The Todd Herman Show

Academics Keep Proving God Right … They Just Can’t See It Ep-1710

We're going to get into a discussion about a study of studies, a meta-analysis. And, it came up with the craziest conclusion. It's about black fathers of black sons. It almost reminds me of something that my Grandpappy used to say, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise so that it might go well with you and that you might enjoy a long life on earth. Fathers do not exasperate your children. Instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Hey, wait a minute. That's not Grandpappy. That's Ephesians 6:1-4. The study proves God exists and is right. The academics just don't get that. We'll also spend some time talking about the online dating scenario. I am so utterly blessed to not be involved in that. It's creating an inverse problem to the fatherhood problem. We'll get there by way of checking in with what the Left is saying about Figurehead Biden. We'll compare that against a video President Trump posted. Do you believe President Trump is the guy who's going to take on Big Pharma? 

What does God’s Word say? 
Ephesians 6:1-4 6 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”
4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Jeremiah 17:9 9 The heart is deceitful above all things,    and desperately sick;    who can understand it?

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10 Jul 2024
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I want to talk about this as well as the most surprising thing happened. It turns out that the Bible has things to say about being a parent, and it turns out that's right. We'll get to that. We'll start with a little bit of a political update. I don't know about you, but I am a little tired of the Biden dementia thing. But I do want you to see a couple things. It's a side-by-side comparison of how the figureheads people are presenting him versus how President Trump's being presented. I do find the juxtaposition a fascinating thing. We'll get started with the help of bulwark capital management. Zach is another of his free live webinars coming up. Go to and we'll get started as well with the help of God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is one hundred percent disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. No. From the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. There is an absolutely kind of funny anti-Trump big ad for Biden. He's the guy who goes out and gets it done. It's impressive. Oh, by the way, if you're not watching the video service, you don't get to see him put on his cool pilot operator shades. There's a lot of progress because of all of you, but there's more to do. Over and over they count him out and over and over Joe Biden delivers. He's been doing it for 50 years. Yeah, he's been around. He has the experience. He's doing the work. Straight backed and proud like his generation is tough. Don't burn. Don't make excuses. Don't be a smartass. Just make the tough decisions for the good of the country. And Joe knows loss. The kind of loss that burned a commitment in his soul to do whatever it takes to protect the lives of all Americans. I've been in this fight for a long time, but I'll never give up. Donald Trump never delivered for America. He only spewed a chorus of deep division and crafted a cesspool of corruption to benefit only himself. I just want to buy $11,780. I love it. In just under three years, Joe Biden has delivered unlike any president in modern history. I mean, masterclass in terms of delivering results. And folks, we're just getting started. The American Rescue Plan has provided relief in support directed to working class families. We're investing in America and our roads, bridges, ports, airports, clean water, high speed internet. It's so much more. Children should have the right to go to school without ever being gunned down on a weapon of war. Wall Street didn't know the country. The middle class built the country. And unions fit the middle class. The Inflation Reduction Act. Biggest investment in fighting climate change anywhere in history of the world. We can trust President Biden to fight for tomorrow. He's shaking your heads with Zelensky, a dictator. President Biden to lead America for another four years and finish the job. Because we know Biden always delivers. Man, this is... I'm from a public college to give me one thing. One that I can go campaign on and say we did. What? Of course, that's Chip Roy pointing out that they didn't do one thing they could have done and would have done with a second President Trump term. It is a parallel universe in which we live. It couldn't be more clear. Get to a second what President Trump is presenting. And it has to do with one of the topics I'm not allowed to talk about on YouTube. I'm not allowed to talk about health on YouTube. Not in the way we talk about it. Maybe sugar. But I actually honestly don't think I should even do that. Because I think I'll get a strike on that. And I already have one of three strikes on YouTube and we've only been reinvesting for about four months. I will talk about this, the health of having a home you're comfortable in having people in. Honest question. If you're a pet owner, do you ever shy away from having people in your house or if you're a cigarette smoker? Do you ever shy away from that? They have a business that you just sometimes, there are bad smells in the business. For instance, I have a friend of mine who does a granite business. And he is the neatest, most