The Todd Herman Show

Profits At The Open Border Ep-1701

Zach Abraham joins us and explains the mechanisms behind the $10,000 handout of debit cards to immigrants by the US government. Oh, incidentally they aren't going to need ID to receive these because ID is racist. How does this happen and how much money are they making to hand out $10,000 a piece?

What does God’s Word say? 

2 Timothy 3:2-52 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
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05 Jul 2024
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Granger, for the ones who get it done. Hey, you want a free $10,000 debit card? We're going to talk with Zach Gabrielheim about how you can get one. We'll do that with the help of That's where this thing, I got to tell you a story, something I accidentally did the other day. Goodness, that should have blown up, but it didn't or we go to elevate your healthcare. We'll do that also. We cannot do this without God Almighty. Father God, thank you for the friendship with Zach, the fellowship Zach Gabrielheim joining us now. Thank you for wise counsel and mostly for Zach Sand. I don't know nothing. It's all about God. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. It's Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and bees of the times to which God has decided we shall live. Zach Gabrielheim joins us now on the Todd Herman Show. Zach consulting the charts, it's always the charts. The sharp man joins us. Welcome back, brother. Oh, it's good to be back. I don't know that it's fun to be a chart guy in this world today. We don't get the game we want, man. We get the game that we get, right? Yeah. Guys, if you haven't paid for the video service yet, can I give you just one thing that give you the price of admission? is watching when Zach is doing his job because he's talking with us. He multi-tasks sometimes. I can see him look at it going, "What?" I'm wondering what bit of financial insanity is. You can't. That's the market we're in. That's the market we're in. I can't hide it. I can't hide it. No, and why should you? No. Can I tell you something that happened to me? Yeah. Okay. So I keep looking at the wrong camera. Keep forgetting. I need to look at this camera because now I'm looking, Zach, in the eye. So you see my right shoulder here, Zach? Yeah. That's the one I got surgery on. So we're in the gym the other day warming up and I'm going to be doing some single arm kettlebell swings and releasing them at the top, you know? So go smooth and release them at the top. And I do 10 reps with 35 pounds. And my coach says, "What do you think about going up a little bit? Like that seemed pretty smooth." So I go walking back to put the kettlebell back and I said, "Yeah, you know, we could do that. Go up a little bit." Although I said, "I do want to kind of take it easy in my right shoulder. I've been doing a lot on that." Then I went, "Oh, no." The coach goes, "Why'd I go?" I used my right hand. It's the right shoulder. The one that I had surgery on. And it's at week 10 and I'm swinging a 35-pound kettlebell 10 times and releasing it. She's taught. Like, she goes, "I can't believe I didn't notice it. You're just stopping it." I didn't notice. I didn't notice. Hey, praise God that I didn't feel a snapping feeling as all the anchor popped out. No. No. The point is you got your boosters. This is the stem cells. Oh, the boosters. I'm telling you. Oh, it's... I figured it was the booster shots. Oh, yeah. It might have. You know, you know, I avoided those. I got the stem cells from me new. That's what did it and the HGH and all that's made possible by God. He invented the HGH. He invented the placenta and a milk accord stem cells. But can you imagine what would have happened if I just felt that snap? Like, when I'm swinging this? I would have walked in front of a bus. I don't think... Yeah. I don't think people get it. Like, when you said that, like, I literally had a moment of panic. Oh, you thought I was going to tell you? Oh, okay. Guess what? More surgery? Oh, yeah. Because I'm sitting there going, "Okay, that ice is workouts for me. The golf is gone." No, you know, no... Wakeboarding with the boys. Like, it's all over. Right. Right. So, we're wrapped a black elastic band around my hand, right? Hand for the rest of the time in the gym. Like, don't use this hand. So, tomorrow, I want to write, like, a big red X on it and do that. All right. We teased this at the top of the show, so let's pay it off. How do you get these $10,000 debit cards? It's in New York. And do you have to be a BIPOC or do you just have to sneak into the country, do you know? I don't know. My wife and kids are on the way to New York right now, so I'll let you know a few more. I was like, "Hey, kids, we've got to go square away this year." This year's college fund deal. Okay, good. Right. Well, I want to invest in their education. Right. Right. So, that go... Come on, go get one for the home team. Nothing's more educational than, "Hey, you got some dark skin. What we're going to have you do is we're going to fly you down just past the border, not very far. Have you sneak over, head over to New York City, get yourself a $10,000 debit card. You, you know, three kids, my mom, that's 30, 40 grand for the family. You can't do it because you're a white dude. The church is one-way ticket, too. So, it's a one-way ticket. Okay. I've got the other tickets ready to roll, kiddos, but you better show me the goods. Right. So, yeah, it's a family college funding plant. No, no, I... So A, this just reeks to me because where do you come up with $10,000 and who's funding that? Right. It reeks. Why? $10,000? What do