The Todd Herman Show

The Joe Biden Debacle and CNN’s huge mistake Ep-1689

We have to talk about the absolute debacle of the Biden vs Trump debate. Surprisingly CNN did a good job moderating but they did make a huge mistake. The people who run Joe Biden must be kicking themselves right now. Or maybe they're not. Let’s talk about it.

What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 28:16 ESV A ruler who lacks understanding is a cruel oppressor, but he who hates unjust gain will prolong his days.
Matthew 20:25-28 ESV  
But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
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29 Jun 2024
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Granger, for the ones who get it done. - This just came over me. It's just literally just thinking about how open the show. And this literally just came over me. I was just hearing the EIB bump music in my head. And I literally just heard the music rolling and Russia didn't even say anything. Just opening the bike and go, (laughing) I told you so. My goodness, there are people like Mika Brzezinski. She hasn't yet given up on the figurehead. She says that he's lost so much. He's been through so much pain, so much more pain than all other people. But nearly everyone else is ready to punt. We'll go through the people who are ready to punt some of the moments from the debate. And my overall take on this, I think CNN did a far better job moderating, in fact, a fair job. I think they're game makers, blew it. I think the people who run Joe Biden blew it by not having a studio audience there. I think it was a huge misstep for them. A lot of us didn't like that. Why did Trump to be able to perform? I think that was a massive difference maker. We'll talk about this with the help of our YouTube channel. Free video clips for everybody as we try to reach a new generation. It is, the Todd Herman Show. Thank you, Lord, that we've not yet been canceled there, although we have one of two strikes already. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. Woke up really super early this morning. I had, last night, the pleasure of getting to chat with a colleague in media. Far younger woman than me, she and her father came over to the studio, gotten to know her dad. I just got to know her last night. And it was just turned into a great conversation about direction and trusting God. So I rather enjoyed that. In fact, I deeply enjoyed visiting with both of them. So I did not watch the debate live. I listened on the radio to my home. (laughing) And I tuned in just as they were talking about golf. And I don't know what to think about golf. I think a little handicap's good, right? I think it is. The higher the handicap, the worse you are at golf. And I'm thinking, okay, first of all, to how many people does this translate? And then I heard the figurehead say, "How happy I'd be glad to have a driving contest with him." I know nothing about golf. I know this. If you consistently have problems walking upstairs and consistently fall down on stage and fall down on your bicycle and wear lift shoes, no, you're not going to have a driving contest with President Trump who plays golf all the time. Has, by the way, his own golf courses. I have no idea if Trump's a good golfer or not, no idea. I know he's won some club championships. I don't even know what that means. I mean, I've won workouts against friends and I'm not great at CrossFit. So I don't know how that translates. But I listened to that and this occurred to me. Now, let's just imagine something behind the scenes and I'll get into why I think CNN made this mistake with not having this live audience and why I think a lot of us probably miscalculated this. I was upset that we weren't going to have a live audience. I'm picturing the behind the scenes event at the White House where someone made the decision to not shoot the figurehead up. Because I think evidence will show during state of the unions, during debates, he's been juiced. And people have said, hey, it's vitamin B12. Okay, fine. You usually shoot that up the day in advance, maybe that morning and do that intravenously a bunch of that. I've had that and it's pretty nuts. It's really helpful. Then the Adderall. Now, the Adderall would come like a couple hours before, the focus drug. And I had this, I'm sticking with them behind the scenes where someone said, and I think I know who said it. I think someone told the figurehead because he doesn't get outside his information bubble. You know Jill's controlling the TV like we would do with the kids. Nope, nope, nope, nope, no HBO. Turn the HBO off, but I'll cancel that TV. Wait, you're watching that on Netflix? Nope, that's why Netflix is gone. You know she protects him from actual TV covers. Probably got, they had a fake White House across the street. They probably have fake TV. They probably have fake CNN for him or fake and he turns it on and he's great. I think someone told him, they think you'd take drugs. I don't need drugs to go confront that Romney character, what's his name? Jim Rockefeller. So I'm just imagining this, the figurehead refusing to take the drugs. And then the people who panic at that, the people who are invested in the figurehead sticking around. I then imagined the people who want