The Todd Herman Show

I confronted Microsoft’s “Diversity” People and the Wrong-Headed Diversity Push at the RNC Ep-1730

I thought President Trump did a fantastic job at the DNC and I thought I heard humility in his voice. And if you've listened to me or watched me for a while, you know that's something I've been waiting for because I think it can elevate him to a level of greatness we've not seen. Now, maybe he could recognize some of the mistakes that occurred during his first term and therefore not do the same thing again. But at the RNC, they did make a diversity push. David Sacks was one of the speakers. He's done a brilliant job of helping some forms of republicanism in Silicon Valley and is helping to turn people towards the Republican Party, making it okay to come out as Republican. But, suddenly something disappeared from the RNC platform. I think it happened so you can have people like David Sacks as donors. We also saw Amber Rose speak at the RNC. I will also share about when I confronted the diversity cops at Microsoft all those years ago and how Microsoft has now canceled its DEI program. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Galatians 3:28 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
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22 Jul 2024
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America. We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By honoring your sacred vocation of nursing, you impact your family, your friends, and your community. At Grand Canyon University, our online RN to BSN, MSN, or DNP degree programs allow you to balance online coursework with local in-person clinical, practicum, or immersion hours. Find your purpose at GCU. Private Christian Affordable visit I am in the case of Microsoft. Probably the most diverse person ever to get a decent amount of responsibility there. I mean, that's a big statement. There's millions of people who have worked there. But Microsoft has canceled its DEI program and moved people around or fired them. And I want to talk about this from a personal perspective of what diversity should actually look like because you're looking at it. In the case of Microsoft, you are looking at it. We'll talk about this with the help of a couple entities. One is in Mexico. There where I go get my stem cells, ethically gathered, nothing to do with abortion, always, always from the placentas and umbilical cords of women who renew pays to get through their pregnancy process so they're sure that they're healthy. And of course, they can't do their work without the mighty work of God Almighty who also makes this show possible. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. And now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided which to live. When my company that was called Three Purple Dots was the company and we had to mine some grandiose ideas, three products surrounding media. We should have gone with the first one but we went with Spin Spotter which was internet famous. And it was a very good idea. We lacked social media so it really couldn't be what it could have been or what we wanted it to be. But that won this demo God award. And I remember my PR agents at the time with whom I used to be friends until Paul just got in between and she just can't stand me or at all. And she came to me and said, they're calling you the Rudy of technology. I was like, what is that? She was, you know, the movie Rudy. I go, no, I don't know the movie Rudy. Oh, it's about this guy who shouldn't have been on the Notre Dame football team but he made it on the Notre Dame football team and I looked at it up and he's this really poorly dude. I'm like, great, I'm Rudy. And she said, no, I mean, it's not your, it's not your physique. I mean, this is where it still is pretty heavy. And she said, no, it's like you are the last guy they'd expect to go be able to win a demo God award. Why? She goes, well, because I mean, you're just not from the tech world. I'm not. That's weird because in my knowledge, I've been in it since 1995. Well, but you're not a coder. Really? I'm not a good coder, but I taught myself to code so that I could be conversant with the coders who worked for me. But she don't have a tech background. Really? I built the first actual internet radio network with the first actual ad insertion platform into which other people could plug their ads that was based upon an affiliate distribution model that allows us to mimic national radio targeting before there was geotargeting. We could target V ISPs. We could run city level ads when no one else could do that. We had audio ads that customize themselves. So for instance, we did this at Hoffman State Chicago in Sears. We were at the Sears headquarters pitching them on working with our network. This is what we did. We're in there with the dial plane. We got called back because one of the executives found on one of our affiliates. I don't remember which one, but found the dial, did the research, figured out we were a company, that it wasn't this website's internet radio. It was us. And they brought us back to Hoffman States to pitch them on doing advertising on our platform. And during this meeting, I