The Todd Herman Show

A Mother’s Fight Against the “Trans” Cult Ep-1702

I had an exclusive with a mom whose son has been seized by the lie of transgenderism. Deb shares about her son's descent into this lie, which began with pornography. She is facing extremely difficult circumstances, as her son is still mentally and spiritually captured, but she refuses to give in to fear.

What does God’s Word say?

Deuteronomy 6:7-97 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.2 Timothy 1:7For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.Ephesians 6:10-1810 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

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05 Jul 2024
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And thank God, finally, people are beginning to talk to D-transitioners, though no one can actually transition. It cannot be done. You cannot become the opposite sex. That's one of the greatest lies about this. And people figure that out and become suicidal. Many of them, if not most. Not all of them become suicidal, but they figured out that, hey, I'm not really the opposite sex. You know who doesn't get enough attention? Parents. Parents who go through the hell of this as the world endorses a child's delusion. We're going to talk with one mother who's faced this and still faces it, and it's got to be painful. Deb Brinton joins us with the help of God Almighty. We'll start in three, two, one. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. Deb Brinton joins me. Deb's son, Joshua Caleb, fell into the lie of transgenderism. And Deb is one of the parents who never gets enough attention or sympathy. These are stories we need to hear. That's why we're telling these stories in the Todd Herman Show. Deb, thank you for making the time. I appreciate you coming in. Thank you for having me. Let's start, I guess, with before, because stories go that way. There's beginning, middle, and end, and we hope this is not the end state for your son. But let's start with the beginning. Your son got conned into gender ideology at some point. We can talk about how that happened, but was he always someone who thought he was the opposite sex? No, he was all boy from the time he came out of the womb. And, you know, how do you define boy? How do you define girl? You know, I don't even know how you do it these days. But the bottom line is that anything that we would think of as boy was my baby boy and was very proud of his boyhood, so to speak, just a brief synopsis. He had grown up, homeschool family. And, you know, we didn't necessarily want him in the public schools and being exposed. And we sure weren't worried about this, but just things in general. And so we had homeschooled him and his younger sister, two years younger than he was. And they were great friends, and he had a great friend group. And anyway, just had an absolutely picture perfect, ideal childhood. And, you know, when people hear this, they'll doubt it. I'll tell you, I'm sure you've probably had this. We know this because of the travails we've been through as a family. We know. We know people doubt. No, clearly you did something. No, there's a society that's doing something. There is an entertainment complex that's doing something. And I've had many, many families tell us that, no, but it was ideal. And kids can't go back and say, wow, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. What do you think were the first hints, if there were any, or did you have the typical rapid onset gender dysphoria thing if your son walked in one day and said, hey, I'm a girl. Okay, there was definitely the rapid onset, but there were definitely some history that led up to this. So, my husband, I mean, my namas has been my son is a genius IQ so extremely intelligent from a very young age. And so he was always the inquisitive kid. He read books. He really, he was a researcher. He, I mean, you know, kid can build anything from scratch. I mean, just extremely talented. We're not sure where you came from. So we would joke about that. But long story short, he was about in my background was in sexual health education. I worked for a local crisis pregnancy center. And so I would go into schools, church groups, community groups, and, you know, teach the truth about sex that during that season, nobody was teaching nobody was teaching the truth. And the consequences of taking sex outside a committed lifetime relationship formerly known as marriage. And so with that said, I, you know, this was, that was my gig. And I was extremely open with my children about absolutely everything. There was no question that they couldn't ask in our home. And so anyway, we have some great conversations and so much so that he even took a teen Bible that talked about the ineffectiveness of condoms to his. You know, what a group now. So what a group like there wasn't quite as excited about him proliferating that gospel in a water. But, you know, I tried to explain. I'm so sorry. Yeah, let him know. So we had a conversation like, Hey, babe, that's probably not where you need to have that conversation. So he's, yeah. Anyway, so long story short. One day he came in. He was, you know, 10 years old. I'm still 11 years old. And he was asking some pretty deep questions as a related, you know, young men questions, but probably something you'd hear more between 12 and 14. But because he was so advanced. And I thought, you know what, mom probably isn't the best one to answer those questions. And, you know, his daddy wasn't, it wasn't quite as comfortable answering those questions as I was. So long story short, I said, I've got a book for you, babe. And I handed him the book, every young man's battle. I thought, patted myself on the back. I've just