The Todd Herman Show

Why The Rooftop Was Left Open for the Shooter- Agent Safety. I am NOT kidding Ep-1724

Morning Joe was apparently taken off the air on MSNBC because he wasn't willing to calm his rhetoric. We'll also talk about a video that had eight million views a few days ago. It says that the assassination attempt against President Trump was faked. It was staged, you know, by the campaign and the government.  Didn't Alex Jones have to write a check because he said something in regard to a school shooting? We'll discuss that as well as Nancy Pelosi stressing that Trump CANNOT be allowed to win the election. And, I'll introduce you to a whole number of state reps and politicians and office holders who are applauding the intended shooter of President Trump. 
What does God’s Word say? 

Episode 1,724 Links:

Alan’s Soaps

Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. Oh, it's always good to see a government official take accountability. So the boss lady of the Secret Service, she done stepped up. Exclusive interview with one of the mockingbirds. The reason the roof was not covered, it was agent safety. So of course, we'll talk about that. I would remiss if I didn't begin with an observation about the Republican National Committee, the RNC Convention, Republic National Convention, which I don't watch. I watch clips. I watch speeches. But I only do it because it's my job. I do not care about political theater, not even a little bit, not an ounce, not at all. I do it because it's my job. There is something, though, on which I must comment, because it is vital to understand the Republican party will not rescue anybody, not in a real sense. And right now, President Trump narrowly avoided an assassination. I believe it was because God turned his head towards the danger. At the same time as the platform for the committee is turning its face away from the danger so as to hug the danger, to hug it, and to make friends with it. What partnership can there be between light and dark? We'll get started and look at all of this with the help of with our eyes towards what matters. That is God Almighty and Eternity. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these at the time as to which God has decided we should live. Yeah, we'll get into-- there's a lot actually in today's show. It's difficult to come up with the title for it. It's one of the weird things about podcasting. The shows have to have titles. There was a couple of speeches at the RNC from women who were being described as sex performers, a woman who has defended Satanism. I did have the opportunity to watch the speech that Amber Rose gave. And I want to just predicate this on the following fact. I don't know a thing about Amber Rose, not a thing. And I tried to do some research last night. I'm still not even really clear on who she is. This other lady who spoke, I'm just now reading about this this morning, reading about the platform change. You cannot defeat the thing you're fighting by becoming the thing you're fighting. You simply replace the thing you're fighting. And with all respect and love, and at this point, some actual admiration for President Trump, it's hard for me to admire political figures. His refusal to cave. I can't help but admire it. And I truly believe this is why God equipped President Trump this way, is because he won't cave. And so the committee will cave for him. Amber Rose, as I understand it, is someone who has made a living with her body. And I understand that another one of these ladies is a performer on OnlyFans. Again, I don't know their hearts. I've never met them. God judges, we discern. But the Republican National Committee removing biblical marriage from their platform, and appearing to want to adopt some of the more sexually liberal, therefore socially liberal, if not positions, then posing in those positions, no pun intended at all, by the way. You cannot fight a thing by becoming the thing. Our issue is not authoritarianism. It's not communism. It's not socialism. It's not the color revolution. It's not the culture revolution. Those are not our issues. Those wouldn't be issues if we were a society that was based fully on the word of God. If we were operating on the Ten Commandments and we were operating on love the Lord with all your heart and all your soul, and the second one being like it, love your neighbor as yourself, we wouldn't be in the position we're in. The culture revolution wouldn't work in a nation that had a rock solid, unchangeable, unchanging definition of truth. The reason there's no such thing as a fiscal conservative in social liberal is because social liberalism destroys all fact because it removes the arbiter of fact. It removes truth. Truth is not a word. It's not a theory. It's not an adjective. It's not a noun. It's a person, which I guess is described as a noun. Truth is God and God is truth. In his word is the word that matters. As a Republican party appears to want to bring pagans on and other people on stage and to build the big tent, they may will win the world. They may well win the world, which is a dying entity and which will be remade in a new heaven or a new earth, but not everybody will be in it. If you truly want America back, you have to have Christianity back. You have to have respect for the Lord back. You can't have one and not the other. You can have a version of America. Maybe a little bit better than the version we have now. Maybe on some big policies, far better, like immigration and I believe President Trump will act on that, like voter integrity, election