The Todd Herman Show

Three Ways The Devil Fakes Christianity and The Party’s Biden Panic. Ep-1691

We're going to step back and look at some of the continuing responses of the presidential debate. It’s fascinating how quickly they were ready to turn on Joe. We will also talk as well about the continuing weird way that people who think they're helping Christianity aren't. Dr. Jordan Peterson is obviously a very smart and successful man. He stood up to the gender madness, which is how he gained his fame. Axel Connor, an atheist, asked Jordan Peterson about the resurrection. Peterson's response to this is indicative of someone who thinks he's helping, but it's not. Also, some very, very clear, fake versions of Christianity, including a dude who's dressed up as a Star Wars character. 

What does God’s Word say? 
John 14:6 NIV
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
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01 Jul 2024
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Dr. Jordan Peterson's a smart guy and perhaps one day, God will truly, truly, truly call Peterson to himself in a way that Peterson cannot resist. I think he wants to. I've seen him have tears in his eyes as he's talked about Jesus. We'll discuss this a nuanced, clever way that Satan distracts, distorts, and depresses people from true faith and then we'll work our way down into some of the very obvious ways. To us that Satan's conning people. And yet we'll also get into the debate response day of the media's take on this. We'll do this with the help of God Almighty, most importantly, and what he has made possible for renew healthcare to do. Ethically gathered stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords to help people who are otherwise facing surgery or sometimes even life in wheelchairs. Thank you, God Almighty. - The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. (upbeat music) Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. To get a rejected thing, at least know the thing which you're rejecting. If you're going to study a thing, understand that studying it is not living it. It's not. I can't remember there was just time. This was a funny version of studying a thing he's not the same as living it. There was a time at the racetrack where a guy came and he had a ton of money apparently. This was when I raced stock cars back in the day. And he showed up at the racetrack. I was fortunate to be driving another guy's car, my dad and mom couldn't afford it. So I got to drive his open wheel modified race car. And this guy showed up at the racetrack. He had never been there before. Well, in the pits, we'd never seen him. And he came in with this incredible car and downloaded it from the trailer. In fact, he didn't drive it off the trailer. He had a winch system, which none of us. Well, that's not true. Some of us had. Most of us just drove our cars up into the trailer. And so he winched it down, started it up and it's an amazing car. And everybody who sees it because, okay, wow, that's going to be something to be contended with. So the guy who led our club, Gary, walked over, introduced himself. And I remember standing there 'cause I wanted to see the car. Who is this guy? We'd never heard of him. And Gary said, wow, who did you work? Well, Richard Petty built the engine. This is a carry-all borough frame set up and suspension set up and had it tested back E. So where'd you drive it? Oh, this is my first time driving it. Oh, who tested it? Oh, well, the maker's tested it. For a track set up like this, yeah, exactly like this. Where have you driven it? No, this is my first time. Oh, okay. So are you new to the area? No, I've lived here my whole life. Have you driven race cars before? No. But I've studied it my whole life. I've watched racing my entire life. But this is your first time. Yeah. We have practice days where you could come and drive on the track by yourself and get used to the car and the setup and we'll take turns and then eventually we go out together. We have practice days like that. Would you like to try that? No, I don't need to practice. I've watched racing my whole life. Okay, here's the deal. You can time in, but no matter how you time in, you'll start at the back of all races 'cause you're new. We're also gonna put a marker on you. It's a rookie marker. The guy was upset and he timed in and that race car should have been in the top three. He's probably mid-pack if that and timing and it's not a hard thing to drive around the racetrack. And when the races began, he was upset to be in the back of the pack. On the first race lap, he made it around turn one just about wiping out. On turn two, he smacked the wall. He didn't destroy the car. He messed it up real bad. It was wobbly. He drove it off the track and he parked it behind his trailer. And after the races, we didn't know where he'd gone. No one knew him. We thought he was in his massive motorhome. And after the races, his motorhome was gone. The trailer was there and the car was there. He never came back for it. He never came back for this. I mean, and this was in 1985 and that was a $100,000 race car then never appeared again. But he'd studied his whole life. If you're going to reject a thing, know what the thing is that you're rejecting. And if that thing is Christianity, know what it is. You cannot know Christianity by studying it. You cannot think your way to God. You cannot think your way to understanding the creative, the universe, it must be experienced and it can be experienced. There's certain things you just need to experience to know. I thought because I had studied it my whole life, not my whole