The Todd Herman Show

Project 2025 and The Trump Campaign Denial Ep-1705

What does God’s Word say? 
Matthew 5:7 7 Blessed are the merciful,    for they will be shown mercy.

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Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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Blessed are the merciful, because they will receive mercy for they will receive mercy. Matthew 5-7, we don't have to pull the quote up right now, I'm going to try to be merciful as we talk through figurehead Biden, the 2025 project project 2025 and the decision that the Trump campaign made to distance themselves from this. Otherwise, as a serpent, gentle as a dove, I guess distancing themselves from a perfectly reasonable 900 page plan that the left has succeeded in panicking people about. And I'll try very hard to be merciful, because I do want to receive mercy at the Mockingbird media that continues to try to do whatever they can to prop up figurehead Biden. He didn't get what he needed from the George Stephanopoulos interview. We'll also talk about what sort of doctor has been visiting the White House eight separate times and why that probably is. We'll get started, Ralph, with the help of bulwark capital management, Another free live webinar, again, focused on inflation, go to Thank you, God almighty, as we begin a special request, Lord. Our friend John Allen's dad from is headed into surgery today. Probably a biopsy, well, definitely a biopsy, but maybe the removal of a tumor in his lungs. Father God, please guide the hands of the surgeon and the team and guard our friend John and his family. Thank you, Lord. Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. The book of Ecclesiastes reminds us there is nothing new under the sun and in terms of what the left is willing to do to win elections, there is nothing new period. Bethany Mandel on Twitter points something out about the new republic's image. It's a well-done image, making President Trump into Adolf Hitler well-done in an evil sense. You can look at it. If you're in the video service, it's video dot the Todd Herman Show dot com. If you want to get a seven day free trial just to see what the video service is like. The new republic wrote, "We chose the cover image based on a well-known 1932 Hitler campaign poster for precise reason. That anyone transported back to 1932 Germany could very, very easily have explained away hair Hitler's excesses and been persuaded that his critics were going overboard." And the title says American Fascism. What would it look like? They are publishing this at the same time as the mockingbird media that for the past four years has mimicked and repeated at the orders of the people who run Joe Biden every single meme. It's a conspiracies theory that Joe Biden has slowed down at all. He's vigorous. After all, he rides bicycles. They have repeated every single meme. That was the safest, most secure election in history. Really, what was second place? They've repeated every single statement. The science is clear and unanimous. Stay home and stay safe. And of course, President Trump is dangerously orange Hitler. They've repeated this ad nauseam. Big business, big government become one. That is the definition of fascism. They've repeated these things throughout a process of using trials to hold off your political opponents, trials that are so clownish. Some of them have already been disqualified by the Supreme Court. Not those trials in specific, but the theories that were used to propel them, for instance, in the New York case, that corrupt case. There was a 4-4-4 split in the jury in terms of what President Trump was supposedly guilty of doing, a 4-4-4 split. The judge in that case, a fan of Biden and the people who run him, whose daughter helps fundraise for Biden and the people who run him, had decided that you didn't have to be unanimous to reach a decision as a jury. You didn't need unanimous decision. The Supreme Court just came along and said, "Actually, you need a unanimous decision." That trial was paid for by big business, big donors to the Democrats. So they offer this new republic cover and they say that American fascism will look like Donald Trump turned into Hitler, but they're ignoring the fascism that's happening right before them. They have to ignore it. It is not simply the United States where this is occurring, however. It's also occurring over the ocean. In France, over 200 French election candidates quit. In an effort to block Marine Le Pen's so-called hard right party from forming a government, this is after Macron's disastrous snap poll. So they rigged a system. In fact, if you look at a map of the area, Cillian on Twitter points this out, Marine Le Pen's national rally party won every single French department except for Paris in the EU elections, every single department. That's like Trump winning every single state except DC. Am I supposed to believe they came third in the parliamentary elections? No way. That image should remind us of all the times we've spent on the Hunger Games. The districts versus the Capitol. But yes, fascism looks like an orange Hitler. President Trump, who's already been president for four years. The Mockingbird media, the