The Todd Herman Show

Barack Obama and his Ragebots- Everyone Makes Disciples Of Something Ep-1734

Barack Obama is, in my judgment, the most successful disciple maker, politically speaking, in recent times. Mao was a disciple maker. Hitler was the disciple maker. Stalin was the disciple maker. Now, Obama is not putting people in death camps, yet. Barack Hussein Obama was a disciple of Saul Alinsky, who was a disciple of who? Lucifer. We'll also dig back into the Secret Service, what they chose not to do, and in my judgment, how they left a door open for an assassination attempt.

What does God’s Word say? 
Matthew 5:1-12
5 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them.
The Beatitudes
He said:
3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.4 Blessed are those who mourn,    for they will be comforted.5 Blessed are the meek,    for they will inherit the earth.6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,    for they will be filled.7 Blessed are the merciful,    for they will be shown mercy.8 Blessed are the pure in heart,    for they will see God.9 Blessed are the peacemakers,    for they will be called children of God.10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

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Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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He made disciples. I think that Barack Hussein Obama, God bless Rush Limbaugh and his rage bots, are a sign that Barack Obama was the most successful political disciple maker I think America has ever seen. In terms of disciple making. Disciple doesn't mean good. It means follower. You're creating people who celebrate something. So we'll talk about that. Because everybody is making disciples of something. We'll do this with the help of and it's the great providence of God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. And what does that mean? You could look at that as humble in spirit. People who recognize that we can't do anything on our own without the grace of God. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. It takes humility I think to really mourn, to truly, truly be sad that one has passed on, particularly if one has passed on to an eternity apart from God. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. I didn't say weak, this is meek. People who understand that in comparison to God Almighty, we are almost nothing, doesn't mean we're unloved. Doesn't mean we're not worthy, worthwhile. Worthwhile I should say. God, after all, is pursuing us. He loves us. He paid an awful price for us. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. What is righteousness? It's not just a word. It's a person. God is righteousness. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Are we showing mercy? Because if we're not, then maybe we should not expect mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. It's a tough one, pure in heart. I don't know that I'm pure in heart. Are you? I think that's something to reach for. After all, we're to pursue this. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. To give peace, you must have peace. So what sort of peace? I would contend it's the peace that transcends all understanding, the peace of God. That's true peace. You don't have that. How can you give it? Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, because they refuse to stand with lies, or to become the lie. Blessed are people. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me, me in that case being the Lord Jesus. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Of course, it's one of the most famous and well-read portions of the Bible, and it compares in a way to our lesson for the day, which is from Barack Hussein Obama. But we'll start at another point. We'll start with this. It's Cami Harris, and we're told to believe that she was on a phone call with the figurehead. And if you listen very closely to something Cami says, she starts to say the word recording, not phone call. It is so good to hear our president's voice. Joe, I know you're still on the call, and we've been talking every day. Okay, so let's pause for just a second, and then we'll go back and finish. If you speak to someone every day, do you get up in front of the American people and say it's so good to hear your voice? No, she did start to say a recording. Now, if you listen, in a second, we hear the figurehead pop in. But as someone who has faked things like this before, I'll tell you, I have no reason to believe this is real. Tired it from Doug's voice. We love Joe and Jill. So much. Really so much. I love your lots, mean it. And we did every day together. Yeah, bear hug, air kiss. Look at me too. I know you're still there. You're not going anywhere, Joe. I'm watching you, kid. I love you. I love you, Joe. Oh, she loves him so much. It's so clear. Back in the day, when I was doing talk radio for a living for a first time around, before I went and did the tech thing, I created a loathsome, horrible, awful, God-awful, hateful character named Fremont. And for people who are just listening to this now, and have watched me, and listened to this in Salt Lake City, yes, I was Fremont. I was. And you could say, how was that? You interviewed Fremont. Yes, I did. I created the answers in advance and knew what they would be, and had them labeled on tape so I could reach for them whenever I needed them. And it sounded like Fremont was on the phone with me, therefore putting to rest the rumor that I was Fremont. That would be a very, very easy thing to fake. Now, I know that makes me sound paranoid, but they faked a kidnapping. They faked a lot of things. For three and a half years, they told us that the figurehead was a solid mental character. Cammy Harris is a disciple of Barack Hussein Obama. The lie doesn't matter, because the ends are so great, and the power is so achievable, the lie doesn't matter. She called Joe Biden the racist during the debates, and then after she was selected as VP, when someone asked her about that, but she called him a racist, she laughed. It was a debate. Barack Obama did very much the same thing. Convenient morality. This is one of the ways he's made disciples. And we'll look now at Barack Obama accidentally telling the truth about disciple making, accidentally coming through with the truth. Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable. Sometimes it bubbles up when you don't want it. For instance, the truth of your medical condition right now, your health condition. Let's go through some checklists and look, understand, I used to weigh 400 pounds or nearly 400 pounds. I don't body shape. I understand. I truly understand what it is to be heavy and not want to be. I truly understand. Are you obese or very heavy? Are you often sluggish and slow and tired all the time? Even if you're getting enough sleep, is it that way? You might be like a hundred million other Americans. And you might have fatty liver. If this is the case, there is help. Number one priority, please, please create a plan to drop body fat. Please do that. That can be difficult. So here's some help from liver health formula. Liver health formula contains 11 clinically proven botanicals to help protect your liver. Even to help you drop belly fat and to put a wall of protection around your liver, so to speak, while you drop the belly fat, why the protection? Because fatty liver can lead to liver disease, which can lead to you dying far too young. Please don't do that. Here's what you can do to make sure as you drop the body fat, you protect your liver. Click over and buy a 30-day supply of liver health formula and get a free bottle of blood sugar formula to keep your heart healthy. Just visit get That's it. Get You also get a free bonus gift with your order. That's a 30-day supply of liver health formula plus a free bottle of blood sugar formula 3 plus a free bonus gift. It's get, get And you'd ask me, would I take this? Absolutely. If my dad was still alive, I would offer it to him as well. But his liver was one of the things that killed him, truly. Barack Hussein Obama sometimes accidentally speaks truth. He does it in clever Obama-esque ways, such as this. And if you're not watching the video service, you're really missing a look back at the way this man so arrogantly spoke, so timed out. All of his pauses, all part of the affectation of Barack Hussein Obama parodits, not person. So to all the young people out there, as well as those of you who consider yourselves young at heart, I want you to stay angry. I want you to stay frustrated. Blessed are the porn spirit. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the peacemakers. For they will be called children of God. I want you to stay angry. I want you to stay angry. It's not one of the fruits of the spirit. Rage, division. These are desires of the flesh. We all make disciples of something. Barack Hussein Obama, with the massive, massive footprint he was given as the nation's first black president, that is after he decided to be black. I get it. He looks black. I understand it. But he also was, of course, part white. But he told us about his white grandma. She was a racist, like lots of other white people, because that's just how white folks will do you. You remember that from his book? That's just how white folks will do you. A book that was probably written by Bill Harris, by the way. No, there's good reason to believe that. So, Barack Hussein Obama was packaged up as a product by David Axelrod, and he went out on the road doing what he does, which was statements like, "They bring a knife, we bring a gun." Well, he still made these aspirational statements. This is the time that the oceans will begin to receive, the ocean tides will begin to heal. We are the people we've been waiting for. Remember that? And at the same time was practicing Alinsky politics. Alinsky, inspired by Lucifer, he gave his first books, dedication to Lucifer, a community organizer so good he got his own planet. Barack Obama was a disciple of Alinsky. Alinsky was a disciple of the mob, and inspired by Lucifer. The people who disciple us inspire us to be like them. My process of being discipled is working around men who are more spiritually mature than I am. They've been at it longer. They know more. Primary and that is my friend Jim, my senior pastor. I aspire to be more like Jim in some ways because of his faith and how he employs it. I don't worship Jim. He's my friend. He's flawed. He'll be the first to admit it. He'll be the first to admit that Jim has flaws. Alinsky never had a plan for building, only destroying. Barack Hussein Obama built what? He built disciples. Here's some examples. This is a guy named Sim Gill, and it's just a dude on Twitter, right? That's it? What people already know, truly a dead body is more competent than Trump to be president. It would do exponentially less harm to a democratic republic and honor our ideals more. Sim Gill, by the way, is a Salt Lake City, Utah district attorney. Well, pardon me, Salt Lake County, Utah district attorney, in a conservative state. What he's saying without saying it is he wishes that the shooter had not missed. What he's saying without saying it is he would like to see President Trump murdered. That's what he's saying without saying it. They bring a knife, we bring a gun. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. He's a lawyer, right? Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Barack Hussein Obama made a lot of disciples like this. Let me set the scene. This is simply a freeway overpass. Some Americans have decided to take some terrible Trump signs. Trump, as you know, is literally Adolf Hitler reborn. So, the first scene sets with a man who is painfully skinny, a runner, as it were. Many runners believe that just running is the apex of fitness. And he is standing here with his body. No shirts. His physical presence threatening a woman. And then Anna and Luke have had to do some very, very good work in bleeping out some words we don't air on this program. He simply can't stand the fact that they're broadcasting their thoughts. Luke, get off this overpass. You race this ****. You're a kind is not a lot up here. You come up here all the time. No one stands with you. You race this ****. What do you do with this video? You are 100% evil. You are 100% ****. You are 100% terrorist traitors to this country, just like him. And you got **** you to burn and help down. You will burn and help. I'm sorry that the guy was an inch off. That's pretty much what political debate in America has become. We're not going to go that side. But **** you. If I'm not mistaken and I don't think I am, that's outside of Silicon Valley is looking at the license plates in the area. I think I've known the overpass. I think I've driven under it. Probably over as well. Raccocy and Obama made disciples of people who followed the Alinsky model. What is the Alinsky model? Pick a target, isolate it, cut it off from a support base, demonize it. Raccocy and Obama brought racism back into the body politic. When Obama took office, Americans thought race relations were at a height of goodness. Throughout his time in office, race relations got worse. That was the perception of Americans. Well, why would that not be the case? Raccocy and Obama welcomed the people who created Black Lives Matter, Inc., into the White House. There was a setup. It wasn't just Michael Brown. There were all these campus protests. They tried to manufacture things like cops running over people that never happened. Obama welcomed the organizers of events into the White House. It was a division scheme to drive division. What said are the peacemakers? Or they would be called Children of God? Is there any piece he drove? The willingness to divide a nation along racial lines, to drive dissent and hatred are not the characteristics of a godly man, and Barack Obama made disciples. Back in the day, before I became discipled and was simply attending church and funding church, consuming it. No, it's not true. I volunteered there so did my wife. We were doing some volunteering. I started to make disciples of a sport called speed skating. Yeah, my daughter had great promise in that she worked very hard, became nationally ranked, so I was discipling her. I was discipling her into when she came to me and said, "Dad, I need to get on the podium. I need to be a national champion. I need to be on the A team. I need to skate with these boys and these girls. I need this." All right. She said, "Will you coach me?" Okay. I'll do that. I should have said no. I discipled her in hill running. In fact, she was over in Seattle with her boyfriend, and she took him to our secret beach. Which was also a place where we used to run stairs and hills. And I'll tell you what, man, that worked. She showed up for practice the first day after that summer, where we worked together, and she blew people's minds with how she had advanced, so I started to make disciples of our methodology. Sure, she said, "Come. My dad will show you where we ran hills. We ran sand hills. I'll show you how I used a parachute skating in parking lots to increase my endurance. We'll show you what we did skating trails and how we skated 39, 40 miles uphill, and then back down." When I was nine, ten, it worked. By the time she was 11, she was nationally ranked. She was discipled in all the methodologies. I was blessed to have her around Olympians in 39 time world champs. To go to camps, I discipled the heck out of her in speed skating. Not in following Jesus. Huge mistake. One we paid for. If you have any influence over anybody, you were making disciples of something. There was nothing wrong with speed skating. The wrong was trading it for church, trading church for it. Rockucy in Obama is the most successful political disciple maker in recent history, and I'll continue to make that case. He created financial disciples. Look at the model people use now when they leave office. Well, he was discipled by the mob. Saul Olensky and the mob, look how they set up things, look how they set up tax dodges in modern ways. The Bill Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, discipled Barack Hussein Obama into what he and Michelle would do. They just slightly changed the model. They just laundered stuff through Hollywood. It's so common these days to watch people leave office and become these billionaires in a rigged financial system where those of us who simply want to retire well are left trapped in a system. The system that we're trapped in doesn't mean us well. If you are planning to retire in five years, let me ask you this question, is your retirement account set up to reflect a 29 to 30% increase in the cost of core goods? What about costs of medical services? Inflation is silently killing retirement portfolios. It's a silent assassin. Then my friend, then brother, Zach Abraham is putting on one of his free live webinars coming up June, coming up July 25th, that's just around the corner at 330 Pacific. In this, he's going to explain how you can have a portfolio that actually partially benefits from inflation. That's one of the things they do to hedge bets. This requires, in my mind, active management of portfolios which can reduce