The Todd Herman Show

Biden’s Bosses Kick Him Out of The Race. Plus, Evil On Top, Stupid on Bottom- Homeland Security Ep-1731

Just know this: I have not, nor have you seen the Figurehead say that he decided to step out of the race. Last thing I heard from the Figurehead was he had the Covid real bad or maybe not real bad. Apparently he was feeling fine, but was going to go home and recover so as to not make other people sick. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? The morning that the Figurehead supposedly announced he was stepping down, which was done with a graphic on Twitter, it was that morning that his campaign co-chair said, “Let me be clear, he's running”. Someone made the decision, but someone's been making the decisions all along and it hasn't been demented Joe Biden. We'll also talk about Homeland Security and how to invite an assassination attempt against a president. It goes back to this theory I have: evil on top, stupid on the bottom, and squeezed in the middle are just people like you and me.

What does God’s Word say? 
Daniel 2:21 ESV  
He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;

Episode 1,731 Links:

Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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Or not real bad, he was feeling fine, but he was going to go home and recover from the COVID's was to not make other people sick. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? The way it's done in the Soviets? The more I think about this, and it was what, the morning that the figurehead supposedly announced, he was stepping down, which was done with a graphic on Twitter, and staff said they learned about it that way. It was that morning that his campaign co-share said, "Let me be clear, he's running." Someone made the decision, but someone's been making the decisions all along. It hasn't been demented Joe Biden. So we'll talk about this, but we'll also talk about homeland security and how to invite an assassination attempt against a president. It goes back to this theory I have. Evil on top, stupid on the bottom, squeezed in the middle, or just people like you and me, trying to live life and hopefully serve God. We'll talk about this with the help of our YouTube channel, which is blowing up right now. Just a simple video asking Joe Biden to repent. It's blowing up, you might want to look at it. It's, and thank you, God Almighty, for inspiring that particular video. The Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats in tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times that which God has decided we should live. Shamey Harris having been supposedly endorsed by the figurehead, and again, I haven't seen the figurehead say this. It's going to be presented with some VP candidates, maybe Gretchen Whitmer, maybe Gavin Newsom, both of them psychopaths, therefore perfect for the job of being VP to Kamy Harris. It is a moment to reflect. It really is a moment to reflect upon what America has become in this political atmosphere. And I just go and I look at Daniel, chapter two, verse 21. That's in the Bible. This is the ESV version. He changes times and seasons. He removes kings and sets up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and acknowledged to those who have understanding. It's nice phrase, nice verse. Bible is useful for teaching and admonition, but what was that first line? He changes times and seasons. He removes kings and sets up kings. Let's keep that in mind. Someone's king of America. It's not the figurehead. So in regard to the VP candidates that Kamy Harris could pick, there's no win in Gavin Newsom. One would think because Kamy Harris represents California and he is smarter than her. And Gretchen Whitmer is a woman and Kamy Harris, apparently now using pronouns, by the way, says she's a woman, which would mean she shouldn't have to use pronouns. But Gretchen Whitmer is a psychopath just like she is. So who would they pick? Well, there's all sorts of chatter that there's going to be a swooping in from Michelle Obama after much concentration and prayer and reflection. I've decided my country needs me. Maybe they run Michelle Obama as VP. No chance that a Obama will ever serve under anyone else. In fact, they've said to God, non-servium, I will not serve, so they're not going to serve under a human being. Nor do I think they're not the ones running things. But when I look back at the timing of this, it just becomes so painfully obvious that the assassination attempt was allowed. At the very least, at the very least allowed. Look at this from the media reports around funding for the campaigns in defense of the campaign's personal security. Mike Davis, an attorney, posts this. The Biden administration beefed up secret service protection for President Zelensky and denied beefed up secret service protection for President Trump. So let's go to the beginning of this. They begin setting Trump up as Hitler as a owned by Putin as a guy who's going to disappear so-called trans people. He's going to outlaw so-called trans people. He's going to commit genocide. He's going to force women to have babies, strap them down to beds and say you'll stay here until the baby's born. He is a man who's going to commit genocide against migrants. If he can't track him down and get him out of the country, he's just going to kill him. He's going to open fire on journalists. After preaching this for the past two years and really heightening it up over the past six months, after Biden's Satan speech with the red and black background, they started all the desperate moves in court. None