The Todd Herman Show

When A Nation Is Injected With Dementia Ep-1695

It's back to the Biden parole. He's on parole. His son Hunter wants him to stay in the race and so does Jill. Another way to look at this is a drug addict who is dependent upon his dad to feed his habit. And I think the people who run Joe Biden are about to learn there's no longer a cost free ride. They did what they could to hide an actual debate. They kept RFK Jr. out of the main debate. That debate got 80 million views, RFK Jr.’s debate got about 6 million. If you're ever curious about why he is not on the main debate stage, it was his last statement of the night that we'll listen to. And of course, he's the only candidate that will talk about the poisons of the modified RNA injections. 

What does God’s Word say? 
2 Kings 22:3-10
The Book of the Law Found
3 In the eighteenth year of his reign, King Josiah sent the secretary, Shaphan son of Azaliah, the son of Meshullam, to the temple of the Lord. He said: 4 “Go up to Hilkiah the high priest and have him get ready the money that has been brought into the temple of the Lord, which the doorkeepers have collected from the people. 5 Have them entrust it to the men appointed to supervise the work on the temple. And have these men pay the workers who repair the temple of the Lord— 6 the carpenters, the builders and the masons. Also have them purchase timber and dressed stone to repair the temple. 7 But they need not account for the money entrusted to them, because they are honest in their dealings.”
8 Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the secretary, “I have found the Book of the Law in the temple of the Lord.” He gave it to Shaphan, who read it. 9 Then Shaphan the secretary went to the king and reported to him: “Your officials have paid out the money that was in the temple of the Lord and have entrusted it to the workers and supervisors at the temple.” 10 Then Shaphan the secretary informed the king, “Hilkiah the priest has given me a book.” And Shaphan read from it in the presence of the king.
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03 Jul 2024
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If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat. Literally! But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. What happens when a nation gets injected with dementia? Dementia from the top, but also institutional dementia? A lack of memory as to why things are the way they are. Why did the founders set up a situation where there's a tricameral approach to government? Checks and powers and checks on power and checks and bounces as it were? Well, institutional dementia has people thinking it's just, well, it's just politics. It's just this time that the Supreme Court did this or that. Just politics. Now, I do think there is politics in the Supreme Court. I think that John Roberts tries to steer the court towards, "Hey, let's give this side this and this side that." And occasionally pulling out some decent jurisprudence. If it's pharma, of course, he resides with them almost continually, almost always, almost forever. I think he's compromising that way. But it began to observe this thing with the court where, "Let's toss out some crumbs to this side and make them happy. Let's let the federal government continue to censor people. Let's pretend, as a court, that we don't see any standing when states come along and say, "We should not have the federal government censor and our citizens." I'm sorry, you don't have standing. But when a city is sued for stopping people from taking naps or sleeping on the street and the ACLU sues them, Supreme Court goes, "Oh, yeah, you've got standing here. You can continue to stop people from sleeping on the streets." There's nothing in the Bill of Rights about cities being able to stop folks from sleeping on the streets. There's a 10th Amendment. Of course, cities have that right. But there is a First Amendment. And the Supreme Court said, "Well, that's what we can do. No one has any standing here." It's on the topic, though, of immunity and limited immunity for presidents, where we begin the exploration of institutional dementia among the populace. And, of course, figurehead Biden being the perfect figurehead for such a time as this. We'll get started with the help of our YouTube channel, free video clips. It's, the Todd Herman Show, utterly fascinating for me to sit back and just look at the comment sections, particularly comments from people who don't know what the show does or is, but they've just seen a clip, even if for that you should check it out. We'll get started now with the help of God Almighty. Thank you, Lord. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. This is a ruling on the limited immunity that makes sense, and here's where the left is going to try to crack it, is that President Trump was not acting under his official capacity. It's going to be very, very difficult for them to do. And, of course, this should end the farce of the Jack Smith prosecution of President Trump. Jack Smith is an illegally appointed special prosecutor, illegally, in that you watched or listened to the questioning of Thomas Massey, who questioned the paper bully, the hapless and very dangerous Merrick Garland. Those things do go together. Paper bullies who get to control men with guns, tough men with guns, are far more dangerous than a tough man with a gun. Merrick Garland's proving that. Merrick Garland was asked by Thomas Massey, "Hey, has the position of special prosecutor been funded?" And, of course, he did this. Senator, I'm not going