The Todd Herman Show

How To Own Mockingbird Media Members- Lesson One - Jeffrey Epstein Ep-1707

The intent of the program is to use the caring and fairness lenses to help people who are not yet completely conned by the Mockingbird Media stay un-conned. How do we do that? Why do we do it? That construct, caring and fairness, are the two things about which liberals and moderates care. That's it. We Conservatives focus on all things national security, the economy, international relations, tax policy, authoritarianism, and the border. They only care about things if it's communicated through caring and fairness. So we can ask them caring and fairness type questions. For instance, do the Mockingbird Media members care that Joe Biden is perhaps being put through elder abuse? And is it fair for us that they have actively hidden this from us? How is that caring or fair? We can also ask questions about the way Christians are portrayed. Is it fair or caring? 

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09 Jul 2024
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There are some examples of people beginning to kind of own the mockingbird media in some ways, or opportunities to do that, I should be clear. We in our realm, we don't get to go question these reporters, but we can begin to ask some questions of our friends through the caring and fairness lens. Remember caring and fairness? Those are the two things about which moderates and people who can be persuaded look at in politics, moderates and or liberal people. They're the persuadables, not the hardcore progressives, they're God, most of them are spiritually captured. We conservatives care about, we care about our border, we care about national security, we care about law and order, we care about authoritarianism, we care about the economy, we care about all the things. Only caring and fairness matters to these people. So how about using a caring and fairness lens in order to help them begin to ask the correct questions of the mockingbird media? In other words, how can we own the mockingbird media members to get our country back and, more importantly, to save souls? Do this with the help of and through the good grace of God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. There's an old trick that I learned back in the sales day. On sales days, back in the, see who was that Brian Tracy? Brian Tracy was the sales trainer who put out great sales training audio tapes. And when you were trying to be in the sales game, you'd listen to Brian Tracy as you drove around and he'd teach you things like the porcupine clothes. What's a porcupine clothes? Porcupine clothes is where you toss it back at the customer. So you're walking through the car lot with somebody or in my case, the hot tub lot when I was in retail sales, only I did retail sales in hot tubs, everything else was business to business. But sitting there retail sales, walking along at the home show. Use this at the home show. Guy's looking at a really high end spa and he says to me, does that come in brown? Now, see the amateur response to that is let me check. The Brian Tracy tape listener too, 'cause I listen to them by Brian Tracy on the way to the home show. I use the porcupine clothes. Do you want it in brown? And then the trick is you just wait. Never speak past the clothes. Do you want it in brown? (humming) Yes, of course we have it in brown. Then you go check to see if you have it in brown. He also described the clumbo clothes. I've used this, it actually worked. I use it in business to business sales. I was selling what I was taught to call pressure sensitive labels. Don't choose dare stinking. Call them stickers or I will take you up back and I will whoop you purple and blue. They're pressure sensitive labels. So selling pressure sensitive labels out in business to business, I sat down with a buyer, really nice lady named Peggy. She was very professional. And she said, hey, I need to let you know. We're not gonna be able to do business in this round. I appreciate your approach to this and but we'll invite you back for another bid. May I ask if it was price? No, it wasn't so much price, but we've made the decision and so the decision stands. And you know, again, we'll invite you to bid again. Okay, I appreciate that Peggy. And I'm grabbing my stuff up and making some small talk. You know, hey, I'm gathering this up. Got plans for the weekend. Yeah, I'm doing this with my kids and you're too young for kids. I hope to have kids one day and I like for kids and my mom's a teacher, dad's a social worker and you know how many kids you have and so's I'm gathering up my stuff or kind of bonding on this. And oh my gosh, these are your kids over here and she knows what I'm doing. I'm creating a relationship trying to and we'll walk out the door. And I just before her 'cause I hate just one thing, Peggy. You said it wasn't price, but I'm so new at this. I'm a little lost. I mean, can you just, actually what was it? She looks around, she goes, okay. It's really much more an issue of ownership. I guess there's been some bad blood between Bill and my boss. Oh. Okay. Man, I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you so much for telling me that. I feel better 'cause I really felt like I sharpened the pencil on this. That was the thing you'd