The Todd Herman Show

Microsoft ending DEI and the worldwide impact of the attempted Trump assassination Ep-1728

We need to talk about how Microsoft is ending DEI as we also examine the impact of the attempted assassination of President Trump. It is now being reported that the Secret Service knew 2 hours before the attempted assassination about the shooter. And, we will hear a humble Trump thank Almighty God for saving his life. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 3:5-85 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;6 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
    fear the Lord and shun evil.

8 This will bring health to your body
    and nourishment to your bones.
Proverbs 9:10-12 
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,    and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.11 For through wisdom[a] your days will be many,    and years will be added to your life.12 If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you;    if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.

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20 Jul 2024
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And praise God, I hope it lasts. We'll talk about this with the help of We'll also talk about Microsoft ending DEI. And we talked about, we'll talk about that a bit. But also what I learned from hundreds of junior high school boys this past weekend. In other words, some reasons for hope, but also some hard lessons for parents. Particularly dads. Talk about all of it with the help of God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the emerald city exile. Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. Let me just give you, because I mentioned at the beginning of the show it would be unfair to not do this. This is coming from Good, good news source, I think. And it's coming over from the Gateway Pundent guest post by Christina Layla. Trump's would be assassin Thomas Matthew Cooks had two cell phones and used three encrypted accounts overseas to communicate. The FBI found Cook's cell phone at his home with only 27 contacts that Daily Mail reported. Congressman Mike Walts told Fox News Jesse Waters that according to an FBI briefing, Cooks had multiple encrypted accounts and said more will come out Monday. Representative Walts said the Trump shooter had the overseas accounts at the time we heard about the Iranian assassination plot against Trump. Just Waters asked if the two are connected and they aren't. The so-called Intel agencies leaked an Iranian assassination plot story to CNN and someone's saying to throw chaos into this. They leaked it because they wanted to pretend that they're on top of things. Now, encrypted accounts could mean several things. It could mean that he has telegram accounts. It could mean he has other accounts like that. This doesn't necessarily mean this is spycraft. And overseas could mean that they are, in fact, software licensed overseas. Some of those things do come from overseas. But all encrypted, well, that's interesting. But then again, maybe he thought he was Mr. Spy Man. Let's not all jump to the notion that maybe he got foreign help, but maybe he got foreign help because he got help. I think. I think he got help. President Trump at the convention. This is something I had prayed to see in President Trump because I know what happened to me when God finally, finally allowed me put me in a position or allowed me to put myself in a position where I needed him. And I know what it was like to not know I was arrogant. Now, you could say, "Hey, Herman, you're arrogant about a lot of things." And perhaps there was a time when I was super arrogant about a lot of things. But one thing in specific, I didn't know it was arrogance. It was fathering. Now, I knew I'd made some mistakes, but I'll never forget a conversation I had with my mom when our daughter was in the treatment center and we were going through the teen and adolescent mental health nightmare. Teen and family, I should say, broken kid, broken family. And I remember talking to my mom because I was headed down to Utah, which is where the treatment facility was. And my mom said, "You were just there." I said, "Yeah, I'm making another trip because last time it was a surprise, this is a scheduled family visit and well, but you're just going to burn out. You're working full time. You're doing this. You're doing all this reading. You're taking all these classes to learn to better communicate with your kid, your daughter. You're going to burn out." And I told my mom exactly this. And I said, "No, that will never happen." My love and my ability to love and my patience for my daughter is inexhaustible. That's what I said. I'm in inexhaustible supply. That was true until I didn't. And when that all came, just elderly smashing down upon my head was after our daughter came home from treatment, and she got to a point where she was vitally angry with me for having put her in there. She identified it as me. I, the parent who did it. And if there was a time when she would effectively not speak to me in my own home, and that sucked, that hurt. I felt betrayed. I felt worried. I felt desperate. And I remember where I was in my truck when I began