The Todd Herman Show

Do Democrats Even Hear Themselves- Memes from Leftland Ep-1733

I wonder if Democrats can even hear themselves…I took a trip into Democrat meme land and it's amazing to watch their memes argue with themselves. And really, they are hypnotized people, ones who've been made disciples. For instance, there's a guy named George Conway and his mocking of Christians and hatred for President Trump. Remember him? Many of these memes will just amaze you of what the Democrats think persuades people and of what they're persuaded. Remember that phrase “disciples”? Let’s take a look at another political disciple who is sorry the shooter missed President Trump.  

What does God’s Word say? 
Psalm 37:13-22 13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,    for he knows their day is coming.
14 The wicked draw the sword    and bend the bowto bring down the poor and needy,    to slay those whose ways are upright.15 But their swords will pierce their own hearts,    and their bows will be broken.
16 Better the little that the righteous have    than the wealth of many wicked;17 for the power of the wicked will be broken,    but the Lord upholds the righteous.
18 The blameless spend their days under the Lord’s care,    and their inheritance will endure forever.19 In times of disaster they will not wither;    in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.
20 But the wicked will perish:    Though the Lord’s enemies are like the flowers of the field,    they will be consumed, they will go up in smoke.
21 The wicked borrow and do not repay,    but the righteous give generously;22 those the Lord blesses will inherit the land,    but those he curses will be destroyed.

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23 Jul 2024
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I just want to know sometimes if people hear themselves. I've told the story a billion times that every time I tell the story someone says you actually did that, I actually did that. And I'll say that in relation to a guy who was asked about the attempted assassination of President Trump, I want to start with George Conway. Remember his wife, Kelly Ann Conway, I think ex-wife, had worked for President Trump to help get him elected, and he hates Trump and continues to hate Trump, hates Trump. And he had something to say about God and God's power in relation to President Trump and providential saving. I think that's what happened. We'll talk about this all with the help of a partner of ours, a guy I don't talk a lot about, but he deserves former credit than you know. His name is Christopher, who goes by Tofer. And I want you to see, if you're on the video site, this image that he put up, this, he's a very, very patriotic young man. He's a godly young man. In fact, he'd be a great podcast host. He's a musical dude. And he's created this T-shirt, bloody Trump for President. And he has a company called and we've set up And this is a family owned company. It is, this is a great conversation starter. This supports U.S. veterans, specifically a guy I know, a wounded U.S. vet. I've had him on the program, I will again, his name is Robbie Walden. He happens to be a deliverance pastor as well, runs a CrossFit gym that's free, it's called ChristFit, it's donation, only nothing in these T-shirts are made in China, not a single one printed in the United States. And my friend goes to great lengths to make sure these are all ethically produced. And it's 100% satisfaction guarantee. So here's what you do, give yourself the gift of empowerment that opens up doors to engage with like-minded individuals, even those with differing opinions. Go to, get the bloody Trump for President T, make its statement on the issues that matter you, plus show the God-fearing veterans that you should support God-fearing veterans in the process. That's, And I'm doing this for the T-shirt, I think it's cool. And also because Christopher does not get enough credit for what he does behind the scenes. And it's a ton. It really is. Thank you, God Almighty, for the relationship with my friend, Christopher. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times, so which God has decided we shall live. So George Conway gets himself back on the TV, and he's inert to me in ways of talking about politics. In other words, he's just an inert object, doesn't matter, not changing anybody's mind. What I found interesting was the way that he compares to what I thought was a YouTube troll, if you haven't seen our YouTube channel, it's, the Todd Herman Show. And it's important to reach young people, that's why we're investing there. Plus YouTube is, without doubt, the biggest podcasting platform in the world. And we're still very well represented, still in the top 1/2 of 1% for iTunes and audio podcasting. God bless Rush Limbaugh for that being the case, and God bless God for that. I mean, I guess God can't bless himself, but bless you God for that. But on video, we're behind, and part of that is because we chose to put a lot of things behind the subscription wall, part of it's because I didn't want to do business with YouTube, but you can go there and check that out. There was a guy, I thought, was a troll, and it turned