The Todd Herman Show

Joe Biden is a black woman and this is all normal Ep-1708

Joe Biden is a proud, proud, proud Black woman. That is what the Figurehead said in an interview responding to questions his campaign wrote. That host has since been fired because she simply admitted that she only asked him the questions the campaign gave her. I actually praise her for standing up and being honest. We'll talk about the pro-Hamas demonstration in New York, but we'll also talk about an admission that Biden accidentally made. Is this a case where his dementia is telling the truth? It's about NATO. It's about Putin and General Milley. How he has degraded himself is incredible. Then we're to take a trip back through the last 20 years of Joe Biden. Has he ever been sharp?

What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 29:12
If a ruler listens to falsehood,    all his officials will be wicked.

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Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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(upbeat rock music) - Save on O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner for just $8, valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ O'Reilly ♪ ♪ Auto Parts ♪ - Okay, we're gonna try this. Try it. I'll just tell you, and I'll just confess, and I'll just confess to you. Sometimes when I look at the show rundowns, I'm like, "Oh, gosh, we need to talk about Joe Biden again." Now, there is some interesting stuff on the show. There is, I think so. But it's like, one of the things we need to get to is the same thing that's happening in Finland with a video game sounds, and these no, don't touch me there, this is my no-go square. Do you know about this? Do you know about this? We need to do that, we need to get to the mob that went through downtown New York and what they were doing, and if you were a Jewish person, if you'd look at your window and go, "Wow, I don't know that I like that," but it's all connected right back up to the figurehead, and the people who run the figurehead, and the fact that he's a black woman. He's a black woman. Now, you can be a black woman and be a white dude, as you know, because truth is inconsequential these days. So we'll get through all of this with the help of God, Almighty, and I do need God's help today. 'Cause honestly, if I never had to say the words, Joe Biden again, I'd walk around smiling like a big dummy lunatic. We do have to say the words, Joe Biden. So we will, Joe Biden, Jack, ha, push up contest, fat. I wish he'd say that again. We'll do this with the help of bulwark capital management,, and with the great graciousness of God Almighty. Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God's decided we should live. New York Times. Look at this image if you're in the video service. This is an actual headline in New York Times. It didn't cause any big headaches, except for one person got fired. Biden aides provided questions in advance for his radio show interviews, the host of The Source on W.U.R.D. in Philadelphia, said the president's aides provided her with a list of eight questions to choose from. And she decided to do it. Now, she's been fired, which is amazing. And I'll tell you why. There's a constant negotiation between media and people who run the figurehead and other big names. These are the range of topics. These are some questions that must be asked that constantly happens. It's also as old as day you get these setups. I'll tell you a story I haven't told in a little while 'cause it was very, very funny. There was a time in local radio when I was in Salt Lake City. And I came into the studio and my producer, Clyde Lewis, that Clyde Lewis, the guy with the very successful national radio show. And you know what? I shouldn't say this, but it's obvious. Clyde's in poor health. I really feel like I should reach out to him. It's just been years. Would you please pray for Clyde? He is an unbelievably talented human being. He's also a very kind man. He just looks awful and I worry about him. So that's that aside. So I came in and there's Clyde in the studio and there is a man standing in the studio. I believe his name was Merrill Cook. I think that was his name. So I say to Clyde, and it was all like clockwork orange. "Hey Clyde, who's a strange fella going "once you want you to eat six of toasty toast?" Well, that's all border. Clyde says that's Merrill Cook. He's running for Congress and you're interviewing him. No, I'm not. Oh, he said you were interviewing him. Oh, I'm not interviewing him. Well, there's this list of questions. It was like 25 questions. I look at those lists, they go, "Who gave you this?" He goes, "He did." "You think I'm gonna do this?" Oh, I thought you set this up. No. So I collected myself, I walked into the studio, I said, "Hi, Merrill, I'm Todd Herman. "Nice to meet you." He said, "Oh, yeah, hey, you're interviewing me "this morning?" Yeah, no, that's the thing is I'm not. Oh, yeah, you are. Oh, well, no, I'm