The Todd Herman Show

All The Biden Disasters are the Same Disaster. And, Why the WNBA matters Ep-1692

We’re going to discuss The Figurehead and all the chatter surrounding his performance at the debate. Many who once defended his competence are now changing their tune. We're also going to get back into the WNBA, not because I want to, but because it is absolutely a fascinating cultural story. There's also this, CNN was criticized for legitimizing Trump by platforming him in the 2024 presidential debate but they choose to platform a “drag queen” and are celebrated. 

What does God’s Word say? 
1 Corinthians 1:27
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
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02 Jul 2024
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If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat. Literally. But don't sweat it. Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-granger, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. You've got to confess, you know, hey, good morning. If you're watching and listening later, appreciate that. If I see a mix of relaxes, you're just visiting with an item between the recordings of shows. And I'm starting to believe in a conspiracy theory that, man, I really owe my former radio producer, who's himself, well, wildly successful in radio, Clyde Lewis. I really need to see if I can get in touch with Clyde, and apologize. I want a thousand different fronts. I'm starting to observe a pattern in our weather. And maybe you're observing the same pattern. I saw Representative Thomas Massey, who recently lost his wife just a few days ago. And I really like Rep Massey. I really think he's one of the true patriots and probably the smartest member of Congress. And it's a bit of a renaissance man in a way. He posted something the other day on Twitter, and I thought I would talk about it one day. It was, wow, interesting cloud formations. And what he was pointing to was chemtrails. Oh, and I know they're just, no, this is just the steam from airplanes. And I've been noticing something in North Idaho. And maybe you're noticing it where you live. And if you are, I want to hear from you. Taking video of this stuff, I want it. I'm legitimately asking for these videos. It's this pattern I've noticed. We'll talk about that in a second. I also want to talk about the many, many Biden disasters, but they're all the same disaster. And got to touch on why the WNBA matters. It shouldn't, but it does. It matters societally, and it's interesting that God is using the WNBA at this moment. To show us so many things about women, and fake women, and fake racism, and real racism. That God would choose to use a, before this, utterly almost unwell, uncared for, untucked about sport of female women's basketball, female meaning an adult grown women. That's what that means. We'll talk about this all with the help of our YouTube channel. If it's just to go watch trolls, respond to stuff they've never heard or seen, never seen God at the center of a news-based talk show, if just for entertainment value, go check out the trolls. It's the Todd Herman show, and praise God we haven't yet been cancelled. Although I did tell you, we got our first of three strikes. Let's hope that we're able to be wise, as serpents, and gentle as doves. The Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the emerald city exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times through which God has decided we shall live. I've been watching, and I get it. This is colloquial. I'm not here to say that I've done some scientific research. But after we played the, for many, I don't know how many times we played this, but that woman who is a meteorologist who is on with the view talking about, "Yeah, sure. Here's how we seed clouds. Here's how we manipulate the weather. This is how we do it. Here's our airplane. These are the devices. These are the particles they put up in the air. We can't make storms, but we can take storms that, or we can take cloud formations and things that were far away, and we can bring them near, we can make existing cloud cover worse. That's what we do. This is how we do it. This is what, six months after they ran the test in San Francisco with the technology that Bill Gates wants you to know he's now separated himself from, blasting particles up into the sky to cool the weather. They did that in San Francisco. And I'm talking to friends in North Idaho who are saying the same exact thing. There's all sorts of discussions now on North Idaho Facebook pages where people are taking pictures in the morning of beautiful blue skies and then chemtrails and then overcast days and this the first of July. I'm beginning to notice this pattern. I woke up the other day hoping to go for, well, no. In fact, we had planned a lake-based workout. So I'm building up for seal fit consequently. I need to be wet and sandy all the time. So some of the things we're doing, we're taking things we would otherwise do in the gym and we're taking them to the lake's edge. And I woke up this, it's beautiful blue skies and I'm on the way to work thinking, okay, good, this is going to be a good lake day and I can be hot rather than just cold. And I get to the studio, I pop out and I'm standing