asked if we could have the dial playing in the background. Now, I knew when this was going to happen. So it wasn't a distraction. I was listening through, I knew after a specific song, I needed to get a version of attention. So here we are at Hoffman's estate Chicago. This is back when Sears was still a big, big deal. And that song came up. I said, okay, listen, just heads up, everybody. At the end of the song, I want you to listen to something. And one of the executives had logged into his dial account, and it was through this affiliate. So it had his name. Here's what happened. The song is winding down, and then an ad comes on, and it says this, and it was our most, I'd say, talented. And I guess in an old sense, you might say seductive female voice. She really had a great voice, Simone. And Simone's voice comes on and says, Hey, Steve, it's Simone with the dial. Sears has something they want you to know about. And there was shock in the room. And we ran this test ad for Sears. And then we had this thing called the go button instead of clicking on a banner, you clicked on the go button. We did that on purpose because we wanted to habituate clicking on the go button. So you click on the go button to look at content related to what you were hearing. And in our fake news, we had news that was like the Babylon B, like just funny news. And he clicks in their boom on the screen. There's the response page for Sears. And he said, okay, you hardwired that you did that live. I said, no, no, we didn't. What we'd done is sat down and had our announcers read the most common names in the English language for men and women. And then we could use that to create special announcements. This is how good our backend platform was. I didn't build it. I simply communicated what needed to be built. And it was because I had talented tech people who worked for me. So when I go back to think about my PR agent saying, well, but you're not from a tech background, really? It took a lot of companies a lot of time to catch up with stuff like that. And we eventually sold the company for nowhere near as much as it was worth because we were at the end of the tech bubble. We should have sold it earlier on. Microsoft had made an offer to purchase our company for about $65 million. It would have made me someone worth about $9 million. I had a board member refuse to back that. I found out later he wasn't voting his own shares. He was voting the shares of another company, another venture capital firm. And he finally admitted that to me. The reason he couldn't vote for the sale is because they wanted to get their company sold first, which didn't happen, but they blocked ours from getting sold. I say this all by introducing how I came to go to Microsoft. It was because of that interaction in trying they were trying to purchase our company. And it didn't happen that I met a guy who has since become a very dear friend, very dear. He was instrumental in getting me a look at Microsoft. I went in as a consultant and became eventually a full time employee with a field title. This is how I came to be one of the most diverse people in Microsoft. I mean that. Look at me. I'm walking, breathing diversity. I'll explain that in a second. Diversity doesn't always look like you would think it would look. There are diverse series of products for keeping your home fresh. For instance, there are air filters. Let's go through some other qualities. They take particulate matter out of the air and they store it in filters. Okay. Good enough. Downside. You don't really own an air filter. They are something you rent. You buy the hardware. You rent the filters or you rent the hardware. You buy the hardware, but you end up renting it because you have to replace it with these filters for a couple hundred bucks per year. They're allowed and they do not remove bad smells from the air. Air purifiers do that. And the best one on the market is the OxiLeaf 2 Thunderstorm from where you use code Todd3 to save $200 on whole home coverage. Three of these devices. The big difference is they operate almost silently the OxiLeaf 2 and produce ozone in the room, which smells great. It actually smells like the air after a thunderstorm. And it destroys the molecules made up of the bad smelling things like pet odor or like cigarette odor, cooking odor, any of these odors. It also destroys viruses. It's the OxiLeaf 2. Go to Use code Todd3 to save $200 on whole home coverage to breathe a breath of fresh air again. Oxi Pure from Enter code Todd3. From that interaction of and some others with Microsoft speaking at some of their events and getting to know them as I was a consultant for other companies after we sold ours, I came in as a consultant. And based upon my work as a consultant, I was offered a job as a full-time employee starting at before it went insane and ultimately ending up at Microsoft in the MSN division. I am a community college dropout. I am someone who never made it through the first year of community college. I didn't want to. I am someone who though I was a class speaker in school was only because I was voted in to be class speaker. I didn't have good grades. I had to in order to stay on the football