The Todd Herman Show

But, Preppers Are The Crazy Ones… Ep-1711

We're the nutzos because we're getting ready for something that might not happen. We're crazy enough to look at a 22 year old young man named Sam Carling, who has been elected to the House of Commons and question it.  He is with the far left Labour Party. Now, this young guy has something very fascinating to say about life experience, which is that it doesn't exist. But preppers are the crazy ones. Scott Galloway is a professor at NYU and he's talking about the double standard in the regard to the pro Hamas demonstrators and writers versus other people. Ten thousand illegal immigrants are using the same exact social security number in one of our states and yet, preppers are the crazy ones. And then there's also this: director Chris Ray under questioning from Senator Kennedy about the Epstein tapes. But yeah, preppers were the crazy ones. 
What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 29:12If a ruler listens to lies,
    all his officials become wicked.
 King Nebuchadnezzar becomes a cow - Daniel 4:25-35 
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Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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Granger, for the ones who get it done. - One of the coolest things God ever did was give Daniel the a profit insight into what was gonna happen to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. Since we're living through the times of the new Babylon's separate country of Seattle and Washington, California, you know the list. You know the thing, as Biden says. He gave Daniel a heads up that the king was gonna become insane and would effectively go out and act like a cow. Just on his hands and knees in a field eating grass, chewing his cud, and it happened. I believe God places these supposedly wise humans into these positions for a number of reasons. And one of the reasons sometimes is for us to go, wow, they are not that bright. And we're not to call them fools. We're certainly not to call them worthless. God makes that clear, not our call. He decides who's worth anything. He decides who's a fool, so I gotta be careful on that. But I think it's happening again. Have you seen this young kid 22 years of age who was just elected to the House of Commons in England? 22, and I'll let you decide if you think he's arrogant or simply proud. His name is Sam Carling. You know, head off our culture section for today. We'll talk about that and much more with the help of God Almighty and God. We continue to pray for the Crookshake family. Tim, the CEO of joins us tomorrow in the wake of the loss of his wife. Please do pray for the Crookshake family. Thank you, Lord. - The Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City exile, Todd Herman. (upbeat music) Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided which he'll live. What's your favorite story of youthful arrogance? Being of your youthful arrogance being pointed out to you. My favorite story of all time is when my father decided to let me go ahead and hike through straight over to the hunting campgrounds down a huge canyon that he knew to be a real chore as he walked around the saddle back. And I love that story so much because my dad literally gave me three chances to listen to fatherly wisdom. And as I said, but dad, I can see the camp. I am looking at our camp. It is right across from all we need to do is walk down and up and dad gave me three chances. Well, it's a pretty steep walk up and down. It might take a while, dad, I'm looking at the camp. Look at this. This is gonna take us all day to walk around this. Okay, I've been in these mountains a long time. I'm telling you, it's gonna be kind of steep and we're not gonna see any elk down there. I mean, you might chase them out but chase them out to other people. Dad, okay, all right. If I see an elk, we'll chase it up to the camp but we'll warn the guys. All right, I don't think it's a good idea. Well, I think it's a lot quicker. But only dad said this. All right, just do be fair. When you get there, make sure that there is some food and coffee left for me. Some warm coffee and some food just keeps some stuff warm for me. Just do that. Got it, absolutely. And then as I'm walking away, starting to go down into the canyon, dad calls back and says, now, hey son, remember, you don't hit sheepkrick until the third creek. Remember that? Oh. So then as I go down the hill and yeah, it was steep and then it got dark because it's in the canyon. I came across the first stream, which is just a stream. And then the second stream, which is a little bit bigger stream. And then the third stream, which was a really big stream. And then the fourth stream, which was in fact an engorged river. And I had to walk up and down the river to try to find the place to cross without drowning. And I could have turned back and gone up the hill, but of course I didn't. I had to find a tree that was down and get across that tree without falling into the river with my rifle and my pack. And then the climb up started. And it wasn't as steep as the climb down. It was twice as steep. Twice as rocky, twice as filled with cliffs where I had to find ways around any technical climbing, which I didn't know how to do at the time. And as it got dark, I heard the shots from the camp, which was simply them signaling, are you alive? And I returned the shots and said, yes, I'm alive, I'm on my way up. And when I went into the hunting camp, everybody but my dad was asleep. Normally there were big parties in camp. Not that night, don't know why. Not even my grandpa who was known to drink a bit in camp. Sorry, grandpa, I didn't give him your secret away. Oh, I won't tell the story. My grandpa from wherever he is, he sadly didn't know the Lord. So I don't know that he's in heaven. But he would not like me mentioning how he got his nickname, Half Moon, in hunting camp. So I get there to everybody, but my dad is asleep. And dad is sitting by the campfire and I walk up and said, you saved me any coffee or food? He goes, oh, oh, that was, you were supposed to save it for me. You might be able to find some cold cuts left over, but you were