The Todd Herman Show

JESUS DID NOT COME TO UNITE, BUT TO DIVIDE. President Trump needs to be okay dividing as well Ep-1736

This concept of Jesus dividing comes as a shock, I think, to people who want to believe in what C.S. Lewis called “the soft soap Christianity”. The Lord Jesus is loving. He is in fact Love. He is Light. He is Truth. He also is going to divide. It's not his intent; it’s just the reality when you are literally the Truth. President Trump needs to be okay dividing. When it comes to division, why did President Trump allow the RNC, a time that could have been so uniting, to have prayers to foreign gods from that stage? I understand the political math, but I do not understand the eternal math. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Luke 12:49-56 Not Peace but Division
49 “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! 51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
Interpreting the Times
54 He said to the crowd: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain,’ and it does. 55 And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is. 56 Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?

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24 Jul 2024
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Just a heads up to people who found us on YouTube because of the video we did where I was praying for a figurehead Biden, this may shock you, but Jesus did not come to unite but to divide. It's not his intent to divide. It's just the reality of who he is and what he, well, it doesn't represent because he is. Somebody represents us, what he is. We'll talk about that. Plus, President Trump has needs to be okay dividing. I get the big tent thing. It's political math. It's old school political math. But honestly, the suckers bet. The suckers trade win four years in the White House and lose an eternity? Dude, art of the deal. We'll talk about this but the help of bulwark capital management know your risk radio and with God Almighty. - The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City exile, Todd Herman. - Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times so which God has decided we should live. That's what you get for drinking. I've had 22 eight ounce cups of water. So what does that figure to be? It's nearly, I'm broke it up on 300 ounces of water. It's what, oh, that's okay. I do 306 ounces a day. A little bit ahead of schedule. It's 11, 19 in the morning as you and I sit and record this now and I just along the studio here. So if I'm talking to someone, if these either Niana or the bothersome people who sit on a purple couch in my head over there critiquing, every single stinking thing I do, sometimes taking notes or raising an eyebrow one another, putting that notes on paper. Did he just died? Believe he just, just from years and years and years in broadcasting. President Trump stepped into a political arena. He knew from one perspective and that was as a guy who used to purchase politicians. So I think it's useful for us to remind ourselves for a very, very brief, tiny little section of time. Some people floated the idea of Hillary Rodham Clinton running for presidents against Donald John Trump in the stead of the figurehead. And let's just take a glance into what Trump stepped into because this leads into our greater topic about division and how President Trump needs to be okay dividing. I get the big tent thing against the math, but I am far more interested in President Trump's soul than four years in the White House. And I think he can win both. In fact, I believe he will win both unless he continues to let the RNC announce itself as a godless entity. Don't do that. You'll end up like Hillary Rodham Clinton. With her being the leading candidates, let's just take a look back at some facts about Hillary. In 2010, the third wave of Haiti, not only American taxpayers, but the whole world has given billions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation for the Haitians. Not only, not even 2% of that money went back to Haiti. So Mr. Trump, we are asking you. Thank you. The Haitian community will side with you. If one day you ask Hillary Clinton publicly to disclose the audit of all the money they have stolen from Haiti in 2010 after the earthquake. Haiti is a very poor country. Haiti need defenders. You said you will champion our cause. We welcome you, sir. And we will work with you. But please, last, publicly, Hillary Clinton, during your next debate to publish the audit of all the money they have stolen from Haiti. Thank you, sir. That was the environment to do what she stepped. And just some backstory on that. When Haiti had that terrible, terrible, I think it was a hurricane, and the Clinton Foundation got involved, Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. And this is where the world learned about the phrase FOB, in relation to Hillary Clinton, meant Friends of Bill. So when companies came along and they wanted to