of that, none of it landed a blow on President Trump. Not any real functional blow. So you would think a 36-time felon will certainly, this means Republican support is going to drop. And into that came people like Mitch McConnell with his silence and Mitt Romney with his non-silence. He couldn't possibly support a 36-time felon even though the charges were completely invented. We had the setup of January 6. Now, there were people who wanted to do bad things there and they did bad things. But we also had the setup of letting them into the Capitol and the continued tracking down of people. All of these efforts, including the theater of the fences around the Capitol because of the armies of white supremacists ready to seize control of the government, all of this was theater. We had the setup of the Whitmer kidnapping, which was obviously a setup she was never at risk. All of these factors lead us up to that day and now we learn this. There's real reason to believe that the Secret Service under the direction and the bossing of disgraced and impeached Alejandro Mayorkas was doing everything they could to de-expertise, to remove the experts, experienced agents from Trump's security. So as to invite a successful assassination attempt, they don't have to hire the shooter, they don't have to fund the shooter, they don't even have to know the shooter, they just have to know there's going to be a shooter. But on the very day before the convention, the dairy very day, before Trump is named the official nominee. That's not happenstanchial, that's far too convenient. When you add to this, the removal of the experienced agents, the placing of the DEI agents, a woman who had trouble handling her weapon. And now you bring to this some of the evidence that's been brought to bear from people like Josh Hawley, Senator, and whistle blowers around the Secret Service. And you end up with quite a different tale of inviting a assassination attempt, and I think that's what they did. People invite all sorts of things into lives. I think people invite drama into their lives. I think the Democrat Party has invited this exact fight into their lives, into their collective life. People also invite sort of discomfort into their lives, and don't even realize it. If you've ever been on a long trip and you come home to your house and your house has, say, cats in it, or you smoke, or you have animals or dogs, wet dogs, et cetera, you can walk into your own house and go, "Dear God, it smells this way." You may have had this happening to go open up your cabin or go into your RV for the first time, or I remember my mom coming over to my first apartment, which was smaller than this studio you're looking at now. My first apartment on my own was literally smaller than the room you're looking at now, which looks larger on camera than it is in person. My mom came in and it smelled awful. Well, I wasn't taken care of it. Now, I'm sure you take care of your home, but we could all use help with this. The Eden Pure Oxi Leaf 2 produces ozone in the home, which creates a great smell just like after a thunderstorm, but it's not perfume. That's not what it is. It's the molecules that have gone out and destroyed the molecules that create the bad smells from wet pets or wet dogs. I guess not wet cats. Cat litter, cigarette smoke, all of that. And it gets just throughout the house. I'll give you three of these devices for under 200 bucks. That's whole home coverage. Just go to, use code Todd3, enter code TODD3 to save 200 bucks. These are the same devices that have taken out rotten meat smell from my friend Ben's truck, child puped from another friend's car, and overnight, just absolutely negated those smells forever. It's use code Todd3. The arrangement goes like this. This comes from Susan Crabtree, real clear politics. Exclusive, internal secret service docs show only three post-standers allotted to Trump rally versus 12 at Jill Biden's event. This is again from Susan Crabtree, real clear politics. Ahead of Secret Service Director, or Cheetos, Congressional Testimony Monday, Senator Chuck Grassley presses for her to answer in a letter yesterday. Yesterday, setting internal secret service emails obtained from protected whistleblowers. Grassley cites internal United States Secret Service messages showing just three post-standers assigned to Trump's rally versus 12 for First Lady Jill Biden in an event nearby in Pittsburgh. He reiterates his demand for a list of all security personnel from all agencies present at the Trump rally and the Jill Biden dinner. I welcome any information you can provide relating to these communications and the number of federal employees that were present that day, Grassley told Cheetos in a letter. As of this morning, and this is Monday as we're doing this program, Monday the 22nd, the People at Fox News report. The Secret Service cannot say how many times they denied extra coverage to President Trump. They cannot say, meaning they will not say because, of course, they can say it. And the Secret Service Director opened by saying, "We failed. Did you?" Now, she is probably one of the stupid people, but below one of the scheming people like Alejandro Mayorkas. I think this woman is demonstrably stupid. If you're going to lie as to why an agent was not on the rooftop during the President's speaking, don't use the lie of a slanted roof or a sloped roof. Because it was so easily disproven, which brings me back to this discussion of inviting a assassination attempt. An open rooftop. An open rooftop that the local police were told was going to be secured. That's