The Todd Herman Show

It Must Be A Fragile System if It Can Be Brought Down by Just A Few Berries (Tweets, Speeches, Videos, Articles, Memes) Ep-1694

I was again inspired again by that scene in the Hunger Games. All around us, there's signs that the party is absolutely panicking. First of all, what was the deal made? Who got paid off? Something happened to get Julien Assange out of prison. You can say, "Hey, being in his embassy is not in prison." The truth is, being locked in a building for all these years, that's prison. What did Juliet Assange do to deserve any of this? And a death sentence? Mike Pompeo wanted him dead. He did exactly what the people who wrote the Pentagon Papers did. He got government information and made it available to folks. That's journalism. So why him? Or why Andrew Bridgen? He is now speaking out about human trafficking. And he, of course, is being sidelined in British politics. And Tommy Robinson was in Canada,  scheduled to give a speech when they arrested him for an outstanding immigration warrant… Weird. He'd never been to Canada. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Philippians 2:10-11
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,    to the glory of God the Father.
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02 Jul 2024
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If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat. Literally! But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. So, we talked about the Hunger Games. And I realized this is more important than I think people understand. It's not the movie or the books. I think they're important. But it's that statement that the Katniss character makes about a few berries. So I want to explore that further because it's a sign of where we're at as a nation and as a world. But it's also an indicator of where we need to fill in. Recognizing, yes, a few berries could bring a nation down. So, what's our response to this? I want to provide a muscular example and then expand from there, with a lot of indicators that the people who want to run the world fully understand. How, how tenuous everything is. They fully get it. And they're afraid of that one last thing snapping, while others who want to run the world are trying to make that one last thing snap. That's the situation. We'll talk about this with a help of bulwark capital management, and with God Almighty's help. He is the actual vine, the one who's keeping everything together. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these are the times in which God has decided to show that. When I looked at the MRI results for my first shoulder surgery, and I was feeling very bad because it had snapped and it was very dramatic and my friend Bors heard it snap and it was just unexpected and my fitness had been such as high, high level. For me, and my strength was coming back. Honestly, that was the big thing. Like, hey, look, I'm going to bench press 315 pounds again. Oh, cool. And when it snapped, I mean, it was psychologically difficult. And then my coach said something that she said, hey, you know what, I know this is after the empathy, I'm sorry this happened to you and my friend Ben coming in and being blessed with that friendship. By the way, through that shoulder surgery. That's how I got blessed with this friendship with my friend Ben, who's just extraordinarily, just God's gifted in so many good ways, particularly being a friend. And I was looking at the MRI, coach sent me notes. She said, you know, just do yourself a favor. Go search MRI results men mid 50s and just compare. And she said, I'm not into comparison. You know that, but just compare something. So I did. And I went out and compared the shoulders of men my age. And immediately I said, okay, I see what you're talking about. I've developed all this muscle and it's been hard work. And I focus on this and other men don't. And it's not a measure of your masculinity. It's not me saying I'm more valuable. Or it's just this comparison in muscle growth. So the big muscles in my shoulders and packs and back were larger and more defined. And I looked at that. So I've got this base. And talking with my shoulder surgeon about this was really interesting because what he said was, yeah, guys like you are interesting cases because you're so used to pain. And you're so used to having your body in pain. And you put up with pain when you lift that you probably like you probably felt this pain. And he pointed to this area on my shoulder and front of the shoulder said right here and here and you probably rolled it out. Yeah. And you probably got out of the cross ball and put it in there and rolled it and then probably got a massage gun eventually and massaging it and getting it ready for working out. You thought it was just warming up. Yeah. He said, so guys like you you would have torn this thing six years ago if you didn't have these larger muscles holding it up. If your pecs weren't involved and your scaps and your shoulders and your traps and triceps and if you didn't have that all developed you would have blown this thing out a long time ago because of the bone spurs in your shoulder. This was the