in the field. We're in this huge field. There's chemtrails all over the sky. And as I recall, they were east to west. I thought, huh, we're going to have a cloudy day. Boom, get out of the studio. And it's not just cloudy, but by the time we got done with our lake workout, we were walking around in the rain, which is actually very fun. Are you seeing the same thing? Remember when I said that we would take the phrase, they would never do that and wipe it from our common vocabulary? Let's take that from our common vocabulary and wipe it out. I know exactly what Thomas Massey meant when he said interesting cloud formation and you do too. He meant, oh, I see, we're going to go manipulate the weather. Here's what's so amazing to me is driving in this morning thinking about this because it was clear blue skies. I saw farmers that were watering their fields and I knew, gosh, gosh, it just rained and I know you want to get ahead of things and I was thinking in the head of one of the technocrats where we're going to have fewer forest fires. Okay, well, that's one side effect. What are the others? What do you mean? Do you think there's a reason that God set up the rhythm of the weather the way he did in certain regions? What do you mean? I don't know what I mean. I don't know God's mind. I just know that God is the perfect designer. I know that. I know that every time you guys turn around and monkey with something, we end up with gross, horrible side effects. I could take the mRNA injections or I could go back to this book I'm reading called Subjected to Science, which is where they have used the force of law and, well, not even force of law, but the force of force to do medical experiments on people without asking, without telling them. But their design was so good. It should work. So are you seeing this stuff? Will you send me photos of this? You can do it at Twitter. It's @toddingherman on Twitter or the or a sub-stack page. All sorts of ways to get in touch with us. And tell me, maybe I'm nuts. Maybe Thomas Massey's nuts. Maybe that's not what he meant. But it swims upstream to politics. It does. Or does it downstream? No, I would say that technocrats are upstream of politics, wouldn't you? Man, the after effect of Biden, we've got to talk about this because it's on this Monday, continuing now. His family is an update because his family stepped forward and they had a meeting at Camp David, which we'll go through and talk about this. At that meeting, I'm wondering, do they? No, this is a serious question. Do you think they drug him for family events? God, what is wrong with me this morning? What is wrong with me? I just had this. Oh, boy, this is a... Can I even? Wow, this is evil. Wow. I wish there's a way I could save this to Niana and not have you guys hear it. Just to run it past her. No, don't mute me. It's like I can mute you. Don't mute me. Okay, here's this. If you were forced to let figurehead Biden be around your preteen daughters, if you were forced and you had a choice of having him drugged or undrugged, which would you choose? I think I'd take undruged. I think I would take sleepy, demented Joe who is going to trip and fall his way to sniffing your daughters versus geek Joe who could make it over there and successfully sniff your daughter. And I'm not trying to be gross. That is not my goal. My goal is to be descriptive. All the Biden disasters are one disaster because you can look at the disaster of grift. You can look at the disaster of greed, of a con artist, of a guy who's never, who's proven himself unqualified for every major decision he's ever made. You can look at a guy who married the babysitter in full sight of his kids. And then she pretends they're her kids when in fact they're her stepkids. You can look at all those disasters. You can look at his hiring. You can look at his family. You can look at all the after effects of what Ashley's like, God's God's saver. What hunters like God's save him. But they're all one disaster and all goes back to this core thing. So many things are trackable back that way. If I were to go re-engineer my dad, like if I could do this, I would go back to self-esteem. I would go back to when my dad was a very, very heavy and big teenager. And I would go back to his mom. And I would say to her, "Grandma Sherry, I love you. Why are you telling my dad? He needs to finish his second piece of cherry pie. Why are you telling my dad that he's bigger so he needs to eat even more than his brothers and sisters? Why did you tell him you are too big to play with the other kids? You could hurt them. You are too big to ever let yourself be angry because you could hurt somebody. But eat your third piece of cherry pie. I know you did this out of love, but do you see what it cost? I would reverse engineer it because so much of my dad was caused by this lack of self-esteem which had to do with his body size and shape. And later in life, his decision to not medicate himself properly. And that had to do with his thyroid, which I used to be hypothyroid before I lost 200 pounds. It was hypothyroid. And I would go to that. I would also at end stage of his life, like probably in his 40s or 50s, I would want him to lose weight. Obviously I wanted to drop all that fat. But I also wanted to go