The Todd Herman Show

As a former addict, I can tell this- Power is a powerful drug Ep-1697

Well, it makes sense. Power is a powerful drug. Why are we talking about this? It has to do with the worship of power and the inability for people to let go of it. There's a great article in Vanity Fair that features the writer's worshipful description of Dr. Jill Biden. She's a doctor, don't you know?  And the paragraph, while long and run on, is indicative of how people view those with power when they're in the world of wanting to have it. Now, I've never had real power. I've had the power on loan from big organizations, Microsoft and the Republican National Committee. I can tell you that being in the world of motorcades,VIP seating, and where you don't need to be a nice person because people will do what you say, it is a very addictive world. It's interesting, of course, because there are people who don't have power who suddenly are showing how shrill and fragile the people in power are and how much they want to hold on to it. You'll hear Joe Scarborough, a guy absolutely desperate to hold on to power. 90 days ago, he said figurehead Biden was his very best self, better than he'd ever been. Now, Joe Scarborough, of course, is making the suggestion that Biden should step out of the race. 

What does God’s Word say? 
God uses the simple things of the world to shame the wise. 
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03 Jul 2024
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At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulley? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. [MUSIC PLAYING] There's a new article in Vanity Fair, and it begins this way. If you want to know what power feels like, try to get yourself driven around in a motorcade. They're writing about one of the people who's running the country. Oh, no. Oh, gosh, no. Not the figurehead. No. Someone actually running the country. And the way it's written, it's not, I think, a discussion of, gosh, people shouldn't have power like this. It reads a little bit like, well, forgive me from an era before many of you were born. And again, forgive me. It reads a little bit like, dear Penthouse letters. I never thought this would happen to me. But let's wait, reads. We'll talk about this plus the ever-changing ridiculousness of the earnest feelings of the people in the Machinberg media, earnest and strong and resolute and changeable in a day. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma, technocrats, and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. [MUSIC PLAYING] Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times to which God is the side of which you live. The article in Vanity Fair is right about some things. It's right about if you ever want to feel puffed up, get yourself in the situation where you're driven around by motorcade. No, I've never been in a motorcade. I have been in situations where you're driven around in groups of SUVs. And you have special parking, but never in a police motorcade. But I did have this. Back in the day, I got a level at Microsoft, level 66. I don't know that they do this anymore. Actually, I know they do. But they would put numbers on job positions. And I think the number was through number 69, and then you'd skip 70 through 79, and then it was 80. And 80 was the stratosphere. I mean, they made it clear. We're so far above the normals. And 80, I think, was partner status. And at partner status, you had, I think, a minimum, a million a year, and you'd end up getting these 16-week vacations every three or four years, sabbaticals. You've got sabbaticals at a friend who made partner. And when I made level 66, I went back and I told the person-- we gave people ridiculous titles-- chief of staff. Chief of staff, right? I had a chief of staff. So an isolated, wonderful lady of facts, I named Bettina. And I went back, and I had intended to quit. In fact, I went to go submit my resignation. And they negotiated with me. I was shocked. And what I told Bettina is-- she said, what if they try to keep you? I said, I'm going to make ridiculous demands. I want to leave. And I had this opportunity to go to YouTube, which probably economically I should have just pursued. I should just quit and gun down and gun. So I said, I'm going to make ridiculous demands. So I'm sitting in the office with a VP and my current boss. And my point in that meeting was, that guy's no longer my boss. I'm not going to work for him anymore. And there were reasons for that. And we've since made peace. But we were both very egotistical young guys. He was, yeah, my age, actually. He'd just been there longer. And we both later admitted we were absolute jerks. So I'm not going to work for Rob anymore. That was the point. And in this discussion, I said, OK, I want two Gold Star Awards. Because I feel like I've earned two Gold Star Awards. Here's my performance. These are the commitments I've made. I've looked into the model. This was the model for compensation and bonuses. I was actually at the model. I got two 6Os in a row. 5O is a perfect review. 