say back in the day when you'd done your best in pricing. I really sharpened the pencil. So of course I go back to the office and I knocked on the door of the owner and I said, hey, here should happen. Oh, I know exactly what this is. I'll take care of it. You put in a call, I got a call, we closed the deal. It was a stupid thing about a kid's birthday party. Someone didn't get an invitation, someone was hurt and Bill was actually gracious enough to come back and let me in on that. So I asked a question in a way that invited Peggy to reveal to me some information. I was seeking information and I was doing it in a way that conveyed a little bit of humility. We can do the same thing when we're talking now about the Mockingbird media. And I don't know about you, but I find it deeply frustrating. And in fact, to be, well, blunt, a little bit horrifying, how many of my friends just give in to the Mockingbird media? They think they know things because they hear things on the Mockingbird media. I was just talking with a brother the other morning and he brought up the explosion in gun violence and particularly mass shootings. And he was just saying, well, part of fact, these really, these things have skyrocketed. And I listened to this and I didn't respond 'cause it was in a church setting and I didn't wanna respond in a church setting to politics and we were getting ready for the discipleship group and it's far more important for me to be there united in the body of Christ. Super great guy. And he, at one point, sort of a break of the conversation showed me this meme. I said, right, they changed the definition to what a mass shooting means. It doesn't need to mean a, it doesn't need to mean anymore that there are any deaths. And they've dropped it down to the number three and sometimes it's just attempted shootings or shootings in the same area. And oftentimes it's things like gang shootings, sometimes even accidental. Oh, right. He had taken a meme and grown to have an understanding. He's a conservative guy. I'm gonna have this understanding, which was of course all wrong. So in that case, I just issued the information but that's not going to work for people who are committed to a moderate or liberal point of view, caring and fairness. So we'll start with Jeffrey Epstein here in a second. We'll start with that. Because there's ways to do this 'cause there is a new financial or there's a new document dump around Jeffrey Epstein who in all likelihood was the most prolific pedophile on earth, probably a sex trafficker, well, not probably, was a sex trafficker, but also was a eugenicist looking to recede the world using his sperm and the eggs of beautiful young women. That was a legitimate plan, this psychopath hat. And there's also two ways to twist science for bad results. So he was one example of that. There's other ways to use science for your advantage. When the people who make the native path products, you know, I use now a host of their products, they use their native path hydration, which is a very, very good hydration product, zero sugar, et cetera, a whole bunch of electrolytes and BCAAs. I use that now at the gym and outside the gym and it was going to be absolutely core to my seal fit pursuit. I'll be drinking a ton of it this weekend as a matter of fact. They use science and scientific study to their advantage to create a better omega-3. If you use omega-3s, you're probably using fish oil and that fish oil probably comes from farm's fish and those farm fish are probably raised in waters that aren't as clean as they could be. And then there's just the very nature of fish versus crustacean-based omega-3s. Crill come from the Antarctic. These are wild farm Antarctic Crill. The omega-3s, the oils from these crustaceans are far more absorbable than the fish oil, meaning they get to work better. Meaning in terms of potency per dollar, you're saving money because the product's that much more potent, meaning you feel better, quicker. And it's not just fighting inflammation, although this has been extraordinary for me, that blew me away, that I had been an idiot taking ibuprofen four pills a night, sometimes four in the morning as well, for all those years putting my liver at risk, my kidneys, my heart, my brain, my immune system, my gut. When I learned that ibuprofen causes inflammation, I felt like the world's biggest walking around idiot sucker. Giving in to the close will make you feel better. So if you're taking omega-3s now and it's not helping into inflammation, do this. You're at a, get the native pathcryl product. Compare the results to that. If you're not taking omega-3s, you need to start because most people are absolutely deficient on this, and look at me, I eat fish almost exclusively for my whole food protein and I was short on it. There's a new document dumped that Florida prosecutors have gotten in relation to Jeffrey Epstein. Prosecutors were told that he raped girls as young as 14, but they decided to go ahead and cut 'em a deal anyway. This is from the New York Post. Florida prosecutors heard testimony that disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein raped teenage girls, but cut a deal with him in 2008 anyway, according to newly released crimes transcripts. The 150-page transcript of the 2006 jury investigation reveals the court heard