The Todd Herman Show

America, 2024- When everything is one thing, nothing is anything Ep-1723

This was inspired by the fact that though they could have been spending their time making sure a 20-year-old didn't somehow evade the secret service, The Department of Homeland Security was concentrating on calling pro-life groups domestic terrorists. See, when everything is one thing, nothing is everything.We're not domestic terrorists because we belong to pro-life groups. And when everything is one thing, then nothing is really anything: like a president. When everything is the same thing, then nothing is really anything: like racism. When men are women, then there are no women. It's quite on purpose, because then they get to control what things mean.

What does God’s Word say? 
John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Matthew 7:15-20
15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
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17 Jul 2024
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The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God has decided we should live. We don't normally record this far in advance, and I normally wouldn't tell you that, but I'm kind of duty-bound to do that. I spent the weekend, you're watching this after the weekend. I spent the weekend and I hopefully came back alive. I don't know, because it hasn't happened yet. With 200, well, it's more than that, probably 300 high school and junior high boys. It ought to be fair, 150 boys, 150 girls. We don't spend time with the girls, this is not the way we do things. So, we're going to talk about in the second show today, which will be done live, what that was like, and what I learned from that. One thing I've learned in just monitoring what's being done to the culture, and it is about the attack on words. Words are attached to things that matter. Sometimes there are feelings that you have trouble, to which you have trouble applying words. And sometimes those are very confusing feelings, and it takes thoughts and prayers to figure that all out. There are words that are really, really important. If you're a cop and you are in a confrontation with a group of civilians, the word gun means go time. Someone has a gun, gun. It's one word and it's said very quickly. And every cop knows what gun means. It means you are about to get shot. And different police departments have different protocols for gun. There's words, of course, that the left, largely the left, and particularly the sexual left has worked very hard to destroy, such as love. Love is not one thing. Biblically, there's at least four kinds of love, probably five. And they all matter. They're all important. They all mean something. Clearly, the love I have for my daughter is different than the love I have for my wife. They are different things, and they are vitally important to separate. The love I have for my male friends, and some female friends, is different than the love I have for God. It better be. The love for God had better be all encompassing, as his love for us is. And the Bible is called, it's hard to say, it's hard to say. Words, as Rush Limbaugh once said, and you know what, it's interesting. Rush said this in a commercial. This is how good he was. He said, words mean things. They tell people about your background, education, even your intelligence. And he was doing an ad for a company that helped you speak better English, and struck better sentences, better than the ones I just did. So, when everything is one thing, nothing is everything, is anything. So, for instance, as I've said many times in the program, if you tell your kids, everything is hot, nothing is hot. Therefore, there will be no warning when something is actually hot, or in a family where someone finally blows their top. You know what, if you keep doing that, you're getting into spanking. Spanking never happens. The word means nothing. Until one day, the parent cracks, and the spanking is beating. Words are attached to important things. Our government is making sure that that is less and less true. Why? Because when they can appropriate a word, they can appropriate truth. We can take this down to many, many levels. Obviously, the pretending men are women is one of them. But so was this. Pretending that cases meant people were sick. That was never true. In the COVID instance, a case meant a positive test. It did not mean that anybody was sick. But when they appropriated a case, and made it appear to mean ill, look what they were able to do. There's yet another instance of this going on, and it's related to something that should be very, very important. Because it can lead to great, great harm, immediate harm, existential harm to civilians' entire populations. And of course, the government's changing the meaning to that. The meaning "medicine." What does that mean to you? Medicine. It used to mean to me, it's something I didn't want to take, but was going to make me better. What does it mean to you these days if you