help Haiti, if they were FOBs, Friends of Bill, they got moved to the front of the line. If they weren't, they just went into this email box that Hillary Clinton had in her bathroom. You know, the private server. When they came into the email box and they were FOBs, they got to do things like build a Wi-Fi network for Haiti. I know if I had just lived through a massive hurricane and I didn't have food to eat or fresh water to drink or potable water to drink for my family, and there were gangs of people roaming around eating people, I'd be thinking, I need me a Wi-Fi network. Certainly not guns and ammo, and certainly not people to guard the houses. This is also something you remember about what President Trump stepped into. This is Hillary Clinton admitting that she wants to make sure to rig elections. (indistinct radio chatter) (indistinct radio chatter) We should have done something to determine who was gonna win. We should have done something to determine who was going to win. We should have rigged it. That's Hillary Clinton saying, right out loud, we should have done something to rig the elections. So President Trump stepped into that environment. Now, he is dividing people. He is, even some interesting people, like the oligarchs. Spiked online, drew my attention to this, and it's a smart observation. It's a sort of oligarchs that are drawn to Trump versus Biden that's so fascinating. They're entrepreneurs, but have a very, very specific variety. The specific support of entrepreneurs who start companies like Edenpur from or use code Todd3, they work on very specific things like making home better, but things like infrared heaters. And in the case of what we use in this studio, the Oxi-leaf 2 thunderstorm device. When we're locked in here, and today's a long recording day, I will have talked for six hours when I get done doing this. In a long recording day like that, there's a lot of Todd exhaling stuff into the room. There's a lot of Niana sitting there, "Dear God, does he have to have another cup of coffee? "Dear God, can he go change his shirt?" Until we brought in the Oxi-leaf 2 thunderstorm device. Now our studio smells like a thunderstorm. Our friend Zach Abraham was here. A few weeks ago, he walked in and said, "Wow, it smells like thunderstorm in here." It is a very, very sensitive olfactory senses. This can work in your home too. If you smoke cigarettes, please, I beg you don't smoke cigarettes. But if you must smoke cigarettes, get three of these devices and get whole home coverage, and the ozone it produces will destroy the bad smell from the cigarettes, and it's not an air filter. So you don't have to replace the filters for two to 400 bucks per year. You wipe this thing off with a cloth. Every now and then, it's an air purifier. Go to, enter code Todd3 to save 200 bucks on whole home coverage. Three of these devices for under 200 bucks sets, use code Todd3. In Luke, chapter 12, verse 49 through 56, "We read about the Lord Jesus, we read his words. "I've come to bring fire on the earth, "and now I wish it were already kindled. "But I have a baptism undergo. "And what constraint I'm under until it is completed. "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? "No, I tell you, but division. "From now on, there will be five in one family "divided against one another, "three against two and two against three. "They will be divided, father against son "and sent against father, "mother against daughter and daughter against mother, "mother in law against daughter-in-law, "and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law, "interpreting the times." He said to the crowd, "When you see a cloud rising in the west, "immediately you say it's going to rain, and it does. "And when the South wind blows, "you say it's gonna be hot, then it is. "Hippocrats, you know how to interpret "the appearance of the earth and the sky. "How is it that you don't know how to interpret "this present time?" He's speaking there of his frustration that people were not recognizing him as a Messiah. He had done signs and wonders, he'd healed people, he'd matched up with the checklist of things that went into who the Messiah would be. And Jesus was saying something there that's not popular for us to discuss. He had come to divide, because of who he is. He's truth. Truth divides, particularly in a society where people are taught that truth is hurtful, that if you look at someone who is a man and you call them a man, or sir, or refuse to call them a woman, you're being hurtful. The kind thing is to lie. Jesus being truth, since he is God, fully God, and at that time he was fully human as well, he could not tell a lie before he is the truth. The division lines are also these. There are people who simply will not serve. They cannot or will not. I think there are people who characteristically can't. And then there's this. Even people who believe in God very commonly keep this tiny little portion of life for themselves. Sometimes