to, no, it's a simple question. Has it been funded? Did we get to review this special prosecutor? Has it been through a congressional review? No, I'm not going to, well, no, the answer is no. So, number one, Jack Smith is not truly a special prosecutor. He's a political appointee of Merrick Garland. Number two, the J-6 Committee. It was an extra constitutional committee from the very beginning, and, of course, it actively destroyed evidence. Suppressed evidence. Did not bring about exculpatory evidence, evidence that would show that President Trump tried to stop the very thing that happened by offering up national guards troops and, in fact, demanding that they be there to protect the Capitol. That exculpatory evidence was never allowed in. Or the video that suddenly surfaced of Nancy Pelosi accepting responsibility for not protecting the Capitol. So, there's that. And when we get back to the genesis of the Jack Smith case, the Jack Smith case was President Trump formatted an insurrection. He led it and caused it to happen. Fascinatingly enough, Jack Smith never charged President Trump with launching an insurrection. Because Jack Smith knows he can't prove that because it never happened, also because he knows it would open him up to discovery, something that Jack Smith deeply and energetically wants to avoid. So the question became, if President Trump had immunity for his actions on J-6, and here's where the left will try to come at this, is, well, he wasn't acting in official capacity. Here's what John Roberts, the majority opinion says from the Supreme Court on this topic. We conclude that under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of presidential power requires that a former president have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in office. At least with respect to the president's exercise of his core constitutional powers, this immunity must be absolute. As for his remaining actions, he's also entitled to immunity. At the current stage of proceedings, in this case, however, we need not and do not decide whether that immunity must be absolute or instead whether a presumptive immunity is sufficient. It is these enduring principles that guide our decision in this case, the president enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and they're not everything related that the president does as official. The president is not above the law, but Congress may not criminalize the president's conduct in carrying out responsibilities in the executive branch under the constitution. And the system of separated powers, designed by the framers, has always demanded an energetic, independent executive. The president therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he's entitled, at a minimum, to presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. That immunity applies equally to all occupants of the Oval Office, regardless of politics, policy, or party. It's a good statement, and it's part of their decision. The left is going to immediately dive into this and say, going and saying that the election was stolen, that's not an official act of president. It is. In fact, it is his moral, constitutional, and in fact, spiritual duty to call out a stolen election if he thinks it was stolen. If President Trump was pretending he didn't really think it was stolen, that is going to be a topic for him and God to deal with, or rather for God to deal with, and Trump to hear about. The left dove into this in a bizarre fashion. A lawyer will get to this. Has now an opinion about what could happen to Steve Bannon, who is in prison. You know, Bannon surrendered himself. He refused to reply to January 6th subpoenas, citing executive privilege. You know who else hasn't responded to congressional subpoenas? Well, Merrick Garland. And Congress does have the capacity to arrest him, and they should arrest him, and they should make him stay in that cell until such time as easy produces. The documents, the documents of what? Figurehead Biden, no doubt stumbling through his conversation with an actual special prosecutor who looked into his stolen documents case. Headache, though, it might cause. Merrick Garland is supposed to release this, is legally compelled to do it. And headache, it might cause. Congress should put him in jail for every minute that Steve Bannon's in jail. There has to be some equal cost in this. There has to be skin in the game. I'm getting ready to shift gears into major skin in the game in terms of my buildup to seal fit. I had a discussion about this and a checking as to where I'm at. And I'm going to have to start to multiply my workouts. It's going to have to be a week. I'm going to have to have a day. There's one workout, a day where there's two, three, four, five, and six. And then it's going to have to be two, three, four. And then it's going to have to be ending up towards the end of July. I'm going to need to be doing about six to eight workouts every day. This is going to take a lot of patience on behalf of my family and my wife for me to be able to sustain the volume I'm going to experience when I'm going to be at seal fit, trying to thrive in that environment. My decision is to thrive. So as I get into this, there's something that's no longer going to be on my side. I will not use it. I will not subject my body to ibuprofen. I don't care how sore I am. I don't care how much inflammation I'm feeling. I will not swallow those pills. This is a resolute decision I've made. And I take my pledges very, very seriously, even if they're just pledges to myself. I would ask you to consider the same thing. You're