testimony about Epstein sexually assaulting girls as young as 14 inside his Palm Beach mansion. The victim also testified and told detectives they were paid to find Epstein more girls to assault in a harrowing case that ended with the pedophile sentenced to less than two years in prison after taking a plea deal. The Florida Circuit Judge Luis Delgado, who released the pages of Monday, warned that the transcripts would likely outrage anyone who read them. Well, they should outrage everybody who reads them. The transcripts show that Palm Beach police detective Joe Wreckery began the investigation against Epstein in March 2005, when a rumor reported that her stepdaughter received $300, $300 bucks. In exchange for sexual activity with the man in Palm Beach, another teenager told detectives that when she was 17 years old, a friend told her she could make $200 by providing a massage at Epstein's home. When the teen got to Epstein's home, she told investigators Epstein demanded she remove her clothes and massage him according to Wreckery's testimony. When he tried touching her, the teenager told him she was uncomfortable. Epstein then told the girl he would pay her if she brought other girls to his home, stressing that they must be young, and he told her the younger, the better. Over time, the teenager told detectives she brought six friends from her high school to Epstein's home, including a 14-year-old girl. She added that when she brought of her 23-year-old friend, Epstein refused and told her that the woman was too old, and it continues. Epstein, of course, was tragically suicided in a prison cell that was designed to present, to prevent suicides. But sadly, the cameras were turned off and the guards fell asleep, and he was taken off of watch, and then he was suicided, caring and fairness. You know, moderate friend, I know this has turned into kind of a stupid political football. It's so sad. Do you think it's, I mean, how do you think it's fair that men like Jeff Epstein got deals like that? And we're allowed to continue to do what they were doing, and do you think that's fair? Well, no, of course not. Yeah. I just don't think it shows any caring for the girls. Like, can I ask you a question? Why do you think the media chose not to talk about this case? I mean, you probably have your point of view. I mean, I'm frustrated with some of the networks that didn't do that, like ABC, and why do you think they chose to not talk about that? And they had the information. People like Sydney McCain had the information. Why do you think they did that? It invites them to pause. You are positioning them as someone whose opinion matters to you, and you're letting them have an open canvas. You're not issuing your theories. You're simply asking a question. I don't mean to break the Ben Shapiro rule. We conservatives know the answer, Ben Shapiro rule, as you don't just ask questions, ask questions. 'Cause that's a bad thing. You're inviting them to pause and think and reply, like I did with Peggy, the buyer. You know, Peggy, I'm so new to this, and I'm feeling confused, and he's just, I mean, now you said it's not price. Can you help me understand what's really going on? You're asking your friends, what do you think really is going on? There are some times where you can watch people actually get out and straight out, ask a very, very pointed question. We'll get to this from Newsmax, as James Rosen in a second here, who asked this of the figurehead Spokeslier, the main Spokeslier, KGP. I do want to share with you an approach that is sometimes used behind the scenes, increasingly so, from conservatives in media who understand the game that's being played against them. This comes specifically from a woman named Ashley St. Clair, who got an email from Karen Eurish with the New York Times. So, what this says in a second. When you get a letter from the New York Times, or you get a letter from an investigative journalist, and I've gotten these letters, there are people who just flat panic. I remember back in the day, when the New York Times wanted to make me into a January 6 participants. That was their goal, 'cause it's something I said on Russia Show during January 6. They got in touch with my program, Doctor. They couldn't have reached out to me. It would have been easy enough to get to me, they could have found my contact information in about six seconds, they could have gotten my email in about six seconds, they didn't want to. They wanted to panic the people at the radio station to thinking that my boss would force me to speak to them. So, when Jason called me all panicked, he said to New York Times, they think that you lied about Antifa being a January 6, and they're going, it's a hit piece, Todd, they got a hit piece coming, I listened to this, and I go, wow, you sound really worried. Yeah, I'm worried. Help me, I understand why. Well, because the New York Times can really hurt us. How? No, I'm confused, how could they hurt us? Well, I mean, this is a hit piece, and it's the New York Times, this could really affect us with advertisers. Our station? How would that be? Because our audience hates the New York Times. New York Times can't convince him of anything. All right, all right, but ownership. Okay, fair enough, ownership. You gotta reply to this guy, Todd, you gotta get back