supposed to save it for me. Guess what I didn't say? You were right. (laughs) Guess what my dad didn't say? Told you so, didn't need to, neither of us did. That's one of my favorite stories. In fact, probably my favorite story about youthful arrogance, my own being pushed back in my face. You gotta hear this kid, this Sam Carling, 22 years of age. And it's either pride or arrogance, ignorance. The worst possible combination in any leader is ignorance and arrogance combined, the worst possible. So I'll show you this in a second. Other forms of youthful arrogance were things like this. Going to hunting camp, again, this is where all the lessons seemingly got proved. And one of my uncles sang, "You would you like another hot-buttered rum?" Yeah, I think I would like another hot-buttered rum. So that was my second hot-buttered rum at like the age of 12. Then an uncle said, "Would you like another hot-buttered rum?" And my dad looked over at me and goes, "They're tasty and sweet like a candy bar, "but they're potent. "Are you sure you want a third one?" Yeah, absolutely want a third one. My uncle smirked and gave me another hot-buttered rum. And then some more. And eventually, while falling asleep, I started to feel the strangest sensation and had to wake straight up, run out of the trailer, and, of course, you know what came next. And again, my dad did not say, "I told you so." Now, at that point, I wasn't aware of all the abuses my dad was putting in into his body, but now I can look back and see it. I can see the alcohol. I can see the overuse of food. I can see my dad and become sadly obese and refuse to treat that. I didn't have the ability at that time, emotionally or otherwise, to go to him and say, "Here's what's going on." So I didn't. And if I could do it again, I would do it all over and go to my dad and say, "You are abusing yourself," particularly late in life with ibuprofen. I would have gone to him and said, "Hey, dad, the ibuprofen is killing you." I couldn't, and I didn't, and it did, that probably contributed to his death. So to this day, I regret that. I don't want you to regret it. If you're stuck on ibuprofen, know this, that native pathkrill, a super powerful omega-3, can help you get off the ibuprofen, which is, in fact, likely to destroy your liver, your kidneys, your stomach. It absolutely attacks your gut lining. When it attacks your gut lining, it is going to cause inflammation because it will allow particles into your body that aren't supposed to be in your body and to get into your blood that they're not supposed to be in your blood, and boom, you get inflammation. Well, that happens. Do not let it happen to you. Go to, that's and find out the specials they have for you today. The pro tip with these guys, the more you buy, usually the more you save, This is youthful arrogance on display, right in front of us. This guy's name is Sam Carling. He is 22 years old. He is a leftist. He's been elected to the House of Commons in England with the far left labor party. I grew up in quite a deprived rural area in the northeast of England, and over that, those years, saw quite a lot of things declining around me, so high streets in particular, and schools, six forms of local schools closing, leaving lots of people having to travel a really long distance to get to schools in the morning. And I never really made the connection to politics for a couple of years after that when I was in the cohort of students, the first one, whose level results were canceled during the pandemic. And as a result of that, I became a lot more interested in what's going on politically, and I kind of then got involved myself, ran to be a counsellor, did that for a couple of years, and have just been elected as a number of Parliament. You graduated from Cambridge University, you're clearly a bright guy. It's slightly tricky a question, and one of the criticisms of MPs is that they are, you know, many of them don't have real world experience. You've touched on some of it there, but at 22, can you really offer real world experience and to bring that to the House of Commons? Well, I have a lot of experience that older members of Parliament won't, you know, I've been renting insecure housing in the private sector for quite a while now. I'm experienced at paying rent in not nice places. Most members of Parliament aren't okay. Well, maybe there's more. And that's an issue facing not just young people, but people all across the age spectrum. And it's something that I intend to do a lot of work on now that I'm in Parliament. So it's... Okay, so his experience is he apparently paid rent in buildings that weren't that nice. But now he's done with his experience. He's literally done explaining his experience. Now he's gonna turn the question on the questioner. Watch how swiftly he employs his towering intellect, his powerful use of rhetoric to corner the moderator into an indefensible position from which there can be no climbing out. I always get a little bit frustrated when people mention life experience because no one has yet been able to explain to me why being older makes you better at the job. Oh, wow, what an interesting way to phrase that. Why being older makes you better at the job? Now, older doesn't always equal experience. Interesting turn of phrase, and the moderator has no possible way to come back. More experience, I think that's why. But what kind of experience? Well, by definition over the years, you've gained more experiences, don't you? But what kind of experience, right? Well, life experience. You've always been able to, well, where can we go around in a circle, aren't we? No, good for you, Steve. No, good for you, butting back. But you can talk about all the things you just mentioned, of renting jobs, children, children's services, looking after old people, old elderly relatives, health care issues, all the sorts of things that you get over a lifetime. That's the point. Yeah, I mean, look, as I said before, I've had a lot of experiences that lots of older MPs weren't of had. And I've done quite a lot for my age as well. I mean, I've been a counselor for a couple of years, and a cabinet member responsible for about £17 million of public