The Todd Herman Show

Open your eyes! The collapse of society is not localized or accidental… Ep-1726

If you haven’t seen what is happening in Haiti, it is horrific. There is actual footage of a man, who is now running Hati, eating human body parts. The Mockingbird Media had unanimously made fun of President Trump for calling the country a sh*thole. Now, the Washington Post is reporting on the horrors happening there. Incidentally, we'll talk about why all this is happening. But, that’s just Haiti. It couldn't happen here, right? I will show you scenes from Seattle of a bearded “woman” going on a naked rampage and a taxpayer funded heroin den. And, we look at perversion in the schools of Oklahoma. This show is for anyone who still thinks the collapse of society is localized.

What does God’s Word say? 

Proverbs 6:16-1 16 There are six things the Lord hates,    seven that are detestable to him:17 haughty eyes,        a lying tongue,        hands that shed innocent blood,18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,        feet that are quick to rush into evil,19 a false witness who pours out lies     and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

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18 Jul 2024
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God, they won't take any precaution of the kinds if patterns hold true. We have to pray. We have to pray for the people on that island that is now in hellfire. I mean, there's cannibals. There's not a few of them. There's a lot of them. And it seems to be the contest to kill as many people as possible in the most brutal way as possible. It's talking to a friend of mine who has a friend down there affecting evacuations of people. You'd want your family out, too. It is a good thing that America could never fall to this point, right? Because America could never fall to this point, right? There's no signs of the sort of governance or lack of God that could ever allow this nation to fall to that point, right? Because we've got magic powers, right? We've got started with the help of bulwark capital management, You got to see me with Zach a whole bunch. That was enormous fun. And thank you, God Almighty, for that partnership, which has led to this partnership, that between all of us. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. Let's just lay out the scenario we face in the United States as regard to Haiti. This is the scenario faced in everything in the United States because people have decided to allow themselves to be divided and conquered along party lines, pretend ideological lines, rather than grounding themselves in the unerrant, unchangeable word of God in the Bible. Instead of grounding themselves on something that is a rock, the rock. Nope, we got to reinvent and have ideology trump all of this. Let's just go through this scenario. Like, you remember when the 2000 Mules movie came out? I promise it's related to Haiti. When the 2000 Mules movie came out and they revealed this technology they used to be able to track the Mules, if you haven't seen the movie, Mules referred to people, in this instance, who were mewling, carrying big, big, big buckets of votes, big boxes of ballots and dropping them in, drop boxes here or there. And the movie showed that there was a very small number of people who dumped a whole bunch of ballots in the drop boxes. And the odds of them having done that legitimately are, of course, well, close to zero. There's videos of a woman feverishly signing ballots in her car before they're dumped into a drop box. When that movie came out, the fact checkers came along and said, "Oh, well, you couldn't use GPS tech to track people's phones to that level. That can't be done." So, nope, the movie is a forest. It's fiction that never happened to tech like that doesn't exist. Sept, prior to that movie, the New York Times had written an article, very similar to the one we talked about the other week, about using ad tech technology to track down Vladimir Putin through his body people, his guards. The New York Times ran an article about tech like that, being able to find you within nine feet or less, sometimes within three feet of where you had been, or were at that time. So, what? 2,000 meals is there. Oh, it's nonsense. When the New York Times writes it, it's award-winning journalism. And it can go right down the list. Oh, I'm not taking any injection that the Trump administration pushed. I'm not taking that. That was many of the dictators of the Western States, the dictator of the former state of Washington, Jay Inslee, and Gavin Newsom, the dictator of California, got together. And they said, "We're going to form a Western States Union, and we're going to have our own scientists look at anything, anything that's tainted by Trump." The moment the figurehead was installed, the very same injections, no extra testing, all of a sudden became the sacrament of the left. And all of a sudden it wasn't just, "Are they going to take him? You are too, lest you don't want to work." And so it is with Haiti. So it is with Haiti. Because everything