2 6Os means you went above and beyond. And this all sounds very prideful as I speak these words I want to vomit. I just want to puke all over. I, I, I, I, I. Well, that's who I was at the time. I, I, I. Look what I did. Look what I did. Never had I any point that I dropped to my face and kissed the ground and said, dear, Lord God, why have you rewarded me with this? Why have you entrusted me with this? Why have you given me this opportunity? Didn't do that a bit. So I make this play thinking that's it. They're going to kick me out of here. You, you punk. The VP turned his computer monitor to me and said, this is the top I can give you. And I looked at I said, yeah, well, if I'm level 65, sure that's the top you can give me. Because you actually want to level bump too. You want an out of cycle level bump? I go, yeah. He turned the computer back to himself, turned it forward. He goes, OK, done. Here's the deal. You probably won't get another level bump for another three or four years, right? Unless you get in a bunch of other six O's. OK. Wait, what? Done. Walked out of the meeting. And I said the most awful thing, horrible thing, horrible thing. And it was because I was speechless. This guy Rob was famous for the shoes he bought. He was famous. He had hundreds of shoes. Made a ton of money, hundreds of shoes. And I was, I'd always like these shoes he was wearing. And I was speechless. It was like, you're next to someone you don't know what to say. And he goes, you got everything you want? I said, yeah, what if I wanted your shoes? What if I got those? He goes, they need to have what you got plus 1,000 bucks. And I went back and I told Bettina. I walked in, knocked on her door. She opened it, and she said, man, you're the best boss I've ever had. I'm going to miss you. I said, they said, yes. What? What did you-- what did you demand? I told her. She goes, you're 66? Yeah. Oh my gosh, let me see if it's in the org chart. She looked up, she goes, it's in the org chart. You're a 66. Whoa, she goes, you don't have to take the vans anymore. What? Todd, you can take a GM car anywhere on campus. You don't need to take a van. You never need to park again on campus. You're kidding. She goes, no, OK, let's try this. She goes, OK, I'll call a car. What are we going to do? So let's get everybody to go to lunch. Just get the team. Everybody who can go, let's take them on lunch. So she put out an email, Todd's taking us to lunch, and only three people could come. But she got on the phone. Yeah, hi, I'm calling for my boss. I support Todd Herman. He's level 66. We need a car. So well, everyone else is getting unvans to stop at this stop and this stop. It's mass transit, a town car pulls up so that we can ride from one Microsoft campus building to another and pull right up into the executive parking. And yeah, I felt like I had juice. It's intoxicating. It turned me into, and forgive the language, a complete jackass. And I regret the way I allowed it to change me and the way I treated people. My friend, Zach Gabraham, chief investment officer board, capital management, he gets this. There's a reason that he and his wife keep the company as focused as it is on two things-- risk management and active management of portfolios-- but all around this reason, humility. Zach got to watch the mighty fall during the big housing crisis, the first one. He got to be there. He was one of the guys saying, we got to short the housing market. And people said, kids, you're crazy. It's too big to fail. He got to watch those people lose money for the first time in their lives. When he was a young man a long, long time ago, and he talks about this, he and his wife lost a house. They had to give the house back during that period of time. It humbled him. Now, of course, with the success that God's given him through bulwark capital management, and the way he's been caused to steward that company, they keep everything at the level of humility. They start everything with, we are stewarding people's money. God gives us this huge privilege, this huge honor. And they keep focused on that. That's why Zach is not a guy who goes out and plays power. In fact, when he comes on our program, he so often takes the risk of speaking truth about the financial markets, like how rigged they are against us. And then there's this. He will not let people put all their money with bulwark. He does not want you to do that. I tried it. He said, no, keep some cash outside of here, because if we have a bad year prior to retiring, I don't want you to have a down year with us. So, hedge the bets. Have this guy take an honest look at your portfolio honestly. And if it's an honestly great shape, he'll tell you. You guys, you've got a rock star person working on it that don't change. If it's at risk, particularly from inflation, he'll tell you that. He'll do this for free with no obligation. Go to That's K-N-O-W, Or capital management's an investment advisor representative, truck financial LLC, an SCC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money and