out he's not a troll. He actually asked a question about faith and about believing that God saved President Trump, and it actually turned into an actual conversation. So as we get into this discussion of do these Democrats even hear themselves, we'll get through some of these memes they posted, and I mean honestly, are they even aware of what they're saying? So George Conway gets to go on the TV and make commentary, and it's supposedly about President Trump, but it gets into the nature of God. I said, Orwell could not have scripted this better. So we have to pause because I've been told now by radio programmers, a lot of people don't know who George Orwell is. George Orwell was a brilliant writer who himself, I believe, was a collectivist of some kind, who warned of authoritarianism, which is weird for a collectivist because collectivism only happens to authoritarianism, but he warned about it in fiction and in some essays. One of his essays was about the seizing of words. To seize the words is to seize power, so a lot of his novels focus on that, particularly in 1984, 1984 is a book in a dystopian world where big brother literally erases truth before your eyes and Winston, the main character, his job was to work in the Ministry of Truth, where they actually erased truth. So it was possible to say in that culture, oh, we've never been to war with Eurasia one day. And the very next day say we have always been at war with Eurasia. So when he's talking about Orwell, that's what we mean. It's just basically everything is standing on its head. We are the party we heard. Somebody who was saying that tonight, we are the party of the rule of law. Oh, you speak of Johnson. Right. And nominating a 34 time convicted felon. And then we- Okay, so let's pause. What was the law that made President Trump a felon? What was it? It was a federal law. And that betried in state court, no, only through gymnastics and gesticulations. Was it a felony? No. They made it a felony and then they turned it into 34. Was President Trump constitutionally convicted? No, the Supreme Court's already said that criminal convictions need to be unanimous. In the case of the Trump trial with the corrupt judge, Mershan, the verdict was 4-4-4. In other words, four people thought he was guilty of one crime, four another, and four a third. It is predestined to fail at the Supreme Court unless they do the Orwell thing and say, "Oh, we never said that." Back now to George Conway and his deep wisdom. Or the party, you know, all the religious stuff. It's like God saved Donald Trump and, you know, let's not worry about the kids, the school shootings or whatever, but he, you know, he's this is man of God. I mean, what are we even talking about here? This is a man who sacrificed everything for his country. What are we even talking about? He's not capable of sacrifice. He's not capable of considering anybody other than himself. And they're treating him like, "Oh, he's done everything for us." It's just crazy. And then Nikki Haley's our little Bo Peep. What? I don't know. And then Nikki Haley, you know, she's like, "What is she doing?" Okay. Explain to me. She goes through the first, I don't know, five, six, seven, how many months? Or a campaign and will not criticize Donald Trump and raise their hand when they ask her, "Are you going to, you know, are you going to support?" Okay. So we're getting off topic with this George Conway and I'll end it there. But it was what Conway said about God and providential rescue that drew my attention to even wanting to mention George Conway. Because there is a disconnect and it came to me through a conversation on Twitter, I'm probably on YouTube. I never thought I would get this because I thought this guy was a troll. I want to share with you the conversation and then I want to get to this guy who was asked about the assassination attempt and said, "He missed. He missed." And I wonder if Democrats even hear themselves and we'll get to some of these memes that I'll describe it for. And the video service you can see them is And I do think it's worth asking if these people are even aware of what they're saying. And I was, gosh, you know what, it was this week, I was talking to my friends at Renew Healthcare. And what are the principles was actually down at the convention? So as this is all going on, Steve, who is the managing director, managing partner of Renew Healthcare, he and his wife were at this convention, the RNC convention, and he sent me a note talking about some podcast family members who went down to Mexico. So I have this conversation, "Oh my gosh, I met with these guys. We had fun. What a lovely couple." And he's back there doing this, getting pictures taken. He's really a guy who lives life. And I was just so blessed to find out. So I have an opportunity to talk faith with him. And I knew it. I knew it. I knew when he started talking about the beauty of the design of the placental and umbilical cord stem cells and the power of them, I knew it. I had this sense. I think this guy knows the Lord. And now I've gained this friendship with him and he knows the Lord. So here's the power of these stem cells. Let me try to explain this the proper way. They have in them