meticulous, well-kept human as a male I've ever known. He is absolutely, absolutely always clean and yet his business has a lot of moving parts. And sometimes he has to go out and do stinky things. I've even met with him, oh gosh, I've got to change before I go to lunch. Okay. You can have these circumstances. You can have, say, a dorm room. Maybe you've got to pay to give a roommate in the dorm room. Remember, your kid does. Or in the military barracks, sometimes things can't be clean. Football camps. Sometimes they stink to high heaven. Even when you're with a family out in the cabin, everybody's sweating in the sun and coming off and swimming and taking this and that towel off and it doesn't always smell great. And all those instances use the Eden Pier OxiLeaf 2 thunderstorm device. I can get you three of these devices for under $200. That's a $200 savings. We use it in the studio. I use it at home. I have friends now using it in their businesses. It doesn't filter air. Those things are loud. It's a swindle because you have to buy the filters for $200 to $400 every single year. This is an air purifier. It produces ozone. It goes out into the room. And it neutralizes the molecules that cause bad smells. They're gone. Replace with the pleasant smell of after a thunderstorm. Go to Use Code Todd 3 to save $200. Whole home savings and then some. Or whole home coverage and then some. Use Code Todd 3. That was the way the Democrats are presenting Joe Biden, at least some of them. This is how President Trump is choosing to be presented. In this case, talking about a topic we're not to discuss on YouTube, but we can talk about it here. In recent decades, there has been an unexplained and alarming growth in the prevalence of chronic illnesses and health problems, especially in children. We've seen a stunning rise in autism, autoimmune disorders, obesity, infertility, serious allergies, and respiratory challenges. It's time to ask what is going on. Is it the food that they eat, the environment that we live in, the over-prescription of certain medications? Is it the toxins and chemicals that are present in our homes? Every year we spend hundreds of billions of dollars to treat these chronic problems rather than looking at what is causing them in the first place. Too often our public health establishment is too close to big pharma. We make a lot of money, big pharma. Big corporations and other special interests and does not want to ask the tough questions about what is happening to our children's health. If big pharma defrauds American patients and taxpayers or puts profits above people, they must be investigated and held accountable. When I'm back in the White House, I will establish a special presidential commission of independent minds who are not bought and paid for by big pharma, and I will charge them with investigating what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic illnesses. I understand big pharma, I believe, better than anybody else. I know where they're coming from. And then I will ask them to publish recommendations for how every American child can have a safe and healthy childhood. This is a conversation that is long overdue, and it's a conversation that American families deserve. American families must have this conversation, and they must have a leader, a president, who can do something about this problem, and I will do that. I hope that means that you won't be bringing Johnson and Johnson executives on stage anymore where they got booed, because you did that, Mr. President. I hope this means that you are suggesting that you might even welcome a conversation into the injections from warp speed, the COVID shots. Now, in one way, President Trump here is maybe attempting to get a little bit ahead of a Bobby Kennedy vote. This is going to be people who are going to undertake what will turn out to be a protest vote, because the Democrats refuse to let Bobby Kennedy on stage. In fact, it did make new commission does. He belongs on stage between Trump and Biden, but they're not going to allow that. Neither of the parties are going to allow an actual choice. They can't. So, in the case of President Trump saying this, and the juxtaposition between the two, Biden claiming to have gotten things done, the team claiming that he never fails. He always comes back, and President Trump presenting this. Which one is most relatable to the common voter? Climate change? No. Zelensky? No. Biden is tough guy standing with a straight back? No. Biden is family man. Maybe to Democrats. President Trump is a translator against big pharma. Not really, except for this. Trump is the perfect candidate to actually take that war on if he was properly motivated. If someone could get to him and say, "Do you understand what pharma did to you? Do you understand what they did to your presidency? Do you understand the trade-off they made when you accidentally put Tony Fauci in front in charge of the country for just a little while?" That turned out to be about three years. If he was properly motivated in that way, I think President Trump would be the perfect guy to dismantle big pharma. And if he got right now made a decision to bring Bobby Kennedy into that role, to run that commission after he names his VP, his Bobby's not going to be president. That would be an extraordinary move. Put him in charge of the National Institute of Health and the CDC and the FDA. And make him have one goal and one goal only to get pharma out, completely out. And to do away with any of the rules that allow these