The Todd Herman Show

YOU Are in a Spiritual War so Are You Going to Fight or Be Fought? Ep 1725

I have observed people engaging in conflict outside the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, California. A film was screened at this museum about Hamas, shedding light on the group's genocidal ideology and their recent attack on Israel. I have been contemplating the spiritual significance of these times and how Satan aims to portray God as a liar. We discuss this and those individuals who are contributing to Satan’s agenda. There is a temptation to say that things are getting worse. Maybe? But, God’s plan is still unfolding. We delve into a poignant moment where the truth is revealed as a man fights to prevent children from being mutilated by the sexual Left.

What does God’s Word say? 

The Supernatural Fruit of Abiding in ChristHow to Put On the Armor of God | Devotional by Tony Evans

Episode 1,725  Links:

Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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That God made a promise to the Jewish people. And that promise was he is going to bring them back to himself through the Lord Jesus Christ. And God made an Old Testament promise that we think is fulfilled through the Lord Jesus. Jewish people believe there's a messiah to come. So we disagree on who and through whom. But we don't disagree on the promise, just the nature of how it will be fulfilled. Satan would love to see Jewish people destroyed in genocide, because he would then do what he wants to do across the board, which is to make God a liar. The book of Revelation tells us how this all ends. Satan wants to make God a liar. And Satan has, in my judgment, so clouded the world. After all, he's called the Prince of the Air. And that is a phrase from the Bible. The Prince of the Air. He's recruited a lot of people to either lie with him, knowingly or unknowingly, such as this, a headline from NBC News describing something that happened, but not this way. We'll get started and look at all of this with the help of with our eyes towards what matters. And that is God Almighty and Eternity. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times, through which God is the side of which you'll live. Significant times. If you're not Christian or haven't spent a lot of time with Christian theology, first of all, understand that I don't present myself as a preacher. Yeah, I went through a pastoral residency program, and I know a lot more that I used to. And that program is very squarely focused on the discipleship-making process, equipping people to make disciples. It is not to equip people to be a theologian or theologians. It's not a design. The theology is an ongoing study that I want to engage in and do not as much as I'd like. Right now, I'm focusing on spiritual warfare. And I'm focusing on that because of where I think we're at in the world. I think we're in an intense period of spiritual warfare. So are these the end times? No one knows. That's one thing that's quite clear biblically. No one has any idea. And if people tell you they know when the end times are, they are, in fact, arguing with the Bible, because we are told no one knows the day or the time of the return of the Lord Jesus. And that is unambiguous. But in terms of theology, there is a war in the heavens. And probably people have seen enough movies to understand the owl lines of the war that Satan cast himself from heaven. I mean, God removed him, but Satan cast himself from heaven when he decided that he wanted to reign over everything. He wasn't happy being kind of second place. He never really was second place because the Trinity has always existed, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But he considered himself so good, so beautiful that he should run all things. And he was deeply, deeply offended by the creation of mankind. This is what Christian tradition tells us. He hates our bodies because he doesn't have one. He hates us because we are made in God's image. And that was so offensive to him that he set out to scuttle God's plan. And the ongoing war is, well, yeah, over souls, but also in any way he could, he would love to make God a liar. So in the Bible, we'll read about the devil tempting the Lord Jesus when the Lord went into the desert for 30 days, and the devil tempted him with food and possessions, and the devil couldn't conjure food, but he knew Jesus could turn these rocks into bread. And Lord Jesus answered every single temptation with the word of God, right as written, and does not live by bread alone, by by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. So even there, Satan had this plan. And he thought right up to the point that the Lord Jesus resurrected, he thought he had won. I have killed the Son of God. I worked through people to kill the Son of God. The very thing, not just made it his image, but the actual Son of God. Think of the victory party they must add. And then think of the crushing nature of the defeat when Satan now understood the full plan. Well, he doesn't understand the full thing. But when