fault line. So when the tendons finally gave it was because they've been sawed down to nothing. The only reason it didn't happen is because of the muscle development but it was that one last fiber. That tiny little fiber in one of the three rotator cuffs that gave and then because it was you know two hundred and eighty pounds in your hands, everything gave. That comparison, the meta, the big muscles, let's compare that to this nation. The big muscles are, and there's a lot of this. I mean let's I don't normally say this but let's put God aside. The blessings God has given us. And we can't put them aside because nothing happens without God. Let's just reflect on some things. The big muscles, landmass. We have a defensible continent. We have been blessed with natural resources that in some ways are beyond compare. We then have founding documents that were specifically designed to weld the country together. And to provide freedom. That's a weird line to walk. Democratic Republic, strong states, the 10th Amendment. Meaning states are not to be ruled over. They're to be participatory to democracy. Over time we've etched away at that. No longer do governors name state senators. Now there's this direct election and that then neutered governors all by, in my opinion, by design. But these big muscles that protect us, a constitution. That's a big muscle that protects us. The Electoral College means that big cities can't control rural areas. They have no insight into how, here in Idaho, I have no idea how someone should treat a farm in South Carolina. No idea. How would I? Secondly, I'm not a farmer. I don't have any idea. So those are some big muscles that protect us. The Bill of Rights Constitution, the tricameral government system, the diffuse powers. So over time these have been sawed up, like my children. Over time we've seen an encroachment and a destruction of the Bill of Rights just last week. The Supreme Court pretended it can't solve, it can't step in to say the federal government is violating the First Amendment by censoring people. That's a pretense. It's an excuse. Well, we don't have standing. Yeah, you do. That's what you do. You decide if things are constitutional when the government does something. That's been sawed up. So if you picture the nation as a great big series of muscles, it's those tendons that bind. Sure, we still have a constitution, but the tendons that bind it to being enforced are being sawed away. We still have a defensible nation, a defensible continent, but it's being sawed away. So we still have good doctors, but their influence is being sawed away. We still have a national security apparatus, but it's trustability, it's honesty, it's defense of America. It's those ties that tie it to protecting the nation are being sawed away. Now, in the case of my shoulder, no one knows which was the tendon that gave first. Who knows? Doesn't matter some ways. They all three blew up. Which one's going to give here? Which one will blow up the nation or the world? Eventually, we know, biblically, there's a massive war, wars. There's the coming of the lawless one. We know that happens because we've read the Bible. There are people, of course, pushing this. One of the things that's kept America, America, has been the family and the church. Hence, the attack moving down to that level, which is why this clip from the Hummer Games matters so much to me and why I won't explore that. Because shoulder surgery, one of the things I was told after shoulder surgery is strengthen all the muscles that surround that rotator cuff and strengthen it, the rotator cuff itself, the tiny little muscles. So, get to the business of constantly strengthening those muscles. And that's annoying. It's not sexy work. It's not fun gym work. Doing ATYTs is not sexy work. It's not fun work. Doing door openers. And these are all muscle movements I don't necessarily expect you to recognize unless you train. But trust me, it's the equivalent of every single day getting up and washing your windshield. That's basically it. Man, super sexy. You don't want to injure again then get down to the fibers, the little fibers and strengthen those, or you'll face another injury one day with those same fibers. Our fibers are our family and our church and our community and the body of Christ. It's those fibers that we must strengthen because the big muscles, they look great. They cannot hold the weight. And eventually something's going to give. So, let's not make it be our families. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat. Literally. But don't sweat it. Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-Granger, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. This is the clip that inspired this episode. It's something I think about every time I really stop and think about what are the most formative, important media events for us to understand our world. It must be a fragile system if it can be brought down by just a few berries. Yes, it is indeed. But not in the way you imagine it. It's just like President Snow says, and just like the character of Katniss says, it must be a fragile system if it can be brought down by just a few berries. Or tweets. Or social media posts. Or protests. Or videos. Or news stories. Or questions. Questions like this. What's the second most safe and secure election in history? That question's never been entertained. Or this. Anyone in the White House press corps could have said at any time. When the figurehead was doing press conferences from the fake White House. Any of the reporters could have said, why are we in a fake White House? Why is it that that screen behind the figurehead when it glitched? And it showed itself to be a green screen? Why are we pretending? I mean, if you don't want to do the meeting in the White House, don't. Create a studio. Show it to be a studio. It's a media studio. Why the expense to pretend this man is sitting in the White House? It must be a fragile system if it could be brought down by just a few questions. Question. Why is it that Julian Assange became an enemy of the people for doing what the authors of the White, of Nixisores, of Watergate did? Or the Pentagon Papers? They got government information in the case of the Pentagon Papers. Secret information related to our wars. They took that information and they published a book, the Pentagon Papers, that won awards. 60 minutes has done the same thing countless times. They've obtained information that's government information. Journalism schools used to teach people how to tap information like this. How to develop sources. So that when the government hides something from us, we can come back and say, "Well, actually, no. Here's what your own documents say. Here's what your own emails say. Here's what your own memos say." Think of what we've learned. In fact, well, most of us haven't about the JFK assassination. That's not a mistake that Tucker Carlson suddenly started talking about this. He didn't wake up one day and say, "Hey, I think I'll do shows about the assassination of JFK all these years later." No, there was new information because more documents were released and people who have dedicated their lives to studying that assassination now know things like this. The leader of Russia was warning JFK, "You're going to get assassinated. Your own intelligence services are going to take you out." We now know this in all likelihood, in absolutely all likelihood. JFK himself knew this was coming. We know this. The CIA and the FBI were willing to create false flag events in the United States in order to have an excuse to take Kennedy out. We now know that. We now know this. There is no question at all that Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA asset. No question at all. All one needs to do is turn to the evidence. It must be a fragile system if just a few questions can bring it down. Just a few questions from reporters. So we wait 30 years, 40 years, 50 years, 60 years to get this because now the nation is numb to this. What's it matter? It's the way back in time. Who cares about JFK? I was of that mindset. In my mid-20s as a radio host, I was of that mindset. Why would anyone care? It's ancient history because it's ancient and it's current. So all that information dug out by authors is coming from government information. Julian Assange does this. He creates WikiLeaks. In that clip with President Snow, he goes on to say at one point. If a girl from, I think it's District 9, I always forget the district, this is from what? District 12, thank you. A girl from District 12 can challenge the capital and win. What's there to stop an actual revolt from occurring? That's the point. If a guy like Julian Assange can publicly set up a site, WikiLeaks, and take down the intelligence apparatus, he has to be taken down. Edward Snowden. That can be torn on Edward Snowden. Is he an enemy of the people? He's in Russia? Is he an enemy of the country? What did he do? He whistled blew his way into saying you are being spied upon. Your emails, your communications, your texts, everything is being monitored illegally. He proved it. They put out a hit on Assange. Our State Department wanted to assassinate Julian Assange and probably Edward Snowden for what? The crime of revealing crimes. It must be a fragile system if just a few weeks leaks can take it down. It's not the leaks. It's the people doing the leaks. There's an approved way to get big stories out in DC. You make sure the biggest stories don't get out. You play that game. Julian Assange had a point of view about the war, the war in Iraq, that I think developed over time and based upon the data, it was the data he got that should have us all leaning in to say it must be a very fragile system if some observations about the Iraq war and other wars can take it down. Because the goal is not to completely subjugate Afghanistan. The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the United States out of the tax bases of European countries through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security event. That is the goal. I think the goal is to have an endless war, not successful. When I heard this as a young man, my patriotism got up and I said, "You, you hate America." You just hate our armed forces. It is possible to love our armed forces because I've got friends who served, I don't know I'm friends