it's things like business. This is very common. Men will say, look, I'm all for Christian treatment of people. I'm all for Christian treatment of brothers and sisters. I give to the church. I volunteer a time. But business is cutthroat. Business has to be business. When you're doing something like that, you're keeping yourself apart from a full communion with God. You are divided within yourself. Now, in point of fact, most of us go through seasons in life we're divided against ourselves. If we are fully committed Christians, if we have the Holy Spirit within us, we will often have wars with what the Holy Spirit knows to be right and what we want. Or we want to make right or find a way to excuse us right. It's different than being right to fashion something into appearing to be right. When Jesus came and told the world eventually who he was, look at the division. Look what happened when the Jesus said, truly I tell you, if you were not eat my flesh and drink my blood, you can have no part of me. And people fled. See, he was doing that response to people who came to him for the miracle of food. He fed the 5,000. Free food, everybody. Look, he's a walking vending machine. He's fast food man. Just follow him around and you get McFryze and McChicken. Maybe he'll make a McShake. He didn't make McShakes. He showed them, no, yesterday I fed your bodies. I'm really here to feed your souls. I'm really here to feed you for eternity. That was the division. And the division will continue until the last day. When you can't go back on your choice, your choice will have been to be divided into one eternity or another. You choose, it's all up to you. All you need to do is accept the free gift of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, your Messiah, agree to be changed by him to worship him, signify that through baptism. That's a dividing line. Some people can't, will not do that. If you look back at the clips from Hillary Rodham Clinton, what are we really seeing? We're seeing really ungodly behavior. We're seeing division between people who think that's okay and people who don't. President Trump is doing something fascinating. I mean, this is a great observation. He's dividing the oligarchs, America's oligarchs. This comes from Spiked Online who discusses the difference between the form of oligarchs that President Trump is attracting versus the form of oligarchs attracted by the figurehead. Let's start with their piece. The shot heard around the world may have aimed at Donald Trump's head, but it also put extra cash in his pocket. In the aftermath of last weekend's assassination attempt, two prominent billionaires, Elon Musk and investor Bill Ackman, announced their support for the former president, two other formerly Trump skeptical billionaires, Paul Singer and Ken Griffin are also reportedly considering joining them. The importance of these endorsements, as well as others from Wall Street and Silicon Valley, reflect America's increasingly oligarch dominated political system. Traditionally, populist Democrats would have made much more of the announcements. In 2018, Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse claimed Trump was in the back pocket of billionaires, but the attack didn't quite land. Not least because White House himself and his Democrat allies have become major recipients of oligarchic funds. Democrats receive far more dark money than the GOP in 2020. None of this is to say that Trump was previously lacking his own reliable Trova right-wing donors. Investors like Jeff Yass and Timothy Mellon have given tens of millions to his campaigns. Trump donors tend to be rich investors who are in control of their own funds and less beholden to shareholders or boards of directors. In contrast, big corporate elites have, at least for now, favor the Democrats in Biden. They've done this through contributions not only to Democrat candidates, but also to left-leaning non-profits. More than anything else, though, it's the economy that's driving the oligarchic split. Many on Wall Street are distressed by Biden's handling of economic issues. JP Morgan, CEO Jamie Diamond, criticized Biden's policies for only partially working for ordinary Americans. He's even taken to praising Trump, something completely unexpected from the man who President Obama saw as his favorite backer. At a time when Democrats seek to talk up the success of Bidenomics and businesses like Diamond are concerned about customers' financial stress under Biden's continued inflationary regime, inflation has hit the less affluent, especially hard. The news from small business fronts is particularly grim, too, with bankruptcies running at the highest level since 2010. Yeah, it's the economy, but the takeaway from this for me is the piece on who is backing Trump, which rich people, ones who are difficult to reach and to pressure. If they run their own funds, they can't be effectively bankrupt. Bank erupted by leftists. They can't be effectively