done a really good thing. I've just prepared my son. And so my son went and dug in to that beautiful Christian text. And got curious, because there were some things that they were talking about in there, like pornography. Well, what's that? And, you know, computers are just beautiful things in our lives, but they're also the enemy's playground and long story short. And that began a journey that hasn't stopped. Yeah. You know, pornography is very much a stair step drug. It is, you know, some people, as we used to joke, it's smoke a joint, they're never going to go on the math. And then there's others at the moment they smoke that first joint, you know, for whatever reason, that's their gateway. And pornography, some men are able to experience pornography. It impacted their marriages, but there's a vast majority out there that have had the negative consequences of it in their relationships. And for my fourth son, that was his gateway drug. And so anyway, and that's taken us on twice the journey. No, it's such an important journey. This is a product everybody uses. And a few people think about. Honestly, I'm asking a question. Last time that you soaked up during the shower or washed your hands, this is if they're in think, does this company care about life, about me, about the least of these? No? What about this? Is it all natural? Is it actually made in America? Does anyone care about that? Well,, we care about all those things, starting with soap that is made in America, all natural, absolutely gentle, incredibly unique fragrances or soaps with no fragrance. But it's the reason behind it that matters. We employ people who the world would toss out or would have had aborted. We employ them because everybody deserves the dignity of work starting with Allen. 13, he's been through 18 operations. He is the chief soap officer. Two other young people work there now. Get 10% off all their products at Again, that's, where all lives actually matter. [MUSIC] Deb, everything you described, and I know you know this. There are very typical kids who fall into this. Intelligence level is very, very high. People don't think this is true, but it is. Asperger's is high. Autism is high. High intelligence is high. So are there is the personality quotients, the Myers-Briggs analysis. The architects are highly overrepresented in the group of people who fall for transgender ideology. Guess what architects want? They want control. They want to control their circumstances. And one way to control the circumstance is to take a narcissistic position of, I'll choose my own sex and make you agree. And porn, you're so right, is a gateway into this. Not just because the enemy wants to confuse people about sex and get people thinking just about their flesh. But also because it gets into the minds of some men and they say, "I want to be the controlling person. I want to be the desired person." So your son fell into this and I will ask the tough question. And I have regrets as a parent too. Do you regret him having access to porn in your home? Well, again, I have a genius level son. So when it first came out, obviously, I'm a mom, I'm a 6-8. I've coached many students through porn addiction. And I thought, "I got this. I got this." And when you talk about regrets, that's probably my biggest regret. I stepped up and stepped in at a time where I should have stepped back and had some strong men step in. So that is a regret. Again, whether it was his father or some other strong Christian then, but I didn't. I thought, "I've got this. I know this. We're going to handle this." And it just began to spiral from there. I think it was under control and it wasn't under control. I don't know. It was probably the third time that we discovered that it was not under control. We walked in. I walked into his room and he'd hotwired his weed. So the kid, not only that, the neighbor down the street, the neighbor kid down the street, come to find out they were accessing porn on his computer. And so the bottom line is where there's a way. I mean, there's not, there's no, I mean, you can do everything as a parent to try to protect your children. And unfortunately, if that's what they're after, they're going to go and get it. And, you know, and it got really heated. So there was a point in this journey where it began to get heated, so to speak. So on off, on off, on off, he had actually started going to a small Christian public school. Again, that ended up working against us. The boys began to bully him because he's just, he's just a different kind of guy. And, you know, when we call him gay, he ended up in a friendship with somebody who claimed no gender and then another girl who thought she was by. And so then all of a sudden they're beginning to have these relationships into his life, these friendships that we knew nothing about at the time that began to enforce this agenda again that he would have never been exposed to if we kept him in his work. So again, regrets can we really change that I don't know, I don't know, but there was some turning points so this kind of progressed for a while. And I want to go back to how anti and how, how much my son was just this, this isn't him. Yeah, there was a show that had come out, all about jazz or something about a young girl whose parents had transitioned her or young boy rather his parents. Yeah, yeah, jazz. Jazz's mom complains about having to wake her up and shove a wedge between her legs to keep the wound open. Yeah. Yeah, it's just, it's really horrific. And so, but long story short, there was a documentary series and my, my younger daughter had stumbled across it. And again, we keep all discussions open in our home. We feel like if all the cards are on the table, then there's