life, I'd studied it for 10 years. I thought I understood what a workout like Murph would feel like. Years ago, the first time I quote did Murph, Murph should be finished in well under an hour. And if I do Murph without a weight vest, my last time was around, and it was 39.55. Not great, not terrible for my age. I think I'll get 36 next time I do it without a vest. Last time I did Murph with my full kit, that's my utility pants, big heavy pants, my boots, my plate carrier, all this stuff for seal fits. It took me a little over an hour. Now, that's a whole different animal with all that gear. I thought I knew what that would be like. First time I did Murph, and that's the mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 air squats, 300 push-ups, 300 air squats, and then run a mile. First time I did that, I did it outside and it took me two stinking hours. And there was a kid who was leaving the track I was at, and he walked by and said, "Sir, are you okay?" I was doing single pull-ups and they weren't even real pull-ups. I mean, I was jumping up to the bar maybe getting my head to the top of the bar. I thought I knew. I thought I knew everything about recovery. Cold soaking, et cetera. I didn't. I was cheating. I was cheating with ibuprofen, which can be so utterly, utterly bad for you. It can destroy your liver, your kidneys. It does destroy your gut lining, which makes inflammation worse. But here I was thinking, "Well, I've studied this my whole life." I've tried Omega-3s, they don't work. Not for inflammation. When I tried native pathkrill, I did not expect to endorse them. I expected to say to sales, "Hey, I don't get it." Doesn't work. It worked. I was blown out the next day. I have true, after I had this in my system, and I called sales and said, "I need to talk to these guys again." Someone's got to explain to me why this is so potent. I don't get it. I wasn't listening. It didn't come across to me. So we had a call. They talked about the biology of this. How the native pathkrill come in for frustration is far more observable than that that comes from fish. How the Antarctic waters means it's pure. It does not have the heavy metals and the pollutants and other waters. So you're getting more for your money. That's why I tossed the ibuprofen. You can have the same thing. Get rid of the stinkin' pills. Do it now. Don't put your body at risk. Actually, fight inflammation. Go to Find out the specials they have for you today. That's Dr. Jordan Peterson, very smart guy. He is not the believer in Jesus. He is leaning towards him. I've seen him in tears talking about Jesus. He had a discussion with an atheist named Alex O'Connor. In this case, I want to respond to Peterson based upon his profession. And then he's knowledge of human kind. A lot of people interpret pool, for example, the earliest New Testament source as saying that if Jesus did not literally rise from the dead, if there was not a man who stopped breathing and then started breathing again, then your faith is futile and you're still in your sentence. So we should probably pause and say, it's pretty debatable that Paul is the earliest New Testament source. Really, really debatable and probably very, very wrong. Christianity is undermined. Now, that means that, and Paul doesn't say, sort of believing that that's false is really bad. He says, if you do not believe this proactively, then your faith is futile. So if you don't proactively believe that yourself, then I think when a Christian asks you, do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus, are you Christian? I think you must be committed to saying no, at least under that interpretation of Paul. And even if you're not sure, I mean, it's fine if I say to you, do you think that a man physically rose from the dead? And you say something like, well, I don't know. I mean, I wasn't there. But I think it has a lot of mythological significance. Or I think that maybe it happened in a different sense or it happened in the sense that good fiction happens than fine, but it needs to begin with that caveat of the simple sort of, historically speaking, I don't know. And I know you don't like to pull out a good objection to that. - Well, that's a good objection. - That's an important question. - No, of course, it's a very good objection. So I just did a seminar on the Gospels with crew about eight people and was the same crew that walked through Exodus with me with a couple of variations. And we spend a lot of time on the resurrection accounts, for example, and of course, that was the toughest, let's say, that was the toughest morsel to chew and digest. The thing about the resurrection accounts is that they're all, look, so I could say something like this, which will just annoy people, but it doesn't matter. I believe the accounts, but I have no idea what they mean. - When you say you believe the accounts, do you mean, and I hate to be sort of pedantic here, it seems pedantic, but do you mean you believe that these are things that happened such that if I, - That's a strange thing. - I know you don't like that. Let me put it this way. If I went back in time with a Panasonic video camera and put that camera in front of the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, would the little LCD screen show a man walk out of that tomb? - I would suspect yes. - So that to me seems like a belief in the historical event of the resurrection or at least of Jesus leaving the tomb, which means that when somebody says, do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead? It doesn't seem clear to me why I'm not able to just say, it would seem to me yes. - Because I have no