medical establishment, the media establishment, academia, all forms of big business, all tied into government, all doing the will of government, which seems to me to be the very definition of fascism. But it's Project 2025 about which were to panic. Before we roll into that, I'll tell you a little bit about a doctor who's been making the rounds eight times in the White House and what that might mean and how the Democrats might use it to their advantage because they might. They could use the presence of this doctor to give Biden a way out. I don't want you to have to go see doctors for things that you could stop on your own. I don't want you to have to spend the money. And quite frankly, I don't want to see you exposed to what sadly become all too often a corrupt medical system. So note this. If you are someone who is extra heavy and you know who you are, heavy or up to a beast, you may have fatty liver. And if you have fatty liver disorder, this can lead to liver disease. What this means is that your liver is surrounded by too much fat. It can't function properly and your liver is so vital to your body, cleaning out toxins, making sure your blood is healthy. And there is a way to correct this while you drop fat because the ultimate correction to this is to get down to a good body composition. The people at LeverHealth Formula want you to know they don't want you to use their product forever. It is something to get you through this season where you lose this way. When you go buy a 30 day supply of this, they always offer a special gift, particularly to this podcast audience. This contains 11 critically proven botanicals to help recharge your liver, to protect it. It can even help with the fat loss process and help with your energy levels because fatty liver slows you down. You probably throw a lot at your liver. A lot of people do. Fast foods. The only thing that you can eat sometimes, whole bunch is a coffee. And if you smoke or drink, well, you're doing your liver no favors. Here's what you can do is buy a 30 day supply of LeverHealth Formula. Get a free gift from LeverHealth Formula providers. That's and go do that now so that it's not a doctor's visit for you. Day 2025 is the thing about which the left is now rallying people to panic. The way they explain this is evident in this meme from social media. And I picked these up. Well, no, wait. I got out of myself. I did want to do the Biden thing real quick, speaking of fascism and the media hiding this. I want to get this real quick. Alex Paraderson broke the story over the weekend about Kevin R. Kennard. He's one of the nation's leading experts in Parkinson's disease. He's visited the White House at least nine times in the last years. Now, this last year, the official White House Visitor Log Show. The Log Show Dr. Kennard traveled to the White House residence medical clinic each time. He met either with the president's personal physician or the naval nurse who coordinates care for the president and other top officials, the Log Show. Dr. Kennard's spades of visits began on July 28, 2023 and continued through at least March 28, 2024. The most recently released logs and then April 1, so it's not clear if Dr. Kennard has been to the White House more recently. The logs do not note the purpose of Dr. Kennard's visits. A physician's profile for him notes he's a neurologist and movement disorder specialist at Walter Reed's National Military Medical Center, who researches treatments for early phases of Parkinson's disease. Walter Reed provides medical care to senior officials, particularly figurehead Biden. Fascism is this. It's the combining of big business and big government against who, against the people. In France, you saw the image, the so-called hard-right party, hard-right because they want actual immigration laws enforced. They would like illegal immigrants removed. They would like France to not be led around by the nose, by the EU. That's hard-right. They won every department, what we would call state, except Paris. They swept the country except Paris. And the Mockingbird media stands behind them, the people who rigged the election, by having 200 politicians drop out so that Marie Le Pen could not form a government. In this case, why is it Alex Berenson who had to go acquire the White House visitor logs to figure out who was going to the White House, in this case this Parkinson's expert? So how could they use this? If they were going to convince Biden to drop out and convince the DNC to break the rules, not like the DNC cares about rules, they can use Parkinson's because no one can blame the figurehead for getting Parkinson's disease, no one. There are Biden staffers who are now sounding the alarm, talking about the fact that they have not been in the meetings, but they've noticed this. Decisions are not being made by the figurehead, which shouldn't surprise us, but then Biden's staffers are speaking out, and they talk to Axios, unnamed staffers, or probably Semaphor, Ben Smith. And they talk to Ben, they said, "We cannot be named, but here's who we are." He describes them as a layer down from the White House itself, from the executive room, working in the White House. We've noticed that decisions are stopping at the desk of