The Todd Herman Show

A Godly Government- What Would America Look Like Ep-1699

We're hearing about this plan for Christian Nationalism in our country. Let's clear Jesus never made anyone follow Him against their will. So, what would a government that's really following godly principles look like? One way to figure that out is by looking at what it definitely wouldn't look like, using current examples from around the world. We can also dig into the Bible to see what kind of leaders would embody true godliness in government.    

What does God’s Word say? 
1 Timothy 3:1-7Qualifications for Overseers and Deacons1 Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. 2 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full[a] respect. 5 (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.Titus 1:5-9Appointing Elders Who Love What Is Good5 The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint[a] elders in every town, as I directed you. 6 An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe[b] and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient. 7 Since an overseer manages God’s household, he must be blameless—not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. 8 Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. 9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.1 Peter 5:1-4To the Elders and the Flock5 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.

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04 Jul 2024
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Huge threat. Scary threat. Sometimes made more threatening if it's white. Christian nationalism. It's talking to loved one the other day who's afraid of Christian nationalism. Now, she knows that I'm a discipled Christian. She trusts me. I trust her. We've done a bad job of explaining what would that look like? So, what exactly would a Christian nationalist government look like? Well, it wouldn't look very Christian. Because if Christian nationalism was forced in Christianity upon people, then it wouldn't be Christianity, would it? Love doesn't force. God doesn't force. So, what would a godly government look like? Talking to people, even concerned that people would use their theology, their religious faith, their faith in God to make decisions, legal decisions as legislators. Well, why wouldn't they? They should. So, let's think about the difference between this scary, scary Christian nationalism, which I don't want. I don't want a theocracy. I don't want to force people to convert to Christianity because it's not Christianity. I'd love to have a godly government. And you would too. You might not know that, but I think you would. We'll talk about this with the help of bulwark capital management at and we'll do this, of course. The only way we can do it is with God's good grace. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made. And these are the times when God has decided we shall live. That's a phenomenal thing. God decided you'd wake up this morning. Wherever you're watching this and are listening to it, think it's at the God of the universe that you are going to wake up with the thing to do today or a series of things. That's breathtaking to me. Why don't we start this at the very, very beginning of where we should start? What would a godly government look like? Well, you can't have a purely godly government with people because people are fallen. We have a sin problem. But what would a more godly government look like? Let's start with what it doesn't look like. Take a look at this image if you're on the video service. And remember that Warren Buffett is usually considered probably one of the best investors in the entire history of investing. His average returns are about 20% or so. And then take a look at Nancy Pelosi's returns. You're the average. 21.8%. Dan Muser, 40.3%. Donald Byer, 20.3 Josh Gothner, 25.9. Man, they are better investors than Warren Buffett. That's phenomenal. So skilled are they. That's not a godly government. Those people are thieves. They steal information from us. They use it to enrich themselves. If you like more of that, then continue down the path you're on. Now, as you could say, "Oh, are you doing the zero-sum game thing because they got theirs? You can't get yours?" No. I'm saying they're thieves. And people who are willing to do that in public, as everybody watches and everybody knows what's going on, are going to do much more behind the scenes. And we know they're doing that. Sometimes a way to define a thing is to look at what the thing is not. A godly government is not one that seeks to serve itself. These are not godly people. Godly people wouldn't engage in insider trading. They'd leave the room. Godly people walk into a room where insider trading is going on and they recognize immediately, "This is not for me." Now, temptation reigns in many people's lives. If temptation will always stalk us, the devil is a liar and thief in the murder from the very beginning. He seeks to separate us from God by degrees, by degrees. Just little steps here, little steps there. And pretty soon you can't remember your way back. So a godly government would start with a definition. What's the definition of our government right now? Well, it's supposed to be a representative form of government where people are governed by their consent, where there's a diffuse way of distributing power. So no one power can have control over all of us. It's supposed to be men and women of conscience who are in Washington, D.C. for a short period of time to serve their country and to go home and carry on