idea what that means. - And neither did the people who saw him. - Oh, I mean, I suppose-- - Oh, Dr. Peterson, neither did the people who saw it. You cannot think your way to the Almighty. You cannot study your way to knowing God. You can study your way to knowing Scripture. You can study your way to knowing history. You cannot experience history. You cannot go back into it. You can experience God and you can apply your background as a psychologist to this. Dr. Peterson, as a psychologist, you know crowd psychology. The crowd psychology immediately following the death of Jesus was what? Even his closest friends hid, they fled. Peter who had denied him three times, even the Lord said, "You're going to deny me three times." Jesus said this, "Peter did." Oh, I don't know Jesus. I've ever been to Nazareth, Jesus, who's that? He hid. The people who took Jesus' body to the tomb, Joseph of Amarthea among them were secret believers. They didn't openly believe. So they weren't really at risk. They're just saying, "Oh, let's vary this poor guy." His body shouldn't be out. It's Passover. Let us go bury him. Nicodemus and Joseph of Amarthea. So they do that, but they're secret believers. The actual believers went and hid. What was the crowd psychology, Dr. Peterson, of going and hiding? You said that the followers didn't know what it meant when Christ resurrected himself. Yes, they did. What was the crowd psychology post-resurrection? The crowd psychology post-resurrection was going from literally whispering things in the dark. They killed him. He couldn't have been the Messiah. They killed him. Well, I still believe. I still have faith. To shouting things from a literal rooftop. Just as Jesus had said, things whispered in the dark, one day they'd be shouted from the rooftop. That has multiple applications. One of those applications is you may think you're scheming against God. You may think you've done these things in secret. You may think you've had these secret thoughts, but I'm here to tell you that one day that will all be broadcast. That's one application. There's this literal application we could look at on the day that Peter charmed and gave his first sermon. And when he gave his first sermon, it was from a rooftop in all likelihood in front of the same people who murdered Jesus. In front of the guards who may well have hammered the nails into him, who scourged him, no doubt. In front of the Jewish authorities who turned Jesus over, the technocratic legal authorities who turned Jesus over to the Romans and tried to get the Romans to do the killing and eventually pressured them into that. They went from afraid and hiding in a room to openly saying, he's the risen Lord. He said, Peter said at the time, this Jesus whom you crucified is the living son of God, the Messiah and people in the crowd said, what should we do? We should be baptized, repent and be baptized. The kingdom of heaven is here and you killed it temporarily. Dr. Peterson, you know what that means. You know what it meant to them, no fear, not even of death. You cannot learn about God by reading about him. You can learn about his word, you can learn the history, you can learn some cool words. It's not until you experience God, so how would you do that if you're Dr. Jordan Peterson? How about this, surrender, go be served. Find people who will minister to you. Remember, he got himself all messed up and farmed out really, really bad and just about destroyed himself and had to go to Russia, I think, to put himself in coma to get out of this, this is what I remember and he could be ministered to. You cannot do this, go in and work with Jesus instead of studying him and doing academic events. Just get out with a Christian mission. Dr. Peterson, don't go as Jordan Peterson, just go as a dude. Just go see what it's like when people give from their heart. Look at companies like this, look at this, look at Alan Soaps, look at this experience. Sure, you have a guy who maybe didn't make your money. Dr. Peterson, your money came because you pushed back against an evil political scandal, which is also spiritual, the transing of kids, speech codes, your wealth has come from that and I don't begrudge you that a bit. But you take Alan, John, he didn't have your wealth, had wealth, he had operated in the world very much in the world and in pushing for more money and more money and he was getting it as a digital marketer, he put together some of the most famous digital marketing campaigns in history, if I mentioned even one of them two, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about. He had this change. He and his wife's first son is neurotypical, he's in construction, very successful kid. The next two kids had autism. Alan had it very, very bad, very high up on the spectrum. And John was confronted with a world saying, hey, put your kid in a box, why are you even bringing him home? They can't have any value, just put him into an institution. After all, they can't do anything for the world. In fact, they had doctors who looked into Alan and the womb 'cause Alan has a bunch of structural health concerns, very, very unique bodies, caused him to have 18 surgeries by the age of 13, they said, kill him. Hey, let us kill the baby for you, and they're refused. So experience that, Jordan. Experience a dad who takes his skills and departs the world of big money and politics and digital marketing, he says, I'm building a soap company. I could just imagine the conversation with his wife, hey, what, you don't want to make soap? No, I'll find people not to make the soap, I'll do the marketing. So he did, he found a company of people. It's a family