israel did, the people of Israel, the tribes of Israel did, every time God rescued them. They would turn back to these false gods. There's an email from a dear lady, Ellie, who wrote to me with concern about this and wants me to rethink my position on this. I'll get to the email in a second because I think it's probably representative of the way a lot of people feel on this topic. And feelings can drive decisions. They really do. I was talking to the day to someone about renew health care. And they asked me a series of questions. Do they do? Let's see what we're talking about. Ozone. Do they do ozone injections? Yeah, they can do those. You don't know what an injection is, by the way. It helps debrief. If you have necrotic tissue or tissue that's bad after an operation, it can get in and get that out. I've had it done. It is intensely painful. So, you know, for the first, I mean, first minute, it's some of the worst pain I've ever had. And then it goes away, but man, it's remarkable at cleaning up sort of injuries like this. Yeah, they can do things like that. They don't just do the stem cells. They've got a hyperbaric chamber. And I'm not poo-pooing these things. What I'm going to say is it's the complete collection of what they do. Okay, there are places, and I'll just be honest with you. For the stem cells from umbilical cords and placentas, the ethically gathered stem cells, nothing to do with abortion. Never, ever, ever do. There are places that you can go there cheaper. I'm just going to tell you, you can. There are places in Tijuana where you can walk in and they'll shoot you up with some stem cells and they'll send you home. Now, did they culture the stem cells so that they're the safest possible stem cells that it can be? No. Are they selective about the stem cells? Not particularly. Will they tell you if they have strains that haven't been exposed to the mRNA injections? Like, I will never have something in my body that's been exposed to the mRNA injections. No, not really. The people at Renew will, that's the strain I use, period. Do they do hyperbaric chamber treatments? Do they do vitamin mineral treatments? No, not really. Do they have their own CAT scan to check you for cancer before they give you stem cells, because there's some forms of cancer that stem cells will actually accelerate? Not, not really. They don't really do that. Renew does. Do the owners of the clinic have dinner with you, hang out with you, invite you to play golf. If you play golf, go to the beach, go on boats. No. Renew is all in on this. Do not view it as getting you in and out. They view it as creating a relationship for quality life. I can testify without any hesitation to the power of these stem cells to heal, to accelerate healing. And for me, it's just athletics for you, it's life. This extends into even neurological conditions, not just neuropathy, but the inability to move body parts are having great success with this. So, if you're facing surgery or you've had surgery and you're having trouble recovering, or you want to recover better, or just like your movement back, you'd like to be out of pain, go to That's and simply say, "Hey, I'm a fan of, don't say fan. I hate that phrase. Please don't." I'm a podcast family member. I listen to the radio shows and listen or I watch. It's This is the note from Ellie on my topic about the RNC having these false gods. She writes, "You had one topic of divisive today. I have a concern with your comments on the RNC and false gods. I believe our constitution says we're a country of religious freedom. We allow other faiths, but there's only one God. I believe you're a confusing your issue. The world speaks to God through other prophets. We speak to God directly. Don't blame the RNC. They are following freedom of religion. Please think it through. Appreciate the note, Ellie. She gave me a great, great compliment on the show. I don't want to say it's just one-sided thing, very great compliment in the show. So, Ellie, thank you so much for watching and they're listening. I don't know if you're a viewer listener. I never said that the RNC isn't allowed to do this. I never said it should be outlawed. I do not want a theocracy. One cannot have a Christian theocracy because it forces people to follow. The Lord Jesus never did that. What I'm saying about the RNC is they have used their agency, some face would call it, their freedom, their liberty. They have misused it. They've misused it to not just let people of all faiths speak. They used it to encourage attendees to pray to false gods. We speak to the Lord, to the God the Father. We speak to God the Father. We speak to Jesus. We have the Holy Spirit within us. Yes. And God is so utterly clear. He is a jealous God. He does not want us having relationships with idols or promoting this. The RNC has put itself at risk of having a great political victory and turning into the thing that they are fighting. The Democrats are not possessed by evil because it's fun. They're possessed by evil because over a period of time, they made these compromises to win political power. We should not be encouraging this to the RNC at all. Please, please, please, hear me on that, Ellie. Appreciate the note, please, hear you watching. In this new format that we're going to be doing, we will take items like this and go very, very deep. You