The Todd Herman Show

5 Minute Focus: As a former addict, I can tell this: Power is a powerful drug The Parallel World Of Digital Existence & Emptiness Ep-1696

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03 Jul 2024
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It's my opportunity to share with you what's coming up in the next couple hours of podcasting, and your chance to easily share the show with friends. Episode 1697 is entitled as a former addict. I can tell you this, power is a powerful drug. Well, it makes sense. Power is a powerful drug. Why are we talking about this? It has to do with the worship of power and the inability for people to let go of it. There's a great article in Vanity Fair. Vanity Fair is exactly where it belongs. And it features the writer's, well, worshipful description of doctor. Jill Biden, she's a doctor of something, don't you know? And the paragraph, while long and run on, is indicative of how people view those with power when they're in the world of wanting to have it. Now, I've never had real power. I've had the power on loan from a big organization, Microsoft, and the Republican National Committee. I can tell you that being in the world of motorcades and being in the world of VIP seating and being in the world where you don't need to be a nice person because people will do what you say, it is a very addictive world. It's interesting, of course, because there are people who don't have power who suddenly are showing how shrill and fragile the people in power are and how much they want to hold on to it. This is a simple video by a dude on Walmart, or online on TikTok, He has the actual receipts behind him. I found this like Walmart order from two years ago for the whole month worth of groceries. 45 items cost $126. The whole month of groceries just for me, basically. But I did notice this reorder all button, and I wanted to see how much it would cost now. Now, this order of 45 items for one month would have cost $414. He's a dude on TikTok. He got the response of Mockingbird media types attacking him, trying to somehow justify this because they need to hold on to this power. You'll hear Joe Scarborough, a guy absolutely desperate to hold on to power because 90 days ago, Joe Scarborough said, "Figurehead Biden was his very best self, better than he'd ever been." Now, Joe Scarborough, of course, is making the suggestion that everyone else seems to be making is that Biden should step out of the race. This is a way to hold on to power to say whatever needs to be said to please power. It's a fascinating dynamic, and I can tell you, as someone who's been addicted to power, it's a hard thing to let go of, and we can compare as well to figurehead. Now, somewhere in his mind that's not mush, there is an attempt to hold on to power. This is about five years ago should someone who is here without documents, and that is his only offense. Should that person be deported? That person should not be the focus of deportation. We should fundamentally change the way we deal with this. Biden has gone from Border Hawk to everybody gets to stay to now pretending, or his handlers have him pretending to be a guy who wants to secure the border. It's all about trying to hold on to power. Episode 1,698 is entitled, "The Parallel World of Digital Existence and the Emptiness of Endless Choice Plus." We're all Steve Bannon this week, or we should all be. The absolute atrocity of Bannon going to prison, we'll talk about that. Dating apps, thank God almighty. I'm not of dating age. I would want to cash it in. I would want nothing to do with the way people are shopping for boyfriends and girlfriends and maybe marriage material. I would want nothing to do with this. Do I enjoy being single? Yes, I think you also get very good at it. Even when you go on a date and it's satisfying and you have fun, you still will go on the app just to see if maybe there's a chance that there's someone just a little extra more compatible for you. This is creating a state of absolute imbalance and immeasurable harm to genuine human relationships. The way I'm seeing it as I'm researching dating apps and what they're doing to men and women, the emptiness of endless choice. How about growing to find someone in an organic sense and growing over time to see them unfold into someone around you could spend a life around? What about that? What about seeing people in an organic sense in a setting, in a party, at a church, or in a community, or family friends? This is a lost not art. It's a lost interaction that God set up. We're not. It's not good that men is alone. The dating app world shopping and swiping is also creating this. The men who are the best at getting the clicks are the men who end up getting the dates and women end up going out with guys who got the clicks and are not the sort of guys that you'd want to marry. Women are coming back saying, "Wow, dudes are scum." Yeah, the emptiness of endless choice. In the politics realm, we've got to talk about Steve Bannon going to prison and doing it, I think, gladly because he's willing to do this. He is a true believer in the Trump cause or the "Make America Great Again" cause, I should say. Just before we're going into prison, a journalist wanted Bannon to issue a pledge. Right now, a message to all of Trump supporters. Are you going to pull this down? We're going to lose your question. Have you asked a Democrat this question? Yes or no? The answer is no. Have you asked a Democrat this question? I haven't seen Democrats storm the Capitol to try to stop the election. I haven't seen Democrats storm the Capitol to try to stop the election. I watched a congressman pull the fire alarm to try to stop legislation. I watched the power base in Washington, D.C., say time and again 50,000 different ways Trump was illegitimate. Jonathan Karl, you sometimes have asked what we have to do to reduce the just rush of conspiracy theories. How about this? Quit. Quit. Until your team, the Mockingbird Media Team, stops this stuff, you're going to give birth to more and more and more programs like this. Because at least people know we're not sitting here trying to make them seem like absolute dribbling. Warrons. I just say that all. I didn't know I had that all bubbled up in me. That's the magic of unscripted podcasting. And that is a five-minute focus. Please do share with friends. Much more importantly, please go with God's good grace. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]