what the local police have said. An open rooftop that's an hour beforehand. This guy started circling and observing, finding his place up. Twenty minutes beforehand, they knew he was a shooter. President Trump was still sent to the stage, knowing there was a shooter. It could have been neutralized at that point. In point of fact, since the snipers who did take him out successfully did that 26 seconds after the shots were fired, they could have done that in advance. A guy on a rooftop with a gun is a threat to a presidential candidate and former president in my judgment could be taken out at that point. They invited this. It could be incompetence except think again of the timing. It was directly after this that the figurehead was told he had the COVID-real bad. He felt okay, but he was going to go keep others safe. Then, while he has the COVID-real bad, and God knows what news he's allowed to see, he's a Parkinson's patient. They could be showing him old news footage of himself and he wouldn't know the difference. They could have told him he successfully completed his term. His second one, as Eric Erickson has joked, and he'd probably believe that because he's a Parkinson's victim, who has spent the last few years reading words put in front of him. I do think they invited this. This comes from Josh Hawley, Senator Hawley writing to the impeached and disgraced Mayorkas. I write to raise concerns brought to us by whistleblowers about your department's stunning failure to protect former President Trump on July 13, 2024, a Secretary of Homeland Security, you're ultimately responsible for your agency and its components, including the U.S. Secret Service. Whistleblowers of direct knowledge of the event have approached my office. According to the allegations, the July 13 rally was considered to be a loose security event. For example, detection canines were not used to monitor entry and detect threats in the usual manner. Individuals without proper designations were able to gain access to backstage areas. The department personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer around the podium and were also not stationed at regular intervals around the event's security perimeter. In addition, Whistleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not in fact U.S. Secret Service agents, but instead, drawn from the department's Homeland Security Investigations team. This is especially concerning given that HSI agents were unfamiliar with standard protocols typically used at these types of events according to the allegations. As a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which has oversight jurisdiction over your department, I will continue to investigate your department's role in the staggering security failures in July 13. Unfortunately, your department has not been appropriately forthcoming with members of Congress abruptly ending the only call with the United States Secret Service before most senators could even ask a question. This is completely unacceptable in contract to the public's interest in transparency. Instead, we've learned from Whistleblowers that your department's officials are rather than your department's officials. I will continue to protect the anonymity and confidentiality of all who contact my office and ensure they receive the full protection under the law to which they're entitled. So that my office can continue in investigations in the event of July 23, 2024. Please provide the following information later than seven days from now. How did the Department of Homeland Security determine to staff the event, including any decisions to write on state or local officers? What percentage of the DSH agents at the event were from HSI rather than the United States Secret Service? Were majority of the officers at the event drawn from HSI or other DHS components rather than U.S. Secret Service, if so, why? Were HSI agents properly trained in staffing these types of events? Did gaps exist in the security perimeter where the usual protocols followed for the use of canines and magnometers? Were agents not appropriately stationed around the podium? Were the standard protocols followed for issuing designated pins to vetted personnel who were allowed backstage? How long did agents physically spend on the ground surveying the site before the event? Did any paperwork obligations prevent a longer and more robust site survey await your response sincerely, Josh Hawley? I think he's going to wait the response for a very, very long time. Let's remember something about this party and what they do. They set up a fake kidnapping. All of us were told that Trump supporters, MAGA, were so outraged at the government lockdowns that they decided to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, the so-called Governor of Michigan. Let's recall the facts. Some of these participants were let off. They went to trial and they were let off. There were more agents and agent provocateurs in that group than there were kidnappers. And it happens that almost, well, it's on accident, that a real American news correspondent, this is from the post-millennial, happened upon one of the people who was let off charges of kidnapping or attempting to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer. This was a set up. You hear that in a second and we can compare it to what I think was allowed to occur on January 13th, an attempted assassination of a president. In the case in Michigan, they had studied this group of people, young men troubled, not doing well in life, not thriving, getting into these online discussion groups about how they hated