The Todd Herman Show

Very, very BAD racism Vs. Very, very GOOD racism Ep-1714

There's a group called the Patriot Front making their way across the country doing what MAGA types do. You know how we like to walk around with our faces all masked? They're marching through cities and all dressed alike because that's what we do.  And there's great reason to believe that these are feds who are simply trying to stoke division and draw people into this. But apparently, this group is very, very bad. It does very, very bad racist things because it's very bad racism. There's then the very good example of very, very good racism that we'll talk about. But then again, there is no good racism. You know that, right?

What does God’s Word say? 2 Samuel 11:9-119 But Uriah didn’t go home. He slept that night at the palace entrance with the king’s palace guard.10 When David heard that Uriah had not gone home, he summoned him and asked, “What’s the matter? Why didn’t you go home last night after being away for so long?”11 Uriah replied, “The Ark and the armies of Israel and Judah are living in tents,[a] and Joab and my master’s men are camping in the open fields. How could I go home to wine and dine and sleep with my wife? I swear that I would never do such a thing.”
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11 Jul 2024
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Look who's sitting here, Zach Abraham, right here in the studio with me, right here in the high mountains of free America. And we're going to talk about very, very bad racism versus very, very good racism. Because I've learned there is very, very bad racism and very, very good racism according to the theories of the left. We get served with the help of and with the great grace of God Almighty who brought our friend Zach here safely. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times which God has decided we should live. What a super cool experience to have Zach Abraham in studio with us in the early days of going from a radio show to a podcast. And we've told the story in detail, so I will just recognize it again. Zach Abraham stepped in to bring us to a point where we couldn't have gotten without him. Because my former radio station refused to let us have access to you through something called the RSS feed. To this day, most people listened to us through audio. We're on all the audio podcasting platforms. Our video service is growing. Thank God our YouTube presence is growing. That's Zach came in and wanted access to speak with you. And he did a deal with the radio station. They wouldn't do with me. We got access to what's called the RSS feed. Had that not occurred. I would probably be doing something along the lines of welcome to Walmart. Nothing wrong. That's oddest work. Nothing wrong with that. But brother, thank you. And it's God's money that built the studio for us. But that couldn't happen without you making this decision that you wanted to be able to talk to this audience regularly. You know what's funny? That wasn't really the motivating factor in the beginning. Because we'd never done anything like this. And when you build the business, you build a certain way of doing things. And it's always intimidating to go a different route. Or to try something that you've never tried before. But when you told me the purpose and what the show was going to be focused on and how you were going to inject God into it every single day. I've just since my wife and I started down this path. And when we, you know, I grew up a Christian, but really rededicated my life right around 2015-2016. And, you know, like you and I have had the conversation before. It wasn't like we were living in center doing so. You know, we're still going to church and things like that. But it just wasn't the first thought of my mind when I woke up in the morning. It wasn't the basis of my decisions. And you start going down this path and you start realizing that it should look weird. If you're doing it right, right? It should look bizarre to the outside world. And so I remember when you and I first had that conversation, you sort of get used to that gentle nudging of God where you go. I don't know why I'm doing this, but I know I'm supposed to. You know what I mean? And so that's what that was. And I, what it's turned out to be, the people that I've met through doing this with you, it wasn't why we did it. It just wasn't why we did it. And then the way it's been blessed and the way it's prospered has been, it's humbling. It really is. Yeah. Oh, it's definitely that. And you've been blessed with a family and a wife who, I mean, you called her your intellectual better. She's a quick member from wrong, but chief operating officer at lower capital management. You're the chief investment officer. And you guys have been blessed with kids who the world calls BIPOCs. We joke about that sometime and very good naturedly. You know where my heart is and I know where there is this. But this topic of very, very bad racism versus very, very good racism. I didn't know it was going to work this way. And when I was laying out the shows for the week and doing the research, but it's for two of us that you're here. And so I want to make sure that we take advantage of the fact that you can look at this through a very unique view. A dad who is married to a black woman and you have these beautiful kids. So we'll dig into this with Zach. When Zach came in and we may talk about this Monday too. Just might. When Zach came in, he walked in and said the coolest thing. He goes, "Wow, Ozo." And he smelled it right away. This is what you will smell when you come into the studio because we have the oxy pure two thunderstorm device. And it's plugged into the wall. It's not going to be here this weekend because this weekend I'm headed to youth camp. So I'm going to have that with me because I'm going to be, quote, "sleeping." And the bedtime in cabin is 11 a.m. or 11 p.m. Our staff meetings start at seven. Oh. There are going to be 10 junior high boys sleeping in the cabin with me. Sleeping? Quote. So, and you know, I'm going to be getting up at four o'clock to work out. At camp, you're? Oh, I can't slow down. Wow. Can't won't. I'm shocked for me. So I'm taking the oxy leaf two thunderstorm device with me to plug into the wall next to my bed. And it's not an air filter. Those things are loud. You have to replace the filters every year for two to four hundred bucks. So