not. He said, "I bought time on your radio show, "and I think he said, I spent 1500 bucks in this. "You're interviewing me. "I set this up with Al, the sales manager." I said, "No, that doesn't work that way. "I don't do this." "Oh, well, I'm calling Al, please do." I go, "I don't blame you. "You bought the time. "I'm just not gonna do it." So he called the sales manager, and the sales manager got on the phone with me, he goes, " Todd, you're gonna do this. "I sold this time, it's very, very big money." I said, "Al, I'm not going to do this. "I will not be told who I interview. "I will not be given a list of questions. "I will not do this. "You're doing this." No, I'm not. So he freaks. He says, "I'm calling Rick." So Rick was my program director and friend at the time. We were very, very good friends. We did everything together. Oh yeah, please do call Rick. So he calls Rick, Rick calls the studio. I get on the phone, Rick goes, "Do you wanna do this interview?" I said, "No." He goes, "Okay, don't." Okay, I'm not gonna. All right. "Do you want me to come down?" I said, "Yeah, you should probably come down." So Al somehow drove to the studio and he lived up by with Sundance Film Festival. And he somehow made it to the studio in about 15 minutes, which means he probably drove about 100 miles an hour. And he came in actually in pajama pants, walked in, took me in the studio and said, "You're gonna do this." I said, "No, Al, I'm not." And he actually jumped up and down. A grown man jumped up and down and vented his fist on it. I said, "Al, I'm not doing it. "You can jump up and down. "You can hit whatever you want. "I'm not doing it." He pointed at me and said, "I'm gonna make you do it." I said, "No, you're not." So Meryl came into the studio, the show's beginning to roll, right? It's Clyde's doing the news, the music's gonna come. I said, "Okay, hey, Al, come over here, please." He goes, "What?" I said, "Come over here, Al. "Since you guys are gonna insist to be here, "let me show you how this works. "This is your mic, this is Meryl's mic. "When you're ready to talk, Al, you turn on this mic "and you say I'm Al, I'm filling in for Todd "and here's Meryl 'cause I'm not doing it." And I stood back and my music, my bump music had a loop and it could grow for minutes, probably five minutes, loop, loop, loop. So this is running, the music's running and Clyde is panic looking for the glass. And Clyde finally, he says, "Tods here, "we're just waiting, Todd, see's doing this." And I said, "Al, I'm not doing it." Again, he jumped up and down in his pajama pants. And ran out of the studio, took Meryl with him. So I come on and I think my open at the time was, welcome to the Todd Herman Show, the show you love to love and hate to love, something like that, I remember I said. And I opened the mic and I said, "So this craziest thing just happened." And I told the exact story. I actually said, here's the list of questions that Meryl wanted me to ask him. And I didn't and I won't. Later that day, a guy who had a different set of morals than me, decided to do the interview with the same exact questions that Meryl wanted me to ask. He did this even though the audience knew this had happened. That's a little bit of inside information. This has been going on for a long time. But the figurehead couldn't even handle an interview where they set up the questions for him. Show what I mean in just a second, okay? Let's be clear. That's what the White House likes to say. Let's be clear. I got the receipts here on Clarity. As Nana will show people in the video service, this is a note from my friend Ben. This is the actual note he sent me after he put the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 into his truck. And I was wrong, I was wrong. I thought he plugged it into the truck's battery he didn't. He plugged the cord into the wall, the USB connection and ran the Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm in his truck overnight. If you think your home smells bad, imagine a truck that's been locked in 101 degree weather with bare sausage left inside rotting. That's how bad Ben's truck smelled. So he couldn't get it out. He put in the fake new car smell. That didn't get it out. Of course it can't. This after Ben had gone up and killed a bear. And that's the text. For the first time since I killed that bear, my truck smells amazing. I left that thunderstorm running in my truck last night. I still had quite a bit of lingering bear death. It even got rid of the fake new car smell I sprayed in there. I wrote back, thank you so glad to hear that. See, if I'm gonna share this with friends, and in the case of Ben, a guy who actually works on my arms, my body, like he could break me, I'm willing to do that, of course I'm gonna tell you the truth. This thing is insanely powerful. I was at Ben's house last night getting treated. He has a clinic in his home as well. And he had the device in his gym, which is where he did his treatment. He said, you know what's weird is you