past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. So after I got the company car, and there was a name for those cars, I think it was like a 29 car, something like that. After I got that car, I started to become a pure jackass, egotistical, arrogant, and I've developed this attitude that I don't really have time to be nice and I don't need to be nice. So I was nice to my team. I was nice to people who were lateral to me. I was nice to people who worked below me. But if someone was in my way, particularly there were two guys who were in my way, constantly in my way, I figured, okay, now I've got juice and I don't need to be nice any longer. And I literally told these guys on a phone call. I literally told one of them on a phone call. And again, I'm in a stinking limo in Los Angeles and I call this guy and I said to him, Adam, I'm done pretending you're being helpful. He goes, what? I said, no, hear me. I am done pretending you're being helpful. I'm done pretending this is process. I'm done pretending this is product management. You are blocking me. I see that you're blocking me and I'm gonna bring down fire from on top. I will move you out of the way. You can either have a hand in this product or not, but if it's not, you're also not gonna have a hand than anything else we do. Do you hear me? What can we, no, I'm not gonna talk about it. And I know what he did in the background. I know what he did because I know the game is he went and checked the org chart. Oh, no. I repent of who that made me. Adam didn't deserve that. He was blocking me. He didn't deserve that. From Vanity Fair, if you wanna know what power feels like, try to get yourself driven around in a motorcade, flashing police chaperone lights, form a perimeter as you blaze down an empty highway, waiting cars backed up on interamps as you pass, as if the world is holding its breath for you. Also rules don't apply on a cool spring day, driving down suburban Minneapolis side streets. We run red lights and whip around curves so fast I could barely take it in the commonplace American view. Tracktousing, big box stores, churches, office parks, semi-industrial no man's land, finally arrive at our destination. Nine mile brewing in Bloomington, Minnesota. Let's go, let's go, let's go. Command someone a secret service agent maybe, as the motorcade pulls into a loading dock, politics. I will come discover in the next few days, involves a lot of backstage spaces. Service entrances, freight, elevators. Places where very important people can slip in and out of events unnoticed. Politics also involves a lot of comically fast walking to wit. At nine mile and entourage of 30 or so are noisily hustling to follow a trim, blonde woman in a pristine white suit as she strides nonchalantly past changing, gurgling brewing vats, aiming for a back office, probably clanging gurgling brewing vats, aiming for a back office. This is my first glimpse of First Lady Jill Biden exiting the sealed chamber of power into the middle of America. A vision of calm amid utter cacophony. Dr. Jill Biden, calm amid utter cacophony. Do you sense the worship? I do, so does Jill. Oh yeah, when I got that level 29, it was the craziest level of 66, that crazy, crazy thing happened. I went into a business review. I was only there because I was now someone who had a sort of P&L responsibility, sort of, sort of. And my P&L responsibility, sort of, it was more P than L, but I had a team and et cetera anyways. I go to this business review and I was scared silly. I don't do well with spreadsheets, I don't. So I'd spent the last year studying a book called Enumeracy, is how to do quick mental math. And I knew I could never match these guys in serious math level, so I did this thing. I'm gonna be the guy who can look at the first page of a spreadsheet and call out a significant number. If I see a significant number, I'm gonna call it out. I'm gonna be able to do calculations in my mind. So I practiced and gained this skill. I don't have that skill anymore 'cause I don't use it. But in this meeting, I saw something in a spreadsheet, it stood out, I raised my hand. Yeah, I'm just curious over here. I see parallel hockey sticks between these two quarters. Is there some kind of trend here? Because I'm noticing, this looks like a tripling of, it worked. It worked. Later a guy who was a for real global GM, and he was a smart dude, came up to me, he goes, "Man, it's so good to have you in the team. "It's so good to have you in here "asking questions like this, "and it's really, really good to know "your paying attention to the numbers. "Never struck you. "You never struck me as a numbers guy, Tom. "But that's really, really solid work. "We need to get lunch. "In fact, you know what should come over to the house?" Man, it was puffed up. But I sensed it. The new kid's got juice. Who's the new kid gonna partner with? It's like Survivor. That's what it's like. I remember my wife and I watched Survivor go, "I don't need to watch this. "This is work. "This is work. "That's Microsoft." But I sensed it. I remember back in