we... What's going on here? Fifty-three million dollars in taxpayer money to a straight upright, very good, honest company called Mobility Capital Finance. So they get to administer that. And it's just, it's some walking around monies. It's not like they're trying to incentivize this. Do you, did you ever meet Mike Lewis at Car Radio? Hmm, I know the name. Okay. So, I once said to him, our city of Seattle is advertising for illegal immigrants to come here. He was so furious. I was doing a team show with him. He was so furious. He wanted to punch me. I could tell he wanted to hit me, but he knew that he shouldn't. Yes. He said, I don't see any ads. How is this not an ad? Ten grand. And by the way, they're going to investigate this. And you know, what do you think the review process was like, the RFP process where companies were bidding for this? There wasn't one. It was highly competitive. No, I mean, just any time a state or city government is running something, I just sit back with total confidence knowing that there is a fiduciary duty and responsibility at which they're administering those funds and we're building America one perfect time. So, explain the finances here to me, because here's what I think happens. Tell me if I'm wrong. So the taxpayers, they get, they get, oh, I almost said raped. I'd be apt. So the taxpayers have 53 million stolen from them. And it goes to this mobility capital finance. And then they hand out the debit cards to the illegals. Now the illegals, they're not going to go out and spend $10,000 in one day, probably. Maybe they will. But a mobility capital finance takes that 53 million. They get it on a Friday. Then they say, we need to process some things and start handing this out. So the debit cards will start going out sometime in 2027. I'm guessing, I mean, but you don't think they'd actually be making money on the float. Do you? No, guaranteed. As a matter of fact, I think if we look under the biggest shareholder, that little company is probably Larry Fink's son-in-law. No, literally. You don't get involved. I just dribbled water on my shirt. You want to know the reason to have the video service? Look, it goes back to, you and I have talked about this before, but I was just having this conversation with another client of mine. We especially, everybody in the country needs to wake up, but even people on the right need to wake up. I've had this discussion with several of my clients where they go, "No, Zach. We don't want any government interference. I really believe in a free market. I get you." I was having this conversation about increased regulations. When I say that, people go, "Wait a second, Zach. I thought you're a free market guy. Oh, I am a free market guy." The problem is, is that when you have this cabal of big business and government, it's not a free market. Right. It's not even corporate America. This is why I say so-called companies. Right. Yes. This big mobility camp on the finance. That's not a company. No. But if you look at it, every time there's something behind the reeks, like for instance, like BlackRock, like we told you, BlackRock got the right or got the job, it was just given to them to trade to buy two and a half trillion dollars worth of stuff out of the Fed's SPV. And they collected fees on it, billions of dollars. Okay. Then those corporations take those fees that the US Treasury didn't call Bullwork and ask us if we could buy some stuff for them. Right. They called their buddies the BlackRock. Okay. So then they get billions of dollars of fees and then take those billions of dollars and buy up city blocks of residential housing. Right. You don't see something like this without the grift going on underneath it. So I will flat out guarantee you that there is somebody. And I would be surprised if we dug deep enough, we didn't recognize a name. Yeah. Right. I guarantee you because you don't get those government deals unless you're playing the game, man. Yeah. It's like this is so, so very clear in all of these things like tick for instance, this obsessive push to all of a sudden electricity is the new thing. All of a sudden like natural gas, what? It's killing the blacks. Well, what about, no, no, it's killing the other irony. Here's the other irony. It's killing the inner city black. How many inner city homes have that gas? Oh, no. It's not their homes. It's yours. It's yours going from the separate country of Washington floating over there and killing the blacks in Harlem. So they make that statements. They all of a sudden choo choo trains you new. We've got to have electricity and everybody in the world who has studied this at all says, you're going to break the electrical grid. And no, but that doesn't matter. Do you know how paid off we are? The following is a high five moment from high five I won. No. Private, put down your phone. This is the army. Sorry. High five casino is a social casino. It's on your phone. Goes wherever you go. I win three spins cash prizes three down the rewards over twelve hundred games. I won again. Soon present cell phone high five five casino when it high five casino home. High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're going to play responsible conditions apply. See website for details. High five casino. That mobbed up thing with companies like this that we need to start there. It's got to be a word for these companies that aren't companies. I call them so-called companies. They're cartels. What would be a good word that would describe what they actually are, which is they're they're the inbred children of government. Oh, how about incubus? They're robber barons. They're the modern day robber barons, right? And all you've done