weeping and saying to God, "My supply of empathy and patience and love is not inexhaustible. I can't do this. I need you to take over." And I was ugly sobbing. I think I had to throw the shirt away because of this snot on it. And it was not long after that that things began to change. And I could feel God saying, "Okay, finally, you're going to let go of that part. That's the part you've been holding back. That's the part you haven't wanted me in. I wanted to do it all on your own." So maybe you heard it too in President Trump's voice or saw it in his countenance. I'll play this video in a second. I'll tell you, as I think about these things, you know, I'm watching friends make all sorts of kind of really brutally bad health decisions. And of course, given my maybe obsession with health, I don't know where those lines are at. I do know this that I had a friend of mine come to me and say, "What is the name of that liver product you talk about?" And I said, "Okay, it's liver health formula." And he said, "Okay, how do you know if you have fatty liver?" And I had to look at my friend and say, "In all likelihood, you have it. I love you dearly. Given your body weight, you probably have it." And a hundred million Americans do have it and it largely comes. If you are obese or heavy, you probably have it. And I said, "Why are you asking me about it?" He goes, "Well, because I'm feeling like I probably have it." And it's tired, sluggish, et cetera. And of course, I looked him in the eye and said, "Hey, will you come hiking with me? Will you come and do some physical things with me? And can we get it fixed the right way, not with just this liver health formula?" Look, they themselves at the company don't want you to view this as something you take for the rest of your life. Yes, it has 11 clinically proven botanicals. It protects your liver, helps protect your liver through this process. It can help you lose the belly fat. It is there to protect your liver so you don't get liver disease, which is what fatty liver can lead to. So I was saying to my friend, he goes, "I'm not even at the stage where I can really walk around my block right now." So when that happens, maybe you and I can take a walk together. Cool, cool. Here's what you can do if you're in this circumstance. It's number one, understand that there's no body shaming. I don't do that. I used to weigh 400 pounds and understand that I love you because you're created by God. And go to That's When you buy a 30-day supply, you get two free gifts. So here's President Trump. He's at the convention in IC and here in him something I have been begging to see and hear. (Applause) I'm not supposed to be here tonight. Not supposed to be here. (Applause) Thank you. But I'm not. And I'll tell you, I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God. (Applause) In watching the reports over the last few days, many people say it was a providential moment. It was providential. Mr. President, you only had the White House through the grace of God. You only have this character that fights, that seems incapable of giving in to the grace of God. You only had the wealth to stand on so that you could substantially fund your first campaign, well the second campaign, first major campaign for President, that you could largely self-fund it through the grace of God. Mr. President, God gave you the television platforms, the apprentice, so that you could develop a public persona. He gave you, with all due respect, a desire to be at the center of every conversation, which has served you very well. He gave that to you, to steward. The first four years in the White House, and may you have four more, God allowed you to take the love of deal-making. He gave you, the skill at that craft. He gave you, and allowed you to steward it, into creating an actual framework for functional peace in the Middle East by not bothering to negotiate with Hamas, an entity that does not want peace. And with which we cannot negotiate because they are murderous satanic psychopaths at the leadership level. God gave you deal-making prowess, experience, that allowed you to very simply look at the math. Why do businesses locate outside the United States of America? Because it's cheaper for them, or was, to pay hundreds of tax attorneys and accountants to create labyrinthine corporate structures that make it appear that they are actually not located or not headquartered in America, then simply to pay the taxes and be located in America. Those monies, going to the tax accountants and the lawyers, are monies that are not going to research and development. You, through the deal-making, the love of deal-making, the Lord gave you, the skill the Lord allowed you to acquire through the practice of deal-making. You were able to steward those skills and that love into that restructuring of a tax deal that did, in fact, bring work home to places like J.D. Vance's home of Ohio. You, in fact, from your love of seeing things built that God gave you, you wanted to rebuild the American steel business. I fully believe that. I think God gave in you this love of seeing these buildings go up, and, yes, your name on them, and the licensing deals to put your name on buildings you didn't build. He gave