to him and say, "Dad, the wine and the ibuprofen, that's bad." Let's get rid of the wine first and the ibuprofen second because they're both feeding a core issue, which is you are in constant physical pain. Number one, because your body is too large for your joints. Number two, because you are causing inflammation, every time you consume ibuprofen, you are making the inflammation worse. Just like the wine is covering the symptoms of your depression, the ibuprofen is covering the symptoms of your inflammation. The wine is making the depression worse, the ibuprofen is making the inflammation worse. I know they're masking the symptoms. If you're in that position, you can have the advantage of me looking you in the eye. If you're watching video or just talking in the ear and saying, "I would tell you the same thing I told my dad." Toss the ibuprofen. Here is a way to replace it. It has worked for me. I was an ibuprofen addict four pills every night, sometimes doubling down in the morning. Go to See the specials they have for you today? I've talked about the benefits of this. Why this is not like fish based omega-3s, it's so much more observable. A krill is a crustacean. It is a different form of omega-3. It's far more potent, but let's just leave it at that. Toss the ibuprofen and never go back to it. It's Just go see the specials they have for you today, This is all the technocrats are, I think, upstream of politics. They love that they've got Biden. Biden is the perfect president for this time. I mean, he's not president, but perfect figure for this time. The New York Times editorial board. To serve his country, President Biden should leave the race. The picture, obviously pre-chosen black and white of the figurehead, looking sad and confused and bewildered. As he was most of that debate, sad, confused and bewildered. You probably saw the figurehead on stage crying. As so-called the doctor, Jill Biden, gave this roaring statement as a defense on how proud she was of him. And he stood back, it looked like 10 feet shaking with tears in his eyes. Now, there's one thing to say that's my loving, ever supportive wife. She's standing in my defense. She loves me even though I completely fumbled this debate. I completely screwed it up. I was a bumbling old fool, but there's also the dementia tier. And the dementia tier is I don't know where I am and why I'm here and what I'm supposed to say. We had the people who run the figurehead come out. It's a statement that he is, quote, "reliably engaged" from the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. And every single one of our enemies said, well, it wouldn't be fair to launch an attack at midnight because figurehead Biden is sleepy and unable to be reliably engaged. But we could turn to Cammy Harris in second place. Cammy Harris is behind the scenes apparently fuming that no one is saying, look, we've got Cammy. What are we worried about? Put Joe to the side, put him out the pasture. We've got the most powerful female vice, well, the first female vice president in history. And she's so powerful. She's an intellectual powerhouse. She is an inspiration to people. She's a leader. Everyone wants to listen to the word. She says she's a visionary. She's an organizational genius. She sets goals and she accomplishes them through hard work and sexually servicing men. Oh, wait. I'll cut that part. 6nay on the 6nay cut that part. We're not supposed to talk about that. We'll be brown. She sets goals. So take two. All right, ready? Here we go. She sets goals and she achieves them by doing things like pretending to be African. Wait, stop. Let's take three. She sets goals and she achieves them by being whatever she needs to be at the time. Align herself to be molded into any glass pot the party wants her to be. From the economist, Joe Biden should now give way to an alternative candidate. His last and greatest political act would help rescue America from an emergency. His last and greatest political act. What was his big political act before this? Remember when Obamacare was signed into law? That monstrosity that was later rescued twice by John Roberts? That monstrosity that was unconstitutional from its very beginning in that it was a spending bill created in the Senate, which is unconstitutional because all spending must originate in the house. Remember that? Everyone that brought those two bills together through reconciliation and they chose the Senate side. Remember that? All of the payoffs that were openly included, the one state, there's one single state that didn't have to give its student loan program over to the federal government that was tied into Obamacare. Student loans were tied into Obamacare. One state didn't have to do that in Nebraska. It was called the Cornhusker Kickback. It was a promise made to that state's senator because Nebraska had so many student loans and so many businesses that provided student loans that they wanted to be able to make sure that we get that carve out. Remember this? That monstrosity was born with carve outs for Nancy Pelosi's districts. You had McDonald's franchises in Nancy Pelosi's unbelievably fallen district in San Francisco that they had carve outs. They didn't have to pay into Obamacare or provide it. Don't go look for the video. I'm