right now who are active military, but I have friends who served and died. It is very possible for me to love and have loved them and to look at something like this with new eyes, with new information to step and say, "I think this seems accurate. Witness Ukraine." The figurehead just recently came out and said, "Hey, we're going to continue to pay the pensions of government employees in Ukraine. Ukraine has natural resources. They have their own economy. They could settle this war with Russia. After all, part of this region they're fighting about was Russia a few years ago. They could do that, but no, we're going to continue what Julian Assange describes as a money laundering system and you can look straight at it when the decrepit old Mitch McConnell, who's not all mentally there, comes out and says it in public. I'm out in the manufacturing station, I said, "Oh, a lot of money coming." He's not alone. There are other people who said, "Look, this is good for us. Yeah, we're sending weapons to Ukraine, which means we need to build more here, which is a manufacturing base for us, a war of choice. It must be a very fragile system if it can be brought down with just a few questions like this. Why did we start a coup? Why did we do that? Why did the people working under Barack Obama decide to start a coup in Ukraine? Why? What's the purpose in that? Why didn't Putin attack Ukraine when President Trump was in office? Why is that? So Julian Assange reaches a deal. He pleads. He gets on an airplane. It's a $500,000 flight. You can say a lot of things about Assange. Clearly, they're planning a documentary on this and it's going to be a big film. This is him flying in a private jet, getting off the private jets. It's great footage. He comes walking out. I think he gets to see his wife for the first time in a long time. He gets to be free. He's been in the Ecuadorian embassy, here he is, now in a boss, imagine. Imagine the first time of freedom and how long? So Colin Rug reports on how this all got done. Julian Assange spent $500,000 for his flight out of the UK to avoid landing on the American homeland after he's released from prison. Assange will instead be landing on a remote US island where he will plead guilty to the charges. The island is the US territory of Saipan in the northern Mariana Islands, about 1,800 miles from Australia. He has to front up to charges that have been brought under US law, said a professor at the University of Sydney's law school. Assange will have the US federal court hearing on Wednesday morning on the remote island. His wife suggested the $500,000 flight was paid for in debt, so the likely launch of fundraising campaign to pay it off, Assange is headed for Australia where he will unite with his family. Good for him for reuniting with his family. What was his crime again? Doing the same thing that the authors of the Pentagon papers did. Taking government information and using it to show what the government is doing, his crime was proving crimes. Edward Snowden's crime was releasing information about crimes the government was committing on its own people. It must be a very fragile system if it can be brought down with just a few questions like this. What exactly is the difference between Woodward and Bernstein and Julian Assange? What exactly is the crime in making it possible for government whistleblowers to show that the governments is abusing the War Powers Act? What exactly is the crime in reporting war crimes that are troops are forced to commit sometimes? Forced. They are under the command of the Commander Chief. See those berries. It's not the berries. It's not the plant. It's not the dynamic. It's the people. Julian Assange. Well, he doesn't even work for NBC, ABC, Wall Street Journal. He doesn't even care about access. He's not even playing the game. Edward Snowden. You can't allow a contractor to the CIA to take down the CIA. That could only be done by one of the members of the elite. Think again a project Cassandra. Think again of this. This political piece that cited active duty intelligence service members who went on record. Joach Hussein Obama allowed the Taliban to continue to smuggle drugs over through across and under our southern border so that he could pretend to have made peace. He allowed this to the point of stopping active indictments, preventing arrests. He did that meddling in DOJ CIA FBI ops. How many Americans died because of that? That piece came out once and got no circulation. Why? Because in my judgment, the government went back through and said, "Hey, if you want any access to us, you are not going to amplify this report. We didn't sign off on this. You're not going to amplify it." There's no movie about this. There's no documentary about this. The author doesn't even go out and speak about it. No book. It must be a very fragile system if a book about Project Cassandra could bring it down. Hey, look, there's people who fought wars and would do it again. They did it because of love of country and they still love the country. You can love your country and look at it and say, "Hey, while we are way, way, way off track, the ties that bind, the tiny little muscular tissues, we've