The Todd Herman Show

Mockingbird Media Demand MAGA Idiots Put in Their Fake Teeth, Pull-Up Their Torn Up Overalls and Tone Down Their Rhetoric Ep-1721

It's time to break the Ben Shapiro rule and ask some questions. And asking questions, of course, is a very scary thing if you're doing it, not to get answers, but just to know. I'm really not into political theater, but what happened, and almost happened to President Trump, is to me, the top story. We’re not supposed to ask questions, but they would never allow a guy to climb on top of a rooftop and do something like he almost did, right? 
What does God’s Word say? Armor of God10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Episode 1,721 Links:

- CBS News Report reveals what Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has been focused on: diversity hires
- How the hell was such an obvious line of sight not secured?
- BREAKING: Eyewitness tells BBC that he informed police, Secret Service about a suspicious man on a roof with a rifle. 
- CBS's Margaret Brennan lectures Steve Scalise, who was nearly assassinated in 2017 by a leftist
- CBS's Robert Costa complains "Trump supporters on social media tonight are extremely angry" at the assassination attempt, lamenting "this is still a politically charged moment".
- CBS's Margaret Brennan, out of control: "We want to make clear that this 
- is something we are a historic event...We are very mindful that this kind of event can inspire violence, it can inspire retaliation, and we want no part of that." 
- DISGUSTING: CBS's Margaret Brennan lashes out at GOP Rep. Mike Kelly after he said what happened was an assassination attempt against Trump, claiming he's trying to poison viewers into thinking the govt. tried to kill Trump.
- CBS's Margaret Brennan defends her comments lecturing Trump and his supporters as the ones responsible for changing the "rhetoric" in our body politic, claiming it's incumbent on them to protect our fragile democracy

Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
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patterns you see it's not even necessarily that you know the answer but you look at a series of questions and compare them to a series of events and I know that the RNC convention is going on and I'm not big into theater we'll talk about that some this week but I'm really not into political theater what happened and almost happened the President Trump is to me the top story it's going to continue to be because of some questions and some patterns like the fake kidnapping attempt of the dictator of Michigan which had more informants in it than actual conspirators some conspirators wanted out and they were conned to stay in by thinking for instance they might end up with a girlfriend yeah one of the fed plants was in fact seducing a guy so that they could have a fake kidnapping but they would never allow a guy to climb on top of a rooftop and do something like he almost did right and in fact took a life of a heroic American who dove on top of his family to save them we'll talk about this with the help of our YouTube channel it is quick clips for a younger generation we'd appreciate if you'd subscribe it's the Todd Herman show and we can't do anything of note without the help of God Almighty the Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere from the high mountains of free America here's the emerald city exile Todd Herman today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live there's a whole series of questions you I hope yesterday watched and are listened to our program with my friend Michael Rourke he is a retired special forces sniper and for four years taught special forces forces how to be sniper he is not a guy who will even touch anything that could be called conspiracy theory because he is still in the business of security he's not a guy who'll entertain anything other than his lane that's one of the things I respect about Mike he himself said there is no satisfactory answer there cannot be one as to why that rooftop was left unguarded now we've learned apparently the SWAT team was not just using it as a staging area that building they were apparently inside it as the would-be assassin of President Trump and the murderer of a retired volunteer fire chief named Corey crawled across that roof and used it as his staging area for his attack the questions that must be raised that we must raise are when a federal government is willing to fake a kidnapping of a governor when a federal government is willing to fake an army of white supremacists crouched outside of Washington DC ready to seize power the moment the COVID restrictions are lifted when a federal government made the decision to not fortify the capital during January 6 despite President Trump's urging them to do so when they were prevented from doing that by a man who chaired as a general they promised with the Chinese Communist Party generals that he would give them a heads up if President Trump decided he had to launch an attack we have to ask the question of did they let this happen it is a logical question for a government that pretended for three and a half years that those were vaccines it must be asked and we will ask it after all the figurehead would be the perfect figurehead for this to occur under because the figurehead does not know what the figurehead is saying this is him reading from the teleprompter a battle box apparently but in America we resolve our difference at the battle box you know that's how we do it at the battle box not with bullets battle box like rock 'em soccer robots is that what he's talking about of course he's blabbering but I think that God inserts into his blabber from time to time sense this is the perfect executive under whom you would have such an event occur because he could be told anything about it and believe it and then forget it right I had this fantastic interaction with a friend of mine the other day who almost didn't believe me in fact I've asked him to make a video to this effect I'm I think he probably will his name is Ben you've seen me in videos with him