and wrestling teams avoid anything like a C average. I think I had to get a B average. I was also told if you get in any form of disciplinary trouble, you're off both teams. Those two reasons are the sole reasons initially that I stopped getting in trouble and stopped my process. I had a policy of not doing homework. I stopped getting Ds and started to get Bs and As. And in my senior year, some of my coaches took me aside and said, "Look, you're recruitable for small colleges to play small college football. You're recruitable at bigger colleges to wrestle, but not with the grades you have. You have to get straight As if you want to shot at this." So I said, "Okay, I got to go get the straight As." I'm not a guy who came out with this then curriculum but all. Spokane Falls Community College for half a year is not going to impress anybody. And when I got to Microsoft, I had to go out and do things to impress people like this. A friend of mine took me aside and said he was the guy who ran my board. He was the head of my board of directors of my internet radio company and I sat down with him. I said, "John, what do I have to do?" He said, "No matter what you do, find a way to put a revenue number on your head." If you're on a product team, I said, "Yeah, I'm on the product team." He says, "Okay, you have to put a revenue number on your head because revenue means everything." So in your commitments, argue to have revenue responsibility. So I did. In my commitment setting with my boss, Charlie, one of the best bosses I've ever had, I argued for a revenue commitment. He said, "Okay, if you make this commitment, you're going to be judged on it. What do you need my support?" So he didn't set that up. I put on a revenue commitment and from there, I had a whole bunch of product control. It was a smart move. Ultimately, how I came to realize how diverse I was was in having conversations with people about their backgrounds and people would ask me things like, "Well, where'd you go to college?" And I would tell them, "Oh, I would drop out." And the looks in their faces, these quizzical looks. I also started to notice this that at Microsoft, if you were seeking to get a raise, sometimes there were open jobs and they would contact you as an employee. I went to LinkedIn and I entered an education in university. I entered streaming media university. It didn't exist. Of course, it didn't exist. There was no such thing as streaming media when I started to get into it. But it got me through the resume blockers because it checked off a box. "Oh, he has a college degree. I didn't say that." I simply said, "Streaming media you." And when I would sit down with recruiters, internal recruiters at Microsoft, they'd say, "What is streaming media you?" "Oh, let me answer that question for you." Ultimately, Microsoft based upon my performance of a product that grew from 5 million in revenue to 25 million to 100 million across that period of time, then I was somebody because it was shown that I could create these revenue things. Then I was given a team of direct reports. Then I was given some responsibility. Then I got this field title of global general manager of media strategy. It's a great field title. I was really more of a senior director. That's what I was. Or maybe a director. Now, a senior director, actually level 66, senior director. And I had the ability to go out and purchase companies if Microsoft would say, "Yes, hence my time in LA, Los Angeles, Hollywood, and New York." And again, people said, "Well, you don't have an entertainment background. I don't." I worked in radio for a whole number of years at my internet radio company. I did deals with the record companies. I did deals with the film studios. We had rights to run music that no one else had. There was a reason why we had so many channels when other people couldn't have this many channels. There's a reason that we weren't paying out the teeth to the record labels because we figured out a way to make ourselves valuable to the record labels. We give them data. We went to their concert promoting entities and said, "Hey, we can tell you where the best place for your bands to go play. You might not even know this." We helped them map appearances. We gave them straight data feeds so they themselves could look at the data of how their records were performing and with who and with a geographic overlay. I would make these points to people that I've been in the entertainment business. You don't want to think of it that way. See, here's the thing. They continually said to me, "Well, gosh, you don't work in tech. Well, wait. Gosh, you don't work in entertainment. Wait, you're the streaming audio guy. What makes you think you understand streaming video? Because it's the same business model." When this all came very clear to me was two instances. Number one, there was a woman who was pushing diversity at Microsoft and she came knocking on my door and she said, "Hey, I work with HR. We've been sending some emails to you about helping you diversify your team. I haven't gotten any replies. Could we please have a discussion? I just wanted to come by. You've got a smaller team, no offense, but it's really