to him on the phone, he's writing now. You think I'm gonna call him? I'm not calling a New York Times reporter, I'll write an email, but I will not call him. So I did, I wrote an email and said, you can use it all in my statement in total or not. And if you don't use it, you have to write, Herman provided a statement we've chosen not to use, those are the rules. And by reading the email, reading my statement, you accept those rules, and I attached the statement. So it couldn't just be read, he had to read the email, and then hit the attachment. It worked, it insulated me, but man, people were sleepless on this. Karen Yurish wrote a note to a woman named Ashley St. Clair, who's a fantastic Christian activist and political activist. And here's the way she phrased the email. We're working on a story about Marlago and are reaching out because you will be included in a group of people who have visited the property at least three times since Donald Trump left the White House, questioned the results of the 2020 election, played down the seriousness of the events at the Capitol in January 6th, 2021. Please let us know if you believe any of these details to be incorrect, our deadline is noon Friday. See, the way this is phrased is easy enough to read the two copy points. And then the third, played down the seriousness of events at the Capitol. Because crushing the results of the election, that's binary, yes or no. Visited the property at least three times, that's yes or no, but that last phrase played down the seriousness of the events. Completely open ended, that's by design. It's to draw you in so that you get back to them immediately. And the reason that they put the deadline on it is, A, it's professional courtesy, it is. And B, it's also to get your cortisol levels up. They're gonna put a hit piece out on me. Here is how Ashley St. Clair wrote back. This is perfect when you're dealing with the Mockingbird media. Here's why. It is showing them that you're not afraid of them. The fear of the thing is almost always greater than thing itself. And if you are ever in a situation where you're gonna be faced with bodily violence, one of the things you wanna convey to the other person is, there's no limits on what I'm willing to do. I will do the things you think I will not do. So Ashley St. Clair writes back. Hi Karen. In 2016, you published your New York Times piece, promoting the idea that the border crisis was a racist Trump conspiracy. Since you're peddling these dangerous falsehoods, the US has seen a 204% increase in death by open border if you count fentanyl alone. An estimated 10 million migrants have come into our country illegally with little to no vetting. Do you regret using your position at the New York Times to push its a deadly and consequential narrative? P.S. At least include photos of my dress. I made Mar-a-Lago even more fabulous. A little Rush Limbaugh style self-effacing humor there. Love it. It's a fantastic way to say to the Mockingbird media, your days of one way re-rolling, one way hit pieces are over, and to our friends. As we seek to own the Mockingbird media, here's a great question for them. How do you think the media, I mean in general, how do you think they decide on what stories to talk about and not talk about? Do you think there's a fair process for that? But what do you know about it? 'Cause I actually don't know the process they go through. Have you looked into this? Do you think it's a fair process? And by the way, how much do you think they care about the people who read their publications? Again, it's a thought starter. Again, it's a way to get an emotional connection to someone who's consuming news emotionally. And it's a chance again to position that as someone whose opinion matters. It's a door opening conversation. In the era of social media, there's plenty of people who will have seen this clip. It is no doubt made it into the social media feeds of liberal people because it's likely to upset them. But a conversation like how do you think the media chooses the story's report on is an opportunity to have a fruitful conversation, even about something like this. This is James Rosen from Newsmax asking questions of the White House Spokes liar. - Is he disabled? - One more piece. - No, no, and let me finish with your colleague, please. And like, I know, but shouting out, come on. You know better, you know better, come on. - Is he disabled? The conversation continues and in the conversation comes this. Why aren't you releasing his medical reports? KGB. Well, we've been very forth-right in releasing them. You know, the last one was six months ago and it didn't contain anything neurological. Why aren't you releasing those? Question for your friends. Do you think it's fair of the White House to in the midst of this controversy over the debate? Do you think it's fair for them to not release the neurological results of, and you could use the phrase, well, President Biden's mind? Do you think it shows caring for the country if they don't do that? Is it fair to us? Well, and frankly, I'm not gonna vote for him, but you are, is it fair to you? To not release this. Shouldn't you have some idea of his state of mind and mental health if he's going to continue to be in the White House as the leader? And again, I don't think Biden's leading anything, but