the government and hated Trump. These were easy pickings. This is what special forces types like my friend Michael Rourke, this is what they look for in four nations. When they're trying to take a four nation down, they look for young men like that. That's what ISIS is looking for. Did they find a young man in the personage of the would have been killer of President Trump? Did they find him? Did they activate him? If they did it, they did it carefully. It's simple enough just to allow something to occur and attempt to be made. That's what I think happened, and I'm still awaiting the figurehead coming out in person to say he's dropping out of the race. But what if he's dying of COVID? Right now. I mean, that's the way it would be done in the Soviet. He's just died. Gosh darn COVID. They're willing to manipulate health of all sorts. They're willing to block things that actually make us healthy in favor of having us addicted to things that do not make us healthy. For instance, this, you're going to be told at some time in life you're going to get an injury. I mean, if you're one of the people who lives your life without an injury, God bless you. But as we age, our joints age and they become more vulnerable to injuries. My ankle, my shoulders, your back, etc. It happens. You're going to be told there's two paths. One is physical therapy, and if that fails, there's surgery or drugs for the rest of your life. Those are the paths you're going to be put on. The drugs for the rest of your life don't do anything to solve the problem. They simply blunt the feelings of the problem, and you still can't move well. You still can't pursue the things you want. Meanwhile, for a quick plane ride to port of our to Mexico, to a beautiful resort, you can be in the hands of Harvard certified surgeons who will put into your body a miraculous thing called stem cells. These are stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords. Here's why they're so utterly miraculous. God's design is so potent. These stem cells are bursting with potential power. They are builders. They're building blocks. They're building bots, really. They get into your body where it needs help, and the first thing that does is attacks inflammation. Every time I've had one of these injections, one of my shoulder and one of my ankle, the inflammation has utterly been decimated. It's just been gone. And then they go about building what needs to be built, cartilage, muscle, tendon. This does work neurologically. They've seen incredible results from people who've had horrible neurological challenges, including being hemispherically paralyzed. It can work with arthritis. It can work with these symptoms of things, like neuropathy, numbness in the fingers, or tingling in the fingers, and it can help to bring your movement back. Even when people are telling you you have to have surgery, that may not be the case, and that renew, they will tell you in advance if they can help you or not. And they told me, "Hey, we'd like to be able to help you, but you're going to have to have surgery." On my second visit to my ankle, they said, "Yeah, this is really good. We can help you now before surgery. We'll help you avoid it." And they have. Go to to elevate your quality of life by elevating your health care. It's Simply tell them your friend of the Todd Herman show, So we have Senator Hawley. We have Senator Grassley. We have Susan Crabtree's reporting. We now have the Secret Service admitting, "Yes, we denied Trump extra security," and we had this interaction with a kidnapper, except he was not a kidnapper. It was a setup. Real America's News just happened to come across this guy. Sign here, Whitmer, Kidnap, Plot Victim. You were one of them? I'm going to talk to you for a very long time. Real quick, I'm going to go back to Miranda, but tell me real quick, we only got about 20 seconds. So you're one of the ones that got arrested for the plot? Yes, Eric Molotore. I'm Eric Molotore. Tell me about it real quick. Real quick. I don't even know where to start. FBI infiltrated, basically set it up. Am I right? The FBI set everything up. They drove people. They paid for everything. They wrote the script. Governor Whitmer, herself, opened her scheduling book and decided, with the FBI and state police, when it would be the best time for the daytime ride, the nighttime ride, then they'd do people into it. We even have proof of them telling people, "Get as many people in the trucks as possible, and don't tell them what you're doing until they're already on the road." It was 100% set up. If they can do it to nobody like me, they will come after everybody else. Let me ask your part in this, without getting, I don't know if you're still going through their legal battles on it. Quitted, man. So this is one of those things. She's still out there pushing this as if it was a legitimate thing that there was a kid not plot against her, that she set up with the FBI. Walk me through what actually happened that night. Oh, my gosh, so I didn't go on to what's known as the nighttime ride. I was duped into the daytime ride. And I, oh my gosh, again, there's so much that goes into it. Anyways, I had set up a civil defense force for my area in Wexford, Cadillac City, because Antifa and Bail almost coming up there. Through this process, I had met Adam Fox, who lived down here in Grand Rapids, actually. After a while, he got me a job in private security, which was really awesome. I thought that student was really, really cool. And he actually is a good guy, by the way, the FBI, the government is lied about this man, who's still