integrity. I believe he'll act on that. On the foreign front, foreign affairs, I believe he'll get us out of these endless wars. I believe that. But in any material sense, in any eternal sense, in any sense of being secure in America, you have to first secure souls. A godless nation cannot have God's favor. God cannot favor a godless nation. He won't, he can't. What partnership can light have with dark or good with evil? We'll talk more about the convention. We do want to get to this statement from the Secret Service boss lady who is apparently a DEI hire and someone who was obsessed with using DEI to put two women on the team protecting President Trump, one of whom had a real struggle getting her pistol out of her holster. She is not physically fit, not even close to physically fit at all, not even a little bit. She also coward when the bullets came ringing in, or at least the reports of the bullets, which most reasonable people would do. But we don't call them these people to be reasonable, we call them to be extraordinary. - At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Rangers technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - Secret Service wonders you to know something. They've ramped up security after receiving intel of an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump. No known connection to the shooting. Why did that come out? It came out because they wanted to distract from the rampant failure. They wouldn't say, "Oh, we're on it." We're stopping the Iranians from doing this. Are you? The Secret Service had the boss lady go make a statement, and I invite you to lean in and listen in. - Director of the United States Secret Service, Kimberly Cheeto speaks exclusively with ABC News, taking responsibility for that stunning breakdown in security. - This is an event that should have never happened. - Who is most responsible for this happening? - What I would say is that the Secret Service is responsible for the protection of the former president. - So the buck stops with you? - The buck stops with me. I am the director of the Secret Service. It was unacceptable, and it's something that shouldn't happen again. - Minutes after Trump took to stage Saturday in front of thousands of people, government Thomas Matthew Crook's willening the former president and three others before a Secret Service counter sniper took him out. - I'm being told that the shooter was actually identified as a potential person of suspicion. Units started responding to seek that individual out. Unfortunately, with the rapid succession of how things unfolded, by the time that individual was eventually located, they were on the rooftop and were able to fire off at the former president. - ABC News now learning that heavily armed local police were actually stationed inside the building. The gunman climbed, but they missed him. But their town officials confirming that after they became aware of the threat, a local police officer climbed up to the roof and confronted Crook's, but did not succeed in stopping him. - What was your reaction when you saw the events unfold on Saturday? - Shock and then concern, obviously, for the former president. - Investigators now trying to determine whether roof access had been properly locked down. The shooter climbing up seemingly unimpeded, about 400 feet from the stage, with a direct line of sight on the former president. - Should that roof have been secure, period? - That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there, that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside. - So it's a not-secure it. And I'm just gonna end the video there. The decision was made to not secure it. - That woman is a blatant and sad and disgusting and ineffective liar, and she should be fired, and she should be never working government again. How can I say that was such certainty, because I can show you this picture with ease. That's the counter sniper team. That roof is sloped. I checked with Mike O'Rourke, who joined us on Monday, and I asked him, as a guy who was a Special Forces sniper, and for four years, taught people to become Special Forces snipers. Did you at all costs keep your agents off of sloped roofs? And Mike wrote back and said to the contrary, we sought them out, because it gave them additional cover. The roof on which the shooter was laying appears to be sloped by about 7.1 degrees. No one's gonna slide off of that. She lied. This is why we're gonna continue to break the Ben Shapiro question rule and ask questions. Why are you lying about that? Why was it so easy for anyone online to find pictures of the counter sniper team on a sloped roof, proving for a fact, there is no rule against him being on a sloped roof? Why was this allowed to happen? If it was incompetence, then just say so. It's not any better, but at least it doesn't mean that this was allowed to happen in order to take Trump out. I'm beginning to believe it was allowed to happen in order to take Trump out, and there was a narrow miss. Very narrow. Which is why I think it's so important that the Republican National Committee, not now go depart the word of God, or try to mock it even passively. I know that they're not a church. I don't have any connection to the Republican party at all. I am not a Republican. I'm a Christian constitutional conservative populist. Christian first, constitutional next, conservative to conserve what? The Christian based constitution, how with populism, because it's not gonna come from Washington, DC, that's how I've constructed my belief set. When the lies are