got the big stuff. We've got the Constitution. We've got the world's best military, world's best fighting forces, but it's those tenuous little ties, something's going to give." It doesn't mean that friends of mine like Tim Crookshank wouldn't go to war again. They would. He's told me, "Yeah, if I had to, I would." I would. He'd much prefer to run his coffee company, Bone Frog Coffee. is where you go to check out the coffee that Tim makes and to check out the story of Bone Frog. There's a reason every bag says God country team because those are Tim's principles. You can go try the coffee. If you haven't done this, at least do this for yourself and for, well, you could do it for Tim Crookshank, sure. That's something I'd want you to do. He wants you to like the coffee, so try these sample packs. Get six 4-ounce samples of Bone Frog Coffee, however you like, whatever roast you like, from the dark roast to the light roasts. You want cake cup, you got that, you do French press, got it, all that's there. Try it and compare. If you've been drinking Bone Frog and I know who you are and you've not yet subscribed, you can save yourself money by subscribing and you can help the company have predictable revenues. Go to, use promo code TOD to get 15% off, subscription coffee. If you're subscribed, one of the things that you can do and it will award you because Tim has some of the best merchandise on earth, you can buy the merch at It must be a very, very fragile system if it can be brought down by just a few berries. Here's a berry. Why are we pretending that rich, powerful men who can buy anything they want, who have shown themselves to have perverse sexual appetites? Why are we pretending that they wouldn't use their power and their might to abuse the bodies of children when? The men from that class of people are passing laws to make it possible to abuse the bodies of children sexually. Why would we pretend that we don't see this? Why would we pretend, for instance, that the Jeff Epstein client list is something that needs to be hidden? Maybe why? Who's on it that needs to be hidden, but we know some people who flew to the island? Jeff Epstein had hundreds, maybe thousands of hours of videotape in his house. Why don't we have that? After he was suicided, you'd think this could be releasable. Why? It must be a very fragile system if a few questions could bring it down. What motivated ABC News to demand that its reporter not put out the story she had years in advance on Jeff Epstein? Why is it that when Cindy McCain said we all knew what Jeff Epstein was doing? Well, you do, but you didn't say your husband was United States Senator. He could have done something about it, but he didn't. Why is that? Why is it that the same member of Parliament in Britain who has stood alone fighting against the COVID shots in the deaths that they've caused? Why is it that he's also the guy speaking out about sex trafficking? Now, incidentally, I just caught myself. I realize I'm breaking the Ben Shapiro rule, so I want to apologize to Ben. We're not supposed to ask questions like this, because it means that we're not really asking questions. We're making accusations. Yes, I'm making an accusation. The accusation is that there are people at the top who are trying to break the last tendons that tie America together. There are other people who don't realize they're being broken, and then there's us. The big muscles of America are family and church. If you don't want the weight of the world to come crashing down upon you, strengthen your relationship with God and the church and your family. Those are the big muscles that will protect you, the biggest being God. So why is it that it's Andrew Brigham again being the guy in Britain willing to speak out about sex trafficking rings, the same guy who is willing to speak out about the COVID shots and why is this getting the same response? So few people willing to listen or watch. I've passed details of people who are engaged in child trafficking into the UK. Names of all those, they've come to the... nobody wants to act. Nobody wants to act about it. How big is this? It's big. How many? Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds. How are they getting them in or is that... They're flying them into small airports that haven't got fences around them. Lots of them in the UK. Yeah. Lots of small airports. You have a little biplane, you can't... Right, I get the government the names of the people and the company, the laundering, the money through, where the children would be being taken to have their photographs taken. They thought they were going to go to school. These were for selling them... selling them to Peter Fields. Nothing. No, it's gone to the... it's gone to MI fights, gone to the National Crime Agency, no one will act. And then when you see the names, when you see the names, you see why? The names of the people, they are... they are... no names. So they're taking these children to who knows where and they're doing who knows what to do. I'm told that they use them in the sex trade for about three years and then they're worn out and then they... they... they organ harvest them. What's the win for