building blocks to build anything in the body. Don't think of this. They build baby. Once they build, they've attached themselves a role. Now they become stem cells that build, let's say, bone or bone marrow. So in my case, when I'm at my first shoulder surgery, yeah, and the second one, the doctor, my surgeon, who's a great surgeon? He's great at surgery. He took 60,000 of those cells from my bone marrow and put them in my shoulder to help reduce inflammation. But they're bone marrow cells. The placental and umbilical cord stem cells from are potential cells for anything, cartilage, bone, muscle, skin tissue, collagen, okay? Where they're injected is where they're concentrated. So in my case, it was 46 million of them in my shoulder, 12 million in my ankle. And they go about to building tissue. They go about to building things like tendons where they're needed. They can also help solve massive issues like terrible neuropathy, partial paralyzation or even in one case, had a woman there who was hemispherically paralyzed, neurological issues can be solved because of the power of these cells. Go to, that's R-E-N-U-E, renew, Simply tell them about your relationship with the Todd Herman show and they'll take care of the rest, So George Conway makes this case that it is atrocious for us to think that God saved Trump. And I posted it, well, actually, Niana posted it. I said something about it being providentially rescued. We should have pulled the video so people can see what we're talking about. But we posted this on YouTube and I got this response. So this guy went back and said something kind of snarky, "Okay, so guy's going to shame me because I don't believe God saved Trump." And I replied and he actually wrote back and said, "Thanks for answering, Todd. Okay, so how do you know there was a divine intervention?" Now, this is a huge separator for us. It's something I think we need to explain because you could say, "Oh, thank God so called President Biden, God does allow Biden the role of figurehead, but God also allows us to see. He's a figurehead. He's not running things. All things are under God. There's nothing secular. There's nothing you can do that's not God ordained. That's a mind-blower. You could say, "Oh, yeah, I'm an atheist. That's not God ordained." Yeah, it is. You knew you'd read that. He'll take you back, but he knew you'd do that. And here's what I wrote back to this guy on YouTube. My pleasure. People of faith tend to have a different concept of knowing than people who do not have faith. Do I know God reached down and turned Trump's head? Not in a materialist sense. In the sense of faith, viewing God as the one who places rulers and leaders into position, who grants them earthly power for a bit, we see a happening like this, great evil intended, as most assassinations are, and avoided by Trump turning his face to the evil as providential. Combine that with the Bible as many reminders that leaders are there with God's permission and design, and that boils down to many people of faith, quote, "knowing." I imagine that may strike you as odd. Actually, I wrote ad, so he's probably going, "Oh, the guy can't write." That's odd. That's the best I can explain it in a brief YouTube post. Thanks again for being civil. So if we examine the Bible and leaders, they remain leaders until God decides otherwise. Now, you can come along and say, "Well, that's convenient because everything's God." Well, everything is God. And then there's this great mystery. How is it that we have choice? I can move my hand like this. Is that God moving my hand? No, I believe that's me moving my hand. I can stand up and jump up and down. I speak into a microphone. God gave us this choice through love, so we can choose to view President Trump having been saved as God loving us or God loving him. I think God, well, I know God loves his creation, and it seems clear to me that loving a creation you're going to want to protect your creation, and if you can, if you can protect it. Right now, our daughter's in a road trip. I can't protect her. I can spiritually guide, but from afar. Yeah, she lives in our home, and yes, we gave her a quote permission to do this, not that she needs it. She's a legal adult. I guess she lives in her home because, "Hey, if you leave without a permission, you don't have a room to come back." In fact, she's recognized that. She's actually said to me, "I understand you could kick me out. I still respect your parental authority, it is your house." But I give her that choice. God gave the shooter the choice to go there. He gave the secret service people the choice to listen to ridiculous orders or to allow this to happen, and to George Conway's point, God gave President Trump the choice to whether to stand in the stage or not. I don't think President Trump was availed to the fact that he was about to face an attempted assassination. So we can look at this and say God saved President Trump and you, George Conway, could also take a moment and say, "Why did God do this?" Because I guarantee you, there's been a lot of people that have been asking, "Why did God allow the figurehead to do what he's doing?" I think it's because God is opening up the curtain. When the Lord