important that we do this and we can help you grow the number of team members you have." Do you see the ploy? At Microsoft, there were two things that really communicated power. One was a big revenue number. The other was, "How many heads did you have?" I had a general manager one day tell me because he was saying, "I was trying to move up in the organization." He said, "Well, you've got to get some management under your belt." I go, "Scott, I manage people." He goes, "Tod, 12 people's not going to impress anybody. You need to manage hundreds of people. That matters." So what this HR lady was saying to me is, "I can help you get more direct reports. Therefore, more power." I knew exactly what was on my bookshelf behind me. I knew it. She came in. I said, "Please, come in. Let me shut some things down. Sit down. Let's have a conversation." She sat down facing my bookshelf behind me. Why don't it was right behind my head? Shakedown, a book about Jesse Jackson and how Jesse Jackson was a shakedown artist right behind my head. I knew she was looking at it. She was a black woman. I knew she was offended, but she wouldn't say anything. I said, "Can we start on a baseline here? What does diversity mean?" She goes, "What does diversity mean?" It means hiring people who are diverse. It's right. But what does that mean? Diversity. She goes, "Well, people of different races, we're underrepresented with racism." Oh, okay. Okay. So we want to have more what maybe help me hear. Black people, Asian people, mostly black people. Okay. I'm in. So how do we go find black people who are great at coding and great at business and tech and bring them in or have great promise in electoral prowess? How do we find the very smartest, high IQ, malleable, smart, adaptive black people? I'm in. What do I need to do to help? She goes, "Well, that's not really the point. The point is that we need more black bodies." I said, "But you need the right black body." She goes, "Well, right now we're behind the curve, so we really just need black people." I said, "But you don't mean that we would hire people without promise or talent, right?" Oh, no, no. But that's not the first thing we'd look at. Oh. I don't think I'm comfortable with that. The look on her face was insane and instructive. The insanity was she sat there with her mouth open. I mean, I'm literally looking at her teeth. Then her eyes glanced to the Jesse Jackson book, and she knew. I told her, "If you can come here with a plan to help us find the smartest, most promising, brilliant, malleable, curious, humble black people I am in, I will do anything to help with that. But if you're telling me you simply need black people, I can't do that. That's unethical. That was one thing that indicated to me my diversity. Another came in a meeting that was hilarious and instructive. When I was in that meeting, I remember looking around the room and understanding something that I was going to say was going to blow people's minds. It was. So I was in a yet another meeting, and this was one I voluntarily went to because I was alerted to the move to diversify Microsoft. It was a response, I think, to my interaction with this woman that I got invited to a discussion group. And I think the play was here to put some peer pressure on me. It didn't work to have the someone from HR come and say this. Now, by the way, had I not taken a product, not me, but my team, if our team had not taken a product from 5 million to 25 million to 100 million in revenue, she simply could have gone upstairs and we've got a troublemaker over here. Well, when that product eventually became a billion dollar contributor to Microsoft, I wasn't there for that. That sort of troublemaker thing didn't matter as much. So I got asked to go to this meeting and I said, yeah, I'd love to attend this meeting. So we sat in one of the conference rooms in Microsoft with the door closed and there was a whiteboard and there was a lady leading this and she was a lovely Asian lady. And as I recall, she was from Yale or Harvard. There's a reason I'm saying Yale or Harvard. The beginning began and she discussed that we were here with leaders of small to medium-sized teams because it was based upon us, a new generation of leaders. They wanted to build a workplace of diversity. So when we talked to diversity and again, everybody gave their background. This is what you did at Microsoft. Hi, my name is Alyssa. I'm from this business unit. We concentrate on this. I report into this executive. I went to school an undergrad here. I got my graduate degree here. We were around the table and it comes up to me. I go, hi, I'm Todd and I'm the most diverse person here in the room. I'm the only college dropout. I barely made it out of high school. I learned what I learned by working in radio and then teaching myself to write some code and hiring people smarter than me and learning how to go to Silicon Valley and raise money and learning how to make technology to replicate the greatest forms of media. I'm very fortunate to work at Microsoft under this boss. I won't say the boss's name. I'll say his first name. I'm very fortunate to work here at Microsoft under John and I'm greatly, really