he realized, oh my goodness, I have just created the doorway to redemption. That God just changed the stakes completely. Because now people by simply accepting a free gift of salvation can be free of me in the race for souls. So the demons that work with Satan, they went on a new mission and the new mission has to be keep people apart from God, but also to make God a liar. And God has made promises to the Jewish people. And that is that he's not going to forget them. And we, people who are not Jewish, but Christian, have been grafted onto this family. This, the chosen people, the exiled elect. And here we are in the world, but not of it. The more people are of the world, the less likely they are to understand the absolute spiritual nature of headlines like this. This is from NBC News. Man dies after hitting head during Israel and Palestine rallies in California officials say. Witnesses said Paul Kessler was in a confrontation with protesters Sunday and fell and struck his head. The sheriff's department said, he died Monday. That's very sad that a man slipped and fell and died on Monday. Oh, the rest of the story? Yeah, it's pretty significant. So how would a headline like that convey a spiritual war? Well, the headline is accurate, except for one tiny detail. I'm constantly now amazed when I go into stores at how much garbage I have bought in my life, truly amazed. You know, I still have an occasional monster soda and I even have a little bit of gum from time to time. And just this morning when I was buying this gum, why? Because I'm being around people. I don't want to be breathing bad breath. So why don't I just have a toothbrush and toothpaste around? Why don't I just do that? Like, is toothpaste any better? Why don't I just have mint around? I know that makes me sound like a hippie, but I'm really beginning to look into grocery carts. Like, I was in a store this morning and there's this guy buying cigarettes and I'm thinking, oh, brother, please quit smoking. And here I am standing here buying useless gum. I mean, yeah, it's probably not going to kill me. Cigarettes will kill you, eventually, or most people make you very, very sick. So when I find that I'll turn it to this, I am going to embrace it. That's what I've done with native path krill. I've embraced it like I've embraced drinking water instead of the next cup of bubbly soda. I've embraced native path krill and I've dropped ibuprofen and you can do the same thing. Native path krill comes from the cleanest waters to which we have access. These are in the Antarctic. They're relatively free or very free of heavy metals and toxins that are in so many of the other portions of the ocean. They're crustaceans, obviously different from fish and the resulting omega-3 oils are far, far more absorbable, up to 400% more absorbable than that which comes from fish. And it's not just inflammation, it fights, it prevents your gut lining from being destroyed, which is what ibuprofen does. While it dulls the pain from inflammation, it causes more inflammation. Therefore, you take more of the product. Ain't that what pharma does? Isn't that why I'm standing in line buying gum? It's not because it makes my breath smell good, it's because I like chewing the garbage. Please toss pharma. Go to Find out the specials they have for you today. Get off the ibuprofen. Don't let it harm your liver. Don't let it come for your kidneys. Take the omega-3s that are far more absorbable. The gentleman that they mentioned in the NBC News article, Paul Kessler indeed went to the concrete right after he was smacked in the head with a bullhorn. The man was beaten to death. He was protesting on behalf of Israel. The other party was protesting on behalf of Hamas, or they would say, no, no, the Palestinians, right, Hamas. I'm not saying that all Palestinians, so-called support Hamas. I'm saying that Hamas runs so-called Palestine. So he's hit in the head, video exists of this. It's not hard to find. You see him collapse the pavement, he's bleeding, and he died. That's murder. It's not slipping and falling. And how often have we seen headlines like this? And we saw a headline like this when the retired police chief was run down from behind us. He was on a bicycle. Remember this in Nevada? A headline read. It was an accident. A car accident. No, it wasn't. It was a targeting. We have the video. Just as we do here. So the spiritual significance of this to me is that Satan has engaged a series of people to lie for him. And I don't think most people have any idea they're doing this. I don't think that, I think a very small percentage of the population is demonically oppressed, but to be demonically deceived. Well, that's pretty easy. So when I talk about things aren't getting worse, they're getting revealed, that's a big change. If we who are in the world, but not of it, we can look at this and celebrate what's being revealed. That God is showing us, yes, these demons are back. Yes, the spirits destroy the Jewish people is back. Yes, this is Satan attempting to make God a liar. Because if he succeeded in using people to