nothing that, you know, that can, the enemy doesn't have a playground with it. And so, this particular day, my daughter was, was watching a show and, but I was watching it with her. And, and my son had walked in the room, he's like, what are you doing? And I was like, well, your sister had had some questions about this. I said, so we're walking, so we're watching it together and we're talking about it so I can help her to understand what this is all about. And he lost it. He lost it. He was so self-righteous. He had a conversion experience with the Lord, a radical conversion experience and only eight years old. But again, his high intelligence. And he, you know, was very legalistic. And I was interesting what you said earlier, because in some ways that control, come on now, has now played into this role. Are you with me? Yes. So fast forward a couple more years. He was, he's 20 now. So he was just about, just about to turn 15. And we were in the process. We were living in Louisiana at the time. And we were in the process of moving our family to California. I'd had some business opportunity. So out here. And I come, I get a, I get a phone call from his dad. It's, it's an evening and I'm out with my girlfriends and I get a phone call and he says, you need to come home now. So you're sending me, when you talk, it's about your son. And so I get home. I sit down on the couch and this was the day that he decided to say, yeah, I think, I think I'm by. Well, I can forgive me. I can knock that shit. We can get over this. Well, no kidding. When you said you looking forward and you have trained your brain since 10 years old to be attracted to both male, female, whatever else you've been putting up on that porn screen. Duh, duh, but whatever, whatever, we're not having this conversation anyway. So that was, that was kind of a pivotal shift in all this. So he was from this very self righteous position and supposedly trying to work on getting this poor thing out of his life to, oh, well, now I'm going to start to embrace some of the drama at all. And so this is so, again, please forgive me, dad, but I've heard, I've heard the tale and it's, it's sometimes it starts with, there's a script and usually girls follow the script. The script goes, hey, if I wanted to have breast reduction surgery because they were hurting me, they were impeding me from walking, they were breaking my back. Would you, you know, would you, would you allow that? Well, sure. Okay, door open. Yeah. Now, now, okay, so, but what if they're breaking my mind and with boys, it's so often starts with what you're talking about. I was talking this weekend to someone about misuse of the body. Where was I? I can't remember where I was, but I was talking about, oh, gosh, fancy that. I was in a gym. Why would it be anything else? I was in a gym. I was talking about the early powerlifting. That's it. That's it. I got to work out with one of the guys from the youth group. I'm going to be co leading with him at summer camp, unbelievably incredible kid. I mean, he's a grown man. He's 18. He's legally an adult. But I still think of him as a kid. But we were talking about the early days of weightlifting and everything I did to myself. And he's a super strong kid. It was before work out. We were just bonding. And I said to him, this is probably where I started to develop these shoulder problems. You know, I had these bone spurts with their genetic, but I didn't take care of myself in this way. I was not stewarding well that which God gave me. It wouldn't come down to. Now that I'm older and I've learned about some of the ways God gives us ways to start over physically, that's kind of what Renew Healthcare does. It's about elevating your quality of life by starting over and away. And let me explain this. There is, I don't think any fountain of youth, and I don't particularly care for fountain of youth. I have no interest in artificially or lengthening my life. God's going to decide what I go anyway. But I do have an interest in living a quality existence while I'm here. Stem cells ethically gathered, that is, only ethically gathered from placentas and umbilical cords period, which is in the United States thrown out as medical waste. Those cells can replace your ancient decrepit, no longer useful stem cells. What this stem cells do, they help your body heal. They regroach this issue. They fight radical inflammation that you get something from a car crash, or from surgeries, or from just huge soft tissue damage. They can do this anywhere in the body, because these stem cells do not have an assigned role. They are waiting for a role to be assigned to them. They were designed to build infant. They weren't needed to build the infant. The infant is built. The cells are potential power. So you may have a lower lumbar circumstance, and this could be that you have something called neuropathy. Well, it doesn't need to be that way. Stem cells can heal that in ways that invasive surgeries cannot, invasive surgeries make things worse. You may have a lower lumbar issue that you don't know is a lower lumbar issue. You may think it's a leg issue. You might have arthritis, and I do have a little bit of arthritis. Stem cells can help with that. Even neurological challenges. When I was down in Mexico, I got to spend time with a gentleman named Steve and his daughter Mandy. Mandy is a cheerful warrior, and these people became friends, really, really friends. And they were down there for a neurological issue that Mandy had. Some day I may have them on to talk about the challenges they've been through as a family. My gosh, the way the Lord has prepared them for this. They went down in hopes that the stem cells can help Mandy with her neurological issues. Why