blessed to be here as the most diverse member of the room. And again, the look of shocks in the face is in the lady said, what do you mean the most diverse? I said, no, I'm just thinking of it. I'm sitting here, Yale, Yale, Harvard, Stanford, NYU, Yale, Harvard, college dropout. And the lady who ran the meeting, this very nice Asian lady, read the room, laughed first nervously, and then genuinely. And she said, he's right. He's actually right. I mean, all of us are coming at things from one direction, academia. She got it. Actual diversity is something Microsoft used to do. They used to take people on based upon talent or promise. Bill Gates dropped out of college and now we know he's a worldwide expert on vaccines and food, right? And the sociopath, probably. But he had a saying, smart people are malleable, give them a task and they will adapt. That's how you could take someone like me who came in as a sme, that means subject matter expert, a sme, and turn me into someone they were grooming to have a much bigger management role, including offering to have me to pay for me to go get my MBA. Something maybe I should have done. They offered to fly me to London, let me live over there and run a team in London. And in exchange for that, give me money. In fact, pay for an entire education. I told him, I don't have an undergraduate degree. They said, we can help you with that. We can help you accelerate that process very, very quickly, get you an MBA and you can come back with a full MBA, having had international business experience living in London. Maybe I should have done that. Microsoft practiced DEI in the greatest possible sense with me. A guy who shouldn't have made it through the recruiting process. If I had just submitted a resume, it would have been kicked out of the resume bot. If I didn't have friends like Brad to help me get in to Microsoft, I wouldn't have gotten into Microsoft. If I didn't have people like Matthew, who had worked for me, it is my dearest lifelong brother who went to Microsoft to back up that I should be there. Or people had met at industry events saying, hey, this guy is smart. He gets the streaming media stuff really, really well. If I didn't have those things, I wouldn't have gotten in the door. But once in the door, I wasn't a diversity hire. I was a white dude, just like any other white dude on campus. And I was well aware of the fact that I came from behind because I did not have the education to stand on. Therefore, I had to come in and be smart about how I developed a what's called a portfolio. I had to be smart and intentional starting with that great advice to go build revenue and then to get great reports, people who work for me. And I really was a true believer in hire people smarter than yourself. That mattered to me. Everybody on my team was smarter than me in every possible capacity. When Microsoft fired, it's DEI head or has fired its team. They're not really doing away with diversity, equity and inclusion. They're doing away with the people who are the opposite of that. That theory, get me black bodies, has cost, good people, their careers. There's a guy kept in touch with it, Microsoft. And we'd see each other from time to time. He was in Washington, D.C. We crossed over there and we'd have dinner from time to time. He actually called me because he knows what I do for a living and he knew I would get this. He lost a dream job at which he had excelled in a core business area of Microsoft. They're a zero product, the cloud thing, which was a huge strategic thing he was on. He was making a ton of money, had a great big team. He was traveling globally. This was the key to becoming a partner base salary for partners a million a year or used to be. You get these sabbaticals every six years, I think. I think it's like a 12 week sabbatical. You get massive, massive stocks. It is a huge jump. This makes you, you're mobbed up. He was on that path when HR called him and said, "Hey, this is going to be kind of a hard discussion, but we need to have it with you." So he went and he had this discussion. I'll tell you about this in a second. It made him absolutely sick. It makes me sick. And I have a question for Microsoft. Does he get his gig back? Don't let yourself get sick. If you're one of only 100 a million Americans with fatty liver disease, please do not let that become liver disease. Please don't let that happen. If it happens to you, that can lead to, of course, turning yellow, which no one wants. And it's so utterly preventable. How do you know if you have fatty liver disorder? Well, there's this. If you are obese or really heavy, you probably have it. It's 100 million Americans have it. And that maps about to obesity. What is it? There's all this fat that gets around your liver. It puts pressure on it so that your liver is less efficient. Why does that matter? Because your liver removes toxins from your body, if it's not operating efficiently, the toxins remain in the body. What are some of the symptoms? Feeling sluggish and slow and sleepy and having trouble even motivating yourself to do even mild forms of exercise. So what's this solution? Well, the prime solution is to drop body fat. That's