just telling you, it's there. There was Pride Week in Nancy Pelosi's district. And this happens every year. Every year, people think they're the first to go film this. Every year, people think they're the first to discover this. Of men kneeling down in kids bathtubs, sexually servicing other men, Eddie, who want to walk up, right there in public, in the most perverse ways you can imagine. Beyond what you're imagining in your mind, please don't search for the videos. They are there. There's no reason to search for them. People who've lived in San Francisco and actually come upon such scenes, like me, living in San Francisco for the first time, unaware that there was a week of this stuff, walking around a corner and going, "Whoo!" I was 26 years old, stood there, unable to move. That's the world in which Obamacare was born. With a carve-out for that district. And Biden's big political act was helping Obama get that passed. Do you remember what Biden said? "It's a big, half-end deal." Full f-word. "It's a big, half-end deal." It was. And now he should step down. This comes from Axios by way of Jonathan Martin. When Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer telephoned the senior official with President Joe Biden's campaign on Friday night, she wanted to convey a clear message. She hated the way her name was being flooded as a replacement for Biden. She wasn't behind the chatter, but Whitmer had phoned the Biden campaign chair Jen O'Malley Dillon with more of an unambiguous SOS to relay that Michigan, in the wake of the debate, was no longer winnable for Biden. Here's what I love about this. A woman who participated in a fake kidnapping plot. There's no way they didn't tell her that, by the way, we're going to pretend that people are trying to kidnap you. She calls the campaign says, "Look, I hate the fact that my name is being floated by so many people as a replacement for President Biden. And look, I know that the polls show that I beat Trump, and I know I can go raise the big money, and I know I've got the hard left in my corner, and I know I've got the unions, and I've got this, and I know that there has to be a female, and the mass says they need to be female. I know that I represent one of the swing states, and I've got great name recognition all around the Midwest, and I know that I'm considered by some to be photogenic and cameragenic, and I'm good at debating, and obviously, I've shown I'm a team player, I volunteered to almost get kidnapped. I mean, I know all these things are true, but man, I just hate the fact that so many people think I am the perfect replacement for President Biden, but I do need to tell you, by the way, that Michigan is not winnable for him. I mean, I can win it, but again, I just hate the fact that I'm even being considered for this role. I don't want it, I would never consider it unless it was offered to me, and then I would leap on it like I'm not going to use the phrase. That's where we're at. The Biden disasters are all one disaster. It's a disaster of this. A world completely unmoored to any form of reliable conduct, a global conduct. There is no anchor. So we end up in this circumstance of the ever-changing scope of what's right. And incidentally, our own minds can play the game of the ever-expanding window of right and wrong, and Satan's plenty happy to help with that. I've often talked about Washington, D.C. and the ever-expanding window, which right and what's wrong, that game we used to play when we were in public places, wife, daughter, girlfriend, or staffer. All the same person. But when we watch powerful men with young women, we would look and say, "Okay, is that a wife? Is that a daughter? Is that a side action? Is that just a staffer?" And we'd look for the signs and make bets, and eventually we'd find out we were right or wrong. It was the ever-expanding window of what's right and wrong. When there's not a solid base, your mind can expand these things. And a nation of people whose minds have expanded these things, you end up into the situation in Nancy Pelosi's district, which I sort of ambiguously describe, but you get it. To them, that's perfectly right. To the word of God, it is far from right. It is an atrocious series of sins, but so is faking and kidnapping. But then again, it's in pursuit of something good. So is putting in power a man whose own family shows evidence of the fact of not just dysfunction because all families have some form of dysfunction, but of dysfunction of the worst possible type. That's part of this catastrophe. Part of this catastrophe is the people in the Mockingbird media saying, "Yeah, look, Biden's corrupt, but they're all corrupt." Instead of just standing on the unshakable word of God, when you stand in these things, you can do great things. In the midst of being fired as a physician's assistant from a major hospital in Seattle for doing nothing more than helping his wife live, to keeping his coffee company, which is eight or ten years old now, growing while raising a family of three kids, while helping his wife, Liz, fight cancer. Tim Crookshank continued to grow bone-fraud coffee. Why? God, country, team. He relied on God's strength, not his own. He did this to honor the country that he served as a Navy Seal, and team. He