in prison. Anyways, got to hold me and ask me if I wanted to go for a ride. I asked, yeah, you know, what do you have in mind? I'm thinking, it's this good guy shit that we got going on. I'm so sorry, but good guy stuff that we had going on. You know, looking for these vans that the police were telling us, you know, yeah, they're coming. This is what they're driving. Anyways, so that's what I thought we were doing. Nothing was said about Governor Wimmer or anything like that. So anyways, we get him and Dan Chappell, the original FBI informant there, another lying person right there. He came up to pick me up, so him and Adam Fox. We get all the way up to Elk Rapids, which was an hour away from my house. Nothing was talked about. It was a truck with three men. We talked about women, alcohol, guns, like Americans do, you know. And anyways, we get up to Elk Rapids and they said her cottage. I'm still not putting it together. You know, I'm thinking maybe the Antifa BLM is trying to hold up it in a private residence instead of doing these hotels and motels that we heard about. You guys were more doing security or what I was. I thought that we were. When we got up there and I'm already in a truck with people 100 miles away from my house, then they started talking about Whitmer's cottage. And right there, dude, like my heart sunk. I didn't know if I was going to make out of the situation alive. I had no idea what was going on. So anyways, yeah, I took a video. Adam asked me. He said, "A military need to take a video." So we drove by her place and on his phone, I took a video and that's how I got the material support for terrorism. And because I had my side piece on me, like I always did, that was the felony firearm. Yeah, that was really nice of them. The government is who I'm talking about. So anyways, so that's how I got wrapped into it. And then nothing happened after that. I'm like, well, if this was serious, they'd be talking more. They'd be doing it. They'd be a whole group. I didn't know about all the other guys. I went on a truck with two people, man. So I don't know what the heck is going on. You know what I mean? So anyways, I didn't say anything. Why am I going to tell on crazy people? It seemed like crazy talk. They didn't make sense. So anyways, then I got raided during a family get together. They pointed guns at my children. They were just little little kids, man. And so you look at what you guys have gone through, and I just want to wrap this up this way. You went through that. How concerned are you? Now what they're doing to President Trump, how concerned are you for the rest of the people, if they can do it to you, like you said, that how do we get justice back, real justice, if this is what our justice department will do? Well, what you need to do, everybody, write, call, email your representatives, form civil groups in your own community amongst yourselves. I'm not even talking about militias or anything, just people who are active. Learn how the system works. Do learn how the system works. And don't get in trucks at dudes. You don't know. So take that and compare it to what's the environment they prepped for this Trump rally was. Inexperience agents, not Secret Service agents, DSA agents, DEI placements, not truly able to guard the president. Yeah, there were some big, strong, tall dudes there. It looked like they were taking care of business. Leaving the roof top open, letting the guy walk around, letting him use a rangefinder, letting him onto the roof, letting him be there 20 minutes before President Trump takes this stage. Letting President Trump take this stage knowing that there's a shooter there. Can you reach any other conclusion but that they hope that President Trump was shot in the head and killed? God saved President Trump. There's no other explanation. He saved him thus far from prison. He saved him from being unelectable because he's supposedly a 36-time felon. God has stepped in. Meanwhile, President Trump's RNC has made the decision to turn their back on God. A mild reading. A casual reading. In fact, a narrative overview of the Old Testament is a series of betrayals that Jewish people thrust into the face of God. You rescued us from Egypt, but we want meat. This man is no good. Give us meat. What have you done, Moses? You've taken us out here to die? When Moses ascended the mountain to go see the face of God, which few people have survived, on the ground, his brother Aaron helped the Jewish people go back to worshiping false idols. And if you read that scene, you understand when they talk about celebrating, they were talking about sexual orgies at the feet of a false God, just like they were taught to do in Egypt. They turned their back on God. A generation would pass before the Jewish people would enter the Promised Land. Moses never got to walk into the Promised Land. It's a story. It's history of a people chosen by God turning their back on him. I'll give you an example of what I mean by President Trump's RNC turning their back on God. First, though, from ABC. This is from Martha Raditz Show, and she is going to continue to blame the Trump shooting on Trump himself. Listen to this or watch it. Also, George, we have to point out, no matter what the shooters' motives were, no matter who the shooter is, you are going to hear conspiracy theories going forward. No, no question about that. But as you pointed out, the statements from J.D. Vance and Vivek Ramaswami, of course, President Trump and his supporters have contributed to this violent rhetoric as well. Well, absolutely, George. We were just looking back