the figurehead tossed because you know there were those people beforehand. Thank don't give us drugs, don't give us drugs, don't give us drugs, so maybe they gave him a placebo. And then the other people said, no put out of all in the ice cream, something happened. I tend to think it was Hunter. Dad, they think you're a drug addict. I mean it's obvious Dad, when I watch you, I know what it's like to be, I know what it's like to be completely geeked. It looks, don't let them do this. Just go be your, 'cause you know, his mind's cooked. The absence of the studio audience. I think this made President Trump more effective in a way. He loves to entertain, he loves to amaze the audience, he loves to amuse, he likes to receive adoration from crowds. He likes to receive attention, it fills him. That wasn't there, it wasn't available. So we got instead a focused, somewhat bored president Trump, but we got something else. Absence the crowd. We got a president Trump who looked legitimately baffled. At some of the things, figurehead Biden was struggling to say. I believe, I saw in President Trump's eyes, actual compassion for the figurehead. And I think that happened because I'm watching Trump, watch this man try to put a sentence together. And his face is going back and forth to President Trump. And at one point, we'll get to this clip. I looked at that and said, wait, he's not taking a political shot. That's not a political shot, that's a human comment. That's human comment. May have been the caring and fairness thing. I'm not saying he planned it that way. It may have been the thing that caused some moderates who thought they couldn't vote for Trump to look at that and go, wow, he sees it too. Whoever advised President Trump to not take shots at his intellect, master stroke, but there's something else Trump said that I think is the most important thread throughout this debate, because it's not something I can feel. And when he said it, I thought, wow, I don't feel that and I should. I really should. So here they were alone in the studio, the lights, the stage, and they've got the buttons on their mics and they can see when their mics are being turned off and it's just that sort of setting. Last night we knew this conversation. I have my friends over here, Nikki and Dirk are their names. And we met in the studio, went downstairs and toured the music studio and Dirk was a studio musician for a long time. And back to be great guitar player. So of course, he sees these incredible guitars on the wall and instantly goes and grabs one. I'm like, dude, those aren't mine. I don't know if you're allowed to grab those, but if anyone knows how to play guitars, Dirk. And then we came up to our little studio and we sat down. So when we walked in, I had no fear of funk, no fear that we're in here five, six hours a day. In fact, it was Thursday when they came in. So we would have been in like eight, nine hours the past two days, no fear of funk. I had just come from home and I just gotten done with this workout. I did not smell great, no fear of that, kind of wiped off at home. But I had the OXI Leaf 2 operating in the background. No one heard it. I simply pointed out, hey, do you notice the smell in here? Yeah, it smells like thunderstorm, right, it does. That's the OXI Leaf 2 thunderstorm device. It's not an air filter, so it's not loud, it's not costly. You don't have to constantly replace the filters. It produces ozone, which just destroys molecules that make bad smells from pets, particularly. In fact, they have a pet guarantee. Pet stink guarantee, just buy these. You get whole home coverage for less than two to bucks. It's a $200 savings three of these devices. They will guarantee you flat out 100% guarantee. If it does not get rid of the pet stink, you get your money back and they're not gonna ask any questions about it. Go to, use promo code TOD3, that's TOD3. Get 200 bucks off this and get whole home coverage. Breathe the breath of fresh air again., use code TOD3, also for the $200 savings and the pet stink guarantee. This is this moment that if I believe, I believe if there was a studio audience there, I believe President Trump would have been through the character of who he is who God made him. I believe he would have clowned this. I believe it would have been difficult for him to not clown it and to maybe even mock the figurehead. But because of the setting where the game makers at CNN aired, where the people who run Joe Biden aired, President Trump was not drawing energy from the crowd. He wasn't drawing energy. There was no energy to be drawn. He's next to, God forgive me the phraseology, but he's next to someone who's effectively a mental corpse. This moment. - When we get to the total ban, the total initiative relative to what we're gonna do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. - President Trump? - I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either. Look, we'll. - That's, if you look at President Trump, he's actually engaged in active listening. He's actually leaning over to the figurehead, listening to him and his face becomes sad and confused. And he says, actually, I've had no idea what he said at the end of that sentence. And then that phrase, I don't think he does either. That could seem like a shot. It doesn't