wipe out every Jewish person, then the promise God made would be gone. And God would have been a liar. Or he failed. Neither is possible. I don't know if Satan knows that. I don't know if he cares. I just know he's a liar, a thief and a murderer from the very beginning. So the spiritually significant moment for us, in my judgment, is to praise God for revealing this to us. Okay, these are the times in which we live. What does that mean for next steps for us? It means that we wear the armor of God, and in doing so, one of the things we do is we put our hands on our head, remind ourselves, we are guarded. We can guard our thoughts so that when we hear of events like this outside of the Museum of Tolerance, where you literally watch in the United States of America, people dressed in all black, probably Antifa types, if not Antifa itself, because Antifa will stand on anything that is adverse to America, anything that's adverse to God. Antifa is pro-sexual and chemical mutilation of children. They're pro-abortion. Remember, they're pro-lockdown. They pretend to be anarchist, but they're pro-lockdown. They will stand on anything that's adverse to God. There's nothing godly about that group. They're dressed in all black. Many of them, of course, wear and woke masks, which will become nothing more than either a sign that you are deeply, psychologically damaged by the fear-induced panic of a porn, a panic porn, or you're criminal on the hide-your-face. So this is outside the, or across the street from the Museum of Tolerance in America in November of 2023. Breaking news, this is video just in from Air 7HD as violence erupts just across the street from LA's Museum of Tolerance. The Museum tonight hosting a screening of the film Bearing Witness, which contains extremely graphic and violent footage of the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel. Tonight's violence broke out at the corner of Pico and Roxbury. Air 7HD overhead as two groups of people clashed and a number of people appeared to have been pepper sprayed during this confrontation. Police quickly moving in, taking some people into custody and then forming a skirmish line as they tell people to leave the area and go home. A few moments ago, Mayor Karen Bass tweeting about the violence saying, quote, "We cannot allow current worldwide tension "to devolve into this unacceptable violence on our city. "This is a time of immense pain and distress "for thousands of Angelenos, we must stand together." Oh goodness, well that will work. Oh, by the way, there's a historical significance to this. David Berg, who is just fantastically intelligent and funny man and writes on Twitter, is also, as I understand it, a screenwriter collector of classic cars goes by Iowa Hawk, wrote, "Oh, no big deal, just a black clad mob "beating Jews outside the Holocaust Museum "on the eve of the anniversary of crystal knock." Yeah, that would be the night of broken glass in Germany. When Adolf Hitler revealed his true intent, or at least part of it, that anniversary. The demons that work with Satan have not gone away. They want to make God a liar about gender. Oh, you created man and woman, did you? Oh, not when we have something to do with it. We're gonna create a third gender. The gender that cannot be fruitful or multiply, for the most part, love thy neighbor as thyself. Oh, really? Yeah, we don't think so. Those demons have never gone away. Is it insignificant that it happened on that anniversary? I don't think so. So what do we do? We have our head about ourselves, by being in the Holy Spirit, and remembering that there are supernatural powers that we have for the asking. This is from a piece from John 14 concludes with Jesus in the disciples leaving the upper room. So Jesus is teaching in prayers in John 15, 17, happens somewhere between the upper room and the Kidrun Valley opposite the Mount of Olives. On the walk down toward the valley before crossing over and entering the olive grove in the Garden of Gethymi, on the Mount of Olives, Jesus stops, perhaps at a vineyard to teach, vineyard to teach, so pausing from the article. He's preparing to be tortured, beaten. They're gonna attempt to belittle him, to steal his dignity before they murder him. He knows all this. He teaches. I am the true vine, and my father is the gardener to the article. Who was Jesus at this moment, just deal with it this moment, just the 11? Jesus had already left during this last supper. Additional disciples, John Mark was there when Jesus was later arrested in the garden, fleeing as the crowd grabbed his cloak to leave him, running away naked. Women followers? They were there as he was condemned and crucified. On the walk towards Gethymi, Jesus identified four levels of fruit-bearing for those who are in him. Why was Jesus obsessed with fruit at this particular moment? Number one, no fruit. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit. Though some might think this refers to the unbeliever, Jesus specifically said this branch that bore no fruit was in him. Is it possible for some who belong to Jesus to go through seasons where they bear no fruit? Evidently so, some fruit. Well, every branch that does bear fruit, that there might be seasons where those who are in Christ bear no fruit, the norm is clearly that Christ followers do live fruit-bearing lives. Three, more fruit. So he prunes that, it will be even more fruitful. In order for most Christ followers to move forward with a fruitful spiritual life, some pruning will be required. Pruning doesn't sound fun, right? Pruning can be painful, painful, but pruning is necessary. Pruning is the removal of those things that would diminish our fruit bearing capacity, much fruit. I'm the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing. This is to my father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. So there's these series of supernatural powers that we can have when we are in the fruit of the spirit, then we return, we will return to these thoughts. But in comparison to what we are watching in this significant, spiritually significant time, what are the fruits that we can bear? One of them is calm. One of them is confidence. One of them is happiness. One of them is gratitude for what God is revealing. How does that help anything? It helps this way. We are told to have a defense for why we see things differently. If people come to us and say, this is a really spiritually significant time. How is it that you have confidence? You say, I have confidence because this is happening according to God's will. That is one of the most important fruits. I think that we can ever bear at this moment in time. I really do. If you heard me with Zach the past couple days, we've had him in Idaho. I think we've arrived at the fact that we don't have a free market system and that we're living under sort of a state of slavery. Well, that is debt is slavery, it's economic slavery. But so is high inflation, particularly if you're going to be trying to retire soon, like in the next five, 10 or 15 years. It's like a form of debt eating away at your retirement savings. In fact, Zach calls inflation the silent assassin of retirement portfolios. Your portfolio was set up for food prices at a certain level, what happens when they go up 40%. It is time now to make sure your portfolio is secured against inflation to the degree that it can be. In my mind, that requires active management of every portfolio, which is what bulwark does. And of course, risk management. Again, an obsession of bulwark capital management. There's a free live webinar coming up hosted by Zach. He'll take questions. He'll talk about how the fund is performed and you can interact with him. It's free, but you have to register. It's coming up on the 25th of this month, 330 Pacific time. Go to That's K-N-O-W. It's free, but you must register. Bulwark capital management and investment advisor representative at Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance doesn't necessarily guarantee future results. Trek24-244, go to So when we display our confidence and our happiness and our optimism, even in the face of entering into building America 2.0, because that is what we're doing. We have a defense. We're told to have a defense, an explanation, for why we have confidence. And if that explanation is because I trust God, that's a fantastic spiritual immunity to the spiritual warfare. But more importantly, well, not more important, but just as importantly, it is a method by which we can draw people-- we can let God use us to draw people to himself. You are in the battle. You are in the spiritual war. You are participating in some way. Everybody makes disciples of something. And if you have any influence at all, you're making disciples. Maybe it's of gun ownership. Hey, defend yourself. If someone comes to harm my family, I'll kill them. I don't have any argument with that. But I don't want to make disciples of gun ownership. I want to make disciples of God, Jesus. Then not everybody wants to do that. This is representative Omar, a United States congresswoman rescued from a place that looks a lot like what she wants to turn America into becoming. What is true here is that every single one of them has not acknowledged the fact that Palestinians are dying in the tens of thousands. But we'll continue to say it is us who are not acknowledging humanity. Bushida will stand as strong-- General Lady's time has expired. And the whole world movement will continue for liberation until every single-- General Lady's time has expired. Has the right-- Gentlemen from Maryland is recognized. The screeching from that woman's mouth into the halls of Congress ignores the fact that she and Pramila Paypal from Washington State and Rashida Tlaib are doing everything they can to turn America into the place from which Omar was rescued. And it's happening. I will continue to say that we are witnessing a redistribution of not just people, but their ideas, their morals, their lack of morals, their religious constructs, their beliefs. That's being redistributed around the globe. It's very, very spiritually significant. The Bible warns us of a one-world government. Does that have