The Todd Herman Show

Retired Special Forces Sniper, Mike O’Rourke on the Attempted Assassination of President Trump Ep-1719

Retired Special Forces Sniper, Mike O’Rourke joins to talk about the failed assassination attempt on President Trump. Mike offers valuable insight from his time as a special forces sniper and his many years working in the security sector. 

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Granger, for the ones who get it done. Praise God he's okay. Praise God, President Trump's not dead. May the Lord watch over the family of the firefighter who saved his daughter by dropping on top of her. We see things through our own eyes, and I wanted to see something this morning through eyes that matter. Your special forces sniper knows what you want when you're going to try to take out a principle. It's also a very cautious man. He's not going to give us a political analysis, and he is not going to tip his toe into any of the conspiracy theories, and there's good reason to have conspiracy theories, an open rooftop, 150 yards from President Trump. The following is a high five moment from high five Welcome to Burger Eiffy. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes, yes, yes, I won. Woohoo! So that's a yes on the apple pie? I just went big time playing high five casino on my phone. Real cash prizes, free daily rewards, over 1200 games. So yes or no on the apple pie. Woah, I won again. I'll take that as a yes, drive around. Have you had your high five moment today? Only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. Addition supply, C-web site for details. High five casino. And once again, thank you God almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. This wasn't going to be a day when I was going to be here. I was up at camp with 450 middle school and high school students. And our cabin, my friend Jonathan and I had 10 boys, Jonathan, 17 leading young men, himself a very, very young man. I was walking back from lunch on the way to go do one of our group sessions, which would be going in and hearing the word and worshiping and playing games since very well done camp. And my dear friend, Kevin, somehow started calling me by my last name, like people did in high school. Hey, Herman. And it turned around and Kevin said they shot Trump. And I for a second thought he was joking, but he wasn't. He showed me the news that he got in his phone. I didn't get signal up there at all, which is always the case when I'm up where we go. And Kevin showed that to me and immediately we were trying to figure out that the president was okay. And he did say Trump is okay. And I had to go into this insane thing of trying to find a way to get something posted. That's what we do here and got something up on YouTube and Niana and some other folks worked very hard to get that happen. Then I started to think about the Secret Service and trying to thank these guys. And now we're wondering what went on with the Secret Service. Just now, just as we were doing the show, Secret Service put out a statement. We've decided to strengthen the security for the coming up Republican national convention. They're going to strengthen it now. How was a rooftop 150 yards from the president left open? My analysis on this is going to be political. It's going to be question asking, breaking the bench apparel rule. If you know, just asking questions, Michael Rourke doesn't do that. Now he's far too cautious and he is deep deep into the world of security. Therefore he has a professional reputation that he protects and he protects it earnestly and with good cause. I'm just going to join us in just a second. When we were up at the camp, I was joking about junior high boys stinking. One thing I'll tell you, they do like their cologne. I learned a bunch about young men. They like their cologne, they like their name brands, but hey, I'll tell you something. I was no, I was no paragon of smelling good when you're up at 100 at one point, it was 113 degrees. One of the boys did get up and work out with me, literally got up at 4.30 in the morning to work out with me. First time that's ever happened, he and I didn't smell that great, but then, then someone came into our cabin. Another leader just popped in to get me and he walked in and said, I don't smell cologne. You guys don't use cologne? I used tons of cologne ago. It's that. So plugged into the wall and I took it up and in fact, now I can look over there and be witness to the fact that the Eden Pier Oxi Leaf 2 is gone. She's nodding her head. Yes, it's gone. It's in my truck. I forgot to bring it in. We may not have had the cleanest cabin, although it was pretty clean. We might not have had the best decorated cabin, although we did actually decorate it, but we absolutely had the best smelling cabin, even with all of us sleeping there all night long. You can have the same effect in your cabin or your home. If you have pets, specifically if you have pets, the Eden Pier Oxi Leaf 2 produces ozone, which destroys the molecules that bring about the bad smells. Just go to and enter code TOD3,, enter code TOD3. You'll get this at a $200 discount. Three of these units that's whole home coverage use code TOD3. My friend Michael Rourke joins me, former Special Forces Sniper, now with AOC Security. Mike, you see this through eyes that matter. Mine are simply political and guesswork. Welcome back to the program. Good day, sir. Thanks, Todd. Good to be with you. Wish you was under better circumstances. Yeah. Where were you when you heard? I was actually in a signal chat room. I was in a cryptid messaging app and several rooms there, mostly security-based, global affairs-based. And someone said that something just happened. Someone took a shot at Trump and then he was hit. And so I got up and ran to the nearest television and started watching it unfold. So we're going to go through all of this together and I want to start at the very, very basics. You were a Special Forces Sniper. Yeah, I was also a sniper instructor for four years. Okay. Let's go through the best case scenario as a sniper that you're hoping to get if you're to take down a king or a principal. What is the best case scenario you hope to be able to achieve? Gain elevation and have an unobstructed line of sight. Oh, that happened. Yes, it did. In someone you trained or with you, I mean, you can't say for a certain. But if it was someone like you or someone you trained, is Trump dead? Well, at that range, that's within the limits of what we practice was called snaps and movers, which is where you have a rapid target exposure. You're not sure. Maybe I've longed a 10 meter front where it's going to pop up and you've got three seconds to get off an accurate shot. That's one of the tests we had to pass. That's one of the tests I put students through. And if Trump hadn't turned his head, that shooter probably would have hit him in the temple. And it would have been lights out just the fact that some of those within that close of distance is just unconscionable. Yeah. I want to talk through that, Mike, because that's going to cause, it already is causing a ton of questions. A ton of questions in my mind. The political aspect of this, and I know you will enough to know you're not going to touch this and I don't want you to. The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for this engagement, the Secret Services. I understand it. The Department of Homeland Security is run by a guy who has been impeached, Mayorkus. He is a guy who is orchestrating and allowing an invasion of our country. Full stop. No question about it. He is a corrupt man. He pretends that the border is secure. We know that there are ISIS agents and Taliban-type agents and Hamas agents coming across the border. We know he refuses to stop it. He is not a man that has any of this country's best interests at heart. We know a lot. And that to me, we take this phrase, they would never do that and apply that to this situation. They're going to have to explain all of this. But Mike, if you are in a counter sniper position, like we had in the rooftops, and thank God that guy was there to take that shot and want to talk about that, in a counter sniper position, talk about job roles and responsibilities and what you're doing if you are on the rooftop looking for an enemy counterpart. Yeah, you have sectors of fire that you're responsible for. They were working. It looks like they had probably two men teams up on the roofs. Everyone seen the main photo or the main video of one team. There's an old one just a little bit further to the south. And they're basically scanning sectors. And they're looking for places where a shooter could conceal himself. There was a much higher position nearby. It was a water tower just to the, I think, just to the east of the building, approximately the same distance from the shooter as the shooter was from former President Trump. So they're watching that, making sure no one's climbing that. They certainly should have been scanning the roof line over at the, I think it's a AGR American Glass Research Facility. There were some trees in the way that could have obscured the shooter from at least one team. The team that was closest to them might have had an obstruction between them and the shooter. So I'm not even sure if it was that team that took a shot. I go back, yeah. And I want to dig into that further. I go back to, you know, personal experience. This is the only thing that we have in this situation like me. You have professional experience. I don't have this. A few weeks ago, I went shooting with our mutual friend, Tim Cruickshank, and a friend of ours who was a SWAT team leader in a major police force, and he's moved from back east out here. Great guy. And obviously they know what they're doing shooting. And my friend who was a SWAT leader, he trains every day. I mean, he's not willing to give up his skills. I hadn't shot since both shoulder surgeries. And so I was getting my AR back out and after a few shots, I'm hitting, you know, small metal targets at 150 yards up a hill standing up. And I'm not anybody's idea of a good shot. You know, I'm okay, but not anybody that is a good shot. My pistol mechanics were horrible, by the way. Horrible, horrible. I can't believe it. They've changed my shoulder. If I can hit that shot standing up and this kid just grazes Trump's ear, I want to go back to this question. In that scenario, Trump has hit, he touches his ear. The team around him, they begin to get on the president, and there's a lot to talk about there and to analyze. Would you or your team have been able to take another two or three shots into Trump, just as that security team was closing? I know that requires guesswork, but you guys trained for that. Yeah, with a semi-automatic rifle like he had, you should get more shots off and wrap his succession. The recoil is mental. I don't know what optics the shooter had on the rifle, but with ours, we're probably a very real power optic and you have it dialed down somewhat, so you have a wider field of view, which in some cases, as things are moving, things are dynamic, helps you get back on target faster. So yeah, more shots could be gotten off. Obviously the shooter did. They just weren't accurate on Trump, but obviously they hit other people. Yeah. I mentioned that because I watched my friends warm up into drills, two in the body, one in the head, two in the body, one in the head, and I saw them shoot moving targets, where they shot some metal targets and those metal targets were moving, and I saw them scoped down and hit them and go, "Okay, these are guys who know how to shoot." I guess my question is, it seems to me we're lucky this was a 20-year-old kid, and I want to talk about his personality, at least what we're going to be able to tell. Not only is President Trump looking, he turned his head, but it seems to me he was fortunate that this was not a well-trained shooter. Yeah, definitely, but you look at the distance that's approximately 150 yards, that's within the maximum point blank range of that 5.56 millimeter round. Wow. Okay. The rooftop, you said, unconscionable, that it's unguarded. If you were, if this was a military op, and this was your team, and that rooftop was unguarded, what happens? You get someone up there. I mean, all you need is one officer standing on that roof, and you now own that terrain, and it's denied from anyone else that would go up there for nefarious purposes. They would have to engage that officer first, which would then provide all kinds of early warning to the team around the former president. This footage that appears to show people calling out the shooter. There is footage I've seen with my own eyes of people observing this guy belly crawling into what I saw Navy SEAL describe as the dead