seem like a shot. It seems sad. And President Trump would play on and repeat a theme throughout the night. And that theme was, I would rather not be here. I wish he was a great president. We'll get to this. But put yourself in the mind of someone who's been told that Trump is literally orange shittler, that human moment. Am I the one who sees that? Another instance. This is just Biden absolutely blues grading. And I go back to this discussion in my mind, thinking about the White House. Hey, the boss won't take his pills. He won't take his shots. He won't take his B-16 and he won't take his Adderall. And that debate, this debate had to occur, put the Adderall in his ice cream, put it in his milk, wipe it on his milk toast, whatever. Make Jill give it to him. She's a doctor of something, not medicine and not an actual doctor, but we call her doctor and let her shoot him up. While he's sleeping, this moment. - Oven, excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with, if we finally beat Medicare. - Thank you, President Biden, President Trump. - Well, he's right, he did beat Medicare, beat it to death and he's destroyed. - I mean, that's a shot. But again, the look on President Trump's face is active listening. When you are with a dementia patient, what are the things you don't do is rush them if you have a functioning soul? And I can remember my mom coaching me when we would go see the aunties. Three of the aunties were horribly mean people. The fourth was nice and she was also ambulatory. They're the three were in bed in mean and I used to say to my mom, they must be mean cuz they're in bed all day. It's just, no, they've been mean their whole lives. So, but she would caution us, we're gonna go see the aunties. Remember, they're gonna take a long time to answer questions. They might not remember who you are. You don't need to remind them. If they ask, tell them, it doesn't matter. They're gonna die. We're just here to be kind. I just wanna see my aunties. And so I would sit there as they would misidentify us and just nod. I see President Trump doing this and again, I'm thinking through the minds of a moderate. Like, okay, it's sort of a political shot. You expect that, but I don't think you expect him politely listening. The top, if you're moderate. The topic of the border came up and there were things that didn't come up. Tragically, they both parties decided they didn't wanna talk about the COVID shots because all three parties are at fault. President Trump is at fault for turning the country over to Tony Fauci and President Trump was conned. He was rolled. I get it. He thought that 30 million Americans are gonna die 'cause that's what Fauci told him. So, he was rolled. But he still professes the shots are great. Figured, had Biden still professes they're great. CNN's done a minor bit of reporting on they're not always great, minor bits, but they're still pushing them. So there was no reason for them to talk about the injections other than the fact that it's going to continue to kill human beings for the next, I don't know how many decades or generations because it passes on generation to generation. So they didn't talk about that. They had to talk about the border. Well, let me rephrase that. They had to talk about our former southern border because we use accurate language on the show. We do not have a southern border. He decided to open up our border, open up our country to people that are from prisons, people that are from mental institutions in St. Asala, terrorists, we have the largest number of terrorists coming into our country right now, all terrorists, all over the world, not just-- Can we pause this for a second and restart it, Niana? If you're not watching the video service, let me explain something to you. By the way, you can get a free trial to the video service, seven days free to figure out if you like it, to read it, you're going to use it. If you're not going to use it, please don't pay for it. It's 26 days, 26 cents a day if you're going to use it. That's where you can wait for the little clips. I don't know if Niana is making a clip out of this or not. You're going to make a clip out of this for YouTube, okay? So that will be but it won't be the whole thing. Biden's face here, as Trump was actively listening to Biden and this is a sign of respect, literally Trump was turning his face towards the figurehead, trying to make sense of what he's saying, it looked polite. Biden, as Trump is speaking here, I'm watching his eyes and God has blessed me with one thing very clearly. That is, I get the setup here. I get what's going on. I can watch the staging. Biden is in his, in what's left of his mind, the mind left within mush. He's trying to memorize, trying to bring back what he's been told to say. It's clear as day on the man's face. - Decided to open up our border, open up our country to people that are from prisons, people that are from mental institutions in St. Asala, terrorists, we have the largest number of terrorists coming into our country right now, all terrorists, all over the world, not just in South America, all over the world, they come from the Middle East everywhere, all over the world, they're pouring in. And this guy just left it open and he didn't need legislation because I didn't have