with their lives. That's how it was designed. So what is it? It is a set of insiders trading secrets with one another and trading favors to one another, pretending to compete with one another so they can divide and conquer us and continue to steal in broad daylight. That's not a godly government. Would Christian nationalism solve that? No. No, not if Christian nationalism is defined as forcing people to convert to Christianity. Why wouldn't that solve that? Because if you force people to commit to Christianity, you're not a Christian. Jesus Christ himself never forced a person to do that. God himself to this moment doesn't. If you force people to commit to Christianity, you're not forcing them to commit to Christianity. You're forcing them to commit to you that makes you the god. Secondly, the Lord is well aware of when people have false conversions. You think he doesn't know that? You think you can save souls by force, by telling people you either convert or die? God knows that's not a sincere conversion. That's not a hell insurance. That's hell assurance. I mean, the Lord speaks to us in, I should have pulled the scripture, but it just occurred to me. The Lord tells us there's going to be many, many people who come to him and say, "Lord, Lord, didn't we cast out demons your name and perform miracles in your name? Didn't we do this? And the Lord Jesus is going to look at him and say, "Get away from me. I don't know you." Wait, you don't know us, but we did all these things in your name. Yeah, but you didn't know me. You didn't walk with me. You didn't commune with me. You didn't have a loving relationship with me. Plus you forced people to convert. So Christian nationalism, if it's defined as forcing people to convert this, not Christianity, you would be forcing people to convert to you. So let's toss that one out. That's not godly. No theocracy is godly. Am I judgment? But there are ways that we can measure what a godly government would look like. Would it surprise you to know that we can turn to the Word of God to do that? We can. And we will turn to the Word of God to do that. This is a product everybody uses. And a few people think about. Honestly, I'm asking a question. Last time that you soaked up during the shower or washed your hands, did you sit there and think, does this company care about life, about me, about the least of these? No? What about this? Is it all natural? Is it actually made in America? Does anyone care about that? Well,, we care about all those things starting with soap that is made in America all natural, absolutely gentle, incredibly unique fragrances or soaps with no fragrance. But it's the reason behind it that matters. We employ people who the world would toss out or would have had aborted. We employ them because everybody deserves the dignity of work starting with allen. 13, he's been through 18 operations. He is the chief soap officer. Two other young people work there now. Get 10% off all their products at Again, that's where all lives actually matter. So, we're tossing out Christian nationalism as a godly form of government. If that Christian nationalism means forcing others to converse because that can't be done. The white Christian nationalism, well, that goes without saying. That's not godly. Well, since some people don't know, the Lord Jesus wants to view the body of Christ as one body, not bodies of Christ. Do not cut the Lord's body up in pieces when they're racial or any other form of peace. There's neither Jew nor Gentile, Greek nor gosh, you get that wrong. Jew nor Gentile, Greek nor Roman, none of that. We're not racist, so we can toss that one out. We can turn to the word of God to go to 1 Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 7. So, this is the apostle Paul writing to a guy he was discipling, helping to learn to be a disciple, Timothy. He writes him a letter. Here's a trustworthy saying, "Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. Now that overseers to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperant, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money, he must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church? He must not be a recent convert, or he may be conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. He must have a good reputation with outsiders so he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap. Pause. There's the formula. God's plan is always better. Our government, because we're the United States for not a theocracy, women get to lead in government. Absolutely. Absolutely, and they should. This here is talking about church leadership. Eldership is, if you are biblically observant, biblically strict, eldership is for men. I didn't make the rules. These are God's rules. So that's the formula. Pause and think. Do any of you see any signs of that in our government? We could go back to the chart, I guess I don't want to, because I don't want to see your face again, but you could start with Nancy Pelosi not given to drunkenness. If you are temperate and self controlled and respectable, you're not going to be an insider trader. If you're not giant, violent, but gentle, you're not going to be funding both sides of a war between Hamas and Israel because you're probably getting paid for that. You're a lover of money. So a godly form of government would start with godly people that's part of the recipe. The other part of the recipe has to do with what you observe with others. Do you see in them the fruit of the spirit? Do you see in them love as prescribed by the Bible? Patient, kindness, and the verbose will not proud. Seeking to serve, not be served. So godly government begins with godly people. This is where people like people I love will get very, very concerned, but they're going to use their religious views to make decisions. Yes, they are. Do you understand what their religious views are? Well, yeah, they think abortion should be illegal. Yes. And they don't think people should have sex outside of marriage. So there would be far less need for abortion. But I want that. Well, if you want sex outside of marriage, a Christian nation can't really force you to stop that. I guess we could try to pass laws, but look at this. Did Jesus force people to not do that? When he met the woman who had been accused of adultery, but interestingly not the men accused with her. Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven. Now go and sin no more." He could have prevented her from sinning. God of the universe still is. He didn't force. A Christian form of government can look at sin in terms of ending life, murder, and say you shall not commit murder. We can do that. We cannot expect to legislate adult morality. We can only seek to influence. And there we go. How many people in government are influencing in this way? How many people in government are issuing studies on? Hey, what happens when people are sexually active, beginning at a very, very young age? You know, when it happens, mental disorder happens. I didn't say that they become insane. I said people become mentally disordered. So a godly government would promote those values. And where it's something final, like ending life, they would make that illegal. Other people use their values to inform their decisions. We would use ours. So a godly form of government, though, wouldn't be coming from a perspective of being served, or being violent, or being angry, or being greedy. It's hard to do. Some people stand in the face of tyranny. Godly government would never do this. There's a guy named Rodney Howard Brown. He posted on Twitter the other day. "Today, four years ago, I was arrested at my house for the first men of the Constitution. The first passed from 150 years to be arrested for refusing to shut down the church because of C-19. I gladly did it then, would do it again. No compromise, not ever. Never bow to the World Economic Forum, the UN, or the WHO." Right. And follow the laws of the land, right? Romans 13, "Follow the laws of the land." The replies to this guy's tweets are fascinating. One of the top replies comes from a very, very, very clever man named Kevin Fiffled. Here's what Kevin said. It's so clever. That's because you don't follow the gospel of Jesus. You follow the gospel of Rodney Howard Brown, which is not the same thing. You put people in jeopardy for your own ego. When Peter, and I believe it was James or John, I think it was Peter and James. When they were early on preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus, the Roman authorities came and said, "You can't do that. You need to stop doing that." The same guys who backed Romans 13 and those policies of the blameless in front of the authorities do what the authorities say, not then, not then, because the authority said, "Go and make disciples of all nations teaching them, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." I don't think he said that. "And then teaching them to obey all I command." We're not going to stop. Rodney Howard Brown shouldn't have stopped holding church services, and if we're in a godly form of government, no one in a godly form of government would have said, "You have to stop preaching the gospel." But there's a flu. Yes, there's a flu, and there was leprosy then, and the Lord Jesus walked up and cured the lepros. So a godly form of government would have left people alone. It also wouldn't have led the circumstances like this, and I didn't get a screenshot of this. I should have just this morning as I was prepping for the show. I saw that the National Institute of Health is suing BioNTech. Why? For their royalties. The National Institute of Health wants their COVID-injected sequencing devices money, and they want it now, so they're suing a private company in a godly government, you wouldn't have interactions like that. So if you like seeing pharma cooperating with government to force pastors to stop preaching, to force you to get injected, to force you to stop working, then go have your government, but it's not godly. In 1 Peter, chapter 5, verse 1 through 4, we read, of course, Peter himself writing, "To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and witness of Christ's sufferings who will also share in the glory to be revealed, be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them, not because you must, but because you're willing, as God wants you to be, not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve, not loarding it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock, and when the chief shepherd appears, you receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. A godly government takes that attitude towards governance, not loarding it over others. So you can't have what we've already dismissed, which is forceful Christian nationalism, because then that's not Christianity, because God doesn't force, until a point every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that will happen to you. Some of us joyfully, some others will fall to the knees in recognition that you did it all wrong, and this you're going to have eternity apart from God. This is horrifying, it should be horrifying to you, it should be