must be the true thing. And the true thing is an insatiable lust for power to covet control over us, to covet. Being God. And so we'll dig into this. I'm constantly now amazed when I go into stores at how much garbage I have bought in my life. Truly amazed. You know, I still have an occasional monster soda, and I even have a little bit of gum from time to time. And just this morning when I was buying this gum, why? Because they're moving around people, they don't want to be breathing bad breath, so why don't I just have a toothbrush and toothpaste around? Why don't I just do that, like, just toothpaste any better? Why don't I just have mint around? I know that makes me sound like a hippie, but I'm really beginning to look into grocery carts. Like, "I was in a store this morning, and there's this guy buying cigarettes." And I'm thinking, "Oh, brother, please quit smoking, and here I am standing here buying useless gum." I mean, yeah, it's probably not going to kill me. Cigarettes will kill you, eventually, or most people make you very, very sick. So when I find that I'll turn it to this, I am going to embrace it. That's what I've done with native path krill. I've embraced it like I've embraced drinking water instead of the next cup of bubbly soda. I've embraced native path krill, and I've dropped ibuprofen, and you can do the same thing. Native path krill comes from the cleanest waters to which we have access. These are in the Antarctic. They're relatively free, or very free, of heavy metals and toxins that are in so many of the other portions of the ocean. They're crustaceans. Obviously different from fish, and the resulting omega-3 oils are far, far more absorbable. Up to 400% more absorbable than that which comes from fish. And it's not just inflammation, it fights. It prevents your gut lining from being destroyed, which is what ibuprofen does. While it doles the pain from inflammation, it causes more inflammation. Therefore, you take more of the product. Ain't that what pharma does? Isn't that why I'm standing in line buying gum? It's not because it makes my breath smell good, it's because I like chewing the garbage. Please toss pharma. Go to Find out the specials they have for you today. Get off the ibuprofen. Don't let it harm your liver. Don't let it come for your kidneys. Take the omega-3s that are far more absorbable. Haiti may have been, and I think this could be a bit of a stretch from revolver. The Haitian Revolution, you can call it DEI. I mean, it obviously wasn't said that at the time. It was in 1804, 1805, where the slaves revolted God bless them for revolting. And they didn't put in a system of governance that was moored to the Christian faith. It was moored to tribalism. And it was a DEI appointment of people. Well, they have these characteristics in this tribe, and this tribe has to have this many representatives, and this tribe has to have this many. So tribalism, a form of DEI, and Haiti was founded on that. And it's continued to have problems because, of course, it's unmoored to the rock. Here's what I was talking about in relation to the New York Times saying, "Oh, this incredible tech, we tracked down President Trump. Using this incredible tech, this geofencing and geolocation data, and you can buy this commercial data and get down to Trump within three feet." And here's a map of President Trump walking through Mar-a-Lago, and we know this because this says, "Here's his secret service guys. We know where his secret service guys are. Therefore, if we wanted to assassinate President Trump, that's, of course, the subtext, we could do that at Mar-a-Lago." Then the 2000 mules movie comes out, and the fact checkers say, "Now, that can't be done." No one can do that with cell phones, so it is with Haiti. I give you from January 12, 2018, and please forgive the cursing on the screen. That's, but it's there on purpose. You remember when literally Orange Hitler, who works for Putin, called Haiti a blank hole? So this ran in the Washington Post, January 12, 2018, perspective by Jonathan M. Katz. That's his picture there on the screen. This is how ignorant you have to be to call Haiti a blank hole. And they're showing a picture of an absolutely picturesque. I hate that word because it's hard to say. That should be banned. Take a note, it's in a strongly worded letter to the word people. I can't say picturesque. Picture-esque. That's a beautiful island. If you're watching the video service, who doesn't want to go there? But it's not about geography. It's not about the beaches. Now, here's the Washington Post with a slightly different take on this. This is from March 9, 2024. This is two people writing. We'll door, that's a cool name. We'll door Maricourt and Samantha Shemit. See, I get jealous of cool names because my name's a sound. Todd, it's an utterance, not really a name. Headline, Haitian shot dead in street and there's no one to take the corpses away. That sounds like a blank hole. Sounds like a hell hole. Forgive the language. I mean, that's what it sounds like. And the scenes out of Haiti are things that could never