turn that thing on and you begin to smell ozone like in minutes. There are seconds. It's true. And it just negates the bad smell. I'll give you a $200 savings. Whole home coverage on this. Pet smells, cigarette smells, please stop smoking. Bad smells and dorms, et cetera. $200 off. Just go to use code TOD3. That's Edenpeardeals code TOD3. This is a funny clip. I didn't get it, he misspeaks, I misspeak, but there's a pattern with the figurehead. What's amazing here is this man is responding to questions his team gave WRD radio. And here's figurehead Biden announcing that he's a black woman. Well, I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, the first black woman, served with a black president, rather than the first black woman in the Supreme Court, there's just so much. Well, I mean, it can do because together we, there's nothing, look, this is the United States American. Right that. So, I mean, in his defense, he was a black woman when he served under Barack Obama. He's not a black woman anymore because he's re-identified. He's a d-transitioner, racially and sexually, right? So the figurehead can't even handle a set-up interview. He's a black woman, but watch what happens when he is in a crowd shaking hands with people who somehow are crying to meet him. Now, personally, I cannot relate to being in tears to meet a politician, I cannot. And, oh, God forgive me for admitting this. There have been times, I'm not going to admit this, there have been times when people have wept upon meeting me. And it, if that doesn't cause you to pause emotionally and think, how is it through the grace of God that someone cares enough about what I say that they weep upon meeting me? If that doesn't cause you to pause and weep in return, I would suggest that maybe you don't have a functioning soul because there's been, I mean, probably 20 times. Sometimes it's grown men. And thank God it's often these days where grown men will come and say, listening to your program brought me back to church. I'm now leading my family as a Christian man. And in that case, it's God working. So, figurehead Biden doesn't respond this way because figurehead Biden, well, I mean, I don't believe he has a functioning soul. I don't think you can have this sort of evil that's done through him and still have a functioning soul. I don't think you can do that. I think he's a spiritual captive. He's also clearly mentally demented, dimension. But watch as, if you're in the video service, I'll try my best to describe it to people on audio. He's shaking hands with people after giving a speech. There's a woman in just breaking down in tears. And there is a absolutely lovely young black lady or perhaps girl I can't tell. And she is waiting to meet the figurehead. She's got her phone for the selfie. She puts on her very best Mr. President smile. And then watch what happens. (upbeat music) There is selfie with the white lady. (upbeat music) Selfie with the white dude. Here's the black lady and what? (screams) That's sad. Am I wrong? Niana? That's sad. That young woman is hurt. Am I wrong? She, no. The look on that, Biden bypassed her completely. There is a little hint of a smile. Are you going to recognize me? I'm right next to you. I'm closer to you than the white Hispanic lady who's crying hungry. And now the white Hispanic lady basically shoves the young black woman. And here is the young black woman tapping the figurehead shoulder. I'm here. Are you going to acknowledge me? (soft music) That young woman is crushed. I wanna see that again. That young woman is utterly crushed. Now let me just, let's just set this setting. If that was Donald John Trump, just imagine the MSNBC response. Just imagine CNN. Shock waves through the Washington DC corridors as presidential candidate and 36-time felon, Donald Trump refused to acknowledge a black woman who had come to shake hands with him at a rally. Watch the video, it would be on loop. Now is this his dementia? Remember this. Man, it's storybook. This Obama, it's storybook. African-American is clean and articulate. Yeah, that's weird. A clean, articulate black man. So weird. Let's watch this again. ♪ That damn woman ♪ ♪ Whoa, that's hell ♪ White lady, white dude gets the selfie. And I wanna just stop that. She had this most beautiful smile. The young black woman, beautiful smile, it's my turn. Figurehead's gonna come to me. Figurehead does not see her. It was straight to the white ladies that look on her face. She is crushed. That's a young woman emotionally crushed. Shame on this end, but by the way, he is sniffing the small white lady. That's a sniff. Then he goes to the white Hispanic. She's crying and watch this. He goes to the white Hispanic. Now, the young black woman is looking away like I don't think he's gonna acknowledge me again. And she's crushed, but look at the white Hispanic. And I hate all this racial talk, but this is the way it's done. She is breaking down in tears because the figurehead is going to acknowledge her. He did! He's got a