The Todd Herman Show

God’s Beauty will Have Its Comeback as Code Eats Coders Ep-1704

Back in the day, I was on a panel in a Silicon Valley event and they were talking about the early stages of AI and I'd made a remark that AI would end up writing code that writes code. In other words, those in Silicon Valley were going to put their own jobs at risk. Larry Summers said something really fascinating about AI and it's coming for, as he says, "IQ" first. Warren Buffett also spoke about AI and made an interesting move with the Bill Gates Foundation. We'll also talk about the continuing world of politics, the continuing world of desperation. And, Anderson Cooper and CNN and the entire gang, they're now searching for the next excuse. They're starting to peddle the comeback kid theory.

What does God’s Word say? 
John 1:3 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
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08 Jul 2024
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"Have you had your high five moment today, only at high five casino dot com?" "My five casino is a social casino, no purchase necessary, we're prepared to play responsible conditions apply, see website for details." "High five casino!" "I wish I could track him down, I don't, I didn't keep in touch with him, I'm not good that way, I didn't used to speak it that way." When I was on this panel at the Silicon Valley event and they were talking about, they were talking about the beginning stages of AI, really funny conversation ensued. Because I brought up the fact that you all know that you're kind of creating the thing that's going to destroy you, right? I mean you all know that you're going to end up writing code that writes code, right? And somehow they didn't believe that, they said, "Oh, it's just going to come for content, right? So long way off." It always made more sense to me that, "No, I don't think that's right, I think it's going to come for code first and the reason I'm saying that is because it is code." So chat GPT, the Google AI, all of that, it might be doing something that the so-called creators of this simply don't see coming. What if it's actually making room for the soul to shine? The soul. As God expresses himself through us and offers us opportunities to experience him through art. I really believe speech, an expression of conscience is a bridge way to God. I think taking in art, which we're wired to take in, I think is experiencing God's creations in ways that I don't believe AI can mimic all that would like to. So talk about this with the help of, that's, and God almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. God, Herman! Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. Warren Buffett is not a good dude, I'm not here to tell you that he's a good dude. I don't believe he knows the Lord, I believe he knows himself, and he knows business. Who Buffett is one of the guys who from time to time sits out and speaks about AI? He has to, he has to keep an eye on it. Obviously, it's something he needs to be well aware of how to deal with. He and Larry Summers are going at this from some different points of view, and I think that Larry Summers is a guy who obviously knows investing, obviously knows how to make money and to make money that makes money, in other words, code that makes code. But I think that Buffett in this way is kind of refreshingly humble, and this goes to his kind of core investment strategy, to what I understand. Warren Buffett has this very simple checklist of things when he invests in a company, and we'll talk with Zach about that, because Zach's here, we'll talk about Warren Buffett's strategies. But the way I understand it, the things I've read about with Warren Buffett is, do you understand the business? Can even dummies make money at the business? Does this have consistent cash flow? Does it have a moat around it? In other words, is it difficult for people to come in and compete with it? He doesn't go invest in things that he doesn't understand. Now, he's been a value investor. He's looking at things that are going to last a long time, and clearly what he's built at Berkshire Hathaway is this amazing, amazing pile of money. Incidentally, remember what he was a big partner of Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation? Something interesting's happened. I'll talk about that in a second in relation to what Warren Buffett intended to do with his money when he died. There's been a change. So Buffett is speaking in a language of, well, this is how I screen my investments, and you'll hear from Buffett here in a second. Larry Summers is a guy I think, on the other hand, who invests in trends. What are the things that are trending, how quickly can I get in, how can I personally build a moat around it, how can I take business upon business to build horizontal and vertical integration so I end up owning all sorts of sectors of things. I think that's an investment strategy of domination. Yeah, sure, money that makes money like code that makes code, but domination. When Larry Summers says that he would not advise his kids to go into writing computer code or others doing that, it really caught my attention because it harkened me back to this moment on this panel of parents with all these Google executives and I remember the Google guys. I'm sure there were people from other companies there, but I think it was actually moderating that panel, as I recall, and of course, they called me out as a content guy. Part of this is also, I think, because I really believe that God is pulling