happen here, praise God. We could never see things like this in the United States of America. This is outside the American Embassy. We're about to lose another embassy, perhaps, courtesy of, well, the figurehead or courtesy of the fact that Haiti is a nation, an island nation, founded on anything but the rock of the Christian faith. It's grounded on tribalism. And then, since this tribe has this many people, and we need this in DEI, not quality of leadership. Not quality of people. There's a team, by the way, before we run this, of Marines on their way to Haiti. Please pray for the Marines that are going down there to secure our embassy. Please pray on your hands and knees for them that they come home safe. This was the scene outside the embassy a few days ago. Please pray! So people fleeing through Port-au-Prince, one of the major cities there. And I guess there's that military, cartels, gang who knows. What you see in Haiti as you watch this is what Antifa set up in Seattle, Washington during the summer of love. It wasn't that they were hacking bodies to death. Thank God they weren't. It wasn't at that level, but it was the same thing. The difference is not in things, but in degrees. So it's not a material difference. In Seattle, Antifa and Black Lives Matter Incorporated were allowed to seize a six-block area called part of Capitol Hill. What you saw there, and I should have pulled the video of this. What you saw there of the people in chaos being chased through their cities, people were chased out of Capitol Hill. There were in fact two murders. One a woman was murdered by a man who was known as a notorious, notorious method. He hammered nails into her head and killed her that way, but not before he beat her up on camera a few weeks before. And of course was let out. His name was Travis. There were two murders of teens. Well, no, of young men. One was a teen, a child. Driving in a stolen car went to rush the gates of what I called Antifa stand. The summer of love headquarters after they had seized a police station. He was headed toward the gates. There's video of this. Again, I should have pulled this. And you had gang members in Capitol Hill who were in fact, tribally warring as to who would control. That I say six blocks. I think it was 12 blocks of Seattle. They took cover and fired into the vehicle and killed, I believe he was 15. There was a 19 year old killed there. There was a street preacher sexually assaulted in public. There were armed Antifa members with masks on. Wasn't interesting that at the same time they decided to allow a bunch of riots around the country. That the woke masks came about. Was that a fascinating happening? So they had their woke masks on driving around in the back of an unmarked vandalized truck, no license plates. There are five or six guys in the back with long rifles, long guns. And they were blocking the cops from responding to organized acts of vandalism where they were destroying businesses in what's actually Chinatown. But we're supposed to call it the international district, even though it's Chinese people who live there. Largely black groups destroyed about 80 businesses owned by Chinese people. Now, of course, that's just a small thing. That's just a small time. See, the difference is not a material difference. It's by degree. In Haiti, they're eating people. In Seattle, they were just raping them and murdering them with guns and hammering nails into their heads. That's all. They were just burning down people's businesses, seizing blocks of a city, not letting people enter. That's all. Do you see what I mean by the difference being non-material, but simply by degree? It all makes sense if you just turn to something as simple as Proverbs. It all makes sense if it's unmoored from the rock of faith. It's unmoored and uncontrolled of it's just the human flesh running things, particularly tribally. You get what you get. Proverbs, chapter 6, verses 16 through 19, "There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him, haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who shares up conflict in the community." If you were to read that on Jeopardy, the answer might be, what is gang warfare? You know what else it might be? What is DEI? It might be the same thing, carries the same characteristics. I still don't know how many people in our country are actually evil. Actually know they're working for the enemy. I don't know. I don't know. You do either. But I know there's a ton of people who are so easily taken in. Here's another reminder of recent history. This is a bunch of very, very famous Hollywood stars who, because President Trump said, "Hadie is a blank hole," and said, "Let's make Haiti great again." You end up with this. If you're watching the video service, you see the T-shirts. It's interesting. They all have the same T-shirts. There's Bill Maher saying, "Hadie's great already." That's Conan O'Brien saying, "Hadie's great already." That's Susan Sarandon saying, "Hadie's great already." And there's Conan O'Brien in the water, slurping. Is that a peony colada? I don't drink drinks like