the best way to get rid of fatty liver disorder. In fact, the people who make liver health formula want me to tell you that every time we talk about their products, please lose the belly fat. While you're doing this, take liver health formula. It has 11 clinically proven organic ingredients, botanicals, botanicals to help protect your liver during this time and to help you lose belly fat. So simply go to That's When you purchase a 30-day supply, they give you two free gifts and a 365-day money-back guarantee, it's So the phone call goes like this, "Hey, we need you to come in and have a discussion." So he's thinking, "Have I done something wrong? Did I offend somebody?" Walks into the room and they sit down and they say, "Hey, this is a take-one for the team moment." There's a woman who's going to come in and take over your role. And we're starting to say that we're going to help you find another role. It might involve a lateral transfer into another division. Now at Microsoft, there are core business divisions, like Azure, and there are non-core. Non-core always get laid off for its core or always last to get laid off. Non-core get the leftovers. Core get the first fruits. He knew this. And he said, "Okay, my performance reviews are 4.0s to 4.5s. Sometimes 5.0s. Hard to get a 5.0s. 5.5 is perfect." And so I haven't had any disciplinary issues. I have no lack of performance. I've met all my commitments. Why is this happening? This is a diversity move. The decision has been made. It is irrevocable. We're going to help you find a lateral transfer somewhere else. Same level. He ended up getting transferred into a non-core business unit and had no reports. In other words, he was stripped of all influence at Microsoft. Even though at that time, there wasn't an international business deal that could get done. Any international business deal that could get done out of the Azure unit without going over my friend's desk, he had to review every single deal that power. He didn't have any on this other job. Gone. The woman who came in to replace him was Hispanic and had never worked in that field. She'd never done international business. She had never worked in business development. She had never written or reviewed contracts of this level ever once in her life. She came from a communications dash PR background. When she was brought under the team and was doing the first team call, believe it or not, it was another female who addressed this very issue. She virtually raised her hand in the meeting and said, I have a question. This lady said, yes, she said, you do know that you're here replacing a great talented manager with all sorts of experience in this business and in this business unit. You're coming in with absolutely no experience and you expect us to accept this. You're actually accepting this job knowing it's because you're an Hispanic woman, right? You're doing this? And the lady said, yeah, yeah, I am. I'm doing it. I'm taking this and I'm going to need you guys to teach me this business. I'm smart and talented and I'll learn, but I need you to teach me. That woman who made that challenge to the new boss wrote an email later and said, I will not sit and provide on-the-job training for a person at this level of our business who has never worked in this division, has never worked in core tech, is a communications person because what this means is do my job for me while I get to have the title. She transferred herself out of that core business unit. Does she get her job back, Microsoft? Does my friend that you openly moved out of the way because he was too white? Does he get his job back? Now revenge is the province of God. It is. It's not the province of mankind. I'm not seeking revenge. I'm seeking justice. It is the Lord Jesus who tells us in the body of Christ, there's no servant, nor master, no Greek, nor Jew. He invented all the so-called races of people. He made us all and wants to view us all equally. So do I. So my question to Microsoft is now that you've made this change, are you going to rectify the change? The RNC is taking a run at diversity. They are. And what they're trying to do is diversify the people coming into the committee and on stage. We saw this last week. Now there are two people I want to spotlight in this. One is David Sacks and the other is Amber Rose. Why the connection? Because they're connected. You may not think so, but they are. The Republican base is an embarrassment to Washington, DC, professional Republicans. We embarrass them. Guns embarrass them. Obsession with the Second Amendment embarrasses them, but nothing embarrasses them more than having to talk about the social issues, such as biblical marriage, such as same sex attraction. They had to be absolutely shamed into defending children against gender ideology as one of the guys who shamed them early on and was talking about gender ideology eight years before it became a cause celeb. I know this because I had Republicans tell me this. It makes us so uncomfortable to discuss these things. So we see events like Amber Rose speaking at this committee. Now Amber, I don't know. I don't know her heart. I don't know if the Lord has called her. I don't know. But