money over the last year. I've been-- So, is that it? Is it? And I've done a lot of other things that have happened. It's necessarily be typical for someone to my age. Right, so let me help. When you reach a certain age, and have been around people for a certain amount of time, such as, let's say, 56 years, you can have this advantage of being able to read people. Have a little bit of emotional intelligence. Find out when someone is troubled without having to ask the question. See when a friend is facing a catastrophe in relationships, and maybe be able to lean into that without having to ask the question, or become overly involved. You can have seen many theories tried, and many theories failed, and you can see time and time and time again, the same theories being pushed out, such as the theory of raising the minimum wage. You're part of the Labour Party. The theory is, you continue to pump up the minimum wage, and eventually everybody is well off. But when you have life experience to come back and go, wow, you know what human nature is, sin nature is, people get to spend what they have. Many people are not calibrated to savings. Many people have not been taught that we are to steward these resources, because they're resources God gives us. Then in fact, the Bible tells us how to steward resources. So you can look at failed, failed experiments after experiment, socialism, communism, authoritarianism, the China model, and you can look back at 40 or 50 years of life and go, you know what, that didn't work the first 15 times it was tried. You can do this in our little corner of Free America, the high mountains thereof in North Idaho, I can see some things coming because of my life experience. I see traffic cameras being placed up in intersections. Here's what I know about that. Those are federally funded intersections. The feds have found a way to weasel their way into these intersections to pay off these big vendors who put up these traffic cameras, and here's what I know next. Now the timing and the lights will change and boom, they're changing. Just up the street from us. There's a street that's been the bypass for going around trains because it has the one place you can go where there's an underpass for the busy train area. And I noticed this. The new intersections it's been built has this little block where you can't do a free right. And they put that in right after they put the traffic camera up there. Why? Because they want people running that light. Now that's just an example. You can look at this life experience. Oh wait, you're telling me COVID, COVID people, COVID catastrophists, that the only way out of this is a magic injection. There's no other option, there's no treatment, nothing else will work. It's an absolute death trap. And I can look back at night and go, wow, you know what? That's the same exact swindle you used when you were transing kids. The same stinking thing. You said there's no treatment for gender dysphoria. It can't be treated. There's no therapy that will help. Only surgery and hormones will help. That's it. Do you want a living daughter or a dead son? You choose. You either call your daughter or son or you're going to cause her to commit suicide. When that is the pattern and you have life experience, you can spot these patterns coming 10,000 miles off. We can compare this to the climate swindle. Oh wait, the only way out of the climate issue, the weather issue is to go all electric. That's it, nothing else will work. Not nuclear, not liquid natural gas, only one way out. If you don't do that, you're going to kill BIPOC kids in Harlem when you light up your gas stove in Idaho. It's that form of life experience that helps. Playing poker with somebody. I have friends who should never play poker. They're the worst emotional hiders of emotion in the world, absolutely no poker face. So the life experience you gain is vast and varied and it doesn't come from paying rent or working in some jobs. It comes with time engaging with the world. Being older doesn't necessarily make you better at the job but if you have a masked life experience, you've also been able to amass some human wisdom. Enough to know that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. So you would know that. Now see, this is a great example. This kid, Sam Carling said that during the pandemic, he was kept out of school because of the pandemic. No, you were kept out of school because they wanted you out of school. Just think back to this period of time and here's a great video that will kind of remind folks of how crazy it was because the title of today's show is of course, but preppers are the crazy ones. They're not crazy to elect a 22 year old kid to that position. We're the crazy ones when we said, oh, thank God, we've got food at home because they're shutting down the grocery stores for a couple of weeks. - President Trump wrote on Twitter, don't be afraid of COVID, don't let it dominate your life. Don't let it dominate your life. - In terms of responding to a comment like that, it's gross. - It's okay to be afraid of COVID and it's okay that it's dominating your life. - Everyone should be afraid of COVID. - You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. - I can't come in, Mom, that it's there, it's because of this flu thing. - We won't be free of this pandemic until we listen to the acknowledged truth. Listen to the scientists. - Science is truth, you know, science is truth. - What is the impact to public health when people are openly questioning the science? - Now is the time to do what you're told. - By not hearing the truth, by not listening to the scientists, they are prolonging how bad the economy will be. - When I see somebody out in the world who's not wearing a mask, I instantly think you are a threat. Or you are selfish, or you are a COVID denier and you definitely haven't been vaccinated. - You know, we're a masking, what does it say? - Are you vaccinated? - I am a couple. - Why are you wearing the masking? - Seek out the scientists and listen to their advice. - Listen to the scientists. - Listen to the scientists. - Trust the experts. - We're gonna trust science. We're gonna trust the experts. Parents, you