hear, say, prescription drug? Or drug? Sometimes those meanings change. For me, the word ibuprofen used to mean relief. It was a miracle drug. It was something I took when I was incredibly sore, incredibly inflamed. There's a difference between being sore and inflamed, by the way. Sore as the result of exercise is predictable. Inflammation goes on all the time. You always hurt. So ibuprofen, to me, was this miracle medicine. I took it, and I felt better. The powers that run the CDC and the NIH are the same powers that run pharma, they want us to think of ibuprofen that way. It is not. It is, in fact, causing inflammation in your body by way of destroying your gut lining. Gut lining gets destroyed, particles that don't belong in your blood get in your blood, and it irritates your joints and your muscle and can even irritate your mind. Inflammation. When I started taking native path krill, which comes from crustaceans, not fish, I was shocked at how quickly it abated the inflammation in my body. And my inflammation comes from many causes. Mine is usually activity-based because I don't eat sugar. Well, 99% of the time. If you eat sugar, if you take coffee, if you exercise, if you're in a line of work that causes inflammation, don't think of ibuprofen as medicine. It's not. It causes inflammation and covers up the symptoms. Native path krill, for me, ended my interaction with that fake medicine. You don't need to live with inflammation. You don't. Go to and see the specialist they have for you today, just to hint, pro trip, as it were, as my wife likes to say, a pro tip, the more you buy, the more you save at The government is playing that game where everything they don't like is a domestic terror op. And in the era of independent journalists, and in this case, I'm going to do Elon Musk, the respect of calling his platform X. I don't normally do that because to me, it's Twitter, probably always will be. It's just me being stubborn. I guess I think X is a stupid name. There is a guy who calls himself shoe, samosaur, and he has some information for us. An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty, Fort Bragg today, where they listed several pro-life organizations as terrorist organizations. The slide you see here, followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East. The organizations labeled by the Army as terror groups organizations include National Right to Life and Operation Rescue. They also included a screenshot of a license plate with IM4IT, which is a plate many pro-life citizens put on their car, which implies normal citizens as terrorists if they display this plate. The slide goes on to mention activities in which organizations participate, which include being pro-life, opposing Roe versus Wade, demonstrating and protesting if first cement protected right, truth displays and picketing. They also falsely attribute the bombing of abortion clinics to National Right to Life. Keep in mind they're not labeling them as extremist organizations, which would still be crazy, but as terrorist organizations. The military and department of defense are insanely out of control. Service members are being indoctrinated to view pro-life pro-life groups as the enemy. Yes, they are. What are they really being indoctrinated with? What does terror mean? Whatever we say it does. When one thing means everything, nothing means anything. What the goal is here is to be the keepers of truth. When you appropriate the meaning of words to say, well, that's terrorism. Why? Because we called it terrorism, but yesterday it wasn't terrorism, but today it is. You render yourself the same as the hypnotized people in the Mockingbird media newsrooms. Think about this. When Zach Abraham and I did a show last week together, we went through this insane contention that Casey, what's her name? Casey Hunt? I forget her name. She doesn't matter that much to me. No offense. She just doesn't. At CNN who said that the Bible contains pornography. Remember that? The Bible doesn't contain any pornography, but she said that in pornography, but she said it as a fact. Why does she think that? Because she must. In order to interact in the world in what she lives, she must think those things. You can see the same thing throughout Washington, D.C. on each side of the aisle. When there was the protest in Washington, D.C., the original Tea Party protests, and I should get, I should ask my wife for permission to use her videos from that. I should share on that first day, when people drove from around the country, I should ask her permission to get this video of this old man. I'm not being pejorative. He was in his 80s. Drove all the way up overnight from Louisiana. In a Walker, he came to the Capitol on the Mall. In a Walker. She asked him why he was against Obamacare and what Barack Obama was doing. He was eloquent and precise, and he had deep, deep sets of information. I took that back to the Republican National Committee and my wife got me in touch with Amy Kramer, who was one of the