basically you rent the device. This thing is plug into the wall. It produces ozone. The O3 molecules bond to the bad smelling molecules. They zap them. They are gone. I will save you $200. You get three of these devices for your junior high boys or your cats or dogs, your cigarette smoking. Please stop smoking or your musky cabin that you've opened up a little late. Go to use code TON3 to get to a, to save two hundred bucks. and that's a $200 savings. That's insane. Well, if a bond to the bad smelling molecules, what's probably going to happen is you're going to wake up to an empty cabin. She's going to suck those 11 year olds right out of here. Right. The parents are, where's our kids? Okay. Funny story. Actually, you're kidding. So that's really funny. Yeah. My son, my youngest is 12, man. I'm having a, we're working on that. You got to go put on some deodorant, buddy. What, something about the adolescent body, I get it, it's a hormones and all that. But they actually don't value hygiene that much. Nope. Nope. Had, had those conversations last night. Yeah. Can't find my toothbrush. Yeah, come on. Right. Come on. Yeah. Use the carpets. Okay. Yeah. This is, this is an example of what the world would call very, very bad racism. And it's a marching of the Patriot front group. What kind of America is racism? I don't know much about these groups because I think, I see Confederate flag. And I don't know a lot of conservatives who walk around with their faces covered and in the same outfits and there's the Confederate flag again. Personally, I get, I understand people's view of the Confederate flag as a state's right thing. There's people who fly them in Idaho. I personally don't like it because I connect it to slavery. That's me. I get to have my view. I connect it. I understand the view that is a state rights thing. But that's an example of very, very bad racism, even though all the racism is implied, I think by that flag and by the fact that they're all white men. You watch an interview with one of these guys, apparently? Yeah. The founder of it. And first of all, he's like 24, 24, 25. And he's a racist. Unequivocally. I'm just, there you go. Yeah. He just is. Sorry. So what did he say that was racist? He believes that the staple of being a successful community or a successful country or whatever, whatever you want to call it, or group it or whatever. But he believes that it's only achievable if you're of the same race. Okay. And it's just, I mean, that's counter to political, but you know, you think about the Bible and the way that the Bible spoke about Uriah the Hittite. Hittites were supposed to get wiped off the face of the earth. But the Bible like put him and like set him above David in terms of the way they discussed him. Right. His morality. Cyrus. King Cyrus, right? Like my actually name my son after him. There were some other motivating factors in there, but you know, he was one that God called beloved and he, so the Bible's got tons of examples. There's neither Greek nor Jew serving their master, right? Right. In the body of Christ, the Lord Jesus wants to see us as all of us as one. Okay. I mean that interview, and I'll tell you why is because I haven't paid attention to the Patriot Front Group because only the Mockingbird media seems to care about the Patriot Front Group. They promote the Patriot Front Group. And I guess this kid is he's, he's succeeding and putting people into this group. Does it sound like it's growing? Yeah. It does sound like it's growing and naturally, if you're on the right and you disagree with the mainstream media, we're all, you know, we're all part of that. We're all part of the Patriot Front Group. Oh, okay. Yeah. I mean, yeah, because we're. Oh, wait. So wait. Oh, that's un-American expressing. Yeah. It's a racism ink. Okay. Oh, oh, see, I thought that was my other racism group. No, no, no. Yeah. So you got it, but you got to get on that monthly installment plan. We got it. We got it. You do it. Okay. So there's a discount if I, if I purchase it, you're in advance. Yeah. So that's racism. We got that. And I haven't seen the interview, but you're my brother and my friend, then I trust you. So that's very, very bad racism that white people sounds like a superiority complex and all that. Okay. Got it. So this is very, very bad racism. So this is figurehead Biden. And I don't know this. He grew up in the black church. Yeah. Yeah. Naturally. Right. Yeah. And by the way, the Polish church. Well, yeah. And the Irish church. Yeah. Because there's tons of thriving, you know, gospel type black churches in, uh, where I'm originally from. Yeah. I just come on. I know. And it's the Hillary Clinton thing. I don't feel no ways tired. Do you remember that quote? I don't see no ways turned. It's so insulting. Right. It's a, this is actually, when my wife and I started dating, um, she, she grew up in a really a political house. Actually her, her father worked for the state and so, you know, her and I, we had different political views put it that way. Statements like that and me just not being hard because she's, she's super smart. You're not going to tell her things. You know what I mean? Yeah. And, and statements like that are really what opened her eyes were all the sudden. She goes, this is so like, I'm uncomfortable. This is really insulting. Yeah. Getting up. Like, how is that any different? That's the auditory version of blackface. How is it any different? And I'm, I've tell you this. If you're, if you're new to the program and you've not heard this story before, it's, it's absolutely a great story, uh, V branded Smith. Good morning. Great to see Zach today. Love it. You can also make comments when you're in the, uh, chat. If you were a subscriber, you can do that video at the Todd So, um, when I worked, but we talked about, we've talked about car right before in that building I worked at KTTH, uh, they were trying to set me up to do a show with a guy who now has a very successful TV show. He is a beautiful man. His name is Terry Holman. Yup. T. T. Holla. Yes. Love it. And T, T is so good. He's such a good father. A good man, great Husky football player. Didn't quite make the NFL. Wasn't quite big enough. Great running back in college. Mm hmm. And so they were trying to set me and T up to do a show together. And we had a lot of fun together on the air. And he went and did other things and he worked with Marcus Trifont and the barber