that easy to disprove, then they're not even going to try to defend the lies. Joe Scarborough is not lying. Joe Scarborough is telling the truth as he sees it, or is he? Because remember this, Joe Scarborough months ago, even just weeks ago, was telling us that Joe Biden now is the best Joe Biden ever. That Joe Biden now is better than he's ever been. He's sharper than he's ever been. And then when everybody else turned, Joe Scarborough came along and said it was time for Biden to get out. Because Biden clearly blew this debate, not ready to serve any longer. In a week. Is this the real Joe Scarborough who's been taken off of MSNBC? And is this why he was taken off of MSNBC? - If they, listen, if they voted for Trump in 16, whatever, they voted for Trump in 20, they knew exactly what they were doing. If they vote for Donald Trump in 2024, they're knowingly voting for a fascist. They're voting for a racist. They're voting for somebody that wants to put this country 200 years in the back. - His supporters have no excuse anymore. There is no excuse. He is a racist. He is blatant about his racism. He is not using a dog whistle to send out his racist messages. He is using a fog horn denying that he knows who David Duke is, denying that he knows that the KKK was a malignant force in American history, equating neo-Nazis and white supremacists to democratic protesters, trying to undo democratic progress across Europe. You cannot support this man. You're attacking the media. You're employing the same language that Stalin used, calling the media enemies of the people. You're making outrageous racist comments in Charlottesville. You're making outrageous racist comments in the White House. You're denying those. And you just send out a flurry of outrageous tweets every day. It is what dictators use. I'm not calling Donald Trump a dictator, but it is what autocrats and dictators have done a long time. It's what Hitler and all of Hitler's people, and I'm not comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, just like Flake wasn't comparing him to Stalin. - Donald Trump is continuing to tell us and with more rapidity that he is an autocrat, and if he takes power again, he will be an autocrat. And this worshiping of Hitler's power, just like this worshiping of President Xi, just like this worshiping of Kim Jong-un, just like this worshiping of Vladimir Putin, it all comes from the same disturbing place. What happens in authoritarian regimes is, well, they just lie to you. It was a sloped roof. That's why the roof was in garden. It was very dangerous. They just lie to you. No, Joe Biden's mentally crisp. They just lie to you, safe and effective. They just lie to you, safest, most secure election in history. They just lie to you. Ukraine's the most important battle front in the history of the world. They've always been our close ally. Ukraine has never had any of their territory belong to Russia. That was never Russian territory. They just lie to you. Gavin Newsom. Gavin Newsom made the mistake of getting into a setting where Adam Corolla got to ask him questions. And Adam Corolla simply said, "Hey, I don't care about the debates. "I want to talk to you, but why'd you shut the beaches down?" Gavin Newsom, a dictator, just simply started lying. Well, we didn't have a lot of data at the time. Okay, so you didn't have any data, so you shut the beaches down. Adam Corolla is easy, easy for. Now, is that truly Joe Scarborough? He says it so often and so vociferously and time and time again, is it really him or is this the current act? It's an act when it comes to the Secret Service. There should be and there must be ways to prosecute people when they clearly lie like this. We cannot have the immunity. She said she's not gonna step down. She takes responsibility, but she's not gonna step down. And meanwhile, at the Republican National Committee, we're going to celebrate paganism, which is a lie. Satanism, which is a lie. We're going to embrace lies to defeat liars. We're going to become liars to defeat liars. It doesn't work that way. We must rejoin truth or we end up making excuses like these people have made excuses. Don't give into it. Don't give into what the world wants. I'm constantly now amazed when I go into stores at how much garbage I have bought in my life. Truly amazed. You know, I still have an occasional monster soda and I even have a little bit of gum from time to time. And just this morning, when I was buying this gum, why? Because I'm being around people, I don't wanna be breathing bad breath. So why don't I just have a toothbrush and toothpaste around? Why don't I just do that? Like, just toothpaste any better? Why don't I just have mint around? I know that makes me sound like a hippie, but I'm really beginning to look into grocery carts. Like, I was in a store this morning and there's this guy buying cigarettes and I'm thinking, "Oh, brother, please quit smoking." And here I am standing here buying useless gum. I mean, yeah, it's probably not gonna kill me. Cigarettes will kill you eventually or most people make you very, very sick. So when I find that I'll turn it to this, I am going to embrace it. That's what I've done with native path krill. I've embraced it like I've embraced drinking water instead of the next cup of bubbly soda. I've embraced native path krill and I've dropped ibuprofen and you can do the same thing. Native path krill comes from the cleanest waters to which we have access. These are in the Antarctic. They're relatively free or very free of heavy metals and toxins that are in so