The Todd Herman Show

CNN- “There’s Pornography in The Bible!” Ep-1720

Zach Abraham joins us live in studio to discuss CNN’s claim that there is pornography in the Bible. We talk about what the Bible really says about sex and examine the sexual Left’s hypocrisy and perversion. 

Episode 1,720 Links:

What does God’s Word say? 
Genesis 19:31-38: Lot and His Daughters
What Does the Bible Actually Teach about Sex?
“You are my private garden, my treasure, my bride,a secluded spring, a hidden fountain.”Song of Songs 4:12
And from the woman to the man:
“Like the finest apple tree in the orchardis my lover among other young men.I sit in his delightful shadeand taste his delicious fruit.”Song of Songs 2:3
 Romans 1:24-28:
“They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.”

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16 Jul 2024
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The following is a high-five woman from high-five Welcome to Burger Yiffy, would you like a high-apple pie today? Yes, yes, yes, I won! Woohoo! So that's a yes on the apple pie? I just went big time playing high-five casino on my phone! Real cash prizes, free daily rewards, over 1,200 games! Woohoo! So yes or no on the apple pie? Woohoo! Ha-ha-ha! I won again! I'll take that as a yes, drive around! Have you had your high-five moment today? Only at high-five High-five casino is a social casino, no purchase necessary. We're prepared to play responsibly condition supplies. See website for details. High-five casino. [MUSIC PLAYING] Is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. [MUSIC PLAYING] O'Reilly Auto Parts. You're just not going to believe it if you're watching video. Just can you pan over? Look, look, look, right here in the room. Zack Cabraham, Chief Investment Officer, Board Capital Management. More importantly, my brother and friends, he's going to join us just to talk, just not even might touch on finance. But here's the thing. CNN, Casey Hunt, I think that's your name. She discovered something about the Bible. I didn't know. She found out there's pornography in it. So I thought we might just talk through that a little bit, and maybe you'd be kind enough to forward this to her. She might avail herself of some information, because I'd like her to know. We'll do this with the help of her new health care and God Almighty, thank you for the presence of our dear friend. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. No. From the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made. These are the times to which God has decided we should live, and it's not officially wise council day. That comes tomorrow, where Zach will sit live with us. No, pardon me, we did that last week. See, we're recording in advance over to screw up the timetable. It's like Star Trek, I messed up the time equilibrium. Man, it's good to have you in here. And you know, it's really nice sitting on the deck, having coffee with you earlier. Yeah, yeah. Well, you get the breeze from the water, right? Which is refreshing. Yeah, I said this hot, hot day. Thank you for coming over. And you were mentioning something about the chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. Well, I just, well, and complete, I don't know if you know, I got my summer vacation beard on here. I love it, too. Because you got to, I feel like you got to have a little bit of face coverage when you're here in the free mountains. I want face naked. Well, yeah, but you did your time. Right. Now you can go barefaced, and nobody looks at you sideways here. That's true. But if you're going to come up here and catch trout, and wrestle grizzly bears, and stuff like that, you got to have a little bit of, you got to have a little something there. Yeah, no, I think it looks good. I like the shirt. You're looking big. Like you're in a bodybuilding cycle. Oh, yeah. Well, I've been-- Is it the dannable? You mean by vitamins? Yeah, we were talking about-- The special ones that you put right in your aorta? Yes, yeah, it's coming to big syringe. Yeah, right. They're Flintstones, you know, Flintstone kids. No, it just feels, hey, I feel a little something when you cross over the border, man. You're the second person who said that, true story, we-- it ran last Thursday. Our mutual friend, Tim Crookchin, come on. Yeah, yeah. He's in that grief cycle, lost his dear, dear wife Liz. And he came and visited with us about that. But he said the same thing. He said, you cross the border. A, it feels like there should be a border check. Yeah, but yeah. And B, he said, I literally feel relief. My kids actually asked for-- my youngest asked. He goes, is there a border check? He goes, do we have to go through a border crossing? You know? And I was like, well, not yet, but not yet. We're pushing for it. Yeah, well, depending on how this-- I think that's on Bob Ferguson's checklist. Oh, Bob Ferguson, the very corrupt, so-called attorney general of the state of Washington. If he's governor, you've got to get out. Yeah, yeah. Because he'll be coming for people like you-- I mean, he'll be coming for everybody. We're going to cover something today. This IT is just at the beginning. Did you let your kids read the porn in the Bible? Well, I mean, so I've gone through and I've selected the pornographic spots, and I blanked them out. You've got to edit the Bible. We edit it sort of like we do my daughter's iPhone. OK, well, yeah, we've got to control it. You might think that this is all Tom Foolery. And what would the figurehead call it? Nonsense, bolder dash, something. But it's not. I want to show you something, and I think we played this last week. But I want us to focus on this, and we'll do this in just a second. Hey, when Tim was here, he did a tacit endorsement of our partner in Native Path Crill. This is the Omega-3 I take. Now, this was cool because I was telling him about it. This is the stuff that got me off a vibaprofen, and I did not think that could ever happen. And it is an Omega-3 from a crustacean called a Crill. It's K-R-I-L-L. And it is about 4% more absorbable, I think, than the fish-based stuff. Consequently, you get more money, more for your money. It doesn't just protect your liver for my vibaprofen, your kidneys. It's also beneficial to immune system, 60% more absorbable than vitamin C. And it comes from the waters of the Atlantic, probably the Antarctic, which are the purest waters we have. Very little heavy metals and toxins. So I was telling Tim about this and how I don't take vibaprofen anymore. Now, if this isn't an endorsement that these guys want, I can't imagine what is. He said, I'm in. Because I wrecked my body in the teams. I need that stuff. And then he's a physician's assistant and was a medic attached to the SEAL teams. They should probably be calling him. Does it work like if you got a sore back headache, like in the next hour, it helps? It builds up in your system and it helps. But to answer your question, yes. If I get done with a really brutal workout, I will go take Native Path Crill and it abates the inflammation. I'm ordering it today. Okay. I'm dead serious. Awesome. Don't forget the slash-tod part. Find out the specials they have for you today and just a heads up. The more you buy in advance, usually the more money you save. It's Thank you for that, Zach. So this is CNN and she's interviewing the boss of government schools in the state of Oklahoma. He's actually, he acts responsibly. So we could call him a superintendent of government schools and watch this. He just referenced it. And in this, you're saying that the teaching of the Bible in the classroom is a must, that every teacher must accept that. The Bible includes beheading, rape, and incest. Do you support teaching children about those topics? I support teaching children our history accurately. And what we've seen as the radical left in the teachers union have driven the Bible out of schools. You can't talk about our rights coming from God, as Thomas Jefferson referenced. You can't talk about Abraham Lincoln talking about being on God's side and what he does and that inspires him. You can't talk about the civil rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr. Who routinely referenced examples from the Bible, including from a letter from a Birmingham jail to say the reason I'm doing the things I'm doing is because of the tenants taught to me by the Bible. So it's essential that our kids understand our history and we're gonna put it back in and the left is gonna continue to try to censor our history but we're not gonna allow it here in Oklahoma. - Okay, you didn't answer my question. We're gonna get to the history and everything. And by the way, Thomas Jefferson, he advocated for freedom of religion, actually not the establishment of a religion for one, but are you okay with all teachings of the Bible? If you wanna bring it back into the classroom, rape and sesame heading, is that acceptable to you? - I'm gonna talk about the book with the basics. - Yeah, right, and I'll answer your question. You might not like the answer, but it is the answer. It is our history that the Bible is referenced. Oh, she's not taking a position in the marriage. Bible was referenced multiple times in American history. It had a profound influence on American history. It was the best selling book in American history to not teach that in the classroom is academic malpractice. Our kids have to understand our history and we're not gonna hide that from them. - Okay, so will you allow teachers to teach all aspects of the Bible? How are teachers supposed to know what of the Bible to teach and what of the Bible not to teach? It's a simple question, given the fact that the Bible, it includes also pornographic material, something you've come out against and actually took a teaching certificate away from a teacher for giving access to soon's of pornographic material. - Pornographic material in the Bible, I had not seen those images or the Dear Print House letters, I never believed this would happen to me, but, you respond, you're the guest. - Well, I mean, you know, guy slept with another guy's wife and his kid was beheaded as an exam. I don't really know how that's pornographic, but then talking about the, are you talking about the Native American? Like, wars do we have with them? There was rape and incest and beheading and gutting and all kinds of nasty stuff. So if it's in the Bible, it's pornographic, everything else is history? - Yeah, takes, okay, so let's go to a specific case. Let's go to Sodom and Gomorrah. - Yeah. - Okay. And for folks who are not biblically relevant, see, I'm turning the figure out. - Litter it. - Litter it. - Well read, yeah. - Something like that. Anyway, my son Bo was a Bible. So in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, you had these two cities that were utterly depraved and they practiced sex in the streets. If you, if there was a sojourner who came to your town, it was accustomed that the men would say, "Hey, let's, we need to have sex with that man." - Yeah, just think like LA. - Right, it's like LA. - Right, it's like LA. - The same, or, yeah, some areas in San Francisco. And that was a custom. Now, what are the primary sins in Sodom and Gomorrah was when Lot had someone come to his home? These men came and said, "Hey, we wanna, "we need to have sex with this guy. "Bring him out so we can know him." And one of the key sins there was they were being inhospitable, but of course then sex outside of marriage. And of course, sex in the ways that the Bible prescribes to not occur. And that is seen as pornographic. There's no description of body parts. There's no actual description of a sex act. There's mentions of it. And what was the result of that to that town? What, it seems to me God had something to say about that. - Yeah, I mean, maybe she's talking about the disclaimers that are at the end of every pornographic video that warn you if you engage in these practices your life will go down the tubes. Well, the other thing is I'd love to hear what her thoughts were on the Koran. - Okay, cut. (laughing) - Let's take that out post. - No, they'd never, they'd never say that. - No, no. - The point that they should have a comparative religions class that would be just that, read the Koran and then read the Bible, all of it. And draw conclusions, right? I mean, I think that works. Check this image out. This is from Cali Fontenalia on Twitter. These Democrats, full-blown freak show, first pick is Jill Biden with a bunch of sick men looking like a sideshow act in the circus. Second pick is Anthony Weiner, the Democrat who worked to reduce the penalties of sodomy on children in California. This is the side of evil period. So, right, there's the image. So Jill Biden standing there with these men dressed up as women and no one thinks they're women, specifically the guy with the beard that he wants to maintain. And that's not actually Anthony Weiner, that is Scott Weiner. So she misidentified him in the next image. This guy is a state senator, the guy who's circled, a state senator who has worked successfully to effectively decriminalize men his age inflecting their sexual wants on the bodies of minors. And there's been a fight in California to make that a felony again. And the Democrats, they're actually fighting against it. - Well, you know, that's the thing. It's like, you know, the creep of evil, right? Like it never stops. I remember what conversation my wife and I were having right after we were first married. So probably like 2006-ish, 2007. And somehow we got down this, I think it was probably right around the '08 election. - Yeah. - You know? And I remember telling her, I go watch the next move you're gonna see is they're gonna try to normalize pedophilia. Right? And here you are. Now we're talking about maps, minor attracted persons. And she's worried about the pornography in the Bible. - Yeah. - It's a perfect sign of the times though. - No, I know. And God warned us about these times. And look, God has, he has an intention for human sexuality when I talk about it. Now that other thing, now they're doing the CAP, the cat attracted persons. Now you can spot them usually 'cause they're all scratch shots. (laughing) That's a very, but no, but it doesn't stop. - No. - See, I was on that on the radio talking about minor attracted persons when I did local radio back. - You know what? I actually think you'd get more pushback. I think you'd get more pushback to legalize bestiality than you would legalize, legalization of, you know, sexual stuff with kids. - Okay, so I want to be really careful here because we do put God at the center of the cast and I made a pretty risky joke, but I'm risque. I'm just going to tell you, that's happening. There are discussions, ethicists now have discussions. I don't know, I mean, why not. - Oh, they're throwing that on the plate too? - Yeah. - No, Peter will come out harder in defensive animals than anybody except the church is coming out in defense of kids right now. - I know, I know, I know. - So related to Lot and his daughters, and we talked about Sodom and Gomorrah, okay, so let's play Casey Hunt's game. Now this is a very disturbing scene that happened in the Bible, this happened. So Lot and his family, they flee, his wife looks back, she's told not to look back, do not look back at the city, she does, she refuses to obey God, she looks back, she's turned into a pillar of salt on the spot. Boom, she's gone. Lot and his daughters flee, and his daughters are, I think, convinced that that's it, that's Armageddon, there's just us left on the world. And we're not gonna bear children, and this is in the Bible, they get him drunk and they lay with him, that's the description. There's no body parts discussed, it's a horribly difficult passage to read. And the result of that was the setting up of two warring tribes that would war against the children of Abraham forever. And it exists to this day, that was the lesson. And the lesson was they did not trust God, they defiled God's word, they defiled their own father. - Goes back to Abraham and Sarah too, right? Like he didn't trust God, that he'd bring him a child, so they preempted it, took his handmaiden, right? - Right. - And then said that the two factions of your home will war forever, right, and here we are. - Every instance in the Bible where this is illustrated, you see God saying, okay, here's the consequences. And this brought up this image in my mind, which is the Ashley Biden diary. - Yeah. - Yeah, and look, I do not say this for fun, I don't say it because it's pleasurable to discuss, I say it because Casey Hunt is deeply concerned about the pornography in the Bible. I don't hear her or see her, I've never seen her, do an in-depth exploration of what did Ashley Biden mean when she says, was I molested? Sexualized at a young age, my dad jumping in the shower with me. - Well, and there's some famous stuff around this, right? It's the old judge like, you can't describe pornography but you know it when you see it. But I mean, we can't describe it, right? Because it's the glorification of sex without any consequences or any rules whatsoever. Right? That's the big, and the implication that there is no negative consequences, right? The Bible's the opposite of that. It's literally the opposite of that. So to call it pornography is to be historically and literarily illiterate effectively. - Right, she thought she was laying a clever trap for the guy. I wish she'd dived in and said, you know, it's interesting that you bring that up because in every case the Bible discusses people crossing the line in terms of gods, prescription for sex, the results are terrible. And your description of pornography is spot on. I would also say that in the case of pornography, the sex act itself is the thing. - It's the point. - That's right, who cares about the connection, the human being, none of that. So we'll continue this because the Bible does have descriptions and does talk about sexuality in a poetic way as well. Where the other thing the left will say is, yeah, the Bible just doesn't have sex. It's simply not true. - But following is a high five moment from high five - You're welcome to Burger Yiffney, would you like a high apple pie today? - Yes, yes, yes, I won, woo-hoo! - So that's a yes on the apple pie? - I just went big time playing high five casino on my phone, real cash prizes, three daily rewards, over 1,200 games, woo-hoo! - So yes, you're not on the apple pie. - Woo-hoo, I won again! - I'll take that as a yes, drive around. - Have you had your high five moment today? Only at high five - High five casino, it's a social casino, no purchase necessary, we're prohibited to play responsibly conditions apply. See website for details. - High five casino. - Now, this stuff, Zach, from the Bible, this is songs of Solomon. Chapter four, verse 12. And this is from the man to the woman. You are my private garden, my treasure, my bride, a secluded spring, a hidden fountain. It's a beautiful description of love, it's physical, right? It's a, I think, beautiful way to describe a man describing his wife, my bride, and from the woman to the man. Like the finest apple tree in the orchard is my lover among you, other young men. Is my lover among other young men. I sit in his delightful shade and taste his delicious fruit. Now, you could look at that and say, okay, that's tantalizing, it's that pornographic, I don't think so. But what are they discussing here? God is presenting sex and sex between married people as an act of pleasure, an act of love, and an act of admiration. - Well, yeah, I mean, if that's pornographic, so is the Sistine Chapel, right? I mean, here's the other thing that irritates me about this, and I think this is a great, in my opinion, I think it's a great one to take to other people, or when conversations come up using this as an example. This is a perfect example of the undertones and the presence of constant bias in the media, right? We're gonna come out and we're gonna make a statement, we're gonna underlie the conversation with this statement, and then she goes, I wasn't drawing any conclusions. And I'm like, you just said the Bible's pornographic, that's how we're setting this conversation up. The most read book in the history of mankind, the most copied book in the history of mankind, the book that happens to be the basis for our judicial system, are you joking? Right, like it, and that's the platform that we're gonna start building the conversation on, right? And it's that gentle bias that just people like, what do you mean it's biased? Just throw that clip and go, this is how we're gonna set the conversation up. - Right, and she says that, and here's the thing that I think people should understand, who haven't spent a lot of time within the Mockingbird medium, right? When I worked next door to Cairo radio. - Oh, okay. - Okay, so there's some good people at Cairo, our dear friends, God rest, Dory Monson, brilliant, brilliant man, talk show host, great servant of the Lord. But when you're in those circles, there are things that are just true, and they never check. And I know I've told this tale, I won't belabor it, but when I heard my news person say during the show, Congress of the Maxine Waters explains that bullets in AR-15s are the size of footballs, and these guns can fire 10,000 of them in a second. I'm, she's on Mike, my Mike's off, you hear me in the background? (laughing) - Yeah, yeah. - And she looks at me and I hover my mouth, oh, sorry. And I did not, on the air, I said, Heather, I need to talk to you about that piece in a second. - Yeah, well I started looking on my phone immediately to see if I could find one. (laughing) - I mean, I would get ripped off. - Yeah, I was in, I was like, this isn't what I got, right. - Where do I sign up for those? - Not that I have one, by the way. - No, gosh, no, this fishing accident. - Yeah. - But they have this, that's their, their lingua franca is, these things are true because everybody says so, right? Everybody says this, these things are true. This is also from the Bible. Should an engaged man and woman have sex if they're, quote, married in their hearts, and this is from, biblically, no, this should not, this is supported by 1 Corinthians, chapter seven, verses 36 to 37. But if a man thinks he's treating his fiancee improperly and will inevitably give into his passion, let him marry her as he wishes. It is not a sin. But if he has decided firmly to not marry and there's no urgency, he can control, and end he can control his passion. He does well not to marry. If he's decided to not marry her, end he can control his passion. So there's also this restraint. Pornography doesn't contain any restraint. And well, I mean, unless it's people being tied up, but that's the point of it, right? Yeah, it is. Yeah, with no consequences. Right, right? Yeah, there's no STDs, there's no broken homes, nobody you can have your cake and eat it to, and it's really attractive. It's fun. You made this case, it's similar and I did about the Koran. Okay, hey, now do Muhammad. Yeah, yeah. So here's this comparison. If you read the Bible and the Old Testament back to back, number one, you'll find out, I mean, the Bible and the Koran back to back. Number one, you'll find out that the Koran is very difficult to read. It is clumsy, I think, and perhaps, and I don't mean to just need thisly offend, that's just literary. But you notice this, in the beginning, Muhammad is peaceful. Hey, let's all get along. Peace, love, understanding. Like Elvis Costello, peace, love, and understanding. Then as he gains power, he starts smashing babies' heads against walls, and even the rocks will call out. Oh, warrior, or warrior, there's a Jew hiding behind me. Come and smash his head. In the case of the Old Testament, in the beginning, there was a lot of violence. And God was saying, hey, I need you to clear these people out. These people have sinned against me. I'm gonna let you conquer these areas and these tribes. And every time the Hebrew people, Jewish people screw up, God's there with correction. When Jesus, the more powerful Jesus becomes, the more submissive he becomes. Because at any time Jesus wanted to, if the Lord Jesus said, hey, you know what? Let's get 10,000 people and go attack Rome. It would have happened that day. And factually, he could have called down 10,000 angels. Like the minute they put him up on the tree, he could have gone. He got to go, hey, guys, watch, watch this. - Well, and it's so historically illiterate, right? So if that's the definition of pornography, then we can't study the Mongols in Janges Khan in, you know, circa 1200, right? Because you go, like, that's the way things were done back then. I mean, you beat somebody, you took their kids. Lot of time, I mean, you go look with the Mongolians did. You want to talk about, I mean, horrible stuff. I mean, they took it to a whole other level. - I know. - You know, like public rapings in front of people. Like, I mean, it was hardcore. But I mean, history is not pornographic. - Right. - It's history. We got to, like, you've got to know the history and to insinuate that that information is, it's just, it's just a mockery. It's just historically illiterate in its garbage. - Right. And that's exactly the right way to put it. It's a mockery. As we continue, I want to get into how this extends into our culture these days. And we'll talk about this. And we'll play this off of Romans, chapter one, 24 through 28. We'll get to that in just a second. Okay, I'm not trying to put you in the spot. I'm not trying to have you, like, endorse something. But you said something about how our room up here smells when you walked in. - Yeah, well, it smells like the free balance of America in the smell zone. (laughing) - No, I love that. - It's-- - It's even pure oxy leaf too. You said it smells like a ozone. - Yeah, it just smells so nice. It smells so fresh. - Okay, are you being absolutely sincere? - I'm a big smell guy, right? - Okay. - Have you, no, seriously, there's people they call super smellers. - Yeah. - I'm one of those guys, right? - Okay. - Like, just really, which is sometimes good, sometimes not. - Yeah. - At all points. - But I wasn't, you know, I wasn't thinking that. I got up and had some coffee this morning, drove over here, walked in. I just went, you know, oh, look at this. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I know, it just smells great. - Right, smells great. You can have this too, and like Zach said it, and I've had other people say it, I don't know if you got the chance to watch this show yet, but my friend Ben went and killed a bear, and he spilled blood on his truck on the inside. - Oh. - And so he gets in, he scrubs the seed out, and okay, that should do it, and sprays the fake new truck smell in there. That should do it, didn't do it. - No, sir. - No, and then it's just to build up and get worse. So he could, oh no, it soaked into the seat. - His wife loved it. - Oh, she did. And so he starts to dig in there and take the carpets out. As he's taken the carpets out, he looks down, and he had taken a snack with him to go hunting, which was some bear sausage. - Oh. - And it had aged nicely in the truck with the doors closed on 102 degree temperature. So he took the Oxi-leaf two thunderstorm device that he purchased for his office. He is a medical provider. He brought it home, put it in the truck overnight, plugged a USB into the wall. In the morning, the smell's gone, and the fake truck smells gone, fake new truck smell. So look, breathe, a breath of fresh air, go to and use code Todd3. And here's what I'll do. Here's what I'll do, hold on a second. I'm gonna save you 200 bucks, but wait, there's more. I'll save you $200 on whole home coverage, three of these devices,, use code Todd3. So this is from Romans, that's in the Bible. So again, just a pornographic warning here. This might be very pornographic. Romans chapter one, verses 24 through 28. They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worship and serve the things God created instead of the Creator himself. It was worthy of eternal praise, amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged with sex with one another, and the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men as a result of their sin. They suffered within themselves, the penalty they deserved. Since they fought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. That tale is specific to same sex activity, that partisan of the Bible, that cautioning against that, talking about what happened. Same thing happens in same sex attraction, a brother, a half brother who raped his sister, horrible, horrible occurrence. Sex outside of marriage always ended poorly in the Bible, not just in same sex attraction. But this inspires me then to look at, they said they worshiped the things God created instead of the creator himself. There you go, right? That's a, there you go. God created sexual pleasure. So let's worship that. And then we get to the things of this world. So if you're not on the video service, I encourage you to try it and go get a seven day free trial. If you don't like it, toss it. If you're not gonna use it, please don't pay for it. Please don't do that to yourself. Don't do that to us. It's This is an update of how this man who calls himself Leah Thomas, how he looks now as he's fighting against Title IX under the guise of equal protection. - My name's Leah Thomas. I'm a transgender woman, a former college swimmer, and the first trans athlete to be named Division I NCAA champion. I started swimming when I was five years old. It has taught me so much. It's given me so many opportunities to learn, grow, develop and connect with my peers. Opportunities that I wouldn't have gotten if I didn't have access to athletics. That's why it breaks my heart to see trans kids across the country lose out on these opportunities. The Department of Education has proposed a new rule for Title IX regarding transgender athletes. This rule would prohibit blanket bans on transgender kids, especially in grades K through eight. However, it would not prohibit discrimination against trans kids in the high school and college levels under the guise of competitive fairness. This rule is a great start. However, it is not enough. During this time of intense anti-trans backlash, trans-commuting these explicit protections from discrimination in order to live our lives freely and equally. Luckily, this rule is not final. We have a 30-day period to urge the Biden administration to amend the rule and grant equal protection for all transgender kids. - Man, did you know that there was a drive to ban kids who think they're the opposite sex from competing in sports? - Yeah, I was just gonna sit there and say I wasn't aware of a ban. - Actually, to my knowledge. Let me get the research team on this. Steve, are you busy? All right, Mark, could you, Mark's doing something else? - You can't keep on trying. - Casey, can you? - Yeah. - Actually, pull in the vendors. Well, I have the vendors. - It's hard to find good help. - Enough of it. The way this is presented, and this is the absurdity of this. If you're not watching the video service, let me explain. You know who Lea Thomas is? His actual name, well, he's changed his name to Lea, but he's Will. He was a failed male swimmer in college. An utter, utter failure in swimming. And look, not everybody can be a this vision one athlete. I couldn't, now anywhere near it. Broad shoulders, his shoulders are about 16 feet across. He's very tall, and he was talking about the opportunity he had because of athletics. Right, to stand naked in a locker room, fully endowed, forcing women to change in front of him and stealing medals. And you talk about worshiping the things of this world. You're worshiping things of this world like a lie. Tell me that that guy doesn't worship himself. Tell me that this is not the ultimate expression of brutal and aggressive narcissism. - No, it is. And I mean, I think we all know how ridiculous it really is, but I think it's really important in the context of the society and the times we're growing up, whether we're living in rather, to really keep a reference point of how ridiculous this is. How is this any different than me dressing up as a wolf and heading up into the free mountains of America? And killing a deer without a permit, and then saying, wait a second, I identify as a wolf. You gotta let me do my thing, man. - Right. - No, no, my pack is right around the corner somewhere. I mean, how is that any different? - Right. - Like it's, it's, it's patented. Look, if you want to dress up and you want to play Halloween every day and pretend like you're a woman, when you're not, go for it. I don't see anybody stopping you. And if you want to dress like that and come try out for a sport that matches the gender that you are, the same rules that apply to you and me. - Right. - Then go for it. I'm all for it, right? - Yeah. - But like, what are, the fact that this is even a debate? - I got kicked out of a public comment section on something once at a town hall meeting 'cause I introduced myself as the moderator. - Oh, well, there you see. - I set up and said hi. My name is State Senator Steve Schmidt, and it was okay. All right, we're gonna have you stop. Why? That's who you are. - Well, it's discrimination. - Right. - Who are you? Who are you to tell me who I am? There are people standing up. This is a guy who is, he's a 15 year high school coach. Somerset School District in St. Croix County. And listen to how he takes this on. - And I'm ashamed to be in front of this board to talk about this. That this is an issue. It's disgusting. The biggest threat to us here is our constitution. There's an evil force out there that is attacking our constitution, trying to break it down. Everybody here has a first-minute right to do and be what you wanna be, to religiously preach and receive your God in the way you believe, to be who you wanna be. That's your right. But don't push it on me. My right is to do what I wanna do. I'm actually sick and tired of this. I've interviewed some of these school court members and said to me, here's some of the books we have here. Can you read it to me? They didn't like to. It's a slippery slope. It started with the books in our school library. Asked my son and graduated from here two years ago. He goes, yeah, we knew they were there. We didn't read them. We're talking trucks, fishing and hunting. (laughing) That's what I want my boys talking about. And what the girls wanna talk about is good. I mean, I want them to be girls. I want them to be boys. I want them to have a life that's in the schools 'cause they're safe. And you let this stuff into this school? I guarantee I'll be the first lawsuit against you. (audience applauding) 18 years of coaching high school sports and working with programs, it's like, what a joke. I can't even believe it's on the agenda. - They're talking about the Title IX thing. - Yeah. - Right? More men and people who think that radical feminists haven't stood against the live transgenderism. I have to tell you something out of love. You're wrong. The most radical feminists fought this very, very hard from day one, like a women's liberation front who are effectively man haters. I invited them on my show way back in the day when they were some of the only few people who were fighting against this multiple times and I got tourist responses. Do you have a female host we could talk to? And I actually said, I'll try. All the female hosts here pretend this doesn't happen. They're all liberal, I'll try to find you one. I would appreciate that. - I could be that female host. (laughing) - I should have thought of that, right? - Yeah, I should have thought of that, right? - Yeah. - Yeah, this is the modern face of misogyny is really what it is. It's the modern face of misogyny. - Right, the evil spirits don't go away. They just change form. - No, and they always attack the things that we, like, to be a godly man, to be a good man, I feel like the tell is, is that these things always attack what we're supposed to protect. - Right, right. - It always attacks what we're going after kids now. Men can say they're women. 