The Todd Herman Show

A New Era Todd Herman Show Is Coming--Here’s How and Why Ep-1716

I will be sharing with you some changes to our programming strategy. Now, hour one will always remain like it has been. It is basically the radio show done in podcast form, because that's how most of you got to know me. But, we will be going through some changes that are gonna lead to more programming for you. This includes deeper dives into content and fewer partner announcements. We'll also talk through an effort that the Democrats made, and they succeeded in getting the phrase hashtag #TrumpPedoFiles to trend.

What does God’s Word say?
Matthew 12:34-35 
34 You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. 35 A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart.
John 8:44-45
44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!
Matthew 18:6
6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea

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Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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Granger, for the ones who get it done. - When we began this podcast, it started as taking the radio show and simply putting it on podcast. And that made sense. Because God had been so good to us in the way of bringing us all together. Many people who watch this show and listen to it on all the podcasting platforms, and most people listen to it. They came as, or you came, as people who got to know me through KTH in Seattle, local radio, many people, maybe even the majority of people, through the fill and work, I was honored to do for Rush Limbaugh, God rest him. You know, a couple, what, a hundred times, or 880 times. When we started this, then it was just a radio show on podcast. The reality of media is this, you evolve or you die. And we are not going to allow the program to die. God's been so good to it, it's grown. And we continue to have great partners that support this program. Zach Cabraham, a bowl or cupboard management, liver health formula, Eden Pier by Optimizers for Patriots. We could continue. The reason that we're going to talk about this new era of the show is not because we're going to try to, well, conform to the things of the world. We don't want to be of the world. We want to be in it, but not of it. It's actually because of what's going on with social media and YouTube and young people. And the reality of the marketplace, good or for bad and probably for bad, YouTube owns podcasting in video form, which is what young people want. People below the age of 40 want this all in video. So I've already begun the show, which was my intent. This was the tease portion of it. But we'll get into this, why it's happening, a little bit of history, and some of the changes that are coming in concept. Talk about this with the help of God Almighty. Thank you, Lord, for always being there for us. And Lord of God, please continue to bless this podcast. And only to the degree that it glorifies you. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. The medium on which you're hearing this or watching it is different from radio, and it's becoming more different day by day. When we started the podcast, we had to push it out very, very early. And we had to do this because of a decision that bondable communications made when I quit, and I resigned, my decision, not theirs, and I resigned, as we've talked about, because of speech codes, et cetera. Nothing disparaging to say. Bonneville owns those stations. They could do whatever they want with them. It's their radio stations. We had to launch about three months early. My dear friend, I don't get to talk to enough, Dave Parkhurst at Greenhaven Interactive did that for us. Incidentally, if you need help with Google, the Google results for your company or organization are bad, Dave can fix that. He is a master at it. So we drove straight into this. The music that we launched the show with. That music was inspired by how we launched the radio show. I mean, it's different, and we made sure that it's not a lift. We would never do that to an artist ever. But it was inspired by that. The voice that we use is not the same voice as was used for me in local radio. It's a different gentleman, his name's David, but it's the same kind of tone. In other words, everything we tried to do with the podcast was to make it seem like the radio show. Why? Because that was comfortable. Because we had left the airwaves to be able to be free speech people. Never intended to do video. I had no interest in it. Eventually, we tried to set up some video in the house that just wasn't working, and God provided the studio. If you're watching, this is something God provided. And now, and Christopher did the hard work to make the studio look nice, and I think it looks fantastic. We get a lot of great comments on that. When we started to look at what's happening in the world with young people and consumption of media, a reality became super clear to me. And it started with a burden God put on my heart. When I went to youth camp last year, and I'm getting ready to go again, I saw the Lord work, and the lives of young men like I'd never seen. I was moved to actually, and this is weird for me. This is not who I am. I was moved to put my hands up in the air while the worship band was playing. And about halfway through, I realized it's this last night, there at Camp Paradise, wait a minute. I'm that guy, I've got my hands up in the air, and I'm singing, and