the day at football camp, sensing it. Well, I didn't. I'd been to football camp three years in a row, and this was the third year I was a senior, and a kid came up to me, and we were talking, and he goes, "Can you feel it?" I go, "What?" He goes, "You can't feel that?" I go, "What?" He goes, "You are the bull." No, I'm not. He was taught. You're the bull. I go, "No, I'm not. "What he is? "That guy's going to Notre Dame." He goes, "Tat, tat, tat." Everybody is waiting for you to say something. What I'm telling you sounds utterly prideful, and I want to puke 'cause I say it. But yeah, once that kid pointed it out to me, I did feel it. I hate that I felt it. This is what the point of the show is. The point of the show is, why do people do these things? Why does Joe Scarborough, who has enough money to never work again a day in his life? Why does he open himself up to things like this? But I understood him when I said he was cogent. He's far beyond cogent. In fact, I think he's better than he's ever been. This is a battle for the future of American democracy, and now is a good time. In June, thank God. In June, in not October, in June. This is the last chance for Democrats to decide whether this man we've known and loved for a very long time is up to the task. That clip, those two clips side by side are three months apart. Joe Scarborough saying that Joe Biden was better than he's ever been, happened after Joe Biden claimed that he drove an 18-wheeler. He was at a place where they're producing electric 18-wheelers, and he said in front of everybody, "I used to drive truck." And his 24-year-old staffers were suddenly like, "Press, press, press over here, over here." And they were doing everything they could to drown them out. Because they know, no, you were never a truck driver. This is at the same time that Biden forgot where he was. It's summits, stumbled upstairs, constantly forgetting which side of the stage to exit, forgetting names of people, his own cabinet. Anyway, a secretariat, a monkey, a monkey man. Sorry, a mayor is a pete gay. It's Mayor Pete, but yeah, he's gay, but three months later, Joe Scarborough is saying probably time to make a switch. How does this all tie back to level 66? I didn't want to lose that. One of the hardest things I made decisions I made in leaving Microsoft was I got a window office. Here I've been in non-window offices my whole career. Now I don't just have a window office. I got a double, I got a couch. There's a stinking couch in my office. I got a round table. In fact, I said I wanted a whole wall of whiteboard. Boom, whole wall of whiteboard. I even said I don't want a desk. You took so much juice, no, I don't want a desk. I don't want that big thing sticking in here. I want my whole team to be able to be in my office. Other people do it, I've seen GM's do it. I know a DM who has a double office. He has a sandbox 'cause he's a surfer. He gets to put his toes in sand. I never got the sand, thank God. Look like a cat box, by the way. Super cool guy, incidentally, that guy Blake. Joe Scarborough doesn't want to lose. Airport priority? Party priority? Whispering into the ear of power. That's the other part of that thing. That's the other part. Gosh, I didn't know the show was gonna be about this, you guys. I had no idea. When you reach a point in something like that, that for real executives, people who actually earn it, draw you into the circle. Maybe you're different than me. It just changed me. I remember being in an event in Santa Barbara, and it was an event. I got to speak at this event. It was the whole division that was probably a couple thousand people. They gave this speech, and it was about iconoclasm. As I was going through the speech notes with some of the executives, one of the ladies said, "You're gonna need to define iconoclasm." I said, "Really?" At Microsoft she goes, "No one knows what an iconoclast is. "You're gonna have to define that for people." Okay. So I was talking about applied iconoclasm. That's what I wanted to pursue. Applied iconoclasm. To knock down things that are icons, to undo icons and replace them. So when I gave this speech, it went over well. It was fun, I'm good at speaking. God's gifted me with that. At the time of course, I thought it was me. Oh, and it was the me show. And then afterwards, when I got off stage and we were having dinner that night, and there was, I mean, I remember torches, a whole lot of fruity drinks. I never drank alcohol at a work event. Bad, bad idea. I learned that early. I never drank alcohol at a work event. I don't drink alcohol, but it particularly work events. And all of a sudden, here I am in a triangle of three people. One of whom was the most substantial female boss from whom I ever worked. The other was her boss, and I'm talking juice. And I remember going, "Shay, look at me." And by the way, I mean, I was looking around and there were people with whom I used to work laterally. We were at the same levels. And I wasn't like, twist to my head around me. Out of the corner of my eyes, like, "Yeah, yeah, me and you're