would they do that? Because it does help many, many people. A woman who was hemispherically paralyzed when in a wheelchair came out walking. It's simply a no brainer to have them see if they can help. There's no charge at this. You go to That's They can look at your medical records and see if they can help you. If they can, they'll tell you and how much it will cost and how much time it will take. If they can't, they'll tell you they can't. So Deb, this progressed from, or I should say probably regressed, from this fleshly desire to have other men, other boys. And yes, porn does that. The crazy thing about porn is it's so like a drug that so-called straight porn is not enough. And then it's now it's group sex. And now it's, oh, well, maybe I'll just look at so-called gay porn and men having sex together. And, oh, I'll just look at that to see what's that lie. And by the way, porn sites merchandise this. And they also merchandise violence about one in eight of the porn services, one in eight of the things they push at you is going to be violence. And they absolutely admit, they admit that they push same sex activity at everybody because they want to expand the sort of content you're going to take in. So how did your son then go from that? What was the, how did he inform you that, hey, by the way, I'm now not just so-called bi, but I'm a girl. So again, we'll fast forward to that. So we, so here we are in the midst of all this crazy town. Now I'm now I'm reaching out. I'm getting other counselors involved. Now I know I've got, I've got a son, you know, this pornography is more addictive than heroin. It is taking him into darker places. I couldn't even imagine the darker places that we were going to go. But we make the move to California. I get him in full-time counseling and tried one counselor literally that counselor tapped out at some point. They got too heavy. And so then brought another counselor in, and, and that was going as well as I could hope at that point. And this was right before COVID hit. And, and all the crazy that went along with that mentally for our children. And anyway, or at the beginning there. Um, so we are up at, we're up at Lake Tahoe. I'm doing a quick vacation with my kids, just, just him and his sister. And, and so we're, you know, going to be up there and go ski in the next day. And he has got his phone. And, and the parents like, well, why don't you just take his phone for good? Well, again, we have to understand. So I keep his phone for good. He goes and he buys his own phone. He goes and steals money. I mean, they're going to have access. And the best thing I could do is at least know what was going to be on the phone. And to put her own controls on and things like that. Well, anyway, this particular day, so we're up at Tahoe and I see him and he's over in the corner and he's on his phone, but I can just tell. When your children are doing something, they don't need to be doing it. And I said, who are you talking to, Ben? And, oh, nobody, nobody. And I'm like, whatever. And so I walk over and actually, I'm remembering now, I don't think it was as fun. He was his laptop. He was on. He was having to do some stuff for school, supposedly. So I walk over and I grab it. And my son, who at this time is much larger than I am, literally wrestles me to the ground physically who tried to pull it away from me. I mean, like, lost his mind, absolutely lost his mind. And I'm, you know, I'm not, I'm not a pushover. And so I pushed back. And so if you can imagine, there is this all-out fight between the two of us. And because he ain't getting that back. But again, he's much larger than I am. So he does end up wrestling it out. And I was like, I'm going to call his, I'm like vacation off. I call his counsel. And then he refuses to tell me what's going on. I mean, just arrogantly refuses. And I was like, Oh, heck no. And tells me, I'm not going to tell you until we go see my counselor. That's not a problem. So we are loading up the truck. We are heading down the hill. I'm calling his counselor. I'm like, we need an emergency meeting or this child may not make it through the night. And so we get down to his counselor's office. They meet one on one without me. They bring me in. And his dad, I had told him he was there. And we sit down. And the child says, yeah, I, I think I'm trans. I think I'm a girl, whatever. And I literally laughed out loud. I'm like, so this is the next twisty turn. We're taking on this ridiculous dirty. I mean, it was just, it was laughable. It was so laughable that this all boy from the time first breath came out of him. They said, what are you kidding me? So that was the big unveil. And of course, this counselor, you know, said that probably wasn't the best reaction, but I really couldn't hear less because that was a true reaction. Right. That's a joke. Right. It's a joke. Well, no, and it's, look, I've talked to so many parents who their first response is their daughter says, I'm a boy and the hell you are. Right. Because it's absurd. It's a psychosis. And one of the things we've learned in working with parents on this is, A, if you're a parent listening to this and you say, well, thank God, I'll never face this. Can I tell you something with all love? You're a fool. Yes. You don't know that. And well, my kids are private schooled. Great. Do they have friends? Do they go to skating rinks? Okay. We need to be prepared to hear something like this. And this is my view, Deb, of you may well feel that genuinely. In fact, I believe your feelings are genuine. And you could not change your sex. Right. And we stand in this firm truth. I don't blame you a bit for laughing in your son's face. I don't because it's, it's absurd. And that's part