chiefs of staff. We now have Hunter Biden. As a gatekeeper to his dad, well, that makes sense since Hunter Biden is the man who makes the money for the family, and spends it up his nose and in his veins, and on buying the bodies of young women for evenings, or girls, it sometimes scenes. And with all that as backgrounds, it's Project 2025 that the left wants us to panic about. This is a meme that had huge coverage in leftist social media. No day one dictator stopped Project 2025. Project 2025 is the 887-page GOP Master Plan for Replacement of Democracy with the White Supremacist Christian Theocracy, financed by the Heritage Foundation and written by coal issued of more than 75 extreme right-wing organizations. Project 2025 openly calls for dismantling our federal government and giving supreme powers to Republican President, ideally Donald Trump. So what does it actually do? We'll talk about that in a second. Project 2025 is not theoretical. Billionaire back right-wing operates for identifying and training 20,000 Trump loyalists now to take the reins of government, where chaos defined Trump's first term, the next GOP presidency will be a disciplined, coordinated implementation of a Christian nationalist agenda. What are these Christian nationalist agendas? Here's what they say in this meme, federally criminalized abortion. That's already been done in the Roe vs. Wade decision. It's down to the states, President Trump said he would not sign a national abortion ban. Roll back all gains and racial equality. The dictator, well, Biden, the people who run him, they've rolled that back. We have seen the employment rate for black Americans plummet. We've seen the support for President Trump triple among black Americans. We've seen the murder rate, black on black young black men killing young black men skyrocket. We've seen the economic well-being of black families and cities being sacrificed to illegal immigrants. So again, back to the plan, a limit all climate change mitigation, which isn't, in fact, mitigating anything, strip LGBT so-called T and Q+ people of the rights and criminalized trans people. It will be illegal. It will be illegal to believe you're a woman when you're actually a man. They'll put you in prison for that. Does anyone believe that these people do? Create mass detention camps and deport hundreds of thousands of non-U.S. citizens. No, deport illegal immigrants, something the American people truly support when the question is asked in a fair sense. Decimate union worker rights. How? There's an established right to form a union. How would it decimate it? There's military to repress protests on our shores. I don't see anything in the heritage plan to use the military to do that. And the systems to pour and work in class people. This is what we're to panic about. This is Project 2025. So I've got something that may be useful for you. I was talking to some people today and we were talking about how to win the election in November. And I said, well, one thing we need to do is more messaging. For example, did you know that only one in four Americans have ever heard of Project 2025? And then four. I said, do you know what Project 2025 is? You know, it's the plan that Republicans have in place that they're going to execute in the first 180 days if Trump is elected. And they were like, yeah, kind of, but can you give us some talking points? And I was like, okay, sure. So here they are in case they help you in caveat. Of course, before I start, Project 2025 is a very long document. And so to give like a two minute little spiel on it is hard, but I'm going to try if you're talking to a friend on the street corner and you just want to give them the highlights, try this. Start by saying something like, did you know that there is a large group of billionaire right wing Christian nationalists who has put together a blueprint for the next Republican president, which will, presumably be Trump. It's called Project 2025, it's 920 pages long, and it is a thorough plan for how they're going to change the country fundamentally to a place that is unrecognizable to almost all of us. Project 2025 is basically a plan for systematically taking apart the federal government, which means that all of the things we rely upon in the federal government, Social Security, Medicare, Veterans benefits, you know, the EPA, workers protections, all those things, dismantled. Project 2025 has a very clear plan to extend the powers of the executive branch and give the president the powers of basically an autocrat. Okay, so let's pause. The criticisms they're making of Project 2025 are, believe it or not, believe it or not, that Project 2025 puts the bureaucratic branches under the control of the president, which is where they exist now. Congress made a terrible mistake in powering these branches, these departments, these bureaucracies, and they report up in through the president, hence cabinet positions. What happens in what Project 2025 addresses is that the permanent bureaucracy, in other words, the deep state doesn't need to carry out the orders of the president. They don't need Congress's explicit permission to do anything. It was a massive mistake Congress made that did it on purpose so then they can blame the