built around him his team. First of all, his beloved wife, Liz, is today's the first of July. There is a memorial service today for Liz. Please pray for the Crookshank family that's going on in Seattle. And then team. Obviously the team, the family, but also the team like Dave Stewart. Dave is a coffee legend who helps Tim at bone-frog, create many of the roasts. In fact, Dave even created some of the roasts. I just saw him, Dave. Well, he didn't do it anonymously, so I'll announce this. Dave just gave to the Give Send Go that we created for Tim, and he gave a fair bit of money. And he can do that. He created Seattle's best coffee, and now he mentors Tim on the creation of the bone-frog roasts. Lots of ways to honor this guy. One of them is to try his product. Do not continue to buy bone-frog because you like Tim. That's from Tim. If you love the coffee, then get on subscription. Go to Get 10% off your first purchase, 15% off subscription coffee. That's The Biden catastrophes are all one catastrophe, and they're related in a way to the WNBA, which sounds weird, but just just think of this. The Democrats are a grievance culture full stop. They are a jealousy culture full stop. They are a racism culture full stop. Now, it's virtuous racism. It's virtuous coveting. It's virtuous lying. But that's the culture. Virtuous in their minds. has an article about something that the WNBA is done, as their window of what is good and bad now is expanding. The WNBA seems hell-bent in making sure that it doesn't grow too much at a time, and the league is seeing unprecedented attention. The WNBA has changed its media policy to allow teams to designate two players who are exempt from shoot-around media availability and game days. Shoot-around. Simply means that the media is there and gets to ask questions of the athletes. The Chicago-Chicago sky have already informed reporters that it plans to exercise that exemption on rookies Angel Reese and Camellia Cordoso. As of now, we don't know whether any other team in the WNBA plans to utilize this exemption for any other players. Reese has made it very clear that she's not a fan of the media, so it comes as little surprise that the sky will protect her. It's an odd move for the WNBA to prioritize her feelings over the needs of the business, though. Love her or her hate her. People are interested in Angel Reese and what she has to say. The league might think it's protecting her by doing this, but it's really doing her disservice. This is the life if you want to be rich, famous, and a celebrity. In addition, this race is a very clear double standard between men's and women's sports. Can you imagine if an NFL team decided its star rookie, starting quarterback, could just skip media availability? How would the majority of people react to that? I can tell you that I, personally, would call that player soft, or criticize Rory McClurey for skipping his media obligations following his U.S. Open meltdown. There's also this, though, of course. Angel Reese decided to effectively declare war on Caitlin Clark. Caitlin Clark is the most famous women's basketball player in history. How do I know that? Google Trends. Google searches. She is the face of the W&B, and that's happened because the existing W&B players did not want her to be the face of it. Why? Because she is heteronormative and white. Full stop. Biden. Culture of Covenant. Culture of line. Culture of racism. Culture of Griff. Protect what's mine. Over the weekend, the family of the figurehead gathered with him at Camp David and his grifting con artist, drug addict son, who has been completely dependent on his dad's name to financially fuel his drug use and sex trafficking of women, and it appears sex trafficking of girls at huge levels is the most vociferous in pursuit of his dad staying in the race. Protect the family business, which is what? Access to your increasingly demented brain. W&B, A. It has sheltereds itself from a necessity of growth. It has sheltereds itself from a necessity to be profitable because it is a grievance league because it announced itself at the very, very beginning as a way to draw attention to and raise funds for Planned Parenthood because it's bubblethink. So it matters because it is a societal and cultural representation of what a world run by grievance looks like. Caitlyn Clark is already, by the way, this past weekend, and I don't watch the games. I read the coverage. Caitlyn Clark defeated three of the US Olympic team women over the weekend. Wait, her team, she has a team she doesn't do in her own. Why is that matter? Because Caitlyn Clark was not put on the Olympics. Even though she's easily the one of, if not the top player in this, otherwise almost anonymous league. Prior to Caitlyn Clark, I literally did not remember that there was a WNBA. I was in my beloved pizza place just like months ago. And it just happened to glance up at the TV. By the way, it's embers on the lake in Houser, Idaho. But I just happened to glance up at the lake at the TV and the people playing basketball. I don't remember my glasses and it looked weird to put my glasses. Oh, yeah, that's right. Women play basketball. Is this college? Oh, wait, no, that's that. Wait, this is the WNBA? And I had to ask, did they still have a, did they still have a Seattle team? Someone said, yeah, yeah. I said, okay, I don't know because I don't care. Jason Whitlock just comes out and says this is why this isn't going to work. He talks race, but he does it in a way that's not, he's not a fan of what's going on. He just comes out in states flat out that this is why this is set up to fail. We'll talk about Jason Whitlock in a second, what he had to say about Caitlin Clark and race, because Jason gets to say that because he's black, so he can talk about it in ways that we aren't allowed to, or at least aren't supposed to. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. This is Jason Whitlock talking about the WNBA, Caitlin Clark and race. They're trying to do too much because Caitlin Clark can do so much. She can spot them, hit them with passes, that they're just not ready. This one right here, the long about, just dribble it out to a three-point line. You can't do that. I know Caitlin's dropped you that dime, but you just, it's just too much. They got to get Kelsey Milcho off the team, to be honest with you. She's playing a completely different game than everybody else on the court for the Indiana fever. She can't adjust. The coach is in over her head as well through no fault of her own. I'm a white woman trying to coach Caitlin Clark in the WNBA with a predominantly black woman roster. That's a match made in hell. It cannot work. It's unsustainable. She can't, if she tells them properly what to do, you got a few of them women in there. They're going to revolt and call her racist and just say you're Katie and everything to Caitlin Clark. They're going to play the race card on it. I think they got to have a black male coach. They got to find a black, Mark Jackson, someone like that to coach that team. He can go in there and tell them, "Look, this is the way we're playing. We got Caitlin Clark here. This is what we got to do. Call me racist. All you want. Call me sexist." Whatever. "Call me enough of time. I don't care. We're going to play through Caitlin Clark. We're going to play a way that makes sense for her. Leah Boston, I got to have you working with me. Don't take any more phone calls from Don Staley. I know that was your coach in college. I know you love her, but now you're in the WNBA. Put Don Staley on, put her calls on silent. We're doing something completely different here. The tie-in is this. Cammy Harris is upset and she's now transmitting this to the Mockingbird media that there's no fever to have her replace figurehead Biden. If they override Hunter's insistence that his dad stay in the race and continue to fight, or Dr. Jill Biden, who's a doctor, you know, of something I think it has to do with drugging old men, that she stay in the race and that Biden stays in the race. It's the same thing. You have a white coach who somehow cannot coach black women now that there is a white player there, and you have Cammy Harris who somehow became a black woman, who was never a black woman before that, who is calling for her race-based shot to get in and take over the role that the figurehead is should, probably be leaving behind but won't. The Biden catastrophes are all one catastrophe. It is being unmured from anything that approaches concrete morality. And we know this, when a leader listens to lies, all his officials will be corrupt. It's God's word. When a nation listens to lies, how many more of the leaders will be corrupt? How corrupt will the culture be? This is one of the circumstances where if you do not have the video service, you are doing yourself a disservice. You can get a free seven-day trial to the video service. And by the way, you should do it just to see this representation on CNN of what is actually masquerading as news. Go to You have Angel Reese masquerading as someone who's not really at war with Caitlyn Clark when she really is. We have a figurehead masquerading as president. We have a mockingbird media that has been masquerading for the past three years, pretending that figurehead Biden is mentally astute, suddenly now waking up and going, wow, he's got a little dementia. He seems a little slow. I guess he had a cold. And we have this person who gets to go on national TV to pretend he's at risk while he is wearing. What would it describe to us? This is like Dr. Hannibal Lecter found a plastic sex doll cut it open and lived in it. I'm curious for you. First of all, what this day means to you. And second of all, have both Democrats and Republicans agreed to meet with you? Yes, we will be meeting with both Democrats and Republicans. And I'm really excited to go speak with all of our lawmakers about the attacks that we're seeing on our LGBTQ. Okay, so first of all, this person is in a Western hotel. I can tell that because of the closet and the headstand, because they end the thing around the mirrors, the frame around the mirrors. It could be a W, be it off-run W. This person is in a plastic pretending to be pink jacket and a stewardess hat. And that can't be makeup that has to be plastic on this person's face, pretending to be a woman. And a drag performer lobbying Congress for LGBTQ+ protections, protections from what? It's all a masquerade. It's so important to talk about and to discuss protections for our queer community. Okay, okay, I'm