key organizers of the Tea Party. And Amy emailed me. I said, "Oh my gosh, I would love to have you in the building. I would love to. Let's arrange this." I put out a note to the Republican National Committee leadership. Amy Kramer says she's helped organize this. I'm inviting her in who would like to come and meet with her to learn how she did this and how her team got this to happen. No one wanted that. No one would take the meeting. Why? Well, she wasn't on our team. What did team mean? It meant people who exist to get Republicans elected. What is a Republican? A Republican is anything they say is a Republican. Susan Snow is a Republican just as much as Rand Paul is a Republican. The word Republican meant something once. It didn't then. Now, in point of fact, one person did take that meeting and he rushed back into chat with her. And that was the chief of staff, Ken, who was in fact very impressed with her, thankful for what she did. But this goes further. During that same time, that protest that week, which was they were profound. They were huge. They were just stellar. They were peaceful. I went up to the leadership team and was in a leadership meeting one morning. I think leadership meetings were every morning. And it went into the leadership meeting. And a very nice gentleman, incredibly nice, kind man. He is a fixture of Washington, D.C. He said to me, did you see these insane people who want to audit our Federal Reserve? Kevin, what's wrong with that? Are you kidding me? That's our nation's banking system. They want to audit it? What does audit mean? Audit means to supervise, to investigate, to measure. He thought it insane that we would want to test, to measure, to investigate our "nation's banking system" as the people who are, well, content to own it. You can boil this down even further. And I know this is a creature from Jekyll Island stuff, but many people don't know this. Is the Federal Reserve Federal? No. Is it a reserve? No. When the party seizes words and turns them into gibberish, they are seizing the ability to create truth. So what do we do? What is truth? Truth is not a thing. It's a person. A personage. An existence. An eternity. God is truth. Anything else? You're dealing with not truth but emotion, for instance. The people who leave this hearing are this training by the military teaching them that pro-life groups are terrorists. How do they feel about pro-life groups? Well, since they're in the military, you would hope they don't feel afraid. But they feel what? Animists? Opposition? Villagants of diligence? A sense of needing to be vigilant around people like that? When they see a pro-life license plate, what feelings do they get? Oh, that's someone who means this country ill. That's someone I've been told to watch out for. That's someone who I'm being prepped to view as someone I may need to do what to. Now, think about this. It took decades to build up the hatred necessary for many of the worst of the cultural revolutions. Decades. Now, it didn't one day say that the bosses of China should be be headed and it happened. In France, it wasn't one day of, hey, they hate us. The royalty needs to be be headed. And let's do that now. It didn't take one day. It took ages to build up that animus. And many of it, much of it, was probably well earned, not being taken to the gatels, not being assassinated. God says, do not murder. Prepping the military environment to create feelings of, if not fear, but animus for natural expressions of free speech among the citizens group does what? The feelings towards the individuals, but then the feeling towards something else, speech itself. The crimes these groups have committed is speech. There was a great mean that went out and I think we talked about this was Zach. I think I mentioned this. It compared the criminal fine that Boeing paid to the fines that President Trump and Alex Jones are paying. And I want to repeat that because again, when one thing means everything, nothing really means anything. I'll talk about that. There are sometimes I get these great surprises in terms of meaning when we get notes like this from listeners to the program. This comes from M.D. Berg, Washington State Boys, Class of '86, Summit Mountain Class of '89, Acts 1631, Ephesians 511, former NCO. And he sends me a picture and I can't tell if that's, that might, that looks like a, oh, it's a Mercedes. Okay. So it looks like a Mercedes SUV, really nice car. And hey, look what's in it. Or SUV, look what's in it. There's the oxyleaf two thunderstorm devices right there in the vehicle and M.D. rights. After 10 years parked inside the garage, it only took four units and 48 hours to get it smelling like a rainforest. Thanks for the eating pure oxyleaf recommendation, Todd. Things are amazing. They are really very, very powerful. And the reason they are is because they're not what you've been taught to buy. An air filter, that word means something. It forces air through the unit and it forces out particles, which are then stored