people to walk through this revolving door system of Washington, D.C. That would make President Trump a father of a great idea. It would. We recently sat down and had discussions with my friend Tim Cruickshank. Tim was a medical provider. He was a physician's assistant. He was a medic attached to the SEAL teams. He was himself a SEAL. And he lived life as a physician's assistant afterwards. He heard me. In fact, he sat right next to me in this same studio with Tim and I recording. And I talked to him about native path crawl, the Omega 3's I take, the only Omega 3's that have ever made it possible for me to not take ibuprofen. And I target with him the ways that ibuprofen can harm you. And he nodded. Everything I said. I said that inflammation is rampant in America. He nodded. I said it's usually caused by sugar. Tim said, "Absolutely." I told him that these ibuprofen pills had been taking four at night, four in the morning, were likely to eventually destroy my liver, my kidneys, even my blood. And Tim said, "Yeah, that's all too common." He knows what he's talking about. When I talked about the Omega 3's and how they're different in native path crawl, number one, it's wild-caught crustaceans. A crawl is a crustacean. That form of Omega 3 is wildly more absorbable than fish-based. I think it's about 400% more. Meaning it's that much more potent. It's not just, quote, "just" your liver it helps with. It also helps prevent immune problems. It's 60% more absorbable than vitamin C. My experience with this Omega 3 from native path crawl is, it's the only thing that's ever made it possible to fight inflammation so that I can stop ibuprofen. Because guess what ibuprofen causes? Inflammation. Ain't that just like pharma? Yeah, we'll mask the symptoms while we create more of the symptoms. You can toss pharma out of your life as well. Go to nativepathcrill, that's with a K, and see what specials they have for you this week. Always when you buy more in advance, they always tend to give you better prices, The Bible tells us that God provides us common blessings, common blessings in the way of food and water, and of course health, general health, we all have challenges. The Lord has also set up a system of family governance, and we read about this in Ephesians chapter 6 verses 1 through 4. Children, obey your parents. In the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise, so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on earth. Fathers, do not exasperate your children. Instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Fathers, it's addressed to fathers in the Bible. There are roles for mothers. It's addressed in the Bible. Mothers are honored in the Bible. This one specific thing is addressed to fathers. Surprising then that I can turn to an academic study, this pointed to by a black academic, a guy named Anthony Bradley. It says, "Data. Black fathers and father figures serve as assets or sources of family-based social capital in helping their sons to avoid violence and remain safe." But this is not what the social justice churches, non-profits, ministries provide for low-income kids, and here in fact is the study, as Naomi had on the screen. It's from the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Headline. Remain calm, negotiate or defer, but by all means call me. Father, son, communications to keep sons safe from violence, involvement, and victimization. Four authors, one lead, three assistant authors in a peer-reviewed study. In the abstracted states, and let's compare this to the Word of God. The role of fathers in the lives of young men have been explored extensively in the literature, Allian Green, Grenous Davis, Clark, Cryptor, Craped, Coley, and Mead Eros. However, black fathers, particularly those of boys who limit adverse circumstances, are often perceived as being uninvolved or without direct influence on the day-to-day functioning of their sons. As black boys attempt to navigate stressful encounters associated with community violence and encounters with law enforcement, adequate social capital should be considered as it relates to the acquisition of skills needed to remain safe, and well-being. Additionally, spatial disadvantages would often contribute to the reproduction of human capital failures and losses. Confines these youth within largely contiguous impoverished neighborhoods and positions, BYOC is more vulnerable to possible seduction and/or victimization via interpersonal gang community violence. It also increases the likelihood they will be victims of racial profiling by law enforcement. Black fathers and father figures are routinely viewed as perpetrators of the violence that their sons may experience within their neighborhoods. However, fathers that are present are not recognized as assets or resources to aid their sons in being safe and remaining well-being. A pause for a moment. There were some Republican politicians who made the point that black fathers should be encouraged to stay home. They made the point that the same party that is attempting to force Joe Biden down the throats again of black Americans had done everything they could to divorce black fathers from the homes. When white Republican politicians make this point, it's racism. We live in a culture that denigrates fathers. After all, they're just useless people who don't know how to run a laundry machine. Or if they do, they end up destroying it. They can't cook. They can't give their daughters advice. They certainly can't help their daughters pick out a dress or