you all this love for these things and the skill and the ability to practice it, and he gave you the White House. Your biggest mistake in the White House was not trusting something else God gave you, instinct. I know that you had a bunch of data on the third rail of Republican politics. I know this because a gentleman tried to get me to take a meeting with you to be on your presidential campaign long before you decided to run. And I told him, no, I don't want to work in presidential politics. I appreciate the offer. It would be fascinating to meet Mr. Trump. It would be fun to meet him, but I don't want to waste his time. I'm not going to work in campaigns anymore. And he told me at the time that you had the magic position, and I know it was immigration. Your instincts to be able to come down the escalator and say, I'm going to build a wall. The one thing that Republicans would not do, I know that was backed up by data. God gave you the love of that form of decision making, that form of theater. And in the White House, God gave you an instinct. And the instinct was, well, I want this to be able to be on YouTube so I won't mention the instinct. No, no, we'll put the full show up. If you're watching this on YouTube, go watch the full show. I will explain the instinct that President Trump had. That he should have listened to and he didn't, but this, it wouldn't be YouTube safe. So, Mr. President, you have always been in these positions because God puts you in these positions. The addition of humility should scare Democrat to Donald Trump, should scare Democrats more than anything else Trump has ever done. Because with humility, one can go back and we'll look at one's past mistakes and not make them again. With humility, one can look at the job of President as something you've been given to steward, God willing. He's going to give this to you, to steward. He's going to let you use it. It won't be yours, but you can use it. This is the case with our lives. So, I am blown away with praise for God that President Trump sees this now or at least feels it. Because President Trump in all likelihood is a result of, is alive through an act of God, but was almost taken out effectively by DEI. If you're in the video service, you're going to see this headline. If not, I'll explain it to you. You can have a seven-day free trial in the video service at NBC News. Secret Service says it's appalled by DEI rhetoric against female agents after Trump rally shooting. Sunday shooting is the latest instance of right-leaning social media accounts trying to link diversity, equity and inclusion programs to deeply troubling news events. Trying to? One of the female agents had trouble with her gun and her holster. When the shots, the reports of the shots were hitting the stage, she did not rush to the president's side. She hid. Now, reasonable human beings hide when there are gunshots coming their way. Service agents are not reasonable human beings. God gave them to steward the desire to be the sheepdog to protect. This woman did not have that. Nor did she have the physical capability to run very far or to carry the president if God forbid he had been hit. The body is not large enough to cover the president's body. Neither of the women's bodies are. President Trump is a tall man. He's a large man. That's not linking DEI to anything. It is reporting the fact that the woman, the disgraced woman, who runs the secret service under the impeached and utterly corrupt and nearly a meorkis. She herself is probably a DEI hire who was obsessed with the EI hires. That was her whole goal at the secret service was to install women in these positions. There are plenty of in-shape women. I'll say it time and again. I was just this past week. I had a conversation with my friend, Tia, who was first in the world my age group a few years ago in the CrossFit Games. Look, it's a sad fact to me, but I'm here to tell you there's not anything Tia can't do better than me in CrossFit. Anything. That's her job. Could she go be a secret service agent? Yeah. Yeah, she's one woman who could, but her body's not big enough to cover President Trump's. Therefore, she shouldn't be on the body team. So as Microsoft is dumping DEI and we'll talk about this a lot because I have some very, very emotional connections to this and some inside. So some experience I can share with you about this. I'm beginning to see culturally this change and it is about Donald Trump and it's about what God, how God is using Donald Trump and it is changing culture. And this culture needs to be changed. This is a woman weeping. She happens to be a black woman and she's weeping in response to the RNC convention. Yes, for three people just to survive in violence economy. Why am I crying over the Republican National Convention? It's going on. It's upsetting to see this world that we're living in right now. Hold on. Oh, this world that we're living in right now is feels like upside down land. I've been a Democrat for nearly 50 years. Why am I crying over the Republican National Convention? Like Amber Rose did a beautiful job. Oh, she did a beautiful job. I'm so proud of her. And then all the diversity and just, I think I'm crying because it's cognitive dissonance. Like