hugger! Look! And she moves the young black woman out of the way. So that the two whites, the white Hispanic and the white guy can hug. And you know Biden's sniffing her. And there! The young black woman with her hands right on the figurehead's arm. I'm here. Are you going to acknowledge me? I'm right here next to you, Joe. Man, I cannot relate. (gentle music) Can anyone relate to this? I cannot relate. See, I run the risk here of sounding like I think I'm some kind of compassionate or special person. Last time we did a speech in Seattle, I had to apologize to the members of the church staff in security saying, look, I will pay you over time. I cannot leave other people here. I cannot leave while there are people here. These people paid money to come here and it is against, I can't leave. Now I'm not trying to make myself a special person. I need redemption in about 10,000 ways a day. But that, I cannot relate to that. I would know what, if that had been Donald John Trump, that young woman would be on TV. That young woman would be on TV for her reaction. Maybe we should try to track her down. I don't know if we have the resources for that. We'll get more into the figureheads. And now I'm saying, man, maybe we're gonna do it. Maybe I actually did want to talk about the figurehead. Maybe it's a latent need to talk about the figure. I'm just, I'm in denial. Sometimes you put yourself into denial circles. This is a nuanced clip. The left loves that and Rush used to make fun of the fact that left used to talk about nuance, nuance, gravitas. God rest you, Mahan. This is Biden admitting that he was caused to do exactly the thing that he, before he was completely demented, said would cause Putin to become militarily belligerent. - Elections are about the future, not the past. They're about tomorrow, not yesterday. And the question on so many people's minds right now is, can you serve effectively for the next four years? - George, I'm the guy that put NATO together in the future. - Whoa, hold on a second. NATO was founded in, hold on, I'm just looking this up. I did not know that. 19. Whoa, wait a minute now. He said that he's the guy who put NATO together. NATO was founded in 1949. - No one thought I could explain it. I'm the guy that should put down. - Shut him down. Sorry, but Russia now provides more liquid natural gas to Europe than we do, and this is shutting him down. - I don't think it happened. I'm the guy that put together a South Pacific initiative with caucus. I'm the guy that got 50 nations. Not only in Europe, outside of Europe as well to help you create. I'm the guy. - Okay, pause and just pause and just stop, I can't. He is in this clip, tacitly admitting, I'm the guy I did exactly what I said with cause Putin to become a militarily belligerent. And as you know, my son Bo was Putin. I'm not trying to make fun of dementia. Dementia's not funny, I'm making fun of the fact that this was a rescue interview. And it didn't work. Oh, by the way, the poll numbers, since this interview, Trump has gained between five and seven points in the key states after this interview. And Nancy Pelosi had suggested the other day that Biden would be out in a couple of days. We'll see, which I mean, she would probably kill him. I mean, Nancy Pelosi would, but I don't know that they're willing to do that at this point yet. And I'm not wishing that on them, I'm not. So Figured Biden continues to have people though come to his defense like General Milley. And here's the problem. When there's no honor among thieves, which thief do you believe? Am I calling Milley a thief? Yeah, General White Rage, yes I am. He stole our national security when he called his Chinese counterpart and said, if President Trump decides he needs to launch an attack, I'll give you a heads up so you can more effectively kill Americans. This is White Rage talking about white person Biden who ignores beautiful young black women at rallies. - President Joe Biden has been portrayed by his political opponents and even some of his allies is too old to be president. - No, he hasn't. Nope. There's not one person who is making the case that it's his age, not a single person. It is his state of mind. That is a carefully phrased question or set up to a question. - I'm not asking for your political opinion here, but how does he seem to you? - Look, I'm not gonna comment. I didn't comment on the former president's mental health, physical health. You are a rampant liar. You commented on his state of mind. You blocked the National Guard from responding to January 6th. You were up to your elbows in that. You were working with the Chinese Communist Party to in fact negate the orders of the Commander-in-Chief, General. - And I'm not gonna comment on the current president's mental health or physical health. I think that's highly inappropriate for this. - And I know that I didn't serve, God forgive me for even pointing this out, but a chest of medals like that on a guy who's never won a war, I cannot relate. - Senior officer