what I do know is she's made a living with her body. I do know she's made a living with sexuality. These are the things I've learned. And I don't know that she's not a smart woman. Again, I don't know, but I do understand the play. This is part of Amber Rose's speech at the Republican National Committee. But I'm here tonight to tell you, no matter your political background, that the best chance we have to give our babies a better life is to elect Donald Trump, President of the United States. Now you may be wondering why I'm up here telling you this. I'm no politician and I don't want to be. But I do care about the truth. And the truth is that the media has lied to us about Donald Trump. I know this because for a long time, I believe those lies. So I'm here to set the record straight. The first person I knew who supported Donald Trump was my father. I was shocked. My entire family is racially diverse. And I believe the left-wing propaganda that Donald Trump was a racist. My father said, no, he's not Amber. What are you talking about? And when I insisted, he said, prove it. So to prove my father wrong, I did my research and looked into all things Donald Trump. People have to do their research. I watched all the rallies and I started meeting so many of you, his red hat wearing supporters. I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don't care if you're black, white, gay or straight. It's all love. And that's when it hit me. These are my people. This is where I belong. This is my people. This is where I belong. These are my people. This is where I belong. Well, welcome, Amber. And maybe it truly is concern for your kids, in which case you need to drop any connection to anything related to the sex business. You cannot have concern for kids and embrace the business of sex. You can't. Because it totally departs the word of God. This is one of the things against which we're fighting. Why am I saying this is DEI? Well, because the Republicans have been told you need to expand the number of African Americans have on stage, black people, black women, get it, young faces, get it. But who are they? Why are they there? She's photogenic. She's a pretty lady. She's a good speaker. She's convincing. Why is she there? She's there to draw people like David Sachs. See, we the base of the Republican party, and I'm not a Republican, but I can't vote for Democrats. We embarrass them by talking about same-sex marriage is something that we should not outlaw. We can't. That is inconsistent with the Constitution, but it's something we should discourage because it goes against God law, God's law, just like we should discourage adultery because it poisons families and it poisons souls and it shakes apart a society. Those positions embarrass professional Republicans and they deeply embarrass a certain class of donor. That doesn't mean that Ambrose didn't say some things of value. This is a second portion of Ambrose's speech at the Republican National Committee. So again, I'm not saying that she didn't provide some value. When I met the President and Melania for the first time, he was kind and generous and funny as hell. Very funny. The first lady was gracious and smart with a smile that will brighten up any room. If you're watching this tonight, you know our country is in trouble, just like me. When you go to the store and buy food for your family, you're shocked. When you fill up your gas tank, you're pissed. I know I am. And when you turn on the news, you are just exhausted. Inflation is out of control. And you know in your heart, it was not like this under Donald Trump. Those things are all true things and that's enough of what Ambrose said. So okay, we're pissed about gas prices. Is it really the gas prices we're pissed about? I promise you this. Pursue all the low gas prices you want while pursuing social liberalism and you'll end up back at the same place because social liberalism always ends in destroying truth because it cannot stand with truth because it departs truth. Truth is a person. God himself is truth. Again, I don't know Ambrose and I don't mean to criticize her because I don't know her. I'm criticizing the play. The play is being done to bring money people to the table because Silicon Valley executives have told us the same things for years. When I was at the committee, the Republican National Committee, I had many, many executive meetings on the West Coast with Hollywood types and with Silicon Valley types. And I was told the same thing. Until your party drops its social issue stances, we cannot give you money. And abortion now is a made decision. Apparently they're okay with that made decision, but not on same sex marriage, not on so-called transing of kids. Republicans were forced to stand up against the transing of kids, but they want to have people like David Sacks on board and I get it. David Sacks is a brilliant man. David Sacks is brilliant in the ways of this earth, in the ways of this earth. And he's got a lot of money and money makes a lot of calls. Just ask my friend Zack Gaborham at Bullwork Capital Management. You know, Zack from the show, he's been with us multiple times because he was in Idaho. He's with us nearly every