the curtains down on so much. Part of it is the worship of tech. I should have done this, but if you've ever gone out and searched for AI-created songs, I really would want to birth you with them. There's nothing good AI can't create soul. I'm not talking about soul music. What, by the way, a pandering racist phrase, only black people can create soul music. No, so much of music comes from the soul. So we'll get to Buffett, we'll get to Summers, and we'll get to the soul of this, this resurgence, I think, of God saying, "You can go try in multiple ways to mimic my creation. You can't do it. You think you're going to create an artificial intelligence. You can't. You can create mimicry. Now you think you're going to come for content. You can't because good content is going to be known to have soul. Souls wrapped up in bodies that can fail." I was talking the other day with some friends of mine about how I had this deeply spiritual experience. I know this is going to sound bizarre. I know. Todd, you did not have a deeply spiritual experience during a workout. Yes, I did. It was a swimming and bodyweight workout at Sanders Beach in Coeur d'Alene, which is an iconic beach. It's simply this. It's swim, what was it, a hundred yards out, hundreds of actually 200 yards. Come to the beach, do a bunch of burpees and pushups and planks and air squats and repeat the process like 20 times. We did that as a you-go-I-go with friend of mine, Ben. It's a tough workout. But halfway through that, I got that great endorphin hit and man, I got to experience lake swimming with utter, utter connection to God. When I was thinking, "Oh my gosh, the sky is so blue, the water is so perfect, I've reached a point of efficiency with my swimming, and I'm lost in the beauty of what God's created." I was thinking, "As I'm working out, in the New Heaven and the New Earth, we're going to have jobs and tasks that's made clear. We did in the Garden of Eden, and we were attending the garden." If I decided in the New Heaven and the New Earth, I wanted to swim across an ocean. Why not? Do I have time to do that, God? Yeah, you have time to swim across these oceans, all of them. Good sleep should come naturally, and with a new natural hybrid mattress, it can. A collaboration between Lisa and West Elm. The natural hybrid is expertly crafted from natural latex, natural wool, and certified safe foams to elevate your sleep sanctuary and support a greener tomorrow. Breathable organic cotton and moisture-wicking joma wool consistently provide cool and comfortable slumber. Every purchase helps fuel Lisa's work with shelters and those in need. Visit to learn more, that's L-E-E-S-A-D-O-M. So this is Warren Buffett's take on AI and chat GPT. Talking about chat GPT and potentially how that could transform AI, how that could transform our economy in the future, and obviously there's also lots of questions about whether AI is dangerous and we have the right policy set around it, and I was curious if you've given much thought to any of it. I think it's something I don't understand at all, but Bill didn't come by about, I don't know, four or five months ago, and he said, "I'm going to show you the latest thing. What can be done?" I actually said, "Take the saw my way," and started in Spanish, and have encompassed wide views on what's funny and what's likely to happen to economy, and two seconds later, it comes out that rhymes and does all these wonderful things. But he told me he said, "It can't tell jokes," which I thought was very interesting. It just doesn't know how to tell jokes, but it can tell you it's read every book, every legal opinion. I mean, the amount of time it could save you if you were doing all kinds of things is unbelievable, but I said to Bill, I said, "Just let me know what I can ask you, how are you going to ruin the human race?" And then the mRNA, someone on plug it or whatever I have to do at that point, and of course, I'll be programmed so that nobody thinks they should unplug it or something. So I don't really understand it, I think it's an incredible technological advance in terms of showing what we can do, but I don't know whether we know what happens. I was listening—who was it the other day that knows a lot about technology? He just says, "You know, it scares him." Well, it scares me in terms of the possibilities of—I mean, we've done amazing things like we figured out how to create an atom bomb back in 1945. I don't know what an atom was or anything, but I told him he was going to change the world and then change the world. So I don't want to change the world too many times without having some idea of the consequences of it. And I think this is extraordinary, but I don't know whether it's beneficial. Was it Steve Watts? I love this, what he just said. I don't want to change the world too often without knowing what the consequences are. So he's talking about AI and put a pin in that thought, "Hey, you know what, I'm back in Silicon Valley speaking. Let's put a pin in the thing." The thing about not knowing the consequences, remember the Gates Foundation? So he's talking about AI not being able to joke. Well, anyone who's ever watched Star Trek knows this, I mean, or Star Trek the next generation or Spock, they couldn't get jokes, Spock, because he had this logic thing data because he wasn't human. So when he got his human, you know, that cell that mimicked that, he was able to make weird jokes and have these weird emotions, and then the Borg lady, the queen gave him all sorts of like, that's very much Garden of Eden stuff. When he's speaking