many of the other portions of the ocean. They're crustaceans. Obviously different from fish and the resulting omega-3 oils are far, far more absorbable. Up to 400% more absorbable than that which comes from fish. And it's not just inflammation, it fights. It prevents your gut lining from being destroyed, which is what ibuprofen does. While it dulls the pain from inflammation, it causes more inflammation. Therefore you take more of the product. Ain't that what pharma does? Isn't that why I'm standing in line buying gum? It's not because it makes my breath smell good, it's because I like chewing the garbage. Please toss pharma. Go to Find out the specials they have for you today. Get off the ibuprofen. Don't let it harm your liver. Don't let it come for your kidneys. Take the omega-3s that are far more absorbable. If I am not mistaken, a guy named Alex Jones, who either lied or was tragically, tragically wrong, about a school shooting at Sandy Hook, wasn't he ordered to pay $1 billion in damages? Wasn't there a talk a few weeks ago of the feds crashed outside his studio, wanting to come in and seize all his assets? In other words, any of the things it would allow him to pay this fine. And wasn't Alex Jones, even after he said the things he said about Sandy Hook, which were wrong and/or just made up, and for which he's apologized? Wasn't Alex Jones still a fixture of shows like MSNBC, like The View? Wasn't he still invited? On CNN, on shows like Pierce Morgan, he was. He was invited on the shows after he said what he said about Sandy Hook. There were years to pursue a case against Alex Jones for what he said about Sandy Hook. Why did it just happen in the past two? Because Jones wasn't always a supporter of President Trump, in my mind. Suddenly he was a supporter of President Trump. So President Trump, I think, has had magnificent protection from God. And the RNC wants to throw that aside by saying in their platform, we don't care about God's word. Maybe God will protect President Trump on a continual basis. Maybe he's decided that he's gonna be a soldier for all sorts of goods we can't see, like tearing down the curtain between us and the government. So we can actually see what's going on. Maybe that's it. There's a woman who has put out a video that when I found it, it had nearly 8 million views, 1.5 million likes. This was many, many days ago. It's got four more than this now. Now, is she gonna pay a similar fine for what she says about the shooting of President Trump, which is what you remember, did not take the president's life, but it did take a life of an American hero. - I mean, it's a little weird, you know, that this is America and shooters don't miss unless they're hired to. People often flew the scene of a shooting, but these people did not, instead, they crouched down not enough to protect themselves, just enough so they could keep recording. And when they saw that the Cheeto puff was okay, they erupted into applause, and the secret service still did not rush them off a stage because there was no active threat perceived, even though it had not been declared that the shooter had been apprehended. And I'm just wondering something that I can't say out loud. - So she can't say it out loud. That's clever. She's good at what she does. I guess because she didn't say it, she's not in trouble. Now, she's looking at this from a perspective of something set up to help Trump, right? I'm looking at it as something set up to take the life of the president. And we go right back to the very, very beginning of the program, which is why I'm asking for the Republican National Committee to stop molding itself in to the thing it's contending to destroy. It's not a political party that you're seeking to destroy, it's not the Democrats. That's not what the war is against. The war is against a party unmoored from God's law. Unmoored from any form of permanent morality. That's what you're fighting, what you should be fighting. I look at this woman as the polar opposite of myself in a way. I'm simply saying, looking at patterns, I see nothing here that would stand outside of their pattern. A guy allowed in to do harm, just like on Jan 6, many people allowed in to do harm. When they lacked enough people to commit a kidnapping against Gretchen Whitmer, the dictator of Michigan, they found people, they recruited people to go commit such an act because it wasn't getting down on their own. When they could not find enough white supremacist armies crouching outside the cities of Washington, DC, they simply pretended they were there and put up barriers to block pretend members of a pretend army. When President Trump was not sufficiently racist, they found ways to make what he was saying racist when he talked about find people on the both sides of a debate that was the debate about statues, they turned that into him saying that Nazis are very, very fine people. Meanwhile, there's this. The Washington Post reports, this is their words, breaking news, President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices in an enforceable ethics code. Let's translate this. This is a campaign plea for the people who run the figurehead. The President, the executive and Congress does not have the right to limit Supreme Court appointments. That would have to be a constitutional amendment. And in terms of an enforceable ethics code, once again, this is an issue of separate branches of government. They know this, but they don't care because this is not about truth and it's not about preserving anything other than power. That's what they're