shop and a wonderful guy. My wife actually went to a dance with Marcus Trifont. Oh no. Anyway, she was, she and Marcus went to school together. Cool. She was friends with them. So when Terry would walk into the studio because he wasn't there commonly, he'd come into the building and everybody'd be like, oh, Terry, oh, hi, it's so good to see you. Hey, everybody. Terry's here. Oh, hi. T. Holla. How are you? Hey, what's up? And he'd sit down next to me. I could cross the desk. And one day he just gave me this look, I go, you get sick of that. He goes, oh my God. It's worse than racism. Yeah. He goes, I know that you get that when you walk in here, I go, no, I mean, I do. Well, I should marry to a black woman. There you go. So this is the pandering we're talking about here. This is the figurehead. He's in a black church. If you're not watching the video service, I'll kind of do the play by play. So the figurehead's on stage, they're wrapping up the service, and it's time to give money. So there's the black pastors and elders and deacons behind them. This is going to be good. That is, I think, the pastor, because he's got the black thing around his neck. And he is handing the figurehead a hundred dollar bill. Now watch the figurehead's confusion. I think he thinks it's Orca. I guess it's Orca. He has no idea that there's a collection plate because he's Catholic. Was that, was that why? Yeah, yeah. But he grew up in the black church. He said it. No. And he said, time and again, he grew up in the black church, the black Catholic church. The black church, now he's standing there with this, utterly befuddled. He looks like he's looking for himself. I was told that'd be sniffing. When he is in that position, can you pull the video, Nana, real quick, of him just walking past the young black woman? Can you pull that and get that in there? So when you watch that, if you're a member of that black church, number one, I'm sitting there going, wait, so he doesn't use his own money? Is he an equal opportunity sniffer or is that his wife? You, you, you think I'm lying? Okay. No, you, because you didn't see that one, put, put yourself in that position of you guys are at church. Here's your black wife, your kids who are the beautiful result of you being one flesh and you're sitting there and this old decrepit, mentally deficient, old man is there and you're watching this go on. No, it's, it's, it's really, it's a, it's a, it's a, I think it's a, I think it's a neat place to be. I think it offers me a really good perspective, but it also really highlights just how the condescension, right? It just, it highlights that because you sit there and you're looking at your children, you know, like, here we go, drives me nuts. So this is, and, and now it's going to pull this up in a second, but I'm sorry, I interrupted you. It drives you nuts because it's pandering, it's condescending and, and my, like, I don't want my children, like the whole, my, my, it's really funny. We were just with a group of friends, where we came before, came before here, right? Yeah. So we were over in Eastern Washington with a, all my college buddies and we used to do this college, we'd all get together and do this golf tournament, right? Well, after a while, we'd sit there and go, you know, why are we leaving the kids and wives behind? So then it became like a family deal, right? And so, my, my daughter brought her friend along and her, her friend happens to be half Filipino and half black. And listening to them, they made several people uncomfortable because they give each other racial jokes all the time. They're joking? No. And my wife and I, if you think about it, like that's the absence of racism. What do kids do? They tease each other. They're friends, right? Like when we can have those conversations and they can, you know, I'm not saying that, like white kids should be going down the street, but I think everybody knows what I'm saying. Kids are going to do what kids are going to do. And quite honestly, if you live in a post racial world, and this might offend some people, but if you live in a post racial world, one of the hallmarks of that post racial world is that you'll see all these little kids together of all different races, giving each other ribbing about it, joking, joke. Why? Because that's what kids do. And what it means is that there's no separation, right? We're all kids and, and we're going to joke about the fact that your hair stands up higher than mine and you're skinnier than I am and we're going to tell these jokes, right? That's, that's the, and so when I see this kind of stuff and that kind of pandering and that kind of singling kids out and playing a role or, or if I'm authentically black, it means I don't, don't speak with, you know, the, I don't speak with the, the King's English, if you will, or whatever. Right. Those, those stereotypes where to connect to black people, I have to get up here and quote unquote talk like one. Right. Right. What do they talk like? Right. My wife doesn't talk like that. What do they talk like? Yeah. I've seen people come to the high mountains of North America in, in North Idaho and, and code shift a little. And I've seen people say some, I watch people who are from the city come in and say something like, uh, well, you know, like you folks, uh, you folks sure know how to throw a shindig. What? What? No, that's a southern thing. We're not from the south. Yeah. We don't, we don't say folks here. Yeah. Right. Right. It's, but it's not anything near racial pandering. You got to see this. And again, I'll do a play by play. I'll be listening on audio and you can try the video service for free seven day free trial. It's video at the Todd Herman and we'll do this in just a second. So here, this is the, um, this is the video. What this is a setting we talked about, um, this week earlier, the figurehead has given a speech. He's read from a teleprompter. There are people excited to meet him. I want you to focus on the lovely young black woman here, uh, in this, in this video. Is now going to get a selfie with the white dude, good selfie, skips over somebody. Look at her face. Look at that young woman's face. Watch, watch now. She's going to try to get his attention. Do you see me? She's look at her beautiful smile. Watch. Watch her hand. The second. So he sees the white Hispanic is she's in tears, okay, white woman. You're just going to keep, keep your eye. She's