threatened. In other words, they cannot be effectively a linsky. President Trump is already dividing. Of course, the media made him into a divisive figure. My question is why he's decided to do this, to allow a division between the RNC and the God of the Bible. Jesus did not come to unite, but to divide. You can win the White House and lose your soul. You can win the White House and lose the souls of people on your team. I do think, personally, you can turn your back on God, I do think you can have been saved and then turn around and say, I don't want to be saved anymore. That's not being snatched from the hand of the Lord Jesus. That is walking out of the hand of the Lord Jesus. It's a very, very different thing. And there's nothing in the Bible that I read that says, you can't deny the gift having gotten it. The counter-argument to that is, well, then you never really had it. Fair enough. It's an interesting theological discussion. The division, though, continues along academic lines. I want you to hear in a moment from an academic, who thinks that she knows what's ungodly for Corey Compentore's family to do. She knows this in her gut. Our gut is responsible for so much in our life, in how we feel, and right at the heart of that, through gut, your heart, your liver. Your liver is one of two filtering organs. Your kidneys and your liver are responsible for making sure that your body does not contain a bunch of impurities, because if your body contains impurities, you can lead up with inflammation, feeling tired and sluggish, particularly when it comes to your blood. And that's where the liver comes to play. A hundred million Americans suffer from fatty liver. And the suffering is sometimes subtle. You can think, well, I've always been tired. I've always been sluggish. I've always been heavy, maybe. But if you continue to have fatty liver, it can turn into fatty liver disease, or liver disease, which of course can be catastrophic. Liver help formula can help you with this. It is 11 clinically proven ingredients. They're botanicals, by the way, not chemicals, botanicals, that will help protect your liver, help bring energy back to you, and even help you lose belly fat. But this is not something you should take for life. Yes, there's a 365-day money back guarantee. Yes, there's a 365-day 24/7 helpline, and liver health formulas makers want you to know this product should be used while you drop belly fat. Because that's the ultimate way to protect yourself against liver disease from fatty liver. Buy a 30-day supply of liver health formula and get two free gifts, including blood sugar formula to help keep your heart healthy. Visit You also get another free bonus gift with your order. It's a 30-day supply of liver health formula plus a free bottle of blood sugar formula, plus a free bonus gift. Go to that's When he divides the country and the oligarchs, President Trump's doing a good and helpful thing. When he divides the RNC from God Almighty, he's doing a very, very bad thing. I've heard Trump described as a pragmatist, and I think that's probably true. He may not come across that way, but he's pragmatic. He's a dealmaker. So, hey, get what you can, and he's also a guy who's willing to position himself. Right now, he's running for office as someone who's had enough success in abortion. So, the only thing that the platform talks about is ending late stage abortions, but nothing more, and removing marriage from the platform. That's simple. It's, well, clever. It's wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove politically. But the presence of foreign gods at the Republican National Committee in my judgment will come back to haunt. It has to, because God cannot bless entities that promote foreign gods. This woman is a psychologist, and she seems to have a concept of patriotism that is different from my own, maybe even a concept of godliness. She is one of the many academics who's been divided, divided in the political era. Here she is talking about the widow of Corey Compentory, who lost his life protecting his family during the Trump rally, where an assassination attempt in my judgment was invited and allowed to occur. It's an American to not take a phone call from the president, even if he represents a party that you are in opposition to. I'm sorry. You can grieve however you want, and this won't reach the widow and the family members of the people who, you know, the man who died over the weekend. But the president of the country represents us. That's their job. And if the president is calling to express sympathy on behalf of America, and you don't want to take the call because he's a Democrat, and you were just at a Trump rally where, by the way, you got shot at, you know, it's all like Biden did it. I just, I think it's an American. She can do whatever she wants, whatever. I would note that Trump put out a little tweet, and he did not recognize that family at first. Yes, I know they're raising money. He's not