risk and volatility. In this free live webinar, Zach will explain how they do it, how you can do it. It'll talk about the performance of bulwark capital management throughout the year, and he will answer your questions as many as he can. It's a free live webinar, but you have to register to attend 330 Pacific July 25th just around the corner. Here's how to register. Go to, that's K-N-O-W, Bulwark capital management is an investment advisory service of Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risks. You could lose money, past performance doesn't necessarily indicate future results as trying to memorize this last stinking part. Trek24-244, go to, that's vital information that federal government wants you to know. Trek24-244, now I feel better like I've done my job. Barack Hussein Obama made disciples like this woman in Tennessee. They touched Mr. Trump because Mr. Trump has been calling for this and that people heated his call. I don't know if I'm more outraged by the words or the shrug. If you're not watching the video, you don't get to see the smug roll shrug or run this again one time, this woman from Tennessee saying that Donald Trump has been demanding political assassinations. He's been out saying, "Kill Biden, go shoot him at an event." If you're watching the video service, lean into this. If not, there's a link in the show notes. Just watch the shrug. It's infuriating. It touched Mr. Trump because Mr. Trump has been calling for this and that people heated his call. What you're going to do? When our former servicemen, former seals and special operators were in Benghazi, "Oh, we could have gotten there, but why?" They signed up for it. Hillary Rodham Clinton had given Ben Affleck her direct phone number. She'd been everyone a call. Ambassador Christopher Stevens did not have her direct line. He had to go through channels when it became clear that our guys were killed. The excuses started pouring in because who cares? They picked a guy who made a stupid film about Mohammed who also had a criminal conviction on something so they could jail him. They could violate his parole. Show me the person. I'll show you the crime. They said this was the result of a YouTube video that no one or almost no one saw. Barack Obama made disciples of who cares. It's just the right. It's just Republicans. Who cares? There's cops. What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them now? Barack Obama stood by and watched that happen in Dallas and other places. What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them now? He created a model for this. He went out and brutally demonized the faces of law enforcement. Remember this? There was a professor that Obama knew who lost the keys to his home and was trying to break into his own home. Was it Professor Gates was that his name? And the police came and intervened and they ended up arresting the man. They didn't shoot him. Praise God. They didn't beat him. Praise God. They arrested him. Barack Obama not knowing a thing about this. Not a thing came out and said, "There's no question that the police acted stupidly." Really? If the professor's home had been being broken into and they arrested the person before it could do that, would they have been acting stupidly? As I recall, the professor did not have his idea on him either. He was having a bad day. This is a woman named Jess. She lost her race for a Missouri house seat. She's mortified at something that happened during the assassination attempt or right after the assassination attempt of President Trump. Was she mortified that that guy was allowed to walk around for an hour while he was considered a threat? No. That they took pictures of him, the local police department, about an hour before he shot at President Trump and killed Corey Compittori and wounded another man. No. Was she upset that they left the roof on guard? No. Was she upset that they didn't take him out when 20 minutes beforehand people were screaming there's a guy on a rooftop with a gun? No. Was she upset that they let Trump speak despite the fact that that threat was sitting right there in front of them? No. Was she upset that the Secret Service somehow lost or did not record the radio traffic for that day? No, because she wasn't availed of that information yet. She's upset by some action that some dude took in the crowd, but more so the reason that dude could take this action she is in my mind a disciple of Barack Hussein Obama. I was watching interviews from what happened in Pennsylvania a couple of days ago and I saw an interview with an ER doctor who was trying to render aid to the man who was unalived during the rally. That's funny, unalived. We'll pause that then we'll finish it. That's meaning he wasn't really human he was a zombie he was unalived very very clever and I could not get over this fact that there was an ER doctor wearing a MAGA hat and a Trump shirt. This is a guy working in any ER across the country that we would need to trust our daughters and granddaughters too if they were harmed someone who would need to give aid to someone who is gay and immigrant someone who is trans and I was mortified thinking about that horrified this guy's not just you know you're running the mill republican he's a rabid Trump supporter MAGA hat it's really scary. Blessed are the peacemakers for they would be called children of God. Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy. We all make disciples of something that woman has been discipled into believing that a difference in political view renders you incapable of loving another person. One of the great lessons I am so blessed I am so blessed my daughter got to see this. I told the story once on Cairo radio back in the day when I was doing that just horrible partner show the candy my can touch it was just horrible radio because we didn't like each other we were not friends it was a bad idea and this happened when my daughter came into the radio station one day we were hanging out together we spent the day together it was one of our unschooling days we used to do from time to time and she learned a lot I cherish those days I want to die with those things on my mind when I'm dying I want to be remembering days like that with my little girl she came into the radio station and we had gone out to lunch and found some good vegan food incidentally that was when she was starting to experiment with veganism and when we were walking back there came a guy walking through a parking lot and he was cut on the head and he was really bleeding it was a bad bad cut and it was going to require stitches it was deep there was I could see fatty layer I mean it was a deep deep cut I could probably seen his skull how I wanted to and he came begging money and I stopped and the Lord took the conversation over it was not me and God said brother no you're bleeding will help you with money but right now you're bleeding your hurts your hurts you need help and I asked my daughter to go to my truck well my SUV at the time didn't get out my med bag I have a bug out bag she brought it and I cleaned the man's cut and I said look I'm putting the Osporn on this this might hurt we got to protect you from infection we got to get you to a doctor so I put that on I did what I could to seal the cut because it was really bleeding bad and I told him brother you're going to need stitches and I got water we got food for him I even gave him a bag even who cares it's just a bag it was a little backpack so he could have this stuff and we called for medical care to come and get the man and when we were walking out I went back and I asked him his name I said brother I didn't get your name I introduced myself told of my daughter's name and gave him a hug now when I told this story on car radio my partner so called at the time who actually was a decent actually a very very honorable man Mike Lewis is an honorable man he's a clever man and I actually had fun doing radio with him one on one it was just the two of us Mike said oh great another hero Todd story I get it I can see why you do that my daughter got to witness that and here's why I liked it because when we went into the office I had a meeting set up with some advertisers who wanted to cancel because I was hate filled they couldn't stand that I was on Cairo drive time because I hate and I was walking into the office and my daughter was with me and we got into the lobby and the reception said oh Todd hi these people are your one o'clock meeting and the lady sitting in the lobby said wait a minute your Todd Herman yes and this is my daughter but you just helped that man yes because he was bleeding her mind was blown she'd been discipled into believing that because I'm conservative and do not want to see people living on the streets being given heroin because they want it or need it that I hated homeless people that's what she was discipled into believing in this woman who is shocked that a doctor could be mega has been discipled to depict a target isolated cut it off from its support base Barack Hussein Obama has made a nation of disciples in this way blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs or for theirs is the kingdom of heaven but so do you when people insult you persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me that woman apologize and they did not cancel their advertising contract because she said I really should have listened to the show I guess so but instead she came in with a split second desire to get revenge Brock Hussein Obama made many many disciples this guy is a disciple of Brock Hussein Obama type street behavior inspired by Sololinsky and Linsky himself inspired by Lucifer okay guys so I'm here with a Biden supporter so we'll set the scene here this is Savannah Hernandez she looks like she's around Washington DC White House area and this guy's wearing a woke mask because he's afraid to show his face and a hat and sunglasses because he's afraid to be seen but he's not afraid to hold up to double fingers to Savannah Hernandez and he's got in his hand a flute trying to stop COVID-19 by wearing the face mask if you are sick enough COVID-19 then why are you standing here in this crowd putting everybody out with shame on you if you are wearing the face mask it's clear that you are sick and you should not be here you're not calling me a knock you to fashion it's right now even though you're the one that's burning on me oh no I thought I make a wall here please so we can help business it's comes the George Washington uncle Sam cat brocco scene Obama made many disciples of activities like this these street theater activities a Linsky type activities he was also a master at using human beings as props such as dead kids when Trayvon Martin was killed brocco scene Obama came out and said he could have been my son if I had a son it could have been Trayvon Martin no your son would have been in the same private school that your daughters were in your son would have been afforded secret service protection your son to your credit to that of you and Michelle would have grown up with both parents in the house to your credit truly I say that sincerely to your credit your son would have had reading material your son would have read books I mean communist literature for sure the Quran for sure maybe a bit of the Bible thrown in all be it filtered through a pastor who hates God in America but he would have had it he would have had a promising education he would have known that he had an economic future that he could go out and pursue