right. "I'm standing over here with these guys." And look in that direction, yep, teal, you're right. I'm standing here. I'm having this conversation you wish you were having. That's right, teal. Joe Scarborough stuck in that. I was captive. Satan said, "Here's all the things of the earth." Look at that. And when I did go to church, and we did, our dollar was born, we went to church. I started going to church prior to that. My wife joined me when her daughter was born. Yeah, 50 grand to put on a roof. I'll pay for that. And I told my daughter, I told her that. Well, don't tell me, buddy, but your mom won't actually pay for the roof. Makes me puke. Power is, man, it's a hell of a drug. Janet Yellen, I don't know that she can remember life without power. She is like Dr. Jill Biden. Or a calm amid, or pardon me, a vision of calm amid uggar cacophony. Talk about her in a second. She said something amazing. In comparison to a video that's gone so viral that Mockingbird media organizations have had to do everything they can to try to debunk it, but it's not debunkable, it's simple math. So much breaks down to some things that is just so very, very simple. Your body, as you age, is going to experience some form of inflammation unless you are the magic person who gets the magic blend of antioxidants, never eats a food that doesn't belong in your body, never over works, never has anything like that. Now, maybe you're that person. There are people like that who exist. I have no some and they do yoga and they swim and they don't have any of that in their life. If you, on the other hand, have inflammation, which means you're constantly sore, you're making noise when you get up. It feels like you just worked out all the time. Those are some of the signs of inflammation. It also comes along with irritability and it comes along with some problems in let me be polite. You're a nation can be an issue, it can. The common thing in the world is you reach for the things of the world like ibuprofen and let's be fair to that drug. It does an incredible job of masking the symptom. Incredible. When I ate four ibuprofen at night, I woke up and it's like I never had inflammation. Problem was, throughout the night, that drug ate away my gut lining. So the moment I woke up and started to eat, I started to give myself more inflammation because my gut lining had been compromised. As I ate even healthy foods, particles that don't belong in my bloodstream made it into my bloodstream, boom, there's my joints. They're aching, muscles aching, worse. It affects your heart, your liver, your kidneys. Ibuprofen does. The fix for this was not the fix I expected. I did not expect native path krill to work because it had omega-3s before. I had never had native path krill. It's different in the following ways. Krill, K-I-R-L-L is a crustacean. It is far more, it's omega-3s are far more absorbable than that from fish. And folks, I eat fish almost exclusively for my whole food protein is fish, either tuna or salmon. I still wasn't getting the proper omega-3s. This stuff comes from the Antarctic to purest waters that we have access to. It doesn't have the heavy metals and all the other things. It can screw up other waters. And in terms of helping your immune system, which this also does, it's 60 times more observable than vitamin C, meaning more powerful, meaning more for your money. Toss the ibuprofen, toss the side effects it can cause, get wrapped of the way of the heart disease it can cause. And you go to,, and simply see what offers they have for you today, It's math, our body's age, it's math. The economy is not good. Janet Yellen doesn't remember a time when she wasn't in power, at least that's what I think. We'll do contrast and compare here. A woman in the seat of power, she's got the level 66 cars. She's got the motorcades. She's got the protection, not necessarily secret service, but private protection. She's got the office you need to have ID to get into. She, in a brief little statement, says so very much. - Secretary Yellen, have you been to the grocery store lately? - I sure have like the wiffery week. - It's sticker shock, isn't it? I just, when you look at-- - Listen real, I'm gonna run that again. - Listen closely, she has to think about what to say. Listen for Yellen's response because the reporter from Yahoo Finance overrides her. - Secretary Yellen, have you been to the grocery store lately? - I sure have like the wiffery week. - It's sticker shock, isn't it? I just, when you look at shipping costs, those have come down. Global food commodity prices have also come down, but food prices still remain high. I know they're not rising at the rate that they were last year, but they're still up 20% from pre-COVID. When you watch this and listen to it, notice something. Notice the genuflecting way the reporter from Yahoo Finance is asking the question. Sticker shock, isn't it? She doesn't wait for her to answer. If you want that answer, you stop. Sticker shock, isn't it? And you sit and wait. You isolate the no. Jenny Ellen says no. You follow up