to mean? And eventually, it will mean. Eventually, it will mean there's a world dictator. The Bible tells us that. Eventually, yes, there's the lawless, the man of lawlessness. And eventually, we have a world dictator. And there's the beast. And that's all very clear. But what if it is ground up? What if it comes from the grassroots? This is what John Kennedy foresaw in a one-world government. He wanted that because he thought it would bring world peace. I think he was deceived in that regard. I don't think a one-world government is going to bring peace. It simply means now the war is absolutely going to be those on the side of the beast and those who refuse to leave the side of God. It's headed that way. You are in that battle. Whether you engage in it or not, you're in it. You can't get out of it. There's nothing you can do to get out of the battle. So knowing that's going to head that way, knowing that's where the Bible takes all this, the redistribution of people around the globe with their ideas, their morals, their lack of morals, their religious structure, washes away the ability for nations to follow the Lord Jesus. Nations, individual groups, people, yes. But it takes from us the ability to have a functioning government that is informed by Christian principles, such as love thy neighbor as thyself, such as as you treat the least of these so you treat me, such as marriages between one man and one woman, such as sexual activity should be resigned, to the interaction intercourse between one man and one woman in a married state, such as there are boys and girls, women and men that God made us in those images, such as stay away from debt, such as what's business, or how can evil or how can light and darkness cooperate? They can't, they can't sleep each other out. So it makes it impossible to have a Christian approach in a nation. And this is, I think, the design. If you'd like to level it down from Christendom way down, it makes it impossible to have an America-first country, or a Britain-first country, or a Scotland-first country, because of the redistribution of people who do not have any allegiance to the country into which they're being distributed. This goes beyond the rigging of elections. It goes into the rigging of the destiny of a nation. A population is destiny. Now, we have a lot we can do here. So what do we do spiritually in this spiritually significant time? One of the things I think we do is we look at this is, OK, how would God see this? Is God looking at this cook? Oh, no. Oh, Satan, he's redistributing all these ideas adverse to me. Oh, my goodness, what am I going to do? No, I think God might be saying, hey, are you feeding my sheep? Because there's a lot of lost sheep out there. And I'm bringing a bunch of lost sheep. I'm allowing evil people, or people through whom great evil's done, to override your immigration laws, to laugh as they cross your border. I'm allowing that. And guess what? There's people coming into your country who are going to ask you, why are you so optimistic? Why are you relatively unbothered by this? Even if you speak about it with passion, I am so passionate about these topics. But how is it that you can speak of this and have passion but confidence? Well, it's because I know it's God's plan. Look, I stand in victory. The reason that I'm not as concerned as you is because I'm fighting a different war. All my energy is not consumed by this election cycle. Yep, I'm going to vote. I'm going to vote for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis. Either one. I don't think DeSantis is going to be an option, but I am not going to pray to either of them. And I'm not going to think that this fixes things. I'm confident because I know exactly with whom I'm standing. And that's the Lord Jesus. I know exactly why, because He loved me first. And I've grown to love Him as I've grown to know Him. That is the stance. And with the newcomers, illegal or non-illegal, we can still say, yeah, I think you should be sent back. By the way, do you need food and water on the way back? Yes, I think you should be deported. Incidentally, can you let me know where you're going to be? Because I would love to be able to continue to support you. And maybe you can rebuild your nation. I'm talking about the good people who are here, because there are good people who have come in. I know illegal immigrants. Or at least I know a family who I'm sure was illegal. Better parents than I am. Better mom and dad than I've been? I can't be a mom. Just get my point. If they were deported, I'd have to support it. Hey, I'm sorry, you guys broke the law to get here. But gosh, please, please, please let me know where you're going to be. How can I help? How can I witness to saying, you're the sort of people who want the country? Can I sponsor you to come back in? I'll do it in a heartbeat. You guys are fantastic parents. Is there anything I can do to help you be safe or you're going? We can do that. We're called to do that in this spiritually significant time. None of this is just about America, clearly. It's global, but some