giving money. He's raising more money, like out of another fund, as far as I understand, but still. My point is not that. My point is it's an American. The president is the president, period. And it's an American if you're only gonna want to hear from the guy or person that represents your party. That's ridiculous. But grieve however you want. I still think it's an American. Take a great day, take good care. You've said that a few times. In a divided time, when a guy like figurehead Biden is gonna give you a phone call, what exactly is the point to picking up? What are you going to hear? I'm dreadfully sorry. Okay, thank you. What are you saying in return? Why did you pretend that President Trump was a Russian agent? Why did you pretend that he was going to commit genocide? Why did your secret service allow this to happen? I've read the news. Why was the rooftop left uncovered? Are you gonna fire anybody? My husband was killed because a guy was allowed to walk around the campaign site, the rally site, for an hour. He was on the roof 20 minutes beforehand. People knew he had a rifle. President Trump was not called from the stage. That guy was not confronted. The counter snipers did not take him out. Those weren't real secret service agents, or at least many of them. They were Department of Homeland Security agents, apparently not trained to handle events like this. Who was the guy in the gray suit who was taking all the pictures of the dead shooter and why has he disappeared? Why was the ATF already unseen? Why was this guy not taken out or questioned when he was seen using a rangefinder, which is the device that you use to figure out how far away a target is you're gonna shoot at? Would you say these things to the figurehead? Would you be getting real sympathy? Does the figurehead really have the capacity for sympathy for Trump supporters? After all, he has said. Those of us who are voting for President Trump, what are we? Well, we're participating with someone who's a Russian plant, taking our country down a path of genocide. Now, that's division. How has the Lord Jesus come to divide in ways different? When Jesus went to mourning people, he wept. The God of the universe actually wept at the grave of Lazarus. That's relatable. He's crying his friends are dead or his friend is dead. I don't know that we'll really know the full mystery of why Jesus wept. I contend it's because he was confronted with a world that wasn't designed this way, that he smelled the stench of death this time from the body of a friend, that he heard the weeping, this time from the eyes of women he loved as friends. That's relatable. That caused division. Now think of this. When Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from the tomb and said Lazarus stand up, come out and Lazarus came out of the tomb, though he'd been dead three days. And he said to his friends, unbind him. Take the bindings off. And he was alive. Do you know what the instinct to some people was to do? To run to tattle to the Pharisees. He's raising the dead. We can't have this. That caused more division. And in the hearts of some of the Pharisees, they plotted a plan. Hey, we've got to kill this Jesus. We can't have him go around raising the dead. Now think about these stupidity of this and the ego. Hey, I got an idea. Since this guy's out raising the dead, why don't we kill him? He can't raise himself. That's impossible. He can raise the dead, but not himself. That's fantastic thinking, fantastical, fantastically bizarre and weak. And it was a sign of a division. Why? In my mind, the Pharisees were well aware of the fact that they had power only because Rome allowed them to have it, which existed only because God allowed Rome to have power. They didn't extend the thinking. They were thinking in a temporal sense. We have power over the wine that's in the temples. We have power over the people. We can't lose this power to this guy raising the dead. President Trump may get political power. He has it now. He may overcome the vote fraud and be in the Oval Office. God make it so. I'll vote for the guy in half a heartbeat. And leaving behind an RNC, which has shown itself now, to be welcoming of foreign gods, sets President Trump and his entire team and our nation up for God continuing to turn his back on us. I know it's difficult to see that way. And sometimes it just makes people feel flat uncomfortable. I'm going to be going through a process of getting really, really uncomfortable or getting really comfortable being uncomfortable. And that is, of course, my seal foot journey. Six weeks before I have to stop any form of real exercise, I can walk and I can rock. I can take a bike ride or a light swim, but absolutely no working out. Nothing that will stress the body at all that I started to think again about, oh my gosh, the preparation. Have I done enough for my joints? Now, if you are someone who exercises a lot, and this could be gardening, it can be doing construction