legislation. I said, close the border. We had the safest border in history. In that final couple of months of my presidency, we had, according to Border Patrol, who is great. And by the way, who endorsed me for president, but I won't say that, but they endorsed me for president. Brandon, just speak to him. But look, we had the safest border in history. Now we have the worst border in history. There's never been anything like it, and people are dying all over the place, including the people that are coming up in carotans. - President Trump, President Biden? - The only terrorist who's done anything across the border is one who came along and killed three under his administration, killed an al-Qaeda person coming in and his administration, killed three American soldiers, killed three American soldiers. That's the only terrorist that's there. I'm not saying that no terrorist ever got through with the idea that they're emptying their prisons. We're welcoming these people, and it's simply not true. There's no data to support what he said. Once again, he's exaggerating, he's lying. - President Trump, I'm staying on the topic. - There's the response, then look on the figurehead's face. At the end of that, it's anger directed at the moderator. He is not looking with those angry, dead black eyes at Trump. He's not looking at the camera. He's looking at the moderators. Because I think the figurehead expected the moderators to jump in and rescue him. When you're making a claim that terrorists have not made it across the border, there's no data to support that. It's helpful to have data. The border patrol, in fact, has come out and said, we have not endorsed President Trump or not endorsing anybody. People from the Border Patrol Union have endorsed President Trump, no doubt. The data is we continue to find people at the border who are on terrorist watch lists. The border was open with Barack Hussein Obama, and President Trump did everything he could to shut it down. He did try to lock it down, building fences, et cetera. The fact that someone made it across and then committed a murder, that that person was an al-Qaeda terrorist, clearly that's not President Trump's fault, it is the figureheads. Here's why, the major difference. The catch and release of people who come into a country, they're known felons, they're known suspected murderers and rapists from their own countries, and they're allowed to stay. They're found here, they get their criminal histories, they send them back. And people who are observing this on our side know this. President Trump began to lean into a caring and fairness mode. I would love it if in the next debate, President Trump leaned further into that. You know, the terrorists are coming over, the criminals, the rapists, we all see the news. You know what else is sad though? Is the coyotes, the human traffickers who bring in people, 'cause they don't care about these people, you have children dying, if the children are slow, they just leave them in the desert to die. Nothing about this is caring or fair. Thomas Friedman, writing at the New York Times. This is the headline. Thomas Friedman died in the wool leftist. President Biden is my friend, period. He must bow out of the race. June 28th, 2024, 157 a.m. Eastern time. That piece gets published. God knows when Friedman wrote it. There are other instances of this we'll get to because it is very, very clear right now that there is panic and even some resolution on the side of leftists that this can't continue and something needs to change. - At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - So they continued on the topic of immigration during the debate after President Trump had this moment. Once again, I think a human moment. Overall, my big takeaway from this is the game makers at CNN and the DNC, they really messed up, putting Trump in a room with no audience. - A young woman who just was murdered and he went to the funeral, the idea that-- - Okay, pause, pause, just, and we'll restart this now, and we'll restart this. Even the part of the brain that exists within the mush, the political instincts, he just admitted that President Trump went to the funeral. You don't go around admitting nice things about that. You don't about your opponent, you don't go around doing that and the figure had just did it. - A young woman who just was murdered and he went to the funeral, the idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in and they talk about that, but here's the deal. There's a lot of young women to be raped by their in-laws, by-- by their dads, by their meth-head uncles, by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by, oh, it's just ridiculous and they can do nothing about it and they try to arrest them on their cross-state lines. - Thank you. - There have been many young women murdered by the same people he allows to come across our border. We have a border that's the most dangerous place anywhere in the world, consider the most dangerous place anywhere in the world, and he opened it up and-- - That man's response to the fact that the people who run him have a policy of allowing MS-13 gang members into the country, MS-13's motto. I'm trying to remember it because I walk around thinking about it all the time, of course, 'cause I want those thoughts