we're talking here about how to own the Mockingbird media with their friends. There is this as well. When you are confronted with Christian bigotry from the Mockingbird media and rampant abuse of the Christian faith from the Mockingbird media, we have in our hands an opportunity absolutely fit for gold and silver, an opportunity. CNN talking about what they claim is in the Bible is a great, great chance for us to engage our friends in conversation about who they see us to be. This again is CNN talking about the headings and the Bible and pornography. - We just referenced it. And in this, you're saying that the teaching of the Bible in the classroom is a must, that every teacher must accept that. The Bible includes be having, rape and incest. Do you support teaching children about those topics? - I support teaching children our history accurately. And what we've seen as the radical left in the teachers union have driven the Bible out of schools. You can't talk about our rights coming from God as Thomas Jefferson referenced. You can't talk about Abraham Lincoln talking about being on God's side and what he does and that inspires him. You can't talk about the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King Jr. who routinely referenced examples from the Bible, including from a letter from a Birmingham jail to say the reason I'm doing the things I'm doing is because of the tenants taught to me by the Bible. So it's essential that our kids understand our history and we're gonna put it back in and the left is gonna continue to try to censor our history but we're not gonna allow it here in Oklahoma. - Okay, you didn't answer my question. We're gonna get to the history and everything. And by the way, Thomas Jefferson, he advocated for freedom of religion, actually not the establishment of a religion for one, but are you okay with all teachings of the Bible? If you wanna bring it back into the classroom, rape, incest, beheading, is that acceptable to you? - Again, I'll answer your question. You might not like the answer, but it is the answer. It is our history that the Bible is referenced. The Bible was referenced multiple times in American history. It had a profound influence on American history. It was the best-selling book in American history to not teach that in the classroom as academic malpractice. Our kids have to understand our history and we're not gonna hide that from them. - Okay, so she of course wants this answer to this. Wait, wait, wait, what about the pornography? And this is the secretary of education for the state of Oklahoma, Ryan Walters, who has just passed a rule saying that the Bible will be taught in schools. He's not doing a great job at this. There's a great answer to this and it goes to caring and fairness again. And the CNN talking heads are gonna continue down this path because there's something that she wants to score. She needs a little meat out of this. - So will you allow teachers to teach all aspects of the Bible, how are teachers supposed to know what of the Bible to teach and what of the Bible not to teach? It's a simple question given the fact that the Bible includes also pornographic material, something you've come out against and actually took a teaching certificate away from a teacher for giving access to soon's pornographic material. That's in the Bible. - Yeah, let me be crystal clear. The Bible is not on the same plane as genderqueer and flamer. These are pornography. - There you go. - The Bible is a book that was referenced throughout American history. We have academic standards that tell our teachers that you were to talk about the Bible in reference to the Mayflower Compact. Let her do it from a Birmingham jail. The Declaration of Independence. - Here's the answer. Wow. I wonder, is it really fair for you to take the Bible that teaches against abusive sexual acts, that admonishes that they should not happen, that shows the terrible costs that even a man after God's heart like King David paid, would he decided to go pursue and get to have sex with and then later in perverse marriage, marry a woman named Bathsheba? He lost his son because of that. God took his son because David pursued his fleshly desire. You're really gonna compare that to a book called Genderqueer, which is encouraging 11 and 12 year boys to experiment with sex with adult men. You're really going to make that comparison. How is that fair to a Christian audience? Why are you doing this? Why are you pretending this is pornography? The fact of the matter is this. The Bible is, and you can call it the historical document, it's true, it's a great historical document. I'm personally a Christian. I believe it's a complete and inerrant word of God. And I would ask you this. Why would God hide things from us when we only know they're happening and said to teach about them? The Bible's a document that led to the end of slavery. It was the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who so often quoted the Bible. In answer to teaching all of it, absolutely will teach all of it, including the admonitions against rape and incest. And by the way, the sacrificing of babies, which is promoted on a constant basis on your network, CNN, to our friends. When things like this come up, we get the opportunity to say to our friends who are going to maybe speak