work, it can be whatever causes stress to your body because that's all subjective. You don't just give them where you're at in your life. There are things you can do to reduce the stress to your joints. And by the way, to have what I consider to be the ancillary benefits of helping with your reduced wrinkles and hair thickness and et cetera, I like my wrinkles. I would like my hair to be thicker, particularly when I see myself on camera. I'm just admitting that, that's maybe prideful. Collagen, collagen from Native Path Collagen does all that. It also helps with tissue recovery. If you take collagen before vigorous exercise, it actually preserves your joints. And Native Path Collagen has only one and three, types one and three collagen. These are the most important types that make up 90% of the collagen in your body. It's in your cartilage, bones, skin, hair. Nails, gut, all of that. And when you replenish the supply in your body, it helps bring back your joints' safety and your skin. So you can do this. Right now, go to That's Get. Don't forget the Get part. This is new. Get Native Path Collagen at and you will save up to 45% today. Literally, almost half off. Plus, get free shipping. Visit the website again is for up to 45% off And as someone who's made this part of my ritual, I can tell you something. The joint aches, they're gone. They will continue to be gone, but make it a ritual. Find a timer, you take it from me. It's before exercise, often before bed, if it's been a particularly heavy day. So when Jesus was confronted with death, Jesus wept, the death of his friend Lazarus. When he raised Lazarus from the dead, it caused division. Because the Pharisees couldn't stand giving up their political position. Mark Cuban is not an academic. He's a very, very clever investor and businessman. I don't know how smart he is, but he is shrewd, extraordinarily shrewd. Except uncommon sense. This is Mark Cuban asking people to make sure that the pigment of their skin is not causing them extra privilege. Let me say it this way, white people, I'm sorry, to suggest that black people get anything special is in fact racism. - So I need all of us to really open up and talk to each other. Even when it's difficult, people when it's not something that we're comfortable with, it's supposed to be the most likely the white people. Because it's hard to discuss racism in your life. We're out here just to be really honest, but people might call them like privilege. We get defensive. I call magic action and equivalency. We try to protect ourselves. We'll say, well, I have a lot of black friends. We'll say that I come up with a mixed community talker. I'm not like that. I can't possibly be somebody who would take the pain that you're white in the world. It's dangerous action, this is cool. And it's a common upon us to stop people from. - Mark Kubin stands in the other side of Elon Musk. As far as I understand it, he's still a Democrat, still speaking the language of white privilege. A lot of us don't make a defense of white privilege by saying, well, I have black friends. A lot of us say, what's my privilege? I'm a community college dropout. What's my privilege? I grew up in a single parent home. Childhood divorce, what's my privilege? My mom worked three jobs, sometimes four, sometimes sitting at home packing packages and packing envelopes to earn extra money. What's my privilege? A lot of us will turn to that and say, wait a minute. When I was trying to become a firefighter in Seattle, Washington, I was told, hey, you did well on the test, but we had to rank these differently. You know, we're having a problem bringing black people on. So, you didn't get in. Yeah, sure, you ranked higher, but you didn't get in. Thank God. Now, I don't know what it would have been like to be a firefighter. Maybe I would have loved it. I was talking with John the other day. He's Alan's dad from Alan's soaps. He applied for a job at a caterpillar manufacturer, you know, makers of the big equipment. And he was told, on the door it said we're taking affirmative action candidates only. Well, he needed the job, but he couldn't have the job because they said, you're not black enough. Look what's happened to him. He could have been a legendary digital marketer, now runs Alan's soaps to give people like Alan a place to work. God came to divide. Jesus, God, in Jesus, in human form, God in human form. Dividing along lines like that, like Mark Cuban, looking at the color of skin. If you go right back to the Lord Jesus, one of the things that was so divisive about him is he didn't look at the color of skin. The Lord Jesus divided people because he reached out across racial lines. Everyone has probably heard the phrase a good Samaritan. Many people don't know that that's a true story from the Bible and how significant it is. The Lord Jesus crossed racial lines. The good Samaritans about a Samaritan who helped someone who had been robbed. But when Jesus announced himself