on my mind. I think it's rape, murder, torture, kill, something like that, those words are in it, that they actually, this is a motto. And they catch these people, they know who they are, they've got the gang tattoos, they've got the IDs, they've got facial recognition, okay, well, you can go. And now they go and they commit these murders and rapes and yes, it's been a week where we've had two or three week, it seems, there was just another one. And the illegal immigrant just shot up some people in a restaurant, killed two people in a restaurant, just in mass shooting and just got reported this morning. - So the figure that's responses is, yeah, well, cousins, rape cousins and sometimes dads, and you can't do a thing about it, and, you know, wow. And those of us who've heard or read Ashley Biden's diary about her dad popping into the shower with her. So she's showered late at night because she wasn't sure it was appropriate, or we see that she went to, not just treatment for chemical addiction, but sex addiction, we saw Hunter Biden's sex addiction, with him buying the bodies of women and it sure as heck looks like, buying and renting the bodies of girls, it sure looks like that, or getting, God help me, in bed, naked, it seems, with a young, perhaps even under age, family member, female, the figure had trying to justify it that way. The talk of the border continued. - Oh, did you fire anybody? Did you fire anybody that's on the border, that's allowed us to have the worst border in the history of the world? Did anybody get fired for allowing 18 million people, many from prisons, many from mental institutions? Did you fire anybody that allowed our country to be destroyed? Joe, our country is being destroyed as you and I sit up here and waste a lot of time on this debate. This shouldn't be a debate. He is the worst president. He just said about me because I said it. But look, he's the worst president in the history of our country. He's destroyed our country. - It's difficult to say that he hasn't, and there at the end, there's the Biden smirk. The Biden smirk during a conversation about gang members being allowed to come into this country and rape and kill. Being allowed to not just come in, but then stay once they're caught. We did the New York Times, Thomas Friedman. Headline was President Biden's a friend of mine. He must bow out of the race. This is from the spokesman review. Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho newspaper, which is run by solid, complete Democrats, leftists. Headline, an unmitigated disaster. Local political experts weigh in on debate between Democratic GOP front-writers Biden Trump. Unmitigated disaster. And again, from a newspaper which is solidly leftist, Fox News poll, who won the debate? Biden, 33% President Trump, 67%. Now this could be a very clever plan from the people who run Joe Biden to set this up so there's a rope-a-dope thing so that now Trump thinks, okay, that's it. They're not going to give him his drugs anymore. So now they can create a comeback story. Joe Biden is the comeback kid because now you have Joe Scarborough saying he should bow out. You have many people in MSNBC CNN saying the same thing. Van Jones saying it. So then they could now drug the figurehead, fill him up with his Adderall, fill him up with his B12 shots, whatever. Hunter's cocaine, whatever. He comes back and imagine the story. Joe Biden's the comeback kid. Everybody thought he was down. President Trump thought Adam Beat, not tonight as Joe Biden shows up utterly juiced. But right now they're having to turn to Kamie Harris. (laughs) To clean things up. That's the back bench. Vice President Harris of some criticism about President Biden's performance last night, some statements, CNN called it slow and halting. Van Jones, a colleague of yours, said it may be time to look at a replacement President Trump Biden will allow it. He should look at a replacement. Thomas Friedman, a friend, a personal friend of President Biden, said he should bow out. What is your response? (laughs) It was a debate. (laughs) I don't think she ever says no to her drugs. I don't even know that they spent much time on the economy. The figure had tried to pretend that he's brought hundreds of billions of trillions back into the economy, but I don't think they spent that much time on it. Again, who can really, really turn to anything in our economy and say if it makes any sense? We got this video coming next week. This guy, I love that. We based our show on this guy. So if someone on Twitter, well TikTok, and it got posted to Twitter, he was shopping at for his groceries. And he noticed, he was going back through his history. He was going back through his history, looking at prices and his Walmart account. And he found a feature on by the whole order again. So he said, oh, that's cool. So here is this order and I'm quoting by memory, it costs like 126 bucks. He hit the buy again and before he purchased it, he noticed it was $426. The same items in the same amounts. So he posted this, Janet Yellen, who is the boss lady of the Secret of the Treasury, her net worth is 20 million bucks. She was asked, hey, do you go to the grocery? She said, oh yeah, every day, no you don't. No, Janet Yellen doesn't go to the grocery store. Yeah, every