is you've just so the mechanism that the robber barons had a lot of political influence too. I mean, if you go back and look at the way that they grind it against or Teddy Roosevelt when he was, you know, he got a lot of pushback against those guys. But they weren't in cahoots with government the same way. But there were less rules, right? So it's tyranny just by another lever, right? So whereas there are more antitrust rules that these guys have to dance around, that is, in my opinion, supplanted by the fact that they're in bed with big government. So I think that they're just as disruptive and just as damaging to the economy in the long run as the robber barons were. And I think they need to be busted up for the same reason. The best way you're going with regulation is busting people like this up, like busting up a black rock, busting up these big banks. Yeah. And here's the thing. The bank side of it, in my opinion, is really easy. Okay. And the reason why I think it's really easy is I think what the government should do is they should say, look, here are the rules, okay? And if you operate this way, we will keep you will be eligible for FDIC insurance. If you choose to engage in these activities, you are not eligible for eligible for FDIC insurance. And then you step back and go caveat them to our guys. If you think that bank is so much better, then you're going to be willing to take the risk of not being FDIC insured. And here's the beautiful thing about that. It's self-regulating, right? You want these banks to quit taking these outsized, stupid risks that then let if they know they don't have a net underneath them, and I'm just telling you as a guy that runs a finance firm, like I know these guys, if they know they're on the hook for it, they're not going to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Right. I love that. I love that. If the fact that they know when they bet that big, they have to get bailed out. Right. Okay. So then I would also do this. Then what we need to begin to do as well is on another front of this. Let's look at legitimately what's going on in New York. So it's a mobbed up entity, a robber baron, an incubus, this capital mobility finance, my opinion of them, succubus, okay, succubus. And they're, they are handing out money to people who broke the law. They're rewarding that. Okay. Fair enough. Every robbery, every rape, every drunk driving incident that these people commit, you are party to that. You have funded their lifestyle. You have rewarded them for coming in. The ones we tie back to the cartels because not all these people are evil people. They broke the law of their criminals. All of them are criminals for sneaking into the country illegally, but not all of them are horrible people. That's not pretend for a second that they're there. But the, I'm sorry, but the working aged men who are here to exploit us and God knows what else, we already know that some of them are cartel members. The kids who beat up these cops, these young men who beat up the cops, we now know they're tied to cartels. So hey, mobility capital finance, guess what? They're aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise. Here's the others. Here's the other. So go at them. But Zach, go at them criminally. You're in bed. Well, I mean, yeah, that would assume that like anybody's going to agree it's a criminal action. Right? Like, I mean, meaning you were so far out there at this point, for instance, you look at these people and go, well, we were built on him. Yes. And I'd like to streamline the immigration. My uncle moved up here, married to a Panamanian woman that got a masters in engineering from LSU. Okay? It took her 10 years to get her citizenship. I'm all about streamlining. It's ridiculous. I've got an analyst in England right now that I can't move here because I can't get him a green card, okay? It's ridiculous, right? And yet these cats come strolling in and everybody's like, you believe in immigration? I go, if it's what built our country and I go, they weren't getting $10,000 checks. So by definition, the people you were attracting were just ones that wanted a fair shake. That was it. Right? Just give me a shot. Just give me a chance. I worked on Fedard. Right? They didn't want 40 acres in a mule. They didn't want a debit card paid for. They just wanted a fair shake. Okay. Now, you're ringing the welfare bill, Bell. So what are you doing? You're inviting in fraudsters and the least common denominator. That's the problem. And you're inviting people who hate America and you're allowing them to continue to hate America. So you end up with voting districts that are 80% Muslim and they're electing people like Ilhan Omar. And she hates America. America. Yeah. Yeah. The swindle upon swindle that's related to this, the rigging of the electoral college, just by the fact of electoral college weight and these congressional districts, someone I read the study of the day, there's at least 20, maybe 25 extra congressional seats that are totally due to illegal immigration. And the Democrats have figured this out and Republicans are afraid to go hardcore on things like criminal investigations to fight back against this. All right. Let's move down to a different swindle. Well, hold on. One thing I got to add to that, I'll get asked that question. Yeah. I'll get that question about me, but I'll also get it asked about you and I used to get it about our good friend, Dory, but my answer to people. So what do you ask? Well, hey, what's he really like? And I just always chuckle and I go, oh, you don't understand. Todd does not have the ability to be inauthentic. There is nothing incongruent with Todd when you know