what is going on? I've been talking about my whole life. I don't think I've probably ever watched a Republican National Convention. Let's start there. You don't know unless you go see for yourself and stop listening to what people tell you. It's just so beautiful. Just the patriotism, the coming together. I'm telling you, if you on the outside and you think MAGA is this horrible thing. I don't know what to tell you besides you have to see for yourself. It's beautiful. It's so beautiful. The coming together of America, America singing no more, no longer. We're not going to do this. We're not going to divide ourselves. We are red, white and blue. Ah, it's beautiful. Okay, I got to finish walking. Bye bye. Okay, pop buzzkill. That should only happen in church. Feelings like that. I think she reserved for church or for prayer groups. Now, is it not beautiful? Okay. It's cool. The cultural change is cool. It gives us an opportunity to forestall the ruin of our country. I would just caution everybody that having Ambrose on stage, I am telling you came with a payoff and that payoff was the abandonment of the biblical principle of marriage, which is what marriage means. It was abandoning that. That's not in the platform. Because to get people like it, I'm not saying David Sachs personally. I'm not saying Ambrose personally. I know the dynamics because I was there having people in Hollywood say we can't come your way and donate money to you. People in Silicon Valley, people in New York, finance circles. We can't openly do this until you drop your position on the social issues. So until you surrender the safety of families and the sanctity of marriage, we can't help you politically. So now we're getting help politically and look what got dropped from the platform. You just go in a great big circle. So the Republicans win office back. President Trump somehow gets through the massive vote fraud and he's back in office and praise God. And he does the thing with the tax rates and he does the thing with the illegal immigrants and he cleans up election integrity. Well, that moves us forward five steps. But if we don't, in fact, take that office that President Trump would be given to the grace of God and use it to steward what he's been given and steward it in a godly way, then we're taking fundamental steps backwards in terms of the family unit. The family unit is the basis on which all of this sits. There's a reason why there's year zero. There's a reason why year zero comes by separating one generation from another. It's because it works because the final nail into America's head is that separation of the generations. That's why the separate countries like Washington State and California are making it official. We are the parents. We're the parents who say yes to sex orgies at the age of five. We're the parents who say yes to having pornographic materials. We're the parents who say yes to drugs. We're the parents who say yes to go out and have wrong sex hormones and wrong sex surgery. We're the parents who say yes. Your parents say no. The only thing we say no to is voting Republican. Well, while I find it's, I want to find it beautiful that the lady had these feelings. I do find it's hope and faith affirming that we have sort of a stop gap now to losing America totally. And that came through President Trump through smart politics. And frankly, through the Democrats, just showing themselves to be absolutely vile in their pursuit of power, doing anything and everything in order to have power, including engineering a massive invasion of our country. And people noticing this, but it's not just here. This is global. This is a video, a friend of mine, Justin Hart's put up. Now, he didn't make it, but he put it up. And it is some kids in Uganda. And those who are just listening to this, you can get a free seven day trial of video service at video dot the Todd Herman Show dot com. So you can actually see things like this along with us. These are some kids from Uganda. If you're watching Uganda, if you're watching this, you get it. If you're listening, they are little kids, probably, I don't know, six, seven, eight years old, maybe a little older, reenacting the attempted assassination of President Trump in Uganda. And I really see something that said, take a look at what happened. There's a little girl raising her hand like the president. I'm sorry to laugh at such a bad moment. I'm sorry because, you know, a man lost his life at that moment. Well, two men did. The shooter who deserved to lose his life and Corey, the firefighter who did not. But the little girl raising her hands like President Trump noticed something. The boys are all bigger. They're all able to use their bodies to cover hers. So the cultural change for President Trump, that iconic moment that speaks to the human heart and to go back to the opening of the program. Mr. President, you were given that, that, that, that willingness to fight, that refusal to step down. You were given it by God. And here's the part that was not YouTube safe. You were also given the instinct to look at the COVID thing and come out and say, this is a flu. What are we doing? This is going to infect some people. We're going to get hurt and muted. It's