working out he's very very very good Christian man and we were I was in his home did they getting treatments he's my sports mad guy and he said God I thought I need to tell you this device this like eating pure thing this is nuts he shared with me that he is now taking that device around areas of his home and in fact his wife they have a beautiful beautiful young young son it's just a great crazy strong kid to just wonderful kid he likes to be dinosaur likes to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex and he had thrown up like kids do in Ben's wife's car and it aged as kids vomit does and Ben went out and tried to clean it out and try to help his wife out and try to make the car nice but it still smelled like well to be impolite puke kid puke then got the Octo leaf tooth thunders from device plugged it into the USB put it into his wife's car overnight and the smell was gone utterly decimated they had some well I don't want to be specific because I've heard a feeling but there was a bedroom that needed some help he moved it in there he's telling me dude I gotta tell you it's kind of fun to move this thing around we used it at camp and those junior high boys gosh I love them and I do their friends now I can't wait to see them again they love their cologne we were the only cabin there of males that didn't well have a strong presence of cologne this happens because it produces ozone it's not an air filter it is an air purifier and it is almost completely silent you can have this too for pet odors cigarette odors are just bad odors in general go to Eden peer deals dot com use code Todd three enter that code Todd three to save $200 on three of these devices that equals whole home coverage Eden peer deals dot com code Todd three this is USA today Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startles former president crowd it he was bleeding from the ear we knew that at the time at the moment this was written we knew that Trump reached for his ear when the noises happened New York Times Trump rally shooting investigated as assassination attempt then the Washington Post Trump rally shooting investigated as assassination attempt finally getting to that truth President Trump himself wrote thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening we will fear not but instead remain resilient in our faith and defined in the face of wickedness a love goes out to the other victims and their families repay for the recovery of those who were wounded then hold on our hearts the memory of citizens so horribly killed in this moment it is more important than ever that we must stand united as our true character of Americans as Americans remaining strong and determined yet not allowing evil to win I truly love our country I love you all and look forward to speak in our great nation this week from Wisconsin it's a great statement if you're looking at the video service this is a shot of how how close that bullet came you can actually see the the streak of the bullet was in past the president and of course the iconic image of the president with his arm raised and I think adrenaline just just shoving through his is his veins you can also notice something else so if you're looking at the video service that woman has no business guarding that man period now you could say that she's tougher and stronger than me and maybe you're right probably are but she is not big enough to block his body mass this is the way some of these agents are selected for body mass the secret service has a ton of questions and the woman who runs it thank God has had brave enough to stand up and say I take responsibility that's a rare thing but not everybody was willing to do that so that that is the assessment at this time that again we're still still working through the security apparatus that the secret term had in place what potentially happened that there's gonna be a long investigation into exactly what took place and how the individuals able to get access to the location what type of weapon he had all that it is really days weeks and months of investigation it is it is surprising but but again to get the true to all the details of that will come out later in investigation again the secret service really needs to answer that question they conduct the initial site survey they do the initial security assessments and determine where the different security locations should be and they're the ones who are in charge of securing the scene we along with other state and local assets are there to support the secret service and their mission in a matter of days they began to track the cell phones of people who walked into the capital and took selfies including a 72-year-old grandma a 77-year-old man from Harlem who didn't even go into the building but he got frog marched out of his apartment they triangulated their cell phones figured out who they were went and got them and they're still arresting them but it's going to be days weeks months as they figure out what happened in this attempt to assassinate President Trump one day before the RNC convention the last day to not have him as the nominee they somehow missed a 20-year-old guy walking into that area carrying a rifle unless it was already up there or hidden in which case they didn't do a perimeter search of the most important vantage point in that grid anybody as we heard yesterday from Mike who goes and does counter sniper work is going to create a grid system and every square in the grid will have someone covering it was it surprising he got off eight shots well yeah the sniper who took him out was accurate thank God he got on it but yes it is surprising it's surprising that he was up there and that he got the rifle up there and that the SWAT team was below him and that they didn't see this coming in an area like that with threats like this with the president who's been betrayed and portrayed by the media as literal Hitler this is Newsweek and how Newsweek responded with the president's picture with his fist in the air they write mega responds with outrage after Donald Trump injured at a Pennsylvania rally there