things happened. And there are another reason for us to celebrate is what's being revealed. And this shouldn't shock us because it involves the AP and Reuters. And at this point, we should know what the AP and Reuters are. And there's a couple quick audio clips, one for Montreal. Oh, yeah, actually, there's two or three that are fairly important. JD Vance, I'll see if I get to all these. I know there's no time limit on a podcast, but there's attention spam on it. I get these bad, bad allergies this time of year. And sometimes it manifests and I can't breathe through my nose, which is the case now. It makes it difficult to do the show. You might be able to tell my voice is whack. It's difficult for me to breathe and concentrate. And sometimes it manifests in me having the most brilliant stiffer in the world. Suddenly, I'm like a bear. And I can smell barbecued meat 55 miles away. Or wait, there's a rotting calf somewhere on the hill. That happened yesterday, and I smelled my truck. Now, God bless my wife for never saying anything about this. No one else ever really rides in my truck, so I know this is really good. I guess my friend Kevin rides in the truck. But I open the truck and I'm like, wait, this smells like Jim's stink. And sure enough, I gotta ask my wife about this. Are you just being kind or you don't smell the Jim's stink? So I'm gonna pull a trick from my friend Ben who took his Eden pure oxie leaf two and put it in his truck to rid it of bear sausage smell 'cause some bear sausage accidentally got left in there and rotted and aged and matured. Ben got that stuff to go away in one night. It also unlimited the fake new truck smell he sprayed in there. Then his wife was driving their dear little boy around that he puked all over the car. So Ben went out to clean up the puke but it still smelled like it. So once again, Ben brought in the oxie leaf two thunderstorm which produced ozone overnight in the car, simply plugged in the USB device. And there it was. In the morning, the smell was gone like it never, ever happened. I'm gonna do the same thing tonight with an oxie leaf. I'm gonna pull it into the garage, put it in my truck. And that smell of Jim bag will not be there anymore. It works for pet smells, it works for oil smells, it works on viruses. And in fact, there's a pet stink guarantee. When you buy the oxie leaf two thunderstorm device at and use code Todd3, if it doesn't remove the pet stink they will give you your money back. Go to, use code Todd3 to get a deal of a lifetime. It's a whole home coverage, three of these devices for under 200 bucks., use code Todd3. Is it spiritually significant that a group of reporters were embedded with Hamas? And this comes from which is by the way, very, very open about the support of Israel. I just say this, it's an organization that I think exists to correct a record as it were. So I just want you to understand, their viewpoints is very pro-Israel. On October 7, Hamas terrorists were not the only ones who documented the war crimes they'd committed during their deadly rampage across Southern Israel. Some of their atrocities were captured by Gaza-based photojournalists working with the Associated Press and Reuters News agencies whose early morning presence at the breach border area raises serious ethical questions. What were they doing so early on on what would ordinarily have been a quiet Saturday morning? Was it coordinated with Hamas? Did they respectable wire services? Well, ha, I don't find them respectable. Did the wire services which published their photos approve of their presence inside enemy territory together with the terrorist infiltrators? Did the photojournalists who freelance with other media like CNN and the New York Times notify these outlets, judging from the pictures of the lynchings and kidnapsings and strumming of an Israeli kibbutz? It seems like the border had been breached not only physically but also journalistically. Four names appear in AP's photo credits including Israeli Gaza border on October 7th. Hassan Eszla, Yusef Masoud, Ali Mahmood, and Hatam Ali. Islea, a freelancer who also works with CNN, crossed in the Israel, took photos of a burning Israeli tank and then captured infiltrators entering kibbutz, Kav Azar. And I know I'm gonna get a lot of these names wrong. So he's there, he knows this is going on. He goes in with them, he captures these entire scenes. Honest reporting is obtained screenshots of Eszla's now removed tweets on Twitter in which he documented himself standing in front of the Israeli tank, he did not wear a press vest or a helmet, and the Arabic caption of the tweet reads, "Live from inside the Gaza Strip's settlements." Update, shortly after the publication, this article, we alerted the footage of Hassan Eszla next to the Israeli tank. In addition, a photo surface showing Eszla with Hamas leader and mastermind of the October 7 massacre, Yaha Sinwar, and incidentally, by the way, people pushing back on that and saying, "Oh, that was a long, long time ago." He took that picture a long, long time ago. Oh, okay, a long, long time