brush their hair. And their sons, I mean, it's just toxic masculinity. Sons need their mamas to teach them how to be men. That's not what the Bible says. Back to this report. Qualitative pilot findings emerging from 72 father-son dyads in the Fathers and Sons Communications Studies suggest that black fathers and father figures service assets or sources of family based social capital in helping their sons to avoid violence and remain safe. They do so by having difficult conversations related to the pervasive threat of violence at the hands of their fellow neighborhood and community residents pause. The number one cause of death of young black men is young black men. Back to the report. Restoring their sons that they're loved and as fathers or father figures, they're available to help them successfully triumph over such threats to their safety and by offering key strategies to navigate the nuanced distinction in responding to tense and potentially violent interactions with gangs and community violence perpetrators. Police and other law enforcement figures. Since black fathers who have themselves grown up under adverse circumstances have likely experienced gang and community violence, police harassment and detention, and are racially motivated violence, they may function as an asset and protective factor for boys safety and well-being in which way sons identifies trustworthy source of information on which to rely. And it closes out in the little beginning of this, the abstract. Fathers and father figures of black boys who face high-risk circumstances provide unique insight into the experience of being a male living and surviving in the same or similar context. Findings from the study offer a new perspective on how black father's involvement contributes to the social development of black boys, particularly behavioral adjustments and coping strategies in the face of biased and/or adverse adversarial encounters with peers, community residents and law enforcement personnel. Let's bow this down. It's a huge academic paper. It's a study of studies. It's a meta-study. Kids need their dads. Boys, in particular, need fathers. The Bible told us that without a study. Fathers do not exasperate your children. Instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. It's very common for studies to end up coming back to the Word of God. The big bang theory is the Word of God. God's signing his work in our DNA comes back very much to the Word of God. We counted our heads and our heads were on our head at the beginning. He knew us from the beginning. He knit us together in the womb. It always tends to come back to the Word of God. And so it will be, I think, with the online dating thing. I mean, online dating has been around, but not in this environment. Not in the swipe left, swipe right environment. Not in an environment where neuroscientists help design the dating apps. Do you think the dating apps are actually designed to get you married? Wouldn't that be like pharma being designed to get you healthy, wouldn't it? The Bible doesn't give dating advice. I looked through it because we're going to talk about dating apps. The Bible gives human advice. Don't lie. Don't steal. Don't covet. Treat others kindly. It talks about the biblical definition of love. It discusses the fruits of the Spirit. These are ways you could know of people or in the Spirit. They're ways you can make a decision to love as a choice. One of the things it does not give though is where to go meet a date. Probably because in that day that was unnecessary. People lived in small communities. There were arranged marriages which sometimes work out better than you would think. I wouldn't want one, but sometimes they work out better than you think. In the dating app world, we're to believe that these apps are created to get you married or to put you into a happy relationship. Do you think that's true in the world of the endless scroll? I don't. The Wall Street Journal has done a discussion on how these apps work. This gentleman says it creates a disparity. Dating apps create a terrible dynamic for men where a small number of men get all of the invitations. And that means they can become jerks. They can be rude. They can date multiple women. And then the women feel men are jerks. But you've got most of the men are getting no bites. They're getting no dates. And they feel women are jerks. All they want is X, Y, and Z. So I think the dating apps are one of the reasons driving the sexes apart. Again, this is just for heterosexual dating. Just driving the sexes apart. Making it more difficult to date, to court, to fall in love, to marry, to have children. So I think we're going to look back on this and say the dating apps had all these unintended consequences that are really messing up the romantic lives of Gen Z. So it talks about the small number of men and expanding on that. Sure, there's the classic good looks. Whatever that means, whatever that is, dark, handsome, tall, big chin. I don't know. Whatever that means. But then there's also men who spend a lot of time testing their common lines. Oh, I'm sorry. They're descriptions. They're photos. They're pictures. They test what works. Because their goal is not necessarily to get married. Their goal is to have a date. So they get better and better at it. Because after all, they're getting reps. They're getting clicks. And as they get more clicks, they can refine this down. They're just doing digital marketing. It's just creating a digital marketing funnel. So they turn it into a