probably not doing what I'm doing in terms of being 56 and going down to do something like seal fit. You're probably doing things that are more important, like working or raising a family. If you experience inflammation on a daily basis, there's a couple of choices. One is to correct your diet. There's lots of ways to have less inflammation given proper nutrition. But if you're like me with huge levels of activity and you're my age, good luck with that. I suggest that you go to Very simple. The highest class omega threes, they don't come from fish. They come from crustaceans. The highest absorbability of omega threes. Practically so in comparison to fish-based omega threes, and it's not just inflammation it helps with. It helps protect your heart, it helps protect your liver and your kidneys. And when you compare it to ibuprofen, one age your body, the other causes inflammation. Ibuprofen literally causes inflammation. Nativepathcurl abates it. I'll be having a lot of this as I train for seal fit. As I turn up the volume, go to Go see what specialist they're offering you today. The left was all over this decision by the Supreme Court. This is an actual lawyer. And this is a guy who actually helped write some of the Ukraine impeachment whistleblower stuff. This is a guy with influence. His name is Brady Moss. According to the Supreme Court, he writes, "President Biden can have the military execute Bannon in the prison showers tonight and be immune from prosecution." So he wants to pretend that a core constitutional power of a president is to call for the execution of an American citizen without due process. Uh, no, in fact, that's not the case. It's not anywhere near a core constitutional power. This is how desperate they are given this case. And remember, this may be something that they need to pull out to protect figurehead Biden. Difference is this. Figurehead Biden committed a majority of his crimes while he was a senator. And vice president, sure he's committing some now, he's almost certainly being caused to take actions on behalf of foreign nations now. He's almost certainly receiving monies in some form, probably held by family members until such time as figurehead Biden is out of office and then Jill will have that money to spend. Probably that's how it's being done. But he committed many, many crimes before he was president and was a senator. That stuff is not under the presidential immunity, and they should know this. So they should in fact be celebrating this case, celebrating it, but they can't. There is a massive, massive divide. And the divide is so often seen culturally. The New York Times has an idea for patriotism on what they want to call July 4th. I continue to want to call Independence Day. Here's the headline. Want to do something patriotic this year? Ditch the fireworks. July 1, 2024. Quoting the piece. "The conflation of selfishness with patriotism is the thing I have the hardest time accepting about our political era. Maybe we have the right to eat a hamburger or drive the biggest truck on the market or fire off of bottle rockets into the night on the 4th of July, but it doesn't make us good Americans to do such things." The truly American thing to do would be to join together to make every change we reasonably can to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, humans and non-humans alike. The truly American thing would be to plant a victory garden large enough to encompass the entire natural world. The Garden of Eden probably did not have meat eating. Probably didn't. There was no killing in the Garden of Eden, there was no blood being shed, and we screwed that up. Our sin desire screwed that up. When that happened, of course, death came into the world. Both spiritual and physical, and something changed in us, we needed meat to survive. Well, most of us. My daughter's a vegan and she's very good at it, but it's a very, very difficult way to live, and it lends itself to a whole host of health problems. But thinking about this good American thing, being accused of conflating something. Let's go back to this article and just think about the bubble of the New York Times. Maybe we have the right to eat a hamburger. Maybe. Maybe we have a right to drive the biggest truck on the market, or fire off bottle rockets into the night before the 4th of July, but it doesn't make us good Americans to do such things. The truly American thing would be to join together to make every change we can, reasonably to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, human and non-human alike. Okay. Let's talk, frankly, about veganism and what this is a pitch for. It's a pitch to combine or combine patriotism with the refusal to eat a hamburger or to drive whatever a big truck means. No one knows what big truck means. You cannot stop an animal from dying. There's nothing you can do to stop any creature from dying. You can participate in choosing how they die. This is uncomfortable, particularly uncomfortable for people who are vegan, and one of the people I love the most in the world is my daughter who is in fact vegan, but let's just think about this. In the wild, a, let's say, cow. If a cow was left in the wild to its own devices, incidentally, I have a real soft spot for baby calves, for calves. When I drive to work, I drive by a ranch that has a whole bunch of calves out there right now, and I have a soft spot. I see them running around and playing. I see them joyous at their cows. I see them joyously rolling about in the dirt. I see them chasing each other, nuzzling their mothers and being fed, and I love