ago. That matters, it doesn't. The other photos are so disturbing, or other images are so disturbing, which include the kidnapping of a woman, her abuse being thrown into the back of a truck. You remember this, this, it looked like the lifeless body of one of these young women who was taken from the concert. There's video footage of a Jewish man being beaten and concerns are later that he was murdered, being beaten bloody. And I understand war journalism. I understand it from afar, I've never done it. But I have this concern about, if you know this is going to go target civilians, do you have any ethical, any, does that contain any ethical application for you? And by the way, are these guys really photographers? Are they really photojournalists, or are they playing a role that Hamas wants them to play? More importantly to me, the American media will do everything they possibly can to question Israel's approach to defending itself. Right now, they're continuing to insist on a ceasefire. Did they make any attempt at that point to say, "Don't do this to civilians. "Don't go murder families. "Don't go murder young people at a concert." No, they'd say that's not their role. Well, is it then their role to call for a ceasefire? A humanitarian ceasefire? So in these spiritually significant times that you have now embeds with a group that pledges genocide, is that different from having embeds with the United States military with, for all our faults? And our military industrial complex is deeply, deeply, deeply corrupt at the tip top. I'm not talking about our people in the field and I never will be talking about our people in the field until it becomes true that they are, God forbid. But at the very top, they're corrupt, and we don't pledge genocide openly against other people. Yeah, it's happening with their CDC and our National Institute of Health, and we're talking about that in the program today. Is it really the same to go embed yourself with Hamas that openly wants to kill every single Jewish person and therefore make God a liar? And I said this is not just the United States issue, obviously that happened overseas. When you are someone who wants to stay away from the thing that you're fighting, you have to know what you're staying away from. If you're someone who's obese, you need to stay away from fatty liver, but you probably have fatty liver. Because if you're obese, you're going to be like 100 million other Americans and have too much fat surrounding your liver. That stuff puts pressure on your liver so that it cannot properly cleanse your blood. If it doesn't cleanse your blood, you end up with disease, or you end up worse with liver disease. The fastest way to get rid of this is to drop fat. Now, fast is relative depending on how overweight you are. I, at one point, was 400 pounds. It was a long, long march to take that off. Fortunately, the people who make liver health formula are here with liver health formula with 11 clinically proven organic ingredients, not chemicals, organics. To help protect your liver to help you drop belly fat and to counteract some of the results of fatty liver, like what? Some of the symptoms are feeling slow and sluggish and sleepy all the time. They will always want me to remind you of this. They never want their liver health formula to be something you take for life. It's a bridge. It's to protect you while you go through the process of dropping this belly fat again, which can be helped along by using liver health formula. Simply go buy a 30-day supply at that's And when you do that, you get two free gifts simply for buying the 30-day supply. Get Here, though, in North America, in Montreal, a group of Jewish students, or Jewish young people, not all of them students, set up a table. And what they were doing was calling for the release of hostages. That's it. Just give the children back and the other people take in hostage, most of the children. And you've seen these two three-year-old kids now for how long? October 7th now for over a month away from their parents. And the Hamas knows that they would get a pause in the fighting if they released all the hostages. They get a pause. They don't want that. They want the hostages. So this is what happens in Montreal. And this is a little bit hard to hear. They call the Jewish people the K word. Hey, if we're not going to say the whole N word, I'm not going to say the whole K word. You know what it is in North America. And then you get this. And this is a moment again where we get to absolutely celebrate what happens as God reveals things about this nation and about this world. These are some young women who appear to get all of their news from TikTok. Did you guys think Hamas is a terrorist organization? They are a political organization. Certain countries such as Canada, the United States recognized them as terrorist organizations. But I think that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. I think the biggest terrorist organization is the United States of America's military. Okay. I think before we start pointing fingers to anybody else, we should