about a clip like this. And they talk about Christians in the hypocrisy. We have a way to deal with this. And that is to reach in and say, I'm curious. Do you include me in your assessment of Christians in that way? Are you including me in that? That would really hurt me if you were. Caring and fairness is a potent lens to view things, but also a potent way to draw people in and to have conversations with them. So is the ability to point to utterly outrageous statements by utterly outrageous people who get to have the, well, moral cloaking of being outraged about something immoral. Couple of cases like this. In fact, they are now all over the place in terms of people being willing to talk about assassinating the president. Now there's an opportunity to do this because the Supreme Court says, certainly that's exactly what the Supreme Court says, right? Can you smell this one coming? Probably can. In your home, in your RV, in your camper, in your cabin, in your college dorm, your military dorm, smells buildup. Don't believe it? Wait till you come home from summer vacation. Do this. If you haven't been home in a few weeks and you walk in from summer vacation, open the door to your house and inhale. Now maybe your house smells absolutely, absolutely pure, but maybe not, particularly if you have pets or you smoke. Number one, if you smoke, I beg you, please stop. If you cook a lot of garlically foods or fishy foods, you're gonna have that. And again, the pets thing, that's so axiomatic that always creates some form of smell. Even if it's just dog dander, well, the cats, that's another story. It does not need to be an embarrassment. When you open your door, have people knock on the door and you weren't expecting, "Oh, hi, mom!" You can have what we have in the studio and that I have at home. It's called the Eden Pure Oxi Leaf 2. Friend of mine just put this in his medical clinic because it happens to be located within a gym. And he'd like it to smell like a medical clinic on a gym and so it does. And in fact, what it smells like is the fresh smell of immediately following a thunderstorm where God has produced O3, that's ozone in the air, which is in fact a pleasant smell. Those particles, the O3 molecules destroy the molecules of the bad smelling stuff. And I'm going to save you 200 bucks, three devices, whole home coverage for under $200. It's a $200 savings. Get these, you plug them into the wall, they're done. Or need them in your car. And a friend of mine had a terrible stink in his car. He's able to plug in the Eden Pure Oxi Leaf 2 in there and boom, that smells gone. Just go to, use code Todd3. That's T-O-D-D-3 and the website is, code Todd3. Jakes Tapper has made a now habit of insisting that because of the Supreme Court decision that President Trump and all presidents have limited immunity for the official acts they undertake in office, he insists that this means that they can go around assassinating US citizens. - That was a stunning moment in April. Did the court just say, yeah, you can assassinate a political rival? - No, I don't think they did. That's a ridiculous answer by Donald Trump's team of dangerous and reckless answer. One really important thing, the basis for Donald Trump's legal argument that maybe he can order an assassination and still be okay, is this preposterous argument that they offered below that while a president can only be indicted if he's first impeached by the house and convicted by the Senate, the Supreme Court explicitly rejected that argument. They said impeachment has nothing to do with this, that's not the task. - To your question, Jake, someone's got to decide what's the official act, right? The challenge here, and this was what Sir Maria was getting at in her point, somebody has to make the call as to whether even the preposterous CLT-M6 example falls under the ambit of official acts and that's litigation in the months in court. - No, agreed, I think that's something that will have to be decided by the trial court if we were faced with that preposterous type of scenario. - So listen to this, because obviously there is a crisis of confidence in the US Supreme Court among many other institutions in America. And I want to just read something from Justice Soto of Mayor's dissent on some of these issues that we're talking about. Let the president violate the law, she writes in her dissent. Let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be, that is the majority's message today. Orders the Navy CLT-M6 to assassinate a political rival in immune, organizes a military coup to hold onto power, immune, takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon, immune. Immune, immune, immune, immune. That is the majority's message today from Soto of Mayor. - Yeah, I mean, it's a remarkable and very stark way to think about it. And you mentioned the crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court are varying institutions. I just, I can't help but think, while on the one hand, yes, this is a decision that's gonna affect presidents far into our future. You can't pull it apart from the immediate political context in which we are living and note that in a 5-4 decision like this, split along ideological lines like this is going to, excuse me, I may have misspoke in a minute. - Yeah, you did. And you're the same lady, Casey