this morning as some of the things that former President Trump has said. He warned last March of potential death and destruction if you were charged by the Manhattan District Attorney. Our country is being destroyed as they tell us to be peaceful. Trump in January warned of Bedlam in the country if the criminal charges against him succeeded. And, of course, in March, he said, "Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole. That's going to be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it." He said he was partly joking and that that was taken out of context. No, it was taken out of context, and you just did it again. He spoke specifically of the automotive sector specifically about an economic bloodbath, specifically. And we can go back and show the figurehead and people like the figurehead using the same language in the past year. It's common parlance in D.C. But this is how Martha Raditz chooses to present this. The same entities that presented President Trump as a threat to the existence of so-called trans people, of gay people, of black people, of Hispanic people, and of so-called migrants. And there are such a thing as migrants, but, of course, they mean illegal immigrants. They just don't say that phrase. The same people who prepped the environment to beg for an assassination of President Trump are now stepping back to say it's Trump's fault. Was it Trump's fault that the Secret Service used this as a -- created this as a loose security event? I don't think so. Now, when President Trump turned his head to read that chart, you know the story. The bullet passes through his ear. It hits a spectator behind him. It goes in then to a tractor, which is having his hydraulics hold up lighting. That collapsed. Another bullet went through the retired volunteer fire chief. He was killed protecting his family. We can watch this all. But what you can't watch as easily was behind the scenes, the sellout to God. This is remarkable to me. President Trump's big mistake in office, his huge mistake, was allowing Tony Fauci to seize control of the country. It was not listening to his instincts about COVID. He knew, and he was right, that it was a flu, it would peak, it would disappear as herd immunity came up. He knew these things. His second big mistake was allowing around him people who are wedded to the deep state like Fauci, like Pompeo and others, absolutely wedded to the deep state, or ever really doing business with Mitch McConnell, who never meant President Trump. Well, now he had to. McConnell has power, and to some degree still has, though he is just demented as the figurehead. But at the RNC, there's been a trade. The big tent. They needed the big tent to win the race. So part of the big tent became saying goodbye to the Christian God. Saying to God, "We don't want you involved." We're choosing other gods. They're literally saying that. Now President Trump isn't, but the organization around him is. Moses wasn't saying, "I want other gods." He knew the one and only God. He had looked in God's face. And when Moses saw God's face, it became such a glow on him that his own people couldn't look at his face. Moses wore a veil because of how his face had changed having been exposed to the literal face of God Almighty. President Trump turned his head, avoided a bullet, is doing some of God's work. He says he's going to have a national ban on chemically and surgically mutilating the bodies of confused children, which is not compassionate, certainly not fair to trap them in those bodies. He's doing some godly things. So was Moses. Moses was a godly guy. But around him, there were people holding orgies to false idols. Around President Trump, there are people speaking prayers to false gods in public. You'll hear one of these prayers in just a moment. Just pay attention to the matchup. I'm not calling President Trump Moses. I don't believe President Trump is as spiritual mature as Moses or anywhere near that. I believe he's been humbled. I think that became clear when he made fun of his hairstyle this past weekend and his comb over. It was funny. It's the first time I've seen President Trump truly self-effacing, making fun of himself. I think God is humbled President Trump, which must be why the demons are working around him to make sure other gods are featured. I don't know how people really, really deal with themselves, how they sleep at night. Moses never got to see the promised land. God told him in punishment for some disobedience you're not going to get to go. A whole generation of people walked around the desert in a circle. They didn't get to go. God said, "You have turned your back on me. You're going to spend your time in the desert. Your kids are going to learn to rely on me. Then they can go into the promised land." It wasn't punishment. It was accountability. President Trump had his life saved in the most miraculous happening, turning his head away from his teleprompter to simply look at a chart. A chart that shows how the people who run Biden are destroying the country by breaking our immigration laws and by installing people here who do not care about our country. Hamid K. Dillon is a patriot. She's a patriotic American, a patriot lawyer. She ran to be head of the RNC. She also worships a false God, a Sikh God, and she, along with others, were allowed to lead prayers to a false God at the Republican National Convention. And there are people in the audience bowing their heads in prayer to a God they do not understand. A false God. This is horrifying. Dear Wahiguru, our one true God, we thank you for creating America as