him to make that up? What's he getting from this? Attention? He didn't get any attention from anybody but people like us when he was reporting on the evils of the COVID injections. Often he spoke to empty parliament, maybe three or four members in a house that holds what? A couple hundred? Why is it that when we can report on the wholesale selling of little infants to men who fully intend to sexually violate them, that we could report that, prove that, that there is not a rush for actual big media to come in and say, "Oh my gosh, did they actually legitimize this? There's actual reports about this. This is actually being industrialized, that there's no one rushing in to say it," or this? Shouldn't that be attacked as disinformation? And there were people like me who first started to push the lies of transgenderism and what was being done to kids. No one would discuss it. That was the technique then. It must be a fragile system if just a talk show host in Seattle could bring it down. So fragile, that newsroom said, "We will not report the story. We will not report what's done to families. We will not report on these kids being taken away from their parents. We will not report on these kids being chemically and surgically altered. This is too hot to handle. ABC, CBS, NBC all said no." The general interest talk station where I was a regular guest host and at one time was a host said no. Not unless these families will uncloak. The name names like rape victims. You wrote anonymous stories all the time when you prove who they are. I have their identities. I have the paper. I've got the medical paper. I've got the pictures. I've got the testimony. Nope. We need them to give the first of last names and their addresses. They need to be docked. It must be a very fragile system if just a few questions can bring it down. No, it's not the questions. It's the people. It's who's asking them, who's actually succeeding in making people answer questions. It doesn't get any more clear than the case of Tommy Robinson. I can be very, very torn on Tommy Robinson. Sometimes he seems outrageous. Sometimes I get, oh man, do you hate immigrants? Do you hate Muslims? I worry about this, but he may well hate them, but he's also right about some things. Tommy Robinson's story is not well enough known. His sister was raped. His sister was abused by Muslim immigrants. Not all Muslim immigrants did that. Not all Muslim people are rapists. Not all Muslim men. God willing, we just continue to make that statement because we have to. But in Britain, there are and were Muslim rape gangs who were and are grabbing girls off the streets and turning them in to sex slaves. It happened hundreds and hundreds at a time. And when the authorities found out, they said, we can't report on this because it could cause racism. Social workers hit it, cops hit it, hospitals hit it because it must be a very fragile system of just a few questions could bring it down like, why are we allowing this? Or a follow on question, why are we still pretending this didn't happen? Must be a very, very fragile system if a few questions can bring it down. I was talking earlier about my shoulder surgeon and the great explanation he gave me of, hey, here's how it all tore apart. Yeah, you had larger than most men your age, pecs and traps and scaps and triceps because you're obsessive about fitness. It doesn't make you a better person, anything like that. Please don't think I think that about myself. I don't. It's just something I do. And so when Roger said, so you probably would have snapped this tendons, these tendons, these rotator cuff a long time ago, if you hadn't had this other muscle supporting it, he's then the same surgeon who said to me, Todd, why are you going to Mexico to get stem cells? I gave you stem cells. I gave you 60,000 of them. I do this every time I operate on you. Well, here's the, the questioning from where did you get the stem cells? Well, from your bone marrow, how old are they? They're 56 years old. What do they do? They build bone marrow. Can they build shoulder tendons? Well, no, they build bone marrow. How many again are there? 60,000. Okay, the reason I went to Mexico twice now is because down there I get stem cells from umbilical cords and placentas. Here's the difference. They're sitting there with all this potential power because they build things but they haven't been signed a role to build. This time they went into my ankle to help fight the inflammation that came in my ankle so I didn't end up with an Achilles tendon tear because that's where I was headed. The doctor who did my injection, a Harvard certified surgeon said, it's a good thing you're here getting this treatment because this is how an Achilles tendon tear starts with all this inflammation. It causes little tiny tears. Sound familiar? So when they injected, in this case, 12 million of these stem cells into my ankle within a couple of days the inflammation was gone. Now my ankle doesn't hurt a bit. It's different with my shoulder. They put in 45 million cells right into my shoulder capsule. If you're being told by your surgeon, you're headed into surgery, no, this doesn't matter. Just go through the