a career in film or academia what have you because of being your son so now in fact Trayvon Martin couldn't have been your son because Trayvon Martin came from a broken home a broken home that is so common with black families something you never addressed ever the first black president never went to the moral one the moral standing that you had as president to stand and say stay home with your kids Trayvon Martin was a product of a culture that has entered into blackness a thug culture it exists in poor white cultures to thug culture exists Trayvon Martin was part of that and it got him killed you came out said he could have been your son you also got involved in pushing for police to be killed now you never said it but you never tried to stop it and you helped launch the black lives matter incorporated movement that led to anti-police activities like this this is the president of the Redlands police officer commission he found out that the speaking to the city council that had allowed in the schools violent anti-police children's books to be provided to kids in schools staff and council my name is Jeff Frisch I am the president of the Redlands police officers association I am here to speak tonight about an event held over the weekend here in Redlands on Saturday this event provided this image that I hold now as coloring material for children as you can see that this is an image of a burning police car with a phrase that police officers are not welcome this event was attended by elected and city officials sitting in this room right now it was also promoted by the same individuals and even the specific image endorsed on social media postings in one of the photos a child as young as three years old can be seen sitting in front of this material I represent every corporal officer detective and sergeant in the police department and say we're disappointed and disgusted is an understatement long has the RPOA fostered excellent community relationships and respect in this community the RPOA promotes sponsors and donates financially to numerous outreach events and organizations for all citizens to attend this includes heroes and helpers touch a truck believe walk the bicycle rodeo back to school jam mike a house youth hope redlands high school sports rev high school sports redlands baseball for youth coffee with a cop the blessing center thanksgiving meals prepared and served at Sylvan park easter egg hunts for children and so much more in 2009 the RPOA incorporated the Redlands police officers foundation a 501c3 organization that has since donated over half a million dollars to this local community all of this by the way is admired by seven board members who are sitting behind me now who all volunteer their time to create a better community relationships especially with children I challenge you to find any organization that does more for this community than the RPOA I find ironic that the same people who allowed this material to be at their event also requested police extra patrol services every hour during this event of which I was one of the responding officers on Saturday morning I've heard this story before not from him but from a wife of a black cop in Isekaw Washington who experienced what it was like when the schools were discipled into race baiting and race hatred by Barack Hussein Obama her husband is a Marine Corps combat veteran and a cop one day her kids came home from school with a book called something happened in our town that book literally contends it tells a story about cops waking up in the morning with the desire to kill black people when that book came home and Jamie saw it she was distraught she'd been a volunteer at the school and she called and said what are you doing she emailed them when they wrote back with some man be Pambi well this is an attempt to be we need to because of black last men because of Michael Brown and because of George and George Floyd she complained I don't want my kids having this material they're half black are you saying they're dads a murderer because he's a cop it was not a couple days later that the same school called her and said hey could your husband come and provide some security tonight we need some extra security can he come on his patrol car and she said do you mean my racist white nationalist murderous black cop husband no pay for extra security people make disciples anybody with influence does as we're recording this by the way breaking news that the secret service director Kimberly Cheadle is resigned praise god finally someone's paying a cost for this praise god didn't come soon enough but here it is now more people need to resign we'll go quickly through some other instances of the ways in which Barack Hussein Obama was one of the most successful disciple makers in politics if there's ever been including an appearance by our friend Kamie Harris and there is a fever for Kamie nationwide I'm sure you can feel it right you can sense it in the air watch this this is how you transition like a pro the air in our studio if you came in you would sense immediately smells like a thunderstorm well not like a thunderstorm but the after effects you know what that smike there's been a thunderstorm at night and you open your door and your grass and the environment around you smells so beautiful that's ozone naturally occurring we like that smell and it has incredible properties it zaps negative smelling molecules from cat litter from cigarette smoke from Jim sweat from musky places that you've not opened there while or as we found out from my friend Ben kid vomit that does not wash out of the seats of your wife's car or rotten meat bear sausage in the case of Ben that does not go away from his truck he put the oxyleaf to thunderstorm into his cars and