that. It fills my heart with joy. And yeah, I can look at the go, "Wow, you know what? In a few years, that cow is going to be one of these things meringue about sadly staring at fences, no more joy just pacing around in these fields, and eventually that thing's going to be food." Here's how that thing's going to become food on a reasonable ranch. That thing is going to go through a process that's been through many, many times. That cow, that life that God created, is going to walk into a pen, and this time he's not going to walk out. In a reasonable, well-run ranch, that animal will walk into a stall, and a captive bolt gun will go off, and that cow will feel nothing. The cow will simply be dead. It will not know it's dead. It will simply be dead. If that cow was left in the wild, the way that cow would die would probably be by wild cats or wolves. Wolves really kind of enjoy killing cows, and animals like that, particularly farm animals. They're famous for it. They'll disable some of the legs. The cow can't move anywhere, and they'll eat it alive, starting with its face often. Now, this is nature being nature. You can't blame a wolf for being a wolf, but they enjoy this. You think the cow enjoys dying like that more than walking into a shoot that it's been in many times it simply doesn't come out of? The view from the New York Times on this is that they can somehow stop animals from dying, and that they can somehow define what big truck is. They don't have any problem in the cities with big subways. They don't have anything wrong with big airplanes. The same problem they have with the so-called big trucks is the same problem they have with big freedom. It's not something they like. On this Independence Day coming up, let's think about something, being independent of what? When we declared independence from Britain, we were declaring independence from being ruled by moods. The fact of life under royalty is that you are ruled by moods. We declared independence from that. God has feelings and emotions. He's also is light. He is justice. He is fairness. He is love. God has emotions. He doesn't necessarily have moods, and when he does, they're certainly not capricious, like ours. We declared independence from moods and emotions, and when we declared independence on God, we're declaring dependence on a being who is all the things we just talked about. This is so easy to forget in an era of institutional dementia. Our nation, having been inserted with, injected with dementia at the top, is very, very much like the time in Israel, or King Josiah learned that there was something called the law. This is a biblical story, a fact of the Bible not told often enough, and I'll repeat it in a second. Think about it as I repeat it and how it applies to today's world. It does sometimes take some thinking to imagine or arrive at how far lost we are. In our financial system, we are thus lost. The stock market goes up as employment goes down. The stock market goes up as the biggest companies simply enjoy more returns as they are able to consume smaller companies being killed in the aftermath of the politically motivated COVID lockdowns. As our prospects for paying off our debt goes down and inflation goes up, big companies enjoy even more gains, particularly those that are situated in industries rewarded by inflation, and there's a lot of those industries. When things get really, really bad, we have a central bank, and it pours cash into the economy, except it doesn't. It invents debt, and then it says, "Hey, you owe us that," and then there's this. The core components of computers are worth less than the companies that make the computers. Copper, the zinc, the precious metals, the golds that go into these computers is worth less than the companies that are taking those raw materials and turning them into computers. The raw materials themselves should be valued higher. None of it makes any sense. That's the way our financial system has been set up. It's difficult to make sense of it, and you can't because there's no more rules. So what do you do? When there's no rules, you're on a rapid river in a raft. You have to steer vigorously, and this is what Boer Capital Management does. They actively manage every single portfolio, which can reduce risk and volatility, and their core focus is risk management. When there's no rules, you need to have people who are adjusting every possible moment they can to hedge against anything. That's what Boer does, in my opinion, so very, very well. Simply do this. Have them look at your portfolio. They will tell you if it's set up for risk management, or if it's really ready to go off of a cliff. Just go to and register. That's it. It's a free, no obligation conversation with Zach Abraham, my friend and brother. It's, K-N-O-W, While Work Capital Management's an investment advisor representative at Trek Financial LLC and SEC Registered Investment Advisor, investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. In the era of a king named Josiah, who I think was nine years old when he took the throne, nine. And he'd been raised around royalty, so he kind of knew the ropes, but nine. He had some trusted advisors, but he was nine. In the 18th year of his reign, which I think would make him about 27 years old, this happened. This is from 2 Kings, chapter 22 verses 3 through 10. In the 18th year of his reign, King Josiah sent the secretary, Shofen, son of Azalea, the son of Missoulam, to the temple of the Lord. He said, "Go up to Hicchiah, the high priest, and have him get ready the money that has been brought into the temple