got a low bar for heroes, man, right? He did some, and he sniffed. You could tell we don't got to get the part where she reaches for his arm. Oh, she already reached for his arm. So now your honest, emotional reaction as that man does not see that young black woman. Well, okay, first of all, the fact that she's like the youngest person there too. Right? Like naturally you'd think you'd go that way, right? Or you'd just, you'd say, yeah, I, here's the other frustrating part, but honestly her facial expression. Yeah. I mean, she was crushed. Yeah. She looked just completely passed over. I mean, she just did. And I haven't seen that clip before, but objectively that was uncomfortable. It was uncomfortable and had Trump had that happened in a Trump rally that'd be, that'd be leading news for everybody. You know what I mean? It'd be like, oh, look at this, right evidence of his racism. Right. Yeah. Right. Now this is going to make other people uncomfortable. I use I think it's a very good news site. I think Darren Beatty's a genius investigative reporter. I think he's a great mind. I believe that he tends to fall into the habit of the blacks. Okay. Now, I don't, I'm not accusing me of racism at all because that to me, that's a serious claim. You don't toss that around. I, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that this headline disbothered me. Okay. Here's the headline. It's time to have a discussion about how black people are destroying carnival cruise line. I read that and A, I get it, their job is to get clicks or job is to get clicks. So the head of the, the title of this episode that people see is very, very bad racism versus very, very good racism. Now, I think that's what we're talking about because the party says, Hey, it's a good thing to be racist against whites. It's a bad thing to be racist against blacks. That's the whole genesis of very, very good racism versus very, very bad racism, very, very good racism that Joe Biden goes in painters to a black audience after all that's outreach. So here are some of the videos they present and I have my view on how this headline should have been written from a perspective of, of our Lord Jesus. Okay. So let's watch some of these. And this is what he's basing it on hardly the images you would expect from a 10 day cruise around the South Pacific. But it's what passenger saw aboard the carnival legend, a series of violent brawls and it just took until what the last night of ruin it. This one starts again, that is the good morning America piece. There's this next one here from the carnival cruise line. Whoever said carnival cruises was gay, so they have been marketing to young black people and they've been getting scenes like this fight. Some of these have lasted all night, Zach, like this one, next one up here, it's not just the cruise lines. This guy makes cases also happening at spirit airlines and that's some that I mean, that's wild. Yeah. So the headline again, it's time to have a discussion about how black people are storing carnival clothes lines, very, very good racism, very, very bad racism in it. I mean, accidental racism, honestly, how do you view it? Well, I mean, first of all, I think we have to add some context here. If you market toward young people, period and part of the deal is free booze, unlimited booze. I don't care what color they are, you're going to see that. Right. And you know, as a guy that went through college, played football in college, lived with 10 football players in the house, none of us were black. But I mean, we didn't get that crazy, but I mean, you know, that's going to happen. That's spring break. I'm going down to Florida, right, during spring break, Panama Beach. Yes. You're going to see this everywhere. Right. I mean, and this is the whole part and this is why I think talking about race and having good racism and bad racism is so regressive, right? Because it has nothing to do with the race. It just doesn't like are there, are there cultural things that might lend to this or something like that? Yes, but it has nothing to do with the color of their skin. Believe it or not, my wife's never been in a big brawl. Really? Yeah. That's shocking. We could. Yeah. If she wanted to and she grew up in a black neighborhood too, she wasn't your wife is not a weak woman. No. Your wife is a strong, physically strong. So if you, because we do a thing here where we get our wives and fight like chickens. Yeah. Of course. Right. Yes. Yeah. And this happens around dinnertime too. Right. My wife, my three kids get in a brawl. I don't. Right. Because you're white. Yeah, but red naturally. Right. So I look at this same way, alcohol, same thing came to mind of spring break. And then I also think about the things I've done where I had too much alcohol and I don't drink and I have not had a sip of alcohol and I'm thinking I hold my daughter as it was just before we left for the high mountains of free America. It's 18 years. Wow. And it's not like I praise God, I never became an alcoholic. But I grew up in alcohol ville in this part of the country when I was a kid, I got my first drunk on when I was in sixth grade. We split a case of beer at my friend Eric's house, a case of six on our own, hammered, hammered. We took beer to school in sixth grade with our bell bottom pants and our tube socks. We put three beers each and we went out to the, so that was two six packs. We went out to the corner of the, of the playground and drank body temperature beer on like an 80 degree day. It was, and of course, none of us could say it was gross because beer. I remember this, and this is to my point about this is when I was an honorary member of a frat, which would a truly disgusting place, disgusting, horrible, what they did to girls unspeakable, truly, truly unspeakable. One night we had kamikaze night. They put up a whiteboard and we had a contest who could drink the most kamikaze in the least amount of time. And this guy, I kind of knew we played football against each other. His name was Eric won't say his last name. We drank, I drank 29 kamikaze, this isn't an hour and a half. And Eric drank something similar. And I remember when he and I decided it would be a good idea to wrestle. And this is when I just got done playing my little one year of small college football. And he similarly was big. And we destroyed a hallway, as you say, it's like, that's a Godzilla and King Kong going at it. We destroyed