that has three generations of soap making expertise. They make the soap that Alan invents that you buy and you are saying, all lives matter. When you do this, go to, all natural soap made in America, very, very unique fragrances, and you get 10% off everything there. It's What did it mean to Alan's parents? When the world said, kill your son and they said, no, we refuse. It meant in one way the same and in one way the opposite of what the resurrection meant to the people who were there. No fear, no fear. So Dr. Peterson may think he's helping Christianity, but he's not. He's not even helping himself eternally. If you do not recognize the monumental shift in the behaviors of the disciples at the time, it can only be because you've not read about it, studied it or been around people who have similarly changed. I've had the incredible experience of being around people who are new people in Christ. And I wouldn't regard them as bad people, but I would tell you this. A friend of mine who's now in Jesus was the scariest guy I ever knew in junior high and high school. Literally the scariest guy. I was, he was half my size. I was terrified around him because he was just, just so scary. There's all sorts of clever ways that Satan is helping to keep people, or is working to keep people apart from Christ. One of them is very subtle things. Like Dr. Peterson, well, you know what? I'll get some hell insurance. I'll say I believe in Jesus. I even believe the resurrection happened. I just don't know what it means. That's one way to keep yourself apart from God. Here's another one that is far, far more obvious to those of us who know, but those of us who've never been exposed to the Christian faith, you can't look at this and understand how heretical it is. Some people, many people not in the video service and set the scene. This is a so-called pastor giving a sermon dressed as like baby hand solo, someone from Star Wars with a light saver. And interestingly, I've never seen this in the background of a church. There's the cross of Christ, but it's not upright. It's leaning on its side. Pride is coming soon. Oh, it's gonna be a good time, you know? At University Christian Church, we have actual Holy Week. We have the theology of Broadway, and we have pride. And those are big seasons here at University Christian Church, and you're not going to go into Miss Pride. The more I've sat with Star Wars, the more I have recognized that it is not just good entertainment. It is also very theological. And not just theological, but it is compatible with the theology of Jesus, right? The force. Now, I think whenever I watched Star Wars as a child, I thought that the force was a power that you could control. But Luke Skywalker says it best when he says the force is not a power that you control. It is the energy that runs between us all. It is the energy, the tension, the balance within us and through us. And that really resonates with me because the more I have delved into theology, the more I have learned about the teachings of Jesus, the more I have recognized that God is that which is within us and all around us. That's why I love the scripture lesson that Diego read just a moment ago. The kingdom of God is among you is the translation. And traditionally that is, the kingdom of God is within you, but it actually means is among you. Like it is within you and it is in your midst. It is both within and all around you. Just like the force, you see? Barbara Brown Taylor is a theologian scholar. She put it like this. She said God is the luminous web of connection that connects us all. That when we act positively, that has impacts on other people throughout the web. And that when we act in harmful ways, that also has reverberations that go throughout the web. And so it is up to us to act in positive ways. I love this idea in thinking about God as the source of connection between us all. Lesson one, the force connects us all in the same way that God connects us all. And I think as I've grown in my faith, I've learned to see God less as a divine being and more as a source of connection. As I have grown in my faith and understanding of theology, I have grown to see God as less divine as a less of a divine being and more of a connection between us. So God is a phone company. God is a great networker, but he's not even the networker. God is linked in. This passes for Christianity because there's the setting. They did a sermon. They quoted the Bible. The kingdom of heaven is among us. What did that mean? He's saying within us, nope. When the kingdom of heaven was among us, it was because in the beginning was the word, the word was with God, the word was God, the word became flesh and was among us. The word became flesh in the form of Jesus. The kingdom of heaven is among us, walking around with us, available to have the kingdom of heaven in your body, but how? You do that by accepting the Lord Jesus as your savior, agreeing to be changed by him, treating as your savior, signifying that through baptism, signifying, dying to your old self, being born again in Christ. Then you have the Holy Spirit in your body. Now the kingdom of heaven was within you, but that translation he's making is prior to baptism, and then he takes the whole thing and erases it. God is not divine, he's a LinkedIn platform. And people believe this, and they get sucked into this. By the way, that church is from San Diego, and its entire focus, of course, is on same-sex attraction. That's the entire reason it appears to exist. And what we're told in the Bible is very, very clear, and it's very, very difficult teaching, that same-sex attraction acting on it can