zone, and I'd love you to describe what the dead zone is, but him crawling up there, belly crawling, there were people who watched that happen. In fact, I was chilled. A man was standing there holding his, looked like four or five-year-old daughter's hand watching this guy belly crawl in the building, and he's probably thinking that's got to be a cop. It's got to be a cop that can't be a shooter, but there were people trying to draw attention to the police. You'd heard that there was a police officer who had apparently engaged the shooter, and you were thinking maybe the shooter had to hurry his shots? Yeah, I've heard different reports that a local police officer, drawn by the crowd pointing him out, had tried to get up onto the roof, and I guess his, maybe his head came up over the edge of the roof line. The shooter turned and pointed the rifle at the officer who then dropped that down out of sight out of self-preservation, so there the shooter might have known, okay, he's running out of time, and he could have rushed the shot. Still, it was a very accurate shot, that first one. Yeah, and reports are, and this again reports, that he flunked out of a rifle class in school, that of course, and we expect this, he was a loner, he was those things, I do want to talk about this personal aspect, because I want people to understand something that's vitally important. This kid appeared to have been a true believer, probably a true believer that Trump was Hitler definitely, it seems a true believer in the Democrat far left cause, true believers who are lonely and isolated and feel like failures at life. There are other groups who would love to find guys like that true believers like this. Let me just point, and we'll talk about that with Michael Rourke, and there is a link to Mike's company in the show notes, and I know let's make sure that we have that. In a pilot, every time a pilot flies, they go and they do a check on their equipment. It doesn't matter if you're making half hour puddle drop flights, right, if you're puddle to puddle flights, you're going to get out and you're going to check your airplane again. You're going to go through your instrument checks again, your panel checks again, your calm checks again, your fuel checks again. In a situation like this, Mike, I got to assume that a sniper team in a counter sniper position, anyone in that sort of security role, you guys probably have checklists, and my question is people are not going to believe, Mike, that someone forgot to check that roof. No, very few people are going to believe that. Wouldn't that be on a checklist? Wouldn't you have a map and you would go through, and here's point A, B, C, they'd name these things, and wouldn't someone have responsibility for that particular roof? I've heard that even during the Secret Service Advanced Team work that that location was noted has a potential danger area. So yeah, I mean, when a sniper goes in their position, yeah, there's checklists, you're looking at your sector, you're looking for the places where a shooter can potentially hide. And if you look at the roof, that's actually a gabled roof, has a pitch in the center, and the shooter was actually on the reverse slope, at least from the video that the crowd shot, he's on the reverse slope of that roof, possibly out of sight of the counter sniper teams until he comes up over the top to make a shot. And I was trying to do like a terrain elevation analysis. Just using Google Street View is not necessarily the best tool, but that roof may have been about the same height or slightly higher than the roofs that the long force of the sniper teams are on. So if that's the case, they might have even given up the highest ground. And that slope roof, so he is crawling, a belly crawling up a slight slope. And this was this video, I sent you of a guy, a former seal who was looking at this saying, so that the shooter was on his belly in what that sniper called a dead zone. And that dead zone, he explained this, the counter snipers may not have seen that the shooter until his head popped up with the recoil of the rifle. And that's what this guy described as big mistake to let the head pop up. Does that seem reasonable to you? Yeah, dead zone, we would call it dead space. It's basically an area that cannot be observed. And it's a fairly shallow pitch on that roof, but still if he has a, if he's about the same elevation or slightly higher than the sniper team, then yeah, he'll be in that dead space before he crusts the center of that pitch. You're right, he did call it dead space, dead zones, probably me being a civilian, I've never used your guys' comms, never, never, never, I should never try. I want to talk about what we have been able to observe, Mike, around this guy's personality and his commitment to the cause, because this is something, it's vital that people understand an application to this in our country that Mike's been looking at. We'll continue to discuss this with Michael Rourke. So this weekend, it was for me a total of about, I'm going to guess I get a good solid four and a half hours of sleep total. And I did put myself to the test of, okay, so I'm in a sleep-deprived state. It is, in fact, at one point, I went on my second run of the day with my weight vest and stuff, and that was a two-mile run on pavement on the highway. I didn't say I ran it fast, I didn't run it slow. I ran it at about a nine-minute pace with the kit and all that. But I'll tell you something, that heat utterly sapped me, man, that's hot. And running on the pavement, in my truck thermometer, said 113 degrees when I went on the run, I was just curious what it was. My watch, as I was running, said I was running at 160 degrees. That's what my watch was sensing, makes sense, it's a blacktop, et cetera. And as I did that, I was, of course, thinking about, okay, now I've got to go play games with the boys, because we play Capture the Flag. Every one of our games somehow involves chasing young guys. Somehow they just work that all out or go swimming or play volleyball with those guys. So as that's all going on, I'm thinking how am I going to make sure I can do this? Well, you know what I took with me. I take all my stuff with me. I may take my protein supplements, et cetera, but of course I took Native Path Crew with me. That gave me a chance also to have sort of a men's health gut check with a lot of guys. Some of the guys, some of the older guys, we were sitting around and talking about our health. And yes, I did bring up Native Path Crew and I got a ton of questions. My friend Zach Gaberham was in town. Zach decided to go by. He did. After hearing me describe this Native Path Crew, Tim Crookshak, Navy Seal, said, "Hey, I'm in on this because he heard me describe this because he's also a medic and a physician's assistant. He knows what ibuprofen does to the body. It attacks, deliver. It can destroy the kidneys and it causes inflammation. ibuprofen itself causes inflammation." So despite all that activity, I took my Native Path Crew. I doubled down. I took some at night and normally just take it in the morning. And there I was. Next morning, up at 4 o'clock, a couple, hour and a half asleep and was thrilled to be joined with my new young friend who came for a workout with me. Yeah, I had to beat him up a little bit, but he did a great job. You do not need to be an ibuprofen. You do not need to destroy your liver. That is not the way to get this done. Go to Go see the specials they have for you today. It's Mike, we learned at least at this point, dribs and drabs, just like you, bringing in as much information as I can. This kid appears to have been in a BlackRock video. I'm not blaming BlackRock for the shooting, although BlackRock's, in my judgment, a horrible anti-American company. That's weird. There's going to be a bunch of weirdness. Some of the stuff that's to be expected is he was a loner. He was apparently bullied in school. That all matches this. He goes and finds a cause where he's important. It's far left cause. You'll notice I'm not saying his name. I refuse to give this kid the infamy that he may have wanted. You want more shooters like this, make them stars. There are groups in our country today who are looking for the true believer. I wanted to start with what does a true believer and a lonely kid, what does that mean for people who are seeking to turn folks into assets against their own country? It's fertile ground. If they're looking for something to believe in and something to feel important about, then folks that might want to recruit them will play into that as part of developing a person into the cause. Now, I don't know what his particular beliefs are. My understanding is that he really had practically zero social media presence, so I don't know what he's written or said. I don't know if there's a manifesto out there, but someone like that is pretty fertile ground. Someone in Portland, I think back during 2020, shot a conservative or Trump supporter. It was one of those people who was mentally unstable and had a weapon and was willing to use it. I'm thinking now through some other young men. They lived in Michigan, and this is political commentary. They lived in Michigan, and the FBI sent assets into Michigan agents and informants, and they began recruiting these young men, who I have the videos, I could play the videos. I'm not trying to be cruel. I'm just describing some young men who are not succeeding in life, and they were spending a ton of time talking about how they, in fact, they hated Trump, incidentally. They hated the government, the government, so they have all these chats about this and the things that they think they should do, and all of a sudden, someone comes along and starts befriending them, taking them shooting and things like that, Mike, and offering them, "Hey, let's go blow some stuff up," and then one of them is, all of a sudden, has a beautiful woman who wants to hang out with them and go and trip with them, and they slept in the same hotel room and the same bed, but apparently they didn't have sex, and they put together this plot. Let's go kidnap the governor of Michigan, and they're at one point more agents and informants in that plot than there were actual plotters, and some of the guys wanted out. I don't want to do this. They got brought back in. There was never any danger, because at no time are they outside the eyes of agents, and hence came what's called now the Fednapping. Some of these guys have even gotten off the charts because the government simply, simply pressured and entrapped, and now I'm looking at this kid, and this is where, Mike, if I am someone who means my country ill and I work at DHS, then I have all sorts of opportunity to say, "Let this one slide past. Let this one go." I don't even know how to ask you a question that you can answer because you're a security profession on that, but let me say it this way. If you were advising another country, or you had prepped an environment in another country, you wanted one of their leaders taken out, but it had to be a local who did it, does that scenario make sense from a perspective of us fighting a terrorist country trying to get a local to do it? It's hard to say, and I know where you're going on the DHS side of things. Speaking from an American in America, I find it incredibly hard to believe that anyone would be complicit in something like that. More likely is negligence, perhaps some incompetence, not having the right plan in place or enough assets, but I think this is probably a more likely explanation on why that roof was left uncovered. I guess the way I opened the show and we're talking about DHS, I mean, I look at our country being invaded by people who meet us ill and seeing men coming from terrorist sponsoring countries. We know there's been people on the watch list found at the border. I know they refuse to shut that down. To me, that seems an active decision to not shut it down. I look at the Fed napping, and I just look at these patterns, and I know there were people on Jan 6 who were literally on text with their handlers, FBI handlers, while that was going on. I see all this happening, and I guess my perspective, and I want to get back to the analysis of what's going on in our country with people looking for folks like this because you've been mapping this, I guess my perspective is there's no question I won't ask about these government, the government anymore. To me, nothing's off the table, and I hate saying that. I don't want to say that, I don't want to believe that for a second. I do want to go back to one thing that we touched on, and then I failed to nail that down. When President Trump is shot, he goes to his ear, the agents surround him. Talk us through your perspective as a security professional, what was good and what was bad at that moment with the response of the agents and the president and what went on right after he went to his ear, touched his ear? They were on pretty quick. Obviously, the agents are hearing the sonic crack of the rounds going by, whether they recognized that for what it was. I don't know, but they saw as soon as they saw Trump go down, duck down, they were on him really fast. That was good, and then they made sure they had everyone together before they started moving him, and the iconic photo taken from Senator with his fist up in the air and the American flag flying behind him. Honestly, I think that photo should never have been able to be taken, because I don't think they should have let him stand all the way up, keeping bent over at the waist where they're taller than he is and get him off that stage. Good reaction to get on him. The standing up part, I wasn't a fan of, and then when he's going to get in the vehicle to be whisked away, as he steps into the vehicle, his head comes above the roof line of that vehicle, and he's, again, potentially a target, because they don't know, yeah, sure the shooter was down. They don't know how many shooters, they don't know if there's stress in the crowd. So I would not have let him stand up and have his head exposed again. In a moment like that, I guess the security team at that point, you, the principal, you're a package. I mean, if it's well done, you're not even human anymore. You're a package. We're going to put you where you go. Yeah. Look back at the Ronald Reagan assassination attempt. They had him bent over and shoved into the limousine pretty darn fast when the shots were going off. Yeah. I mean, there was almost, it seemed like no gap. And of course, that shooter got really close, really, really close. It was a pistol, it was concealed, so it was a different dynamic, but yeah, he was really, really close. And we've talked through this, I did this just hastily shot video this week and talking about President Trump and what a lot of young people don't know about that. We might talk about this this week. The RNC has hardened security or the secret services, they're going to harden security, beef it up with the Republican National Convention coming. How do you, is it even a beefing up thing or is it just a hey, let's not leave rooftops open? Well, one thing I said early on when this happens is that we've probably seen the end of open air political events. You think? You know, obviously, the conventions are inside, you know, enclosed buildings and you can absolutely lock down those parameters. So it's the, it's usually the movement phase going to and from these events where someone's going to be more vulnerable and they do things like they might drive the vehicle inside the building before the principal gets out. There's one hotel in Seattle that's usually selected for high profile visits, including the presidents. I think the last three presidents have been there at this hotel and the one reason, one of the main reasons they selected is because they can bring in the motorcade into a concealed area, covered area at that hotel. Yeah, I know the hotel you're talking about comes right off the freeway and while he's law enforcement, former military, he's been through a ton of events there with rock stars and actors and they love that because at no time does the principal get exposed to the open air. I want to talk about these loners, Mike, and what we both of us, I think, agree is probably going on. In fact, you shared an article with me in the wake of some of the stuff that went on the campuses and the violence on the campuses and the kidnappings of people who were maintenance workers, et cetera, there's some statements of responsibility that have gone out and some things and I want to talk about this profile. Who are ISIS and Taliban and Hamas types described for a second in a second the exact sort of profile person they're looking for young people will continue to talk to Michael Rourke. Coming up on the see the 25th, I'm just I've lost track of this 10 days from now, 10 days from now. If you're watching live, this is the show drops in July 15th, Zach Abraham is putting another free live webinar and he's had to create more of these is a busy webinar time for him because people are now experiencing inflation in food costs and prices. My wife and I, we've gone back to we use our American Express card for stuff, but we pay it off every month and we started to look at and it's really me laziness, you know, going and buying supplements at a convenience store. I'm busy, so I'll just buy a couple of bars and I'm busy, so just buy a couple of energy drinks and yeah, so I'm busy, so I'll pay a 40% markup on stuff plus the inflation. All of a sudden we're spending a ton of money on so-called food, people are noticing this and now I think people are thinking, wait, if it stays like this, my retirement plan wasn't created for a 50 to 60% premium on core food items, I might need to change my retirement plans. Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer, Boer Capital Management doesn't want you to have to change the time you retire so you can eat. His idea of a successful retirement means this, you know exactly how much money you're going to have every month and you hedge against things like inflation, okay, and he does that through active management of every single portfolio which can reduce risk and volatility and by focusing on risk management. Now this is a free live webinar but you have to register to attend, go to that's K-N-O-W and sign up for this free live webinar, Boer Capital Management Investment Advisor Representative, Trek Financial, LLC, an S-A-C registered investment advisor, investments involve risk, you could lose money and past performance doesn't guarantee future results, Trek24-244, go to So Mike, I was basing my comments about this young man, not on his social media profile but on those of others where some of his peers had apparently taken video of him being, I mean, and look, all young guys can act out and sound strange and scream and I just, I know this, I just spent the weekend with 450 of them although all of them pretty good kids. So I'm basing it upon that and then the observation of kids who knew him and this is all starting to come out in the media and clearly then I'm basing it upon what he decided to do before he was taken out or as I heard one of your colleagues say, and this is a phrase new to me, had his head kunud, I didn't know about the phrase of having someone's head kunud, okay, so I made a kunud of his head. ISIS and agents left over from ISIS and Hamas, they have funders who many of them are not necessarily true believers in the caliphate, but they're true believers in taking America down and they're looking for kids like this, but give me the profile, you prepped environments, you did this against other countries, talk to me about the dream get for these people. You want someone that can be molded, someone who could be influenced, the, you don't even have to necessarily get your hands dirty as long as you can get the message to this person and keep influencing them to the point where they're convinced they have to take some sort of action and that, you know, and they're willing to do it on their own. You don't have to point them at something specific. So wait, you don't give them a task, you simply influence them, convince them they can be bigger than something, do something bigger than themselves, they can have meaning beyond a life that right now has no meaning and you don't even necessarily have to give them a task. You don't even necessarily have to be in direct contact with that person at any point, as long as you're putting that message out from as many different angles as you can. And so they're bombarded with it and they start looking for this type of messaging. So they're going to seek it out and find it in a lot of different places and then they'll eventually get moved to the point where, okay, it's up to me, I've got to do something and then maybe I'll make a name for myself or at least I'll do something, you know, people will praise me because I did something great for humanity because they're being told that their cause is just whether it's, like I said, the, you know, the pro Hamas protest, the anti capitalism, protest movements, they all want to essentially bring down Western civilization or the parts of the, of the civilization that they see as harmful to everyone else. And who's been the number one target of a lot of this vitriol has been Donald Trump. Yeah. And I'm thinking now about recruiting when my understanding is when a terrorist group has a success, they immediately turn that into fundraising. Or just like politicians, you know, politician looks good in the polls has a good debate, boom, turn this into fundraising. And I'm not saying a terrorist group is behind this. I don't believe there is any indication of that. I think this was a screwed up true believer kid and maybe that'll change and information might change, but right now it doesn't seem that way. So in the eyes of our enemies, and I'm talking about now foreign enemies because I believe there are domestic enemies. I know there are domestic enemies. In the eyes of a foreign enemy, does this bring back to this paper tiger thing of look, they can't even protect Donald Trump. They can't protect him from a wayward kid at 150 yards. Isn't this something that the terrorist groups could be saying, look, we can do a lot more. These guys Americans are so sloppy. It's not a good look. That's for sure. Right. It does not project a robust security environment. And they see signs of how they see it and I don't think they're wrong of our society coming apart at the seams. That's a feature of the revolution, that is not a bug of the revolution. Absolutely right. Okay. In Special Forces, some of the things you guys did, and this is a long game, but you guys played that long game of helping to have societies fall apart. If you're trying to take apart Iraq, you don't want a unified Iraq. You don't want a unified Afghanistan. So to see this happening in your country, I know you're not a guy given to coming out with wild sets of emotion on my show. I know you have them, but you do a good job of compartmentalizing. There's an American flag behind you, full did I see? What does it do to your heart to watch this happen in our country? I mean, it's absolutely heartbreaking. I'm seeing all the components of, and we're talking the bigger picture obviously outside of Trump now, I'm seeing all the components of an insurgency taking place. The same things that we studied to combat against in friendly countries or to help support in countries where we didn't believe the government should be in power there. And so all of that goes back to, I mean, there's a graphic, I think I've shared it with you in the past, and we're showing the stages of revolutionary warfare. And that graphic is actually over 60 years old, and that model is still being used all over the world. Yeah. And one of the first things you said to me one day before we met personally, you asked me a question, you got in touch with me and he said, I heard you talking about prepping environments, where'd you learn that? And I was reading Mao, and I was reading about Mao. And so I want to unpack that a little bit more. And then I have a question for you as a metaphor for your work. I mean, do so much. You're training people in America, praise God, you're doing this on how to have situational awareness on their own. You just did an event and said it was very successful, showing people how to be situational aware to protect their families, mindset, actions, et cetera. And I want to just go and present you a scenario as a guy who protects also high net worth individuals. I want to apply that to what we saw here, but I do want to go and carry through a bit on this model, the things that you're seeing in this insurrection in groups like Antifa. There's finally a judge who sentenced an Antifa member to a pretty good sentence and said, the judge put on record, oh, I believe this group exists. I don't believe it's an idea. So we'll continue to talk with Michael Rourke about this. And again, there's a link to Mike's company in the show notes. When you think of insurrections and you think of, you know, nations falling apart, I think of Mexico and I think of Northern Mexico ruled by cartels as I see it. And now that's not washing over a border. It's in my judgment being pushed over a border. So when I first started investigating getting stem cell stuff done for my shoulders, and of course, number one checklist is nothing to do with abortion. Number two is, honestly, I'm going to go to a clinic in Mexico, well, not in Northern Mexico. So I started to look at all the clinics in Southern Mexico and I looked at some in Tijuana and then I read some of the literature like, hey, pop in, we'll get it done and send you home. No, I don't think so. And I found a clinic finally that I looked at and said, okay, this looks good. But when I started talking to them, they started trying to sell me and started doing follow up texts and phone calls and hey, we've got this spot open, but not for long, it doesn't sound like healthcare to me. When my friend Boris, who was there when I tore my shoulder the first time, my first shoulder and left shoulder, when he came to me and said, by the way, I just went down to Mexico and I got my shoulder worked on with these stem cells. He's a competitive swimmer, world ranked, by the way, as a master swimmer. I think he got third in the world the last time he did this. He couldn't swim for two or three weeks, went down and got the treatment. He was back in the pool in two or three days with full range of motion. Then he put his own money in this. He's a high net worth guy who does investments for high net worth people. He put his own money to play. That convinced me. That was renew healthcare. And that's where I went. That's where I got this stuff done. And my stuff is minor. It's about being able to compete and go do seal fit. So your stuff's not minor. Yours is probably much more about life. Any sort of pain, neuropathy, numbness in the hands, range of motion limitations, facing surgery, arthritis, all this stuff renews had enormously great results using these ethically gathered stem cells. In my case, I make sure I use this strain that is not but exposed to the modified artery ejections ever. That's me. You don't necessarily have to do that, but that's how I do it. You can go get the same thing I did, elevate your quality of life, go to renewhealthcare. That's Look, if we have a chance to talk in person, I'll look in the eye and tell you about my experience. I would send a friend down there. In fact, I have sent friends there. It's So Mike, before we get to the question here about you as a security professional and protecting high net worth individuals, you mentioned these stages of insurrection. And I know you've been tracking Antifa and they're tied into these phases of revolution, this Maoist model. How central are they, in your opinion, in driving our country through this forced cultural revolution? I think they're pretty essential to it. I mean, it's a widespread movement. There are a lot of people in it, and they're seeing the intersection between their cause, which is basically tearing down the American society as it exists now. And they're able to pair that with the pro-homos movements, because all seeking similar goals. Yeah, and there were people who said, "Antifa is just an idea. It's just a slogan. It's just a T-shirt." But I look at their activities, and I know about being diffused, and you have cells with limited contacts to cells, and you've described sometimes you just need to point these kids in the right direction, et cetera. But I'm observing organization and funding. And I don't believe for a second that Antifa is mine is funding. What about you? Antifa is what, sorry? Antifa lacks funding. Oh, no, the Soros Foundation is putting a lot of money into groups, which are then pushing that money out down further, so they might be directly, "Hey, here's some money, Antifa Pepper, go ahead and have fun with it." It's kind of a shell game where they're moving through a lot of different financial layers to get the money out there. But when these encampments, they all have the same kind of tent. I mean, it's probably all purchased in one big order. You have Antifa activists moving from Portland to events on the East Coast, and who's funding the transportation, where's that coming from? Yeah, we saw in Kenosha, Wisconsin, for instance, some of those guys who flew in airplane tickets and hotels. Someone is funding this. If you were put in charge of, if someone came to you and said, "Mike, we want you to run a counter-insurgency efforts in America, and we're going to fund you. We're going to let you go." What would be, in your mind, the top two or three priorities that you would want to achieve right away? You were given this and, say, you're advising the chiefs of chiefs. We know there's an insurgency. We see we're in these end stages of insurgency. We need to fight back. What would be sort of the top two or three things in your mind? I'm going to start mapping the networks, and that's names of people, names of organizations that are involved, and then seeing how they're connected to each other. You have different components of an insurgency. You have what's called the gorillas, or the jeez. These will be your Viet Cong back in the Vietnam days. These will be your black-suited thugs in the streets here in America when things are growing. These are the ones that are willing to get out there and get violent. Those are the gorillas. You have the auxiliary. Those who provide material support, whether it's money, whether it's training, whether it's shelter. The auxiliary is the support arm. You have the underground, which are those that will be doing a lot of hidden things. This might be sabotage. This might be influence operations, but they're trying to keep their presidents, their identities absolutely secret. The public component, think back during the days of the IRA that travels in Northern Ireland, the public component there was Sinn Fein, basically the political arm. You've got to look who's in the public component now, who's providing the public if not top cover, but the actual support and encouragement, including folks that are trying to get these people out of jail or have charges dropped. You have a lot of DA's district attorneys who could be considered part of the public component. Well, then a woman to whom we refer to as vice president, Kami Harris, who helped organize an effort to pay them out of jail with the Minnesota bail fund, right? Yeah. Got it. So I want to go back to where we began and your role as a sniper and a trainer of snipers and a guy who in addition to putting on workshops and you and I talked and said, "We're going to do one over here. We need to get that done so that I can be involved and learn from you and bring podcast family members into this, teaching a situational awareness." I wanted to go through some of the things you do. I know you protect high-north network individuals and companies from having people go attack their data and having spies put into their companies, but let's go to a high-net-worth individual and let's say that that person owns a property and they're under constant threat of assassination. They're unpopular, they're divisive, whatever, or let's say retired president and you were brought on board and you were told, "I want my property secure." I mean, there's some obvious things. Do we have an alarm system? Do we have cameras? Do we have well-trained security professionals? But wouldn't you take every possible photographs and video from every possible angle and make sure that every rooftop has a name and every high point has a deterrent? Absolutely, that's exactly what we do. You can call it greeting now. You can take an aerial photograph and then overlay a grid on it, for example. Each square has letters and numbers assigned and then you know what's in each spot and then you're looking, like if you're protecting against a sniper attack, you're looking for those lines of sight, you're looking for those elevated positions and you're looking at the structure at the person's estate as well. We're going to go very in-depth on looking at where the people live. Yeah, and so let's go through a post-event analysis. God forbid there was a failure and it was a team you ran and someone, there was a rooftop, perhaps the highest point left unguarded and your client got killed. When you guys do a post-analysis and autopsy of this, which answer from your team makes it OK, is it we forgot, we didn't know, what answer stops somebody from getting fired? There is no right answer, there's no way to answer that like this, what we call the post-mortem, the after action review, it's you have to be right every time. If you're in the security world, you have to be right every single time and the bad guys only have to get it right once and that's what keeps you up at night is keeping that one time from happening. So in your mind then, Mike, the Secret Service has not, they've not gone to press conferences, the FBI gave one in response, in recent affairs, the FBI got to go, "Whoa, hold it, no, no." The Secret Service has to answer that one, that's not ours. I hear you saying there is no satisfactory answer, the head of the Secret Service is down, under questioning from Congress, there is no satisfactory answer, it's not we forgot, we didn't think, someone called in sick, there is no satisfactory answer for that rooftop being left open. There have to be consequences for that, people need to be held accountable. In Washington, D.C., people get very good at avoiding accountability, avoiding taking responsibility. To me, it's not even clear if those sniper teams behind Trump were actually Secret Service or if they were local law enforcement SWAT teams. This was something else I heard from people, they had the same bit of confusion that there was maybe lack of communication, maybe a big word, that it might have been that the counter sniper's position on the rooftop might have been thinking that has to be a friendly, that has to be a friendly. But then I was told, in reading from a guy who had been on protective detail with the Secret Service, had said, "No, we know everybody by face." Prior to an event, we have met multiple times with the local cops who are going to be on the inside, with local security, Trump apparently has private security in addition to the Secret Service. No, we know everybody by sight. I've even read someone said that sometimes when they have overflight from drones, they've got identifiers, digital identifiers that they can tell is a transponder. That's a friendly, if you don't have one, you're out, you're dead. So, I'm not hearing any excuses, Mike, and I don't know that anyone's going to be held responsible, and if that comes true and no one's held responsible, am I wrong or does the next terrorist group who might want to do something like this go, "Look, cost free." Especially if they're willing to make it a one-way mission, they don't have to put any planning in to get it in a way. Also the thought that this never seemed my thought was a friendly on the roof, I don't buy that because they're going to know where all the other positions are. They're going to know that there is someone over here, there's not someone there. So, again, I'm not going to buy that one. Yep. Well, I don't think you and I are in the mood to buy any excuses on this one. How do people get to your website, Mike? Our website is They can go there and learn more about the company. They can write to us, to find out more if they have questions, follow me on social media. Instagram is where probably most active, AOC, underscore security. One of the things that we're getting big into is helping companies set up workplace violence prevention plans and react to that. California just had a law go into effect at the beginning of July, first in the nation where workplace violence plans are actually required by most employers. I would not be surprised to see that spread certainly along the West Coast, but I'd like to get with businesses and get ahead of that game and get workplace violence prevention plans in place. Got it. Okay. We'll put a link in the show notes and we'll look forward to doing an event with you where we can go through situational awareness and do get a workplace violence thing in place. If you're a church as well, if you're a big church, sorry, your targets, I know about some threats to local churches and North Idaho, we got a lot of guys like Mike retired pick other churches. I'm just suggesting we got a lot of guys who spend a lot of time on the teams taking care of things over here. I always feel better that way. Mike, appreciate you coming on. Thank you. Short notice, brother. Thank you for the great analysis. And God go with you. Thank you. All right. Thank you, Todd. This is the Todd Herman Show. Lord, thank you for whatever decision you made to keep President Trump alive. I can only look at it as an act of your hand turning his head at the right time. I do believe that. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. The following is a high five moment from high five Welcome to Burger. You have me. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes. Yes. Yeah. I won. Woohoo. 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