that. Is that a -- do you know if there's a peony colada? It's fruit drink. Does that have an umbrella in it? So he's in the water with his perfectly coiffed hair and his sunglasses and saying, "Oh, it's -- it's -- Haiti's truly a beautiful country." Yeah, it is. Governed by people who do things according to their own fleshly desire with no, no mooring. So it's a difference in our country by degree, not in any material sense. Please understand our country could fall into this. Please get that. It's a hard thing for me to fathom, even as I speak the words, it's difficult for me to fathom. Going back to the opening comparison, we were discussing the differences in when President Trump was touting the -- the injections. Sadly, he still does tout the injections. He's now saying they're curing cancer. I get it, President Trump never required people to take the injections. God bless them for that. But when he was touting warp speed, you had the left coast dictators, Gavin Newsom, Kate Brown in Oregon, and the dictator of Washington -- the former state of Washington, Jay Inslee, saying, "They're tainted by Trump. We're going to set up our own scientific board to look at this stuff." The second the figure has installed, the shots were miraculous and required for everybody. If you didn't take them, you were a biohazard. So it is with crime. A political party, the Democrats, with some strong help by Mitchell McConnell ends the -- I want to call them Republicans, members of the party. A political party executing a mass invasion of our country for the sole purpose of creating ownership over the electric college results forever. They can't abolish the electric college through the amendment process. They know that's not going to get done. They're tired of waiting, so they're flooding the country with people that are simply warm bodies to them. That's why there's the bidding contests by cities to who can give the illegal immigrants more stuff. This is one of the reasons why the cities like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco are happy to have as many homeless drug addicts as possible. They're even happy to turn people into drug addicts. They -- the money's immaterial to them. If they want more, they take more. It's the fantastic business model. Because those bodies count for political power. That's why, including monies. A political party that will do that, you don't think there are people within that party saying, "Wait a minute. Crime in the cities, this is good for us eventually. We're flooding the country with people who are going to vote our way. We can come and say, "We need complete control." This is a certain senator speaking about crime in America in response to a speech given by George Bush. I put it in very personal terms for a moment. Joe Biden, me, I would settle for a world in which I could worry about the same kinds of things that my parents worried about. In which I only had to worry about the grades my children got in school rather than the drugs they were being exposed to. In which I only had to worry about the prices my wife had to pay at the supermarket instead of fearing that she might get mugged by a junkie in the parking lot and she loads her groceries into the car. In which tonight, I could call my mom just to wish her pleasant dreams not for the purpose of making sure she's safe in her own home. That's the kind of world I want. That's the kind of world you deserve. In a nutshell, the president's plan doesn't include enough police officers to catch the violent thugs, not enough prosecutors to convict them, not enough judges to sentence them, and not enough prison cells to put them away for a long time. We disagree with the president's decision to cut back on our previous commitment to protect against the drugs coming across the border, to cut the customs service, the Coast Guard, and the border patrol. We think we should do more to stem the flow of drugs across our borders and we think we should go one step further. Let's go after the drug lords where they live with an international strike force. There must be no safe haven for these narco terrorists, and they must know it. That's Joe Biden back in the days of George Bush. Now, fascinating here to ponder this. As he speaks those words, were the Republicans ever pro-crime? No. To go back to the theme of the program, America's Not Magic. Unless we are grounded in the Word of God as our firm foundation, our decision-making, America has no magic. We've got a great big landmass. We've got natural resources. I believe blessings from God. I believe our Constitution was inspired by God. It respects God. There's things the government can't do to us because we're made by God. I get these bad, bad allergies this time of year, and sometimes it manifests, and I can't breathe through my nose, which is the case now. It makes it difficult to do the show. You might be able to tell my voice is whack, and it's difficult for me to breathe and concentrate. And sometimes it manifests in me having the most brilliant stiffer in the world, suddenly I'm like a bear, and I can smell