about AI not being able to tell jokes, it's this, it cannot get to God's creation. And this is what's so interesting to me about AI, about shut-ins, about incels, about people who are being raised to spend their time inside looking at screens, consulting knowledge bases for knowledge, dating apps, as we got to talk about this, I failed to do that last week because I got into the July 5th show who are in these dating app worlds. Everything is being set up as parallel, but it's not a parallel economy. It's a parallel existence. It cannot be God's plan that we use apps alone to go beat people in order to have a husband or wife. It can't be because you cannot get to know someone that way. I have a dear friend, he does this and he is, he's a gosh, a woman would be lucky to have this guy's husband. If I was a woman, I'd want him as a husband, but I'm not and I don't. But in that way, that cannot be God's plan that we are apart from community. We are to observe people in community. This is one of the ways you learn about people, is you are with them in community to go, you know what? That person is not just kind to me because that person wants to date me or that person wants to get into business with me or this person wants to ingratiate themselves to the show. They're kind because I witness it around other people. I witness it around people for whom they can do nothing for them. They're kind to their boss, they're kind to people who work with them. That's the sort of observations that bring knowledge of the soul. So when Warren Buffett is talking about chat GPT, not being able to tell jokes, that's right, but the dating apps cannot acquaint you with someone in a time of stress. When you experience someone in a time of emotional stress or you annoy a person, you gain a ton of knowledge about that person when you've annoyed them. How do they respond? I mean, so someone snaps off at you. Do they immediately come and say, Hey, I really apologize. And here's why that happened. Let me tell you about this, this information about me and why I act that way. And here's, and here's how we can avoid that in the future or do they act like it didn't happen. AI and everything they're setting up is parallel to existence. It goes back to my frustration with e-sports. You don't play e-sports. You play a video game meant to trick your mind. It is tricking your mind into I am playing sports. By the way, the dating apps, you actually think that they want you getting married. You actually think that's the case. I mean, I guess if they were going to take a percentage or you got to, you paid them more. If that was the incentive that you ended up getting married, maybe it seems to me, man, they want you swiping. They want you clickbaiting. So that's Buffett's take on this and the humility here is like, I don't really understand this. He just pulled his money from the Gates Foundation. For years, it had been his plan to use the Gates Foundation when he died. But according to a new book called the Bill Gates Problem Reckoning with the Myth of the Good Billionaire by Tim Schwab, he's a guy who's tracked Gates' career, and life and morality pretty extensively. Warren Buffett has decided to pull all the money he was going to give the Gates Foundation. Gates gets zero. Think about what Warren Buffett said. I don't want to change the world too often without knowing the consequences. I think Buffett is too cautious and, yeah, too cautious to come out and say, I don't think the modified RNA injections were a good idea. He sees the lawsuits. He sees the woman who just got paid $750,000 because a Blue Cross entity fired her for not taking the modified RNA injections. She had proven her sincere religious beliefs. This opens up the work for a whole bunch of entities to get sued into the ground. And I don't want it for revenge. I want it for justice. Buffett, I don't understand chat GPT. I don't understand AI. It can do powerful things. I don't want to change the world too often without knowing the results. Oh, by the way, I'm not going to be putting my money with the Gates Foundation. So maybe it is that he looked at Gates and said, you're reckless. I don't want to part of that. Maybe there is a soul there. Maybe. I don't know. Larry Summers comes at this from a different perspective, and it goes back to that thing I had when I was swimming in the water. That was very, very real to me. And that had come at a time where I had actually woken with the Word of God in my mind. Does that ever happen to you? I seek this because so often I wake with anything but the Word of God in my mind. And I woke with the Word of God in my mind and it was you make all things new. When I woke with that in my mind, you make all things new. I did something you don't normally do, which is I went to the computer and I started to research the new heaven and the new earth. So as researching the new heaven and the new earth, I was now really thinking about what does it mean? What does eternity mean? What does it mean to be able to swim across an ocean if you want to do that? And I hadn't had that experience in swimming. Now, likewise, as I went down this past time to Mexico to renew health care, I was just talking with Steve Anderson, the managing partner there, and we have plans for some cool things coming up. But when I went down there and got a chance to talk with these two legendary doctors who were there looking at renew, learning about it, and I got to watch them react and for them to take me inside to say individually, like one on one, do you understand why this is