concerned with preserving. If the Republican Party wants to play into this, one of the things they should not do is to become this by virtue of having people on stage and a platform that completely departs the Word of God. Now, are they as godless as the Democrats? Not yet, but it seems like they want to get there and get there quickly. When you want to get to a place quickly, look at where people are at and how they got there and see if this is how you do it. This is a person named Jess Brands. Jess Brands is a councilwoman for Upper Derby Township in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. This is lives of TikTok writing. Even worse, she works for a straight Democrat house, Heather Boyd from Pennsylvania. After the assassination attempt against Trump, she posted on Facebook A for effort. Representative Boyd, does your employer speak for you? Delaware County, are you okay with your councilwoman celebrating violence A for effort? There it is, there's your profile. That's a real person or his profile, that's a real person. Kenneth Gucker is a former Connecticut State Rep, a Democrat. He's very upset that the shooter missed and here's his name. Missed him by that much. You cannot become the thing. Oh, by the way, let's take a look at Kenneth just so that he gets the fun of being on the video show. That's Kenneth. Very upset that the shooter missed. You cannot become, or cannot destroy a thing by becoming the thing. When the Republicans depart the word of God on their platform and by the virtue of the people they have to come to speak at their committee, they cannot fight a thing because they're busily becoming the thing. When you are someone who wants to stay away from the thing that you're fighting, you have to know what you're staying away from. If you're someone who's obese, you need to stay away from fatty liver, but you probably have fatty liver because if you're obese, you're gonna be like 100 million other Americans and have too much fat surrounding your liver. That stuff puts pressure on your liver so that it cannot properly cleanse your blood. If it doesn't cleanse your blood, you end up with disease or you end up worse with liver disease. The fastest way to get rid of this is to drop fat. Now, fast is relative depending on how overweight you are. Why at one point was 400 pounds, it was a long, long march to take that off. Fortunately, the people who make liver health formula are here with liver health formula with 11 clinically proven organic ingredients, not chemicals, organics. To help protect your liver, to help you drop belly fat and to counteract some of the results of fatty liver, like what? Some of the symptoms are feeling slow and sluggish and sleepy all the time. They will always want me to remind you of this. They never want their liver health formulas to be something you take for life. It's a bridge. It's to protect you while you go through the process of dropping this belly fat again, which can be helped along by using liver health formula. Simply go buy a 30-day supply at that's And when you do that, you get two free gifts simply for buying the 30-day supply. Get This is a picture circulating the internet that is going to cause all sorts of questions again. It's a ladder. It appears to be leaning up against the side of the building, onto which the shooter climbed. So the gunman goes and gets in and elevated a position. Inside the building, there are SWAT officers, all heavily armed, and we are told to believe that it was a sloped roof that kept the agents from being on top of the roof. That's what we're told to believe. By a woman who was a DEI hire, by a woman whose obsession was putting women on the team, she herself sounds like she was getting this second and third hand, doesn't she? Doesn't it sound like she knew what was going on? And yet here's what we have from people like Jen Psaki. Jen Psaki wants us to know that don't go blaming the media. Don't go ask the media. Don't go think they had anything to do with this. Jen Psaki. For anyone out there who has a platform who thinks the moment right now is to be political and attack the other party, you are feeding into the danger. You are making it more likely there's retaliation. I'm incredibly scared. I'm scared for journalists. I'm scared for people who have public platforms of all parties, and that's how people should feel. You're scared for people who have platforms and you're scared of revenge. Is this the theme we're going to continue to hear revenge? It's almost like they're comparing themselves to the shooter who was apparently bullied. As some of his former classmates have said. I mean, he would sit alone at lunch. I mean, he was just a outcast and you know how kids are nowadays. So they're going to see someone like that and they're going to target him because they think it's funny or whatever. So it's the best way I can describe it. And it's honestly kind of sad. Like, I don't want to say this is what provoked it, but you never know. - You said it was a loaner? - Yeah, I want to say he was a loaner more because he was just, he was quiet, but like he was just bullied. Like he was bullied so much, so much. - This is high school. - Yeah. - What did they still remember at all what they said to him or called him? - No, he was just made fun of, I guess, for the way he dressed or his appearance. - We can have sadness in our hearts and we should that a 20-year-old life went this way. That he attached to himself this idea of doing something that would make him matter. We'll never say his name on the program. I