were people who formed their first impression of what happened that day with that image oh he was injured and mega responded with outrage mega responded with a lot of things some of it was outrage some of it was weeping for a nation some of it was a series of questions of how on earth did you let this happen those questions are going to persist and there aren't going to be good answers because we could look into what the priorities were of the secret service director Kimberly Cheetel if you go back to that image and if you're not on the video show this is in the show notes you can get a seven day free trial at video dot the Todd Herman show calm this Newsweek image shows that small female agent nowhere near large enough to block the president's body which is unfortunately their job she can't do that job she is not big enough and cannot become large enough to do that job here's some of what's been going on with the secret service director Kimberly Cheetel this from CBS News to expand hiring they're aiming to have 30 percent women recruits by 2030 and even allowed YouTube influencer Michelle Kari to train with agents I'm very conscious as as I sit in this chair now of making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce and particularly women that workforce will be pivotal for the 2024 campaign season which for the first time includes a former president who already has lifetime protection agents were there when Donald Trump was arraigned in New York we were able to work out the details ahead of time of how that particular day was gonna go but we will always ensure the safety of all of our protectees that we have the service has a zero fail mission admission officers are training to uphold pretending this field is the most famous address in America the field of course is a replica of the White House the law and thereof female agents cannot become large enough to fully cover the body of a man like Donald Trump and no diversity in the area of the secret service does not matter at all the only thing that matters and something in a protective detail is can you shoot run lift and fight can you do it well can you do it on a second's notice and will you put yourself between the principal and a bullet will you do that those are the only things that matter diversity is a nice half diversity of thought diversity of view diversity of whatever but not diversity of body size that does not matter the one body size that matters is the body size is sufficient to cover the principal that's it anything else is fantasy wish casting there's a lot of fantasy wish casting going on in government wishing of course that we would stop asking silly questions like how could you allow this to happen how did the rooftop going guarded and wait a minute do we even have a free market system if you heard me was zacked the past couple days we've had him in Idaho I think we've arrived at the fact that we don't have a free market system and that we're living under sort of a state of slavery well that is debt is slavery it's economic slavery but so is high inflation particularly if you're going to be trying to retire soon like in the next five 10 or 15 years it's like a form of debt eating away at your retirement savings in fact Zach calls inflation the silent assassin of retirement portfolios your portfolio was set up for food prices at a certain level what happens when they go up 40 percent it is time now to make sure your portfolio is secured against inflation to the degree that it can be in my mind that requires active management of every portfolio which is what bulwark does and of course risk management again an obsession of bulwark capital management there's a free live webinar coming up hosted by Zach he'll take questions he'll talk about how the phone this performs and you can interact with them it's free but you have to register it's coming up on the 25th of this month 330 Pacific time go to know your risk radio calm that's Know know your risk radio calm it's free but you must register but what capital management is an investment advisor representative attract financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor investments involve risk you could lose money past performance doesn't necessarily guarantee future results truck 24 - 2 4 4 go to know your risk radio calm the questions that will remain on unanswered in all of this are in what degree was this a setup I don't know that it was maybe it's a very very bad mistake but it bears a resemblance to so many things on January 6th some of the guys who went into the capital were chatting with their FBI handlers they knew that they were going into the capital the FBI then could have stopped it the allowing of the breaching of the capital the allowing of people to walk through it while being filmed all of that seemed a lot like entrapment the bombs were there really bombs there because remember darn the stink and luck the one cell phone they couldn't track down was the person who left the bomb were told it was a bomb outside the DNC that sat there overnight until someone hopefully came along and pointed out to the officers hey by the way did you know there's a package here and we've never really been able to find out how a kitchen timer that you could only last for about an hour was supposed to delay a blast for a couple of days how would that work and again here they have this guy's name they've got his cell phone they say they can't get into it that's weird and they can't track back his movements over that period of time given that device they can't track down for instance when he got there and look for closed caption TV images at what point was he carrying that rifle that someone bring it in for him maybe someone brought it in for him there were witnesses of course so so we had a party here all day you can see behind us that it's part of the greenhouse here we had a party and we all decided hey you know when we hear chomp up there we're gonna walk up through the field stand by the trees out there under the shade and watch the written listen to the rally right we can see him but we can hear him