bureaucratic agencies. When the bureaucratic agencies make a decision, it has the force of law, the consumer fraud protection bureau with the help of John Roberts, by the way. It now raises its own funds. It doesn't even need Congress to provide the checkbook. The one thing Congress has that the other branches don't, Senate doesn't have it, only the House of Representatives does. What Project 2025 does is allow the presidents to fire people who work for him. How weird. The fact is that the permanent bureaucratic class knows presidents come and presidents go, we're here forever if Project 2025 are to proceed, that would no longer be the case. They could actually be fired. Let's remember that Barack Hussein Obama, God bless Rush Limbaugh, arranged to have 1500 lawyers working in Washington, D.C., teaching career civil servants how to not carry out the orders of President Trump. That's part of what 2025 addresses. It would then use those powers to issue executive orders that would basically reverse a lot of our civil rights. Contains a plan to redirect the military to support domestic law enforcement, and that includes using the Insurrection Act to stop protests on U.S. soil. That includes protests that extend into seizing government property, like in Portland and in Seattle. It extends into that, meaning the National Guard, meaning the states still have to invite that to happen, but the apparatus is set up. Remember that. The administration doesn't agree with. It will remove pretty much all government protections from LGBTQIA people and criminalize many of them. It will criminalize no one. Well, I mean, unless you are a man who wants to inflict your sexual desires upon the bodies of boys, which is now legal in California, it would address that. It will reverse racial equality, attack diversity, and reverse all environmental gains. It will replace secular education with a Christian theocracy, and there is a specific plan. They intend to do away with the Department of Education, which should be done away with it, should be at the state level. The national, the national groups, the Department of Education in Washington, D.C., has no reason to exist other than to impose the will of the bureaucratic class. In other words, again, the deep state. So this is an effective video because it's gotten people panicked about Project 2025. So much so that the people who are running President Trump's team decided to distance themselves from it so he can disavow. Maybe that's wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove. Maybe. I don't like what it pretends for us, which is a capitulation early on to no seriousness in this. Now, maybe, maybe, the President's team is still going to act upon these things. They're simply trying to remove it from the conversation. I don't know if it will work, but I'd rather see them actually communicate through a caring and fairness lens why they thought this was a good idea in the first place. To me, that would be preferable to pretending or certainly to backing off from this. And yet, people are going to do what people are going to do, particularly in high-stakes situations. This weekend, I went through a series of, well, high-stakes tests for me, at least for Seal Fit. Can I tell you something? It's going to be the heat. It's going to destroy me. If I don't start spending time in heat now, it's going to kill me when I get to Seal Fit in Southern California. So I dressed up in hot clothes and I run in the hot sun, a vested, kitted up 5K in 91 degree heat. People thought I was insane. I ran down from my house, down to the lake and stopped for a second to scoop up some water in my hat and run back up. And in doing that, I ran by a couple people I know and they gave me a little tip of the hat or a little wave. When I got back to the house, I absolutely drowned myself in native hydrate. I'm actually drinking some this morning. I drank probably four servings of that in at least 64 ounces of water. See, I'm doing this because I understand the necessity of replenishing, but I did something else. I was unbelievably sore from three straight days of doubled and triple workouts. So I doubled down on native path curl. Right after I hydrated, I went in to the bathroom and I got two extra pills at this. Native path curl is the only thing I've ever found that has succeeded in helping me get off of ibuprofen. I don't even have any in the house. In fact, for a second, I was tempted. I was that sore, I was tempted to seek out ibuprofen and then I paused and said, "Nope, I promised myself I will not give in to pharma." So I took native path curl. It's different than the omega-3s you've been having. It's from a crustacean, not a fish. It is far more absorbable and bioavailable, therefore more potent. It comes from the waters of the Antarctic, meaning the cleanest possible waters you can get without the heavy metals and toxins, and it's wild, caught, krill. I'd never had anything like it. So I did not give in to even looking for ibuprofen, which I found out later is not in the house. I took the two tablets and I went to bed and I woke up and no inflammation. Some soreness. I expect soreness, but no inflammation. Please don't give in to pharma. Please do not reach for the