Friday. Chief investment officer, Bullwork Capital Management at He's seen it all. He was there for the housing collapse, the first one. And he warned his bosses. We need the short housing stocks. And just like anybody who said that at the time, he was laughed out of the room. Kids, you don't get it. They're too big to fail. That's so, so long ago now. Bullwork Capital Management has been blessed to steward the monies of many, many people. And that's how Zack sees it stewarding. As a consequence, he is doing now a regular series of workshops, highly focused on inflation as the silent assassin of retirement portfolios. And another one coming up the 25th of this month at 330 Pacific. It's free, but you have to, have to register to attend. If you intend to retire in 5, 10, even 15 years, understand that the money you have now is predicated upon inflation now. If inflation goes up 5, 10, 15 points, what happens to your ability to keep not working? It can evaporate. Again, this workshop is free, but you have to register to attend. Go to That's K-N-O-W, Space on these things are always limited. So do it today. Investment Advisory Services offer their Trek Financial LLC, an SEC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money and past performance doesn't necessarily guarantee future results. Trek24-244, go to David Sachs is pretty legendary in technology and technology investing. And he was at the Republican National Committee giving his speech. By the way, you can purchase speaking slots with certain amounts of donations. I'm not saying that David Sachs did this. And by the way, David Sachs has been incredibly helpful, incredibly helpful. With Republicans in San Francisco, he's been incredibly helpful in putting pressure on them. I want to give him all the credit in the world. This isn't a knock against David Sachs. David is who he is, but Amber Rose and positions and platform changes are meant to draw people like David Sachs to the table. This is part of David Sachs's statements at the Republican National Convention. In my hometown of San Francisco, Democrat rule has turned the streets of our beautiful city into a cesspool of crime, homeless encampments, and open drug use. Democrats led by borders are Kamala Harris have allowed millions of illegal migrants to invade our country. They tasked homeland security, not with stopping the illegal aliens, but with busing them all over our country. Democrats have recklessly spent trillions of dollars of wasteful and unnecessary government programs, setting off the worst inflation since Jimmy Carter. Well, it's not a barnburger speech at all by any regard, but he's not a barn burner speaker. But inflation got it. Just talked about it with Zack. Find me a way to have a non inflationary economy when you have people running the economy who pretend that math doesn't exist, who pretend that binaries aren't real, that there's not man and woman who pretend that a debt of 300 trillion is actually just a debt of 30 trillion. You can't find me a way to have truth in a socially liberal environment. It cannot be done. This is the rest, not the rest of it, but another portion of David sex speech. Again, not a barn burner of a speech. But worst of all, the Biden Harris administration has taken a world that was at peace under President Trump and they lit it on fire. I'm pausing here. No one cares. He was pausing to get applause. They lit it on fire. The international relations in Ukraine, no one cares, David Sacks. We should care about the human life. Jesus weeps. We should. But that is not what's going on in the Republican national community's heart, not the grassroots people to restart. First, President Biden bossed the Afghanistan withdrawal, displaying incompetence and weakness the whole world to see. Then he provoked, yes, provoked the Russians to invade Ukraine with talk of NATO expansion. No one cares. He rejected every opportunity for peace in Ukraine, including a deal to end the war just two months after it broke out. Now, the lack of response to this guy's speech is making me uncomfortable. I feel itchy. I feel itchy. It's rude. David Sacks is a brilliant guy, drawn to the table because he is deeply affected by what's going on in San Francisco. His companies are affected, his safety is affected, and I respect that decision. But to change the platform to drop people like David Sacks in by departing God's word will simply mean that you go down the same exact path the Democrats went down. You cannot get your country back this way. You could only get your power back. And guess what? Power in an earthly sense is so temporary. It is ash. There is no real power except that which comes from God and there is no real home, except for the eternal home you make the decision to choose. Up or down, it is up to you entirely. But thinking this stuff's going to rescue us is just like thinking skin color is diversity, just different lies from the same liar. Lord, thank you for reminding us that you and fearing you, fearing disappointing you, is in fact the beginning of wisdom, that we don't have any wisdom on our own. I'm sure the true source of that. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [Music]