of the Lord, which the doorkeepers have collected from the people. Have them entrusted to the man appointed to supervise the work on the temple. And have these men pay the workers to repair the temple of the Lord. The carpenters, the builders, and the masons also have them purchase timber and dress stone to repair the temple, but they need not account for the money entrusted to them because they are honest in their dealings. Hicchiah, the high priest, said to Shofen, the secretary, "I have found the book of the law in the temple of the Lord." He gave it to Safan who read it. Then Safan, the secretary, went to the king and reported to him, "Your officials have paid out the money that was in the temple of the Lord, and have entrusted it to the workers and supervisors of the temple. Then Safan, the secretary, informed the king. Hicchiah, the priest, has given me a book." Shofen read from it in the presence of the king. Israel had nearly forgotten the law. It was hidden in a temple, in a wall tradition has it, hidden inside a wall. They found that as they were repairing the temple, the nation had forgotten the law. Our presidents enjoy limited immunity for their official acts. Why? Because if that immunity does not exist, you can have a Congress, a rogue Congress, charging presidents with anything and everything in order to keep them away from the political battlefield, or say, putting in prison, they're key advisors like Steve Bannon. There's a other thing that's forgotten, though, in addition to this in the institutional memory. To the people who are doing this to Bannon, God knows your motive. He knows every single inch of your motive and every word that you've ever whispered in the dark he's aware of. Have you forgotten that? You think you're hiding it away when you destroy evidence, like the J-6 Committee did, when you hide the exculpatory evidence, but God has seen all the evidence, every bit of it. And you, one on day, have a conversation with God. You'll be on your knees, may not know that, but you will be, because every knee will bow. You will go to the judgment throne, and you will be asked to defend something, but at this case, God will have seen everything. What are you going to be left with? Well, begging for mercy unless you repent now. And you can repent, and Jesus is anxious to forgive and to welcome you back into the family. It's difficult to forgive when you're serving something so high as human power. This is a spokesperson for the figurehead who is being asked about the figurehead's claim during the debate that he's the only president, what did he say in a century, or is that a half century? To not lose any troops? To not have any troops killed? Watch and or listen to this. Just to be clear, was the president's statement incorrect? Again, just not trying to get involved in that campaign events or really go further on comments on the debate. If the president had more context, I'd refer you to the White House to speak to his comments. I think you and others have reported on some of the tragic losses of life that we have seen from service members, whether it be as Phil referenced in Jordan or in other places around the world. And you've seen this president express his deepest condolences to those families as well. So I would refer you to the White House for a minute. This is a question to the Pentagon. Has President Biden had service members die anywhere in the world during his time in office? As you have reported on, we have certainly had service members pass during this administration. Pass. We've had service members pass. You had 13 people killed service members in Afghanistan when the people who run Joe Biden said the following things. Let's announce in advance to the Taliban when we're leaving. And they're blaming President Trump for that. President Trump didn't call a date or a time. He called a timeframe when he wanted the troops out. The Biden people announced it. Then they said this. Let's take this military airport that we've created that is more defensible, built specifically for our use. And let's scuttle that. Let's instead send everybody to a commercial airport and not have two points of egress. Let's only have one airport so that the Taliban only needs to focus on one location. Let's choose the least defensible of the locations then when given reports from our intelligence services describing the exact vehicle and description of people bringing S-vests, suicide vests to the gates of the airport. Do not kill them. Don't detain them. Let them arrive. When you have institutional memory loss, you have a country injected with dementia. People like that Spokeslayer believe that they can rely on the rest of us to be reliably demented like the figurehead. The news cycle helps with this. The move on news cycle. You notice this week, I don't believe we've mentioned the COVID flu. It's a short week. It's Tuesday and there's a lot to talk about. We're not going to give into the institution a memory game on the COVID flu. We can't talk about it on YouTube. We only put clips up on YouTube, but we're not going to play the news cycle game of falling into, "Hey, time to move on." There's attempt to move on now from Biden's performance. And I predicted this. They are now trying to try out the "You watch the comeback kid" thing. As I was thinking about this last night, yep, I saw the articles. It's going to be a comeback. Biden, the comeback kid of the year, you know what occurred to me? What if they did drug them? What if the drugs no longer work? Adderall can only enhance what's already there. There's a neurosurgeon