job. My job is a body count. My device is an app. I'm not saying there are women who do this. I'm sure there are women who do this. But the men who are doing this end up dominating the demand cycle in the apps. And yes, then this happens. If the women meet them and go, "Oh my gosh, the man of my dreams." And then he ghosts me. Turns the app off. I never hear from him again. It blocks me. That's one dynamic. But there's also this dynamic. The lack of organics. Now, if you think again of biblical times, I can't imagine why the book doesn't give dating advice. It gives discernment advice. Who are you looking for? Well, of course, you can go to the Psalm 19 woman. That's a absolutely, well, let's say aspirational goal of what a woman should be. It's aspirational that few can ever reach it, if any, but that's one guide. But you also look at the nature of biblical love. It's not boastful. It's not proud. It's not self-seeking or self-serving. It's not angry or jealous. You look at the fruit of the spirit. It's peaceful. It's tolerant. It's joyful. It's not prideful. It gives people time. It listens. You paraphrasing a bit. But if you take the Bible for these examples then and put yourself back into an organic circumstance, you do not have the tyranny of endless choice, which we'll talk about in a moment, or the emptiness of endless choice. You have something else. You have observation. In the real world, you have an opportunity to see how others treat their communities. You have an opportunity to observe a person around folks who can't do anything for them. Or in times of stress, community stress or otherwise. Across a long period of time, you have an opportunity to watch people grow. Change. And see what doesn't change, what says at their core. See, the dating app doesn't provide any of that. It can't. It's not a design. Its design is money. And look, I'm a capitalist. But I'm a capitalist who believes that capitalism absent faith. Absent God. It's just like anything else absent God. It cannot return good and lasting fruits. So I think of the biblical times. And I know that this is an ideal of being in a village and noticing this woman over here. She's awfully kind to sojourners. I've seen her give of her own hand to people in need. I see her laugh sometimes. I see her reach out to people. She's dignified. She's always dignified. I see her with her elderly mother. I see her helping her, but with a sense of joy, not duty. I see her father. She respects him. He told her not to do a thing and she looked like she disagreed, but then she agreed. She didn't do the thing. And you're watching from afar. And you're observing. You're taking in characteristics that dating apps are not designed to show. Because after all, the job is a click. Not a sense of compassion. Not a sense of interest or curiosity or joy. That has to come organically. It cannot come through an app. Okay, you can meet a person. You can then develop those things, but what did you meet based upon? A click? A description. Yes, you can have phone conversations and texts. By friends who do this, I have two friends my age who use dating apps because they're one, his wife has died, the other's divorced. They have this experience. Phone calls. But after, the entire template was set by an app. Now, this is a different view. It's a different view emotionally and from a term of what this guy seems to think about dating. And he seems to be a participant in it. And he admits to being a little bit addicted to that. We'll get to that in a second. The other thing that happened when we had Tim Cruickshank here, my dear friend, Navy Seal, founder of Bone Frog Coffee, is I talked with him about what health care has become. He's deeply disappointed. In the health care, his dear wife Liz received in the United States before she died. He told me he believes Liz died from complications from the treatment of cancer. Not from cancer itself. I tend to think he's right. There's enormous potential southern or south of the United States for treating problems that you may have been told might kill you. My friends at Renew.Healthcare have helped people with catastrophic neurological injuries. Being paralyzed, hemispherically or otherwise. Sometimes things that are eventually life ending. There's also just the pain. So often in our country, given how we sit and travel and drive and pack ourselves in the little spaces, people end up with all sorts of conditions that are coming not from the arm themselves or the hand themselves or the wrist themselves, but from the lower lumbar area. You might have been told, hey, you're going to have to back surgery. Maybe, in fact, a disc replacement. Can I just ask you to pause? What does it cost you to go to Renew.Healthcare and get a second opinion? They use ethically gathered stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords and they never touch the other type. In my case, I use a strain of their cells that are from people who never ever were exposed to the modified RNA injections. These stem cells are so potent that there they take the very best of those stem cells and they culture them so that into my shoulder, the last time I was down there, they inserted 46 million stem cells into my shoulder, recently 12 million into my ankle. Those cells have massive potential power. They're building cells. They create babies, but these cells have no assigned role. They will build whatever they're told to build by where they're inserted in your body. Whether it's arthritis or neurological issue, lower lumbar