going to go away. You were right. The biggest thing maybe that God gave you is instinct to spot the sucker at the negotiating table. And to spot what that was. So in your humility, which I believe is newly given to you, please, praise God for the humility. Please recognize it for what it is. And please, Mr. President, the next time that if you make it into office, if God allows this, the next time one of these technocratic bureaucrats comes at you, technocratic health or craft comes at you. Or anyone else, stop, wait a moment, pray, observe their fruits. Are they seeking to be served or are they serving? And I don't mean serving you. I mean serving the nation, serving God. Are they patient? Are they kind? Are they loving? Are they people who are holding on to grievances? In other words, are they in the fruit of the spirit or not? And make that your decision-making platform in how you treat people and trust people. In other words, rely not on your own wisdom, but that of God's because fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The Lord could have allowed you to be taken and he didn't. He didn't. I got a note from someone asking me something about what we do in this workplace. And it was, do you have the Oxyleaf II thunderstorm device running all the time? He actually said in the note, I should pull it up. Okay, but I don't want to just go to my computer. But he said, you seem to suggest it's running all the time. It is running. And it is so quiet. I'd have to pick up the microphone and walk over there. And that would drive now to nuts because of the cameras and then the microphone. And trust me, she'd get angry. And it's sitting right over there. This is the device that produces ozone in our studio. I have another device like this at home. My friend Ben has told you, or at least I've told you about him using it to get the smell of kid vomit, his little boy vomit in his wife's car, rotten bear sausage out of his truck because Ben's that sort of dude. We have it in this studio because we're locked in here all day. We can't have doors or windows open. I used it at home. My wife puts it in the kitchen or various places. We have two cats. So when we have neighbors over or friends over, we put the Oxyleaf II thunderstorm devices at the entrance so that they're not first instantly confronted with cat smell. And yes, we cleaned the litter boxes, obviously. You may have pets. You may smoke cigarettes and your home stinks of cigarettes. This will negate that, but please stop smoking. I beg you to stop smoking. Please don't do that to yourself. This is also great for people who are locked in small places like college dorms or military barracks. I have a young family member who lives with a group of girls, and apparently these groups of girls are probably the least hygienic people he's ever seen. So I think I should probably send him more to this. It's not an air filter. It's not loud. It's quite. It produces ozone. And those particles of ozone just go absolutely purify the air, including purifying it of viruses. You can get yours and breathe the breath of fresh air, go to and enter code Todd three to save two hundred bucks. Whole home coverage, three of these devices, enter code Todd T O D D three at So this is ledge. This is not global. This change is global. And it speaks to a culture. President Trump is now going to be put in a position where he's there now to steward a culture. Emery King posted something very instructive about culture in America, and he posted this on Twitter. Kyle Rittenhouse fired three shots at a liberal protest and managed to hit a pedophile, a woman beater, and a serial thief. Someone fired a shot at a conservative rally and managed to hit a married firefighter and father of two speaks volumes. It does. And the image here is of two of the people that Rittenhouse was forced to kill and the man that he injured by shooting half his arm off. Joseph P. Roffenbaum, a rosin bomb, convicted felon, sex offender, level three, sex offender, failure to maintain registered status, attempted assault and battery against Rittenhouse, and he was killed by the victim. Anthony Huber convicted felon, assault and battery, domestic abuse, false imprisonment, illegal weapon, assault and battery killed by the victim. Gage P. Grozencuts, who has now changed his name to something else I can't recall, convicted felon, felon, burglary, probation, violation, illegal weapon, assault with an illegal weapon, neutralized by the victim. Or the intended victim, Kyle Rittenhouse, who did not become a victim because he defended himself with the second memorites. It's a difference in culture. And this belief that the shiny, shrewd Republicans have in D.C. is that you can have conservatism without the culture wars. That is not possible. You'll have nothing to conserve. If you have no respect for the so-called social issues, if you don't fight them, if you don't fight for the word of God, then what do you have to preserve? Your own ideas, your feelings. That's what you're preserving. This is a classmate, speaking of culture, of the shooter, Thomas Cook, talking about how he experienced this shooter. Thomas was a quiet kid, unless there's something that he was passionate about. Politics