barbecue meat 55 miles away. Or wait, there's a rotting calf somewhere in the hill. That happened yesterday, and I smelled my truck. Now, God bless my wife for never saying anything about this. No one else ever really rides in my trucks and all this is really good. I guess my friend Kevin rides in the truck. But I open the truck and I'm like, wait, this smells like Jim's stink. And sure enough, I've got to ask my wife about this. Are you just being kind or you don't smell the Jim's stink? So I made a poll, a trick for my friend, Ben, who took his Eden pure Oxyleaf 2 and put it in his truck to rid it of bear sausage smell, because some bear sausage accidentally got left in there and rotted and aged and matured. Ben got that stuff to go away in one night. It also unlimited the fake new truck smell he sprayed in there. Then his wife was driving their dear little boy around that he puked all over the car. So Ben went out to clean up the puke, but it still smelled like it. So once again, Ben brought in the Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm, which produced ozone overnight in the car, simply plugged in the USB device. And there it was. In the morning, the smell was gone like it never ever happened. I'm going to do the same thing tonight with an Oxyleaf. I'm going to pull it into the garage, put it in my truck, and that smell of Jim bag will not be there anymore. It works for pet smells. It works for oil smells. It works on viruses. And in fact, there's a pet stink guarantee. When you buy the Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm device at and use code Todd3, if it doesn't remove the pet stink, they will give you your money back. Go to, use code Todd3 to get a deal of a lifetime. It's a whole home coverage, three of these devices for under 200 bucks., use code Todd3. I was talking about the difference between us and Haiti, not being a material difference. It's a difference in degree. It's not a material difference. They have warring gangs who are eating people. That's a big difference of degree. We just made the case about Seattle and Antifa stand. We have warring gangs here. They're not yet shooting at each other. That's Republicans and Democrats. All posturing to protect and to provide. All having the same sin problem of coveting control over us to employ themselves as gods. Small G. And you can look at the results. This is a tiny little video out of San Francisco. If you've never been to the parts of San Francisco where they allow this stuff, which is most of it, you can't see this video in complete form because you can't smell it. This is a video downtown San Francisco. Close garbage, filth, needles, pipes everywhere. And yeah, it's a quick video. But you can go through San Francisco at any time of day. I know right where that is. You can go any time of day, any time of night and see that. It's a difference, not a material difference. We aren't different countries. By degree, they did tribalism. They maintained tribalism in early form of DEI. We are getting towards tribalism. We're being turned into tribalists by the manic focus on everything must be race. If you join the body of Christ, you accept Him as your Lord and Savior. You're agreed to be changed by Him. You are now serving the one true King who doesn't want to see us by race. There is no Greek nor Jew, no Gentile nor slave. There's the body of Christ. Hey, that sounds good. I want to do that. If only there was a way I could, and yet there is, of course, a way you can. The similarities continue to add up. See, we're different as a nation because we've not yet been under DEI for as long a time. Haney's been under DEI since 1804, 1805, in a sense, in a sense. We are specifically being put under it, and they're not even pretending. Figurehead Biden is in office because figurehead is figured Biden's turn. He was the perfect guy to go protect the Brock who's seen Obama. God bless Rush Limbaugh legacy. That's what he is. I figurehead, a placekeeper. Tammy Harris is there because she decided all of a sudden to say she's black. She was an Indian before that, an Eastern Indian woman proud of it. And then she said, "Wow, that's not really working for me. I should be a black woman." So now she's a black woman. It's fascinating how that works. This image is not a new one to people who've ever lived in the separate country of Washington state. If you're not watching the video service, you can subscribe at Headline, illegal migrant for Mexico is arrested for crashing his vehicle into a Washington state trooper while intoxicated killing the 27-year-old cop and dad. That's happened to my knowledge about 11 times in the separate country of Washington. In fact, a officer's family bans the dictator of Washington from going to the memorial service because he wanted to go there and give a speech. They went on the program of my dear, departed friends, market dominant radio host who, by the way, I don't know if you guys know this about Dory Monson. Before he died, you know what he began doing? Sharing his testimony in Jesus Christ. On his radio program, number one in Seattle