who has, he can't really say that he has examined the figurehead, but he hasn't. But he's looking at this as an advanced stage of mental decline. Really advanced in sort of the could be in hospice level soon. I'm not wishing that on Biden. I was just saying that's what the neurosurgeon sees. The President Trump's team was able to take 95 seconds of the figurehead at the debates and create an ad that's better to watch. You can get it listening, but it's better to watch. You can get a free seven-day trial to our full video service at Both of us are making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the COVID. Excuse me, dealing with everything we have to do with more. If we finally beat Medicare, we're trying to find housing for black Americans. The impact of the choice, the idea that they're going to, I'm not proposing that. Everybody, they pay, the millionaires pay one percent, one percent. So no one after, I've not raised the cost of social security for anybody. I got my handicap, which when I was Vice President, down to a six. And once you get away with it, you get rid of the ability of Medicare to earn the ability to vote for the wants to be able to negotiate to our person with big pharma companies. And I'm going to do a six attack system. For example, we have a thousand trillion dollars in America, about a billion dollars in America. No one was hurt. No one is really, was accidentally killed and it stopped. And I'm going to continue the moment we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. When a nation's been injected with dementia and from the top down, you have a demented figurehead, you're going to end up with some very, very strange circumstances. Jay Johnson, the former disgraced head of the Department of Homeland Security, Jay Johnson, recently said he'd vote for Biden in a heartbeat. Why? Because the presidency is not one person. There's a whole support team around him. But members, et cetera, he is tacitly admitting that the figurehead is exactly what I call the figurehead, which is that, simply an ornament. RFK Jr. participated in a debate with John Stossel. He was responding to the questions that were asked of the figurehead in President Trump. I want you to see and or hear some of this. I can't vote for RFK Jr. because sometimes he's a flat lunatic, insisting that world leaders who will not pretend that there's a massive climate crisis should be put in prison, and abortion at all costs, saying that the National Rifle Association murders people, which they don't. Of course, they don't even sell guns. I can't vote for him, but I'd love to see him, as you know, running the CDC in the National Institute of Health and the FDA. Well, running it out of town, destroying them, dismantling them. And this debate was hidden. He qualified in every meaningful sense to be on the same stage as President Trump and figurehead Biden. They didn't put him there, but we're not going to play their game. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it. Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. The RFK Jr. debate, John Stassel hosting, what happened was Stassel responded live time to the questions that were coming out of CNN and then fed those to RFK Jr. And this happened, by the way, I forgot to play a video. And that was figurehead Biden. Let me just do this real quick, man. This was after the debate, and again, this is someone who caught this eagle-eyed. This is citizen reporting at its best that someone is simply paying really close attention to what happened after figurehead Biden was done with the debate. Watch as he attempts to walk down two to three stairs. They've ever now in the books and in front of the voters. Tonight, along with Aaron Burnett, the first word on what those voters might make of it from our political professionals, from our CNN Flash poll, and Swoon State Focus Group, where we're talking to surrogately, Vice President Harris, getting fact-chats from our Daniel Dale in New York. That is figurehead Biden. Those look like three steps. Now, it's in a weird studio with weird lighting and a glass floor, so give him that grace. But there is Dr. Jill Biden guiding him down the steps as one of the show producers steps forward holding his hand out in case Biden falls. Institutional dementia. A country injected with it. A lot of people forgot to check out the RFK Junior Debate. CNN's debate was watched by 80 billion people. The RFK Junior Debate was watched by about 6 million. This is part of the discussion. I may seek your service. President Biden, I'm the first candidate since my father was killed. When my father was killed, Secret Service became available. The political candidates prior to the convention, 33 political candidates have been given that prior to the 120 day cut off, and most of them with polling number, a tiny fraction of what I have. President Biden, I am the first candidate since 1968 to request Secret Service protection in which it's been denied, and that is a way of using the federal -- of weaponizing the federal agencies to punish a political opponent. I think President Trump was right. I'm not a fan of President Trump. I'm running against him. I think he was a bad president, but he's right that it's shocking. At 51 CIA agents signed this document saying that the 100 Biden laptop was a Russian hoax and they were accusing the Russians of tampering with our election and actually the CIA tampering with the election. I want to say this, too. President Biden is now deployed. He's got $3 billion from big corporations in this country. He's using that corporate money to sue