say, well, I need to do my own research. Make you think of that cartoon I saw, the tombstone that said I did my own research. - Republicans have given their voters license to believe whatever they want to believe. - Heard somebody saying, listen to the scientists. Do that. - Listen to the scientists. - Oh, the scenes with the grandma. - That phrase, do your own research. It's popping up a lot in conversations about coronavirus and about COVID vaccines. Doing your own research, it seems so innocent, but it can have serious consequences. Renee, what are the roots of this phrase? I feel like I used to hear it around QAnon craziness. (screaming) - Let's say a woman being tased for being in the future is watching her son put a foot on it. - Tazing this lady over now part of that mask. - If some jerk exposed my mother to COVID because they didn't want to wear a mask, I would want to kill them. - We can watch the experts, but we shouldn't be listening to Trump, a non-medical professional. - Well, the answer is listen to Bill Gates, Bill's right around about a lot of things, and he's the Steve Learning Curve in Global Health, and we're really seeing just how important it is to follow science. - Yes, yes, exactly. And we need to listen to scientists. The idea that people are questioning the science behind the vaccine. - The science checks out. Even if you don't believe in the science, you think you're tough enough and you're healthy enough and you're young enough. The scientists were right all along. Eventually the science catches up with you. Are we doing more harm than good by questioning the science behind J&J? - Trust that vaccine. - Trust the experts. - I think we get it. That's, by the way, from a great account on Twitter, it's @MaysMore. There's a link in the show notes. Absolutely, absolutely great, brilliant creative videos like that. But we're the crazy ones. It's not crazy to put a 22-year-old kid who thinks that paying rent is enough experience to be an MP into being an MP. It's not crazy to come back in here now, Debbie Burke saying, we need to do PCR tests with every cow in America. You know that right? Every single cow needs to be tested every single week in America with the same PCR test they use to install the COVID swindle. It's remarkable. So if you look at these communities, like there's a community south of 100 miles south of Salt Lake City, we'll talk about this in a second. Guys decided to create an off-grid community of 200 homes and people taking care of people. And of course, he is supposedly the crazy one. We, when we first heard about the OXI Pure, Eden Pure, OXI Leaf 2 device, and the opportunity to try it, my response was, why? This can't possibly work. It's a tiny little device that you plug into the wall and this is supposed to negate bad smells. How could that possibly work? So when we got it and plugged it in, I did not expect much. I plugged it in at home. When my wife came home, she said, wow, what's that? I said, what's what? She goes, it smells nice in here. Did she spray something? No. She looked at the wall and she said, oh, it's the thing you were talking about. Yeah, right, it's in the wall. So we have a fairly large home. We have one device in the so-called great room. It's not really a great room, but that's what it's called. And it produces enough ozone to negate all the bad smells. There are one, two, three cat litter boxes in that house. Negates that. It does it because the ozone molecules bond to the smells created that create the bad molecules and they negate them. They take them out of the air. It is not an air filter. Those things are loud, they're noisy. You basically rent them because you own the hardware, but you have to buy the filters for a couple hundred bucks a year every year. This is an air purifier, okay? You'll wipe it off with a warm cloth once and again. It's called the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 Thunderstorm. And you can get this at a $200 savings. Simply go to That's Use code-todd to get four of these for under $300. Under $200. Pardon me, I am multitasking. I'm just gonna admit it. Trying to log back into my computer here. It's Save $200 on whole home coverage. I'm not gonna get into this epic time story. This is what I get for not pulling it out and printing the thing and I hate to have printers. And oh no, that's gonna let me know it won't. Got him Phil Gleason decided to create a community 100 miles south of Salt Lake City. And within a couple years he had 200 homes built. They have their own system of heating. They have their own system of water and trash. These homes are off-grid but they are productive. Everybody there to some degree is growing food items of something or another. The place looks like a whole series of small farms surrounding a big farm. Now south of Salt Lake City that far you have pretty much year-round sunshine. It gets cold a little bit but it doesn't get that much snow. He's building another one of these in Arizona. It's a parallel economy but there are people who look at that and say you're crazy. Here's what's so fascinating about this culturally. The same people who say we must protect the earth. The same people who say that industrialized society is killing us. We must stop this. We must stop carbon dioxide production. We can't let the diesel engines go, et cetera. You look at a farm like this. No power in the houses off-grid their own water and about as natural a farming as you can produce. And if you read the comments to the Epic Times piece hear people are applauding this. Where this has been pushed through social media and there's videos of this you read the comments. Great, now we have mega cities. Great, I can only imagine how many kids they're pooping out. Pardon my language if that was one of the comments. Oh good, I can only imagine how many guns they're storing. Oh this is what we need another doomsday presenter. Someone who thinks that God's gonna end the world now. The same people. If this was labeled as a sustainability community, if this was labeled as an environmental community, if this was labeled as a save the planet city, they would be pouring love into this. But we're the crazy ones. People who prep