remember I did a show, gosh, a couple months ago, on what it means to be brave and courageous, strong and courageous as a young man, what it means in a Christian sense. And we use weightlifting as a metaphor in this contest between bodybuilders and farmers. And remember that? That was kind of a fun show. We did the other show where we talked about free-range kids and how boys used to be able to go out and have these games in the playground smear the blank. And it's not a great name. It's a slur, but smear the blank, tackle football. They used to go wrestle and fight. And I showed the images of the old playgrounds, where there were kids on monkey bars that were like 35 feet high. And being a guy who's practicing monkey bars, I'm not going on a monkey bar, 35 feet high. That's hard. Have you done monkey bars lately? It's super hard. So we've been doing this explanation of physical strength leading to mental strength and spiritual strength. Mark Zuckerberg said something about President Trump. And this is, to me, the biggest reason why the party, the Fauci's and the like, do not want men eating beef. They do not want us lifting weights. They want us to have low testosterone. There's multiple reasons for this. One is because we're more governable or possible. Zuckerberg was a full-on, absolutely spindly geek boy. And then he decided to stop being a geek boy. Now watch Ender listen to this. I've done some stuff personally in the past. I'm not planning on doing that this time. And that includes, you know, not endorsing either of the candidates. Now look, I mean, there's obviously a lot of crazy stuff going on in the world. I mean, the historic events over the last, like, over the weekend. And, I mean, on a personal note, it's, you know, seeing Donald Trump get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most badass things I've ever seen in my life. But look, I mean, it's, you know, as, and I think look, at some level as an American, it's like hard to not get kind of emotional about that spirit and that fight. And I think that that's why a lot of people like the guy. So Zuckerberg, I think, is indicating here he's not going to try to open the steal the election. What's the drop boxes and stuff? Maybe he means that he got away with one. Maybe President Trump, if he is able to make it past the vote fraud this time, will actually go revisit that crime, that rigging of an election. My point about the combat sports and crossfit and weightlifting is Zuckerberg's actually really good at crossfit. Now, I know that crossfit isn't the measure of manliness to many people or to anyone, maybe. But the pursuit of doing really physically hard things, and he does train in combat sports, it produces testosterone in the body. Higher testosterone gives men more confidence. And it draws us towards behaviors like President Trump. Shot in the ear, standing up and screaming, "Fight, fight, fight." That is a response given to him by God Almighty. God gave him that makeup of his constitution, of his attitude. When God gave that to him, it was for a reason. Maybe this is the reason. Maybe the reason is because the effort to destroy Trump is, of course, the effort to destroy the last remnant of the founder's attitude. President Trump has been humbled. It's utterly clear. The man is now poking fun at his hairdo, at his combover. He's never done that. This man knows he had his life saved. And at the core of this, you see Zuckerberg watch or explain that he watched Trump stand, bleeding, fight, fight, fight, and that connection to men defending what's right is one of the reasons why the party, the FDA and the CDC and the NIH and the World Economic Forum, doesn't want us to have access to foods that produce testosterone. It's one of the reasons why they tried to make weightlifting a white supremacist tool. Do you remember that? That's why they run articles saying things like, "The more you exercise, the more likely you are to have a heart attack." No one believes that. Not a soul on earth believes the more you exercise, the more likely you'd have a heart attack. No one does. So when Zuckerberg made a change from a guy who sat behind a computer screen all day and had consequently, consequent to that, very low testosterone, almost certainly, I bet you he's on hormone treatments, and many men are. I am. I take testosterone. Many men do that because of our lower testosterone and to pursue athletic things and have just better life. But you see Zuckerberg have this respect for what he did, and he's pulling back and saying, "I want to be like that." Why? Because Zuckerberg has felt the thrill of living out this portion of what God gave men, this physicality that God gave men. He is connecting with the design God gave us to be able to be a protector. It's one of the reasons why the party is so dead set on us not having these things. Lord, thank you for giving men and women each unique sets of gifts. Everybody's been gifted in some way. Thank you for all of that. Thank you for the opportunity to speak again together today and thank you for the disciple-making process because there's not a Christian alive who is not a result of you, Lord Jesus, being the greatest disciple-maker in history and in the future. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to go and make disciples of all nations. [music] [BLANK_AUDIO]