horrifying to all of us. It doesn't get perhaps more ungodly than this, sometimes the way to define a thing is to define what it's not. We all know about the monumental industrial levels of abortion, we all know that the Democrat party wants to expand that to kids who are actually outside the womb, we know they continue to push these boundaries, we know about the cult of death. In Canada, I want to put you in the position of a dad in Canada. His daughter's 28 years old, and she's autistic and has ADHD, pardon me, 27 years old, she's autistic and has ADHD. She's gone to a court and a judge has given her permission to use the made act, made like someone who cleans your house, like the Marymaid, M-A-I-D. Oh, this stands for something different though. The made act is the, well, right to be killed, medically assisted death, made act, medical assistance in dying, medical assistance in dying. Yeah, it's a conundrum, it's poisoning people. That's what it is. It's helping you murder yourself. You shall not murder. We can't, as Christians, prevent people from committing suicide. Judas Iscariot committed suicide. Jesus could have stepped in and said, "Hey, Judas, there's still time come back to me." He could have prevented it. He could have made the tree fall apart when Judas tried to hang himself from it. This is one way that he was told that he killed himself, is hanging himself from a tree. Could have prevented it, he didn't. He said, "You shall not murder." So in Canada, this guy, this dad is facing his daughter going into court and saying, "Kill me." He can't do anything to stop him. I mean, after all, she's an adult. An ungodly government expands euthanasia from the way it began. Remember this? It's going to be people at the end stage of life. It's going to be like hospice patients, but they don't want to be in hospice for weeks or months. They just want to end it now. That's all it will ever be used for. Now it's a 27-year-old woman who has autism. It's also been 19-year-old young women who are depressed. It's also been 39 and 40-year-old women going into medical clinics, talking about their pain that they're having with their health conditions, and it's been recommended to them. We can't pay for that treatment, but we could kill you. Sometimes defining a thing is to define its opposite. If you, at the age of 30 or 35, if you're a young person and you want to live in a world where it continues to be more and more and more offered to let us kill you, let us kill you, you know how many friends you're going to have fallen to this? I'm talking as a guy who once decided to kill himself. I made the firm decision, I'm going to do it. I even told my mom, I'm going to do it, and I expected her to agree with me. You make a great case, life isn't getting better. Do you know how many, well she didn't, she actually saved my life, but do you know how many of your friends are going to face these times where ultimately they're going to kill themselves? I shared like six weeks ago. I was under some huge spiritual attack driving into the studio in demonic forces saying, "Press your truck into a tree, 120 miles an hour, should do it." When I got to the studio, I texted a friend and said, "Hey, I'm in a spiritual attack. I need help." He prayed for me within minutes that was gone. It abated. It was gone. I even understand now the source of the spiritual attack. Do you know how many of your friends are going to fall victim to? Hey, take the easy way. Here's a pill. Here's a pod we ship to your house. We'll ship a pod. Let's get into the pod and we fill it with nitrous oxide and hey, you just expire. You go to sleep, baby. That's not a godly form of government. Godly people speak life into one another. Is that a government you want? Do you want people who speak life into one another, people who look at your life as perhaps more valuable than theirs? Think of that revolution. A godly form of government would be leaders who look at your life as more valuable from theirs. You don't need to look past the fact that the same people who want to ban our Second Amendment rights have guards all over the place guarding them, but they don't want us to have advantage of the same thing because they value their lives more than they value ours. We can go right back to the Bible. It almost repeats itself. This time it's Titus chapter 1, verses 5 through 9, appointing elders who love what is good. This is again, Paul, the reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished in a point elders in every town as I directed you. An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient. Since an overseer manages God as household, he must be blameless, not overbearing, not quit tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain, whether he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined, he must hold firmly to the trustworthy message that as it is taught, so he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. Again, this is leadership of a church, but we can apply the formula. Reflect on that. Do we see any form of this in the governance of the United States? Certainly not in Canada, which has sadly become a godless nation. If you like godlessness, look no further than the state of California, the separate country. Washington, if you like godless governance, look at people who care more to guard their mansions, gubernatorial mansions than they do their cities, which are falling under attack by actual literal cartels. That's not me talking. Yesterday, we talked to Michael Rourke, retired Special Forces. He sees it happening. He sees the