and prepare for things. Makes us nuts, right? Right. The culture as it begins to fall apart is going to produce these incredible off-shoots. I think so often now about the media flow, information flow. And I think about all the reporters, local and otherwise, who have dropped out of major media. And I think about the new coverage they can provide. It's not a week that goes by that there's not someone else who starts their own channel. That information arena builds for us an opportunity to have a whole different market of ideas and products sold into those ideas. To see it happening in academia though, that's exciting. There's a professor named Scott Galloway. He is an NYU professor. He's written the book about young people and what's being done to young people and how society is changing young people and not for the best. He's also become a pretty regular commentator on social issues. Here he is talking about academia and the campuses, but it's us, us preppers who are crazy people. And I do think there is a double standard. I had walked by NYU last night what I saw was peaceful protests. But I can tell you if I went into the NYU Square with a wide hood on and said, "Linch the blacks or burn the gays, "my ID would be shut off by that night." And I would never work in academia again. There would be no need for the words context or nuance. I wouldn't be protected by terms like First Amendment or free speech. I would be out of the world of academia. It seems like we have a double standard when it comes to hate speech as long as it's against Jews. And we're not just talking about the free speech and protests, which we agree people have. And there are spaces on campus for that. It's what they're saying. It's the harassment of Jewish students. So what is that? Why is there that double standard? Because of course you're right. You don't even have to say it out loud. If these things were being said about black people or gay people or Latinos or anybody else, forget it. Shut down the school, everybody's expelled. Why is there still that double standard? - I think it's complicated. I think one, young people have a healthy gag reflex on what people our age think. And I think that's healthy. Two, I don't think Israel has draped itself in glory over the last 20 or 30 years. They've shifted from being kind of a David to the Goliath. I also think that incorrectly students on campus can flate the civil rights movement with what is going on in Palestine and have digress unfortunately, because of an orthodoxy promoted by me and my colleagues that there are oppressors and oppressed. And the easiest way to identify oppressors is how white and how rich they are. Fairly or unfairly, Israel is seen as ground zero for whiteness and how wealthy they are. And then what might sound paranoid that is main or wrong, I think we are being manipulated specifically you through the frame for the world is TikTok. And if you look at TikTok, there are 52 videos that are pro-homos or pro-Palestinian for every one served on Israel. I think that we are being manipulated. I think Americans are easier full than convinced they've been fooled. But if I were the CCP, I'd be doing exactly the same thing. I think social media is selling division and polarization ourselves. - Amazing that that made it on MSNBC. Utterly amazing. And to the credit of the host so loud that to continue. But it's Mr. Gleason in a South to Salt Lake city who's crazy with Operation Self-Reliance. Want to know what doesn't go on at Operation Self-Reliance? The color revolution. Want to know who's welcome in Operation Self-Reliance? Anybody, any race? Absolutely make that clear. That is not not a gating factor. So he on TikTok and in social media is seen as the problem for wanting to be alone and to produce a sustainable community. Galloway is seen as the problem for breaking away from the group think on campus. It's very, very dangerous. See, we're the crazy ones for wanting to have independent thought. So do my ear, the wise Latina. See, she has that film from a wisdom that comes from her ethnic background. She's about to get a big test. And that is, does she actually believe the things that she foists down upon other people? Huge test. We'll see how she follows through on this. When you examine the things you believe, how many of it comes from or how much of it comes from? Well, it's just the way it's always been. For instance, you may come from a family background where everybody is heavy, but that's the case in my family. Not everybody, but most people are pretty heavy. And I looked at that as very normal. And I've talked about my father being obese, but I haven't talked about the rest of the family just being heavy, to a large degree. Now, there are this uncle and that uncle and this cousin and that cousin who kind of fight that trend, but overall it's been heavy. Part of this is food choices. Part of it has to do with ethnicity. Part of it has to do with some medical conditions. All of it, though, can be mitigated. If you come from that background, it just seems normal. Here's something that's not normal and shouldn't be normalized. About 100 million Americans have fatty liver. If you have fatty liver, it is going to lead to you being sluggish and slow and tired, worse. It can lead to liver disease. The number one way to address that is to get to a good body composition that is percentage of fat versus muscle. There's a whole bunch of ways to look up what's a good, healthy range for you. Anything but the BMI thing, which is a joke, okay? The company that makes liver health formula wants you to know. They provide this as a way to help you reduce your liver risk to make your liver healthier with 11 clinically proven botanicals to do that, to help protect your liver for more damage. They provide a 365 day money back guarantee, but they want you to know this. They never intend for this to be a product you take for life. This is a product to help you get through this time where you are hopefully addressing the body fat issue, which, if corrected, will almost certainly do away with the fatty liver problem. Got it? The way to do this is simply to go to That's and buy, well, liver health formula. You'll also