extraordinary? And I would say, yeah, well, I know Steve does note Todd. What they're doing here, what Steve is doing in these ethically resourced or ethically sourced stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords, it becomes so special because they take this Wharton's jelly approach and go, wait a minute, what's that mean? Okay. Wharton's jelly approach mean there can be no, there's very, very little chance, almost zero chance of any form of immunocompromising interactions in the early days of stem cells. That happened. One of the guys I was talking to did the first ever stem cell transplant in 1970, 1970. I said, he said, gosh, I wish we had, we had this now, we had this then, then culturing the cells, taking only the best stem cells to put into your body. That's why this is so special, the hyperbaric chamber that they put in there, the all of the high end approaches and watch these doctors be blown away, but then to get to talk to them. And I asked them, so these cells, they literally can build anything. They said, yeah, well, there's some limits. It can build tissue and it can build, it can build cartilage and it can repair inflammation. It can repair veins and art of what an arteries brain, how? Well, they are potential power. There's that phrase. If you've been told you have to have surgery and because it's pain, it's lower lumbar related, you must go to, tell them you listen to the show or watch it. Let them give you a second opinion, that opinion is free. If you have arthritis and you're struggling with that, get them your medical results. With them access to that, they'll tell you how to do it again, the consultation is free. If you're having huge neurological issues, they are seeing incredible results with that. People going in and wheelchairs walking out. Of course it's illegal in the United States because pharma hates it. Go to, that's and simply tell them that you are a family member of the show, CR bodies have code in them. DNA is coded. It is the some of the most remarkable and elegant code ever written. It's not artificial intelligence, it's intelligence that wrote it. Every step of the way of artificial intelligence is creating a parallel existence, not just a parallel economy, a parallel existence. Larry Summers talking about AI. I would be telling my grandchild not to go study coding. We used to say, it was only 15 years ago that you were ever supposed to learn how to code. When I got my driver's license, my father told me I had to learn to fix a car. I had to learn to change a tire and jump the car and change the battery and whatever the hell because you never knew, you might have an accident and you'd have to fix your car because I'm like, what are you going to do? I certainly never told my kids that. I certainly can't do any of those things because the world kind of figured out how to do it. You didn't have to learn to do that yourself anymore just like you don't have to learn to use a slide rule anymore. You don't have to learn to calculate a square root on a piece of paper. Coding is going to be like that. Super high level genius new artificial system is going to be not going to be like that. Coding the data system for, coding the data system to keep track of when reservations are going in and out of this hotel, that's not going to be a task that a machine is going to do and the person is not going to have to understand. Studying coding, bad idea. Studying how to work in a group on an act of creation and defining purpose, I think that's going to be hugely important. I think the one sentence line would be AI is going to come for IQ before it comes for EQ. AI can't come for IQ. AI can store information and elegantly spit it back out. It's not learning. I mean, maybe one day it gets to the point where it is learning, but it's not learning now. It's becoming more and more effective at replying and spitting back information in forms that humans can take and use and maybe at some point it becomes self-aware. That's a big nightmare. If that happens, we're in huge problems, huge that can't end well. I don't care. You can make all the rules you want, but you can't destroy humans when it becomes self-aware. How is it that it doesn't just overwrite the rules? That's a show for a different time. He's talking there about EQ. So train yourself to be part of a culture, part of a group where you're looking at purpose, et cetera. Okay. So writing mission statements. That's a very much a Larry Summers point of view. What about the expression of beauty? What about the expression of beauty through song, through words, through paintings? AI can create sounds. It can analyze Western music. Hey, in the West, the 145 culture, 145 chord structure is dominant, minor sixth, four or four beat, maybe one or two modulations. Song should be four minutes, below four minutes, three minutes, 38 seconds long. It should contain the following forms of dissonance. Here's where you should write the middle age or the middle 16 bars to provide some change of this some relief, but it should all reserve back, always resort back to the one. It can do this. That's all math. It cannot weep. It cannot go to a piano and sit down like Paul McCartney did. The Beatles were gone. He was hated by George and John. The world that identified him rather than John Lennon as breaking up the Beatles. In fact, the Beatles just broke up. Yoko didn't help, but the Beatles were going to break up anyway. Here he is isolated on this farm. His mates, because people forget this about the Beatles, they'd played together since they were not 17. People