ibuprofen. Please do not put your liver at risk, your heart at risk, your kidneys at risk. Please stop that. Go to, that's, and see what specials they have for you this week. So from fascism, the new republic and the presidents of Trump dressed up as Hitler from the rigging of the system in Paris, a Parkinson's doctor visiting the White House as the media chooses to cover that up, and the panic of a project 2025. The figure had sat down with George Stephanopoulos, who to this moment is a Democrat operative. First two of these are some of the best responses Biden gave. Two questions from George Stephanopoulos. But are you persuaded? I know you say you have an ongoing assessment. Have you had a full neurological and cognitive evaluation? I get a full neurological test every day with me, and I've had a full physical. I've been able to read from my physicals. I mean, yes, an answer to you. I know your doctor said he consulted with a neurologist, I guess I'm asking a slightly different question. Have you had the specific cognitive tests? And have you had a neurologist, a specialist, do an examination? If you're watching this, and if you're not, you can get a seven-day free trial at The look on Biden's face is one of disgust and worry. It's a guy paying rampant attention, trying to make sure he's not going to scramble words in his mind. And it is a look of disgust. I cannot believe you're following up on this. I cannot believe George, you didn't just let that go. No, no one said I had, no one said they said I'm good. Would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive, cognitive tests and release the results to the American people? Look, I have a cognitive test every single day, every day I have that test. Everything I do, you know, not only am I campaigning, but I'm running the world. I'm running the what? The world? I'm running the world. Is this done a little megalomaniacal to you? The look on his face, I take a cognitive exam every day. The look on his face is, wait, that was the agreed-upon line. This is supposed to work. This is the line I memorized, and I delivered it just as Jill Biden said to him, you knew all the facts. You delivered your lines. Stephanopoulos is inclined to want to help Biden or not. It wasn't a softball interview as they made want it. I don't know that they even got the questions in advance. You know, the heart of your case against Donald Trump is that he's only out for himself, putting his personal interests ahead of the national interest. How do you respond to critics who say that by staying in the race, you're doing the same thing? Oh, come on. Well, I don't think those critics know what they're talking about. They're just wrong. It's wrong. Look, Trump is a pathological liar. Trump is, he has never seen anything Trump did with benefits of somebody else, not him. I know you can't answer, I know. I've questioned him and his allies as persistently as any journalist. Well, I know you have. I'm not being critical. Yeah. I'm not being critical. But look, I mean... The man is a congenital liar. As I said, they pointed out in that debate, he lied 27, 28 times a times, or whatever it number, over 20 times. Talk about how good his economy was, how he brought down inflation, how this is the guy who, unlike only other presidents, other than him, is Hoover, lost more jobs than he created. This is the guy who told us to put bleach in our arms to deal with COVID, where over a million people died. It's pausing. He believes this. Figure out Biden actually believes what he's saying, because he's been told this is what to say. Does anyone track how unbelievably dangerous this is? If he's told to believe that Trump actually said this, shoot yourself up with bleach, or that Trump didn't bring down inflation, or that Trump didn't bring jobs back. And if he actually believes that this happens, they'll loss in jobs independent of the medical useless, deadly, politically motivated lockdowns. Can you imagine how dangerous this is in a situation room where we're attacked? If there was an actual emergency and it happened outside of his awake hours, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or reasonably lucid hours, in that situation room, who actually would be in charge, when a man who believes things like this, because he's been told to, says fire, and the generals don't want to fire, or they do want to fire, and he says, hold, can you imagine the circumstance in which we find ourselves? This is the guy who talks about the wanting to get rid of the health care provision we put in place. This is the guy who wants to give the power back to big pharma to be able to charge exorbitant prices for drugs. This is a man who forced people to get injected with big pharma and whose administration is still standing by this. When George Stephanopoulos asked these questions, it was very clear to me that he was shocked. Biden, particularly with the follow-ups. So number one, I guess we're in the weird position of thanking Stephanopoulos. Is it actually to thank him? Or to be amazed that things have gotten so bad for the Democrats that they are willing to toss this guy aside, or apparently begin tossing him aside? There was one interaction that follows, and among the many have