of the thing. If I could be so bold and it's just, it's only because our time is limited. I could talk to you for days, Deb. Oh, yeah. Fathers, in Deuteronomy six, we are the ones who are to put on our kids minds and hearts the word of God on a daily basis when they go to sleep and when they wake doesn't mean that moms aren't devolve. Of course, God values moms and dads equally. If you are turning to the church to raise your kid, you're going to fail. And if you are speaking the word of God and not acting the word of God, you're going to fail because the enemy wants any and all wedges. We need to be the spiritual leaders of our home or we will fail. And Deb, I know there's a lot of steps between, Hey, I think I am bisexual to, Hey, I think I'm a girl in that, in that period of time from that 15 year old coming and chatting with you. I think I'm bisexual and you're responsive. Well, look, you're programmed to bring with porn. What are some of the steps between that and the Lake Tahoe admission? Because one of the things I want to make sure you get to do is say the things parents need to say because you're never consulted. So give us some of the things you need, we need to know between that period of time, then we'll get up to data so where things are now. You know, and I wish I could tell you that there was just one pinpoint moment or one thing or one, but there's just not. There's just, there's just a kid trying to survive in this culture and trying to sort out in his pre adolescent brain or adolescent brain. What's going on, and a sensitive child that now we're entered into COVID and we've entered into this super storm of agenda that came in at the same time as COVID promoting all of this drama. Unfortunately, a father that felt very ill equipped and so instead again of stepping up stepped back and it just, it was just the perfect storm in many, many ways. And so, again, I wish I could say, here's the recipe. But there are no books when it comes to sin. I mean, it's just like the same thing when you have a child that falls into a drug addiction and you're like, well, what went wrong? You know, are there great grads or the things you wish you'd done differently? Of course there are, but is there a textbook to make sure your kid never get ends up on drugs? No, there's just not. They're just not. And when you are living in a world that literally you can't turn on a TV without being bombarded or internet or anywhere we go. My God, the whole month of June has been dedicated to this insanity the whole month, right? Pride month, right decade. It's just crazy. And, and so how, how do you do that? I don't know. Here's what I do know. What I do know is that for whatever reason, God has trusted me and has trusted our family. I can go through this. And you know what? That means I'm I'm I'm equipped. I'm equipped. Now, there's many days I do not feel equipped. I'm telling you that I'm telling you, there are many days that I have been. I mean, unfortunately, my marriage did not make it through this. You know, here we are. My friend's 20 years old now. He has been he's in the hospital right now on his third 5150. He has he tried to kill himself drove his car completely off the road at 18 miles an hour. He was the only thing left in the car that was not completely. I mean, airbag didn't even go off. The boy opens the door and steps out the rest of the car. Every officer environment on the scene can tell you there's no way, no way anybody can walk away from that. But you know what that was for me? That was a gift. Because I knew that boy wouldn't go nowhere to God Almighty himself took him out. And you know what? His name is Joshua Caleb and God himself named that child. And so here's why I can tell you as it relates to that. What I can tell you as it relates to that is that boy is going to fight some giants. He's fighting them today. He's fighting them right now. And it's not my fight. So I tell you if there's one thing that I could tell parents right now is it's not your fight because you're talking to type a driver. I'm going to fix this. It could happen. I'm going to this in my fight. My fight in this is to hold my stance to not get into agreement and fairy tale land to be bold with it. I mean, he went through three months of intensive 20 hour a week trans counseling. That he literally cut off the family sessions because his trans counselor loved his mama. And not because his mama was pro trans, but because his mama spoke the truth in love spoke the truth in love. And she couldn't even argue. She loved me. I mean, I call her sister because we don't pronoun is not cheap, but I call her sister. We're good with that. But he literally cut off family sessions because he's like, you're manipulating my counselor. No, your counselor just has a similar to truth and can hear truth. But anyway, praise God that you found a counselor, a so called trans cancer. I won't use that word without so called because I refuse to speak Vietnamese language. So praise God that you found someone who would actually say, Hey, you know what your mom loves you. And your mom wants what's best for you. High five casino high five casino is a social casino with real prizes and big Vegas hits at high five The hottest games right from Vegas and all winning to go straight to your bank account. Hundreds of exclusive games free daily rewards and come back to get free coins every four hours only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. Boy, we're prohibited. Play responsibly terms and addition supply. See website for details at high the number five casino dot com. High five casino. I want to get to some of the other frustrations with this that that that initial counselor when your son sat and said, I'm a