on that. I think the American people are feeling that it is. The reporter from Yahoo Finance, a young reporter, purposely young, purposely female, knows this. You want the next interview? You glad talk this one? Sure, she asked the question, it's sticker shock. No, she doesn't follow up. Then she begins to glad talk to results. Oh, I know that commodity food prices are down. I know that shipping costs are up. She's giving her the way, the way to get out. Here's all your outs in your poker hand. Jenny Ellen has already been, well, I almost said a bad word, made angry. Watch the clip. She already put herself at risk of not having the conversation again with Jenny Ellen. This is the way power works. Back in the level 66 GM card days, I could start a meeting. If I wanted to start a meeting on a power basis and you'd just analyze, what's going on? Who's coming in? What do they want? Are they friend or foe? I could be that guy who could start a meeting and do the power move of coming in late. Never did that, hated that, I hate being late. It just drives me nuts. But there's all sorts of power moves like this. Someone comes into your office, you greet them nicely, and then you look at your watch in an obvious manner. Spend about five seconds on the watch, you look up and say, okay, so what are we talking about? And you just put them on the spot and you play that power game. And you do something like this. Okay, see where you're coming from. Can you put this in talkers for me? You know, what I need is five or six talkers, just put some five or six talkers together. Then guys, just give me the math. Or you could ask questions and attempt to learn from others. And remember the day when you walked into Microsoft or wherever you're at and you were amazed, I can't believe I'm here. How did this happen? And soak up everything. Every optional course on leadership, every optional course on technology. Anytime you get a chance to go sit in a skip level, that's where you get to go be around your boss's boss. So you get to go see what's happening there. What happened to those days? We got puffed up. This is a guy on TikTok and now on Twitter. And there are media organizations who have set out to destroy him because he simply went to and did the most interesting thing. You have a woman who sits in the seat of power, Janet Yellen pretending like, no, there's no sticker shock at grocery stores. Then you have this guy and I was talking to Niana earlier and people her age are looking at the grocery store going, hey, I don't think we're gonna bread this decade. Watch this or listen to it. - I feel like I'll go be sick. I just like looked through my walmart history and I found this like walmart order from two years ago for the whole month worth of groceries. 45 items cost $126. The whole month of groceries just for me basically. But I did notice this reorder all button and I wanted to see how much it would cost now. Now, this order of 45 items for one month would have cost $414. That is four times more. How the (beep) how? Like, what? - So he makes a TikTok video. If you were listening to the audio and didn't see the video, the proof is behind him. As the young people say, he's got the receipts. And yet the Mockingbird media leans into this and here's all the reasons. Well, it's a hand-selected group and we don't know where in. Maybe he's, and there's, it could be bad traffic and there's, it could be a local gas tax and well, there are utilities locally and there could be, there could be, it could also be the fact that the consumer price index is rigged by who? People who have the level 66 cars. People who have access to the motorcades. People who like Joey Scarborough can put a phone call into the White House and get the president, it's Joe Scarborough. What? No, get, get, get, get, get the president. I'm a president of Joe Scarborough. Hi, Joe, I loved you when you paid for the Yankees. Great, great short stop back in the day. You and Bruno Mars, Bruno Mars, what are the best start shops in the, in the NFL? What can I do for you, Jake? You can put the call in. Man, power is an unbelievable drug. People will cling to, become so addictive. There's this. We are giving birth to a series of bureaucratic judges who don't belong in Judge them at all. Why are they there? Because they have a form of juice. It's a form of juice you can't get in school. It's a form of juice you can't get through finance. It's a form of juice that only God gives you and then people are misusing it. And that's a risky thing to take something God gives you to steward and to radically misuse it. Really is. I was talking this weekend to someone about misuse of the body. Where was I? I can't remember where I was, but I was talking about, oh gosh, fancy that. I was in a gym. Why would it be anything else? I was in a gym. I was talking about the early powerlifting. That's it. That's it. I got to work out with one of the guys from the youth group. I'm going to be co-leading with him at summer camp. Unbelievably incredible kid. I mean, he's a grown man. He's 18. He's legally an