probably seen, for instance, Biden was asked, did you watch the debate? He actually said, "I don't know, maybe I don't know if I did." We'll get to this other interaction in a moment. When you look at things like this and you examine what people believe, it's tempting to think that all is lost. It's simply not. There are still still honest people in the world, still. When the figurehead is in this interview, and he's gotten through some of the hard things, like, "Did you watch the debate? I don't actually, he said, "I don't know." We get to one of his moments, well, not exactly his worst, but not exactly his best, because he had some terrible ones, including forgetting where he was at during the interview. Let's start with the debate. You and your team have said you had a bad night. But your fluency actually framed the question, I think is on the minds of millions of Americans. Was this a bad episode where this sign of a more serious condition? It's a bad episode. No indicating any serious condition, I was exhausted. I didn't listen to my instincts in terms of preparing, and a bad night. You say you were exhausted, and I know you've said that before as well, and you did have a tough month, but you came home from Europe about 11 or 12 days before the debate spent six days in Camp David. Why wasn't that enough rest time enough recovery time? As I was sick, I was feeling terrible. Matter of fact, the docs with me, I asked them if they did a COVID test, because I was trying to figure out what's wrong. They did a test to see whether or not I had some infection, you know, a virus. I didn't. They just had a really bad cold. And did you ever watch the debate afterwards? I don't think I did know. I don't think I did know. If you had been on national television, and 50 million people watched you fumble, destroy yourself, would you remember having watched that? I think I would. When you ask questions of the king, you need to ask them in the right way. When you ask questions of the king, and you don't ask them in the right way, you get your finger waved or get a finger waved at you from the White House Correspondents Association, getting here of one of the Spokesliers. He's absolutely running. Well, he's saying that, and I'm sharing with you his view. And we would invite the president to come here and tell us to know it directly, know it, know it, Kelly, but that's a way. As you heard from your colleague, the president of the WHTA, that's inappropriate. Thank you, Kelly. So in the background, it's something Peter Ducey's saying, if he's awake. And the lady who runs the White House Correspondents Association said that's inappropriate. It is. Maybe to call it out, but is he awake? 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. And again, I ask you, if you're in a situation like that during a war room, a situation room discussion, and we're talking about Mr. President, do we fire the missiles? Who are they going to listen to? It's not Biden. No one who wants to live is going to listen to Biden in such a circumstances. Does he know that? Can you imagine the situation we find ourselves in? At least they were able to find a doctor who says that Biden is fine. The Parkinson's expert going to the White House eight times says he's not fine. There's a Parkinson's expert who wrote to Alex Berenson going through all of the symptoms that Biden has and says, in fact, this is very, very clear that he has Parkinson's. We'll talk about that. We'll also look at some of the things the media said. They continued to say this about Biden. This just came out. It's another mitigating factor for Biden's bizarre, bizarre explanations for his own cognitive decline. We'll get to this. I'll get this text message and show it to you so you know, I'm not faking this. I told you last week about my friend Ben who'd gone and killed a bear, I'm sorry, to be rude. Harvested a bear. And it was up in the woods. You have to carry it down, strap it around this body and carry it down, barely made it out of a big storm headed his way, got down and took the bear in for processing. But he forgot something in his car, his truck. See he had stored some food to go up into the mountains, amongst them some bear sausage from a previous hunt, nothing like eating bear sausage when you're going to go hunt bear. He dripped some blood on the inside of his truck and started to be gross if you're vegan, my daughter's a vegan, but this is the way of hunting. And Ben thought it was the bear blood that had caused his truck to stink to high heaven. So he ridiculously washed it out and it still stunk to high heaven. Then he found under the seat a big, big pile of bear sausage in a bag, but leaking and stinking up his truck. He tried to wash it out. He put on the fake smell and new car smell stuff and that didn't work. So then he picked up the Oxileaf 2 thunderstorm device, which is in our studio right now. This produces ozone, O3. Those molecules bond to the bad smelling molecules and absolutely negate them. And Ben sent me a note. He left it in his truck overnight using the USB device so it could continue to run. And in the morning, he got up, unplugged the device, got into his truck and the odor was gone. This'll happen in your house with pet