Jesus died when he was murdered on the cross and before he rose again, the curtain in the temple fell, it was a massive, like three-foot-thick curtain and it fell. It was a curtain between the average, you know, bitter clingers and the holy of holies. And what God was saying is, "No more do you need the religious intermediaries, no longer do you need the Pharisees. You can come directly to me through my son." And in this case, I think God is dropping the curtains of government. Here's another example of this, dropping the curtains of government. Let's come from Mike Bens. Mike speaks to National Security, he's been on Tucker Carlson's show many times, he's a very, very good expert. Shooter used encrypted communications according to Christopher Ray. Who was he communicating with? Mike Bens writes back. You have his IP address, meaning you can defeat the encryption. So I want to get to this guy who is asked a question about the attempted assassination against President Trump, but I want to get there through some memes. This comes from occupied Democrats. And here's what they're right. The Dow Jones just passed 41,000 for the first time ever all caps, lifting 401(k)s. The Dow was less than half that four years ago. Yes, we are better off than we were four years ago. That's from occupied Democrats, a Democrat website. So the 401(k)s are better off, right? Where's inflation at? Where will it be unchecked? And by the way, what are 401(k)s? They are big business. The same exact site occupied Democrats posted this on the same day. If our politics cause us to be more suspicious about how a poor single mom spends her welfare check, then we are about how billionaires spend their money in our halls of power. We need a grand reversal. There's a picture of the great Satan himself, Elon Musk. What is it about Democrats that they can praise the stock market being high and it's good for 401(k)s and then not understand it's not us who are out wondering who's spending whose money, it's us that are saying is $80,000 to $100,000 a year in welfare actually good for the recipient. Is it actually good to break God's word again? Those who will not work shall not eat. Not those who cannot work. Those who will not work. This guy is asked about the assassination attempt to president Trump. What was your thoughts about the assassination attempt? They missed. They missed. They missed. Do you? He should have died. He's not good for this country. He never will be. He's the worst person that can be ever in politics. He's not even a politician. You're disappointed that the shooter missed Donald Trump. 100%. 100%. No, no. Well, nothing. He shouldn't die. I know what I'm going to do, but she's a little more sympathetic to people dying. I think that the shooter was justified. He did what he wanted to do. Do you think it was justified? Like do you think he was? I'm sure it was. But you know what? Since he missed, I can guarantee that there's going to be 100 people I'm going to try to not miss. Would you support that? Yeah, 100%. He doesn't need to live. He doesn't need to be a president. Okay. Let's play the standards game here. I mean, we could do the deep philosophical thing where Captain Big T, if you didn't see the videos from a huge T-shirt, Captain Big T understands all of the quantum realities that could fall out of this. He understands fully, far more than God did. God does not get the big picture. God understood what happened if that bullet goes through the head of Donald Trump. He understands what happens to this country. And I will tell you what I think would have happened. I think we'd have a civil war. I do. Maybe not the next day, but within the next few years, because we have all watched them try to prevent us from voting for President Trump. Do you remember the first kill switch? Take him off state ballots, Supreme Court wouldn't allow that. The second series of kill switches have been make him a felon. Make the Republicans vote for a 36 time felon. Okay, we'll vote for a felon. Turn him from doing business. Show him, Don, you keep running. We'll take a billion dollars from you this time. We'll take everything. We'll take your buildings. We'll take your brand. We will ban you from doing business in New York, and he keeps going. So a lot of us would look at the assassination of President Trump as a deep state activity, because all of these factors would still be in play. We'd know the shooter was there. We knew that the, or will you think, very, very closely think that the secret service counter snipers knew that there was the radio chatter that they knew. They knew he was there an hour early. They knew he had a rangefinder. All those factors would still be in play, but President Trump would be dead. The convention would have been chaos, which is I think what they wanted because they know their convention is going to be chaos. And eventually you'd have a whole bunch of people with guns saying, you know what? The ballot box no longer matters. They've shown it to us, but Captain T-shirt knows better than God. So here's the part of story time that always amazes me because it's so spot on. If I think Captain T-shirt is bad for America, then I could go out and kill Captain T-shirt, right? Well, I'm