as a Messiah for the first time outside of the circle, it was to a Samaritan woman at a well. Jesus came to divide, now think of this. In that era, a Jewish man did not talk to a Samaritan woman at all and a Samaritan woman did not talk to a Jewish man. Samaritans were considered by many Jews to be mutts, racial mutts, religious mutts. And Jews were considered by many Samaritans to be arrogant, keepers of false power, abusers. So when Jesus comes along a woman, a Samaritan woman drawing water from a well during noontime in the massive abusive heat of the Middle East. He knew why she was there. First of all, he's God. Secondly, it's obvious she doesn't want to be around other women. So he goes to her. So here's a divisivious. A man alone with a woman who's not his wife, that's divisive. A Jewish man alone with a Samaritan woman, that's divisive. A Jewish man alone with a Samaritan woman who had been married five or six times and was currently living with a man, not her husband, divisiv. And then he announces to her, I am the one you seek. I am the water that lasts forever. And she goes back and evangelizes Lord Jesus to the Samaritans. That's divisive. Jesus crossed racial lines when he announced the Great Commission. Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to follow all have commanded you. That's across racial lines of all nations. Jesus came to divide, not to unite. And President Trump would be wise to go back and reinsert God and God's word into the platform of the Republican Party because the division lines are clear. The United Nations is a divider, they should be. They're out with a statement now from, this is from LifeSite News. They're excited. They see signs of hope. The United Nations has claimed that predictions of population reduction offer a hopeful sign for the planet without addressing the expected full-blown population collapse from which demographers say the world will not recover. According to the Guardian, new UN projections estimate the world's population will peak earlier and at a lower number than expected, 10.2 billion, which was 6% less than expected a decade ago, giving UN officials hope of reduced pressure on the environment. Let's just pause and think about this. This is the same UN that is demanding fewer human beings. They are the same UN that wants more animals. Well, except for animals humans eat, let's be clear. They don't want more cows, they want more fish, but not more cows. Cows are very, very bad. Fish are very, very good. They want fewer pigs, but more bugs. Bugs are very, very good. Pigs are very, very bad. Why am I making that point? Because if it's to save the planet, they would just do this, outlaw pets. I've said it many times. Pets don't feed the world, they feed on the world. Yeah, they supply emotional support. I love our animals, I don't want to kill them. And yet, if you were to be consistent, if the world hangs in the balance, you would in fact destroy pets, not humans. But the Lord told us to be fruitful and multiply. And in that, we see division. We started by talking about oligarchs being divided. One of the topics that divides them is abortion, and of course money. Money divides so, so many things. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - The Lord Jesus came to divide. He's so often seen as the great Uniter, and wouldn't that be beautiful? We will be united in two different camps, but we will be united. In an eternal sense, people will be united in the body of Christ, in the new heaven and the new earth, designed and now operating the way it's supposed to be, with us having daily access to the Lord. Jesus will be the actual Son. There'll be no night, no crime, no tears, no frustration. Yeah, we'll work. We'll tend the gardens as we were designed to do, with the angels singing, "Holy, holy, holy." That's one existence, and we'll be united in that. And in that way, there will be no strife, there's no jealousy, there's no anger, there's tolerance, there's self-control, there's love, there's patience, there's humility. The other division will be in a constantly duplicating and replicating and growing and metastasizing world of sin, apart from God forever, tortured forever, with the tortures multiplying forever. You'll be united in suffering, united in torment, or will you be? I don't think so. I think in hell you'll be at constant war with your neighbor, constant war with all your neighbors, and it will never end in the never be resolution, and they'll never be rest. Jesus came to divide. It's not his intent, it's because he's truth. I beg President Trump to reconsider the platform of the Republican National Committee, I beg him to reconsider having these prayers from foreign gods at the Republican National Committee on behalf of foreign gods. Please do not win four years in the White House at the cost of your eternal soul and that of the people around you. And frankly, that of our nation. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)