Hunt, who misspoke and said that the Bible contains pornography. It doesn't. There are no descriptive acts of sex in the Bible. At no time are they descriptive or salacious. The point about the immunity in Trump is this in relation to caring and fairness. When President Trump is put up on charges this way and the discussion is going to be what is an official act, here's a great question. I'm curious, are we gonna go retroactively back and look at things that say, for instance, say, for instance, fundraising trips? I mean, presidents do this all the time. They get on Air Force One and they do go some ceremonial things, some announcement. We're, hey, we're opening a new parking lot, the president's here at an airport and we're gonna name it after a congressman. Oh, by the way, Lonnie's in time he's gonna spend the next 25 hours doing fundraising. Do you think there's a fair way to do that? A fair way to say this is that for this president and another? Or this? Do we care why the founders created this immunity in the first place, why? They made it difficult for one branch to go attack another. Do we care about the history of that? Would it be fair for us to take a case like this and apply today's standards to something when we don't care enough to be fair to look at why it was created? For instance, how much have you read about for why that immunity was created? We are framing things in ways that liberals and moderates think. They think about caring and fairness. We get an opportunity to feed into that. Here's my concern. I think it could become deeply unfair in periods of time where one Congress controls, one party controls Congress. If they decided to use this to say that nothing a president did is official unless it say signing a bill. Now, if it was only knowable, it is. The president is not allowed to murder Americans. He is not allowed to be judge, jury, and executioner. That requires a court system. It requires adjudication. Now, in terms of war on foreign soil, that is a different issue because the Congress gave, pardon me, the Constitution gives the president to right to do that. When the war is declared, at no point, does it give a president the right to murder someone on American soil who happens to be an American citizen? And understand why Trump's lawyers allowed themselves to be backed into the corner of saying, okay, well, I guess he could because they were arguing for blanket immunity. That's what they were trying to get from the court. They didn't get that. They got some immunity. Caring and fairness is our way to deal with this. There's one more on this topic. It comes from MSNBC. MSNBC talking about presidents violating the Constitution. I want to ask one more question. So, and this is how I read it. You tell me if it's wrong because you guys are legal minds and I am just playing one on television. I read it as you can use, they're reading the Constitution as saying it implies an authority or implies immunity to a president so much so, so broadly that even his motivations can't be questioned if he were trying to violate the Constitution. So it was circular. Is that an incorrect reading of it? - No, I don't think so. I think there are a lot of things about this decision that are sort of tautological and there are a lot of things about it that are just simply illogical, you know, to point out, pick up on Catherine's point, about Amy Coney Barrett and her concurrence in part. She drops a footnote saying like, it's lost on her why the fake electors scheme, for example, could plausibly be official, that the president has no role whatsoever in the administration of federal elections. To her, there's no analysis that needs to be done. She says squarely the fake electors scheme in its totality is private conduct, but that's not how the majority sees it, despite admissions from Trump's lawyers at oral argument. - Are they saying that the Constitution protects the president from, allows the president to violate the Constitution? - Well, put that way? Yes, basically has absolute immunity for his core constitutional function. - So I'm the president, so I can do what I want, even if I'm trying to violate the Constitution, which is what Donald Trump was accusing of doing in 2020. - If only we had a system. If only we had a body of government that was designed to determine something is constitutional, like the Supreme Court, it does not say the president can violate the Constitution and get away with it. This was about criminal charges. Is it fair for an MSNBC host who knows better? So pretend that the Supreme Court doesn't have the role of determining the Constitution, not have something. By the way, honestly, how fair is it to your side when they make it so easy for us to say, wait. Joe Biden, for the third time violated the Supreme Court's decision on forcing me to pay for your college debt. And I'm thinking here about my family. My family is, I'm the only recent, I'm the only family member I can think of who didn't go to college. Well, I went, but I dropped out after a year of small college football, very small bit of football on a very small college football team. I dropped out to go play in bands. So I could have a conversation with my much more, much more educated, I mean, classically educated in terms of schooling. I could have a conversation with