not going to. I don't have any idea if Captain T-shirts bad for America. I think attitudes like that are bad for America. I don't know if he is. Maybe he thinks he's just glib and funny on video. But if I think he's bad for America, then I could kill him and I could just point to him saying, well, he said if you think someone's bad for America, it's okay to kill him. That's what he said. I thought he was bad for America. So I killed him. So he himself couldn't even prosecute me. Here's where this all comes into play in testing application. So our testing theory in real life. This is the first time I've ever acted this out on video. So if you're on the video service, you'll see this. If not, this actually happened, no, wait, don't pledge to God, we're not to do that. This actually occurred. Under a great deal of stress, broken up with the woman who's now my wife, we were broken up for a briefly. My dad dying in the hospital, trying to help my friend John, who helped me get my start in tech. He was the chairman of my board. He's a dear friend and a good man, trying to help him sell his business. And then myself, either trying to start a second startup or land a big, big job in tech. All those factors were going on at the same time. And so that's my excuse and I'm sitting in a restaurant. So here I am by myself across the parking lot from where my dad is in the hospital. And it's a hamburger place called the dog in Seattle. And I'm sitting there enjoying a hamburger. It's back when I ate hamburgers. So I ate like 400 pounds. No. Is that right? Well, I had actually dropped a significant amount of weight. I think has done like 280. Big and strong, but fat, fat, fat. I was captain t-shirt. So there I am at the table. And they're sitting across from me, a professor. I know this because he identified himself as a professor. And he is across from two very pretty young students. And to the very pretty young students, he is putting on the charisma show. So let me explain something about the charisma show. If you ever curious about this, go research David Bowie charisma. And David Bowie talked about how charisma is a trick. It's a conjuring of things. So he's being across from these girls. He's putting on the charisma show and he's bowling them over with all this information he knows. And then it gets into, no, well, I could show you those at my house. I've got books on this and movies on this. In fact, we have a swimming pool over there that overlooks the water. And we watch the fireworks. In fact, you should come over. You two should come over and watch the fireworks. I'm having some friends over some other professors. In fact, that would give you a chance to get to know some of the faculty. One of the really important things to do if you want to continue your career is to get to know some of the faculty. So why don't you, in fact, why don't I just take you over there from here? That way, your head of crowd, you can go, in fact, you know what? I've got a guest house. So why don't you guys go take the guest house? You can have that. We'll drop by your apartment, get some things and change. And I'm sitting here listening to this. And my food's not there yet. And his food comes and he's been just on the hard charm push with these girls. This came after he had just been rhapsodizing about collectivism, about the beauty of socialism and the girls were awestruck. Oh, he's lived in socialist countries. He knows how good they are. This is so cool. He's a man of the world. So as this is happening, I get this instinct to put him to the test. He's a socialist, is he? And here he is trying to get these girls in bed, which is obviously what he's trying to do for he and his friends. That's obviously what he's trying to do. So his hamburger comes. I couldn't believe I did this, but I did. I reach across the aisle and I pick up his hamburger and I take a bite of it. And I set it down. And the girls are laughing nervous and they're like, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. And he looks at me and he goes, what are you doing? That's my hamburger. I go, no, it's collectivism. I wanted some of it and you're a fan of collectivism, so I ate it. And he goes, I'm calling the police. Oh, so wait, I want to understand this. You're collectivist to each according to his needs, from each according to his means. And it's beautiful collectivism, the non-ownership of property plus your pacifist. I heard you say that. So when I took a bite of your hamburger, your response is no longer are you a collectivist, nor a socialist, and no longer are you a pacifist, your solution to this is to call men with guns because they took a bite of food. If you're not breadless, Les Misropp, and I looked at the girls and said, girls, this guy is not your friend. This guy is not about teaching you. He's trying to bed you. You know this. Please don't give in to this. And I reached into my pocket and took out a hundred bucks and slapped it down on the table and said, I will pay for your lunch. This will cover everything, including the next hamburger. Why don't I take yours and you can have mine when it comes. And the point of people like Captain T-shirt is this, you strongly believe this thing and