a unique haven on this earth where all people are free to worship according to their faith. We seek your blessings and guidance for our beloved country. Please believe our people with wisdom as they vote in the upcoming election, and please bless with humility, honesty, skill, and integrity all those who conduct the election. Finally, we thank you for the Chardinika Allah spirit that we have witnessed in President Trump. That is the tireless and uplifting spirit that is sustained even in the face of violent adversity, like a founding father centuries ago. And we thank you, dear God, for protecting his life. We thank you for his examples of near Bha, fearlessness, and near bear, the absence of hate when faced with vitriol. These examples of extraordinary calm inspire us. May your name forever be exalted, spreading happiness and blessings and good spirit that everyone may prosper and enjoy the grace of your peace. Thank you. Himit K. Dillon obviously has a right to have her own faith, as she's a Sikh, and her God, the false God, is genderless, genderless false God. It's one thing to have a woman speak to offer her opinion even to mention her faith. It's another thing to hold a prayer rally for false gods. The God of Islam has nothing to do with the God of the Bible. The God of the Sikhs has nothing to do with the God of the Bible. If you believe the Bible, Jesus said, "I am the truth the way in the life, and no one comes to the Father but through me." If you believe the Bible, there is one God and one God only, that we're to worship Him with our entire hearts, our entire souls, to love Him and then to love our neighbors as ourselves. It's not a loving thing to have your neighbors pray to God that they don't understand and that is a false God. It's a history lesson. On one hand, God has rescued President Trump, which in my judgment is one way of rescuing America for a little while, for a little while. And on the other hand, behind the scenes, the planners, the smart people, the professional Republicans, though they've done a great job at the convention, drawing more numbers, highest views in history, perhaps for a Republican convention, the turnaround in the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the tripling of support from black people for President Trump, they're squandering this. Would the convention have been less effective if Hamid K. Dillon had simply spoken and simply mentioned her faith in having a prayer to a false God, would have been fundamentally different, less of a big tent? Maybe. Maybe. Would it be fundamentally different internally? Certainly. God saw his definition of marriage erased by the Republican National Committee. During the week that God saved President Trump. Just, just fathom that for a moment. Just fathom it. There's more to this. There's always more to this. There's Michael Steele, my former boss at the Republican National Committee. You have to hear this rant, but then I want you to apply everything he says here to the figurehead's announcement. The figurehead, as of the recording of this show Monday morning, the 22nd of July, the figurehead has yet to get in front of a camera. Now he's got the COVID real bad, but when you listen to Michael Steele talk about Trump's ear bandage and his Trump's ear injury, just apply all of it, all of it, to figurehead Biden not making a statement about this. It reeks. So when I was building up this thing at night and I had this realization that it's now eight weeks until I go to seal fit, which is actually seven weeks before I fly down. It's six weeks before I have to stop any form of real exercise. I can walk and I can rock. I can take a bike ride or a light swim, but absolutely no working out. Nothing that will stress the body at all that I started to think again about, oh my gosh, the preparation. Have I done enough for my joints? Now, if you are someone who exercises a lot, and this could be gardening, it can be doing construction work, it can be whatever causes stress to your body because that's all subjective. You don't just give them where you're at in your life. There are things you can do to reduce the stress to your joints. And by the way, to have what I consider to be the ancillary benefits of helping with your reduced wrinkles and hair thickness and et cetera. I like my wrinkles. I would like my hair to be thicker, particularly when I see myself on camera. I'm just admitting that that's maybe prideful. Collagen, collagen from Native Path Collagen does all that. It also helps with tissue recovery. If you take collagen before vigorous exercise, it actually preserves your joints. And Native Path Collagen has only one and three types, one and three collagen. These are the most important types that make up 90% of the collagen in your body. It's in your cartilage, bones, skin, hair, nails, gut, all of that. And when you replenish the supply in your body, it helps bring back your joint's safety and your skin. So you can do this. Right now, go to Don't forget the get part. This is new. Get Native Path Collagen at and you will save up to 45% today. Literally, almost half off. Plus, get free shipping. Visit the website again is for up to 45% off And as someone who's made this part of my ritual, I can tell you something. The joint aches, they're gone. They will continue to be gone, but make it a ritual. Find the time where you take it from me. It's before exercise, often before bed if it's been a particularly heavy day. I would sure like to have a talk with my former boss. In fact, you know what, I think I have his private email address. I may email him. I