girl. Did the counselor also say laugh or did the counselor say, right, this is the frustration. Dead. Tell me if I'm wrong. Yeah. If your kid falls into drug addiction, most medical people go, gosh, we got to, we got to help. If your kids cutting. Right. Hey, you know what? He does that. He does that. Yeah. True story. Cutting actually works biologically. Oh, it does. Really? And guess what? Yeah. It's ineffective because it can make you very, very sick. Yes. And it gets worse. Most people will say, Hey, we need you to stop cutting. If you're anorexic, you can die from that. You can end up with a heart attack. If you're bulimic, you know, that's going to take your teeth out and eventually rot your gut so that you're going to end up dying. Anyone of these things, counselors, therapists, medical personnel will go, Hey, we need to arrest that. But a boy at the age of 20 saying, or you remember what I was saying, I'm a girl. You got 99 in California. You get 99% of people and they're breaking the law if they don't affirm. Yes. So you get 99% of people saying brave. And what's the next word? Brave and stunning. So did you lose friends because you wouldn't support your son's delusions? Well, you know, I'm pretty blessed. I've got, and I'm in a, and I know how to communicate. Yeah. Okay. So again, I'm not angry at my son because he's going through this. Welcome to the club right now. You know what I'm saying? I'm not. I don't hate people that are going through this. I don't hate people that have embraced this drama. I mean, I don't hate sinners. Hey, yo, yo, right here. You know what I'm saying? So I don't have, I don't have any hate in me towards this. I do have a hate towards what my son, what it's done to my son and what I'm having to watch him go through and what it's done to our family, what it's done to my daughter, what it's done. I do have a hate for that. And that's part of what God has had to work in me when I talked earlier about, I can't fix this. I do not have the power and truly understanding. This has literally been for me personally and surrender, surrender, surrender, surrender, and the most recent surrender was finally coming to the point after I come home for a, I travel a lot for work at come home and found out that he had stolen a call to go with his 25 pill bottles that are in his room, had gotten drunk and, and it cut excess all over his face and hands. And then the next morning wanted to know how he could go to work. And I said, I don't know. I mean, I guess you just wear gloves off you go. You're living in this house. You have to have a job. I mean, at one point, I was going to kick him out. It was nothing but God almighty that softened my heart to even let him stay and I'm going to tell you, there's not a textbook on this. It hasn't been written. And I remind him of that on a regular basis. I have no textbook. So all I have is Holy Spirit. And that's it. So if you have a problem with any part of what, how you're being parent and you can take it up with them. Of course, he walked away from his faith when he couldn't reconcile it with his, with his same sex attraction back in the day. And so that was a whole another thing. And so now it's, there's this huge aversion to his faith, even though this is a child that again had one of the most profound conversion experiences I've ever witnessed. Well, but that's the, those are the people that sat in targets. Oh, yeah. The profound conversion experiences, those mountain top experiences, those are fantastic. And we as men understand something like I am blessed to work with young men in several different settings. You would be surprised how many young men had a mountain top experience came home from camp, Bible camp, Christian camp and shared this with the family, this mountain top experience to have a family say, gosh, we're proud of you. Fantastic. Great work. How's football going? Good. And to not gather rounds in communities of density, I'll give you a great example of this, communities of density. I was chatting with a young guy. I'm blessed to work with great Christian man. And I simply asked this question about one of his peers was working on a project with a female peer. I said, Hey, I heard that kind of fell apart. You want to know what this young man said to me? He goes, Yeah, you should ask them that because I don't gossip. Wow. Absolute sign of maturity. I said, Oh, wow, you're right. Like I wasn't seeking. I didn't think I was seeking gossip, but man, I respect that stance. You're right. I'll just go to them and ask about that. So again, I will say to the men in the ice grandpas, et cetera. Hey, my kids are grown. Are the kids in your neighborhood grown? How about the kids in your church? How about getting into some of these youth groups and being the male influence a lot of these kids do not have because here's another thing that I think parents need to understand something. If it's just you and the public schools, when the parents, the kids turn against you because this is biology, they will at some point want to argue with you. They will want their own identity. If it's you versus the schools or the culture, you're outnumbered. But if you live in a community of density where your kids have 25 adults who walk with the Lord Jesus and they've grown up around these 25 adults who walk with the Lord Jesus, they could go pick one of them. And get that feedback and that person can speak into their life and it's not their parents. Your son is in this position now. You've wisely said, this is not my battle. It's his battle. I know you, now I haven't got to know you, but I know you're in a prayer battle. I know that you probably accept prayers from this podcast family for your son. Oh, yes. Okay. So we will pray for your son. We'll pray that the Lord delivers him. We'll pray that delusion goes away. That Joshua Caleb is made in the image of God, made in the gut image of God Almighty. And he's in a battle. And Father God, we would just ask that you will step in and remind Caleb of Joshua Caleb of who made him. Yes. Of who loves him. Yes. And that he cannot change the design. He can mutilate it. He can vandalize it. He can attempt to hide it. But he was made to walk with you. Yes. And that Lord God, and you would work through Deb and others to have your face shine and to have this young man finally, finally go to his knees and seek the gift of forgiveness, which is freely given in the blood of Jesus Christ. We would ask this that you would do this soon, Lord, although your time is perfect. Beyond ours soon means nothing to you. Let's give this in Jesus name. Jesus. 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We talked about the laptop, but it gets worse. I understand. It does. It does. You know, again, a journey like this, it involves the whole family, unfortunately. And again, like as I mentioned, unfortunately, my husband and I are married to 22 years did not make it through this. I don't know that it would have made it without it, but did not make it. And he. But his because of the drugs that he's on, his behaviors began to escalate and his mood swings began to escalate. So is this pharma or recreational? Yes. Well, yes. So he lived. So the conditions of him staying in my home after graduation were number one, he had to have a full time job. And number two, he could do nothing to pursue this physically. In other words, I said, look, at 25 years old, if this is still where your head is at. And I'm, hey, hands off. You go to you. But as long as you're in my home, you will have a full time job and you will do nothing to modify yourself, whether it is physically or chemically. So that year, what crazy, he went crazy town on me, like literally there were, there was a physical incident here in my office, sitting in my office, came in one day and literally physically attacked me because he was so upset. And he got triggered. He, on a plane, he cornered me on a plane and just was just absolutely, I mean, literally just almost on top of me verbally abusive. Just all kinds of craziness. That's not my child. It's not my child, which is really interesting because the conversation I had with him the other day before he checked himself back in on the next 5150 was I said, baby, I said, you know, mom, the thing that breaks your mom's heart the most is not has nothing to do with your gender. It has to do with the loss of the character of the son who I know and raised. You are a good human being. You're the one of the most compassionate people I've ever met. You're one of the most giving and loving. But where's he gone? Where's that person? You've become hateful and bitter and just a shadow of who you once were and who everyone knew you to be. So, which I really honestly think kind of shook him to the point that it did end up leading to him on the day he was supposed to either be exiting my house or making some new commitments to go ahead and go around 5150. By the way, if people don't know, this is a mental health code in the state of California. It's not a Van Halen album that was named after that because I had a studio called 50 and 50. But it's a mental health being detained for mental health reasons, either voluntarily or sometimes involuntarily. Deb, the pharma industry are liars. Oh my gosh. My biggest regret. No, that's not true. I have a number of regrets. One of them was giving into fear. Our daughter was harmed in a way that changed her. And this is her story to tell. So there's parts of it. I tell parts of it. I don't. You know, when you are heading out about 33 to $35,000 a month, cash for 13 months, you will sometimes give him the financial fear, even as you thank God for ever having had those resources, even if they never come back. And learning that, hey, you know, she may not get out here without these drugs. I gave in my wife, whom you know, sat and sits twice a week in a tiny little bathroom and shaves off little little specks from tablets using a scale made to measure tiny tiny bits of gold for jewelers and tiny bits of diamond. And pharma lied about antidepressants. There is no serotonin imbalance. And now recently, we've come out with the mechanisms of the lies. We talked about, we talked about yesterday in the program, and that is taking people who signed up for trials for antidepressants and then couldn't stand the drugs. They got sick in the drug. So they dropped. So pharma said, Hey, they're cured. So I would ask you this, how much pharma is your son on? How many pills? No, God knows. I know there's about 25 pill bottles that are lined up in his room right now. And gosh, it's helped, hasn't it? Oh, it's insane. Some of them are transition drugs. Some of them are managing the drama from the transition drugs and, and it's so hot cocktail. So he is doing the chemical mutilation. He is doing some things that I don't even know, to be honest. Oh, by the way, if people don't know Planned Parenthood has stepped up and added to their repertoire and they are no longer just in the abortion business. They are now in the trans business. Oh, yeah. So that's literally where he ended up getting his first cocktails. Yeah. And this is a child that used to stand in prey in front of abortion clinics that now goes there. And this is estrogen in the male body. It's insane. And you're very correct. There's no owner's manual in all this. Do you, God forbid, I mean, I don't know, God forbid, do you see a day coming where you ask him to exit the house? Well, yes. And that was, that was, you know, that was that day. Or, you know, anybody even in this y'all, this is where I can't, I can't stress enough. You have to be led by Holy Spirit. You just do, you just do. I, again, I had said this, I had given him 90 days after the, the alcohol incident and the things that had happened while I was out of town and my, and my daughter was here. And so I said, you've got 90 days off you go, you know, and not that I don't love you. I don't care about you. If you need me, I'll give you a buzz, but, but no, you can't live under my roof and continue down the direction you're, you're going, you know. But again, Holy Spirit softened my heart and had me offer him the opportunity to stay for pennies really is what it was. And, and it was also kind of a force savings plan for him to help him to exit successfully here at some point. And so, but he had both of those options on the table and then come to find out on the day of move out that he thought he was going into some transitional facility again. These kids get extremely delusional about everything in their lives. Like, I don't even know how, I mean, I know in the state of California, they can't fire him for this and for all the time he's had out. His job has been probably the only stable thing in his life. And I think God for these people, even though I've never met them. But that they literally become delusional about everything to the point that on the day he was supposed to move out, I find out this child only has $200 to his name. I'm like, where's your money? What have you done? What's happening? And, of course, he's, you know, for the most part, completely in communicata with me because I'm the enemy. But, but yeah. And so, so I don't know what's going to happen. As of right now, I talked to the social worker. And guys, here's the other thing. You could lovingly not give into this agenda. The social worker, you know, she said, Oh, well, you're here to talk about and use the female name. And I said, no, we don't do fairy tales in my house. I'm calling about my son, Josh, which they love. And, you know, you can push back lovingly on these people and they respect that if you do it in love. And so, so we need to learn how to really make sure that we are in love when we are communicating with people that really don't have any other choice by law. They have to support this hot mess. But anyway, they said, so he called me and tried to get out and he didn't have a ride. And, and so I was talking to his counselor and she's like, well, we're trying to put him into a 30 day program. I said, well, here's the deal. I said, you need to understand. I said, he went through three months of 20 hours a week counseling. I said, he came out worse on the other end. So I just hope and pray that whatever you're sending him to will be better than that. You know, and again, in love, have love and conversation with her. So, well, so we don't know. This is, y'all, we're, we're just having a party over here. We're on a journey. And the journey is as much about me is it is about my son. It's as much about this family. And what we've been through is it is about my child. And we have to remember that when God allows us to go through these journeys that they are always for our good and they are always for his glory. And that's the thing you have to hold on to is this is, this is for my good in some way. So, Daddy, show me today how this is for my good. And now show me how it's for your glory. So the timing piece that you mentioned earlier, that was the last of my surrender pieces because I know this is not the end. I know the truth. My baby knows the truth. And I know what God's good plan is for him. And so, but I wanted it today. We all wanted today. I wanted it today. My sole concern is who wrapped this up, Deb, is this that I don't want to, I don't want to get a text from my wife or come home and have her say Joshua Caleb took his mom's life and his sister's life. Yeah, that's not happen. I'm not worried about that. I'm not worried about that. Then God forbid. Yes, I would, I would be, we are driven by the Holy Spirit. We are. I'm driven by the Holy Spirit to say, I would be derelict to my duty as a man. Come on. If I didn't just say that. I appreciate that. We're going to continue to pray for you. Thank you for telling your story. If Joshua Caleb's ever in a state of mind where he would accept. Some additional male leadership in his mind. I would love to be able to help you find a church down there to do that. But it's just not that point. And I know you can find one on your own. So, Deb, I'll pray for you. God bless you. God bless you for being a happy warrior. I don't know how you do it other than the spirit. Amen. It's my habit to ask the people who come on the show that go with God's good grace. And I ask you for that. We'll continue to hold Joshua Caleb in our prayers and podcast family. Please do. Pray for Deb, Joshua Caleb, his sister, but also extend the prayers to all families who are going through this. And for all young men being impacted by an always on pornography society. Because Satan loves porn and he hates you. This is the Todd Herman show. Please go be well. Be strong. Be kind. And always wear the armor of God. High five casino high five casino is a social casino with real prizes and big Vegas hits at high five casino dot com. The hottest games right from Vegas and all winnings go straight to your bank account. Hundreds of exclusive games free daily rewards and come back to get free coins every four hours only at high five casino dot com. High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary void. We're prohibited. Play responsibly terms in addition supply. 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