questions. The stem cells that can build things are not as good as stem cells that can't. It doesn't make any sense. If you're facing surgery, you're in consistent pain, particularly lower lumbar related pain. Please get in touch with renew health care. They will tell you if they can help you or not. World class health care. It's Just go to Tell them you heard about it or watched it on the show So Tommy Robinson, he has been in prisons. He has been beaten. He has been abused for what? For calling out the fact that all too many Muslim men who are welcome to the UK turn out to be enemies of freedom and enemies of safety. They don't like the UK. They don't like the governing system there. They don't like the Christian God. They stand against it. They in many, many ways, all too many of them, not all of them, all too many of them turn into not just negative influences, but violent and horrible influences. So Tommy Robinson making this case given what happened to his family, he could have been portrayed by the media as a victim. But this system is so fragile that just a few speeches could bring it down. Tommy Robinson was brought into Canada to give a speech. The people who run rebel media as a Levant and his team brought him in. This is what happened when Tommy Robinson got to Calgary. This is what occurred. He's being arrested. So he's been frog marched. So he's being put into the, of course, SUV by an action for pretty big cops. We're going to be talking about it and we're going to have to be talking about it. We're going to be talking about it. We're going to be talking about it. Tommy Robinson. Tommy Robinson can tell you what to do. You're going to sit down. Sir, I've got an outstanding woman. Thank you. I can't sit. I can't sit down. It's fine. It's a step back. It's fine. It's fine. Oh, so I see one small cup on the gun. No, I'll speak against. Where can I go to help him get a lawyer and get bail? I'll have access to lawyer. Which police, which police, APU, could be going down to APU? It's Essel Lavon, he's knocking on the window trying to get information about where they can get Tommy Robinson. It must be a pretty fragile system if answering the question of what precinct he's going to can bring it down. See, Tommy Robinson's not an educated man. Tommy Robinson doesn't have a Ph.D. Tommy Robinson doesn't have a master's degree. Tommy Robinson is not part of the elite. It's not the berries. It's the person holding the berries. If a girl from District 12 can defy the capital, what's to stop an actual uprising? The January 6th defendants, the non-violent ones, the ones who were tracked down at the houses in Harlem, 77, 80 years old, frog marched. The grandma who's 72 years old, who walked into the capital for 10 minutes and prayed, walked in through open doors. No one stopped her. She was watching people walk in. She just followed the crowd. She's going to prison. If a 72-year-old grandma can defy the capital, it could bring the system down because the ties that bind one day, some of them snap. So build the muscle of family. Start with God, church, church family, family. Build those muscles because if we don't have those muscles, the weight will come crashing down on our heads. Eventually, it happens anyway, but we can choose the spiritual protection of God. Tommy Robinson had never been to Canada. He had already cleared immigration. How does someone who's never been to Canada and who has passed through immigration? How does he have an outstanding warrant in Canada? Gosh, that's weird, isn't it? Ezra Levant, the founder of Rebel News, got what I think is the answer. Why was Tommy Robinson charged with having these outstanding immigration issues? The answers in the limits they put on Tommy Robinson, get to that second. When they were throwing them into the police car, I had to their defense. They didn't throw them, but when they made them sit down to the police car, you might have heard Tommy Robinson saying, "Hey, can I have these put in front of me, these handcuffs?" Because he couldn't sit down. I've been arrested twice. It puts you in a lot of pain. I'll tell the story one day. It was nothing violent. It was twice. Yeah, it was twice. Yeah. I've told one of them. I'll tell the other one one day. All traffic stuff, all being stupid and not going to court, et cetera. I know what that feels like. It doesn't feel very good. You probably know what pain feels like in your life. You probably deal with it if you're like me by using pills like ibuprofen. When I just invite you to think about this, every time you eat one of those pills, you are putting your liver, your heart, your kidneys at risk. You're putting them under intense pressure. This is the piece of this equation I simply didn't understand because ibuprofen, like many other things, felt so good. When I took the ibuprofen and woke up in the morning and I didn't have any inflammation, I thought, "Okay, this is worth it. I can go on with my day. I can go do my workouts that I need to do. It's worth it." I'm telling myself, I was bargaining with myself, cognitive dissonance. Every time I ate these, my wife, when she'd see me eating these, she'd say, "Tard, is that ibuprofen?" Yeah, but