this hallway. And then one of the brothers who happened to be black, his name was Lee, he came to try to stop this and to my eternal shame, I put my hand on his forehead and shoved his head through a locker and broke part of the metal locker. And what I remember next was being in an emergency room. This was after we went to another fraternity. Yeah. And I decided, hey, what we should do is climb their water pipe and go into their frat because they have a closed door dance with a sorority because no one will notice us. Sounds like a great idea. Right. So we got beat up. Someone called the emergency and I remember waking up and they were putting charcoal down my throat. And I had to go back into the frat and, quote, sleep it off. And I've never been more sick. It was that was that was the last time. Now, the one black person in that was the one human being, Lee. And Lee came and said, and I remember him saying, you're breaking things, man, you're going to hurt each other. And my response is to shove his head through a locker. Yeah. So none of that was racism. There are people who are racist, but I want to transition this into government sponsored very, very good racism in a second because this is important. Obviously, I'm here with my friend, brother Zach Abraham, chief investment officer, bullwork, capital management, and Zach, you've been doing more. I've never seen this before. The velocity of your free live workshops, talking about inflation as a silent assassin of retirement portfolios. And I've been noticing that these things are selling out. I mean, are people catching on to how bad inflation is for their retirement? Yeah. I think so. And one of the one of the most pernicious parts of it is the most successful form of investing really through this whole cycle over the last 15 years has just been to just jump into the index funds, what we call and just ride the market, right? So just S&P 500 you slowed up. And it's gained in popularity because it's worked and it's created a feedback loop where and we're going to explain what that feedback loop is. But here you have people in these portfolios that think that they're diversified and that they think they're safe, right? Those general portfolios just by way of market composition right now, meaning the stocks at the top of the market have become so large, right? Yeah. And so overvalued in a lot of different fundamental ways you look at them, that the average portfolio is less diversified than it has ever been. And the thing it owns the least of are things that historically do well during inflationary periods. So it really isn't, it's not us having, we had to go through a whole compliance thing with this. It's not us saying, hey, we've got the silver bullet. We're just sitting there saying, hey guys, you're in a portfolio that is least diversified than it has ever been. It has the least amount of stuff that it traditionally does well in an inflationary environment. And you need to get more to a balanced position because right now you're not. The average portfolio is betting on seven stocks. That's it. If those seven stocks go up, you're going to be fine. If they go down, you won't. I mean, it really is that simple. So just trying to explain it because, you know, it's, oh, it's different this time. It's never, it is a little bit because it is different this time because we've never seen them. You know, right now you look at, we're two in the math on this the other day, you look at like four companies at the top. So you go like Nvidia, Microsoft, you know, Amazon, a couple of those. You add those just like four companies together and they equal 40% of the entire size of the United States economy. Wow. Right? So I, it's, it's wild and, and what people need to understand is look, it's not my opinion. I can just show you empirically. Here's what the market has looked like over the last hundred years. Here's what it looks like today, point the, you know, point the odd man out. And it's just, so yeah, just trying to get the word out there and let people know. And, you know, like we always say to people like, why are you giving, you know, what, why would you just tell people this? And my, my, my point of view is always, you know, do the right thing, the business side of it will take care of itself. So there are people that get on there that have no intention of becoming clients. Just a lot of the stuff we give them, they, they can go, they can go put it to work themselves. Right? I'm not one of those guys because it makes my eyes bleed. Yeah. No, it does. This just not the way my Brian works is not how God built me. He built you that way. That's why we work with you. So you got a register for this thing and go attend. It's free, but you have to register July 25th at 330 Pacific. Go to know your risk radio dot com K and O W know your risk radio dot com to sign up for this free live webinar. And now I get to say, but we're a couple of management investment advisor, representative of truck financial LLC and SCC Richard investment advisor investment involved risk. You could lose money past performance, doesn't necessarily guarantee future results. But then they add this Trek 24 dash two, four, four go to know your risk radio dot com. There we go. They had to add that one. That's really important that people know Trek 24, two, four, four. Yep. I felt dirty that we've not said it. So yeah, I'm glad it's being out. This is from a great Twitter guy who runs a, he follows DEI's name is John Saylor. There's a threat app on this. You guys can read some of the show notes scoop. The National Institute of Health is giving $250 million to universities to hire medical scientists who show quote an interest in DEI. Then it says the program doesn't discriminate against any group. Public records tell a different story. They pull, he pulled as an investigative reporter some of the communications with these organizations such as this. Hi, Jane. Yes. Good luck. For me, as long as we're diversifying our department and go with what we wrote in the proposal, I am happy. I don't want to hire white men for sure. We did a very good job on the grants with the tables and numbers. That's what we should follow in my opinion. Thanks. So she shows mathematically, here's how we're going to not make it racism, but make sure we ain't hiring no whites. Okay. That's what I mean by very, very good racism. Someone at the NIH said, "Hey, let's employ very, very good racism." If you're looking at this again from your unique perspective, and we'll get to some of the things other people are doing like Vanderbilt University, but if you're looking at things like this, and you're thinking of your kids, and if your kid got a scholarship and went to school, and someone took them aside and said, "Hey, by the way, you got that because you're half black, right?" Your response would be what? Oh, I'd be irate. I'd be irate, and I'll back it up further when my wife was applying to get into college. She refused to fill out the racial information. God bless her. Yeah, because she just said, "I was a salutatorian in my class. I don't need to get a token, let my accomplishments stand on their own. I don't want your form." Like I said, my wife grew up in the inner city, single working mom, below the poverty line. And she wasn't like my kids, my kids grew up in a country club for crying out loud, right? But no, and this is the soft racism behind it. That's the only way you're going to get ahead because you're inferior and you need white people's help. You need a handout? That is the, to me, what hurts my heart about what the left has done and the party's done to black people, it's that. You talk to a vibrant, young soul who may not be an academic, not everybody is. I just said the day on my AFR radio show, it's talking again about how much massive respect I have for people who can build things, like who could build or fix things. My brain doesn't work that way. So I look at that and I'm in awe. Me too. And so you could be someone who that's what you should do. This is how God gifted you. But that message to a vibrant, young, 13 to 15-year-old black, young woman or young man, kid, you can't make it without Nancy Pelosi and you look at that or you can't make it without Joe Biden. That's your savior. This buffoon on stage, he doesn't know there's such a thing as a collection plate, but he grew up in a black church. That how utterly demoralizing that has to be for black people? No, look, you know, it could get me, again, it could get me to the point where I could say some things that I shouldn't say. Okay, don't. I won't. But no, it ticks me off and it really ticks me off. It ticks me off in general. Again, having kids that are of mixed race, my wife, her family members, it's infuriating because I sit there and I'm like, "You know what, why don't we do this? Why don't we have an IQ test? Why don't we have an aptitude test because of why it's on the floor? Johnny Tyler, why don't we have a spelling contest? That's more your speed, right? And it's just that soft racism of you need my help or we're going to lower math standards because it's not fair for, you know, go tell that to Frederick Douglass. Tell it to Obama. Tell it to Clarence Thomas. I mean, example after example after example, it just, and I think the good news is, is that more and more black people and more and more minorities period are picking up on it. Oh, well, look at the increased support for President Trump, but 22%, it's tripled. You mentioned Frederick Douglass. I just had to tell the story real quick because I don't know if you've had a chance to this. Have you taken your kids to the Smithsonian Institute? No, my wife just did with my daughter, but I haven't taken the other kids. So we went, my daughter and I many times because we lived in DC, for a little while, to the Smithsonian Institute. And one time we were walking through and came up to this display and it was just a desk. It's just this wood desk and there wasn't any plaque. There was nothing and I thought, gosh, whose desk is that and where this setting up? And then one of the employees came out and said, hey, sir, I'm sorry to bother you. And they asked whose desk is this, he says, yes, this is Frederick Douglass's desk. And I got teary eyed. Yeah. I stood there and I went, this is what he wrote on. Just a giant. And I'm standing there and my daughter says, what? I said, remember the book I've read to you? These hands are not my own for I stole them from another man. Yeah, this is a desk. And we just stood there for a moment and somehow it made it more special that there wasn't yet the plaque and later they set up that this is how his office looked. But somehow just his desk and I so wanted to touch it because I'm that sort of person that I can lay hands on something like that, right? It becomes more real and I don't like, I actually don't take a lot of photos of even special times, but I'm a keepsake guy a little bit, right? So I hope your kids get to see that one day. Many half of Americans think DEI is causing discrimination. My most Americans think diversity, equity and inclusion programs are making companies better and many suspect DEI is being used to justify discrimination against white males. The latest Rasmussen Report national telephone online survey finds that only 29% of American adults believe diversity, equity and inclusion programs are making companies better. Slightly up from 25% in March, well, 38% now think DEI is making companies worse. 22% say DEI programs don't make much difference and 12% are not sure. Do you remember a time in America where you could make the argument and be intellectually honest that, look, no company wants worse talent. All companies are going to compete for the highest talent. That was true, right? That was the capital, human capital market. Just like everything else leftists and authoritarians do, they could not let that market rule except for basketball because then that's very, very good racism because only black people can play. Oh, naturally. Right? Yeah. So this is economically speaking, putting on your chief investment officer hat. This is just another rigging about economy. It is and it ties back to, in my opinion, it ties back to some real issues that you've gotten in this economy and I think there are big issues and I think there are constitutional issues and in my opinion, this is all about look over here while you're not paying attention on what's going on over here, right? Let's ask the question about why some of these companies are all too willing to make on economic decisions. Yep. Why are they? Because they know that they are not exposed to the cost. Why do I say that? Because antitrust rules haven't been enforced. So many of these companies are so big, they are in bed with government and it is, you've got the greatest level of economic inequality in the history of this country, right? And they're throwing you cookies, right? They're not doing the job that our constitution was supposed to do. We don't have a free mark. For all intents and purposes, we do not have a free economy, right? And so addressing this, like everything else, we're symptom treating and we're pacifying and we're condescending to cover up the real sin, right? The real sin, which is we're not doing our jobs, you've got the federal government picking winners and losers, you've got central banks subsidizing criminal activity via the banks, which is I was teasing that discussion with HSBC with you, which is a lengthy conversation as well. That to me is the real crime is that the underlying issues aren't being dealt with and it's insulting. They're throwing you a cookie. You need it. If we don't do this, you're not going to be able to work, you're not going to be able to live. And it's just so disingenuous and I love the fact that people are catching on. I love the fact that people are going, "Wait a second, wait a second. Like for instance, you know, why not go to a historically black college as opposed to getting panned or two by some call, "Oh, we're going to let you in because you're black." I don't need to be letting because I'm black. Let me stand on my merits like my wife said, "But judge me by my record. I think it's pretty good." Yeah. People have these different views on this and I was just thinking about this example that because you've been to my gym, the CrossFit gym and I have a female coach and from time to time, she'll give me this look where she's racking weights for me like between a set on, "Oh, no, no. Let me get that." She gives me this look like, "I'm a coach. I'm probably stronger than you. I can throw some iron around." Let me do my job. And I am of the generation of men do that. Yeah. And it's taking me a while to learn that women that age who are not man haters, they like politeness, they in that gym, we have a very polite culture, it's a community culture. But that can come across as pandering, like, "Hey, you know, bud, I can lift weights on my own and I can rack a weight for you." Yeah. I mean, as a guy that's gone and worked out in that gym, I may make those similar offers but it's more just to steer clear because I don't want them turning on. Like, no, I remember I came home and I told my wife, I was like, "And she kind of gave me a weird look." I was like, "Honey, I wasn't checking the women out. What I was telling you is that these women were throwing weight around and I play college football." Right. Like, man, I was just blown away. Yeah. I was just blown away. Some incredible athletes. Yeah. And it's a blessing to be able to train around them and the male athletes, et cetera, but it's just this view. We're going to be game this with a bit of Biden and I want to wrap it up with a bit of Biden. And a question, this is from the live discussion, what's going on, Jim and writes, "My question might be for tomorrow's show, Nelson Nash's infinite banking concept, scam or plan, thoughts." So that does not like a thing for tomorrow's show because it's financially converted into the HSBC conversation, if that's okay. Yeah. Just teasing that. All right. When we talk about free markets, there is this crazy place called Mexico. You can have all sorts of neat things about Mexico. There's parts of Mexico where I wouldn't be paid to go, like Northern Mexico, because it's a bad place right now. I wouldn't do that. Now in Southern Mexico, for instance, part of our art, it is a relatively safe place. In fact, it's very safe. There are seven separate police forces patrolling it. One of those police forces exists only to protect tourists. And the cartel that runs that place, the Jalisco cartel, has put out word. You mess with tourists. You are messing with us. And this is so weird. They've also said no fentanyl. And they have a more reasonable drug policy than the separate countries of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. That's where I go get my stem cell treatments. And the stem cells I use are, first of all, all of stem cells, all of them are ethically gathered. They come from placentas and umbilical cords. Renew pays for the health care of the women going through their process, whether or not they end up accepting their stem cells, period. So they pay for that. When they take the stem cells in, they only take in the most healthy stem cells. They monitor the child and the parent. I think it's six or six months or a year afterwards to make sure that the health continues. Then they culture those stem cells. So in my shoulder, I got 46 million of them in my ankle, 12 million right down near my Achilles heel, which is utterly fixed. It's not just injuries or avoiding surgery, say with lower lumbar pain, et cetera. Neurological issues can be addressed this way. Things like carpal tunnel can be destroyed by this, absolutely turned around. So if you've been told you have to have surgery or worse, hey, just live with the pain, right? Rub some dirt on it. Go to Simply have them interact with your doctor, look at your medical records, and they will tell you yes or no if they can help you. It's It's important that you say you heard about it or saw it on the Todd Hermit Show So this journalist looked into Biden who grew up in the black church, and this thing where they put out this idea that Biden stuttered. All of a sudden it was, oh, well, this is a covering up childhood stutter. There was a piece in the New York Times that we covered earlier this week where they literally described his stamring and his forgetting things, his dementia as a late stage artist like Bob Dillon singing with a different voice. They did. Or the later stages of Shakespeare's writing career. They literally described that as late stage art. Yeah, because he's a literary giant. Right. Yeah, you got to. Truly, they tried this. So this gentleman decided, and there's a link in the show notes, Poppy Fields, and this is, again, this is at and we're just criticizing him a little bit earlier. Obviously, nicknamed Poppy Fields looked at 43 hours of Biden clips and didn't find one instance of any stuttering. They did find an LA Times opinion writer who wrote what others see as Joe Biden's mental slips. I see as the tricks of a master stutterer. So he's saying that when Obama can't remember things, I mean, probably Biden, like I just did, Biden can't remember things. He's actually formulating. Okay. How could I say this without stuttering? Was that right or Joe Scarborough? I have to check back on this. When did you see him say the other day that he's a black woman, who Biden? No, no. WRD radio. We ran this and he was doing an interview where they scripted the questions. The host later admitted she got fired for this, that she only accepted the questions that the campaign gave her during a scripted interview. He fell into, I'm proud to be the first black vice president working for a black president, a first black woman vice president working for like, no, no. So this article then said, okay, Biden didn't stutter. You can't find any, but Obama did, and Obama's stuttering was called academic stuttering. This is the stuttering of a high IQ. It was true for the... Let's get back to the tax to rich. I'm not so worried about the FCC. But, you know, so... No, point number... I'm not the same. But, you know, so... This would make sense, because... I mean, I guess... Hold on a second, everybody. I want everybody to be respectful. That's where we're going. I don't think that... So Biden's stutters, Obama didn't, which brings us back to very, very good racism versus very, very bad racism. It was racism when his stuttering got called out. Right. Yeah. I'll never forget this moment. It was when I had come out as a conservative, because I'd worked in Silicon Valley and Entertainment all that time. And when I announced that I was going to the Republican National Committee, I got notes from people who worked in media. I assume that you're a fiscal conservative and a social liberal, more of a libertarian. I love you anyway. And then I got this email. When Barack Hussein Obama, God bless Rush Limbaugh, was trying to make us do away with their air conditioning. And he was saying things like, "Look, you can't... Go around keeping your house at 69 degrees and tell the rest of the country that the world is just going to have to live with a climate change. Folks have to have to make some changes. Turn that air conditioning off." There was an article during that time where David Axelrod, who got that man elected, said, "Yeah, one of my challenges with Barack is he keeps the White House at 79 degrees. It's like a tropical island in there. No one can breathe." So I took that piece. I turned it into a video. My team did. We pushed that out with that video of Obama saying, "Folks, I have to give up their heat air conditioning. I got an email from a friend who came to my wedding and said, "Tod, this is what I was worried about. This is blatant racism. I'm disappointed to know that you hid this all this years." Yeah, pointing out hypocrisy. Blaten racism. And I wrote back and said, "Yeah, my heart's broken. What is racist about it? If you don't know that it's racist to say black people prefer the hot weather, then it shows you're also ignorant." And I think that you said he preferred the hot weather. I think I said he's trying to take away our heat and air conditioning. Well, he cranks up the heat to 79 degrees at all times in the White House. Now, to be fair, to add to that racist trope, my father-in-law, God bless him, keeps his house hotter than a sauna. He smokes me out of there. God bless him. I love him. He's like, "So I don't want to add to the racist trope here, but yeah, no, no." And that's the thing. I mean, look, he makes public policy, to critique public policy has nothing to do with race unless you make it about it. Right. And to sit there and say him saying we don't need it, and then easy for him to say, right? It'd be like the equivalent of you were sitting there saying kids shouldn't be allowed to graduate high school until they can do 20 pull-ups or something like that. Yeah. Well, I mean, good. That works for you. Right. Right. But how is that fair to everybody else? There's kids in there that aren't. You know what I mean? Right. Yeah. And then this is part of the reason you can't have real productive conversations about this. Exactly right. And one of the things my wife will go off on, and we will, is if we want to have a racial conversation, how about we talk about how the Black family has been destroyed by government policies and how we can sit there and track one of the biggest definers of economic progress is whether or not you have one or two parents in the home. Right. Why don't we talk about that? Right. And all of these conversations that get pushed under the rug, and why do they get pushed under the rug? They get pushed under the rug because it works for the powers to be. Right. They get pushed under the rug because it works for them. And that's the frustrating part because you're like, we're not even addressing the issues that are actually, that are racist. Right. Right. That are disenfranchising people that are putting them at structural disadvantages. And it's, you know, like for instance, school choice. Right. Why can't we have school choice? Yeah. Why? Because the teachers union is one of the biggest donors, if not the biggest donor to the DNC. And they don't. It's not about what's good for kids. No. Right. That are in the inner cities that are young black kids that show incredible how and their parents want them to go across town to the white school. And that system, that system that's supposedly working for them that is a racist won't allow them to do that. Watch the movie called the cartel. If you guys doubt what Zach said, and I know that in this podcast family, most people don't watch a movie called the cartel. He was a liberal who set up to go, who went out to show the evils of school choice and what it would do. He was a former teacher and he came back going, dear God, we have to have school choice. Yeah. Waiting for Superman's another one. Right. Another one. Yeah. Exactly right. That is, you've been so kind with your time. Zach is going to continue to be with us tomorrow, a live show, a skin tomorrow. So if you're just getting this now, Zach will be with us tomorrow, you can get all sorts of financial questions in. Lord, thank you for bringing our friend here safely. And this is the Todd Herman show, please go be well. Be strong, be kind, and remember this, that the Lord Jesus in the body of Christ wants to see us all as one as part of one body. And in a literal sense, that's what we are, neither Jew nor Greek, servant nor master. Make every attempt to walk in the light of Christ. God bless you. (dramatic music)