family members saying that just that thing. Do you think it's fair for me to pay for your college debt given that I didn't go, and more importantly, is it fair to your side, the Democrat side, that it's so easy for me to say, wait a minute, you don't care about the Constitution knowledge, something that's very, very clear. There's more news in terms of fairness in its actually good news and it comes from the COVID front. We'll get to that in a second because health-related stuff is not stuff we're gonna stop talking about. I refuse to stop tracking the great ruin that was done through the medical useless deadly politically advantageous lockdowns of the country. There's also this news. A hundred million Americans are walking around with something that's inside them that could lead to not just well-paying, discomfort, et cetera. It could lead to them getting on a lot of drugs like statins. Please, please think carefully about getting on statins. It could lead to people feeling sluggish and tired and just really run down all the time. It's called fatty liver disease. And this happens largely when people have become obese or far too heavy. The people who make the fatty liver formula want you to know that their product is not something you should take for the rest of your life. They want you to hear this. If you drop the extra fat, the fatty liver is going to go away in all likelihood. If you don't do that or in the process of while you're doing it, do not let yourself get liver disease because that's where fatty liver can lead. This fatty liver formula contains 11 clinically proven botanicals help recharge and protect your liver to help you get back to getting decent sleep, to help turn around things like feeling sluggish, even to help you in your pursuit of dropping fat so you no longer need their product. Here's what you can do. Buy a 30-day supply of liver health formula and get a free bottle of a gift product from them. You go find out what it is. Go to comes with a free gift for you when you get a 30-day supply. Again, it's, They're a health company that's telling you flat out. Please don't consider our product something you should take for the rest of your life. On the other hand, pharma. The government has given, I think it's about 170 million bucks. I'll get the specifics. Back to pharma to go create, guess what? Lucky you, an mRNA injection for bird flu. Well, you know the bird flu that's just being rampant right now in farm animals? You know, the farm animals that they're gonna be told they're gonna have to do away with, like they did in Netherlands, remember that? I won't stop covering this because they won't stop covering it. Blue Cross has been ordered to pay a $700,000 settlement to a woman. This is from LifeSite News. Insert Giant's Blue Cross Blue Shield must pay nearly $700,000 in damages to a former employee after refusing to grant her religious exemption to its COVID injection dick-tat. Please don't call him Jabs. Jabs are more of a pleasant thing. Please, please use language well. A federal jury awarded the damage to Taunja Benton last week. She first filed for a lawsuit in Mayo 2022. Benton "proved by proponents of evidence that her refusal to receive the COVID vaccination was based upon a sincerely held religious belief according to the June 28 judgment order posted by journalist Robbie Starbuck. The damages out of work were total of $687,240. Benton worked as a biostatistical research scientist for 16 years according to the initial lawsuit. Since lockdowns began in spring of 2020, she rarely interacted in person with clients according to the lawsuit. For some clients, several years would pass before requesting a meeting with the plaintiff the lawsuit stated. The lawsuit estimated that just 1% of her working hours involved client interaction. Benton also never performed any work or attended any meetings in medical facilities where patients were being treated during her entire career. She objected to the so-called vaccine due to her religious beliefs since COVID shots are derived from aborted fetal cells. And it is a fact that they are. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 general requires employers to try to accommodate the deeply held religious beliefs of their employees. Oh, it's right here. I forgot we had it here. More good news on the COVID front. Except it's not. It's a side-by-side comparison of caring and fairness. These injections failed. They have killed many people and disabled many people, but that doesn't mean that government's gonna stop. US government has given $176 million to Moderna to developing mRNA H5N1 bird flu injection. Why? Well, because the cases are rampant. Don't you know there's been some cows who died from this? Don't you remember? That the cow that supposedly died from this in Mexico, the Mexican government had to come out and say, that was not bird flu. That didn't kill that cow. Is it caring and fair for the mockingbird media to continue to destroy credibility institutions by issuing statements that come straight from the institutions without taking a moment to question them? We can own the mockingbird media by owning our responses to them and using the lens of caring and fairness or as the Lord Jesus might put it, teaching truth wrapped in grace. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]