cartels setting up what he calls rat lines, well, it's military phrase, supply lines, lines to ship people into the country, in our country, setting up the infrastructure. Godly forms of government does not let cartels do that. Why? Because they're murderers, because they're criminals who come here only to break the law, only to destroy a godly form of government wouldn't allow any of this. So why don't we have it? Because people have turned away from the true meaning of God's word towards the things that they want it to mean. They want it to mean this so, so badly. Just as people who are proponents of abortion so, so badly want to believe clump of cells, clump of cells, clump of cells, you like me have probably heard the stories of people who saw their babies for the first time as clumps of cells and realized, wait a minute, that clump of cell has a hand. Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. It has feet. Whoa, whoa, whoa, is it sucking its thumb? Right, that's God's design. That's a human being. You're probably aware of some of the groups who provide free ultrasounds to women. You can make a decision before you have an abortion of a clump of cells, come and meet the clump of cells, come and see Godly forms of government would do that. Truth wrapped in grace, here's who you're killing. They absolutely could create a law that would require the abortion to be visible. No, they could do that. They could say that for medical safety reasons, when a woman is having an abortion of a living baby, it will be on a video screen. Can you imagine a mother seeing the baby try to fight off the abortionist tool? Truth wrapped in grace and save lives and form, you're an opportunity to see the work of God within the body of the mother that can be very effective. Is it a free speech violation? I don't think so, we're not forcing the doctor to speak, we're forcing the procedure to be transparent, visible, real. I was talking this weekend to someone about misuse of the body. Where was I? I can't remember where I was, but I was talking about, oh gosh, fancy that, I was in a gym, why would it be anything else? I was in a gym, I was talking about the early powerlifting, that's it, that's it. I got to work out with one of the guys from the youth group. I'm going to be co-leading with him at summer camp, unbelievably incredible kid. I mean, he's a grown man, he's 18, he's legally an adult, but I still think of him as a kid. But we were talking about the early days of weightlifting and everything I did to myself and he's a super strong kid, it was before work out, we were just bonding, and I said to him, this is probably where I started to develop these shoulder problems, you know, I had these bone spurts with their genetic, but I didn't take care of myself in this way. I was not stewarding well, that which God gave me, it would have came down to. Now that I'm older and I've learned about some of the ways God gives us ways to start over physically, that's kind of what Renew Healthcare does, it's about elevating your quality of life by starting over and away, and let me explain this. There is, I don't think any fountain of youth, and I don't particularly care for fountain of youth, I have no interest in artificially, or lengthening my life, God's going to decide what I go anyway, but I do have an interest in living a quality existence while I'm here. Some cells ethically gathered, that is, only ethically gathered from placentas and umbilical cords period, which is in the United States thrown out as medical waste, those cells can replace your ancient decrepit, no longer useful stem cells, what the stem cells do. They help your body heal. They regroach this issue, they fight radical inflammation that you get something from a car crash, or from surgeries, or from just huge soft tissue damage, they can do this anywhere in the body, because these stem cells do not have an assigned role, they are waiting for a role to be assigned to them, they were designed to build infant, they weren't needed to build the infant, the infant is built, the cells are potential power, so you may have a lower lumbar circumstance, and this could be that you have something called neuropathy, it doesn't need to be that way, stem cells can heal that in ways that invasive surgeries cannot, invasive surgeries make things worse, you may have a lower lumbar issue that you don't know is a lower lumbar issue, you may think it's a leg issue, you might have arthritis, and I do have a little bit of arthritis, stem cells can help with that, even neurological challenges. When I was down in Mexico, I got to spend time with a gentleman named Steve and his daughter Mandy, Mandy is a cheerful warrior, and these people became friends, really, really friends, and they were down there for a neurological issue that Mandy had, some day I may have them on to talk about the challenges they've been through as a family, my gosh, the way the Lord has prepared them for this. They went down in hopes that the stem cells can help Mandy with her neurological issues, why would they do that? Because it does help many, many people. A woman who was hemispherically paralyzed, went in in a wheelchair, came out walking. That's simply a no-brainer to have them see if they can help. There's no charge at this, you go to, that's,, they can look at your medical records and see if they can help you, if they can, they'll tell you and how much it will cost and how much time it will take, if they can't, they'll tell you they can't, So how is it that we're so far away from God the governance? Well because