day. Stick her shock, isn't it? She goes, no, no. Well, in her defense, I wasn't noticing either. Until my wife said, Todd, I really don't think you know how expensive groceries are. So take that as an example. Your retirement account is based upon needing to eat. Right? I mean, you intend to eat in retirement. You intend to have things like fuel, right? Your retirement account is based upon some data now on what things cost. In an inflationary environment, your 5, 10, 15 year retirement plan might be a maybe retire 50 years from now if you're not dead, based upon inflation. This is why Zach K. Brehm, chief investment officer at Bullard Capital Management calls inflation the silent assassin of retirement plans. See if it works. Now you do not have to respond to this with panic or you, there are ways to hedge against inflation. In fact, Zach K. Brehm, at Bullard Capital Management actively manages every single portfolio which could reduce risk and volatility. And it also allows him to put us in because he manages most of our money. So put us in inflationary assets. There are things we want to own in an inflationary environment. So that we benefit from inflation the way the big bosses do that also then neutralizes some of the hits against our retirement accounts. That's not just that. Zach hedges everything. That's part of risk management for him. Go to and do this. Simply ask for a free consultation. They will do that. You'll talk directly with Zach, maybe some of his advisors, but absolutely directly with Zach. And he'll tell you, are you set up or not?, Bullard Capital Management Investment Advisor Representative, a Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance is not necessarily guarantee future results. They did in fact talk about golf. Thank you for asking. - Just take a look at what he says he is and take a look at what he is. Look, I'd be happy to have a driving contest with him. Maureen, I got my handicap, which when I was vice president down to a six. And by the way, I told you before I'm happy to play golf if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it? - That's the biggest lie to me. - Carry your own bag. Dude, this is just a more polite version of, shut up, fuck! Remember that? Give you a push up contest. Yeah, pushing up what? Your trousers. And President Trump at this point just started to laugh. Hi Andy, cap down to a six. Remember this, this is the same Biden. Yeah, I just, that Roger Stoback was a good character. And he needed to play ball. I had a future in politics. So I bowed out, 'cause I didn't, I wanted him to have first chairs quarterback and his Stoback, he turned out to be okay. - I don't know golf. I think a six is a pretty low handicap that sounds like a pro golfer level to me. So Trump is smirking. Be glad to play golf with you if you carry your own bags. Think you can do that? You can't walk up steps. Joe, Jill, guides you. Brock Hussein Obama grabbed your wrist. Okay, Joe, yeah, yeah, it screams over here. - A six handicap of all. - How is it, eight handicap? - Yeah. - Eight, but I have, you know, I mean, I've seen it this way, I know this way. - Okay, let's go to the number like children. - President Trump, we're going to the number one. - Let's not act like children. - Oh, my gosh, I missed that last time. - That's Donald Trump saying, let's not act like children. And at this point, what's your name? Dana Bash, who said it was bad for the country that President Trump remained on the ballot. Unfortunate that the Supreme Court actually made the Constitution. Let's refocus on this. No, let's not. You know what? I could see a future golf talk with Don and Jill. - Sir, that voters have about you. Will you pledge tonight that? - You know what the pledge is going to be right. The pledge was, will you pledge tonight to accept the election results no matter who wins? President Trump's response was brilliant. He said, as long as it's a fair election, legal election, the last one was not beautiful results. And then he said, I really want to be able to do that. I wish I could have accepted the last results. I couldn't. That's such a good response. He did so well in this. And more bite. - You want us to get away with it? You get rid of the ability of Medicare to the ability to for the us to be able to negotiate to our price with a big pharma companies. Well. - He wants, okay, no one knows. And by the way, if you're not watching the video service, you're not seeing his eyes. Those are black weird eyes. Am I wrong? Niana, I'm not wrong. Those are black weird black eyes. Those are weird eyes. There was more. - President Biden, you would be 86 at the end of your second term. How do you address concerns about your capability to handle the toughest job in the world well into your 80s? - Well, first of all, I've been half my career being criticized being the youngest person in politics. I was the second youngest person. Okay, that's so bad because now you're reminding people, ah, I've been doing this forever. I was, you know, when we just first started thinking of how to make money out of politics, I was right there at the very beginning. I got my feet wet. I got in on the top of the pyramid. I was like the third guy in Amway. - We're elected United States Senate and now I'm the oldest. This guy's three