'Cause you notice, you don't see a lot of women converting to be men and then trying to get in the NFL. - Right. - You know what I mean? - Right, right. - It's just the one way. - Right, because there are women who are trying to kick in the NFL, that's a whole different discussion. I mean, if they can do it, I guess do it. - Oh, heck yeah. - I really do not want to see a woman go out and get full on, smacked up by a big linebacker. I personally, I don't want to watch that. - No. - 'Cause it could destroy them. There's a lot of people, about 100 million Americans who are destroying their bodies right now with something called fatty liver. And I know what it's like to be heavy. I do, I can look you in the eye and tell you, I don't body shame because I weighed once almost 400 pounds. I find body shaming sad and mean and reflexively gross. And okay, maybe I did it when I was a kid. Gosh, not, no, actually not much 'cause my dad was so obese. I am not saying this to judge you. I'm telling you, if you're obese, you probably have fatty liver. And this means that there's fat distorting your liver's function. Your liver is what makes your blood clean. It takes out toxins. You can feel sluggish, slow, sleepy. You can feel stupid-headed when you have fatty liver. Liver health formula can help correct this, but the people who make this want me to tell you this every single time you should not be on this product for life. This is something to get you over as you go about losing that fat. They want you to do that and this. Liver health formula can actually help you lose belly fat. Okay? There's a 365-day money back guarantee they have a 24/7, 365 helpline for the product. Just go to git, That's git, And when you purchase the 30-day supply, you will get two free gifts. It's git, There is a bill in the house to put a stop to the Title IX abuses. It's Save Girl Sports. Zach, we can talk about this later. But as a father, what are you telling your kids about the time in which they live? I mean, do you sit down? Do you have discussions about the world as it exists today and do you ever talk with them about the armor of God? I mean, do you try to prepare them that way? Yes, it's funny when you get asked that question because I sit there and I think to myself, I'm being really honest with you. The first thought that goes to my mind is probably not enough. We're just realistically, right? My kids are pretty well-versed in this stuff, though. Like, you know, these are conversations we have around the dinner table. And, you know, I am constantly trying to reiterate to them what true north is, right? And then let's go back to the Bible. And then let's provide historical examples. I'm going to give you context. I'm not just going to sit here and tell you, don't do it, right? Let's have the-- let's have the-- and let's develop an appetite and a thirst for truth. Like, what is the truth? And so, you know, I-- but it's-- you know, the flip side is, is that-- and I tell people all the time, you know, people are like, oh, you guys are doing such a good job. You got good kids. And I go, well, my oldest one is going into high school, right? So that's like congratulating me for a good game halfway through the first quarter, right? This is where the work starts. And, you know, those conversations need to be had more often. And so it's something that, yeah, you know, and then they're getting to the age, the other one that I'm just starting to have conversations with about them, especially with my boy. My boy is both of them. My youngest is still probably a little too young for this, but my oldest boy just turned 12. So we're having a lot of talks about pornography. And dad's experience is with it, and how damaging it can be, and all these different things. I'd bless you for a bidding that you used it. Hey, that's the beautiful thing about Grace, right? Like, I'm not ashamed-- like, I-- that's buried, right? It's gone. Right. And God puts that as far away from him as north from south. We're going to wrap this up, and Zazak is going to-- well, gosh, I'm shifting the time zone again. Wow. Hey, I hope you watched Zazak's live performance with us last week. See the way that works. It's so, so difficult. Hey, this is the Todd Hermit Show, and I want to remind you that God's word is useful for teaching, and rebuke, and instruction, but also for beauty. God put incredible beauty into the Bible. This is the Todd Hermit Show. Please go be well. Be strong. Be kind. Please make every effort to walk in the life of Christ. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] The following is a high-five woman from high-five Welcome to Burger Yiffney. Would you like a high-apple pie today? Yes, yes, yes, I won. Woo-hoo! So that's a yes on the apple pie? I just went big time playing high-five casino on my phone. Real cash prizes, free daily rewards, over 1,200 games. Woo-hoo! So yes, you're not on the apple pie. Woo-hoo! I won again. I'll take that as a yes. Drive around. Have you had your high-five moment today? Only at high-five High-five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited. Play responsibly, condition supplies. See website for details. High-five casino.