being one of them, he just did not like politicians, especially with the choices that we've had. He did not like our politicians. It was especially during 2016. It was Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, all of them. He showed that he just liked all of them, did not like any of them. I brought up the fact that I'm Hispanic, and you know, I'm for Trump. He said, "Well, you're Hispanic, so shouldn't you hate Trump?" And I was like, "No, he's great." I mean, he's a great president. And he called me stupid or insinuated that. He was like, "Well, that's kind of stupid." He wasn't know at all. So once again, if he was passionate about something, he was just talk, talk, talk. And I could like, you know, he knew everything, especially politics related. And he was just, he would say it in a tone that was like, "I'm better than you." And a type of way. And, you know, meanwhile, it's like, dude, we're in the same classes. In other words, arrogance. And I haven't been able to confirm, and maybe someone has this photo floating around that appears to be the shooter pretending to be a woman. Of course, that would fit right in with the modern day pattern where a lot of narcissists, male narcissists, are becoming autogadophiliacs, who are sexually aroused by forcing the world to pretend they're women. And I haven't been able to confirm that, but it would fit in with culture. And culture is upstream of politics. Someone asked me the other day to enter Breitbart. Someone asked me yesterday about the shooting and about the conspiracy theories around the shooting. And here's how I answered it. I went back to the evil sandwich. She'd never heard this explanation before of evil sandwich. Evil sandwich is, at the top, you have evil, scheming people looking to have control, power, and in our case, I think, to tear the country apart with the cultural revolution or the color revolution. On the bottom, you have subservient, stupid people who understand that they have jobs in government that they don't really deserve, that they couldn't go get on their own, that they're not going to be able to go get jobs in the private world. If they have to compete for jobs, they're at the bottom. In the middle, I want to think I'm in the middle, and that we want to live our lives. We want to serve God, live our lives, and be left alone by these people. But top down, bottom up, squeeze the middle, you have, at the top, very, very scheming, very evil people who want to select underlings who are stupid. And we'll do exactly as they're told. This is why the figurehead is the perfect so-called president for this time. It's not because he's stupid. He is a career liar and plagiarist and I think adulterer, and I think he's a sex abuser of his kids. I do. I think he is. I think that's what the evidence shows. And he's become so utterly weak-minded that my friend Eric Erickson said something that made sense about him the other day. Eric posted this. He said that he thinks the best thing for the Democrats to do is to go meet Biden in Delaware and say congratulations on wrapping up your second term as president. Eight great years, Mr. President. Will you come and speak on behalf of your vice president at the convention? Will you come and do that? Obviously, it's only one term. But an example of someone who breaks this pattern is a guy who's the manager of Butler Township. So he's in the middle. He's just the manager of a township. But he came out and said something that to me indicates that there were smart, scheming people at the top. We'll get to that. But first we're going to go through this secret service identified. How long before the shooting? We'll turn to Fox News for that because it matters. I just mentioned my friend Ben in something that matters and it slipped my mind. I didn't tell you this. Ben turned me on to something about collagen that I didn't know and I take college and I take native path collagen. He told me that if you're getting ready for a particularly long workout, that's going to be particularly grueling on the joints. And in this case, I was talking about running a, it's not a 5k, it's a 10k with a 30 pound pack and my seal fit boots and my 30 pound dowel. So 60 additional pounds, none of it, none of it well balanced on the body. It's really hard on the body. Even the seal fit guidebook for training for this says, don't do this very often. Like walk in these things, rock in them, don't run with full kit very often. It's really, really hard on you. But I know I'm going to have to do it there. So I'm exposing myself to it. I didn't know until Ben told me that drinking or having collagen before a workout like that actually preserves your joints and it does. And if you're not taking college and understand what you can be missing out on is defense of your skin, defense of your bones, your cartilage. And native path collagen formula is scientifically back to increase bone mineral density, accelerate tissue recovery, reduce wrinkles, enhance hair thickness, strengthen weak or damaged nails. And like, look, look at my, I've only recently started to actually clip my nails because I'm on video all the time. Someone actually sent me a note saying, Todd, if you're going to be gesticulating with