get some free gifts when you buy a 30 day supply. Couple of different free gifts. It's that's The wise Latina Pro Gun Control Justice Sotomayor, Sotomayor, Sonia Sotomayor. Her bodyguard shot a man trying to steal a car. Wait a minute. She'd said in a McDonald's Descent, a court case here pointed out by Mary Chastain at legal insurrection. In sum, the framers did not write the second amendment order to protect a private right of armed self-defense. Wow, they didn't? So framers of our constitution, some of whom were involved in duels, didn't think that owning a weapon was for self-defense. They certainly thought it was for self-defense against the invasion or the abuses of an abusive government. Wouldn't that be defending yourself? Didn't the framers of the constitution remark that we have the right to life-liberty in the pursuit of happiness? So if you can take those facts, we have the right to life-liberty pursuit of happiness and we have the right to keep and bear arms. One could construe them since you can keep and bear arms to defend your nation or your village or your small home against invasion, that's self-defense, right? Here's the details from news four in DC. DC's Metropolitan Police Department gave an account to what happened at about 1.15 AM on Friday in Northwest. The marshals were on Sotomayor's security detail. Law enforcement sources told news four on Tuesday. The marshals were parked in a separate vehicle when control flowers 18 of Southeast got out of a vehicle, approached a marshal and pointed a hand at him in a parent attempt to carjack him, police said in the statement. The marshal drew his gun and fired several shots. A second marshal got out of another vehicle and oh, also opened fires, fire. Fire was taken to a hospital with injuries that police described as non-life threatening, the marshals were not hurt. The U.S. Marshals Service confirmed the NBC News and marshals involved in the shooting were part of the unit protecting Supreme Court Justice's homes. Sotomayor was not at home during the account. So this guy's facing charges of armed carjack and carrying a pistol without a license position or large capacity magazine, et cetera. Let's look at McDonald versus City of Chicago, which found that the Second Amendment applies to states since they are incorporated by the 14th Amendment. The case revolved around Otis McDonald, 76, wanting a handgun due to the crime in a Chicago neighborhood. He had a shotgun but didn't trust them with a robbery. A handgun would be better. But Chicago had a city-wide handgun passed in 1982, making it impossible to register a handgun in the city. McDonald sued the city. On June 28, 2010, SCOTUS overturned the Seventh Circuit's decision with the majority five to four stating that the right to bear arms is quote, fundamental to the nation's scheme of ordered liberty and quote, deeply rooted in this nation's history and tradition. Therefore, Chicago's handgun ban violated a person's natural right to keep and bear arms for self-defense. Sotomayor joined the dissent penned by former Justice Breyer. Breyer wrote, "In sum, the framers did not write the Second Amendment or to protect a private right of armed self-defense. This has been and is no consensus that the right is or was fundamental. No broader constitution interest or principle supports the treatment of that right is fundamental. To the contrary, broader constitutional concerns of an institution on nature argue strongly against that treatment." How? One of the first rights we have is to life itself. Liberty and pursuit of happiness. How are these not fundamental when the Second Amendment was the second one because it was second in importance to the first? The first being the right to free speech and to redress the government for grievances and to hang out with who we like. The second being, oh, you're going to try to take the first away? We're not going to just defend our lives. We're going to defend our country and our ability to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, or to maintain life, liberty, and to pursue happiness. Sotomayor is going to have a great big test. She should be asked, are you going to do away with your armed guards? After all, there is no right to self-defense, using a weapon, you yourself said so, or is that only if you, yourself, own the weapon. What she'll say, of course, is, well, the government gets to do this, and speaking of government. This is an example of how the New York Times treated the death of Senator James M. Imhoff. James M. Imhoff, Senator who denied climate change, dies at 89. Edward M. Kennedy, Senate Stallworth, is dead at 77. Robert C. Byrd, a pillar of the Senate, dies at 92. Now, let's remember some things about Eddie Kennedy. Number one, he was probably a rapist. Number two, he was involved in the infamous Chris Dodd, a Teddy Kennedy waitress sandwich story. Do you know this story? Those two great men were having drinks at a bar dash restaurant in Washington, D.C., a young woman working there to support herself, and if I recall the story correctly, trying to get through law school was working as a waitress. So Chris Dodd and Teddy Kennedy decided to make a waitress sandwich. They stood up, one man in front of her, one man behind her. They joined arms and pressed their bodies against the woman to make a waitress sandwich. It was really funny, not for her, but for them. So this is the way they portray then Robert C. Byrd, who was what? He was a literal boss of the Ku Klux Klan, an actual and complete boss of a Ku Klux Klan, not a pretend boss, but we preppers were nuts. It is getting very, very bad for the figurehead, hugely bad for the figurehead. When Stephanopoulos, and give George credit, he actually did an interview, actually did what? He actually asked follow-up questions. He asked the figurehead, who was great friends with Robert C. Byrd and Edward M. Kennedy, he asked the figureheads, what is your plan to dig out of this? This problem that this debate debacle has caused you. - What's your plan to turn the campaign around? - I saw it today. How many people do you draw crowds like I do in there? If I'm anymore enthusiastic, what is it today? - I mean, I don't think you want to play the crowd game, Donald Trump can draw big crowds. There's no question about that. - And you can draw a big crowd, but what does he say? Who's he have? I'm the guy supposedly in trouble. - So, just some remarks. Number one, there is now a plastic surgeon who has done a detailed description of the figurehead's facelift. And look, I get it. I do what I can to stay healthy and I've confessed to you that I'm looking to have something done to my abdomen with this loose skin, so I'm not gonna sit here and say, I'm not gonna do that. And if I had a facelift, I would tell you, you'd know, but also the spray tan, everything they can to make a dying man look alive. I'm not not wishing death on him. I'm just saying that he is a dying man. Parkinson's and Alzheimer's and something else, and now it's another doctor has come out and says he has Parkinson's. But his response is, look at the crowds I draw. Okay, let's do. Let's look at the fact that you often hold your events in half of a gym at a high school. President Trump sells out stadiums, NASCAR-sized crowds sometimes in certain states. Do they care? I think the cheat this time will be larger than last time. I see that Mike Johnson has things to say about this. Mike Johnson, Speaker Johnson has something to say about election integrity. But honestly, I think it's just something to say. This is Mr. Pulitzer, Julie Pulitzer, talking about something they discovered in the state of Arizona. We discovered 10,000 people using the exact Social Security number. See if this one rings true. You take an illegal, you bring them in. They sign a piece of paper promising to pay taxes. What they get is a Social Security number. So the employers can take out the taxes. Put a pin in that. Here's what they do. In cities like this, let's think of a chicken processor. (audience laughing) They will bring in hundreds of illegals. They will spread them out across all of these plants and factories, giving them jobs. They're all using the same Social Security number. The IRS unconnected our names from the Social Security number. Now when you look it up, it just pings to see if there's an employer. If there is, it says it's good, it validates it. Why do they do that? Because all of these factories are giving them Social Security numbers. The government turns its back on it. As soon as you have a Social Security number and you go over to Motor Rotor, past the driver's court, test, right? You get a driver's license. If a person looks, you got a Social, you must be a citizen. That's how they pack the roles. By the way, those guys don't pay taxes anyway. It's taken out by companies. Our government's been sitting on $1.7 trillion slush fund that that one fund has still in it to this day. So if you want to know where the dark money comes from. By the way, that's what, $100 million in a month in interest. I could go on. I now understand this is why they tried to kill us. And it's not stuff I wanted to know. It's not stuff I wanted to know about my country. Elon Musk recently remarked, and it would get a lot of attention because of who Elon is. Same thing I've been saying since they installed Biden. The entire system is constructed to encourage fraud. All of it is constructed to hide fraud. This is a fact, it is not an opinion. There is no possible way to determine if people voted illegal in their elections in most states, or at least many. You cannot do that when you don't know who voted. You do not know who voted if you do not check ID. When you do not check actual signature verification, you are one step further removed from that. And when votes, ballots are turned into images. And the ballots themselves destroyed like the state of Georgia did. There is then no base evidence. The chain of evidence has been destroyed. The chain of custody has been destroyed quite on purpose. In the same way that Pfizer destroyed some of their trials of the modified RNA injections by giving the injections to the placebo group. Therefore, not being able to tell that more people are dying in the injected group. So, Speaker Mike Johnson has something to do about this, or is it something to say? I think there's a difference. - If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery. So you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-granger, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - Mike Johnson's people, or him, posted to Twitter what the Save Act will do to safeguard elections. It won't pass because the Democrats won't let it pass. And because Mike Johnson is not willing to attach this to Ukraine aid, or to anything else. There's another continuing resolution coming, which is a basically unconstitutional process to continue to fund the government without a budget. One of the few things Congress has to do is to create a budget, but not under Mike Johnson. No, he's not gonna require that. The Save Act will safeguard our elections by ensuring only American citizens vote in federal elections. Here's what the legislation does. Requires state election officials to ask about citizenship before providing voter registration forms. Requires an individual to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections. Allows state officials to accept a wide variety of documents that will make it easy for citizens to register to vote in federal elections. Provides states with access to federal agency databases so they can remove non-citizens from voter rolls and confirm citizenship for individuals lacking proof of citizenship. Let's read that one again. Provides states with access to federal agency databases so they can remove non-citizens. See, they don't have to. Directors directs DHS to determine whether to conduct removal proceedings of a non- citizen has been identified as having registered to vote in the federal election. Okay, so he's gonna punt this to the Department of Homeland Security. Mike Johnson's not a serious man. Not on this topic, he's a clown. DHS isn't gonna do that. Requires DHS to notify a state chief election official whenever an individual has been naturalized to ensure our newest citizens are able to exercise their right to vote. So it requires DHS to make sure a new citizen can vote. It