so we walked up and probably five to seven minutes of coming speaking I'm estimating here I have no idea you know but we noticed the guy crawling on you know bear crawling out the roof of the building beside us fifty fifty feet away from us so we're standing there you know we're pointing we're pointing that the guy crawling up the roof and he had a gun right he had a rifle the rocket came clear to see him with a rifle absolutely we're pointing at him the police are down there running around on the ground we're like hey man there's a guy in the roof of the rifle and the police were like huh what you know like like they didn't know what was going on you know we're like hey right here on the roof we can see him from right here we see him he's always he's crawling and next thing you know I'm like I'm thinking to myself I'm like why is Trump still speaking why have they not pulled him up the stage I'm standing there pointing at him for you know two or three minutes Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn I'm pointing at that roof just standing there like this and next thing you know five shots bring out you'll you almost sudden for the shots came from not going on well we now know that the shots came from the guy in the roof now in a situation like this that is an argument for incompetence it's an argument for rampant incompetence not a single cop responded to disguise demands now we have heard that a cop climbed a ladder saw the shooter the shooter pointed his gun at him the cop climbed down it's AR-15 against revolver or Glock at that point maybe that makes sense but then again I don't know I'm gonna ask a friend of mine who ran a SWAT team does any of it make sense can we make it make sense thanks human okay you can see the guy down clear view of the shoot I think they hit him because the guy is who was dead the dead body of the shooter in clear view the media of course had their priorities after the shooting CBS anchor Nora O'Donnell she had questions I don't know if this breaks the Ben Shapiro rule your speaker of the house on January 6th we spoke that day we were live on the air for more than 10 hours or so and I remember our conversation vividly because you called on the president to come forward come out before the cameras and ask for the violence to stop and you said this should be a moment that brings us together not divides us but it's almost like the rhetoric's gotten hotter since then it seems as though from all campaigns where I've never seen something like this where they go after somebody even through the Department of Justice and others I hope all Americans reflect on this moment have you put something too far we're a 20 year old kid we don't know his background but he's got to have something mental is there a pattern here the baseball game shooter was not a 22 or 20 year old kid he was a man in his mid 50s is every call what was he he was a Bernie bro what did he believe he literally believed that the Republicans under McCarthy had put up a health care plan that would kill 50 million Americans he believed that because Bernie Sanders said that I challenge these people to find the rhetoric coming from the right that matches anything like that president Trump has said that the figurehead Biden will destroy our country that's self-evident the invasion is destroying our country it's destroying our voting it's destroying our electoral college system I don't believe that he has come out and said that Biden is killing people I have because he is because the injections do and so does abortion and so does the gender theory applied to kids who end up committing suicide I'll say it but then again I'm not a sitting member of Congress but I'll also say this every single time we have to pray for our enemies every single time we go on topic like that I will remind myself more than you we cannot give him the anger because Satan would love to have us enraged all the time he would love to separate us from the commandment to love God Almighty with our all of our hearts all of our souls all of our strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves and of course the Lord Jesus exhorted us you pray for your enemies so we can talk about the reality of what the mRNA injections are doing in the gender theory and the abortions and we can pray for enemies those things are possible to happen at once nor a Donna was not done with Kevin McCarthy they would take an opportunity to try to assassinate somebody in a race that you you'd question whether you're safe to go to affiliate with any political party that you're fearful of your life that's not America that's not democracy I will tell you today I had other leaders from other countries call me about what transpired that they're concerned about democracy even in their own country what they're hearing coming back and this is a moment in time all parties should reflect and know that they should tone it back we've got to start respecting individuals that we disagree with you can respect somebody at the same time disagree with them and debate in a manner that's respectful does Donald Trump bear some responsibility for that does he need to change his rhetoric you know it's odd this is a man that came less than an inch from losing his life and the question is you're worried about him I think when I look at all Americans I mean I don't know that I look at our current president that less than two weeks ago said you put a bullseye on Donald Trump what I'm trying to be is it a fair American to tell everybody to dial back I think anyone that gave any right why do you think that there's so much heated rhetoric against the governments of the world one on a why because please didn't work because they've indicated to us the ballot box doesn't really matter it's distalling us tactic I don't care who votes I just want to control the people who count the votes because McCarthy played the game of oh gosh if only we could secure the southern border but darn the stinking look it can't happen he played the game of respect for Tony Fauci when the rest of us can look at Fauci and understand he's