in the filters, which you then throw out and buy more. Therefore, you don't really purchase an air filter device. You rent it because you have to purchase the filters every year at a cost to two to four hundred dollars. The oxyleaf two thunderstorm is not an air filter. It is an air purifier. It does not suck air through it. It produces in your room, or in this case, in this gentleman's very nice looking vehicle, ozone. The ozone molecules, magically it seems, bond to things that cause bad smells and destroys them. Therefore, they're out of the air. It does the same thing to viruses. You remember when Zach came into the studio last week, he walked in and said, wow, it smells like ozone. He forgot. Yeah, of course it was going to smell like ozone. You can have the same tool for your cabin to get rid of bad pet smells or smoking. Please do stop smoking. Anything it works for. And I'll save you two hundred dollars whole home coverage, three of these devices for less than two hundred bucks. Just go to, use code Todd3, just enter that., enter code Todd3 to save two hundred bucks on the Edenpeard Oxyleaf two devices. Breathe the breath of fresh air again., enter code Todd3. Boeing was fined a very small amount of money in comparison to what Alex Jones has been charged. Boeing killed about 346 people. And they refined $243 million. This is because of the crashes in 2018 and 2019. Crashes that people warned Boeing about. This is a criminal fine for killing people. Alex Jones is on the hook for a billion dollars or more. For saying things about people who are killed. Alex didn't kill them. He was wrong. What he said was inaccurate. It was hurtful. It psychologically harmed people. I believe that because I know people who were psychologically harmed in that event. I don't know them. I know their kids. President Trump is being fined twice as much for correctly appraising the market value as home. Twice as much as Boeing is being charged for killing people in a criminal conspiracy related crash of the 737 Maxis. Go back to the title of the program and examine it. Think about what we've been saying about words and how powerful they are. When everything is one thing, nothing is anything. When everything is terrorism, nothing is terrorism. When everything is hate speech, nothing is hate speech. Meaning, it only matters who's making the charge. And that's where the government wants us to get. That's why this is so dangerous. That's why at the very beginning of the Trans Nightmare, I started to talk about the fact that it was an attempt to seize truth because that's what it's always been. Think some more about this. Every single Republican is a Nazi. They're all Nazis. They're all racists. They all want to destroy the country. They all hate truth. They all hate children. They all hate immigrants. And the people who are Democrats are all on the side of what? Caring and fairness. They're all on the side of what? Civil rights. They're all on the side of what? Providing for people. They could get about the meaning of words. When Joe Biden began his mental decline, we were told it was what? He was stuttering. He'd always been a stutterer. Really? Is there any evidence for that? Nope. Doesn't matter because we said he's always been a stutterer. Then it became this. Well, what about President Trump? Wait a minute. I thought what about hisms were illegal. You guys told us know what about hisms. Now, given the press conference last week, let's think about the meaning of words again. They do everything they can to normalize President, President, President. They did everything they could to normalize safe and safe election. Safe as most secure election in history. Words that they seized. How do we know it was safe? How do we know it was secure minutes after the polls closed? Well, because we said so. Remember this moment during the press conference? My commander in chief, my chief of staff of the military, as well as the Secretary of Defense and our intelligence people. So, let's pause and play this again. And if you're on the video service, watch the face of this man. I know this happened last week, but watch the face of this man. And think again about the word President. Think again about the word commander in chief. Think again about the word supervisor, auditing, controlling, measuring. Is he capable of this? Listen and or watch again. I'm following the advice of my commander in chief, my chief of staff of the military, as well as the Secretary of Defense and our intelligence people. That is a great bit of effort that Biden's putting into a reset of the brain. That's not a misspeak. That is a missthink. And we are told that this is the guy who is still quite capable of a 2 AM war room decision. A moment like that, take it as an airline pilot. An airline pilot who is landing an airplane and he is 15 feet from the ground. A mental situation like that at a speed like that where he has to reset his brain could be the difference between the wings going 15% to the left and the