your hands, make sure that you can't tell you bite your nails. Good call. Did that. And if you're breaking your nails all the time, that ain't fun. That's happened to me in the weight room. This is made with only type one and type three collagen fibers. The most important types that make up 90% of the collagen in your body. It's a single ingredient formula, no fillers, no additives, no artificial sweeteners. It is third party tested to make sure that there are no heavy metals, nothing like that. And ensuring no safety issues, it's native path collagen. Right now, you can visit get and it's different website. It's get native You can stock up a native path collagen for an incredible 45% off today plus get free shipping. The website again is get native for up to 45% off, get native, 45% off, up to 45% off and free shipping. This came out during the convention. It got missed. It got run over. I'm not going to play that game. I'm not going to just focus on the convention. This is an important report from Fox News. On what the Secret Service knew about the shooter. Minutes before Donald Trump took the stage for more. We want to go to Aisha because there was a briefing today. You've got some information about what happened, Aisha. Dana, good afternoon to you. We just got a big information dump and some of it is deeply, deeply troubling. So I'm going to hold your hand and walk you through this. Just bear with me here. A lot of notes that I'm going to look at here. Just about a couple minutes ago, these senators came out of this briefing with Secret Service. They've been asking for it for days now, finally got it with the director and Secret Service staff in the top headline that has come out of it. According to Senator John Barrasso, just spoke to him as soon as he hung up on this briefing. He said that apparently the Secret Service had identified as a character of suspicion, this man, the shooter, because they saw a range finder on him as well as a backpack. And this all happened more than an hour before the shooting actually occurred. So they saw the guy and they identified this guy as suspicious. Now, more details coming from a source familiar here who was also in the meeting tells me that about ten minutes before former President Trump went on to the stage, they had gone from looking at this guy as suspicious to now looking at him as a threat. That is coming from this briefing that the senators were in. They were told that Secret Service had called it in to a center that this guy, they now identified as a threat. Well ago, I was to give a speech and the speech got canceled because there was a credible threat. I am a nobody. In particular, in comparison to President Trump, I am a nobody. None of the eyes of God, you aren't, God doesn't view us that way. President Trump's not more important to God than you are, or me. But for me, I mean, okay, so the venue didn't want it and sponsors didn't want it. I get it. They don't want a sponsor thing where someone gets murdered. I was willing to go. They kept the president on stage that evil sandwich. Here's what this looks like to me. Let one get through. There were some doors that were opened in the Capitol during January 6. Why? Let some get in. Let them do the thing. Tom Knight is a manager of Butler Township, and he is not evil and scheming, nor is he servile, and on the bottom looking boot just to get by. He came out and spoke a truth about this. I haven't heard this reported anywhere, really. It's a good interview. In fact, see an individual on the roof with a weapon. He saw the shooter. He did. Your officers are on patrol. They hear that there is a suspicious person on the rooftop. What did your officers do? So our officers in the area started to converge on the building. My understanding is they did a full perimeter walk of the building. We weren't able to see up on the roof. Two of the officers went to what appeared to be the lowest point from ground to roof. One of the officers actually boosted the second officer up high enough for him to grab hold of the roof. When he was able to pull his head up over the roof, he did in fact see an individual on the roof with a weapon. He saw the shooter. He did. And what did the shooter do? Turned towards him, had the barrel of his weapon pointed at the officer. At that point, the officers hanging on to the side of the roof, unable to pull a gun out, unable to defend himself, unable to reach his radio. Any of them. Yeah, yeah. Strictly defensive movement for him to lower his head, duck, lost his own grip, right, fell approximately feet to the ground. That's a steep drop. It's a good drop. Yes. Did he get hurt? He did. In that moment, did they realize there's a threat right now to the former president? They did. So both the boosting officer and the officer that fell were both on the radio, indicating that there was an individual on the roof that did in fact have a weapon. Who did they radio? So there was a blanket tactical channel. Everyone heard it. Everyone who was on that tactical channel heard it. Yes. How much time between that radio communication and the gun being fired at the former president? That I don't have that information. Enough time to get him on the ground. Enough time to grab