think it was 17 or 18. It started when they were 13 and 14 years old, gigging in the front rooms of weddings with five people there, and he's at the farm, and he sits down at a piano heartbroken, except for Linda, because it was Linda was telling you, "Hey, it's going to be okay. You still have the piano. You still have your music. It's going to be okay." He sits down and writes a song like, "Maybe I'm amazed." And that song stands the test of time. Sure, it's great music, "A.I. can mimic it, but it can't have the experience of my heart is breaking, so I need to write this, and need to write this." When Larry Summers speaks about it's coming for A.I.'s coming for IQ before it becomes for EQ, it can't come for EQ. God gave us these emotions that we sometimes access in other people that can sometimes see. I remember, this was several months ago, that I lost a dear, dear friend who he was killed, and I was with a friend when I learned that, and that emotional transfer was not even in words, simply in a sound. I was shockingly in a gym. Imagine that. It's simply a sound, it's simply an empathy, an exhale. Later, I went to go see my friend Ben, who is my sports med doc, and I was sitting on the table, laying on the table, and he saw something was wrong. He was dude, I told him, Mark died, and he laid, that didn't lay down, but actually bent down and embraced me. Now, A.I. can't do that, obviously it can't have that emotion, but look at the parallel existence they're trying to create. I learned something about my friends that day. I learned that in the midst of all sorts of people walking around, that my friend Ben is not afraid to express physical support for another dude. I learned in the gym that other friends are capable of expressing empathy through a sound. A.I. would have you going to dating apps, thinking that the goal is to get you married or to put you into long-term relationship when, in fact, that affects their money flow poorly. It would have you in a situation where, sure, you can get to know people, and I'm not saying don't do it again. I've got a dear friend who's doing that stuff, but understand that it's a parallel existence. The video game is a parallel existence. The knowledge bank that A.I. is creating, it's a parallel existence. That's not knowledge that you're gathering. It's knowledge being spit back out to you. There's something about knowledge you gain that makes it much more valuable and memorable. Gaining knowledge doesn't come from reading. It comes from experiencing that which you read. Yes, you can gain the fundamentals of something, an equation. You can even get the plot of a book, and it can be stored in you emotionally, but not until you live it. This is where these guys lose me in their deep, deep, deep affection for all this stuff. They cannot create heaven on earth. They cannot create a new world. They aren't doing it. They are all, of course, leaning into the world of politics. They have to because that's where the power base is. We've decided to put our power base there for whatever reason, probably a human sin problem. You look at not artificial intelligence, but lack of it. Wait until you hear or see what Jay Johnson says, accidentally about the so-called president figurehead Biden. It stinks is what it is. In real life, sometimes you can develop stink almost accidentally. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day. Who ended up leaving some meat in his car. He thought, "Maybe it's my kid, maybe my kid left a mess, maybe my dog left a mess." He's just scouring his car. What's in there? He finds out, "Oh, my gosh, there's actual bear sausage in my car and it's been there for..." Enough now that it's forming other life forms on it. The car utterly stinks. You can spray a bunch of stuff on that and you are just masking the smell. On the other hand, and this is what I told him, and he followed through. He actually sent me the receipt, so he followed through. The Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm device comes with a USB connection. Normally, you just plug it in your wall. Once in the wall in the studio, it produces Ozone 03. That stuff is so incredible, it bonds with the molecules, it produces bad smells, and it just zaps them, it just destroys them. That's what it does. We haven't plugged into the wall here. It's relatively silent, and the studio smells just like after a thunderstorm. My friend bought this USB device, and it's usually plugged into the wall, but it comes to the USB connection. You can plug this into your car and the car that stink is gone. It destroys it. Think about your RV. Think about going across the country for this period of time. Think about your kids in a college dorm. Think about your kids or friends in military barracks. They don't need the USB connection, they just plug it into the wall, boom, it works. You can save $200 on the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2. Just go to That's Oh, pardon me, used code Todd 3. And by the way, get a pet stink guarantee specific to pet stink. If it doesn't remove it, you get your money back. No questions asked use code Todd 3. Jay Johnson, not artificial intelligence. He's counting on our lack of intelligence. This is effectively a guy working in politics admitting that the figurehead, yeah, he's just a figurehead. I mean, the presidency, that's not really one person. A presidency is more than just one man, one woman. It's an administration. I would take Joe Biden his worst day at age 86. So long as he has people around him like, like Avril Haines, Samantha Power, Gina