I can still remember the song. I can hear it in my mind, I can see the band on stage. I can feel Drew and Luke to the young man I was honored to work with. I can feel their hands on my back. And God placed this burden on my heart, work with young men. And I was honored to do that throughout the past year, which probably gave me more than it gave them. When I was being pushed, you gotta get in a video. You gotta get in a video from like a dear friend of mine who is a partner of sorts in the show, not of sorts. I mean, we wouldn't have the show without Jerry from a major creative marketing in Seattle. Jerry and Russ and Michelle, that whole team, we wouldn't have this program without them. Jerry kept saying, you know what, you're good on video, you should do video. They kept him pushing our radio syndicator that syndicates the weekend show. Radio America, Rich and Mike and those guys saying, you know what, we want more video. Jen in sales saying we want more video. So we launched the video product on Substack. And we made it for subscribers. Here's why. Because I did not want to look past the fact that the people who really make the show work are you. Russ, back in the day when Barack Hussein Obama, mm mm mm, came along and tried to destroy him, Russ said at the time to Obama that you are playing the game of Alinsky. I get the game, Mr. President. Pick a target, isolate it, cut it off from its support base. But you people still don't understand. My support base is not my advertisers, it's this audience. And there's nothing you can do to separate us. You can't do it. You guys have been so loyal and I'm so thankful for that that we launched the product on Substack as a subscription product for a couple of reasons. One was to diversify our revenues so that we're not totally beholden to the advertising markets, which are gonna have been flow. Number two, to be difficult to cancel because Substack is a free speech platform. And that's worked to some degree, it's worked. And you guys have been so gracious, people who pay for access to this, it blows my mind. Thank you. As YouTube grew and I saw the data on young people, this is what pushed us in to getting into YouTube. And courtesy of Niana's brilliant work, we just had another video just boom, just all of a sudden take off, that algorithm can do that. YouTube can do that like no other medium in the world. Back in the day when I was trying to convince Microsoft to buy YouTube and they sent me down there with over like $50 million, I said, "Oh Chad's gonna laugh, he laughed." I told him, "Hey Chad, you're gonna laugh." And he laughed. Chad Hurley, the founder of YouTube. That algorithm can do that the way other algorithms can't. It's that powerful, we used to call it a snowball. So when I started to see the data that young men are using YouTube to investigate the Christian faith, that's what pushed it over the top. Okay, we'll go invest in YouTube. So we're making some major investments in that. Niana's gonna be working with other people to bring a lot more clips. And if you go to our YouTube channel, which is, the Todd Herman show, it's that easy,, the Todd Herman show, you can see the work that Niana is doing to make this all happen. So we're gonna have some changes. Hour one of this program is gonna remain the same. And when we say hour one, see even that's colloquial, even that's radio, right? There is no hour one in a time shifted medium. But we're going to make some changes into what you would think of as hour two and what it's gonna involve is more programming choices, more, not less. So I'm explaining this in just a second as we'll continue to talk about what the changes are making. I'm sorry if this seems self-indulgent. I just want you to have the full picture. We'll even get into some news here. There's a lot, in fact, there is this attempt to make this Trump pedophiles thing float. They got that to trend on Twitter the other day. We'll talk about President Trump and what he actually said about Jeff Epstein. You have got to see. You have got to see. The creepiest, no, second creepiest Biden sniffing, whispering thing ever. And I'll compare that to what they're doing in Finland to remind migrant men to not rape women. I mentioned partners. In the new way we're going to do the program, you're going to have fewer partner announcements in the new way. It doesn't mean that we value them less. I am so utterly thrilled. Anytime I get great responses from people talking about the products that we promote. I told you the day my friend Ben got the OxiLeaf 2 thunderstorm device and used it to rid his truck of this noxious, poisonous, terrible smell of rotted bear meat that had been in his truck for quite a while. And it's gone. I mean, it has disappeared. It even got rid of that fake new truck smell thing that he sprayed in there, which is itself toxic and noxious. That got rid of that overnight, just gone. The device works and it produces ozone, which is a pleasant smell. It is like your home or the world after a thunderstorm. That's ozone. That's what that smell is. And that has the capacity to and does negate the smell from bad odors, cat boxes, smoking, gym bags, dorms, you know, you're staying in your cabin that's too small and you've got 16 kids all sweating. And then I'm going up to the, I'm going to go to the youth camp. I'm certainly taking an OxiLeaf 2 there. You think I'm going to sleep in a cabin with 10 junior high boys and not take an OxiLeaf 2 