adult. That's to think of him as a kid. But we were talking about the early days of weightlifting and everything I did to myself. And he's a super strong kid. It was before work out. We were just bonding. And I said to him, this is probably where I started to develop these shoulder problems. I had these bone spurts with their genetic, but I didn't take care of myself in this way. I was not stewarding well that which God gave me. It wouldn't have came down to. Now that I'm older and I've learned about some of the ways God gives us ways to start over physically, that's kind of what Renew Healthcare does. It's about elevating your quality of life by starting over and away. And let me explain this. There is, I don't think any fountain of youth and I don't particularly care for fountain of youth. I have no interest in artificially and are lengthening my life. God's gonna decide what I go anyway. But I do have an interest in living a quality existence while I'm here. Stem cells, ethically gathered that is. Only ethically gathered from placentas and umbilical cords, period, which is in the United States thrown out as medical waste. Those cells can replace your ancient decrepit, no longer useful stem cells. What do stem cells do? They help your body heal. They regroach the issue. They fight radical inflammation that you get something from a car crash or from surgeries or from just huge soft tissue damage. They can do this anywhere in the body because these stem cells do not have an assigned role. They are waiting for a role to be assigned to them. They were designed to build infant. They weren't needed to build the infant. The infant is built. The cells are potential power. So you may have a lower lumbar circumstance and this could be that you have something called neuropathy. Well, it doesn't need to be that way. Stem cells can heal that in ways that invasive surgeries cannot, invasive surgeries make things worse. You may have a lower lumbar issue that you don't know is a lower lumbar issue. You may think it's a leg issue. You might have arthritis and I do have a little bit of arthritis. Stem cells can help with that. Even neurological challenges. When I was down in Mexico, I got to spend time with a gentleman named Steve and his daughter Mandy. Mandy is a cheerful warrior and these people became friends, really, really friends. And they were down there for a neurological issue that Mandy had someday and may have them on to talk about the challenges they've been through as a family. My gosh, the way the Lord has prepared them for this. They went down in hopes that the stem cells can help Mandy with her neurological issues. Why would they do that? Because it does help many, many people. A woman who was hemispherically paralyzed went in in a wheelchair, came out walking. It's simply a no brainer to have them see if they can help. There's no charge at this. You go to That's They can look at your medical records and see if they can help you. If they can, they'll tell you and how much it will cost and how much time it will take. If they can't, they'll tell you they can't. There is a judge in Harris County, Texas, who should not have the power that she does. Her name is Lina Hidalgo. Lina Hidalgo became a COVID tyrant. Why? Because she could. Because she had the power. She had the juice. She had the level 66 car. From what does it derive? She's Hispanic and apparently a woman. That's it. Well, and she is in an area where that is a form of Godhood. No, in Democrat circles. We got a Hispanic woman for judge. Okay, so she had to go out and become a lawyer. But we're all familiar with the fact, of course, that DEI, which is power-based, has destroyed the screening process for things like becoming a lawyer, right? Somehow she made it through enough to be a lawyer. She was asked about a murder and rape in her district. You know, this annoying circumstance of these illegal immigrants going and raping and murdering kids and women, that's so annoying or it's horrifying. She was asked about this, this judge in Harris County, Texas, Lina, probably Lina Hidalgo. It hurts even more that they're being used as pawns in this fight over immigration. That doesn't even exist because Biden and McConnell agree. The fight over immigration doesn't even exist because two corruptocrats agree. That's a judge telling you there is no fight over immigration. That Trump won't let him move it forward. Okay, and Trump, who's not president in his fact been fighting court cases aimed at him, he will not let it move forward. The guy worked to call president Joe Biden and the guy who is the minority leader of the how are the Senate so-called. They can't move this forward because Orange Hitler. - I'll do respect, Judge. You said this issue shouldn't be politicized, but by pointing the finger at former President Trump and Republicans in Congress, aren't you politicizing it? - I think I answered the question. So, yeah, I mean, this is about Jocelyn. This is about her family, and if we want to, as I said, talk about immigration, then-- - You didn't answer the