people have turned from the true meaning of God's word, they've made God a myth, he's not a myth, nor will he be mocked. And of course, this drumbeat, separation of church and states, you know it as well as I do, talking with a dear, dear loved one, a woman for whom I would die right now. I would walk into fire for her, love her so dearly. She spoke these words to me that I believe in separation of church and state, that seems conservative to me. My response to that was, yes, that letter from Thomas Jefferson was a letter that Jefferson wrote a friend, separation of church and state. And I said to my loved one, I agree, I don't want to see a theocracy because it's not Christian. And would you really have people negate their conscience? Would you really have Christians turn off that portion of their brain when they go and serve? I said it this way as well. She's a medical professional. Would you have doctors who serve in Congress say I need to turn off the talk, doctor part of my brain when we're talking about health care policy? Would you have teachers who end up in Congress say, well, I shouldn't vote on kids, bills related to kids because I have such strong bias there? Or would you have them use that as a basis to make the decisions, people who work in farming, do the same thing or an agriculture, of course they should. Now this is why Netflix is playing the game, Netflix is playing, this is so brilliant. So Netflix has a series of movies, docu, dramas that contend to explore the Christian faith. Or I should say the personalities of the Christian faith. They've got a movie coming out or this out now called Messiah. It's a modern day taken. What would a Messiah do? How would we know? They also have a film that's called Testament, The Story of Moses. I had a dream, made, shed out of a man, surrounded by darkness. Someone approaches my lady, a stranger, let he knows your heart, myself as you did, it's forces. Moses, God has commanded him to lead us out of bondage. Let my people go. Your people. You appear before me without loyalty or gratitude to those who gave you everything. I am not the man for this task. So much of the Judeo-Christian religion rides on Moses, he's a founding father. He's special, he's God's chosen brother. You have disturbed the order of my king. You've never killed those people, they're freedom. Let them feel and all this pleasure. What is going to happen now? Death. The power you wield is great. Spare your people, spare yourself the pain that will come next. Everything about his life speaks to us to this day. What it takes to get free is different than what it takes to stay free. We cannot continue to hold this path. If I yield to the God of the Hebrews, the foundations crumble, we will disappear. You were one, he is the giver of life, and a tippy clap. I have chosen you. So if you watched the video service, by the way, you can do that at It's typically beautifully shot. It's typically high standard Netflix work and propaganda. We'll delve into this further this week, because I'm a little obsessed with what Netflix is doing with the Christian faith. It's so clever. It drew my wife and I in. We wanted to watch this. We wanted to show Netflix that, hey, when you produce something, a value to Christians, we're going to watch. I simply couldn't get past one portion of it. We'll get to this later this week, while actually playing. I found a guy who has a YouTube following of one, one, one subscriber who destroyed a Christian theologian in this movie. We want to know what the Christian theologian in this movie said. That there's not one God, a Christian theologian. No, he said in terms of the Bible and Moses, that Moses was simply worshiping one of the many mountain gods. So there's many gods, and yet from Isaiah to Genesis, or Genesis to Isaiah, you can point to countless facts in the Bible, if you believe the Bible to be the inheritance complete and unending Word of God, or living Word of God, you can go straight to Genesis 1. God created the world. You can go to Isaiah describing there is only one God. So Netflix has to sneak that in, because a godly form of government would choose God. Not gods. It certainly wouldn't allow democracy to become an illusion, and in further and further convinced that democracy is an illusion in the United States, being made worse by Google, a company that is ungodly that we're going to have to work with, by the way, we've been talking with some young guys who are very, very fundamental in getting the daily wire created and making it what it is. They're helping us figure out our video strategy for this podcast so that we can take God's Word into the world. We're going to have to work with YouTube. That wasn't that fun for me to think about. We're really going to have to do this to work with Google. So we'll be wise as serpents and gentlest doves using Google's money that we will hopefully earn there to help drive God's Word to people who are being inflicted by propaganda from companies like Netflix and YouTube. This is Dr. Robert Epstein, a version of newsbusters talking about how Google has made democracy an illusion. Democracy at the moment in the United States of America is an illusion. But in all 50 states, Google is sending liberally biased content. They're not sending content based on people's interests. They're sending content based on their interests. And that's exactly what Mr. Hartwig was just telling you a few minutes ago. And except we're collecting the data on a massive scale to make the data available to our nation's leaders in order to rectify the