years younger and a lot less competent. I think that just look at the record. Look at what I've done. Look how I've turned around the horrible situation he left me. As I said, 15 million new jobs, 800,000 manufacturing jobs, more investment in America. Over millions, billions of dollars in private investment in enterprises that we are growing. We've, by the way, we've brought awful lot of people, the whole idea. (laughing) - The whole idea that this is about age, it's never been about age. Where this got, it's about obviously mental competence, where this got so close to culture. I mean, golf, okay. Where it got so close to culture, and I want to respond to this, we might skip ahead a little bit here now. Is the discussion in regards to abortion. I want to compare this to an only fans approach to abortion. And let's look at the Biden base, after we look at some of the discussion on abortion that occurred during the debate. Okay, and this is going to give people headaches. It will, it's a very, very difficult thing to hear. It is. And it's also difficult to make a decision to end using something that you've counted on. It is. Like, I remember when I finally had to throw away the quilt. This is true. My aunt made me a quilt years ago. And I don't know what got into her. She's a sweet lady, she's a dear lady, but she's not someone who does this. And one year at Christmas, she gave me this quilt. And I love homemade things. So I kept that quilt for way, way, way too long. And finally someone I think probably, it might have been my current wife. My current wife, my wife. My girlfriend at the time is my wife now. So it might have been my wife who's on the live stream. My yes, current wife and still wife. And yeah, I'm all to used to be a wife. So I, no, I'm just over there, like, okay, so you've got the Biden brain. So I'm talking, no, but I'm trying to remember the quilt thing and who said to get rid of it? That's how I got all mushy-brained. And it was not even a pretty quilt, but it was an effective, well, it was kind of pretty. But no, when someone came and said that you, you let that touch your skin. What are you talking about? After a while, you can clean things and they don't clean anymore. Like, look at this. I don't know who it was. It wasn't my wife. Someone else came over and said that, oh, oh. This is so bad. I can't even believe I forgot this. I had my sister come and stay in my apartment and she had a boyfriend with her and they spent the night. And so I slept on the couch out of respects and I cleaned the bedroom. I cleaned and told clean sheets, everything. It was my sister. Oh my gosh. She said, you kept this quilt or ant made? Yeah, you let that touch your skin. We, Todd, we put that in the closet. We slept with our coats on. What are you talking about? It's a fine call. Todd, that's a 20-year-old quilt. Sometimes you just got to get rid of things. That was what it was. You got to get rid of the ibuprofen in your life. That was my security blanket. It was, hey, I got to work out tomorrow, but I'm so sorry. Or never mind, I'll take ibuprofen at night and in the morning. I did that. That was my security blanket. No, I cannot miss this training session. So I'm going to take the ibuprofen at night and in the morning. I did this to myself. Thank God, the Lord protected my liver and my kidneys and my heart because ibuprofen just destroys those things. It destroys your gut lining. And when your gut lining is destroyed, particles get into your blood that don't belong there. When they get into your blood, particles that don't belong there, they cause inflammation. Oh, wait. I thought you were getting rid of inflammation. No, you're getting rid of the symptoms. Native path krill actually gets rid of the inflammation. It protects your heart, your brain, your immune system, your liver. It is, in terms of immune support, it is 60% more absorbable than vitamin C. Twice as absorbable as fish-based omega-3s because krill is a crustacean. Then it comes from the cleanest waters in the world. That's the Antarctic. You can try this. You can, in fact, toss the ibuprofen. All you need to do is go to That's it. goes see which specials they have for you this week. Where this got up to the edge of culture was on this topic of abortion. Again, the governor, former governor of Virginia, put the baby down, then we decide what to do with it. So he's willing to, as we say, rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month and kill the baby. Nobody wants that to happen. Democrat or Republican. Nobody wants it to happen. No line. That is simply not true. The Roe v. Wade does not provide for that. That's not the circumstance. Only woman's life is in danger. She's going to die. Roe v. Wade never puts a limit on only for the woman's life. That's the way it was sold. Safe and rare. Of course, now that's changed. That's the only circumstance once that can happen. But we are not for late-term abortion, period. Okay, now he may not be because this would be a switch. President Trump is right and his campaign will come out and they will show this atrocious video. It's videotaken of a radio interview where the former governor, the bag man, bag man, McAuliffe was asked, are there any limits to when a woman should have an abortion? What about when the