lets the DHS decide whether to conduct a removal proceeding of a non- citizen has been identified as registered to vote in the federal elections. It lets states decide if they would like to use a database to remove non-citizens from their voting database. Mike Johnson is a sellout when it comes to election integrity. He doesn't care. This is all ornamental. Even if it was passed, it would do nothing. It's a joke. Mike Johnson loves Jesus, he just doesn't trust him. There's a difference. He loves him and he thinks he serves him. But if he trusted Jesus, he would take a good long work at what he is allowed to occur without pressuring the Democrats to stop it like the stealing of elections, like the killing of the unborn, like the transing of kids, all of which he could have used his position as speaker to leverage them into stopping. But he wouldn't. Why? Because of Ukraine and Israel. It would be nice if we had a speaker of the House rather than Ukraine and Israel sharing one. Well, and then of course, illegal immigrants. There are people in the Senate, the House representative, this case the Senate, who are willing to ask the questions that are not to be asked and ways are not to be asked. Now, the Democrats are trying to make Trump pedophile a thing. Did you know this? They got this to trend yesterday on Twitter. Trump pedophile. They're trying to pretend that Trump was all over Epstein Island. That's not what the flight logs show. It's not what the testimony shows. It's not what the indictment documents show. There's 970 some pages of that. Doesn't show Trump at the center of it. But the Democrats want you to believe that. This is Senator Kennedy, questioning one of these people that Mike Johnson was happy to provide funding to, the disgraced FBI director Chris Ray. - Here's my second question. We know that Jeffrey Epstein, who's now deceased, and Ms. Maxwell, his associate who's in prison, were engaged in a conspiracy of sex trafficking with minors. So were others. It's been widely reported. What's the FBI doing to investigate the other people that were involved in these sex trafficking ranks? - Well, I'm not sure that I can confirm any specific individual-- - That's what it's right, I'm going to give you some facts. - Of course, I'll play that game somewhere. Jeffrey Epstein had video surveillance in all of his homes and on his private island. And there have been articles after articles from witnesses who had said he videotaped sex acts with prominent people because he was trying to occur with young girls that he had procured to try to incur favor with those prominent people and potentially to be able to blackmail them. Now, that's a fact. And the FBI and other federal agencies have raided his house. Do you have those tapes? - Again, I can't discuss the specifics of our law enforcement operations related to Mr. Epstein or Ms. Maxwell, but obviously we had very active investigation related to both of them, but whether it extends to other people, I'm not sure that's something that I don't comment on. - But his suit was filed yesterday against one of those prominent people by one of the young women sex trafficked, allegedly. Said he was part of the ring. So on the front page, I don't know, this is New York Times Law Street Journal. And we keep seeing article after article after article. And we keep hearing about prominent person after prominent person after prominent person. I just wanna know if these prominent people are above the law and aren't being investigated or is the FBI investigating? - Well, no one is above the law. - Garbage, obviously. - Number one, as to whether specific people are being investigated, that's not something that I'm sure you can appreciate can engage on here. We've devoted significant resources to the investigation. Is it ongoing? - I'm not sure there's anything I can share with you on that, but let me- - I tire of this. If President Trump makes you through the vote fraud, if President Trump gets back in office, if President Trump is serious about regaining the country, take the Chevron decision from the Supreme Court, which limits these agencies and destroy them, crash them to the ground, fire everybody, direct your level up and make them reapply, fire everybody. Yeah, I know there's gonna be lawsuits, fire everybody, make them reapply for their jobs by showing that they're not hacks, that they're not selling the country down the river and insult some rules. You don't get to play that game anymore in front of the elected officials. The body, which is Congress that creates the thing, is always more powerful and takes constitutional president to the thing that they created, always. That's always the case. Congress that President Trump retakes with the White House, and if he ever gains a majority in the House of Representatives, should move to immediately neuter the ability of these agencies to act of the own accord. Their budgets should be tied to their truthfulness. When we question you, you will answer the questions or your budget is gone. It's contingent upon performance. You can't do that, that's unprecedented, garbage. Try it at your workplace, just try it when your boss brings you into the room, sits you down, says, "Hey Mark, thanks for coming in." How's the marketing effort going with the new backhoe we're selling? How's that lookin'? I know we've got the diesel version of this and I guess what, now this natural gas version, how's it going? I don't think that's, I guess I'm gonna share with you. You're done. Chris Ray should be done, they should all be done. But then again, that's crazy talk. You know as preppers we're crazy types. Lord, thank you for reminding us that when officials listen to fools, all, or leaders listen to fools, all's their officials are gonna be corrupt. Thank you for reminding us that. Thank you for reminding us of what you did to Nebuchadnezzar. And those of us who are watching the decline of the institutions, let's just remember something. This is perhaps a modern day version of these people turning into cows, chewing their cud in a field. And if you look at it that way, then it's kind of funny. Kind of. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (dramatic music)