of the United States military to do that. I would just tell you that I meet frequently with the president and every single time I meet him, he is just fine. How people interpret that? - Just fine. - To them, but I engage with him frequently in alert sound. Does his homework, reads the papers, reads all the read-ahead material, and is very, very engaging in issues of very serious matters. - George Stephanopoulos to the figure. Did you watch the debate? - I don't know. I don't know. - There's no honor among thieves. So who do you believe? Do you believe White Rage? Why do I call him General White Rage? Do you remember that? This is a guy who said, look, I don't know what White Rage is, but I want to read about it and I'm White. I think it's important that we understand it. If you don't know what it is, how do you know it's important to understand it? Because the Mockingbird media is using the phrase, that's why, and you take marching orders, that's why. No honor among thieves. There is honor among people who pay a cost. For speaking truth, you remember this from back in the day, Stephen Friends, Capitol Hill Police Chief, or Stephen Sund, former Capitol Police Chief. He went on Tucker Carlson's program and said that General Miley and Acting Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller were involved in a cover-up on January 6th. Do you remember that? That was quite the moment on Tucker. I'll have to get to video of that. Because in that moment, we heard disclosed from a guy who paid a huge cost for speaking out because it can block him from ever working in government again. It was an important moment. White Rage has sacrificed any and all of his believability. To me, there's no honor among thieves. When you look back at the figurehead's problems, cognitively, this is not a new thing. I want to go through three or four videos that really make the case, that people have known this for a very, very long time, and then we'll get to the cultural segment today, because having people like Biden running things is creating absolute social chaos, and it should, because that's the design. Sometimes the design is the problem. Remember that? Sometimes it's a feature, not a bug. In the case of native path krill, they are countering ibuprofen with their omega-3 oils. It comes from a crustacean, not a fish. They're wildly more absorbable than our fish-based omega-3s, which means they're wildly more effective. This crustacean, the krill that they farm is, they don't farm, probably it's wild-caught crustaceans. This krill comes from the waters of the Antarctic. They are the purest of the ocean waters, because they're not exposed to the heavy metals and toxins. And when you take these, you are fighting inflammation in the body, but also protecting your heart, your lungs, and in fact, helping your immune system with a device that is 60% more absorbable than vitamin C. Got that? It's this, the feature, not the bug. Ibuprofen masks the symptoms of inflammation while causing inflammation. See, that seems to me to be a feature, not a bug. Man, I feel better when I eat ibuprofen. Ergo, I should eat more ibuprofen and more ibuprofen, which can destroy your liver, your kidneys, et cetera. Stop. Please go to, that's nativepathkrill with a K,, and toss the ibuprofen and with it the inflammation. Go see what specials they have for you today at Now look at that, as quick as she could, Niana, during that whole time, went and researched this, found it online, ripped the video, edited it, and put it right into my tiny little device here that I think is gonna work. This is former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund on with Tucker Carlson. The military, the United States military, and this gets really convoluted. Once you get into the response on January 6th and how I was delayed getting resources, you have the United States military, Secretary of Defense, or Acting Secretary of Defense Miller, and Acting General Milley had both discussed locking down the city of Washington DC because they were so worried about violence at the Capitol on January 6th on Sunday and Monday. They had been discussing locking down the city, revoking permits on Capitol Hill because of the concern for violence. You know who issues the permits on Capitol Hills for demonstrations? I do. You know, who wasn't told? Me. Instead, on January 4th, what does Miller do? He puts out a memo restricting the National Guard from carrying the various weapons, any weapons, any civil disobedience equipment that would be utilized for the very demonstrations or violence that he sees coming. It just doesn't make any sense. Wait, wait, so the military says we're so concerned about potential imminent violence that we were considering shutting down the city, but at the very same time they decide that the National Guard can't adopt an aggressive posture to protect the system. Right, because they're going to be deploying National Guard to assist in Washington DC with crowd control, that Metro's and some of