just want to know what happened. Was it President Trump who broke his mind or was it this? The big donor base at the Republican National Committee abused Michael Steele. They did. They belittled him. They at one point told him, and paraphrasing, I wasn't in the room, but this is second-hand, people who were in the room and saying this to a black man. I know the thing about being offended too easily. I don't think you say to a black man, "Stay in your place. Know your place." I don't think that's something that white rich men should say to a black man. I don't think it's a thing a man should say to another man. And Michael's not a guy who's given to overreaction to racial things like that. I've visited with him about his kids coming home and saying, "What's an Uncle Tom?" Michael said, "Why do you ask that?" Because people say you're an Uncle Tom, so they had a conversation with him. But something broke his mind, and maybe it's the money from MSNBC. The more you're on TV, the more money you get. And I listened to Michael, and I watched Michael in this discussion about Trump's ear bandage, which, by the way, was probably too big. Probably could have done a smaller one. Probably could have made it flesh-colored, but why? Steeter. Part of it's theater. Yeah, you needed the bandage. And it could have been different. But listen to Michael Steele, or watch him. And as you're going through this, apply this all to the figurehead. Where is the figurehead? Is he going to make a statement? Why did they just come out writing? This seems like an important decision. Let's start with last night in the bandage. That's fine. Where I am at this point is it's been three days going on four since this horrific event occurred. A person lost their life to have been severely injured. And yet we've not received a medical report from the hospital. Well, we've received one from his doctor now, Ronnie Jackson. By the way, all the talking in the background is MSNBC pretending to beat the convention. Did you know that? They weren't really there. That's a blue screen behind them. They're not really at the convention. We received a medical report from the campaign or from the Trump organization about the extent of the damage to his ear. If he was shot by a high caliber bullet, there should probably be very little ear there. And so we'd like to know that. Is there a cosmetic surgery involved? What is the prognosis for recovery? Were there stitches? What is the extent and nature of the damage to his ear? Was it caused by a bullet as opposed to some reports from those on the scene, other reporters, saying that it was actually shards of glass from the teleprompter itself, not the bullet? So there are a lot of questions around that ear. And yet there's been no response to that instead just showing the image of the man coming into the hall. Let me go to the room. Let me. They spend time on this. It's about four minutes they spend on this. It's a pretty consequential thing for a sitting so-called president who was running for president to suddenly not be running for president. Joe Biden couldn't go to a video camera. Is he that sick with the COVID because he was giving interviews up to a couple days before that. He was walking around up to a couple days before that. Isn't that a pretty big thing that he'd want to say to the American people in public? This statement that went out. We've seen now Biden staffers saying, oh, we found out about this through a tweet. We weren't told the morning that this announcement came out. His co-chair went on TV and said, let me be clear. He's running that same morning. Someone made the decision behind the scenes. And until we see the figurehead actually coming out and saying this. Well, then we can assume it's a coup. Even if it comes out and says it, the way this could be presented to figure it is, look, we put out an announcement in your name. This has happened. Cammy has your endorsement. She's running the monies with her. She, Cammy, is the only person, as I understand, federal election commission rules, who has the legal authority to use the money that went to the Biden-Harris campaign. They're not just going to toss it all back and give it back to donors. They don't do that. So they could present this to the figurehead. Your kid, Hunter, gets a pardon. You get a pardon. Your brother Frank gets a pardon, and you keep the 50 million or more because we know there's more. We don't investigate you. No one can because you've been pardoned. There'd be no reason to investigate you. As for what the Chinese Communist Party has on us. Well, if they release what they have on us, the FBI will release what it has on you. And the pardons, they'll be specific to specific crimes. We'll come up with others, like Epstein Island type crimes or sex crimes. We can't pardon you those in advance because, of course, you've never done those things. I think they set up the Trump assassination for a successful attempt that failed because I think God guarded that. I think they set up the figurehead for this last desperate measure. If we can't cause them to be taken out, we'll take you out. And at top of this, God reminds us from Daniel chapter 2 verse 21. He, being God, changes times and seasons. He removes kings and sets up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. Thank you, Father God, for your word. Thank you for rescuing President Trump. And I want to apologize on behalf of the people at the RNC for turning their back on you. Please, please, please show them the air of their ways. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [MUSIC PLAYING]