The Todd Herman Show

It’s a “Debt Plantation” - Zach Abraham explains Ep-1718

No one knows the economy better than Zach Abraham and he is with me in the studio today! We're going to talk about the economy, but we're also going to talk through the impeachment attempt of Clarence Thomas. And we will discuss a couple of pretty extraordinary clips from Stephen Colbert, who is just so funny. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Psalms 37:12-15 NIV
The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming. The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are upright.
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Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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at your job. Do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulley? Well if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger for the ones who get it done. What was it that Jimmy Carvel said? "running which kind of trash you find when you drag a $20 bail through a trailer?" Well he said that and he was talking about a human being Paula Jones. But he also said it's economy stupid. Well no one knows the economy better than Zack Abraham is with me. We're going to talk to the economy but we're also going to talk through the impeachment attempt. Got it? Impeech Clarence Thomas. Who's doing that? AOC. And a couple of pretty extraordinary clips from Stephen Colbert who is so funny. You know sometimes he uses the effort. It's so edgy because you hear the effort you're like oh my gosh I can't believe you use the effort then I laugh and it's just so funny. And then the effort that the Democrats made to stand against the new Jim Crow of making sure you're a citizen when you vote here. That's the new Jim Crow. Your job. Do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well if you're installing a new conveyor belt system dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair and operations so whenever you want to talk shop just reach out. Call click or just stop by. Granger for the ones who get it done. The Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now from the high mountains of free America here's the emerald city exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times so which God has decided we should live. Still blessed to have here my friends and brothers Zach Abraham chief of investment officer bulwark capital management and Zach your vacation has continued. Thank you for spending all this time with us. We're gonna just nail you down on one thing. If you were to characterize the people of Idaho now that you've been here a couple different times and interacted with us. Toothless rednecks. How do you like how do you characterize the folks you've met? It's it's a little weird because well and we and we felt this way and it's been an extension when we first came last year. Yeah visited. It's just so much more friendly. It's just you feel like it's like it's like Mayberry you know. Okay you are the second person to say this. You also said what Tim Crewkshank said about crossing the board. You feel like there should be a border guard. There's a sense of relief. Yeah but he used almost exact same wording. He didn't say Mayberry but there is a sense of friendliness here. Oh it's it really it's remarkable. Yeah it's remarkable and my wife and I know like I said we noticed it the first time we were staying at the resort last time we were here and we were blown away at the service. Like it was it felt like you're going back in time. Meaning like you know the service at that resort is phenomenal and then just the more people we interacted with the friendliness the hellos the high you know in Seattle you walk down the street high people look at you like you've got like a third eye grown under it. Right. Right. Just a simple hello. Right. Right. And service there. I mean there are spots where it's okay but service can be very surly. Oh and if you ask for an extra you get this a lot like you go to a nice restaurant like the Pink Door Cafe is this legendary place done in Pike Place Market and it's so legendary that they don't have a sign you just have to know it's there. It's in Post Alley. There's there's no indication other than you walk down the alley. Here's a Pink Door. Okay so if you know you know and I went in and had dinner with some business people there and showed them Seattle. This is when I was at Microsoft and I just said hey by the way could I have I don't remember what I was asking to switch out rice or something. Could I do this? No. Yeah. It wasn't even a well sir we don't or these are all no she just it's just like she's you know. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and God forbid something to happen. I mean Seattle's one of those cities literally where if something happens to you just people will just walk over you. Oh yeah like on the sidewalk. Sure. Nobody cares. Right. Yeah. And then my wife chastised me for having a show race related. She goes wow you talk pandering your friend as a black wife and you sit down hey exactly let's talk about race. I didn't plan it that way but I have to ask this question because I get it all the time. When I have friends come to visit one friend sent me notes and said hey I'm really excited to come over. My wife is Asian. She's from China and she's really afraid of racist of being treated in a racist way. She's nervous. She's heard things about North Idaho and I had to write and say hey it would shock me and I told him you might see a Confederate flag that happens over here and that's a mostly mostly a states right things mostly there are but like you go up to some areas here there are still some white supremacists that's real. It used to be really bad that's real there are places I could take you to them. I mean you don't want to go but has your wife had any feeling of any any sort of down looks. No quite the opposite. Yeah not even not even not even a hand. Yeah no it's been. Yeah and quite honestly it's been the opposite. Yeah just just so friendly so everybody's so nice so helpful. Yeah it's just it's been awesome and yeah there's just really a sense of community that has kind of caught us off guard because you don't really notice that it doesn't exist until you're back in a place where it does. Yeah you know what I mean? Right. We're like oh yeah people can be like right and people are kind. Wow interesting. Right and yeah that's big cities do suffer from that and Seattle is very very much a big city. That I think I said about Jimmy Carville it's the economy stupid there's a couple things I wanted to touch off with you before we get into the discussion of Stephen Colbert and the view of the continuing just destruction of the figurehead. So we'll talk about that with Zach Abraham. You know this past weekend I was in in with the kids doing the the thing at the youth camp and the church camp and and here's a deal and I look I told the boys and I said it this way is you guys are just your gross. You stink and there's nothing you can do about it and all the bathing in the world and you just stink. I didn't really say it that way. In fact I didn't say it but there is a device that I took with me and it's called the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 and you think it's weird that you take something like this to a cabin with boys but here's its job. It produces ozone and pushes that into the air. That ozone molecules those molecules bond to bad smells like boy stink like boy sweat like boy other stuff and well man stink too because honestly you're running around a camp for 12 to 16 hours a day it's not like I smelled rosy good and it just negates that smell. Now you guys will have situations where for instance a basement right basements get musty. It happens and it doesn't necessarily mean there's mold. Obviously there's mold you need to clean that out. It can be cat smell it can be cigarette smoke all of that. This just negates it including it also negates viruses. Go to Eden Pure enter code Todd 3 and you can get a $200 savings on this $200 off on these three devices that's whole home coverage Eden Pure these promo code Todd or EdenPird use code Todd 3 that's code TODD 3. There's a disconnect in the economy and you provide us a couple of charts and I want to get to this one on AI real quick but for people listening we need to do a good job of trend setting because not everyone's looking at the video. This is seasonality and this is seasonality chart average daily level of what does this VAX mean? What does it even mean? I'm just gonna tell you I have no idea what that sinking means. So the VIX is what we refer to as the volatility index. Oh okay you love volatility index. You get so excited by vol the volatility index is the index of how unpredictable are or up and down prices are explained this. So it's basically used for options pricing. Okay so think of options and they can be used much more strategically than this. They can be a wonderful way to manage risk and we're actually trying to get a portfolio approved right now where we use options to what we call tail hedge. So we put options out here that will make a ton of money if markets or the things that we like go up but we bet very small amounts and then we'll buy options out here that make a ton of money if things go down. So we call that hedging the tails. So we're working on that. So an option let's think of an option like it's actually a lot like horse racing. Okay so you know you've got the favorites right and if you look at the favorite you know maybe he's gonna pay out like five to one. Okay but the underdog maybe he's paying out like a hundred to one right. Well no one's gonna no one's gonna no one's gonna get no one's gonna take or no one's gonna accept five to one odds on an underdog right they five to one odds well no no I get I get paid out five to one if the winner wins. If I'm gonna bet on this this nag right yeah you got to pay me out a lot more. Okay so what volatility effectively is is it's telling you what the market or what the implied volatility so so to put it in a better way if I want to go bet on Apple via a call option. Okay that call option is gonna cost way less money than a than an option on Tesla and the reason is because Tesla moves much more violently right so people in the financial markets are stupid so they're like hey the odds of Tesla going up 30% over the next month is much higher than Apple going up 30% over the next month right and so what that means is there's implied volatility okay so volatility the VIX is looking at this on a market wide level and it's telling you what types of moves it is expecting now volatility happens to both sides up and down right but basically so another way to look at the VIX would be the cost of insurance right so if you live you know right now like in Florida on the coast you're gonna pay a lot more for insurance and you would live