situation because what this does is it makes the free and fair election into an illusion and to almost a joke. We have now taken a look at the initial vote reminders. Think about vote reminders that Google is sending to people nationwide. And imagine this, Google is sending registered leaders to liberals at about two and a half times the rate at which they're sending registered vote reminders to conservatives. Just imagine, just think about what I just told you and what we're going to be finding. That's why monitoring is so important. Without monitoring, you wouldn't know that. So because they're monitoring and because they know this, we can also step back and say, when a godly form of government go to Google and say, you don't get to do that, no, because God doesn't force. But what we would do is say you get no government money. If you're going to meddle in fair and free elections, you get no government money, meaning no government contracts, meaning no defense contracts, meaning no contracts with the intelligence services. Wait, so our intelligence services wouldn't have the best possible technologies. No, we would. It would just come from different companies who aren't going to meddle our own elections. Why? Because it's dishonest and it's scheming, it's seeking to serve rather than be served. It's seeking dishonest gain. It's seeking to control others, seeking God like powers. Not quite as bad as sequestering all the common blessings God gives us in food, water and air, but right up there and speaking of that, the president of Guiana was talking with a BBC interviewer who wanted to shame him about carbon. Well, what he means, of course, is carbon dioxide. Over the next decade, two decades, it is expected that there will be $150 billion worth of oil and gas extracted off your coast. It's an extraordinary figure, but think of it in practical terms. That means, according to many experts, more than 2 billion tons of carbon emissions will come from your seabed from those reserves and be released into the atmosphere. I don't know if you as a head of state went to the COP in Dubai. Let me stop you right there. Let me stop you right there. Do you know that Guiana has a forest forever that is the size of England and Scotland combined? If forest that stores 19.5 gigatons of carbon, if forest that we have kept alive, a forest that we have kept alive, does that give you the right to release all of this carbon? Does that give you the right to lecture us on climate change? I am going to lecture you on climate change because we have kept this forest alive. The stores 19.5 gigatons of carbon that you enjoy, that the world enjoy, that you don't pay us for, that you don't value, that you don't see a value in, that the people of Guiana have kept alive. Guess what? We have a low-est deforestation rate in the world. And guess what? Even with our greatest exploration of the oil and gas resource we have now, we will still be net zero. Guiana will still be net zero with all our exploration. Couple of points. There's still be net zero. No, no, there's no... Powerful, powerful words, Mr. President. I am not completed as yet. I am not finished as yet. I am just not finished as yet. Because this is a hypocrisy that exists in the world. The world in the last 50 years has lost 65% of all its biodiversity. We have kept our biodiversity. Are you valuing it? Are you ready to pay for it? When is it developed? Or are you in the pockets? Are you in the pockets of those who have damaged the environment? Are you in the pockets, are you in your system, in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment, through the industrial revolution, and now lecturing us? Are you in their pockets? Are you paid by them? Are you paid to keep-- All right, all right, Mr. President. Ha! Ha! I didn't say you have to be a godly person to be able to flatten a guy in an argument. I am guessing that the president of Guiana is not a Christian. And there's no other word, Jesus, but I'll pray for him that was beautiful. My friend and brother Zach Cabraham, chief investment officer, bulwark capital management, cannot do enough of his free live workshops on this inflationary environment. These things keep selling out. It's so vital. And people are beginning to understand how inflation is the silent portfolio killer. I mean, your retirement's based on future results, right? What's inflation have to do with that? Everything. It's a cancer. Find out if you're doing the right thing to have a portfolio set up for inflation with risk management and active management of portfolios, which can actually reduce risk and volatility. Zach's giving another of his free live webinars, July 25th. Learn more and sign up for this free live webinar. Just go to, space is limited, and it fills up fast. Go to That's Investment advisory services are through Trek Financial LLC, an SDC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance does not necessarily indicate future results. I promise to share something with you. It is the workout that we did on Easter. Well, Resurrection Sunday. The reason I wanted to share this with you is we've been talking about godly forms of government. A whole bunch of comments from people saying you worked out on Easter. This was your way of honoring the Lord Jesus, like Todd, way off. I can't agree. There's a very specific reason that we do this and it's become a tradition. Well, this is the second year we've done it. I hope it continues for years and years to come. I got to do this with a dear friend of mine, a younger man far wiser than his years. His name is