him. You're just getting Todd. It's just that simple, right, which is probably what people go. You really think that. And I'm like, listen, if you hear what I have to say on the radio, it's just me, right? It's what I think. I can guarantee it. I don't even know how to do that, but no, I always laugh when I get that question about you. Todd is one of the few people in the world that could be possibly accused of being too authentic. Oh, not, not, not, not possibly accused. You asked my wife about, hey, can we go ahead and not have our marriage be a big topic of conversation in the show? I'm just saying. I mean, you know, it's, so there, there are band top, what? No, I didn't say, yeah, she's over here at the studio visiting. She's got a button that she can press. I think my wife has that blood wherever I am, I'm pretty sure. I don't know that there's any better way to show commitment to Independence Day all year than to join with a coffee company born of a Navy Seal. Tim Crookshank is a three time combat vet with us on our behalf. And he is a buds instructor, retired. He's also a guy who could have taken that whole image, that whole Navy Seal image, and gone and private labeled junk coffee and then put a Navy Seal logo on it. He didn't. He worked with a coffee legend named Dave Stewart to create bone frog coffee. Dave created Seattle's best coffee. And then Tim went about the process of excellence, but it's what's on the bag that matters. Bone frog coffee is God country team in the bag, is the world's best coffee. That phrase, bone frog coffee, God country team will never change. They'll never learn away like that rifle company did from the second limit. Go to, promo code Todd to get 10% off your first order, 15% off subscription coffee. Since I've become discipled and I am around men who walk and abide with the Lord Jesus, we're so honest with each other that I find the honesty slipping out, and I so admire that that we have these brotherhoods. I know I can tell you anything, and that's been stolen from young men. I am obsessed with how much has been stolen from young men. We'll get back to finances in a second, but let me ask you this. What do you think is the biggest theft that this society has done to young men? I mean, obviously, I would give you an example, I'll talk about this earlier. Not just young men, I didn't get to have a son, but my daughter. My daughter never got to see me say, "Honey, you're asking me some really difficult questions, and I know that you're really hurting, and you know what, I'm a man, and I don't necessarily have the answers to these." So what if you and I get down on our knees together and let's open the Bible and let's read through and let's see what God's word says about this. You're saying that you don't like how your body looks. Let's see if I can find a scripture here about how God sees you. Oh, look here, you were knitted together in the womb and you cannot have your hair in your head, and here's where God refers to you as His masterpiece and these great plans for you, and you're made in His image, honey. You're made in His image. Oh, my goodness, look what we found together, and now let's go to the Psalms and let's, there's some places where people have asked God to help them, and that's a sign of a man who wants to be too strong for his daughter, where I wanted to be the wisdom-breaker and fear of the Lord's in the beginning of wisdom. That's been stolen from an entire generation of young men. They've never seen their dad say, "I don't know, son, but let's consult the Bible." Dad, should I love, I think I love this girl, I think I want to marry her. Oh, wait, the one who dated all your friends? Yeah, but that was a while ago. Well, let's see what the Bible says. Yeah. I think that's a huge step. What about you? I think there's a couple, and I've got two young boys. I haven't dealt with this first one, but I'll put it out there, and it's something that I bring up unabashedly every time I'm talking to younger men. It's sexual promiscuity, especially pornography, the fact that it's okay, right? And it's not not okay because it's a sin, okay? It's not okay because it's going to rot your mind and rob you of intimacy. It's going to rob you. That sexual promiscuity, and I have no problem saying it, I've dealt with it, I've had battles with it. Yeah. Right? That's why I'll admit it on here because by grace I'm saved, and my struggles, if they're not used to help younger people or other people, then what's the point? Right? So first of all, I think it comes down to us being honest and saying, "Hey, you're not dealing with anything." I heard a pastor recently say, "There are two types of men that struggle with pornography. They don't struggle with pornography, blind men and liars." Right? Right? And I just, and maybe not ongoing, but at times. And so I think this whole, "Oh, it's healthy, it's normal." It is a robber, it wants to get into your home and bind you, right? It wants to take everything from you, including, it wants to give you the opposite of what it's promising, right? If you want to be unhappy with your wife, get a pornography addiction, right? If you want unrealistic expectations, to treat women worse, all that other kind of stuff, not to mention the women you're exploiting, right? Not to mention the horrific machine you're funding, right? That and money, right? The whole section, it's one and two, right? Having money is going to, that makes you a man that's, man, you go back, you know, Solomon talked, I've seen princes walk with, I've seen princes walk with slaves and slaves ride with kings, right? It doesn't mean anything because it is the most renewable resource on the face of