for 25 years, I know it doesn't help his family feel better, that they lost him. But I honestly think, I honestly think God said, "Finally, Dory, you can come home." Speaking of Seattle, look here at this. And by the way, it's blurred out, but maybe not enough. This is reported that a bearded woman was protesting in downtown Seattle. In fact, there is a body with a pride flag wrapped around its head, laying down spread eagle naked. In front of people in Seattle, that's right down by the public safety building. That's right down by the courthouses. Oh, there is an update. The bearded woman was, in fact, arrested. Once again, this is blurred, but maybe not enough. That starts with a still shot. There's the bearded woman. What a woman. That person was allowed to do this to traffic, stopping people from getting to work in the job interviews for as long as it made this person happy to do this. And then this person, this man, got to walk about, waving the flag and something else that will not mention on the program because we're a family show. We're in a state of decline that is predicated upon tribalism. You see Haiti, you see people fleeing. We're praying for them this morning. The difference is not material, it's by degree. Again, this is a government funded heroin den. Most people don't know what that means. This means a building taxpayers pay for wherein people take drugs, they inject them, they inhale them, they defecate. If you're not watching the video service, you're probably glad. You taxpayers pay to let people go do this to themselves. If I were to show you that and say, "That's Haiti," you'd probably go, "Wow, they let people do that in Haiti?" No, they let people do that in Seattle, in San Francisco. It's not even just our country up in Vancouver. If you've never been to the shooting districts in Vancouver, you've never seen the walking dead in person. You've never seen people with flesh-eating bacteria in their skin outside the shooting areas waiting for the vending machines to fill back up with the drugs that the taxpayers buy for them. America is not magic. We continue down this path of being our own gods. We continue to treat government like God. We're going to see not just pockets of Haiti. We can get there in a hole. Do not give in to despair. When you're given to despair, you're giving in to imagine a future without God. That phrase, dot, dot, dot, but God, that matters. This is my theory. I have no biblical reference for this. It's my belief that when enough of us repent and lament and agree to change, at some point God may well say, okay, I'm going to let you up. I'm not doing it to you. I didn't put the bad people in power or let it happen, because this is what you wanted. If you want me, I want you. And then, yeah, we'll clean some stuff up. We'll do some work together, side by side, but you've got to want to work with me. And by the way, it needs to be my rules. God would say, you can work with me. I get to be the boss. We're not. You choose. Just remember that the choice is eternal. When you think of the phrase health care, what comes to mind? What about this? Health. How do you define it? For me, I define health as being able to do the things that bring me life, to do them well. Now, that changes over time. It just does. There will come a time, for instance, where I won't be able to do CrossFit, even at the level I do it now. And I'll be, frankly, with you. I struggle with that. I struggle with wanting to live through that. Now, God will provide a way. He'll provide a path. I'm not a guy that's going to go kill myself. It's a loser's way out. You hand the pain after other people, and it's not that bad. I'd find other things. But I define health as the capacity to be able to do what you like to do, and to do it relatively pain-free. How do you define it? At, they define it this way, elevating your quality of life. How? Well, by being pain-free. Or, in fact, there are some people who use the ethically gathered stem cells, this comes from the centers and umbilical cords, to be better looking aesthetically. There are people who do that. And I don't judge. I have friends who do this. I was blown away to find out the number of people I know who've taken Botox, blown away. One of my responses was, "Why? Why would you do that?" There is a treatment available there that is not Botox. It is putting stem cells into your face if the wrinkles bother you. It comes from placentas and umbilical cords, and it is not. I use a strain that's not been exposed at all to the modified RNA injections. Yes, it's aesthetic. There's also though this quality of life, being able to continue to golf. Now, I don't play golf. I probably couldn't ever do it. It's just my mind doesn't work that way. I would probably end up gouging my eyes out of boredom. I'm not criticizing you for playing it. That's me, you be you. There's a reason so many professional golfers go to Because in the golf game, in sports, when you're at that level playing pro golf, you're more likely to have an injury that is like an industrial injury, like a repetitive movement