pain, hip pain, any of this stuff, it costs you absolutely nothing to get a second opinion from Renew. If they can help you, they'll tell you if they can't, they'll be honest. It's Renew.Healthcare, please do mention that you listen and watch the podcast. It's Renew.Healthcare. This is a different take. Not an academic take, not a reporter's take, it's a participant's take. And in this case, I think about the emptiness of endless choice. I think that there's more single people than there ever has been in history. And I also think it's easier. If you were single in your late thirties or your forties in 1990, you're sitting at home in an apartment alone. And for you to find that, you have to go to a bar. And it was harder, but also made you once a settle. People at that point were not allowed to be as picky. You were just like, this is compatible enough. Now there's no settling. There is no settling for anyone. There's always a better option. Something better, yeah. And it's so hard to get away from that, that I've come to the realization that, do I enjoy being single? Yes. I think you also get very good at it. Even when you go on a date and it's satisfying and you have fun, you still go on the app just to see if maybe there's a chance that there's someone just a little extra more compatible for you. Oh, man. I can go on a date and I can have one of the best dates. You'll still go. But let me look what you can be so you can be, you know what? Wait, if I could find her and she's a brunette. Yeah, or you know what? Maybe I could find exactly what I had tonight, but she does eat sushi. Whatever, you can be so specific with how picky you want to be. And the fact that you can be that picky makes me think that we're going to evolve to a point where we are just building a robot that looks and does what we want it to do. Evolve. That would be devolving. And I just found this. It just occurred to me. So I was listening to that man speak and I went and found the Bible verse. Jeremiah 17 verse 9. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick. Who could understand it? He's speaking there of his heart, isn't he? Or is he speaking of other body parts? For all he likes being dating and sometimes dates are satisfying. I'm not his judge. God is, but I can discern some things. You know what's probably really addictive? Falling in love or into infatuation or curiosity or anticipation. Why would I say probably? I'm thinking about the endorphins released. You know that anticipation of a thing, the dopamine, the serotonin, the others that come to play. I bet that's addictive, particularly if it never reaches fruition. Particularly if you never have to have a fight. You can just have a fantasy. Maybe that fantasy lasts two or three weeks. This woman is perfect for two or three weeks. But then there's some signs of strain. In fact, she wanted to have a serious discussion. I'm not into that. I like being single. I think it's probably addictive. So you need a new person. Are we going to go to bed? Are we going to have sex? If so, what's it going to be like? Afterwards, what it's going to be like? I bet that's addictive. Because the human heart is deceitful above all things. The flesh wants what the flesh wants. The emptiness of endless choice is this. I go back to that scenario in that village. Imagining this man in biblical times has observed this kind woman. She's an attractive woman to him. She's respectful of her parents. She's kind of people around her. She's hardworking. She's diligent. She is dignified. And they have a conversation. In that first two to three week period, it might be the same thing. My gosh, this could be the one. I have this anticipation. I'm falling in love. It's an addictive feeling. And then comes reality. Because reality always comes. Maybe she's respectful to her father because he's not always nice. Maybe she's got some issues. Well, so do you. At that point, you are now entering into something very real. It is this. Can two imperfect people create something that's excellent or serviceable or satisfying or long lasting? Sometimes all of those, sometimes none. And can you stick with that? That's the challenge. That's something that cannot happen in an online dating world. I don't think it's designed to happen. Would it surprise you if the neurologists and brain scientists who help design these apps are helping to design something that makes you want to come back for more? Isn't that what that man just described? A cycle. I'm bored here. I'll go back to here. So what do you end up with? You end up with man-child. After all, I like being single. Now, you can be single and not be a man-child or a girl woman. But when your pursuit is simply the great feeling of will it happen, is it happening? What will it be like? The anticipation, the falling in love without the ever having the risk of being hurt, are actually needing to, in fact, negotiate peace with someone you love. Well, then I think you belong in dating world on April. After all, it appears to me to own you. Lord, thank you for reminding us none of us ever reach our true level. We can't. We can seek perfection and maybe achieve excellence. But what we're really about is trying to become more like you or we should be about. Thank you for struggle, for opportunities to win our faith, or to practice our faith, and for reminders of what the role of fathers is in the roles of the kids, particularly their sons, as we talked about earlier. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [MUSIC] (dramatic music)