the traffic control areas, but they put this out on January 4th, specific to January 5th and 6th, and this direction affected the National Guard in Virginia and Maryland. When I was calling begging for assistance on January 6th, they weren't allowed to respond at first. You look at Governor Hogan. He did a press conference saying he was begging to respond and he was not being denied by the Pentagon, all because of the memo. So, why? You know, you begin to wonder why, and especially when you look at things like something that I recently came across, when you talk about the military, General Milley, you know, we're now finding out, and it's not for me, this is from Carol Lening, you know, investigative reporter with The Washington Post, has found that he was using DataMiner on his own, coming across intelligence-- Tell us what DataMiner is. So DataMiner is an intelligence platform. It's not something your average citizen would have on their computer. I guess it goes in and does crawling across webs. I'm not really sure how it works, but it's an intelligence platform. He's picking up intelligence talking about killing members of Congress and attacking the United States Capitol, and he's not telling me. He's telling select members of Congress. I mean, Carol-- There's no honor among thieves and this cost sons, because now he's on the outside while Milley remains on the inside. Figurehead Biden is the perfect man at the perfect time for this, because Figurehead Biden will forget what's told one day to him and the next. Plus, he's craving and owned. There's a lot of reasons why they're not willing to get rid of the figurehead, although there's pushes to do that, because there's a conflict. Some of the Democrats think, well, we can't move them, because who would replace them? It can't be Cammy, Cammy can't win elections. Cammy Harris is absolutely disliked, even by black members of her staff, because, of course, she pretends to be a black woman, which she never had been until the last four years. There are members who understand, but wait, we own the figurehead. Wait, wait, wait, we bought this guy. You're not moving him out. We purchased him and his family for good, stinking money. So honor among thieves. Thank you, Diana, for getting that clips up so ready and so quickly. These cognitive issues with the figurehead have been going on for years. There's a great article on this, and it comes from Great website, absolute must read Fantastic people, Professor and his team. They did a flashback, just looking at some of the issues Biden has had for decades, many, many decades. So he says, "We owe these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by that. Go, you know the thing." (laughing) I do, the thing is not a thing. It's God Almighty. Corey Booker, who used to masquerade. Did you know this that he, there was a time when he was the moderate. I met him once. He was coming onto Michael Medved's show, and he was being presented as the great moderates, and he was this bipartisan dude, and I shook his hand, and he was very nice, and seemed to be very genuine. Michael interviewed him, and I heard driving away. Yeah, okay, so he's gonna strike to be the middle of the path guy. Of course, he's had to toss that. He's now Spartacus of the left. Listen to Booker talking about Biden back in the day. There are definitely moments where you listen to Joe Biden and you just wonder. I think that we are at a tough point right now, because there's a lot of people who are concerned about Joe Biden's ability to carry the ball all the way across the end line without fumbling. And I think that Castro has some really legitimate concerns about can he be someone in a long grueling campaign that can get the ball over the line, and he has every right to call that out. - Julian Castro, do you remember this guy? He was, I don't even know that he was a mayor or like a city planner or something from a small town in Texas, and he was Hispanic and I think gay. Therefore, he could be the great, great, great new hope. When a leader listens to fools, all his officials will be corrupt. All Biden's officials are corrupt. All the parties corrupt. This was a moment in the debate with Julian Castro. - They do not have to buy in. - You just said that. You just said that two minutes ago. You just said two minutes ago that they would have to buy in. You said they would have to buy in. - They would have to buy in. - They would have to buy in. - They would have to buy in. - They would have to buy in. - They would have to buy in. - If you qualify in. - Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago? - They would have to buy in. - They would have to buy in. - They would have to buy in. - They would have to buy in. - They would have to buy in. - They would have to buy in. - Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago? - Are you forgetting already what you said just two minutes ago? I mean, I can't believe that you said two minutes ago that they had to buy in. And now you're saying they