him. Everyone was on the same tactical channel. Sean M. Davis, the managing editor of the Federalist wrote on Twitter about this meeting that the Secret Service DEI boss lady had with senators. Mike Lee had posted Secret Services Briefing Senators on a conference call regarding the assassination attempt against President Trump. So far, they're flooding us with details that aren't helpful. Sean M. Davis writes. Breaking sources from there with the call tell me that multiple senators were prohibited from asking any questions to the Secret Service during this call. Senators Blackburn, Cruz, and Lee, among others, were left in the queue and not allowed to ask questions of the agency they fund and oversee. The Meming of America is sometimes very, very instructive. This came up from Wikihow how to sneak into a building full of police snipers. Method one of four using a ladder and it's an image of a guy with an AR on one hand and a ladder over his arm. And then the Meming of America. This is a joke headline from something called Town Hall. A tip sheet, "Mayorkus is blocking Secret Service Director from testifying by some made-up person named Katie Pavlich." Oh, hold it. I know Katie. That's real. The disgraced, impeached, headed Department of Homeland Security is blocking the DEI Secret Service Lady from testifying. Before the assassination attempt, a leftist named Lee Reid Hoffman who founded LinkedIn said that he wished that they'd made Trump an actual, an actual martyr. We know about this. And then there's Joy Reid and we'll wrap up with Gavin Newsom since there's word that the figurehead is going to decide this weekend he's got a bad flu and couldn't have long run for president. Joy Reid. Universal kind of reaction that I'm getting, whether it's civilians or, you know, professionals, is really a deep concern and lack of confidence in not us at this table or us at MSNBC, but us as the media writ large. And a fear that what's going to happen now is that the Republican Party will do what they do. They're in the middle of a campaign. The convention started today. But the media will acquiesce to trying to convince people that the things they've been experiencing for the last five, six years didn't happen. That the greatest purveyor and promoter of political violence really, you know, since anyone can remember since George Wallace, I think, you know, that we just have an experience that kind of open, you know, sort of citing or sort of incitement of violence or sort of luxuriating in the idea. But it's just not something we're used to anymore in American politics. And they bring a knife, we bring a gun, Barack Hussein Obama. They bring a knife, we bring a gun, get up on the faces, you know, as well as I do. As we're talking about this on this Friday, and you may be hearing it later, watching it later, but it's Friday. And we're talking about this the day after President Trump speech, the 19th. We're hearing that this weekend, the figurehead is going to just drop out of the race. He's not going to endorse Kamie Harris. And that's going to be fun to watch. If it's an open primary now, an open convention, it's going to be fun to watch because it has to be a black woman. Because Kamie Harris decided to pretend to be black. Gavin Newsom could well come out and say he's a black woman. After all, he's from California, and there is no truth there. Gavin Newsom was doing a group interview. One of the people who got to ask questions was Adam Corolla. Praise God. Adam Corolla got to be one of those people. Adam Corolla here. Governor, why did you shut the beaches in California during COVID? Yeah, I think we all were working on information at the time. We had no basis of deeply understanding the virus. I think they didn't know anything. It's like Florida. If you didn't know anything, why'd you shut the beaches? Well, we didn't know. Yeah, because people were concerned early in the pandemic. Information was coming out. Is it related to how it was transferred? The disease. People were cautious trying to keep people alive. And I should say this. I don't want to go in the sunshine and get vitamin D and exercise. So you shut the beaches. Okay. And you arrested a guy who was paddle boarding in the bay. Health, wealth, and. Yeah, any signs behind him and I had to say we're dining. We're all down outdoor dining. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. You see that. I'm based on science. You didn't hit a day. The debate tonight. It's not a debate. You shut down towards the debate. Your cancel services has nothing to do with science. All right. Let him finish. All right. Go ahead. All this happened in the. How is it that we knew? It was all nonsense because God. Let us see it. Please, please remember to thank God for the gifts he's given you, even as he's given President Trump. I think the emotion that could unlock a level of greatness in his presidency that we need to see. And that is humility, but that humility would come along with Mr. President put biblical marriage back in the platform and defend the family. This is a Todd Herman show. Please go be well. Be strong. Be kind and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. 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