really look at ourselves. I live in New York, so do we live on stolen land here too? Yeah, we do. It's all a genocide that either was completed or is it work? What's your favorite, like Palestinian saying, like from the river to the sea, Palestine would be great. What would happen to all the Israelis? They would use their second citizenship to whatever country they immigrated from and they would go back. But not everyone in Israel has second citizenship. But everyone came from somebody that came from some of the heritage outside of the Middle East. Like Yemen? Like Yemen, yes, exactly. So Jews could go back there? Ethiopia, like France. Or the Jews could go back to Ethiopia? Not all of the Jews can go back to one specific place. Well, Ethiopian Jews. Where were they came from? What about Libyan Jews? Okay, they can come back there. Go back to Libya, right? You could stay in Palestine if they honor it as Palestinians. Do you feel bad about what happened on October 7th? I can condemn any active violence that people keep on. And I just would like to acknowledge the fact that context is important. Right. And when... Because they killed a bunch of people, like 14, 100 people in one day. It's the largest killing since the Holocaust. What? It's the largest killing of Jews. Largest killing of Jews is the Holocaust. So you still want them to go back to Yemen, short, like Lebanon, Syria? They're not educating themselves. They're just following rhetoric that's been in the family that's completely immoral. So the Jews, Jewish people, they don't have any business in that area. They've never been there. Well, except for 3,000 years. Except for Palestine being a nation invented by the British government. So Satan has many, many tools. One of them is to distract, to deceive, and depress. And those young women are deceived. So what do we do? Well, those of us who are disciplic Christians, I think that we have to become better and myself well included. At sharing, the promise that God made to the Jewish people, why we think that's completed in the Lord Jesus, how that gives us hope, why we have optimism even in this time. Because being of the world is one thing, but being in it is another. Because we're in the world and not of it. The tools we use to fight battles are not the tools of the world. They're the word of God. We fight with Godly means. This is a great moment. This happens when billboard Chris is a guy who goes around the nation, around the world, everywhere in the world. I don't know how many miles he's traveled, but in a huge number of miles. To fight against gender ideology. Another way Satan wants to make God a liar. So he's simply standing there with his billboard at this. Chris actually is not even a participant in this particular discussion. But there are some, of course, they're wearing all black. Of course, they're wearing woke masks because they're probably criminals. They stand adverse to God. And they are the sort of people who are with queers for Palestine. They don't really care about so-called queer people. They care about destroying Western nations. And I think they're completely deceived by Satan. But they happen to run into some young women who, by the way, happen to be Muslim. And the discussion ensues about what these men, these men, are upset that billboard Chris is there. These young women are not upset that billboard Chris is there. And it's so interesting because, of course, they're Muslim women. This guy is trying to propagate anti-LGBTQ, anti-LGBTQ propaganda. He's trying to tell children that they are not allowed to be trans. Yeah, they're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not. That's the only part of the man, my boy. Let him stop talking. Then he's going to live in, if you can't do that, then you have to respect that religion. Yeah. It's so religion. It's so religion. It's so religion. You can't do that. I aired that was Chris's voice, Billboard Chris and the background saying he doesn't have a religion. He's just a coward wearing a mask. He just wants to cause chaos. Chris is exactly right. Who else wants to cause chaos? Well, you know the answer. You live in perhaps the most spiritually significant time in a hundred years with the return of the spirits of genocide. And it's not just against the Jewish people. Yeah, Hamas wants us to. But another of the episodes today, we talked about genocide against people using the medical industrial complex. You live in spiritually significant moments. You're in the battle. You're in a spiritual war. Remember that thing we used to talk about or how frustrating it was that the bosses of America wouldn't admit that Islam's at war with us. They wouldn't admit that. You can't fight an enemy. You can't describe. Remember when they banned the discussion of Islamic extremists? You're in a spiritual war, whether you participate or not. The question is, do you choose to fight? This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well. Be strong. Be kind. And please, please, please. If you do not understand what it means to wear the full armor of God, please go learn.