probably a sociopath for whom we should pray not assassinate God forbid pray and prosecute Kevin McCarthy was part of that group of people who played that game it's happening globally that's why the rhetoric is what the rhetoric is because please thank you and may we vote please this isn't appear to be working there was so much going on at CBS it was not just Nora O'Donnell how about lecturing a guy on how to be polite in times like this they lectured a politician in fact an office holder you might recognize his name Steve Scalise but I wonder what your message is have you specifically instructed members in the coming hours to reign in some of the rhetoric that I will point out some are using online this is directed at Steve Scalise who was grievously injured very nearly killed physically change forever in the baseball shooting which happened because the shooter believed the lie that the Republican health care plan would kill 50 million people and her topic is Steve Scalise have you gone to Republicans and said don't do this not the Democrats who have said that Trump is and not not figuratively that he is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler that is somewhat incendiary in terms of really blaming blaming this somehow on the administration have you asked them to refrain from somehow on the administration do you mean the administration that has painted Trump as a 36 time felon as a man who stole money in the state of New York and should be banned from doing business there at a billion dollar fine as a man who stole classified documents and shared them with their enemies from his home in Florida somehow the administration plays a part in this somehow I've already been very vocal within moments of the shooting that that political violence is not something anybody should tolerate but also I came out for one further and said that we needed dal the rhetoric down and there's been a lot of rhetoric for the last few months and you know and I think some of that you know this idea and Bob Barr even said it that Donald Trump some threat to democracy that kind of language doesn't all it takes is one person to hear that and act on it and I don't know if that's the case today but those are the kind of things that shouldn't be said and you know all of us need to to do better and dial the language down let's focus on the issue we have real serious issues that divide us and in real serious problems in this country let's let the next four months be about how to fix and solve those problems in America we've heard this Steve Scalise I am in my mid-fifties I've heard of my whole life you are not going to get it done Washington DC is not going to fix anything President Trump makes it past the massive attempts at vote fraud now an assassination attempt if he stays at a prison praise God that the case Jack Smith brought has been dismissed because he's it was illegally acting as a prosecutor special prosecutor without the appointed monies from Congress therefore outside the law he will come into office and the deep state will not just double down they will quadruple down on attempting destroy him on CBS News again Robert Costa and it should be noted many of Trump supporters on social media tonight extremely angry oh it's not not going to reflect all of the verbatim's of what we're seen on social media from some of the Republicans around Trump but to be clear this is still a politically charged moment as much as it is a crime investigation in a security moment many people already in this country very angry at the other side not just on a partisan red versus blue level but we covered all the time here at CBS News there's a visceral nature to the emotions that pour out on the campaign trail and to that point Bob Costa I was just texting with Robert O'Brien the former national security adviser to Donald Trump who sent out a statement saying we've got to take the political temperature down he and Mike Lee the the senator issued this jointly we've got to take the political temperature down as evidenced by what happened in Pennsylvania are we going to talk about the memes that I can show you and we will this week of people who hold office as Democrats praising the shooter a for effort or putting up memes saying missed him by that much the Seattle based health care worker a health a sports therapist praising the shooter and wishing he'd gotten the job done DAs saying this no of course not for CBS News it's only one side such is here this is CBS's Margaret Brennan and she's defending her comments lecturing Trump and his supporters showing you this video on repeat because these events just happened but we want to make clear that this is something we are reporting to you as a historic event as it unfolds but we are very mindful that this kind of event can inspire violence it can inspire retaliation and we want no part of that Sam but you were just explaining to us that this secret service detail extends not just to the present and the candidate but to their family members at this hour certainly I want to note a Margaret it's important that we message domestically that political violence has no home and try to mitigate any follow on retaliatory action but there's also a signal there was never a mention of retaliatory action when it comes to someone on the left getting shot Gabby Giffords was shot by an insane person she shouldn't have been shot she was praised God that she is okay ish change forever and praise God she lived but there was never any mention of political retaliation or violent retaliation why is it being mentioned now and to the world right now which security professionals are likely keeping in mind which is that the likely Republican nominee for Congress for President excuse me was not adequately protected and that does expose a vulnerability to the world at the same time president Biden is very focused on messaging publicly the political violence has no home here president Biden is focused on whatever is put in front of them and that's rhetoric it's spicy rhetoric it's accurate it doesn't mean they don't pray for him I do no I don't that was a lie have I ever prayed for Biden only on the air I'm sorry I didn't mean to lie to you have you ever prayed for him I'm sorry God I'm not gonna do it now because my heart's not in it so difficult being a Christian supposed to be easy it's sunshine and mint sometimes it's not it's not but following is a high-five moment from high-five casino calm I want private put down your phone this is the army sorry high-five casinos the social casino done your phone goes wherever you go I win three spins cash prizes three down the rewards over twelve hundred games I want to get platoon present cell phone high five five casino when it high five casino home high five casino was a social casino no purchase necessarily we're going to play responsible conditions apply see website for details CBS news was not having a good series of reports they embarrassed themselves in multiple ways and they wanted to make clear something to all of us that political violence has no home in our country except of course they had nothing to say when it came to Black Lives Matter Incorporated going about in our country and creating political violence I want to skip forward to CNN clip 13 and on CNN we learned something about geopiers in what they were doing to make the problem worse the rhetoric around him over the last few weeks that if he wins an election our country will end our democracy will end it's the last election will ever have these things have consequences okay I don't know what the motivations of the shooter are I don't know any of the details but I know the rhetoric around Trump has grown extreme that's Republican consultant Scott Jennings some other violence you didn't mention the Supreme Court attempted murder of a Supreme Court Justice or the Congressional baseball game where Steve's police was nearly murdered one a conservative the other a Republican but we have people in this country who are dedicated to telling half the country that if Donald Trump wins an election the country will end the Constitution will will go away and so on and so forth what I want to hear from all elected officials is this kind of hyperbolic extremism has consequences and it must end yes we're all shocked and yes political violence has no place where does it come from it's got to stop but we're also hearing from Trump very very strong statements of condemnation of Biden the worst president the most dangerous president and all of that he's speaking very very strongly against President Biden he didn't say that Biden was bought and paid for by Russia that he's a Russian plant they haven't made him a felon they have talked about his business dealings which are in fact utterly blatantly corrupt complete with what the young people call receipts at this time you have Wolf Blitzer pushing back on this and it's what but but but the hospital well we do this is an assassination look I agree with you you say come things down I agree both sides should come this this this okay but we are not seeing both sides making attempts to murder people scolese that he mentioned the Supreme Court we're not seeing Republican or conservative militias seizing control of cities taking over six blocks and being allowed to keep them committing two political murders in there we're not watching the right have Antifa creates in undertake a political murder on the streets of Portland and in Denver and in case in the one in Denver there was a prosecution we're not seeing that Wolf we're only seeing it from the left CBS got back into this talking again from one perspective biggest threat that officials are telling me tonight is in the form of retaliatory violence if that's you're taking me to exactly what I've been underscoring and is frankly very concerning in the rhetoric we are seeing at this hour already we are seeing some Republican lawmakers come out with statements directly drawing a line between the shooter whose name we do not know we do not know if he's a lone actor or somebody else but drawing some connection to the government some connection to the government that has spent the last six months trying to put Trump in prison demonstrating that he is a criminal who should not take the Oval Office some connection it's not a tenuous connection it's not mysterious and yes the connection goes to the Mockingbird media as well and it said me sees Lester Holt's bizarre do you think that we will hear a a different tone for the rest of this campaign coming from from frankly both sides I you know what I would sure hope so but do you know and because I think you all covered this before in 2017 our Republican baseball team was practicing for a big a spring baseball game as a charity event and our leader now Steve Scalise was again a gunman attacked our guys while they were in practice in shooting shooting up the point I don't under I just don't understand this anymore I really don't understand the greatest nation in the world right now has succumbed to being a third world country the level of hate the level the level of discourse that takes place has got to stop it has got to stop and we've got to return to who we are we are a great great nation and we say in all our prayers under God under God under God well I'm sure that right now people of faith tomorrow on Sunday morning please please go to wherever it is that you worship drop to your knees tonight and pray for America pray for President Trump that he's gonna be okay we also have as I said one man was shot this guy is just there celebrating a day at a farm show grounds and all of a sudden somebody takes their hands they have to start shooting up the crowd shoot the president in the head it's absolutely it's off the charts third world country now we have to start rallying around about who we are when one and a half million men in the uniform okay when in fact our borders are purposely being overrun and the Department of Homeland Security was in charge of the Secret Service that day and and Mayorkas came out said he has a hundred percent confidence in the Secret Service how can you possibly Mayorkas is part of a corrupt organism yes pray for the country yes pray for President Trump yes if we can stomach it and sincerely pray for President Biden the figurehead do that but understand this as well it is not humans that rescue us we are told that in the end times things are gonna get funky that's almost a direct quote from the Bible right good would be called evil and evil would be called good this is where we're at it's our turn to go through this cultural revolution the way to come out of it unchanged is to lock yourself to the eternal rock of Christ that's the way to come out of a cultural revolution unchanged the culture is being changed it's being assaulted that's what color revolutions do we are not the culture we lock ourselves to Jesus Christ the rock of our salvation and that's who we are we become more and more of him less and less of the world we look more and more at things like this as interested let me say it this way loving spectators interested watchers casual participants committed with love to our country but not dependent upon the outcome for who we are we are dependent upon an eternal outcome that's hard to do it's a very difficult mind shift it's two things at once huge concern for your country as an interested observer a casual participant when you are diving full in to serving the Lord Jesus as you build the kingdom because that's where our eternal home is and that is a difficult thing to do yes vote yes turnout yes as President Trump says fight within the bounds of Christianity yes do that and steal yourselves put on the full armor of God not just that but put on something that's going to strengthen your body don't go into these times sick if you are overweight or obese and you are like 100 million other Americans you can have a huge problem brewing in your liver and not know it right now it may be around your liver 100 million Americans have fatty liver disease or fatty liver disorder all that means it's a fancy phrase what it means is there's way too much fat around your liver it's putting too much pressure on your liver therefore 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not mega i'm not i'm not president trump i'm in a vote for him in a heartbeat even more now even more that he's bloodied trump i'm in a vote for him but i'm not someone who is a mega type i'm not a joiner in that way but emissian bc had some very very specific messages for us his supporters though are using images like the ones we're seeing on the screen including how both of his sons pinning those images to their ex-accounts the website formerly known as twitter uh pointing out the idea that their father the republican nominee in waiting if you will is a fighter and kind of seizing on this moment to elevate him politically and so seizing on this moment to elevate him politically you meet a moment that was almost one that ended his political career in his life yes you're right that is a characteristic that we admire about Donald Trump and i admire it more today than i did yesterday that instinct to stand up even if it's adrenaline even if it's stupid from a security perspective it was stupid i've never been shot in the ear and almost killed with a bullet to the head have you that instinct is why i think god uses Donald john trump because that instinct tells us something about what god sees coming for his people he sees coming a time where blow after blow after blow we will have to stand more from msnbc fearful or just law enforcement look at the possibility that something like this could inspire others who may have harbored similar thoughts oh absolutely the copycat thing here looks sadly we've seen it over the last couple of years haven't we with with people kind of taking on fbi buildings and it doesn't end well for them like since in adi ohia or a man who tried to uh swing a weapon at fbi agents in provo uta who were arresting him this kind of thing begets more violence and revenge so if you're going to have protest areas in milwaukee with presumably people who are anti trump can you imagine people who think in their head the answer is to seek revenge for today's event have you ever seen revenge seeking in a modern era when it comes to assassination attempts steves gales was nearly assassinated shot multiple times just about died where were the retaliatory strikes a supreme court justice was nearly assassinated number one that's disappeared from the news mary carland has done nothing with it where were the retaliatory strikes president reagan shot that case by a madman gets whom would you retaliate a citizen killed in the open air of portland oregon murdered right in front of everybody retaliatory strikes a city six blocks of it seattle c's for six weeks two people murdered rapes street preachers assaulted in plain view of cameras where were the retaliatory strikes cow written house attacked nearly murdered had to defend themself a portions of conocia wisconsin burned to the ground where were the retaliatory strikes we could go city by city by city by city and mention this the fact is this the media must believe the retaliatory retaliations on the way otherwise they run the risk of being on the wrong side of things emotionally there are too many questions about this questions that cannot be answered no one will ever have a satisfactory explanation for why that roof was left uncovered at least the woman who heads up the secret service has admitted fault now she should resign makes you will i don't dc is dc brother god i can't in good conscience pray for joe biden i can pray that you call him to yourself i can pray that in full sincerity i can with a full heart thank you for what i think you did in turning president trump's head to the side i can thank you because if president trump had been murdered then then everything really would utterly fall apart not because he's trump but because it would be the last step in the party saying you can't vote for that person thank you lord this is a Todd Herman show please go be well be strong be kind and please make every effort to walk in the light of christ the following is a high five 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