separate you from God forever. The Apostle Paul, the same apostle that the atheist was quoting to Gerjorden Peterson, said that adulterers and people who practice same-sex activity have no place in the kingdom of heaven. It's not a fun thing to talk about because many of our friends and family members practice that, but part of the counterfeiting of Christianity is making it more fun. Because, you know, Star Wars Jesus is more fun than regular Jesus, because regular Jesus is all boring, et cetera, with all his rules. We must be on the watch for this sort of fakery, because this sort of fakery will get people eternally separated from God. And if you are going to reject a thing, know what you're rejecting. - If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial-grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-granger, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - Satan has so many ways to distract and distort. And if you're going to reject a thing, know what you're rejecting. You're not rejecting a LinkedIn platform. You're rejecting the God of the universe. You're rejecting someone who, when he went to the cross and died for three days, when he rose again, the entire crowd dynamic of the Middle East changed forever. The world changed forever, based upon his resurrection. He hadn't changed the world with his sermons. He'd changed some areas, he'd changed some thinking, oh, things are possible, there's a dude who can do miracles. He hadn't changed the world. When he resurrected and the crowd psychology changed, and suddenly we had the people who had hidden in the upper rooms giving sermons from rooftops right in front of the authorities who killed their friend and Messiah, that's when the world started changing. And if you're going to reject a thing, know that what you're rejecting. This church, this university church in San Diego, obviously obsessed with same-sex attraction, that's their actual God. They had people like this woman, Kim Zember, convinced. She was same-sex attracted. She'd been convinced this is the only way God made me. Nothing can change it, nothing can change it. Adulterers don't use that same excuse. Well, maybe they do, this is how God made me, maybe they do. This is how God made me. I can't, I have to sleep with everybody I meet. This is how God made me. Cluptomaniacs people who steal, this is how God made me. We don't accept that, we should not accept it with same-sex attraction, we would should be loving and helpful to our friends and family who are thinking this way, who feel these things, and tell them, we all have to deny our flesh sometimes, all of us do, or it would be just chaos in the world. Kim Zember, talk to a gentleman who does a great job at confronting these things and trying to be, I guess, understanding and caring and fairness, his name is Chris Stefanik. She talked about her same-sex attraction. It breaks my heart because it's holding back fullness for people. It held back fullness for me, and I experienced that firsthand. I experienced leadership, I experienced counsel that led me into something that they thought would make me happy, but didn't align with what God says. And so it didn't lead to ultimate freedom and happiness and joy that he has for me. You'll be taking away maybe part of a suffering that will bring great beauty in someone's life. If they see Jesus, I think we can walk with people. I think there's so many other ways, but Jesus died for sin. He didn't celebrate it. He sat with sinners, but he never condoned or celebrated the sin that they were in. And when we start to do that with one another, we're simply hurting each other. We're not thinking eternally, but we're not even thinking here and now. - That woman lived that way. And Christophonic does a great job of listening and speaking truth wrapped in grace. He happens to be a Catholic who's focused on trying to bring people to Jesus through these life-changing sort of confrontations. She had to be confronted. And look how she's changed. Do you think she hates same-sex attracted people? She can't, that was her. The fraud in the so-called progressive church is that what you do doesn't matter to God, so long as what you do is helpful to the party. And it leads to horrible places. We played this Friday. Not everyone got to hear it or see it. I'm going to warn you that it is utterly horrific. This is someone just doesn't even get near to Christianity, except for this. When Christian churches say, "We're not going to talk about the social issues," they're not even saying that, they weren't going to talk about abortion. We know it's considered murder in God's eyes, but we're not going to talk about it because it keeps people out of the church. When the Christian church punts on these things, the world is left to fill in the space. And these two women talking about this clearly want views for their podcast, clearly want to be sensational, clearly doing shock talk stuff, but I think they probably believe this as well. They are in different studios. The woman who does most of the terrible talking about her abortion is all tattooed up. Got a head saved on one side, pink hair. I'm not describing this to say that people with pink hair are bad people. I'm describing the scene 'cause some people are not in the video service. If you're not in the video service, you get a seven day free trial. So you can see this stuff. Go to, try it for seven days. If you like it, pay 26 cents a day. If you don't like it, please don't buy it. - Between the two having experienced both, I'm very much like, you know what? The surgical woman was pretty big girl. I did it without the anesthesia. Well, local anesthesia, I didn't go under. Like I stayed awake, I wanted the whole experience of it. I'm like, I want to look into your face when you're sucking that out of my body. - That's kind of hot. - Why is that hot? - Well, I'm like up in frickin' stirrups and I'm just like 21 and just like, mmm. - They're really good or they pulled that dead baby out of it. - Yeah, you know, this could be a fetish. - Wait a minute, vacuum the whole thing out. - Wait a minute. - Does abortion spa also have an only fan? - Only fans' abortions to help women pay for their fucking abortions. If people are into that, there's a fetish for that. The watch of bloody (beep) guts come out of a (beep) see, somebody's into that. - Is this how we make abortions okay in capitalism? - Is it? - It's like, we've got to find a way to not only, you know, the doctors are getting paid and it's safe and that, yes, yes, but also, let's feed it back into the machine and like get the only fans going. - I have news for these horribly spiritually captured women. Man, it's easy to hate them, isn't it? Don't hate them. That already exists. The business model, Planned Parenthood is wildly profitable. They already figured that part out. They sell babies, dead babies, they're parts and they sell you. You're simply part of the product, merchandising. Actually, you're part of the production chain. That's it. You're providing this stuff for free. In fact, you're paying them to extract from your body what you would think of as raw materials, but they're also sucking your soul out of you. If you're going to reject a thing, now what you're rejecting, if you're rejecting God in the Bible, you're accepting that. Well, how? Because if you're rejecting the God of the universe's morality, you're simply saying, I prefer human morality. That's what you're saying. Well, no, no, no, no, laws, right, right. The laws you wrote, human morality. And when some humans come along and they have more power than you, then there'll be a new morality. At that point, meet the new boss, maybe different than the old boss. Without a moral structure from on high, you are saying whoever has the power wins, whoever has the power makes the rules. That's what you're saying. I prefer human chaos, human greed, human grafts, making the rules for the world. That's what I want. That's what you're saying. Those of us who believe in the eternal life in Christ would say, you're also saying, I want to be with people like that forever, whose souls become more and more bitter and more and more angry and more and more and more bitter forever. They've already got the business model worked out. It's just as corrupt as the business model in Washington, D.C. of if they want more money, they take more money. There is, in your retirement account, is set on if they want more money, they take more money. That's sort of factored in, tax rates, et cetera. But what about this? When groceries are three to four times what they were three years ago, what are they gonna be 10 years from now, 20 years from now in your retirement? If your retirement plan is predicated upon slow growth inflation, then you could be in a world of hurt when you actually want to say, hey, I want to be done working. My friend, Zach Gaborham at Boer Capital Management is really, really obsessed with risk management and actively managing portfolios in a way that can reduce risk and volatility and reduce your exposure to inflation. How? Because there are assets you can buy that actually make you money with inflation so that the inflation in the grocery store is negated by the money you made on inflation. Same thing is true with hedging your bets on all electric versus oil, et cetera. That's what active management or portfolios do. Zach's definition of a successful retirement plan is doing exactly how much money you're gonna have every month with inflation factored in. He will look at your portfolio for free. He will give you advice for free. He will tell you if you are too exposed to inflation for free and he'll offer to do it for you or he could say, here's some suggestions. Go to, simply ask for a free consultation. You'll meet directly with Zach. It's know your risk radio, KNOW, If you prefer to call it's 866-779-RISC, or capital management investment advisor representative, a truck financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor, the investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance is not necessarily a guarantee of future results. The day of the debate, just last week, the media was all ready to turn on figurehead Biden. And there is a conversation happening inside Biden's circle and certainly a much more frank conversation happening inside the Democratic Coalition. And I think there will be stories of a lot of concern about the performance tonight. And I think what adds-- When you say conversation's happening, what do you mean? I think people are talking, I think the conversations range from whether he should be in this race tomorrow morning to what was wrong with him. I mean, he has a cold. He has a cold was not wrong with him. This is the figurehead we've all seen. They were ready, Van Jones was ready, people John Harwood on CNN was ready, others were ready, Thomas Friedman's is ready. They were ready to toss figurehead Biden. They were ready like this. Right now, as we speak, there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party. It started minutes into the debate and it continues right now. It involves party strategists. It involves elected officials. It involves fundraisers. And they're having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which they think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket, and they're having conversations about what they should do about it. Some of those conversations include, should we go to the White House and ask the president to step aside? Others, other of the conversations are about, should prominent Democrats go public with that call? Because they feel this debate was so terrible. They do say in moments in the debate later, the president got better and got his footing, but then at the end, even his closing statement was a little halting. -It was conjuring. -It was haunting. It was catastrophically bad. President Trump did something so, so smart during the debate. I thought this was his best line of response to the figurehead and the reality of what that man and the people who run him have done to this nation. He talked about something he wished would be the case. And I'll tell you something. I wish he was a great president because I wouldn't be here right now. I'd be at one of my many places enjoying myself. I wouldn't be under indictment because I wouldn't have been his political opponent. Because he indicted me because I was his opponent. I wish he was a great president. I would rather have that. I wouldn't be here. I don't mind being here. The only reason I'm here is he's so bad as a president that I'm going to make America great again. We're going to make America great again. We're a failing nation right now. We're a seriously failing nation and we're a failing nation because of him. His policies are so bad. The phrase that I wish he was a great president. I never ever wished that. Because I know what the Democrats are up to and so many, so many shiny, shoot Republicans. So I can't say that I legitimately wished he was a great president, but I think actually Trump sounds like he means that. Something about not maybe it's not being around the crowd. He doesn't have the need to goof or to perform for the crowd. I know what it's like to feel like you need to perform for a crowd. Those of us who are performers, we know that. You want feedback. You want laughter. You want to engage. It feeds you. I get that. It's a need, particularly for people like President Trump. But that seemed very sincere. I wish he was a good president or a great president. That this played out the way it did in light of, in light of CNN, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Politico, everyone else, days before this debate, finally admitting that President Trump never praised the white supremacists in Charlottesville as fine people. That this played out the way it did. Shows to me how stuck the figureheads mush in, if there's mine left in there, so stuck on the talking point of a six years ago, it's the fine people hoax. Once again, Biden stuck to this. We're fine people. This is a guy who says Hitler's done some good things. I'd like to know what they are, the good things Hitler's done. That's what he said. This guy has no sense of American democracy. President Trump. Jake, both of you know that, sir, has been totally wiped out because when you see the sentence, it said 100% exoneration on this. So he just keeps thinking, Biden's face is legitimate shock. Because his mind cannot be in the now. He's looking at the moderators. Aren't you going to jump in? That story's been knocked out. He's legitimately, dimensionally shocked that they didn't pop in. That man's mind is set in some time in the past six years when this was plugged into whatever remains of his brain cells. He says he ran because of Charlottesville. He didn't run because of Charlottesville. He ran because it was his last chance, and he's not equipped to be president. You know it, and I know it. It's ridiculous. We have a debate. We're trying to justify his presidency. His presidency, without question, the worst president, the worst presidency in the history of our country, we shouldn't be having a debate about it. There's nothing to debate. He made up the Charlottesville story, and you'll see it's debunked all over the place. Every anchor has, every reasonable anchor has debunked it. But just the other day it came out where it was fully debunked. It's a nonsense story. He knows that. And he didn't run because of Charlottesville. He used that as an excuse to run. I'm told you agree. Figurehead Biden's face there says everything about the emptiness of the soul of Washington, D.C. They're still plugged into. This is all very, very normal. They're still plugged into. We can con the people to convince them that this is all very, very normal. They're still plugged into that while the culture is showing all the signs, all the signs of a nation that's been driven into decline from the abortion women and the fetish abortion women up to the fake church of the Star Wars guy up to Jordan Peterson who thinks he's going to use this incredible inlet God gave him to study his way into the creator of the universe. Things that we can control are these. If you're going to reject your faith or reject the Bible, know what you're rejecting. You cannot reject God based upon a book. You can only reject God based upon working with him and his people. They're not willing to take that step. You're making a decision absent experience. And those of us know in real life, that's never wise, to make a decision based in absolute absence of experience. If we do that, we're just as empty faced as figurehead Biden just was. This is the Todd Herman show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally, but don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. America, we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 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