thunderstorm? I might wrap it around my head because just boys snake. So we're very, very proud of this partnership and you can get this for your home to negate the bad smells. It in fact helps negate viruses. So just go to use code Todd3 to save 200 bucks on whole home coverage at three devices, code word Todd3. There is a lot of trends that are leaning us into this investment. We talked about YouTube. Let's talk about what's going on with population growth. This is another reason we're doing this. Guy named Connor O'Brien is a researcher at Innovate Economy is a fellow at Roots of Progress thinking about progress studies, immigration reform, industrial policy, the New York Mets. And so maybe he's a leftist. But the data he's producing sure doesn't seem that way or that he's analyzing new. Demographic collapse has arrived in major American cities. Between 2020 and 2023, large urban counties under five population fell 8%. In New York City it fell 18%. The Los Angeles 14%, Cook County, Illinois 15%. Meaning that the under five population kids under five are not being refreshed in those cities. And, and we know about the outflow of families. Families are wisely making decision to flee the cities. Falling birth rates mean the number of young kids nationwide is falling but it's falling much more quickly than in large urban counties. Only the excerpts are seeing growth in their under five population post so-called pandemic. The urban family exodus has slowed since the dog days of the so-called pandemic but it's still happening. The number of young kids in large counties fell twice as fast last year as in the country overall. New York City led the way. In just 39 months its under five population has fallen more than 18% according to the latest census estimates. Furthermore, urbanity seems to be correlated with decline in birth rates at the county level over the last decade. Of course this all makes sense. Because people who are living in cities are being told it's a poisonous thing to have kids. You're poisoning the globe. We need a lower birth rate than then of course the fact that many of them have been injected. Which will in fact destroy the birth rates. It's just data guys, it's just data. So that trend combined with young people seeking God and seeking information on Christianity through YouTube has inspired this further investment. And I am writing some checks to make this happen with God's money. So I am asking for your support. I am asking you to subscribe to our video product at YouTube, it's video from me. I am asking you to subscribe and to make a habit of watching and sharing. My job is to get young people hooked on the content. I'm not gonna go out and try to just go be hip to 18, 20 year olds. I can't do that. I'd be pandering. I'd be like Biden pretending to go to a black church. I don't know young culture. I work with a young woman who knows it far better than I do. So I'll be who I am, but we will fashion these videos to attract young people into the greater content because the lower in birth rates in the cities is a bifurcation of the country. You're going to have young people in these suburban areas who are going to get to know God. Young people in the urban areas are not gonna get to know God. I want to be part of that voice. I want God to work through us to reach them. So here's the changes. We're going to do, I'll start this probably after youth camp and that's where we go through as a team how we're gonna do this. There will be one full hour of the program like there's always been, no change, okay? It'll be the same thing. As we shift into this new model, what we're going to do is far more focused programming that are going to be focused on one to two stories, one to two, three stories, one story at a time. It's not gonna be an hour on a story. That wouldn't work. It's going to be quicker blasts on these topics where I can go very deep into a topic. Here's why. As we post these clips to YouTube, I do not want to let the algorithm define what people take away from it. Let me try to make this clear. We did a piece the other day about the Southern Baptist Convention and they had a discussion. They're presidents, Pastor JD Greer, a man I deeply respect. I own two of his books. One of his books he wrote called Winning by Losing is a fundamental game changer in building churches in the Southwestern cultures. I believe him to be a good man and absolutely, absolutely a servant of the Lord Jesus. He, as president of the SBC, actually entertained using pronouns to be polite, which is insane because it's a lie. JD Greer is better than that and he eventually backed off that position. I talked about that and their debate over the nice scene creed and my whole point to that program was, wait a minute, you actually entertained lying and pretending that a boy is a girl, but you're also, and you are going to accept that, but you're debating the nice scene creed. I had some fantastic responses from Southern Baptists writing and saying, "Dude, we're not a creed people. "We never have been. "We don't want creeds. "We want the Bible. "You don't know us, right? "I didn't." And I had other Baptists write it and say, "What are you talking about? "We're the most conservative of all the church groups. "We weren't entertaining these pronouns." And I wrote back and said, "No, actually you were. "Here's the articles. "Here's the source material. "Here's J.D. Greer backing off that." In that same program, I talked about the