in in you know Montana right okay and so when you see the VIX very low what it's telling you is that nobody's buying insurance nobody's nobody's worried right nobody cares so insurance is very very cheap and you're sitting with the VIX right now like around 12 or 13 you know the VIX historically is averaged around 20 when you get down below 15 what it's telling you is a it's all good baby you are telling me that with a worth funding both sides of a war in Israel between Israel and Hamas NATO has decided to put our troops in the doorstep of Russia we have seven companies making up 40% of NASDAQ pricing yeah we have governments lining up to limit access to food and water and people in this VIX index think all is okay well no so nobody's in it really it what it's telling you is that no one's buying insurance that the demand for insurance the demand for put options to defend your positions right it's just it's not there no one's worried about okay but that means no one's worried well because if you're bad scenario let's say any of those bad scenarios play out what's gonna happen well I mean if they all play out everybody's gonna get checks okay so right back to that yeah we're right back to we really don't have we honestly don't even have an economy not in the traditional sense the way that we look at it right now we are still the home to the most innovative companies in the you know in the way we still got the resources yeah like you told me the day and this gave me no end of comfort that hey look if you sold America for parts our landmass our natural resources I mean we're we have a value much much higher than our balance sheet yes right yes but no one wants to sell America for parts now this one I think I get is AI stocks keep getting more expensive the gap between AI evaluations and the S&P 500 has widened since end of 2022 yeah now I think I get the implication of this but effectively you have your you know they say the S&P 500 it's at this sort of kind of static level but you see this rising with some spikes AI variations going up now I know how I view this but how should people in the podcast family do this well I look so the way you make money in stocks or in any business right buffet as a saying which is that you know the single biggest influencer of the success of any investment is the price you pay right and people people forget about that right yeah whatever investment is what defines the success or the amount of success that that investment has is the price you pay and I think AI is gonna be a big deal okay the problem is is when you look at so many of these stocks and there are exceptions there's always exceptions through but when you look at these stocks everybody's oh it's so you know the future and you're looking at them going guys it's priced in right it's sort of like you've awarded somebody the Super Bowl trophy and you're in week five of the NFL season right we're like yeah you look it's probably gonna be a big deal but you're you're honestly at a point now as an AI investor again in most of these names there are exceptions yeah but you're basically at a point where you better hope it plays out the way you're saying it does because if it doesn't you're gonna take a ton of loss so the expectation that AI just changes the world that it is much more profitable than anything else that it consumes everything else that is baked in now and that may not happen that be so it's very much like you use the Super Bowl scenario if you're betting money and you come in at week five I am putting all my money on this one team or that this is the Super Bowl champ so you're gonna put 10,000 bucks on why well hey did you I mean they're five and oh baby right they're five and oh yeah or you could take it back in this case I would take it back one even a step before that oh wait did you see their draft picks yeah right yeah that's probably a better analogy right no but I mean look at their draft picks now that's better now this is my Super Bowl team yep yep well how because look at the promise yeah the guy was in all American he won the Heisman right and they've got like four of these guys it was the best best best trading year ever and the combines yeah oh you know what I'm putting money down two years in a row these are two year in row Super Bowl people I'm all in on this yeah so this is all potential and at this point you can't bake that out of the cake no I yeah and that's and that's what makes it so tough to like that's what makes this environment so hard it's this because if you are properly diversified and yesterday and I'll pound the table on this because unfortunately in the world of investing in finance nobody listens until they get drilled right like it's just the way it is but it's not we don't need to prognosticate nobody including me especially me knows what's gonna happen in the future what we're just saying is guys we the way your portfolio is comprised there is certainty to the outcome I don't know when it's gonna happen but when you're all loaded up like to a magnitude that you've never been before in the most expensive sector in the S&P it literally is only a matter of days I mean I it could be a year but I'm just meaning you know it's a matter of time until that sector becomes less valuable well when that happens that's the only horse sure betting on you're not properly diversified you don't know you own a record low amount of materials you own a record low amount of energy and precious metals you owe all that stuff is it record low representations in the S&P 500 so and that's really the pernicious thing about this and that's why I keep saying it's somewhere we've never been before yes there've been bubbles but the average investor you know if you looked at the average tech or the average investor portfolio in the tech collapse it didn't get hit that bad down is down maybe 13 14 percent right because they were diversified S&P was down 25 lot of them own bonds bonds went up a little bit during that period of time because the Fed cut rates and response to the tech collapse so they were is it 13% drawdown and then market started going up again is no big deal right but think of the tech collapse now again I'm not saying it's the same these companies are much more mature and much more profitable so it's not you know it's never just it's never exactly the same but think about if you went back into the tech deal and nobody owned bonds because bonds are much less representative in a lot of retail portfolio stay than they happened in the past for good reasons but back then it was a lot of the degenerates and people chasing returns they were all loaded up on tech the average retail portfolio was more diversified wasn't today the average retail portfolio that has made conservative investment decisions I'm not gonna try to pick stocks I'm just gonna put put the S&P 500 my portfolio right that that is not a that is not a greedy degenerate types decision right right but they're in the same place they're way top heavy on this stuff and that's the thing like it's not if it's when now when maybe a lot longer from now when what what when that stuff becomes less valuable right like it and and that's what I was saying about yesterday is a perfect example yesterday was one of the best breath days of the year well but yesterday was one of the day I think it was the best day this year we're talking about Thursday of last week oh yes excuse me excuse me Thursday last it was one of the best days of the year for the number of stocks that actually went up okay but the index was down one percent right and and so we addressed that and here's I don't want to close it off this way and get into some of the political stuff because this chart to me that we're gonna show in a second here is so so America so much of this is the promise it should work AI should work it sounds really sexy it sounds really good we're going to do this and when we're conjuring money and handing out money why would this next chart not be here so we'll talk about this in a second at the camp there is this constant constant constant action and insanely enough the boys have an 11 p.m. bed goal that's when they have to be in the cabin 11 p.m. our staff meeting our why we're not staff for volunteers but the staff they're up ahead of us they're up at 5 30 in the morning we start our volunteer meetings leadership meetings at 7 a.m. so junior high boys getting into the cabin level as as as decent as you can do as a leadership sometimes they don't go right to sleep it's a little bit weird and when you're doing things like playing capture the flag with junior high and high school boys you know what they'll do they'll come and do a an illegal slide and roll tackle at you to try to take you out of the knees that happened last year thank god for my and i mean it thank the lord for my football instincts like wow wait a bit this guy's doing a log roll at me he's gonna try to take me out of the knees and i get down and and put him down and like stand up and say you tend to take me out of the knees he goes well i go you were trying to take me out of the knees i'm glad i stopped that and by the way tag you're it you don't get to move this can lead to in a lot of my friends had this and i didn't give them my native path krill because they asked for it i said no you listen to the podcast you're on your own baby if i just doubled down on the native path krill this is the omega-3 oils from the crustaceans in the Antarctic they are wild-caught not farmed meaning they are more pure and that form of omega-3 is so much more absorbable than the stuff you're taking that's in fish form it is literally replacing and has utterly replaced i do not have ibuprofen in my life because i choose to not die of liver disease and ibuprofen can absolutely give you that and kidney problems so just for fun when my uh friends my age were really really sore sometimes i would just eat native path krill in front of them just like four or five would eat native path krill you sort no i'm not you can you have the same thing go to native path krill dot com slash tod that's native path krill dot com slash tod and see what specials they have for you heads up usually when you buy more you get more from them it's native path krill dot com that is you get a better savings one more chart then we'll roll into the political stuff here this one again makes sense to me fewer than 50 percent of stocks have risen 30 percent from the bull market start um and this is one of those weird charts it's a whole bunch of zigzaggy lines but two that matter purple and green and i know that most people listen to this not watching it so just trying to make sure that we um do what we can to describe this the green line is an average and the purple line is the latest case now i think i get what's going on here but you tell me well it what it tells you and and you're cut you're you're obviously getting to an unbelievable and unparalleled position at this point uh in the cycle but what it tells you is you know you're you're sitting at the end of the biggest longest bull market in u.s history and yet the fewest number of stocks have participated that's okay that that's craziness well what what what is it yeah and what does it point to it points to the underlying you know issues in the economy that were certainly present you know in the in the quote-unquote recovery coming out of oh wait oh nine but it's also um in our opinion it's also a by-product of passive indexing but this is the thing where automatically so many people's money is automatically going to four to seven companies yep no matter the performance and so those companies have almost no incentive to be efficient they can take that money and place the wildest craziest bets because who cares it's free money it's it's not connected to their value or to their p&l their performance their promise right and if investors were paying attention this is why musk elan musk and intelligently so i don't blame him for doing it um this is why he was making such a big push and being so out loud right and and so outspoken about trying to get tesla being in a part of the s&p 500 why does he care about tesla being in the s&p 500 because if it does if it is it's automatically getting money to every person that puts money in an s&p 500 ETF and you don't have to be somebody that does this for a living to understand this right what what you're seeing is a market that is becoming less and less efficient right meaning do you think less than 50 percent of stocks aren't in better positions than they were 15 years ago no of course not what's happening though the companies that are getting it used to be a market works because the companies that get capital would write out capital is allocated to the most efficient parts right it gets put to work where it can generate the most returns right for the first time ever i mean you've got bubbles here and there but for the first time ever the the main way of investing is allocating money in a way that has nothing to do with the underlying performance this is so america zach there's so much to this boys or girls girls or boys right well no they're not but we say they are yeah right and in this case how's the performance of apple connected to its amount of stock investments it gets oh it's not no i mean go look at apples rep what what five out of the last six quarters apple had declining revenues and declining profits last year was up 50 percent okay there will come a reckoning and there you taught me the phrase that when politics and and and math go to war math always wins it's good so this is a point like to me if you are anywhere in a retirement cycle anywhere for instance five to ten even 15 years from retirement uh it's really vital that you take advantage of what this guy is going to put out here coming up on the 25th i think it is three thirty p.m. twenty fifth this month so what we're doing here zach does in an interactive sense he'll talk about the bulwark funds how it's performed areas where they felt like they did a good job areas where they could have them better very honest about that but he's going to put a focus on you your money because on the cast we can't go to that extent takes questions etc it's a free live webinar and it's about this inflation eating your retirement it is a silent assassin so you can go attend this go to know your risk radio dot com it is free you do have to register to be able to attend one of the thing you can do since we spent so much time as akis you could also just call like you could call eight six six seven seven nine risk you could just do that say hey i actually don't need the free live webinar i'm convinced um can you look at my portfolio you guys still do that right you do that no obligation yeah absolutely right and people can discuss it with you yeah yep yep yep so you can take advantage of that eight six six seven seven nine risk the workshop is coming up july 25th uh that's at three thirty pacific time to learn more and sign up for this free live webinar go to know your risk radio dot com spaces limited fills up fast so go to know your risk radio dot com no that's canada but know your risk radio dot com investment advisory services are offered to trek financial lc and scc registered investment advisor investments involve risk you could lose money past performance does not necessarily guarantee future results trek 24 dash 24 4 go to know your risk radio dot com when we talk economy we also have this assumption i think that everybody at the top wants the economy to do well right because that's politics right yeah okay i'm going to connect some dots apple has had these down quarters or declining quarters and yet they've gone up they've seen their stock up by 50 percent completely disconnected does this guy we're about to watch again and this is a clip that we've played a couple times does this guy even know what the economy is i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president so i think she's not qualified to be president or another way to connect the dots that guy clearly clearly does not know what's going on and in terms of the economy can he possibly care then there's this now if you're not watching but you're listening this is a scene outside of the walter e washington convention center where he said to deliver a press conference that's laura lumer's voice but laura leesh is on the scene but as you can see they have put up fences and they are not allowing anybody inside so they have cleared the decks military style all around the convention center now i've lived in washington dc i have been there when presidents have come to speak on the capital i have never seen fencing like this that's biden oh there's the ambulance for when he has his next medical emergency or they always take an ambulance but that's laura lumer so i'm connecting the dots this way seven stocks automatically getting so many people's money disconnected from financial performance disconnected from promise we have this widening gap ai between the other sp 500 based upon ai is super super sexy and on the other side of the fence they're still playing this game where there are tons of militia members squatted outside washington dc ready to come in and seize control of the government it's theater like honestly on a percentage basis if you were to take our financial system what percentage of it is based upon theater and emoting versus fundamentals man that's that's a really good question and the reason it's a really good question is because if you take out the ability to do things like print money um i mean you could bring every single company into question in terms of what like if if the federal reserve didn't have the power to print cash um i mean you could call into question any company i and and all of them would be worth substantially less right all of them so i mean when you look at the when you look at it today i i would say it's probably at least 50 percent 50 percent theater yeah well if they and if we include money printing as part of that right like yeah so meaning meaning that the economy's performance is less tied to dynamism or innovation um then it's probably ever been take the american credit rating system yeah so you take this i pay off a house okay i remember this i paid off my house in seattle um and i did that at a younger age and most people do i didn't use credit cards and if i did like no that's not true because um i developed when i was working in tech sometimes i would spend 50 thousand bucks a month on travel and pay it off yeah okay so then when i stopped using credit cards paid off my house and had cash money coming in from a couple of different businesses but they didn't have corporate names behind them my credit rating took a hit yeah i got a call from american express i'll never forget this phone call hi mr hermene you've been a good um customer all these years and um we did one inform you we're going to go and cancel your card oh did i miss some payments no but there's some been some changes to your credit what changes well you're not carrying a current balance and um you've reduced your number of credit cards and wait hold on a second hey how do you know that well once a year we do a credit analysis credit risk analysis do you know that i just paid off a house this year like you've been a very very good customer they were responding to me leaving the credit market by lowering my credit rating yeah that's theater yeah no it's it's a it's a debt plantation i mean it really if you look at um and i don't have the data right in front of me but i think people would be very interested to know the relationship that these credit rating agencies have with the underlying corporations and the banks and the lending agencies meaning it is a system i i remember when we were getting our house refinanced um i took i had to take out to get the best rate possible even though i'm an 800 plus credit score yeah to get the best rate possible i needed to take out another credit card because i didn't have enough debt or enough credit yes right yes and you're sitting there going why would it work that way and i'm like well maybe it's because the point of it all is not to ensure that you can repay it maybe the point of it all is to keep you in debt right and debts like a form of slavery yeah right and i mean i know that's a cliche to say but it is it's a form of slavery so let me then connect a few more dots you have this um this obsession that the democrats have brought about with the supreme court so AOC made an announcement a very very important announcement just minutes ago we got breaking news that congresswoman elizandria ocasio-cortez has officially filed articles of impeachment against justice's samuel elito and clarance thomas that comes just after senator shaldin white house and ron wyden made a formal request to doj they want a special counsel appointed to criminally investigate supreme court justice thomas for accepting travel and the loan of a luxury car from wealthy donor friends nbc's ryan obel still with us on capital hill msnbc legal correspondent lisa rumin is here with me okay ryan what do we know about these impeachment articles i know this story just broke what happens next so this comes from uh as you rightly point out uh congresswoman elizandria ocasio-cortez from new york city and she's filed two articles of impeachment against uh justice samuel elito and justice clarance thomas and okay so let's pause and we know kind of this story but let's let's piece this back and put the pieces together do you know how she initially came into running for congress i i was somebody hit her up at the bar she was working on or something like that you're not far uh an audition process auditioned they auditioned people and what they wanted was what you get now i know there's this people differ and and the definition of human beauty is is uh you know it's a fleeting thing and it's it's subjective but she's good on camera there are people who think she's attractive i think she has moments of being an attractive woman physically mentally spiritually she's repugnant uh which to me means uh that cancels out the physical beauty so she was a bartender who got an economics degree and she was a working-class person except her dad was also a CEO right and had his own business he was an architectural CEO with his own firm right so downtrodden and yet great on camera and good at producing the social media she is impeaching wants to two supreme court justices and she's taking it to department called justice yeah now it happens that the DOJ also has purview over things like protesters showing up outside the houses of supreme court justices to threaten them into changing their opinion on court cases which is a federal felony that happened and guess what body has the ability to prosecute that the DOJ and guess what they didn't do didn't prosecute it okay we talked last week about the Boeing like criminal fraud find compared to the one billion dollars alex jones owns 500 million that president trump owns for correctly assessing his property so let me ask you this in your mind how much of the american political system is absolute theater based upon products like alex on the accostia courtes man i i mean it's hard to say i you know put a percentage on it but i mean the vast majority of it i we give because the thing that stands out is when you get one of these people on camera and they're actually being genuine right like that's what stands out and the funny thing is is if you listen to them and you know there's better than i do you listen them talk behind closed doors it again it's not even like they'd refute it like they present everything as if it's theater that the theater and the impression we leave is more important than what we're actually doing right and i mean this woman if you want to know the state of the state of our educational system just note to yourself that this woman's got an economics degree and listen to her talk about economics right right it's i mean it's frightening she's she's either been she knows what she's doing and she's trying to bring the country down and i don't think that's her i think she's truly truly not a very bright person but she's camera-genic and this is the this is the new wave in the bible psalms on chapter 37 verses 12 through 15 we read the wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them but the lord laughs at the wicked for he knows their day is coming the wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy and to slay those whose ways are upright that describes i think the scenario we're seeing here steven cobert is so funny and i don't know about you zach but i love it when comedians use the f-word because it's just right i mean no one does it no so you know you go into comedy club and like and sometimes i'll use the mf word and then i'm rolling oh yeah no i mean that's comedy yeah it's hilarious yeah it's good stuff steven cobert um had a conversation about well i'll let you see this is and um this is abby phillips and they're talking about the cnn debate uh the figurehead of course where he just utterly uh imploded and president trump do you think that the debate should have happened absolutely why you know he's going to lie and the other guy is the president of the states who should be should not be dignifying this criminal who tried to overthrow democracy does not believe in the johnson i absolutely i think the american people need to know what they're getting but they already know that both been president of the united states it's not like one of them is a mystery there are a lot of people who have kind of forgotten what trump is like what he was like they come to tonight they're not in the audience tonight but a lot of americans it's almost like you know there was covid a lot of this has kind of left the brain and so this is for defending this and co-bear is making a statement that trump was this big threat to democracy now let's just wind back a little bit that's a guy who said hey if you don't want to get vaccinated that's fine you don't need to go to the hospital all right you don't need medical care you don't need to leave your house so if i go to hollywood and i compare this to like the financial system the political system steven co-bear is going to take any position he's told to take by writers yeah right yeah has asked you and he he does have to and we can take that and run this you tell me that steven co-bear he's telling people forget abby philip say people forget about president trump they forget what trump was like they forget watch this and tell me that steven co-bear's writing team doesn't know this exists you noticed anything that that gives you a red flag does as a doctor oh yeah i see him 20 times a day in clinic i mean it's ironic because he has just classic features of neurodegeneration i mean word finding difficulties and that's not oh i couldn't find the word that's from degeneration of the word retrieval area he's also overcome stuttering though could could that could that be part of that too this is not a palatal issue or a speech discrepancy which is very different from a lemono dysfunction actual word retrieval where you pick a similar question or talk around the issue plus the rigidity um monotone voice wait go back to that the rigidity what do you mean rigidity lots of arm swing standing up lordotically you notice when he turns it's kind of end block turning it's not a quick turn um so loud that's one of the hallmarks of Parkinson's is rigidity and brady kinesia slow movement and he has that hallmark especially with the uh low voices that was a cold hypophonia a small monotone voice like this over time is a hallmark of Parkinsonism i could have diagnosed him from across the mall you're talking about this guy could have died okay so now let's go back to Stephen Colbert threat to democracy they know what he's like and you and i had a discussion about shadow governments shadow economies where seven companies are getting 40 percent of the dollars going into the s&p we as a nation about i'm going to guess about 50 percent of people are on mental and spiritual autopilot oh i know i'd say it's more than that 50 percent of you think are on autopilot spiritually mentally i mean i i think you're probably looking at 85 to 90 that's so frightening it is but i mean you know just go spend you know just go live i mean here's the thing that blows me away about guys like Colbert he's sitting up there as a member of the media he's a commentator so he's got more latitude but he's saying things that he knows are are false right and then while accusing president trump which president trump can have kind of a loose relationship with the truth at times right just say the least um but you're sitting there going there shouldn't be you don't want a debate if if you think biden is such the clear better guy right and all trump does is stand up there and lie right if that's all he does then biden should wipe the floor with him like what what's the what's the issue? Colbert had said it will skip the clip because it's it's a real quick one he had said in a monologue that he suggested that the figurehead should step down so he is here saying well not only should we not have the debate here's what he actually means is i should do the talking yeah why does the figurehead get this and i want to close this out this way so we've been talking about reality we've been talking about um the degree to which the financial system is rigged that the title of the show is based upon what you said it's a debt plantation there's also this debt of the mind plantation and there's a us representative name is jennifer mcclellan this woman is making the case to a population of people many of whom are mentally and spiritually um bankrupt bankrupt unaware spiritual captives this is a woman in congress who has pledged to uphold the laws of the united states to defend the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic explaining something of vital importance free to understand and this has to do with a bill that would simply make people prove their u.s. citizens earn a vote in our elections this bill is essentially a poll tax because i am not aware of a single proof of citizenship document that does not cost an individual money to get it unless we are requiring every state to provide one for free and then it's on unfunded mandate this is the 2024 version of the Jim Crow poll tax and we should vote against it i do i you know what costs money shoes yep to walk to the polls yep you know what else costs money gas to get there yep it costs money to eat in order to be alive to vote it usually costs money to have access to water on a consistent basis in order to vote oh i i'm just gonna say it right and maybe people find this offensive if you don't have the wherewithal or the financial means to obtain an identification card in this country perhaps that's a decent litmus test to determine the fact that you're not you're not suitable to vote there i mean that case can be made and and by the way do you believe that democrats including jennifer mcclone care about unfunded liabilities car unfunded mandates yes yeah i mean that's their economic plan well they like unfunded mandates they love them unless it could do away with some theater the theater is this the safest most secure election in history no and and this is the part that i get so frustrated with americans i'm just like look you don't i'm not asking to be on one side or the other i'm not asking to wear a maga hat you know or whatever but just ask yourself these questions this simple question right why is it that somebody could possibly be against requiring identification of vote what what other motive is there there isn't one there just isn't no when you limit the the the convoluted possibilities you get to the ockham's razor yep that's that's what we're looking at yep man it's been so so good having you in the high mountains of free america i i i i want you to um track your feelings when you go back across the border and tell me what it's like when you leave the high mountains of free america oh my gosh your face oh wow your face just fell and i i want you i don't want to think about that right no i know okay so so i i i'll remind you i'll put it i'll put a put a pin in that lord thank you for reminding us that you are well aware of the schemes of the wicked that you laugh at them thank you for reminding us that we it's our job to help people be spirits you're aware right you created us to do that to go and make disciples this is a taught harm and show please go be well be strong be kind and remember to not fear i looked at the end of the book i checked it again and god still wins and we're on his side