me and virtually every state to keep me off the ballot. That's not democratic. We all -- you know, as -- a couple of days ago, let me just finish this. President Biden was criticizing and ridiculing Vladimir Putin. You're getting 88% of the vote in Russia. But the way -- let me just finish this point. The way that Putin got 88% of the vote was by censoring his opponents on state-owned television, all the national TV networks, and by making sure they didn't get on the ballot. We should not be doing that here in this country. And it may have put something better. It's one big reason that RK Jr. was not in a big debate stage is he is, in fact, equating President Trump in his statement about the intelligence services and telling the truth about what's happening to free speech in our country. There's also this. His closing statement, or this is part of RK Jr.'s closing statement. It was a poll taken that asked young people under 35 in this country. Are you proud of the United States? 85% said yes. The same poll taken five months ago, 18% said yes. So somehow, during the administration of these two presidents, an entire generation of Americans has lost pride in our country and a hope in their own futures. And they feel that way because they see what's happening. They can't get into a home. The first generation in history in America that has now lived worse lives than their parents. They see the vitriol that you saw here. The division, the polarization that makes them disgusted with politics. They're seeing the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that has transformed our agencies. From the CIA, the health agencies, the environmental agencies, into sock puppets, the industries they're supposed to regulate. They're seeing the destruction of our soils, the destruction of our air and water. They're watching this happen and the politicians do nothing about it except for hate on each other. If you want more of the same, you should vote for President Biden and President Trump. You know what's going to happen. You know that. They're going to give you four more years of the same stuff. If you want things to completely change, you're going to support me because I'm going to change everything. (Applause) And this is a moral fight. This is a moral battle for the soul of our nation to restore our moral authority around the world by projecting economic power abroad rather than spending eight trillion dollars on regime change wars that have left every nation we've touched worse off than we found it. And restoring our moral authority here at home. The first day in office, I'm going, you heard what they're going to do. You don't even understand it. Here's what I'm going to do. Day one in office. I'm going to issue an executive order saying any federal official who tells a lie to the American public will lose his job. (Applause) I'm going to stop. I'm going to stop the surveillance state. I'm going to stop the propagandizing by our agencies of the American public. I'm going to unravel the war machine. I'm going to unravel the corrupt merger of state and corporate power. I know how to do it. I've been litigating against these agencies for years. And I'm uniquely suited to do this, but I can tell you I'm going to do these things when I get in there. I'm going to make sure that our Constitution is protected. He's not going to get in there. He can't. The math simply doesn't work. So the people who run President Trump's campaign and are planning, they're putting your political operators like Bannon in prison. They can't really put a Kennedy in prison. Even that, the Mockingbird media would be forced to report. Please reach out. Please put him in charge of the National Institute of Health and the CDC. It would require the greatest act of humility ever by President Donald John Trump, which is to admit the injections were wrong. And far too deadly for far too many people. That one issue, that one statement was one of the things that was not allowed in the debate. In a nation being injected with dementia from the top, they so dearly want us to forget what they did to us. This just occurred to me as he's getting ready to wrap up the show. I'm going to be very careful at what I say here. Extremely careful because I didn't ask permission to say it. I will tell you this. It's been our honor to work with Allen Soaps and to work with the family that is Allen Soaps. Allen and his dad, John. There is a very, very, very serious health crisis going on there. Very serious. Rather than talking about the soap and how great it is today, I would ask you if you pray and if you believe in God, if you serve the Lord Jesus, and if you agreed to be changed by him, would you sometime today make a point of praying for God driven and granted discernment for the doctors who are going to be looking at John a little bit later. Would you please pray for that? That they have absolute clarity, wisdom beyond all understanding. In other words, God's wisdom, not their own. Would you do that? He's become a good friend of the show and a good friend of mine. And this world would be a really rotten place for a little while. If we didn't have John, I would appreciate your prayers. That is the Todd Herman show. Please go be well. Please be strong. Be kind. And please make every effort to reinstall, to re-secure the word of God in your mind. Let's become a nation fully injected with the worst kind of dementia. Which is spiritual. Forgetfulness. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat. Literally. But don't sweat it. Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done.