don't have to buy. You're forgetting that. - You said anyone. - And did you hear the crowd? Oh, you brought up his mental health, you. They've known, but there's no honor among thieves. - Of course, President Trump's team is out with a new ad about this. Did something happen to Joe Biden? - He went, he went, he became president. I didn't go and I'm still vice president. (audience laughing) - Price and in addition to that, in addition to that, we have to make sure that we are in a position that we are. - Think about it. - Past. - Everybody is known from day one. How smart, how bright Hillary is. Everybody knows how tough she is. - Price is rapidly rising in with, I don't know. - Don't know. - Don't be successful. - Past. - I sincerely hope some of you become millionaires and billionaires. I mean that, but engage. - Price. - There's a during World War II, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing that, you know, was totally different than the, as he called it, you know. - What happened to Joe Biden? - Well, age. I think, honestly, I think being spiritually unwell and allow yourself to be spiritually owned by the, by Satan's gonna mess with you, right? Basically, I think so. Could it be the injections that could have accelerated it? We've shared with you facts on this program that those injections appear to accelerate dementia and Alzheimer's type symptoms and neurological disorders. And the man's old. Sometimes age is not kind to people. What happened to him? What happened to the media? In the thieves, the honor among thieves doesn't exist. This has had a crashing down effect upon society. The things you look for prior to a nation falling apart are racial fishers, group against group, distrust in the institutions, and increasing shrillness of institutions in an attempt to shut down people communicating their lack of trust in institutions. Fiscal falling apart. And ultimately, the destruction of family groups. That's the last stage in a cultural revolution, which is what this country's being put through. From this country on to Finland, some of the signs of what it is to be ruled by people like this, when a leader listens to fools, all his officials will be corrupt and corrupt they are. You will not believe this video and/or audio from Finland, and I'll describe that in a second. So corrupt has our healthcare system become that when I go in to see a doctor, I no longer have a general MD. Now, I had loved for years absolutely adored my general physician, my MD, Maria in Seattle. She had been my doctor for, well, long before our daughter was born, probably 10 years. And originally just found her because she took Microsoft's insurance and her office was near mine, and it went into this office and it was in a neighborhood where we used to live. Wasn't the nicest neighborhood, but it was where we lived. And it went in and saw, okay, well, there's a lot of people here who are taking government assistance, and I guess I'm concerned about the level of quality of care. But when it went in and talked to Maria, she was interested, she was curious, she spent a bunch of time getting to know me, she had general health questions, questions about my father and my mother, all of which made sense, she was trying to get to know me as a patient. And when I told her, no, I'm not gonna get on that scale, I will tell you why, is because that data is going into the Obamacare database. I'll tell you what I weigh, Maria. I'll tell you because I weigh myself. But I'm not getting on that scale because I will not give them that piece of data. She didn't know that, and once she learned that, she said, yeah, okay, I don't want you on this scale. Her clinic got bought. The care was destroyed. First time I went in after they got bought before they were in their new building, she said, I gotta tell you something. I don't know if I can do this anymore. I'm only allowed to spend 15 minutes with you. Wow. And I'm supposed to ask you these questions from this database, and she had with her an iPad. She goes, you're not gonna answer these, are you? I said, no. She said, I'm not gonna ask him. That's how corrupt it's become. Many, many doctors have fled the system, some of them to Mexico. The doctor who did my injection of stem cells into my ankle, which is doing fantastic, by the way, I did a whole bunch. This past weekend, which would have destroyed my ankle, primed to going down and getting the stem cell injections from placentas and umbilical cords. In my case, I used a line that's never been exposed to the mRNA injections. The doctor who did that to me is a Harvard-certified surgeon. There are a lot of doctors going south of the border, some of them getting right next to the border. I met with two world-famous doctors who've located their clinics in Texas and Arizona so they can more easily fly their patients to renew healthcare. Why? Because these stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords fight inflammation, they can help with carpal tunnel, turn it around. They