I don't take that money if I'm, I don't know that I was being truthful. For a night is many of them. When I was told to try and invited to try omega-3s in the form of native path krill, my honest response was whatever. Honestly, A, I said, "Look, I'm a pescatarian, effectively. I don't limit myself, but I usually eat either tuna or salmon. That's what I eat." So, I'm getting my omega-3s and I've tried the omega-3 supplements before and nothing happened. I couldn't discern any difference. When I tried the native path krill, I went in with this mindset of, "Hey, you know what? I'm probably going to have to tell Radio America. I can't really endorse these because they don't do anything." My mind was blown when they did something. That's why I took the second phone call with them and said, "Oh, wait, stop. Send this to me again." All right. They're more bioavailable. They're twice to three times as absorbable. They're more potent because of that. They come from the Antarctic to purest possible waters. They don't have all the heavy metals and contaminants that these other omega-3s do. They come from a crustacean that makes these particularly potent. That's what the krill is, K-R-I-L-L. All these things add up into, they're more effective, two to three times to four times as effective. That's why they work so much better than just the omega-3s. So you can toss those pill bottles. You can be like me and have no remarkable inflammation. I just don't get that anymore. So simply click over to and see what specials and offers they have for you this week. It's and celebrate tossing that stuff. That's something you want in your body. As of the founder of Rebel News, I think it got his answer as to why Tommy Robinson was being charged. And the answer is in the limits they put on Tommy Robinson once they allowed him to remain in Canada. I want to go home if I just want to go home so there's certain conditions that I'm not allowed to have to come here every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and they have to give them the address of where I am, notify them of any hotel that I'm staying in, but I don't understand it in the sense of, do you have to make any bond or sure that you have to put any money up? No bond or sure. Now they just said I'll just have to wait now. But I said well how does that make sense because I meant to go home anyway, it's my daughter's birthday. And they said well you don't automatically, you can't go home basically, you don't automatically have permission to go home, we're taking your passport and we're all waiting and hearing. Now obviously fixing these problems is priority one but in terms of your Canadian speaking tour we had you scheduled for Edmonton tomorrow and they made that clear. You're not allowed to, it says it here, Red Deer, what's Red Deer? Red Deer, that's a city in central Alberta. Okay that's where I'm allowed, not in the south of Red Deer, it says turning your passport no later than 11am, remaining southern Alberta, Red Deer to the USA border at all times. That's so weird in the arbitrary, that's to stop me going to Edmonton, it's to stop me talking in, that's the sole purpose of this, that's what I said, the sole purpose of this is to stop me having discussions and talking in the cities I was meant to be in. That's it. I'm the kind of a guy who talks like this, you know if you talk like this, you know what is okay man, you don't have a PhD, you can't have Tommy Robinson, you know, go give him speeches, it can cause, it's just some judo, it's a face embarrassment, I'm okay. Just a few berries, just a few tweets, just a few articles, just a few uneducated men, just a few rough men, just a few brave women. The big muscles of America, if you put aside God and we don't normally do that because you can't, our landmass, our defensible continent, the resources with which God has blessed us, a constitution that was designed to weld us together to protect us against government. Those are the big muscles, the other big muscles are God, church, family. The first set of big muscles, the tendons are being sawed away, some people are doing an unpurpose, other people because they're incompetent or order takers. We can't stop that, we can mitigate it, we can help slow it down, we can rush the system with Godly people running for office, we can vote for Godly people, but we cannot stop what's coming because God has said there's going to be this moment where things are lawless. What we can do is build up the muscles, the big ones, God, church, family and the little ones, time with family, communication with family, talking about faith with family and extending that into a faith family, harder to break apart. It's just a few berries, it's not the berries that matter, it's the people. They know, they know how easy this system is to collapse. Lord, thank you for your protection, the only protection that matters, we're not to fear those who can harm the body, only those, and there's only you who can harm the body and the soul. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally, but don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. 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