Ben Wardell. Ben runs Wardell Performance Physical Therapy Post Falls, works with creaky old breaking down athletes like me and professional athletes to help them move better and to restore themselves from injury. He is a very godly man, happy to pray with his patients. And I was just gifted to get to know him to the CrossFit community. The reason that we do workouts like this is to make ourselves suffer in a tiny, tiny little representation of what the Lord Jesus went through. That's the reason we do it. It started with me getting to a park in Idaho next to a lake on a morning that was 28 degrees air temp. And I got out of the truck and first thing I did was made a video for you guys morning. My friend Ben and I got ready to do an Easter morning workout. And we're going to be swimming in the lake, hopefully we don't die, and holding sleds and riding assault bikes and echo bikes until the sun comes up. And I was just getting here this morning and show prep never ends and learned that figurehead Biden's people have caused him to name Resurrection Day as so-called transvisibility day, day of transvisibility. I don't know how many years I've been telling people that this is utterly, completely, and arguably satanic and that the mutilation of bodies chemically and surgically in the image of big forma and the sexual left is their form of being born again. It doesn't need to be more clear than this. That's what it is. If you haven't made a decision for Jesus yet, I hope you do that now because it's the hardest to fail, past fail test in history. God be with you. So that was me getting there prior to Ben showing up. People watching the video service, which you can do at The far better looking dude, the taller dude, the more athletic dude on the left is clearly Ben. That's not me. And he somehow found a way to smile with a broad smile. This was at about five o'clock in the morning. Hey, everybody. This is Ben. My friends. Happy Easter to you. He is risen. He is risen indeed. Praise God. Praise Christ. Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice. He came up with a brilliant workout of an opposed later, so you know what we're going to do. We're going to sit here real quick. So we're going to start with a swim, trying to keep it as safe as we can, but still have it be kind of a struggle out of the water. We're going to run over to our set up assault bikes. We're going to bike for three minutes, then we're going to run 400 meters, come back and then we're going to push a sled. Our pull a sled and push a sled and we'll switch back and swap back and forth to a minute of recovery or two in prayer and try to do it again and we're going to do this for an hour until the sun has arisen. The sun is risen. All right. Praise God. He forgot something. He forgot doing burpees when we get out of the water. That was the toughest part. That was horrible. Hands frozen. Hands in the sand. Frozen hands. Horrible. He forgot that part bended. So we went and we did the workouts. This is the third round. Don't tell me how you're doing. Hey, Ben. What is this? Round three. Round three. Oh, I'm cold. How are you? Good morning. Good morning. My hands. Yeah. They're not working very well. My feet are wet and cold. I'm not hot. How's your spirit? Your spirit's actually really good. I feel great. My heart is full. My heart is full. My heart is full. Beautiful morning out here. Just thinking. Gorgeous. Great. Turkeys. Geese. Frogs. Birds. And the sun. The sun is not there, but we're really close. We'll take the moon. I would say this, Ben. Yeah. A light shines in the darkness. And the darkness cannot understand. That's right. This is after the workout. All right, what do you got to say, Todd? Happy, sure, everybody. Jesus died for you. He loves you. If you have made the decision to accept it, would you like to say you're please do that? Thank you to my friend Ben for not doing this with me. Swam, and this is morning. God's Lake. We did bikes you can barely see, the sleds. Nice. Oh, it's a good time. It's a great time, praise God. It's actually beautiful out here. Steam rolling off. I guess it's definitely not steam. It's really, really much like steam. I think the swam was a bigger challenge than I thought. That was definitely the hardest part. You never got a chance to warm up. I've been cold for the past hour. So let's you in on something as we wrap this up. We do this to experience physical suffering and also what God does to our bodies. We shouldn't be able to get through that. But God equipses us to get through that with a common blessing of hormones in our bodies. No representation, but I'll tell you something else is funny. As we wrap it up together, I gave Ben a hug. I don't think he wanted a hug because I stunk. But I actually said to him, "Hey, brother, thanks for doing this with me. Merry Christmas." Ben said, "No, it's Easter. Oh, just one other thing. You heard Ben say good morning to someone." Yeah, just before the sun came up, two young families came down in separate cars. One young dad in his early 20s got out and picked up his guitar and sang to the Lord Jesus as the sun rose. So his little kids and the other families, little kids, could watch and experience. God the form of government would have God the forms of people as prescribed in the creation of church elders who are willing to suffer for Christ and in doing that to value your life above theirs. Scary, isn't it? This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well. Be strong. Be kind. And please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [music] [music]