Fulbright people. This is a group in California. It's evangelists. It's an evangelistic community. It's not a Baptist community. They are going to allow people to go on their campuses in same-sex unions, which is directly confronted by the Bible. It runs exactly against God's design, but they're going to allow this to occur on YouTube. No one's fault. Understand this. It is not in the honest fault at all. I'm not blaming her a little bit. She did her job very well. In fact, that video took off, but people watched it and said, "Oh, you don't know what you're talking about. "You don't have any evidence that this Southern Baptist "has done this. "No, in fact, in the full show." I said, "Here's the article. "Here's an image of what J.D. Greer said. "Here's the Atlantic article quoting J.D. Greer. "Here's the article where he stepped back." And the Fulbright people, same thing. Here's the article. Here's what they said they're going to do. So when we do these clips in, they'll be 15 minutes, nine minutes long. This is YouTube algorithm. It's going to be about making sure they don't get to have the algorithm totally manipulative every time. Understand? So if you're subscribed to audio, nothing changes. Nothing changes. You don't need to do anything. You'll get the same show you get now that sounds like a radio show, and then you'll get these clips, which are going to be far more focused and it's going to let me cover more topics for you, and you'll hear fewer partner announcements. So that's the trade-off. That's what we're going to do. I'm asking for your prayers in this, and I'm asking for your support. You guys have been such phenomenal supporters of the show. So please subscribe to the YouTube channel. We could not do, we would be dead without what Zach Abraham did for us. This is another partner. You're going to hear a lot from Zach. Zach's in town. He gets here today. Zach's going to be in studio with me. In fact, you know what? We need to get some headphone splitters so Zach can also listen to the audio that we're doing here. So Zach's going to be in here today. From the very beginning, when we left radio, from the very beginning, Zach stepped in to support the program because he wants to know you. It's, we're friends, we'll always be friends, but he stepped in because he wanted to know you. He put money into this cast that, that saved us because we would have been on the slowest possible build. I couldn't have economically sustained it. We wouldn't have this studio, these cameras, team members like Niana, I wouldn't be able to pay for it. So when Zach stepped in and then we started to promote his company, Bullwork Capital Management, it was absolutely a God thing. Because so many people have taken to understand Zach's approach to finance, which is about risk management, number one, and about doing that through actively managing every portfolio, which can reduce risk and volatility. They have heard him, you've heard him, you've seen him on the program, talking about finance and telling the truth about where they missed the ball. You also know Zach was the guy who three or four years ago was warning people about bowling. That was not something you didn't see out of, you didn't talk bowling down. You've seen Zach talk about inflation, look what we are watching now. Zach has another of his free live webinars coming up. It is again focused on inflation. I've never seen him to do so many of these in such a short order of time because people are demanding it. Inflation is the silent killer of retirement portfolios. So if you're five to 10 to 15 years out from retirement, you must attend one of these free live webinars to see if your portfolio is particularly exposed to inflation. Here's how to do this. They're free, but you have to sign up. So to learn more, sign up for this free live webinar, go to Space is limited, it fills up fast. It's And this event, July 25th at 330 Pacific, okay? It's coming up, it's right around the corner. Investment advisory services are for their Trek Financial, LLC, and SDC registered investment advisor. And events involve risk and are not guaranteed. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. Trek242424, go to That's new Trek2424, go to That's the changes. And I would ask you to pray that the changes go well. There will be topics that we don't cover in the short blasts because they will not be allowed on YouTube. I'll just be honest with you. The full-length program will always cover them. I will never give in the censorship. And you can say, well, you're giving in to it on YouTube. No, I'm not. We're going to use YouTube for what YouTube does, always with the goal of driving people to the or a sub-stack page. That's always the goal. I'm not going to be stupid enough to build a business based upon YouTube. Although I'll tell you this, their advertising platform is going to allow us to invest a lot of God's money and to give a lot of God's money back to him if this program takes off. We'll talk more about that later. If you watch social media at all, particularly Twitter, you saw that the left, they succeeded in getting Trump pedophiles to trend. Here is part of a news conference which is pure and complete nonsense. And Ted Liu is a perfect guy to be involved in this because Ted Liu himself is pure and complete nonsense. Has never provided anything of value to his constituents, not even a single time. - So like Jeremy Agar said, we hear a lot from our constituents at different