question. - You didn't answer the question. Are you politicizing this? By pointing the finger at Republicans and saying it's their fault, not the fault of the Biden administration that lifted the remaining Mexico policies. - Again, the Biden administration reached an agreement with Leader McConnell to address this, but this is not about immigration. I'm not gonna feed into that. I'm gonna say something I'm really not wanting to say, but I'll say it. Pretty in pink. Her earrings match her shirt. Are they good to blouse? Is that a blouse or a shirt? Oh, it's like, (laughs) doesn't any on it for the fashion. I don't know, shirt or blouse. Pretty in pink, empty. She just politicized it. But she gets to do this, 'cause she's got the level 66 car, and she's got access. And she's got juice, and it's juice you can't get in college. It's the juice of being an Hispanic female. That's juice you cannot get in college. There's also this. We started today, I think, with one of the first clips being Joey Scarborough. Joey Scarborough saying that, "It's a version of Donald Trump's better than he's ever been." If you don't get that, the history's gonna prove you wrong. And then three months later, he's saying, "Gosh, we got a medicine in this cat. This is a disaster." How does behavior like that get allowed in the press? It gets allowed in the press because it's modeled by the figurehead himself. Five years ago, at the first Democrat primary debate, a guy named Joe Biden. The fact is that, look, we should not be locking people up. We should be making sure we change the circumstance, as we did, why they would leave in the first place. And those who come seeking asylum, we should immediately have the capacity to absorb them, keep them safe until they can be heard. A 15 second, if you wish to answer, should someone who is here without documents. And that is his only offense. Should that person be deported? That person should not be the focus of deportation. We should fundamentally change the way we deal with him. Prior to all this, he'd once again become a border hawk. Once again, we have Alejandro Mayorkus saying, "The border is secure." But there's something else to that clip. Did you see how well Biden lies? Lied. Should they be deported? They should not be the focus of our deportation efforts. He did such a good job of not answering the question. It seems so very simple to see that times change, so he needed to change his view. Let's remember this, that God uses the simple things of the world to shame the wise. Well, that's a simple thing. Joe Biden was different. God chooses the weak things of the world to shame the strong. Hmm, there's a reason I feel such shame for the way I acted at Microsoft because I had become institutionally strong, but not spiritually strong. I don't think there is a better model of spiritual strength than my friend, Tim Crookshank. And I do want to wrap up the show with a thought on this today. Ah, it was the first of this month on Monday that Tim said goodbye to Liz. I think maybe for the last time, although his heart's never going to forget his dear wife. Tim fought a battle for his wife that a lot of men wouldn't have been able to fight. Part of it comes from his background as a Navy SEAL. They just are not very good at giving up. Three deployments for us as a corpsman. He calls himself a medic, so that's what I'll use. In this six, seven, maybe even eight-year fight against cancer, Tim had, well, probably in that period of time, at least three years of sleeping maybe two or three hours a night. Always getting back to work at Bone Frog Coffee. I mean, this is not about Bone Frog Coffee right now. Always getting back to work at Bone Frog. Always raising his kids. Always being cheerful. Until they couldn't be. God gave him the strength to start reaching out to friends. To saying, "I'm not good." On Monday was a memorial service for Liz. There's one last opportunity I'd like to give you guys, if you haven't done it, in this fight to save Liz's life outside of the insurance world, Tim spent money they didn't have, and he did not ask me to set this up. He didn't. A dear friend of his did, and we conspired to do it behind Tim's pack, but it's set up. It's a GoFundMe, and we are 50% to our goal. Thanks, largely to you. There's $80,000 in medical expenses outstanding. We set a goal of $50,000. It's not GoFundMe. It's GiveSendGo. We wouldn't use GoFundMe. We're 50% there at $25,000. If you can find a way, if God has blessed you with the resources to help us try to get to $50,000, we would so appreciate it. You can go to the It's a simple thing. Tim was willing to die for us. We should be willing to do this for him. That is the Todd Herman Show, please. Remember that God will give us little tastes of the world, or Satan will. And it's how we respond to the tastes of the world. It gives us an opportunity to grow with our faith, or to shrink from it. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well. Be strong, be kind. Please make every effort to grow in faith. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]