don't want his name said, because you'll get more of this. But Jen Psaki's saying that she's concerned about political revenge or violent revenge in exchange for what happened to President Trump. This meme that they continue to push out is just as believable as we didn't get on the roof 'cause it was sloped. Why do they say that? Because there's been no instances deaths. There's been none. President Reagan was shot, there was none. Steve Scalise was shot, there was none. When there were cops murdered, there's been none. There was none when Gabby Giffords was shot. Most Americans are not the same people. Most Americans are not on the edge of going out and committing violence. Most Americans. Most Americans don't listen to Joy Reid, who is back to doing the Hitler comparison thing. This is Joy Reid. - Then let me know who I gotta vote for to keep Hitler out the White House. That's it, I'm done. Oh, and by the way, if it's Biden in a coma, I'm a vote for Biden in a coma. I don't even really particularly like the guy. A lot of his policy, don't like him. He's not Donald Trump, right? Yeah, Hitler, White House. We keeping him out, keeping Project 2025 out. That's all I care about, up and down the ballot from the rooted to... - From the rooted to the toody. That level of fear, that level of paranoia can come from one place, deception. In the Master of Deception is the same Master of Deception who's whispering into the ear of their public and national committee. Have strippers and sex performers and porn actresses and maybe pornographic actors, not that that's acting. Have them on stage. Embrace this, show that you're hip like the young people. Remove from the platform, the definition of biblical marriage. Move towards culture. Culture swims upstream of politics. It is not the Democrat party that is destroying the country, it's culture. And that culture is being forced down onto the families. When families gather to watch the Republican National Committee, they should be watching a party that's based upon the following. The strength of faith. Yes, Republicans should embrace faith. In my judgment, the Christian faith. Is that a separation of church and state issue? It's not. It's a recognition of reality. God is real. He sent his one and only son to die for us so that we'd have an opportunity for redemption. A free gift given not something we can earn, but something we can accept. He was the author of truth. He is the author of truth because he is and now and always will be truth. Predicating your platform based on that and then moving up to family. What is family? It's the first thing that God invented for human beings. After he created Adam, he created Eve and from there, kids came, family. God showed us how family should be. When he walked with Adam and Eve, they were naked with no concern. God walked with them, there was no shame. Among family members, there was a sharing until the lie came into the world. And Satan came and told the lie to divide the family and then the end that he came. And still, God pursued us. The Republican Party should be part of that, the tight family unit. Why? Because a country based upon the word of God then powered by tight family units who attend church together is a country's much harder to break. It's a country that would continue to laugh at ideas like men or women, safest, most secure election in history, safe and effective so-called vaccines. And the shooters got to the rooftop that was slanted because he wasn't afraid of a 7.1 degree slope. But no, we can't have our secret service snipers on such a level because they'd fall off. Delusions like Joy Reid has about President Trump come from one source and one source only and that is the author of all lies. Nancy Pelosi is a participant in that. This is Nancy Pelosi and if you're not watching the video service, note that she is in front of the green screen, showing the houses from, what was that show with the kids? What am I talking about? Come on, San Francisco, the family with the kids in these row houses, you gotta help with this. You don't know this? Okay, I gotta think about this. You guys, someone out there screaming the name of this. I'm looking in the, I'll go look in the live chat. - Some people are saying it caused Donald Trump is such an authoritarian and autocrat. We have to win this election. This is not a normal election where you want to win. If you don't, you cooperate and do the best you can for the country and hope to win the next time. This is something that is undermining our democracy and he must be stopped. He cannot be president. - This is gonna drive me nuts. Joey, with the kids, the two girls who went out to act, someone has got to rescue me from this. Okay, I'll try to move past this, but it was in San Francisco, the row houses, and that's the green screen that she chooses, another lie. Let's see, Paul, she was not in San Francisco, at least I'm actually in Idaho. Full house, thank you, Niana for the win, right? She's staying in front of basically the full house set the external set to full house. Lies compound upon lies. I'll tell you a little bit of a story about the Republican Party in the National Republican Party and what it's always been like. It's not a fun story. It's an insider story. I can't give up names, but I want you to know something that President Trump is not the first guy to have a completely immoral RNC below him. I'll tell you about this in a second. And again, if you're listening with kids, maybe just have the kids take a quick break for just just a second, because this story stinks. I'm gonna do what my friend Ben did for stink. I get these bad, bad allergies this time of year, and sometimes it manifests and I can't breathe through my nose, which is the case now, makes it difficult to do the show. You might be able to tell my voice is whack, then it's difficult for me to breathe and concentrate. And sometimes it manifests in me having the most brilliant stiffer in the world. Suddenly I'm like a bear and I can smell barbecued meat 55 miles away. Or wait, there's a rotting calf somewhere in the hill. That happened yesterday and I smelled my truck. Now I, God bless my wife for never saying anything about this. No one else ever really rides in my trucks and all this is really good. I guess my friend Kevin rides in the truck. But I opened the truck and I'm like, wait, this smells like Jim stink. And sure enough, I gotta ask my wife about this. Are you just being kind or you don't smell the Jim stink? So I'm gonna pull a trick from my friend, Ben, who took his Eden pure oxie leaf two and put it in his truck to rid it of bear sausage smell, 'cause some bear sausage accidentally got left in there and rotted and aged and matured. Ben got that stuff to go away in one night. It also unlimited the fake new truck smell he sprayed in there. Then his wife was driving their dear little boy around that he puked all over the car. So Ben went out to clean up the puke but it still smelled like it. So once again, Ben brought in the oxie leaf two thunderstorm which produced ozone overnight in the car, simply plugged in the USB device. And there it was. In the morning, the smell was gone, like it never ever happened. I'm gonna do the same thing tonight with an oxie leaf. I'm gonna pull it into the garage, put it in my truck, and that smell of Jim bag will not be there anymore. It works for pet smells, it works for oil smells, it works on viruses, and in fact, there's a pet stink guarantee. When you buy the oxie leaf two thunderstorm device at and use code Todd three, if it doesn't remove the pet stink, they will give you your money back. Go to, use code Todd three to get a deal of a lifetime. It's a whole home coverage, three of these devices for under 200 bucks., use code Todd three. There's a reason that Satan likes power centers. He can distract those of us who are just ordinary folks using his ordinary toolkit, distract distort depress. In centers of power, he uses something else. It is a distraction, but it's the oldest distraction on earth, access to the illusion of power, or even feeling like you have some. I will never forget the night. I was sitting in my office and a deputy who worked for me, very good guy. He doesn't know the Lord, I hope one day he will, came down to my office and he knocked on the door. I was in a closed-door meeting and I said, "Just 15 minutes," he goes, "I really need to see you, boss." I cleared the room, brought in this deputy, and he had the sickest look on his face. And he goes, "I gotta just tell what I just saw." I was just upstairs and he was looking for a guy who worked in fundraising. I was looking for this guy, we had to get him to sign off on this thing. He wanted to do a fundraiser with us and I had wanted nothing to do with it because it was a stupid design for a fundraiser. He had this idea that was not gonna work, I knew it was gonna work, I didn't wanna work on it, but this deputy decided to help him to be a good guy on his own, his own time. So he knocks in the door and he heard this guy say something, he thought it was come in and it wasn't. And as he stepped into the room, here is a man in his mid-40s, a heavy, heavy man in his mid-40s, having sex with two male interns in the Republican National Committee workplace. My deputy said, "Oh, I'm sorry," and shut the door and came downstairs and told me this. "What do I do?" he said. I said, "You go to the lawyers. "You go to your desk and you write me an email "about what you saw and you see see the lawyers. "You do that right now, your name names." He did it, like I left. I'm not ever and haven't ever been clear on whether those young men were 18. I think they were. I'm pretty confident they were. I'm 99% sure they were. I pray to God they were. I should have checked. Power is going to draw people like that because power begets the ability to con others, to blackmail others. Power is always going to corrupt in human hands because human beings are broken at the core. That's the sin issue. The Republican National Committee can have the finest ads. They can have the toughest candidate. There has never been a presidential candidate, in my opinion, tougher than Donald John Trump, not one. And you can win. The election, even through the vote fraud. God can make that happen. If President Trump has put into power through the great providence of God, and President Trump runs an administration filled with people who think it's okay to have sex in the hallways, there's no win at all. It goes back to this, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. It's a minor victory to get your country back for a few years. The only victory that matters is eternal. And if you seek the eternal victory by living by God's law, you will get America back. So prioritize. And that's a quick lesson on why I don't watch political theater. I don't invest in it. Obviously, I observe it enough to be able to talk about it with you. But I am not of this world. I'm in it. I'm a visitor. So are you. The question for everybody is, where's home, your permanent home? This is The Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)