the earth. And that's all it is. And so you've got these boys being told, get all the chicks and get all the money. If you want a sad life, go for that. Yep. Let's talk about a non-purpose driven life. And until you find your purpose, that is where fulfillment is. It's not in the stuff, it's not in the sex, it's not in the culture. As a matter of fact, it's the opposite. It's why I tell my kids, when in doubt, do the opposite. Yeah. There's a song by the tubes called She's a Beauty. Don't fall in love. She's a beauty. If you do, you're going to find out she don't love you. It is one of the best pieces of secular advice for kids, because it's about separate right behind the glass, there's a real girl, you can talk to a pretty girl. She'll give you every penny's worth, but you must pay her a dollar first. And the porn is very much that way. I can tell you this. I shared this to the night with the youth group. I can look you, Zach, in the eye and tell you I will never look at pornography again. And the reason I know that is because of the change the Holy Spirit in me. And I haven't looked at pornography in going on two decades. And what got me was, before I was discipled, when I learned that a whole bunch of it was rape. The moment I learned that, I was like, "Oh, okay." Well, all of a... The suicide rates, man. I just saw another one of a 30-some-year-old porn star that just offed itself. Yeah. And I'll never look at it again for that reason. And now that the Holy Spirit's empowered me in this, what a relief it is to be able to be around a beautiful woman and look at her as a child of God. Yeah, right. Right. Right. Yeah, no, that's the other thing. Yeah, absolutely. Your body, as you age, is going to experience some form of inflammation unless you are the magic person who gets the magic blend of antioxidants, never eats a food that doesn't belong in your body, never over works, never has anything like that. Now maybe you're that person. There are people like that who exist. I have no son and they do yoga and they swim and they don't have any of that in their life. If you, on the other hand, have inflammation, which means you're constantly sore, you're making noise when you get up, it feels like you've just worked out all the time. Those are some of the signs of inflammation. It also comes along with irritability and it comes along with some problems in let me be polite. You're a nation can be an issue that can. The common thing in the world is you reach for the things of the world like ibuprofen. And let's be fair to that drug. It does an incredible job of masking the symptom, incredible. When I ate four ibuprofen at night, I woke up and it's like I never had inflammation. Problem was, throughout the night, that drug ate away my gut lining. So the moment I woke up and started to eat, I started to give myself more inflammation because my gut lining had been compromised. As I ate even healthy foods, particles that don't belong in my bloodstream, made it into my bloodstream, boom, there's my joints. After aching, muscles aching, worse, it affects your heart, your liver, your kidneys. Ibuprofen does. The fix for this was not the fix I expected. I did not expect native path krill to work because it had omega threes before. I had never had native path krill. It's different in the following ways. Krill K-I-R-L-L is a crustacean. It is far more. It's omega threes are far more absorbable than that from fish. And folks, I eat fish almost exclusively for my whole food protein is fish, either tuna or salmon. I still wasn't getting the proper omega threes. This stuff comes from the Antarctic to purest waters that we have access to. It doesn't have the heavy metals and all the other things. It can screw up other waters. And in terms of helping your immune system, which this also does, it's 60 times more absorbable than vitamin C, meaning more powerful, meaning more for your money. Toss the ibuprofen, toss the side effects that it can cause, get rough of the way of the heart disease you can cause in you, go to, and simply see what offers they have for you today, I one year decided foolishly to do my own taxes. So I told my accountant, I think I got this handled. You know, I work at Microsoft and we've got some tax software. So I filled it out and did the tax software. And then my wife came, I came home, she goes, I know you don't like to talk about business and financing stuff right away, but I think you should probably look at this. Okay. What's going on? Oh, we owe the IRS $95,000. Oh, okay. What's this? And the IRS had determined that I didn't pay taxes. So we're going to go ahead and ask you now for $95,000. Like, wait a minute, no, this, and it was a QuickBooks error, oh, and we need the money now. That sort of thing. Oh, yeah. So I made an appointment to go to the IRS in downtown Seattle and I showed up for my point in time. I waited all of 10 minutes. I walked in. There was this unbelievably pleasant man. Good morning, Mr. Herman. Nice to meet you. Introduce what's going on. I laid out from here, said I did and he goes to and looks at some things and goes, oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, there is an error here. I do see that you attempted to pay and actually, that appears to be, oh, you'll refund. Yes, sir. Okay. Well, listen, I can take care of this right away. I'm going to need you to sign some things. You know what he said? Zach, he goes, I'm really sorry this happened to you. This can be very confusing. The tax code is very confusing. Zach, I'm sitting there across this man. I had tears in my eyes. Yeah. I said to him, sir, I did not expect to be treated this way because we get a really bad rap as an agency