sorry. How do you have this interview? And not say, do you want to be taken seriously? Show up anywhere dressed as a plastic, pardon me, I'm sorry. That's a plastic six doll. Look, anywhere you show up like this, how do you intend to be taken seriously? The job of the black CNN anchor, and I don't know her, so maybe she's very good at her job, maybe she's very skilled, but I also know that CNN, so we need to have a whole bunch of black women, doesn't say, by the way, are you going to dress this way when you go? Because we're not to say that because of course, this is who this man is, is this plastic six doll woman. Listen to the current sentiment that's being shared by former President Donald Trump, who, of course, in those three things, he mentions what he calls transgender insanity. If he's voted in as the next president, what will that mean to you? Reminder, in case I haven't made the point, maybe I've said this, and maybe I've said it, but it's that I know this is uncomfortable, but did I point out that this is a man dressed in a sex doll, plastic sex doll shell? We already see so many attacks on our queer community. I already don't feel safe in my own hometown, just dressed in drag like this. If I saw you, I wouldn't have any aggression against you. I wouldn't think you're human. I would say you can move and talk. And I'm not supposed to say these things. It's very scary for queer people to exist in a time where we see this kind of rhetoric being pushed by our lawmakers and the people who should care about other issues that actually affect the American people, other than attacking our community, our LGBTQIA+ community. It's very disappointing. No, it's, again, has nothing, of course, to do at all with attacking a community. It has to do with your community, members of it, straight on attacking families to create what? A pretense and an illusion within families to create a culture of grievance and jealousy and coveting and hatred in families, the same form of grievance and jealousy and grifting that was part of the Biden clan. It had to have been. I'm sorry, the picture of Joe Biden with the babysitter on his lap is the precursor to the downfall of the Biden family. A respectable man at that age does not have a 15 or 16 year old or however old she was babysitter sitting on his lap in that way. It is inappropriately physical. Why would I say that? Well, because of the word of God. You could say it's common sense, but we don't have common sense. We have a sense for what's right and what's wrong. And two clips to prove that in just a second. One, I predicted, and it's not a prediction I wanted to be right about, but I was right about it. I was. I had this discussion with a brother in the swimming pool the other day. Not about this, but about like this point of being elderly. Am I elderly? Do I get to say that yet? Is 56 elderly? Oh, age is just a number. Well, there's also these realities. This guy was a recon marine. I've learned this. I saw the tattoos on him. We had this discussion. He asked me that uncomfortable question. "Hey, did you serve?" And it's uncomfortable when people ask me that. Because I feel like they think that maybe I'm playing soldier or something. And I said, "No, no, no. I've never served." And you go, "Oh, I just, you know, you've got the Sealfoot book. Okay, I know people think I'm playing soldier. I really prayed about this. I don't want to play soldier. I can't be like you guys." But no, I just want to go try this. And he goes, "Hey, dude, no problem. I don't care. I just asking." And he started to talk to me about why he's walking in the pool. So, and I knew, I saw him. I see this is not a guy who's afraid of hard work. And he's walking in the pool, just walking back and forth for an hour at a time. And he said, "Well, the reason I walk," and he told me, I said, "Yeah, I was kind of guessing that because I can tell you work out and I can see that you're probably injured." And he said, "Yeah, yeah. Here's what's going on with me." He is going to have to have two shoulder surgeries and a hip surgery, all in a very short order of time. So, I prayed about this. I was sitting in the pool. I said, "Hey, brother, can I share something with you that I used?" And I talked to him about renew health care. So, here we are, two guys in the pool. I am getting done with my swim and he's taking a break from his walking. And I shared this with him. And I even went and wrote down the website and gave it to him and said, "Hey, my name's Todd. I didn't say, by the way. I'm a radio host and podcaster. My name's Todd. I know these guys just, if that's helpful, you don't need to do that if you don't want to." So, he came back to me and said, "I saw him in the pool and he was walking. I was getting in a swim and he stopped his walk. He said, "Hey, I talked to your people in Mexico. Oh, awesome. How'd it go?" He goes, "Yeah, they say I got to have the surgery, but they want to see me right afterwards." I said, "That's exactly what they told me." Exactly. He said, "They did say they can help me with my hip." Wait. So, no hip surgery. He goes, "Maybe not." He said, "They're going to have their doctor," I said, "Dr. Rosas?" He goes, "Yeah, I love Dr. Rosas. Yeah, Harvard certified surgeon. He did my injection. He'll tell you straight out if he can help you or not." He goes, "Okay, I'm having a follow-up discussion on this. They might be able to do my hip and if so, I'm going to go down and get that done and they get my shoulders done and get the surgeries done and come back and then get treated." It's They use ethically gathered stem cells. That comes from placentas and umbilical cords. Nothing to do with aborted babies. They wouldn't do that. Those stem cells have incredible power to help you, regrow tissue, heal your body, starting with going away with inflammation. It's, So, what are a standard of rules that we could have? Well, there's this. Louisiana had passed a law to put the Ten Commandments in every classroom, and we talked about this at length. I don't think that's the way to go. I think teaching, compared to religions, teaching the Bible, sure. I don't think putting the Ten Commandments up by force is a way to go for many, many reasons. We talked about that. This is a better way to do it, in my opinion, in the state of Oklahoma. We're going to make an important announcement today regarding the Bible and the Ten Commandments. My staff has been looking at Oklahoma Statute. We've been looking at Oklahoma Academic Standards. And it's crystal clear to us that in the Oklahoma Academic Standards, under Title 70, multiple occasions, the Bible is a necessary historical document to teach our kids about the history of this country, to have a complete understanding of Western civilization, to have an understanding of the basis of our legal system, and, frankly, when we're talking about the Bible, one of the most foundational documents used for the Constitution and the birth of our country. We also find major points in history that refer to the Bible, that reference the Bible. We see multiple figures, whether we're talking about the Federalist Papers, constitutional conventional arguments, and Martin Luther King Jr., who use it as a tremendous impetus for the Civil Rights Movement, and time many of those arguments back to the Bible. It is essential that our kids have an understanding of the Bible and its historical context. It absolutely is. So that is the Oklahoma Superintendent of Schools, Ryan Walters. He's simply saying it's going to be taught. Well, sex ed is taught, even if it's perverse, pornographic, and horrible racism is taught. But he ties this to the foundation of our society, and, of course, he's right. That's a foundation where there's the rule of God in comparison to the emotions of men, which is how we're ruled right now with the Biden catastrophe, the rules of men, the emotions of men. Hunter Biden's emotions. Daddy, I need the money. I still got the math problem. I got the coke problem real bad. Compare that to this. The so-called Surgeon General, I know it's a title. I know he gets to wear the medals. This isn't Surgeon Generaling. He's taking the word firearm and pretending it's a flu because he can, because it's the Biden catastrophe. It's the WNBA. It's a culture of grievance where the only rule is I get to because I can. Hello, I'm U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy. Today, for the first time in the history of our office, I am issuing a Surgeon General's advisory on firearm violence. It outlines the urgent threat firearm violence poses to the health and well-being of our country. As a doctor, I've seen the consequences of firearm violence up close in the lives of the patients I've cared for over the years. These are moms and dads, sons and daughters. Yeah, we get it. Moms and dads and sons and daughters, but listen to this part. All of whom were robbed of their physical and mental health. All of whom were robbed of the physical and mental health because they had to use a firearm to defend themselves. He counts that. He says a whole bunch of people could have reported they've been part of a firearm incident, like defending themselves, being shot at, seeing a gun produced, losing a gun, et cetera. So it adds up into a public health emergency. Health. Mental health. This is his step to getting the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum to combine to begin the process of making you the problem. By virtue of wanting a gun, you show that you intend to use the gun to take away someone's mental health. Everything here on out will take every crime statistic and start to very, very carefully massage them into mental health statistics in a country where a clearly demented absolutely mentally stricken. Fake figurehead, well real figurehead, fake president has been urged to stay in the race by his meth addict son damaged, I think, by sexual abuse all while they're trying to distract us with the WNBA league, which is a mirror version of what life would be like when everything is based in coveting desire for the flesh and lies. Wow. That's convenient. Let's resist Vivek Murthy's attempts to make anything like this a public health emergency and call it what it is. It's largely gang violence. That's not a mental health issue. It's a sin issue and it goes right back to the ongoing Biden catastrophe. Lord, thank you for reminding us that you use the simple things to shame the wise and the weak things to shame the strong. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]