can help with people who've been told they have to have surgery to return to proper movement, even doing things they love, like professional golf. I don't think there's been a time when I've been at Renew where there's not a professional golfer there. There's players from other sports who are not allowed to say they're there because they're supposed to use only the team physicians, but they are there, I've met them, I've looked them in the eye, and there's this. Renew will tell you, heads up, tails up, if they can help you. When I first got in touch with them because my friend Boris got such fantastic treatment from them, I was begging them to take me in and not have surgery. They did a review of my MRI and it looked like it was gonna be good. They said, "You're a good candidate for this." Then it went to the senior doc. The senior doc came back and said, "Hey, you know what? "I can't do this." There's not enough tissue, they admitted it, but come down after surgery. This time when they looked at my ankle, they said, "Absolutely, we can help." They will tell you. Go to and tell them that you would listen to and/or watch the podcast. It's They will tell you yes or no if they can help. This all has effects on our country clearly. It's mostly manifesting right now in the cities where the cultural revolution is pushed furthest along. This is New York City. As I watch this, I'm thinking of Jewish friends. I have who live there. I don't know exactly where this is. I think I can see kind of where it is in New York. This is a group of pro-Hamas demonstrators marching with torches through the streets of New York expressly in favor of Hamas. Many of them holding a position that Israel should be eliminated which would require eliminating Jewish people as well. (lively music) And when you're marching through side streets like this in New York being that loud, if you've not been to New York, it is cacophonous because of the way this just surrounded by buildings and brick. And if you are the parents of Jewish kids, and this is what's going outside of your home, exactly what would be your response. Might be fear, might be anger. It might be questioning, how is this happening in the United States? Well, what is a country? No, legitimately, what is it? Landmass? No, that's a landmass. What is a country? Michael Savage says border language culture. Okay, fair enough. What's a border in a language and a culture without people? It's a memory. A country is the people who live within it. The culture revolution attacks the minds of people to create division, to create ideological demoralization. When you import people who already have the attitude that the United States is evil or simply a source of money for you, well, you're importing behaviors. You're importing culture. You are changing the country by changing the people. New York, in that instance, you see some of the folks who've imported and you see their attitudes. Europe got pushed far ahead of us in this because it was easier to have people walk across the borders. It's harder here because of our landmass and where it's located. So Europe is far ahead of us in seeing massive increases in rapes being performed by, quote, immigrants. It happened in England with the massive series of rapes of young girls covered up by the social services and the police because they were afraid of being called racist. Hence Tommy Robinson rising to fame 'cause that happened to his sister. In Finland, this has gotten so bad that they actually produced the following cheesy video to convince so-called migrants, illegal immigrants, usually, to not rape women. It is shot in the most comical way and it's the most, it's the saddest ad. These people are doing a little dance to cheesy video game music and it's a little hard to hear what they're saying so I'll try to translate it for you. This is literally running in Finland on TV. (upbeat music) Stop, don't touch me there, this is my no-no square. Stop, don't touch me there, this is my no-no square. Stop, don't touch me there, this is my no-no square. So it's three women dancing in front and two dudes behind. I don't know that illegal immigrants are raping dudes but you gotta be able to have that equally spread out. This is on TikTok. (upbeat music) If you have to produce an ad campaign to tell migrants, stop, don't touch me there, this is my no-no square. Maybe your officials are corrupt because maybe your leaders listen to fools against which the Bible warns us. But at least we've got the first black woman as a president, figure out Biden. Lord, thank you for the warning. Thank you for reminding us that those of us who know are to be the watch people on the towers to tell people there's a sword coming. We don't wish it upon you, but it's coming. There is time to repent. Redemption is a free gift in the blood of Jesus Christ. I would suggest that you take advantage of it, accept it, live it. This is the Todd Herman Show, please. Don't be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)