and sometimes we sometimes we deserve it. Sometimes we're overzealous, sometimes the up pies, they don't care about people. I got into this line of work because I was an accountant and I got sick of seeing people screwed around with. I couldn't believe it. Well, it's a really quick similar story. We think it's from somebody that an extra grind against Dory Monson, but somebody called into the SEC and alleged that we were paying illegal kickbacks to him or something like that. It's a Dory? Yeah. I mean, I'm just sitting there looking and I'm going, I don't know what you're talking about. You can look through my personal checking accounts. You can, for wiring, I just did the standard deal, like nobody's paying anybody, and they put some handcuffs on us for about two and a half months. I remember that. Yeah, even before they resolved it though, the guy came back and he said, "Look, we can tell what this is now. You're good to go. We're not resolved, but go ahead. You guys have done nothing." He was just incredibly reasonable, so much better than I thought, and yeah, they do get a bad rap. Yeah. They do. There's something I need you to unpack for us. There's a couple of things deal flow-wise. One has to do with OpenAI and $80 billion, then you and I need to celebrate together. There's $1.5 billion gift that figurehead Biden, and I think he's using Barack Obama's money for this. I think this was the left of her money from the Obama phones because there were some of those that weren't collected, so he's using that. But this $80 billion OpenAI thing, I really need you to explain this to people in the way that only you can. OpenAI, maker of chat GPT, although they've got that thing right where there's the non-profit, and they've set up the scam, we're a non-profit over here, but we have now a bunch of analysts got together and outside analysts said, "Hey, the company's worth $80 billion, right?" So these sober eyes looking at it, $80 billion, and now the employees can sell their shares based upon an $80 billion valuation. Was that the way it worked? A bunch of people from outside looking at the company and determining that? Well, yeah, yes. Okay. Good. Yeah, it's awesome. What's determined by is deal demand, right? How many people want to get into it? Oh, wait, wait. So this wasn't a whole bunch of stock market analysts, like, reducing going to the books? I mean, it may have been, but I mean, look at Nvidia. I don't really think those guys have to be sharp of people's right now. Right. I don't think they're really grinding over the spreadsheets. Well, wait. Does OpenAI, are they releasing revenue numbers yet? Because I thought they stopped doing that. Well, that's the thing. I mean, you're talking about a very minimal amount of revenue. I don't know how much, but I mean, this is all development stage, right? Now, to be fair to them, if I was running OpenAI, I'd probably do the same thing. And the reason I do the same thing is, look, it's not that companies fault that a bunch of morons want to pay way too much for it. You know what I mean? Like, it's not your fault. So I'd sit there and go, hey, guys, you can cash in some chips right now, too. I mean, you can do it. But I mean, and this is why I say, guys, this is why just mark my words, more investors will lose money, trying to get into AI, then we'll make money, okay? Like, at the end of the story, just over the next five years, more people will lose than we'll make. And the reason why is because of this. When you get a mania like this, right, by definition, the assets themselves quit reflecting what their own fundamentals are, and AI is a classic example, why? Because everybody wants in and there aren't many places to make bets because there aren't any real AI products yet. Okay. Now, it's going to be big and it's going to be a transformational deal. But it is kind of like the tech boom on steroids, meaning anything that looks and if it looks and sounds like a duck, you're like, not even that. If it has webbed feet, they're like, it's a duck, right? You're like, well, no, that's a kid that has web toes. It doesn't matter. It's elaborate or puppy. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Right. But if it even comes close to that and then by definition, and so here, this is why people lose so much money is that to get into those, you are paying pure speculation, okay? Like the tech boom, eight or nine out of 10 of these things won't be viable. Yep. It's mark my words. It's the way this happens. Yeah. The levels get so damaging because everybody's making so much money that people pile into this stuff with way larger percentages of cash. And by definition, 80 to 90% of the bets they're placing wrong companies aren't going to make it. Yeah. Right. So, you know, and then they sell at the wrong time, they buy at the wrong time. Everybody's like, AI is going to be big and you're like, guys, it already is, right? The easy money's been made off. My friend and brother Zach Cabraham, chief investment officer, bulwark capital management cannot do enough of his free live workshops on this inflationary environment. These things keep selling out. It's so vital and people are beginning to understand how inflation is the silent portfolio killer. I mean, your retirement is based on future results, right? Yes. Inflation have to do with that. Everything. It's a cancer. Find out if you're doing the right thing to have a portfolio set up for inflation with risk management and active management of portfolios, which can actually reduce risk and volatility. Zach's giving another of his free live webinars, July 25th. Learn more and sign up for this free live webinar. Just go to Space is limited and it fills up fast. Go to It's, investment advisory services off their Trek Financial LLC, an SCC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money past performance. Does not necessarily indicate future results. You remember Yeah, yeah. Mark Kuban's company. So that had been, I forget what that was called prior. It had a chunky name and then he got Like web radio or Internet. Yeah. Something like that. When I was doing radio for the first time before I did the tech thing in Microsoft and founded companies and all that, we were one of the first companies to adopt that streaming platform. And so our radio station did super well. We were beating like KLAF in Dallas and we were beating KBC from Los Angeles. It was really cool for us. So people, given the choice of what to listen to, said, "Wow, these guys are really fun to listen to. They're doing wild and crazy talk radio." And Mark Kuban, when we left the radio station, we founded this Internet radio company. We accidentally, legitimately, accidentally ended up with a computer. So like, wait, whose computer is this? This isn't something we bought. Oh my gosh. That came from the radio station. Oh, we've got to take this back, right? So we were going to take it back. We did. And we opened it up and probably shouldn't have, but we looked at it. What was it? It was a Microsoft PC. It had absolutely no special sauce in it at all. And we, so somehow Mark Kuban himself found out we had the machine and he got in touch with us. And I had this conversation and he said, "I want my machine back. We're taking it back to the radio station. I take it back Monday. No, I want it now. You want to fly it from Dallas and get it? What do you mean you want it now? Don't give it to the radio station. I want it." Oh, Mark, I can't. This is like, no, and boom, effort, effort, effort. And I said, he hung up on me. Why was he doing that though? Because he didn't make computers. I have a suspicion as to why I was doing it. So my suspicion is Mark was a brilliant salesman and I'm not here to say he's not a smart guy. Sometimes he's called the dumbest VC in the valley and I don't know that that's fair or unfair. I don't. I don't want to bear false witness against him. I had a subsequent conversation with him in Los Angeles and to be fair, he was very pleasant. He remembered that. He laughed and he said, "Yeah, I was really paranoid at that time." Now here's what he built with that he took to Yahoo. We're talking here about OpenAPI and this overvaluation and buying the hype. So we were in the internet radio business. Mark did a better job of positioning than we did. I would say that we had greater value than they did. And I'll tell you why is because we actually owned exclusive contracts for distributing our content across great big huge websites. We actually had ad insertion technology. We actually had content technology where we could customize a stream for any website and they'd never know. We actually had all this stuff. Mark had this, buys them, Yahoo buys them for $5.6 billion. Mark's receptionist, he famously bragged, became a millionaire. Yahoo gets the company and says, "Woo!" Now we own the streaming content of the NFL, of the NCAA, of NASCAR, of Major League Baseball, because what Mark was actually doing in going to these radio stations was it was a backdoor way of streaming sports because there was no contract for Major League sports. That's what he was pitching. That's what bought. Now prior to Yahoo buying them, had very few assets. They were largely pre-revenue. So you had the sports world sitting back there going, "Look at that. Like we should sue them for what? What are we going to get?, LLC or whatever, what are we going to get?" Which is not even worth suing them. Let's sue the radio stations. We can't, Yahoo buys this thing and all of a sudden the NFL comes along and says, "Take our stuff off, Major League Baseball, go ahead and stop streaming our stuff or pay us." So hold on, they purchased him. Surely in the purchase process they must have asked for reviews of deals with the NFL Major League Baseball. Do you think? So they just, they just completely whiff their due diligence. What due diligence? That's crazy. Right. Who spent 5.6 billion without looking? Okay. So here's what I was told was the way this deal went down is that Yahoo had to break out into this content. They had to become this content machine. Yahoo stood for yet another hierarchly organized oracle. That's what it stood for, funny name, search engine. It was a person, it was a Yahoo used to be curated by human beings. We got to get into the content game because you know what? We got to get into open AI. Hey, it's content guys. We got to get content. Get us some content. So let's get into the content game. Okay. Let's get into the content game. Now I can't sit here and tell you that they did no due diligence. But those of us who knew, we're looking at this going, "Wow." Yeah. 5.6 billion dollars for no contracts, as I recall. I mean, this is all by recollection. But I know that afterwards, all of a sudden, this stream's gone, then you had the radio stations coming on and going, "Yeah, we'll go ahead and have you pay us." Since you're streaming a radio station, we'll go ahead and have you pay us. So we went through this thing in that period of time where we had venture capitalists going, "Okay, do you have anything algorithmic with music? Pandora's big. We're doing algorithmic stuff." Well, no, we're not. Well, no, no, we are. Let's find a way to say this. So what you're saying with OpenAPI and this chat GPT stuff is people are paying a premium for hype, eventually you're going to have events like the, people where people go, "Oh, wait. So you just licensed your AI. This is yours." 100%. Yeah. 100%. The other thing is that any time you get into these scenarios, you have to be extra careful because you know the whole environment is ripe for fraud, meaning any type of fraud. Yeah, fraudsters aren't stupid, right? So any time you see people that much money chasing so few things, know for a fact, there's a bunch of fraud and vaporware making-- Oh my gosh. IDC. When CEOs are coming out and saying the word "AI" in their conference calls 55 times and the stock goes 60% with no evidence of that happening, I'm not saying they're lying and I'm not saying they're hyping up what the results are going to be. What I am saying is there are a bunch of people that see how they're doing it and will lie and cheat and you get sucked right into it, right? And that's why I say when you look at scenarios like this, you can ride the wave, but you've got to do it in a way that you're always protecting your downside risk because you have to know you are riding just that, a wave, and every single wave ends up the same place, right? Crashing on the seashore. So this will be the same way. The problem is that's not what bubbles do. They're capital magnets. The bigger they get, the more money they suck in. And so when they apex and when they collapse, it's always at a point where it's maximum pain for the maximum number. Yeah. I remember being on a panel in San Jose at an events, a Microsoft sponsored panel and I was researching the companies that were going to the panel with me and my PR agent said, "Hey, this guy's really nasty. He'll down talk to your company, he'll try to get you into an argument. He's going to lie about you. Just know this. He's vicious. Okay, fine. That's fine. That's why I'm going to talk about people my whole life." So I do the research and he does. He turns vicious with me and says, "Why do you call yourself the first internet radio network? You're not the first internet radio network." And I said, "Well, Michael, just because we were the first one to syndicate, which is what network means, incidentally, why do you use his second name in a bio?" What? I go, "On your website, you're two people. Why is that? I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, I can show you. It's right here." Paul, there's two separate bios. You're the same guy. Why are you taking half your bio and being this guy and half your bio and being this guy? And by the way, is that a legal alias? Is that disclosed in like financial data? Did you tell your venture capitalists you're doing this? Or are you actually pretending you're this top heavy with talented executives? And the look into Silicon Valley types goes, "Oh, no, he didn't." And the guy who's hosting the panel is a dear friend of mine. And he goes, "Well, Brad, I don't mean to hijack the panel. We should just probably talk about technology." For the rest of the panel, that guy was just as quiet as nothing to say. And afterwards, he comes back and goes, "I'll get you for that." I go, "Dude, you're done." Yeah, that's all. You're all done. All right. So the figurehead Biden, let's celebrate this together. Do you have a beverage? Because I thought we would toast the figurehead together. Water. Okay. Yeah. Water, too. Pink sea salt, I'll have you now. So the figurehead, ladies and gentlemen, Biden, he has wiped out $1.5 billion in student loan debt, again, in complete contravention to what the Supreme Court said he could do. Let's hear it for figurehead Biden. He's making the hard choice. The one thing that's missing in the Supreme Court in our Constitution was an enforcement mechanism. He has been told three times, "We can't do it." You can't do it. And he's continuing to do it. And that's the sort of swindle that brings us right back to the top. What do we got? $10,000 for illegal immigrants in Washington, D.C., run through a succubus non-company, my opinion, mobility capital finance, and you're going to pay the tab again for an illegal activity by the figurehead. Does God tell us that in the end times people would be lovers of themselves turn from the Word of God, seek to have their itching ears tickled by teachers who would tell them what they want to hear? It's almost like God knew what was coming. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Weird, huh? [LAUGHTER] Brother, it's always a pleasure to have you here, man. Thank you so much. Zach Gabraham, soon, by the way, to be star of the Zach Gabraham nighttime TV show on CNN. Yeah, I don't... You didn't know? No. Yeah. That's highly inaccurate. Mm-hmm. I don't fit their programming. No, I was going to say, no, no, probably not. HBO. Yeah. Yeah. Well, maybe. Night time with Zach Gabraham. All right, brother. Thank you so much. Oh, yeah. All right, buddy. Thanks for having me. I'm the guy. Thank you for Wise Council. Thank you for fellowship. People say, and you know, say anything about this Zach, I mean, to make you blush, but there's a lot of friends of mine who listened to the show go, "I have my favorite time with you is Friday. It was just Zach because you seem happy." Well, hanging out with friends does that. Thank you, brother. Appreciate you. As always, this is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and make every effort to be right with God. The following is a high five moment from high five I won. Yahoo! Private, put down your phone. This is the army. Sorry, high five casino is a social casino. It's on your phone. Goes wherever you go. I win three spins, cash, prizes, three down rewards, over twelve hundred games. I won again. Platoon. Cell phone. High five. High five. Casino. 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