in each case it was renewed absolutely the smells gone the negative smells gone listener viewer to the program use this in a jaguar he had locked in his garage I think he said for 12 years or something and he put the oxyleaf to thunderstorm device in it and boom it smelled brand new and fresh i'm going to give you whole home coverage of these three of these devices at a 200 dollar savings and it's simple you can do it as you listen or watch go to enter code tod3 that's it enter code tod3 and breathe a breath or fresh air or fresh in whatever needs to be freshens code tod3 pete budgege is a result of the discipling of barakusain abama pete has his job because he is the same sex attracted man period no no ability to do his job he's a failed director of transportation in the most dramatic failures we've ever seen and here he is talking about jd vance the thing you get to do to convention is roll out your vice presidential candidate which in this case was jd vance um yeah i know him a little bit what do you think of him look we're from the same generation we're both from the midwest different parts of the midwest right um i know a lot of guys like jd vance i've run into a got a lot of guys like him not so much when i was growing up peter diannel peter teal is his big backer yeah for sure okay and people know who that is he started paypow he's gay he's a billionaire i mean i've had a couple of people who knew he were coming on this week so ask peter what he thinks about peter teal being so in love with jd vance who is against flatly against gay marriage so i think it's a profound contradiction but maybe it's not that complicated i know there are a lot of folks who say what's going on with some of these silicon valley folks veering into trump world with jd vance and and backing trump or do they think silicon valley is supposed to be you know they're supposed to care about climate they're supposed to be you know our pro-science and rational and libertarians of normally libertarians don't like authoritarians what's up with that i think it's actually we've made it way too complex super simple these are very rich men who have decided to back the republican party that tends to do good things for very rich men he goes on to say that he's seen people like jd vance's whole life people who are willing to say whatever needs to be said to gain power that's a guy who on behalf of money wants to outlaw your gas powered car to force you to purchase an electric car but yeah it's all about authoritarianism mayor pete is a failed transportation secretary some of the most dramatic failures in our history bridges collapsing being knocked over by barges the incredible things we've seen with airplanes he is a result of the discipling of barak kasain obama identity politics put into action not just words the figurehead same thing absolutely convenient dunderhead by way of parkinson's which is very very sad perfect functionary to do exactly as he's told listen to him here say that he had taken a call from the secret service director but listen very closely is it acceptable that you have still not heard at least publicly from the secret service director well i've heard from him i've heard from her publicly publicly i've sat down in a situation downstairs secret service the FBI the necessary agencies the homeless security all the major elements he said i've heard from him kimberly cheetah who just resigned is not a him kami harris doesn't need these pronouns but she does let's remember this about her as well she's the disciple of barakusain obama where truth doesn't matter it simply is an annoyance let's her whole actually asks a follow-up question of the great lady herself we've been to the border so this whole this whole this whole thing about the border we've been to the border we've been to the border you haven't been to the border i and i haven't been to europe and i don't i don't understand the point that you're making she understands it perfectly well if you cared to go to the border to see it yourself you would have but you don't because you're the borders are but you haven't zared the border because you're a disciple of barakusain obama and what matters are pretty words which you're really really not that skilled at creating because you hahahaha tackle all the time there's also this the pandering barakusain obama had said in my mind marriage is between a man and a woman until the math change and then it was not between a man and a woman the overton window opens now we have kami harris using pronouns and if you're colorblind please tell me how having color explained to you matters good afternoon i want to welcome these leaders for coming in to have this very important discussion about some of the most pressing issues of our time i am kind of like harris my pronouns are she of her and a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit if you're colorblind you don't know what blue is but you know that that woman who needs a pronoun to say she's a woman doesn't actually understand pronouns because she's not a woman she's a cervix haver in pronoun land barakusain obama is the most successful political disciple maker of my generation in this country at least one last thing authoritarianism or let's say it this way appeal to authority this is an image of tony fauci foxnews ran this in all seriousness this is an actual headline live updates fauci dismisses concerns over former president trump's gunshot wound thank god we could turn to tony fauci for that dismissal we all make disciples of something in the areas in which you have influence what are you making disciples about or whom this is the tawnherman show please go be well be strong be kind and please make every effort to walk in the light of christ [BLANK_AUDIO]