tell it happens to you until someone comes along and says, you are evil. And then things change because certainly you're going to first preserve your life. And I want you to preserve your life. The Democrats even hear what they're saying, this guy even hear the implications of what he's saying. I think clearly not. We get to more of their memes in a second also from the finance structure of the Trump Mississippi campaign. Something he learned about making donations to President Trump that I think people need to understand. We can't do, like you can't run in operational politics anymore without money. We can't run what we do here without the help of partners. So when I get asked questions about some of our partners, I want to lean in and answer these. I'm getting a ton of emails, not a ton, but a series of emails from people saying, do you not have any health problems from running the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 device in your studio? No. No, if that was happening, I'd stop. I take my health incredibly seriously. And depending on the size of house you have, by the way, these three devices you buy that produce ozone, ozone is a natural thing. We smell it after thunderstorms, right? It's natural thing as they can be. It's molecules of ozone. The air filters that you run in your house that are so noisy are sucking particulate matter out of the air and then storing it, and you have to replace those for a couple of hundred bucks every year, right? Not so with the Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm device. It produces ozone and puts that into the air. It bonds with bad molecules and destroys them. And this works with viruses, cigarette smoke, cooking odor, musty odor from having not opened up your cabin, whatever, small rooms like dorms, maybe your kids go into college and they go back and say, "Mom, my roommate's an absolute nightmare," hygienically, "Okay, get that on the wall." We have two of these in our house. I have one of them here, and my friends have them, and they work. No longer do you need to breathe just foul-smelling air, breathe the breath of fresh air, go to, enter Code Todd 3, save 200 bucks on whole home coverage. It's, use Code Todd 3. Same website, Occupy Democrats. Elon Musk, the world's richest person, is donating $45 million a month to the Trump campaign. If democracies to survive in the US, we need to overturn Citizens United and move to public funding of elections. We need a government that represents all, not just billionaires, represented Bernie Sanders. So let's see if they even hear themselves. Because some people with more money choose to spend their money on some politicians, we need to forcibly take money from all people so governments can give it to politicians. That will solve the problem. Right. The same people who contend to want to have freedom from so-called oligarchs want to make the government into oligarchs, and you can't run campaigns. You can't run them unless you have money. This is the finance director for the Trump campaign in Mississippi. I'm finance director for Donald Trump in Mississippi, so we raise money. I've talked to a number of very wealthy individuals, God is what, that say I can't give money to Donald Trump because the FBI would show up at my door. And I tell you, think of what you just said. If you make a legitimate, honest campaign contribution to the Republican nominee for President, the FBI will come to your door. And they acknowledge that's a reality. In the United States, I will be in the United States of America. We already have public funding of campaigns. We do. The figurehead, whether the people who run him, are using the federal government for voter turnout, for voter registration of illegal immigrants. That's public funding of campaigns. We already have public funding of campaigns, where the government is involved in refusing to police election integrity. It's not campaign in terms of identification, persuasion, turnout. It's a campaign in what matters, counting the votes. That's what matters. When people can make a statement as glib as they do on occupied Democrats and not turn and look at the other side of this, it's because they've been locked into channel thinking. Channel think. Channel think works like this. But my destination is what? My destination is over there. It's caring and fairness for everybody. So I need to get to caring for fairness for everybody. Therefore, to get there, I need to ignore all the turn-offs and all the things in my way. So I'm headed for caring and fairness. And on the way to caring and fairness, I'm going to look at some people and say, you know what, on the way to caring and fairness, give them everything that they might need in terms of income. Give them the universal basic income. Okay. All right. So we've got the universal basic income and you're on your channel and you're moving down the channel now and you don't hear behind you as all of a sudden, the people who've been given the universal basic income are going, wait a minute, everything's more expensive. If you hear that, you hear it as you're going on, wait a minute, everything's more expensive. Right. It became more expensive because now everybody has the same amount of money, but you're on your channel think. Since you're going down your channel towards caring and fairness now, your advice is to come along and go, and you know what, that wasn't enough money because now things are more expensive. Give them more and channel think is, but why because we're going to caring and fairness. But wait, a lot of these people now, they've given them all this money and it's not enough to buy even the basics and giving them more is not going to change it. I got to go because I'm, I'm headed to caring and fairness. That's channel think you're stuck in the channel. You can't turn around. It's like a river and it's not like a channel you turn on like a digital channel. You're stuck in a river. And so you can find yourself confronted then on this channel with people who don't belong with you intellectually. So you could be a smart person and there are smart people who are trapped into the Democrat channel and they're on this raft and they want to get off the raft because they're looking at some of the people on the raft with them and they're going, how in the name of God that I get on the name of on a raft with this guy, for instance, this, this is from David Hogg. Now if I understand the history of David Hogg correctly, he was not at the school in Florida when it was shot up. He did not put his life at risk that there was not at risk. Thank God. He's okay. He is now a guy who has a public persona because he complained about a shooting and there was many to complain about, but listen to the way he talks about this on this meme or look at it. If the secret service can't keep the president safe from a 20 year old with an AR 15 and if a hundred cops in Yvoldi can't stop an 18 year old with an AR 15, maybe it's time to stop talking about the cops and start talking about the frickin guns. David Hogg marched for our lives. You already did it in your mind, but let's put yourself in the raft with a, you're a Democrats, but you own guns, they exist. There's plenty of Southern Democrats who own guns and they're sitting in the channel or after they go, I cannot believe I'm sitting next to this David Hogg guy. If you state this with the words can't, when the shooter got to the event and was found to be a threat, they could have arrested him. They could have detained him. And he went to the rooftop. They could have had eyes on the rooftop. They probably did. They could have said, Hey, there's a threat. Don't let Trump come out and speak yet. They could have said to the counter snipers, wait, there's a guy on the roof laying down with a rifle. Yes, shoot him. They could have done all those things in you, Voldi. The cops could have launched an attack against that guy through any number of means they didn't, but they could have. In the case that made David Hogg famous, the police officers could have gone into the building, but they didn't. It's not could have. This didn't and then course the very, very obvious thing is this, after the shooter at the Trump rally was dispatched, his rifle was still there, not killing anybody. The Democrats even hear themselves. This is Joe Biden at the NAACP. Now as we're recording this and sitting down recording this in advance. It might be that by the time you hear this, the figurehead has decided to not run again or someone told him he decided to not run or they told him he'd already served second term something, but this was the figurehead at the NAACP after they decided to recover from that terrible speech thing. You know, the debate. I know, I know you're saying Joe, you may not have a Congress. Well guess what? You all told me I couldn't pass the inflation reduction act. You all told me I couldn't face the, anyway, we did it. Anyway. We're going to bring rent down, as I said, we're going to build 2 million affordable homes. The cap rent increases at 5% a year so corporate landlords can't, God, anyway, I don't want to get going. I'm going to get very upset, but there's counting America. By the way, not only saves lives, it will save taxpayers just what I did on the first round on doing Medicare. It saved the taxpayer $160 billion because they don't have to pay these exorbitant prices today's, anyway. Anyways, does, I mean, I should start doing that during the castle. Anyways, I have my own mental errors. I want you to hear a way that I deal with this biblically because as I looked at this particular show, and it became so utterly frustrated and almost beside myself with confusion that people can be this way and I have family members here this way. And I'm telling you, they're people who are very, very smart, but they're in that channel thing and they're in that raft and they're next to David Hogg and they're next to George Conway and well, you can't get out of the raft. Well, don't be in the raft. Be able to have think beyond channel think. So I want to share with you a bit of the Bible that's a little bit longer than we normally do, but praise God for that, right? If you're someone who has a, I don't know, how would I place this? I think if you're thinking of someone who is doing this serious work that I don't do, I mimic work. I mean, it's work doing the podcast. It's mentally challenging. It is, you get into