plane going into the ground or the wings staying where they should be level. The nation isn't likely to have a 15 second emergency, but it's likely to have a 15 second decision. And the brain freeze like that at that moment, that could be horrible. It could be catastrophic. Think about the word war room. What does it mean? Usually it means where the war is planned or the war is carried out. And then think about this team or this. Direct reports. See, a president as the chief executive should have a series of direct reports. People who report into him. Is that what he has? What's the phrase "shadow government" mean? What does it actually mean? It means people operating in the shadows who are actually running things. Is that something we should be looking at? We're told, time and again, deep state is a conspiracy theory. Shadow is a conspiracy theory. But wait a minute. It was a conspiracy theory that the shots didn't stop transmission or infection. It was a conspiracy theory that masks didn't work. It was a conspiracy theory that the COVID shots were making people sick. It was a conspiracy theory that there was such a thing as an effort to push transgenderism and wrong sex attraction on kids. It was a conspiracy. It was a conspiracy theory that racism was being taught in the schools. What's the title of the program again? When everything is one thing, nothing is anything. If everything is hot, nothing is hot. If everything is dangerous, nothing is dangerous. If everything is a conspiracy theory, nothing is a conspiracy theory. The effort to control truth is what this is about. Think again about the press conference. Think again about this man answering a pretty simple question. And by the way, he had his list of people to whom he was to call for questions. He didn't hide the list. He sometimes had to closely examine the lists to suss out the names. I'm here to tell you, there's a reason those people were picked. It's not because they were the best looking or because they were sitting up front. It's because they agreed to use the right words. I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President, but I think she's not qualified to be president. I want to play it again. This was a setup. We know it this way. The reporters who were selected to ask questions the way this works in D.C. and I cannot tell you 100% it worked this way, but this is the way it works in D.C. You get a phone call or an email, usually a phone call because they don't want a paper trail in this. Would you like to be the first person to ask a question? Would you like to be the only person to ask a foreign policy question? Then here's the questions we would like to have you ask. You've probably heard this setup question about, you know, your NATO allies have said you're a strong leader and they need you to read reelection and they're very afraid that President Trump is going to come in and get Putin. Everything he wants and destroys NATO and what would you say to these world leaders? That guy is a tool of the intelligence services. So go back to this question and know that it's scripted and think about the theme of the show. I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President, but I think she's not qualified to be president. So again, miss speaking or miss thinking? Probably both. But what we're told is in a war room scenario, that's the guy who's going to turn to a person to make the decision. So God forbid this country is under direct attack and he says, I want Doug to decide. Doug, what's your call? In that second, in that moment, do we have a team? Do we have direct reports? Do they know? The misappropriation of words, the changing of words brings us to the shadow government discussion. In a shadow government, is there an org chart? Is there a chain of command? Is there a constitutional structure as to what can be done or what can't be done? In a shadow government, no, why would there be? It's in the shadows. What gets done happens through discussion and chess playing and who has what on whom? For instance, I think Zach and I talked about this last week. My wife and I were kind of wargaming the get rid of Biden movement. And she said, why don't they just go to them and say, we're going to bankrupt you if you don't leave? Okay, well, that's one way to do it. Then the Chinese Communist Party can say to them, you're going to bankrupt our guy? Oh, bankrupt you. You think we don't have the photos of your kids' emails or your kids' internet access? You think we don't have pictures of you? We think we don't think we have things on you? You leave our guy alone. Or it could be you crying through whom we're laundering all this money. It could be Zelensky. When a family like the Bidens are owned, the question is in that shadow government, who wins the argument about what happens with Biden? That's why we talk about shadow governments. That's why we talk about deep state behaviors. In a deep state, shadow government behavior, is there an org chart? Is there a constitutional structure? Does a shadow government or a deep state say, oh, wait, guys, we can't do that. That goes expressly against the Fourth Amendment. No. Because by the definition of what a shadow government actually means, they want to operate into the shadows. And if we think there's not a shadow government, just again examine how quickly it became vital that kids go to libraries and see grown men pretending to be over-sexualized cartoon versions of female strippers' dash prostitutes. That became important in about six months. It was vital because someone used words to change truth. That was shadow government done behind the scenes through human rights commissions to make it happen. That's shadow government. Did they think and say, wait a minute, this isn't the mission of a library. Libraries should provide books and knowledge. This isn't a mission. This isn't good for kids. They're not ready for that. No, because in a shadow government, there's no restraint. This is why words matter. This is why that slide from the army calling pro-life groups, terrorists matters because of the reality. When you think of the phrase health care, what comes to mind? What about this? Health. How do you define it? For me, I define health as being able to do the things that bring me life, to do them well. Now, that changes over time. It just does. There will come a time, for instance, where I won't be able to do CrossFit even at the level I do it now. And I'll be, frankly, with you. I struggle with that. I struggle with wanting to live through that. Now, God will provide a way. He'll provide a path. I'm not a guy that's going to go kill myself. That's a loser's way out. You hand the pain off to other people, and it's not that bad. I'd find other things. But I define health as the capacity to be able to do what you like to do, and to do it relatively pain-free. How do you define it? At, they define it this way, elevating your quality of life. How? Well, by being pain-free. Or, in fact, there are some people who use the ethically gathered stem cells, as comes for incentives and umbilical cords, to be better looking aesthetically. There are people who do that. And I don't judge. I have friends who do this. I was blown away to find out the number of people I know who've taken Botox. Blown away. And one of my responses was, "Why? Why would you do that?" There is a treatment available there that is not Botox. It is putting stem cells into your face if the wrinkles bother you, that comes from placentas and umbilical cords, and it is not. I use a strain that's not been exposed at all to the modified RNA injections. Yes, it's aesthetic. There's also, though, this quality of life. Being able to continue to golf. Now, I don't play golf. I probably couldn't ever do it. It's just my mind doesn't work that way. I would probably end up gouging my eyes out of boredom. I'm not criticizing you for playing it. That's me, you be you. There's a reason so many professional golfers go to, because in the golf game, in sports, when you're at that level playing pro golf, you're more likely to have an injury that is like an industrial injury, like a repetitive movement injury, like carpal tunnel. Well, guess what? The stem cells can just destroy carpal tunnel and bring you back to being able to do the things you like to do. Even people who've had severe accidents and have ended up with severe neurological issues, like being paralyzed, have seen incredible results from It's about quality of life. Elevate your quality of life, go to and just simply tell them you watch and or listen to the Todd Herman show, Let's turn again to the figurehead, as we're looking at words and what they mean, and we're starting to think about that phrase, shadow government, that phrase, deep state, thinking about chain of command, constitutional restraint. Respectfully, earlier you misspoke and your opening answer is referred to Vice President Harris as Vice President Trump. Right now, Donald Trump is using that to mock your age and your memory. How do you combat that criticism from tonight? Listen to him. This concludes tonight's press conference. Thank you, everybody. Thanks, everyone. You watch a man amble off the stage and will run it again because it's important. There's this word or phrase I use, lizard brain. Here's what lizard brain means. Lizard brain is fight or flight. This is where you observe your kid in danger and you become grisly mama or grisly dad. This is lizard brain, where you are headed into a car crash and your instincts and body adrenaline take over. Your brain literally literally drops frames. So we've got a natural frame rate in our mind. It's not 43 frames per second. That's what film runs. I think ours is 100 frames or something per second, maybe more. Our brains skip frames. So you're headed into a car crash and people to describe, it's like time slowed down. It did. Your brain only showed you the most important factors. Car tree kid, like the cops in that situation we talked about earlier, gun. Car tree kid, which one do you hit? Well, I'm choosing the tree because I put fewer people at risk. I don't want to hit the person in the car. I sure as heck, if not going to hit the kid, I'll choose the tree and take my chances that I live through that that come out to injured. That's lizard brain. In the case of figurehead, he has lizard brain. It's political lizard brain, but it doesn't work. It's got to be Peter Ducey, although I don't know that it sounds like his voice, but it sure is a Peter Ducey type question. And of course, Peter Ducey wasn't called on because I don't think Peter Ducey's going to say, "Yeah, I'll ask the questions you want me to ask." So watch and/or listen to this again. And if you're listening, let me describe that figurehead's behaviors. Exactly. Earlier you misspoke and you're listening. You referred to Vice President Harris as Vice President Trump. Okay, so when that question comes out, the figurehead has no recognition. His facial expression doesn't change. Right now, the way I'm reading him is, wait, what? I did, huh? Now, the punchline. And now Donald Trump is using that to mock your age and your memory. That's lizard brain. So what he's doing is he turns his head to the left side and he puts on a smile with fake white teeth. No man that age has teeth that white. And no man that age didn't have a facelift to look that way. He had both those things. He's turning his face to the left. He's grinning because, oh, it's so ridiculous. And the question is, what do you say in response to that? Okay, the figurehead, right hand on the podium, turns back, face straight into the camera. And now he's going to give us this menacing whisper thing that he thinks has an effect that it doesn't have. And he's going to absolutely deliver a rhetorical kill shot straight to the aorta of Donald Trump, literal orange Hitler, and whoever had the audacity to ask that question. Here it is. Listen to him. This concludes tonight's press conference. Thank you everybody. And we'll play everyone in an Alzheimer's Shuffer. His response is, listen to him. President Trump was pointing out that man called Trump Vice President. And mocking his mind. His kill shot is listened to him. In a shadow government scenario, in a deep state scenario, who actually makes the calls? I know we've been asking that question, but think about it in a moment of tense existential crisis. Who makes the call? There's no org chart. There's no constitutional restraint. Think again about the war gaming of getting rid of the figurehead. Nancy Pelosi can come in and say, the data's clear. We're not going to win. This guy's got to go. We've got to get a younger person in here. Here's the person it should be. And China can get her on the phone and say, remember that trip you made over to Taiwan? Remember when you openly traded stocks with insider information and had your kid over here making hundreds of millions of bucks, we have all the receipts. You know your husband, the guy with the drinking problem? The guy who apparently can't control his lusts? You know about the money he's made? Nancy, we've got it all. Shut up about our guy. That's a shadow government. Who wins? The word president at this point means very, very little. You earlier explained confidence in your vice president. Yes. If your team came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former president Donald Trump, would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? No, unless they came back and said there's no way you could win. Me. No, I'm saying that. No, Paul says that. Thank you. The menacing whisper. What effect does he think that has? And when he has to clarify a statement that short, let's run this again, he has to clarify a statement of very few words because he recognizes it was unclear. You earlier explained confidence in your vice president. If your team came back and showed you data that she would fare better against former president Donald Trump, would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? No, unless they came back and said there's no way you could win. Me. Don't say that. No, Paul says that. No. Remember this. The figurehead malfunctioned. Well, many times. In that specific instance, he actually invited a follow-up question. Not supposed to do that. In a scripted press conference and that reporter said, okay, fair game now. Now the so-called president invited it. God himself is truth. Truth is not an idea. It's not an expression. It's not a thing. It's a person. And God has told us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. God has told us you can judge him by the fruits. You will know them by the fruits. What are the fruits of the shadow government? Hiding. Concealment. Bribery. Self-interest. People who are proud of what they're doing don't hide it. People who don't think what they're doing is wrong, don't hide it. Those are the attributes of them. The people of the shadow government and that word should mean something. The word president means very, very little right now. With