issues. But something I've heard that doesn't seem to be uncovered are the Epstein files. These files were released. And like Donald Trump's are all over this, right? There are pictures of him with Jeff or Epstein. He's taking multiple plane flights with Epstein with young girls on board. He is in call logs with Epstein. One of the highest training hashtags on Twitter right now is about Trump and Epstein. I'm not going to repeat the hashtag as well. - Well, you helped create it, but you're not going to repeat it. The hashtag was #Trumppedophiles. They helped create it, but they're not going to repeat it because why? - Dignified setting. - You're in a dignified setting. Are you? Would that just, for instance, be the setting where a Democrat staffer had his boyfriend or guy he picked up at a bar or guy he paid, we don't know. Come into the Senate chambers and engage in sex acts on camera. Was that, that's the building? That's the robust respect you have for that? Would that be the same general area as the White House just up the street where a fake woman flashed her fake breasts and torqued on camera, would it be that? That's the highly respectable, right, got it. - But yeah, you might want to look at that 'cause that's highly disturbing. And again, it shows that Donald Trump is unfit for office. - Ted Lu comes from California where it is legal for men to inflict their sexual desires and the bodies of kids, legal. There's been efforts to make it a felony again, but Ted Lu's party is fighting against that because it would unfairly target marginalized populations such as the most powerful population in the world, which is people who are men who think they're women. With the exception, perhaps, of illegal immigrants, they're the most powerful population of world in people in world history because they themselves can bend truth. They themselves are the Orwell nightmare, forcing you to say something that's not true. So certainly Ted Lu is a man who knows all these things, but of course he cares about one thing and that's power. What did President Trump say about Jeff Epstein? This is what Trump said. - Anybody else? - Do you have any specific guy? - Well, I knew him, like everybody in Palm Beach, you know him, and the people in Palm Beach knew him. He was a fixture in Palm Beach. I had a falling out with him a long time ago. I don't think I've spoken to him for 15 years. I wasn't a fan. I was not, yeah, a long time ago. I'd say maybe 15 years. I was not a fan of his, that I can tell you. I was not a fan of his, so I feel very badly actually for Secretary Acosta because I've known him as being somebody that worked so hard and has done such a good job. I feel very badly about that whole situation, but we're gonna be looking at that and looking at it very quickly. - So Secretary Acosta is a corrupt, horrible, horrible person. Why would I say that? Because he was instrumental to letting Jeffrey Epstein off. He wrote him the deal that didn't allow federal prosecutors to come back at him, that in fact negated the views of the victims. It was done behind their backs. It was a horrible deal. But President Trump is not at the center of the Epstein stuff. Now just imagine this. If there were actual flight logs showing Trump going back and forth to Epstein Island, do you think that the Democrats who turns a misdemeanor into 36 felonies based upon a federal crime that is not tribal and state courts, who had a judge whose daughter is a Democrat fundraiser, who he himself gave small dollars, but still dollars to the Biden campaign to stop Trump's fascism. A judge who told the jury, you do not need to agree on the crime that was committed. And in fact, the jury didn't agree. Four of them said one crime, four of them said crime B, four of them said crime C. The Supreme Court recently just said, by the way, you can't do that. It has to be unanimous. So clearly this thing's gonna get thrown out. You don't think the Democrat party that has Trump in how many court cases trying to throw him off the ballot wouldn't have used the Jeff Epstein stuff. Of course not. This is a play of desperation. Furthermore, again to Ted Lu, does this mean that suddenly you have discovered that adults should not be allowed to inflict their secular desires upon the bodies of children? Certainly that means that you'll go back and criticize your homestay to California for that, right, Ted? I didn't think so. I didn't think so. In a second, I've got to show you this video of the figurehead. Now this is, by the way, by the way, since we're talking about YouTube, I could, I don't think I can, can I do the pedophile stuff on YouTube? I don't think I'm really allowed to do that. Am I allowed to do that on YouTube, DeNona? Am I allowed to that? Does that, do they, they kill that stuff from, okay, maybe, maybe we'll try that one. I definitely can't do COVID, definitely can't do election integrity, but I can, I think, do creepy Biden. You got to see this creepy Biden thing. It is so, so bad. I've been going through a thing recently as you know, I'm preparing for SealFit and this coming up in September. And I've been having a series of uncomfortable feelings. The latest has been in my arm and I wonder how that happened? Probably by wrestling with my friend Ben. Ben is one of the strongest men I've ever met. I mean, he is freaky strong and half my age. And he put me through a fantastic work by not blaming Ben at all, at all. I'm a grown man, I decide what I do. And my neck got screwed up. So I've been having this pain in my arm and it's nervy. Ben treated me the other day and it got a lot better. I'm feeling fantastic today. I went on a long swim last night. I've been having that. I've been having my ankle, right? Well, that thing got taken care of by stem cells, my ankle. Now my arm thing, that's a nerve thing. But it got me to thinking, there's a lot of people watching and are listening to this who constantly have tingling fingers, neuropathy, that pain when you stand up and you may have been told, look, eventually just going to have to have back surgery. Can I tell you something that they discovered at Stem cells can absolutely destroy neuropathy, gone. And neuropathy can be really bad. I had a bad form of neuropathy when I was very, very heavy. And I was working out a lot, lifting a lot, but I had too much body fat. If you ever had this feeling that no matter what you do, it feels like your sock is bundled up in your shoe and you keep taking the shoe off and you're like, gosh, it's not your sock. Where you feel like there's rocks in your shoes and it's not, or it even gets so bad that you touch something in your arm rubs and it gets all nervy and gross. Thinking about how my arm is bent and it was just a simple thing with my neck, just a pinched nerve, it's going away. There are people who have been told they have to live this way. Guys, you don't. If chiropractic hasn't worked and you're being told that surgery or God forbid drugs, please stop, stop, stop. Go to Tell them about your neuropathy. Give them permission, they'll show you how to do this to look at your doctor's records and they will come back and they will tell you the ethically gathered stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords can help you or not. They will absolutely tell you the truth and it's not just things like neuropathy. I know people who've been partially hemispherically paralyzed, I know people with huge neurological issues have had this stuff and obviously people like me who wanted to avoid surgery or recover from it. The case of my ankle, I got to avoid surgery. In the case of my shoulder, I recovered 100 times faster. It's, mention the show and they'll make sure that they work with you. It's, they'll tell you if they can help you or not. Here is a guy who, I don't know that, I don't know that stem cells can erase the evil that exists in this guy's mind. This is Joe Biden and I will do my best to translate to people who are not watching. He is, there's a teen girl. She has black hair and she looks to be a teen girl. She has black hair. Figurehead Biden is all over her. His head is touching her hair, of course, so he can sniff. And he leans in. - Yeah. (indistinct chatter) - So he says, let me whisper you a secret. And it's a cell phone and I don't think the figure knows he's being filmed. And he is so close to this girl, that all you see is the figurehead's face lifted ear. And let's see if we can even hear what he's saying. (indistinct chatter) - Don't tell mommy what I told you. You got it? - Mm-hmm. (indistinct chatter) - I'm recording you. - Oh, you're recording? I'm gonna film you. (indistinct chatter) - Yeah, and it doesn't talk on camera. She doesn't want to voice her. On a scale of one to 10, one being not creepy at all, 10 from a FEMA point of view, how creepy is that? That's an eight. I want to see this again. She is filming. Now, maybe she's, I don't know, maybe she's not a teen. She looks teenish to me. I ain't no judge age. Let's just see this again. - Yeah. (indistinct chatter) - Don't tell mommy what I told you. - You got it? - Mm-hmm. (indistinct chatter) - On a scale of one to 10, one being not uncomfortable at all, and 10, how uncomfortable do you think that young momma is? Niana. Eight, seven, eight. She looks regretful. A man who cannot restrain himself, or chooses to not restrain himself in circumstances like that, isn't just a man with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or dementia. He's a man who has been shown through life there are no boundaries. No boundaries apply to you. Ashley's diary, Hunter's clear and evident sex addiction, babysitter becomes wife, and now she's babysitter again. There are no boundaries. When there's no God, there's no limits. All is allowed. When all is allowed, nothing is prohibited. God Almighty has made very, very clear how precious kids are to him. So back to Ted Lu and this, trying to make Trump pedophile thing trends. The Lord chose to save his most harsh language for a couple of circumstances. One was when religious technocrats abused the word of God and used the word of God to abuse people. Jesus displayed a lot of frustration and anger at those times. And he spoke very clearly. Snakes, a vermin, but the serpents, you're the sons of your father, the devil. And he was a liar and murder from the beginning. And of course, the very famous statement. Those who would place a stumbling block between me and these little ones will wish that someone had tied a millstone on their neck and tossed them into the ocean. I know I'm paraphrasing. When we see these behaviors from the figurehead and we know that they've been there, here's the question. The same Ted Lu that wants to talk about the Epstein files and pretend that President Trump's at the center of this, the same Mockingbird media, who's all of a sudden discovered Biden's cognitive decline, are you going to discover the fact that for 20 years on film, he has molested people. He molested a girl in plain sight of the world, grabbing her breast buds. He did it. She admitted it. She spoke about it. It has been covered up. If you want Biden gone, because of his cognitive decline, Democrats, how about talking about that? You call Trump a rapist 36 times. You call him what is it, an adjudicated rapist. Meaning of course, he was charged with rape, but not convicted, not of rape. If you had any seriousness about this, you'd be all over that stuff because that's a way to get Biden out of the race. Because there are going to be more and more people who know exactly what Biden did, that young girl who was molested on camera, you think she's the only one? I predict that after the figure had dies, there's going to be a whole lot of people who come forward. This is going to remind me of this video we ran earlier this week from Finland. You've got to see this or hear this if you missed it the first time. It is a video created to teach migrant men to not rape women, which it's just sickening that this had to happen. We'll get to that. People, about 100 million people in America are on the edge of sickness right now, edge of liver disease, because there's something called fatty liver. And the way this happens is through something very, very common, it is being obese. When you're obese, that fat can gather around your liver, when that happens, it ends up creating this belly fat. And around your liver, that can cause you to feel tired and run down, and you need your liver. Like if you take any alcohol at all, if you enjoy so-called adult beverages, if you smoke, God forbid, please, please stop smoking, if you use fast food, if you use soda pops, right? If you use these things on a continual basis, you're tossing a lot at your liver, or fatty deep-fried foods, a lot at your liver. God forbid you take an ibuprofen, which can destroy your liver, okay? If you're in that circumstance and you have fatty liver, it can lead to liver disease, which can, of course, be deadly. Liver health formula approaches this. It can help protect your liver, it can even help you lose belly fat. It contains 11 clinically proven ingredients that will help you, botanicals, by the way, botanicals, not chemicals. The people at Liver Health Formula want you to know something. They're gonna give you a 365-day money-back guarantee. There's a 24/7 helpline to get help with the product, and they also told me to tell you this every time we talk about their product. This should not be something you take for life. This should be something that you take while you are working to lower your body fat percentage, and they make it so easy to get help. By a 30-day supply of liver health formula and get a free gift, in fact, two free gifts, just go to That's This can make you sick if you've not seen it. It is so poorly produced but purposely so. This is meant to appeal to immigrants, read illegal immigrants, in Finland. It's a video instructing people how not to rape women. By showing them the portions of a woman's body, you're not to touch. (upbeat music) ♪ Stop, don't touch me there ♪ ♪ This is my nanosphere ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ Stop, don't touch me there ♪ ♪ This is my nanosphere ♪ (upbeat music) Somewhere in someone's mind, it was necessary to produce that. Somewhere in someone's mind, that's going to cause an illegal immigrant who has been flooded into Finland and shown, hey, we're gonna treat you better than native Finns. We're gonna give you money for coming here. We're gonna give you money every month. We're going to adopt our culture to yours. We're going to lecture women in Finland to not walk dogs because it outrages Muslim men. In Germany, we're going to say let's not have beer festivals because beer makes Muslims uncomfortable. In France, we're gonna ask you to not criticize the so-called prophet Muhammad who is, I think, a Satanist. We're not going to do that because it could anger Muslims. In England, we're not going to report that Muslim men are raping teen girls and then turning them into sex slaves. And we're not going to report that the police aren't, the social workers aren't, because we're going to be afraid of being called racist, but a video will help. A video will convince them to stop. We're going to change the program because things like that can be seen as campy or cheesy, but to young men who are on YouTube seeking information about how to be God the young men, if God exists, if Jesus is real, they need to understand something. The material directions on how to treat one another are included in the Bible. There's the relationship with God horizontally. There's the relationship, or probably vertically, the relationship with us horizontally, that's all in there. They will find out if they tune into the show through getting hooked on these clips, that even in common news stories, we can simply reach into the word of God and cover just about any of these. We'll do a better job of that by always trying to put God at the center of these shows and trying to work them into the YouTube clips, because that's why we're making this investment. Please do come with us on this journey. Please do subscribe at the Todd Herman show. Please help us reach this new generation just the same way you've helped the show sustain through going on four years. This is the Todd Herman show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind. Please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)