Ramondo, supporting him over Donald Trump any day with the crowd that was behind him on January 6, 2021. Oh, former secretary. Okay. Just piece by piece by piece. Name the correct decision that any of those people brought about to the country. One, Samantha Power in terms of our international relations, wasn't she the person who was going to keep us out of war? And here we are at the doorstep of NATO or a NATO putting our troops at the doorstep of Russia. And by the way, I'm here to tell you, you really think that we don't have troops in Russia? Honestly, you really believe that they can't wait to get into this further. So when he says the presidency is not one person, of course there's a support staff. It's a cabinet. We know this, but why is it that Hunter Biden is now part of this cabinet? I get it. The Trump kids were there. I didn't like that either. I didn't like having Ivanka in, in, in, in the White House. Jared Kirschner, he's the one who got the piece accord actually created with Israel. He actually got that done and I'm not a Jared Kirschner fan. But Hunter Biden is the same felon that they accused Donald Trump of being. Although Hunter's charges were soft-pedaled to a most ridiculous degree. We had cocaine found in the White House. They don't mention this and Hunter Biden is not just in meetings about whether his dad, the great money maker for the family, continues to be in the business or not. He's actually in the White House making policy decisions, not the decisions, but feeding into this. It's not just one person. The question for America is who is actually the president because in every single dynamic, take this back to the Larry Summers comment. He was saying, trained yourself to be in groups that arrive at goals and produce commitments and be a part of that culture, that community. That's what he said, right? Every culture has a leader. It's not always the person with the title of president or the title of boss. You know the leader this way. Everybody else shuts up. When you're in a room, if you're wondering who's the leader, sit back and watch. It's not necessarily the person at the head of the table, I've seen it 20,000 times. It's the person who when they speak, everyone else stops and listens. Someone is playing that role in the White House. It is not the figurehead because when he speaks all too often, it's a mixed salad of sounds and syllables that pour out of his demented mouth. So yes, the presidency has always had a cabinetry, but the specter of a pure figurehead, this should be what scares everybody. Is Donald Trump a figurehead? No, he has too much ego. President Trump for all the good that's been done through him by God and for all the reasons I will run to the polls to vote for President Trump again, he's not a guy who's willing to be just a figurehead. Absolutely he's sourced things out. I hope this time around that he actually chooses better people to work for him. Anderson Cooper was talking to Carl Bernstein, a criminal. No, he's, no, wait, he's a criminal. Bernstein should have been in the Ecuadorian embassy, walked away hiding away from indictment in the United States. Why would I say such a thing? Because he used government sources to get information on a crime that people in government committed. That's exactly what Julian Asson did and he just went, of course, not, we was locked away in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for how many years and just now got out. So Carl Bernstein has been hearing things from the Biden camp and we'll talk about this. Biden gets on camera and there's these moments like we saw the other day, him not being able to walk down like four steps after the CNN debate. If you've not seen this video, we ran it on the show, Jill, who's a doctor, by the way, of something, just not medicine or anything that's actually doctored him, is helping him down the steps. There is a producer of CNN there in case the guy falls and I'm watching that ambling and that shuffling and I'm brought back to how many people go through life like that and they don't need to. I mean, honestly, are you in like constant pain and you're starting to make noises when you stand up? I remember when I was really, really heavy and you make that sound when you stand up. That's that couch sound. Sometimes you make that sound you catch yourself doing that or I remember this like in the olden days, people would have to rock back and forth before they sat up like, well, it's time for me to go, Toto, I didn't hit. Man, stretch your hammies before you get out of the couch, grandpa. If you're in that situation and you're tempted to turn around and use the great evil pill of ibuprofen, I beg you, please, no, don't, please, no, don't, please, no, don't. Switch off. Go and have the experience I had with Native Path Crill. It's My experience was this. This isn't going to work. I've had omega-3s before. I eat a mostly fish-based diet. I'm effectively a pescetarian. This isn't going to work to what? I haven't taken any ibuprofen and I don't have any inflammation. How did this work? To a phone call and I felt like an absolute idiot going to the gen and go, hey, look, I know we have the call with the Native Path Crill people and I took copious notes, but this stuff actually works. Getting on the phone with them, yeah, guys, listen, I know you said this worked, but it actually works. What in the name of all this good? How does it work? So then we got down to the business of how it works. It is three to four times as absorbable as fish-based omega-3s. Well, boom, there you go. It is also from the purest waters, the Antarctic, so it doesn't have exposure to all the heavy metals, et cetera, that others do. It's not fish-based. It's crill-based. Crill is a crustacean and it's wild-caught. Nativepath Crill is the ibuprofen or don't start it and enjoy a life where you don't have all that inflammation because inflammation is hard to live with. Here is Carl Bernstein on with CNN's Anderson Cooper. Carl, according to the people you've been talking to, what are you hearing? Well, these are people, several of them, who are very close to President Biden, who love him, have supported him and have been among them or some people who have raised a lot of money for him. And they are adamant that what we saw the other night, the Joe Biden we saw, is not a one-off, that there have been 15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show that we witnessed. And what's so significant is the people that this is coming from and also how many people around the president are aware of such incidents, including some reporters, incidentally, who have witnessed some of them. But here we see tonight, as these people say, President Biden, that is absolute best. And yet, these people who have supported him, loved him, campaigned for him, see him often, say that in the last six months, particularly, there has been a marked incidence of cognitive decline and physical impairment. What I wonder about, what I wonder about, actually, Anderson, and this isn't my unique thought. There's a couple of people who brought this up. Peter McCullough, John Jordan Chateau, others have brought this up. Do you remember we did a show about two weeks ago, going in-depth, if you watch the video show, we actually brought out the charts and graphs, in-depth about the fact that COVID shots increase dementia and Alzheimer's type symptoms. Do you remember that? I'm not saying this has been what's happened to the figurehead. We don't have enough data to know that, but we do know this, that the hours of 10 to 4, where they have now released this, the White House said it to be a good idea. Well, the president is reliably engaged from the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and our enemies on the global stage are going EST, Eastern Standard Time, 10 a.m. before it, 5 p.m. So he's not good outside of that six-hour window. I'm going to try to produce this as an excuse. You have Jay Johnson seeing that, but there's a bunch of people surrounding him. It's okay. You've got Samantha Power, who helped lie about Benghazi. She's there, Hunter's there, and by the way, when Hunter's high, he's super quick. In fact, when he's on a crankbender, that dude goes and cleans the White House and gives foreign policy advice. He can't stop. He'll get out of toothpick cleaning away dirt on the floors to the White House as he's giving policy advice. It's wack. And they continued this discussion of people who were working with him at Camp David, allegedly in this intensive debate prep, if there were concerns there about this, and I don't know if you have any, got any word about that, but how anybody involved in that debate prep, I mean, didn't anybody see something about it? The debate prep was supervised by Ron Clayne, who has been with President Biden for many years. And people I've talked to have all been to Ron Clayne in the last year to say we have a problem. We have a problem such as we saw the other night that there have been numerous instances where the president has lost his train of thought, can't pick it up again. There was a fundraiser at which he started at the podium, and then he became very stiff according to people there, as if it were almost a kind of rigor mortis. This was a report, allegedly in June of 2020. This was June of, this was a year ago, almost exactly. Carl Bernstein with Bob Woodward made their fame on Watergate. They went and got government information to prove what people in the government world, this is the White House Richard Nixon, had been doing. Next question, why didn't you bring this out earlier? The same media that says they need to protect us from disinformation, the New York Times with this incredible headline, the First Amendment is out of control, are the same ones who held this information, and the Jeff Epstein information, and the injection information, and the, it's not, Trump's not a Russia plant information, and the, oh, we actually are spraying things into the atmosphere to control the weather information, and the, you know there's a war going on in Syria in Jordan right now, we're not going to tell you that, but there is, and the, you do know that Barack Hussein Obama, actually let the Taliban and Hamas smuggle drugs into America at high levels, right? You actually know he let that go on, actually stopped arrests, they didn't tell us that. The same people holding on to this information, it brings us back to AI. AI can't write stories, it can't break news, it can only create information in manageable forms by already created info from humans. That's it. You know what else it can't do? It can't break news. It can't do analysis, not with a soul, not with a soul, and our conscience, as I've said many, many times is in fact our bridge way to God, and God thank you for making it that way, for giving us a conscience, a way then not just to read your word, but in fact to feel it. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. Good sleep should come naturally, and with a new natural hybrid mattress, it can. A collaboration between Lisa and West Elm. 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