a studio and talk like on Mondays or Wednesdays, we sometimes record six hours of programming. Honestly, guys, that's really hard and it's mentally taxing, but it's not work. So I mimic work. When I go to the gym, I go running, I go trail running or swimming, gymnastics, rope climbing, all that stuff is mimicking work. It takes the form of play, but it can be incredibly hard in your joints and this is the thing I'm learning as an older quote athlete, that every person I talk to who's an older quote athlete says the same thing to me. It's not the muscles. It's the joints. I am probably muscularly strong enough to deadlift what I used to deadlift or more, probably more, but my joints don't like it. And so I limit that activity and I don't like that because I really enjoy lifting heavy weights. It's the joints. So if you actually work for a living, can I help you do something? If you take a high quality collagen before a work session and a work session could be gardening. It could be logging. It could be the physical work you do, construction work you do. Maybe you work out. If you take a high quality collagen before you do that, you can help preserve your joints. Instantly, this comes with a lot of benefits. I think are ancillary. Well tissue recovery is not right. You're a long work session, you want tissue recovery, but reducing wrinkles and enhancing hair thickness and strengthening nails. Those are sort of ancillary to me, except I guess, I don't know. I guess I want to have thick hair. Maybe I do. Maybe I'm lying to myself. I actually like my wrinkles, so I don't want to get rid of those. So native path collagen is made with type 1 and 3 collagen, so it's the two most important types. It makes up 90% of your body. It's found in cartilage, bone, skin, nails, gut, and types 1 and type 3 provide the maximum benefits. This stuff is made with no fillers, no additives, no artificial sweeteners. This is native path. It's what they do. It's third party tested for heavy metals and ensures purity and safety. And by the way, this is flavorless, utterly tasteless. You can put it in oatmeal. You can put it in your coffee and it blends easily and it's amazing bundle deals. You can get three and six packs at a fraction of the price of other collagen brands. Right now you can go visit Remember the get, for an incredible 45% off today plus free shipping. That's Get free shipping in up to 45% off this high quality collagen to help preserve your joints and help you recover physically. We saw this bubble out late last week, very late. In fact, it happened after the day after the failed assassination attempt, the New York Post had the story, Biden says medical condition could prompt them to drop out if doctors came to me day of, oh, day of the assassination, boom, attempt fails. And then turns out the figurehead has himself the COVID flu, huh, that's weird. That lands us at God's word, Psalm, chapter 37, verses 13 through 22. I hope this lends you some comfort because it does me, but the Lord laughs at the wicked for he knows their day is coming. If God is laughing at you, while you think you're being super serious and creepy and skinny, not good. The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and the needy to slay those whose ways are upright, but their swords will pierce their own hearts and their bows will be broken. Think of the people who shut us down during COVID. Think of the people stealing our money and laundering it through the Ukraine. Think of the funding of both sides of the war in between Hamas and Israel. Think about our flooded borders. Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked, for the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous. Better the little that the righteous have, that the wealth of many or than the wealth of many wicked. So if you feel like you have little, understand that you have all, that the investment you might be making and having little is a payoff and having it all for eternity with God Almighty, walking hand in hand with Jesus. The blameless spend their days under the Lord's care, and their inheritance will endure forever. In times of disaster, they will not wither. In days of famine, they will enjoy plenty, but the wicked will perish. Though the Lord's enemies are like the flowers of the field, they will be consumed. They will go up in smoke. The wicked will borrow and do not pay, but the righteous give generously. Those the Lord blesses will inherit the land, but those he curses will be destroyed. As you go back and ask yourself, do the Democrats even hear themselves? Do they even know that the arguments over politics seem temporary? But if the arguments over politics are including you pushing the lies of Satan and becoming wicked in the process, there is no asterisk in any of the things I just read from the Holy Bible. There's no asterisk that says unless it's to win elections. We'd be wise to remind ourselves of the same things and not fall into channel think on our own. There's only one channel think you want to be in, and that is an inexorable path to eternity with the Lord Jesus. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the line of Christ. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]