smells, litter boxes, et cetera, fish processing, food processing. If you have friends or family in military barracks or college dorms, you know how those can smell. You know what it smells like when you're in a small cabin, like I'm fixing to do with the youth group. You better believe I'm taking an Oxileaf 2 thunderstorm device when I may be in a dorm with 12 high school boys. Maybe I'll take 12 of them for each boy. You can save $200, get whole home coverage on this with three of these devices, go to and use code Todd three. That's code Todd three to save $200 on whole home coverage or, if you're like Ben, coverage in your truck. This is from the critics notebook in the New York Times for Joe Biden. What seems like age might be instead style in this respect to president of something in common with Beethoven, Wagner and Martin Scorsese. Even as 81 Trump is 77, Biden's age has become an issue in a way that Trump says not because we're being asked as citizen critics to judge the president's late style. This is what we saw at the State of the Union on Thursday night and criticism to speak of a late style is to highlight the way certain artists at the end of their careers enter a new and distinctive phase of creativity. Sometimes they produce a succession of masterpieces that both fulfill and transcend the promise of earlier works. Richard Wagner's final run of operas, the three major novels Henry James published at the start of the 20th century, the movies Martin Scorsese is making right now. In other cases, an older artist will revisit familiar themes with a new sense of playfulness and freedom like Henry Martisse making cutouts, Shakespeare bending the rules of genre in a winter's tale and the tempest or Bob Dylan reshuffling the pages of his own song book. Yes, this is very much what Biden is doing. He's an artist and this is his late style. Just ask the sociopath, Dr. Tony Fauci, who is actually sides itself. It just looked like a bad night because my interaction with him was what I described in the book and what happened even subsequent to what I described in the book after I get out. You know, he's very probing in his questions, very analytical, very calm about things. When you go into brief and major, you better really know your topic because he's going to ask you very relevant questions and he's very reflective on things and just doesn't jump out with. Did you watch the debate? I don't know. Very reflective. Super sharp. And of course, Tony Fauci is a guy who can be trusted. Well, these vaccines are 100% effective at stopping transmission and infection and growing hair where you want it and where you don't, it doesn't. Very trustworthy. There's a whole school of journalists still pretending that they never covered up for figurehead Biden in, you know, that fascistic way of big business being melded to big government. And yet I can simply press this button. And you think about the way that he's just displayed extremely strong wisdom and judgment over the last three and a half years. You think of the way he's brought the world together against autocratic threats around the world. I mean, those are the things that he has brought to the Oval Office to help restore American leadership and to try to help, you know, bring some normalcy back to this country. You don't have to persuade me. I sat across from him exactly a year ago. I think it was a year ago on Friday, but could you acknowledge that there is a crisis, a political crisis among some of your own allies on Capitol Hill, at least one Democratic lawmaker calling for him to step aside, not for any of the reasons you just said. I think everyone agrees he's governed not just effectively, but in a historically successful manner. Ha ha. He sees Nicole Wallace talking to Ian Sams. This is Nicole Wallace trying to wrap up the interview with the figurehead. Do you remember this moment? Figurehead's been on TV his whole life. He knows you don't walk off sets. Well, and the ones that didn't vote for your bills, but run on them. Mr. President, thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Great to have you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Don't go anywhere. It's a very exciting day around here. Yes. And analysis. Shuffles. The man who, Tony Fauci says, you better have your ducks in a row. He has very specific questions such as, did you bring the meth for my son? Questions like that. Project 2025 is not panic material. It's the Heritage Foundation. It's not panic material to image in your mind the situation room because God's in charge we know He wins. But it is a question that the Mockingbird media should ask, who will give the orders in the situation room at 1.30 in the morning during hours in which even you admit the dimension is worse. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to visit again. Thank you for reminding us that fearing you and your judgment and fearing disappointing you is the beginning of wisdom and thank you for reminding us that blessed are the merciful where they will receive mercy. And I hope we've done what we can to be merciful to the figure as we've been through the program. This is the Todd Herman show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [MUSIC] (dramatic music)