injury, like carpal tunnel. Well, guess what? The stem cells can just destroy carpal tunnel and bring you back to being able to do the things you like to do. Even people who've had severe accidents and have ended up with severe neurological issues, like being paralyzed, have seen incredible results from It's about quality of life. Elevate your quality of life, go to and just simply tell them you watch and/or listen to the Todd Herman show, Things in our country are being allowed to decline this way. This is going to be a shocking video. It's not particularly graphic, we've played some graphic stuff today. But if you're in the Pittsburgh area, we've got a lot of listeners from the Pennsylvania area. I appreciate you and a lot of viewers, I should say, it's hard to make that change. Little news about the beautiful city of Pittsburgh and what police are no longer going to be doing. What was the big takeaway today? Yes, Susan, residents of the city will see a major change in the way police respond. They will no longer respond to calls that aren't considered in progress emergency. That means calls like criminal mischief theft, harassment, and most burglary alarms will all be handled by an enhanced telephone reporting unit. That means residents will file a police report over the phone. Officers will not respond unless it's an emergency. Also, between the hours of 3 a.m. and 7 a.m. there will be no officers at any of the six stations throughout the city. Call boxes that link directly to 911 have been installed for people to use in case of an emergency. And during the overnight shift, there will be as few as 20 officers to cover the entire city. As few as 20 officers on the overnight shift to cover the entire city of Pittsburgh, no responses between 3 a.m. and 7 a.m. unless it's, he's killing me now. Not, he just broke in. Get that part? He just broke in. Okay, when he starts killing you, call back. Same cities who have $10,000 to hand to illegal immigrants. Tribalism. It doesn't get more tribal than the attack on the families. This is the most threatening thing that's come out of this tribalism, this, this, this fleshly, insane, obsessive need to make themselves their own gods and our gods. The breaking apart of the family is the final step in every cultural revolution. It is year zero. When Mao talked about year zero, he was imagining a generation of kids who had no institutional memory of what had gone before. Not just that. If they had any memory, it was that they hated the adults. So they're divorcing families. This is from lives of TikTok. This is hard to watch. This is not, this is not the first time a video like this is surfaced. A few weeks ago, we played the video of students sucking the toes of teachers during an assembly, which was a tradition at that school. Do I need to point out the sexual innuendo? The grooming? This is students at Edmond's school. They have feet licking and armpit licking events for years. These are students licking chocolate and peanut butter off of staff. And lucky you, it's our video of the day. This video was taken from the YouTube channels of Edmond North and Memorial, publicly posted footage of their students licking chocolate, peanut butter and other condiments off feet and armpits. All during their week-long philanthropy events, known as Balto Week for Edmond North and Swine Week for Edmond Memorial. The most recent video was from 2020, but we found videos going back to 2015. We sent the video you just watched to Edmond Public Schools asking for their response. They noted the feet licking quote "didn't happen this year" and the district spokesperson didn't respond directly to the videos we sent. Oh, and the feet licking didn't happen this year. What the armpit licking? When the perverse pornographic sex ed started to get pushed into the schools starting, of course, in the separate country of Washington, I said, if you want pedophiles to apply to be teachers, here's how to get that done. If you want to turn people into pedophiles, here's how to get that done. What do I mean? We are a product of the people who surround us. Show me your friends. I'll show you your character. You sexualize schools. You normalize. You create a culture. If you're in a culture where as an adult, it's okay to have a student licking you? Why stop with armpits? What's the real difference? It's not a difference in activity, just in body part. It's a difference by degree, that immaterial difference. So it is with us and Haiti. Fortunately, it's a solution. Many of you have accepted the Lord Jesus. Are you living it? Are you in community with other Christians? Are you making disciples? If you haven't yet accepted the Lord Jesus, what is the material difference between your living and your principles in that in Haiti? You're probably a far more moral person, but you're still using your own design. And I love you, and I can just tell you, as a fellow human, your design is flawed. This is the Todd Hermit Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please, if you haven't made the decision to follow Christ, do that now. (dramatic music)