that, I'll take your questions. I've been given a list of people to call on here. Reuters, Jeff Mason. In a democratic republic with a free adversarial press and that word used to mean something, adversarial press. A list of questions to be asked from a list of people who've been blessed to ask them is adversarial to an adversarial press. It's a participatory press that is part of the shadow government. Who gets access? What does access mean? What does it mean when a story is, well, whispered out and embargoed until such time as they need it released? Like the story that exists. Oh, there's a story. It exists. It's about the figurehead's emotional breakdowns, his crying, his screaming, his forgetfulness, the days where he can't get out of bed. That story is written and it's ready to be fired off. When the deep state shadow government says, okay, let's go to DEF CON 5. But who makes that call? We don't know. How can I know that's written? Because this is the way DC works. The story is also written about the comeback kid. That one exists too. Which one gets out? It depends on what they need at the time. Even people like Chris Matthews are beginning to raise signs of alarm. He knows, Chris has been in this game a very, very long time. He knows. He's not a great guy. He's sharp though, even at his age. One more clip of the figurehead then we'll get to this piece with Chris Matthews. And should I really tell my Chris Matthews story again? Nah, I love it too much. I probably told it a hundred times, but it's such a good story. I should do it figure. It's such a good story. That's the way we should deliver the show. Does this have good dramatic effect, Niana? Is this the way I should monologue? Because everybody says it works. Thank you, Mr. President. The presidency is the most straining job in the world, and it's 24/7. How can you say you'll be up for that next year, in two years, in four years, given the limits you've acknowledged that you have today? The limits have acknowledged that. There's been reporting that you've acknowledged that you need to go to bed earlier and your evening around eight. That's not true. Look, what I said was, instead of my everyday starting at seven and going to bed at midnight, it'd be smarter for me to pace myself a little more. And I said, for example, the eight, seven, six stuff, instead of starting a fundraiser at nine o'clock, start at eight o'clock, people get to go home at ten o'clock. That's what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about it, and if you look at my schedule since I've made that stupid mistake in the debate, I mean, my schedule has been full bore. I've done -- where's Trump at? Riding around in his golf cart, filling out his scorecard before he hits the ball. I mean, look, he's done virtually nothing. And I have -- I don't know how many. Don't hold me to roughly 20 major events. Someone with thousands of people showing up. Powerful. Powerful sad. The lizard brain doesn't work anymore. Chris Matthews knows. Chris is not a great guy. Pretty arrogant in person. But Chris Matthews is starting to figure some things out. Or Izzy. Or Izzy. He is a politician who's been good at it. He's been reelected every time since then in Delaware with pretty healthy majorities. In life, he lost his wife and he lost his daughter, and he found Jill. Now, who? No. He found Jill babysitting his kids, sitting on his lap. Then he lost his wife. And Jill became not just a babysitter, but the person with whom he has sex. That's the Jill or George Clooney. I'm telling you, it's personal. He's had the elite, and it's so true about the elite. He is absolutely right about the elite. Look at President Obama. He served for eight years loyally. And yet Obama back Hillary Clinton for president and didn't back him. I hear he never even invited him upstairs. He had a good reason to be resentful. But he isn't. He puts up with it with the elite. Now he's got the poor people. He's got minorities. He's got Hispanics. He's going to put out the labor. He's going to hold that base of the Democratic Party, which he will need in November. And I'm telling you, people are going to end up rooting for him in October because he won't have a comeback. And in this elite fashion attack on him, they're going to pay for it, but in the end, they're going to end up voting for him. So I think Biden will be the little guy that will be the Democrat in this race, the true Democrat. He's going to get people to turn for him in October. It's going to be stunning. He is not quitting. So does he get it? Did you think he was really going to get it? Did I get you? The elites. The elites. Biden versus the elites. A family given 50 million dollars at least for access up against the elites. That word doesn't mean anything to the elites. Lord, thank you for reminding us that we will know them by their fruits and that you, yourself, are truth and light, in whom there's no darkness at all. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [music] [BLANK_AUDIO]