baby can live? What about when the baby is viable? What about when it's the baby's born and he refused to have any limit? Refused. A born baby. Yeah, killed the baby as long as the umbilical cords attached or something. That happened. A figurehead Biden might not know this. And the way this is being patched is a Biden, he departs the Democrats on abortion because now he's not into late-term abortion. Period, period. Under Roe v. Wade, you have late-term abortion. You can do whatever you want, depending on the state. You can do whatever you want. We don't think that's a good thing. We think it's a radical thing. We think the Democrats are the radicals, not the Republicans. Very, very smart way to put it. Never forget this. In the state of Maryland, there was an attempt to codify into law, making it legal to starve a baby to death, to not feed the baby. Being the baby home, you go, you know what? This was a bad idea. We don't want to be parents. Don't feed the baby. They tried to make that law. Politics, as Andrew Breitbart told us, swims upstream of culture. Okay, here's culture. These women are no doubt going to rush out and vote for figurehead Biden. They're doing a podcast together. The topic comes up of abortion. The lady who's going to do the speaking that's going to really, really hurt your heart is, well, she's got one side of her head shaved, pink hair, some tats. Listen here to this. Between the two having experienced both, I'm very much like, you know what? The surgical one was pretty big girl. I did it without the anesthesia. Well, local anesthesia, I didn't go under. Like, I stayed awake. I wanted the whole experience of it. I'm like, I want to look into your face when you're sucking that out of my body. That's kind of hot. Why is that hot? Well, I'm like up in frickin' stirrups, and I'm just like 21 and just like, mmm. They look really good, or they pulled that dead baby out of it. Yeah, you know, this could be a fetish. Wait a minute. Vacuum the whole thing out. Wait a minute. Does abortion spa also have an only fan? Only fans' abortions to help women pay for their fucking abortions. If people are into that, there's a fetish for that. They watch bloody fucking guts come out of a ****. See, somebody's into that. Is this how we make abortions okay in capitalism? Is this because we've got to find a way to not only, you know, the doctors are getting paid, and it's safe, and that, yes, yes, but also, let's feed it back into the machine. They like it's the only fans going. Only fans paying insurance companies. You know that there's somebody that would ***** to watching a **** dead baby come out of it. The **** I'm thinking about it the more I'm really looking forward to porn 30 today. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We don't have any abortions. I'm so sorry. We need to create an animated fetish subgenre of abortion porn. If you're thinking of it, there's got to already be a porn. Well, it's probably on like the deep web. I have to go like looking on tour for it. Oh, it's there. That's the base. It's the base. De-based. The Bible is very clear on leadership and who leaders should be. Proverbs, chapter 28 verse 16. A ruler who lacks understandings, a cruel oppressor, but he who hates unjust gain will prolong his days. Not always. And sometimes people who love unjust gain live a long time. Look at the figure at Biden. Matthew, chapter 20, 25 through 28. But Jesus called them and said to him and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lorded over them, and their great ones exercised authority over them. It shall not be among you, but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the son of man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give us life as a ransom for many." Everything we saw last night from the figurehead was entitlements, all of it. He's entitled to that position, entitled to no studio audience, entitled to say what he wants to say, entitled to show up, well, not ill-prepared, because he was obviously very rehearsed. But to be cognitively in decline and we're not to pay attention to it. And lording it over others, laughing. At the topic of girls and women being raped and murdered by illegal immigrants, he lows into this country, President Trump showed a human side. I'm not saying it's not always been there, but it's not always been evident. CNN made a gross mistake. They're game makers. The DNC made a gross mistake. A lot of us who criticized the decision to not have an audience made a gross mistake because we saw another side of President Trump. We saw executive Trump. We saw human Trump. And with Biden, we saw the same thing, not the executive because he's not one. We saw his humanity, broken, cracked, decrepit, and instinctually corrupt. May God help America as we roll into this election season because there's this. They may well wash Biden out, but then what? What's the mechanism for putting Gavin Newsom in? Because that would be what they'd want to do. Certainly not Cammy Harris. If they get that across the goal line, does that mean that they won't need to do election fraud? No. See, they think that when either way, may God rescue America, this is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind. Please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ.