The Todd Herman Show

SCOTUS just neutered itself and castrated the First Amendment. PLUS- California Is Losing HOLLYWOOD- AND, Elon Musk Ep-1686

Believe it or not, California is actually losing members of the Hollywood elite. Jillian Michaels is leaving California. She's a fitness influencer who achieved fame on The Biggest Loser TV show. We'll talk about some other people who are waking up to what California is and how important it is that we are there to help them, to embrace them, to celebrate not just the red pilling, but the fact that they may well escape spiritual captivity. I think it's very difficult to not be a spiritual captive in California. We'll also talk about Elon Musk. He is saying out loud on his own platform that in fact, they are attempting to rig an election. Bu,t will Twitter be the place where we can learn the truth about COVID? Because I know we can't count on YouTube. In the UK, things are changing. They're backing away from the safe and effective law. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Jeremiah 9:3 ESV  
They bend their tongue like a bow; falsehood and not truth has grown strong in the land; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not know me, declares the Lord.
John 1:1-5 NIV
The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
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28 Jun 2024
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America. We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By honoring your sacred vocation of education, you impact your family, your friends, and your community. At Grand Canyon University, our online bachelors, masters, and doctoral education degree programs allow you to balance online coursework with observational and hands-on experience in the field. Find your purpose at GCU, private, Christian, affordable. Visit Morning and good afternoon, good evening, whatever. I know it's time-shifted. People can do whatever they want. If you're joining us live, I'm in the chat room with you. Hello. Good morning. Thank you for doing that. It's definitely one day we might need to experiment with actually making the live show available out there on the entire area of rumble. In other words, not just our subscribers, because we're capping out. Terms of subscribers joining us. If you haven't yet done that, you can get a seven-day free trial of our total video coverage. That's and also go see if you like hanging out in the chat room together. Yesterday, doing live radio on AFR on 180 stations, I got to respond to the SCOTUS deciding to castrate itself and to, in fact, just completely muter itself and castrate the First Amendment. That's what they did. You can color this up any way you'd like. You can use fancy lawyer talk for this, but what they did is unconscionable. It's a sign of this. We're on our own, except we're not, because God has warned us about times such as these. Let us not trust in chariots and horses, even if they're ridden by the rock ribbed conservative constructionist originalist, pardon me, John Roberts or Amy Coney Barrett, rock ribbed originalist. We'll talk about that. Plus, California is losing members of the Hollywood elite. We need to welcome the members of the Hollywood elite, their souls and their views. Plus, Elon Musk has come right out and said the election is being rigged right before our eyes. It is. We'll talk about all of this with the help of God Almighty. Thank you, Lord, for making it all possible. Here's the emerald city exile. God hurt man. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live in speaking of God Almighty. The United States Supreme Court in a six to three decision has said the following. Ain't no courts in America that has standing to help you if the government is censoring your speech. So long as they're clever and use partners. So the phrase joint state actor, that's a real phrase. It means that the government has deputized a private group to become a joint state actor. When that happens, that joint state actor is an adjunct of government. They've been given effective government powers. When that happens, they can be treated like government. When the government decided to go to social media companies and pressure them, cajole them, or in the case of Twitter and others, I'm sure we know in the case of Twitter to pay them money to censor the speech of free Americans, Twitter became a joint state actor. It was the government suppressing speech. We in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution are guaranteed the right to free speech. It shall not be attacked. It cannot be overcome by government because it is a right that exists because we are born from God. And God values speech and I'll prove it. In John chapter one, verses one through five, the apostle John here speaking about the Lord Jesus and a name the Lord Jesus was given by God. In the beginning was the word. The word was with God and the word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him, all things were made. Without him, nothing was made that has been made. In him was life and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. Beautiful, beautiful opening to one of the most beautiful chapters of the Bible and Jesus is given the name the word. God values speech. He gave it to us. It's one of the things that delineates us from other creations of the Lord. We speak. Yes, I know they're animals who communicate. They don't write. God decided to put his word in writing. Through human beings for sure, the law came down the hill from Moses. Moses received it from God. He transcribed it. He and Aaron taught it to us, wrote it down so that it would never be forgotten. Jesus has said that not a sentence in his word will pass from the earth and it won't. Our words are an extension of our conscience. Well, if we're honest people, we speak from our conscience. It's a bridge way to God. The government cannot legally censor our speech. Yes, I know about the firehouse thing, yelling fire in a crowded movie theater and to this point, I've said, okay, no more. I'm a free speech absolutist. If you threaten to kill someone, you're threatening to commit a crime that's different. You get to speak it, but you have to pay the consequences. So in the state of Missouri and others went to the Supreme Court with proof that the government had gone to social media companies and had paid them, cajoled them, threatened them, pressured them with the implicit taking away of a waiver they shouldn't have. That's section 230. That's what means that Twitter and Facebook and YouTube cannot be sued the same way I could be sued. If I libled someone on this program and they decided to sue me, the only thing I'd have between me and financial ruin is an LLC. Since the show is done under my LLC, that would be fairly easy to pierce to come and get me and everything I own. Can't do that with Twitter or YouTube because they're just a platform. They just host whatever people put up. They're basically a phone company. That's the argument. Of course they're not, they're publishers. They decide what is promoted and what is hidden. The one story, you can just go to one story, the Hunter Biden laptop. That was a myth created by government and retired intelligence officials. Everybody knew it was a lie. It was used to get warrants to spy on Americans illegally. The FISA court run by John Robertson knows it was a lie. One junior lawyer has paid what they slap on the wrist. It was banned in media, banned. That is an abridgement of speech that the founders would never ever sponsor ever because there's also the freedom of the press, not just of our speech, but of the press. So when Missouri and others went to the Supreme Court with this proof, look what the government did. The federal government didn't just ban the speech and suppress the speech of free Americans. They suppressed the speech of political opponents. And the 63 majority said, sorry, the standing doctrine says, ain't nothing we can do. You'll have to find another way to address this. They will. When you take the first amendment to the United States Constitution and you show people that the government gets to do whatever it wants, history shows us people will find another way to deal with it. Is the Supreme Court actually, actually willing to light this, this fuse? We've been shown they can regulations. Texas went to that same Supreme Court and Texas's argument was this. Many states change the election rules illegally. The Constitution says in races for federal office, when those elections are carried out by the states, it will be the legislative bodies of the states that make the rules. That's what it says. When secretaries of state at the last minute say, yeah, we don't really need ID. Yeah, mail-in ballots are fine. Drop boxes are cool. We can accept ballots after the date of the election. After all, there's a terrible flu. Texas came and said those actions being illegal negated or may have negated the votes of Texans who voted a different way. They took debt to the Supreme Court. Now, the Supreme Court couldn't have looked at the facts of the case and come back and said, no, Texas, you weren't damaged. You weren't damages. No proof that the election was stolen. They didn't do that. They said, golly, golly, golly. We got no standing. A body, the Supreme Court, and this was prior to the John Roberts era that decided in the original interstate commerce clause case, they decided this, that a farmer who said, I don't want to deal with the federal government. Therefore, I will only sell my goods, my crops, in the state of Iowa. I'm from Iowa. I'm selling in Iowa. I'm not going across state lines. I refuse to sell outside of the state of Iowa. That case was decided by the Supreme Court on behalf of the federal government, how? They said, by deciding to not sell across state lines, you are selling across state lines. Not engaging in interstate commerce is engaging in interstate commerce. Not doing a thing is doing it. We are not on our own, but it would be a good time for us to be thankful to God because without Him, we would be in desperate trouble with Him. They're the ones. They're the ones who have taken the speech of the children of God and people created by God, not yet back in the family, and they have stolen it. God Himself never shut down free speech. He could have any time he wanted to, but the Lord Jesus walked the earth and debated with people. He did. The result of debate in inquiry is often progress. Our founders debated and debated and debated. What would you be the best form of government force? And they landed on a Democratic Republic. There was a time when scientists debated. What is the best path forward? And inventions have come from that. We've learned to harness many of the common blessings that God gave us, such as ozone., where you go use toe code, Todd three, that company learned to harness the power of ozone to create an air purifier. It's not a loud filter. Otherwise, we couldn't have it in the studio. It's running right there over on the wall. It doesn't suck air in. It puts ozone into the air. And those all three molecules bond to chemical, not chemicals, but bond to bad smelling molecules, like from cat boxes and wet dogs and cigarette smoke. And you just open up your RV. It's not been opened up already. Or you got kids living in college dorms, which can just stink like you wouldn't believe, or military dorms, which can also stink. Not the fault of anybody. It's just human nature. So we have this running at all times. And the bad smells are limited. It smells like there's been a fresh thunderstorm in our studio. So don't live with stink. In fact, here's a pet stink guarantee. Go to use code Todd three. Not only will you save $200 on whole home coverage with three of these devices, you also get the pet stank guarantee. If it doesn't eliminate the pet funk and stink, you get your money back. use code Todd three. That's T O D D three. Caring and fairness. These are two words I'm really, really stuck on because they're a way for us to recapture society in the debate coming up tonight. I hope President Trump is able to use the construct of caring and fairness. It's hard. It is particularly on really, really emotional things like this. Christopher Rufal reports that the prosecutor who's trying to in Paris and Texas Children's Hospital whistleblower, Dr. Ethan Haim got the facts wrong admitted she hadn't reviewed the evidence and falsely claimed that Haim had leaked children's names. This is a naked political prosecution. He's right. And this is from the City Journal, a piece by Rufal. According to a letter written by Haim's lawyers, assistant US Attorney Tina Ansari admitted she hadn't reviewed the purported evidence against him and instead was relying on what FBI agents told her. In the same discussion, Ansari insisted that the documents Haim sent to Rufal included children's names, but nothing in the documents Rufal saw identified any individuals all were redacted. The prosecutor then asked Haim to admit wrongdoing telling him that he should apologize to the families of the children who received so-called transgender medical interventions at Texas Children's Hospital. If you wanted to help, if you wanted her to help him avoid a felony prosecution, when this tactic failed, Ansari intimidated that the families or intimated that the families would sue if she didn't bring criminal charges. Christopher Rufal is too smart to receive information that would contain the names of children. He's far too smart for that. Ethan Haim is too well aware of HIPAA laws to have transmitted this, caring and fairness. If children are being harmed by having their bodies flooded with wrongsarks hormones and these surgeries, if they are being harmed, shouldn't doctors be able to speak out? Wouldn't it be unfair? When Texas Children's Hospital decided to continue to break the law, how is it fair that someone who reports law-breaking is then a criminal? Particularly when that person does it in a way that doesn't even identify the children. How is this fair? Do we really want a situation where when a hospital commits a crime and harms the bodies of kids, it is illegal to report that crime? Does that sound like America? Does that sound like caring for children and the outcomes of these surgeries and these hormonal treatments? That construct is difficult, but it's the construct that will welcome moderates to our side. Those the only two factors they care about in politics. It is not national security, it's not the economy, it's not crime, it's not authoritarianism, it's not liberty, it's caring and fairness. Those are the two lenses with which they view things, case in point, Jillian Michaels. Back in the day when my wife and I had a TV, we used to watch from time to time the show The Biggest Loser. In fact, there were two people from our city, our small little town in Western Washington, Des Moines, and yes, you do say the S. Please don't come to me and say it's Des Moines, it's not Iowa, there was a television commercial that ran back in the days of the first days of addressable cable with the mayor of Des Moines, Washington saying, we're Des Moines, Washington, say the last S. So you absolutely say the last S and don't tell me otherwise. There are two people from our small town who won that contest and then got married. I ran into them later and they had regained all their weight. It's in a hard work. It's very depressing because man, they really took that weight off, but not responsibly. Jillian Michaels got fame on that show. I guess she was an influencer before then. Jillian Michaels has been a well, Hollywood denison for a long time, not any longer. I grew up here. I'm a woman and a gay woman. My mom's a Jew. My dad's an Arab. I have a black kid and believe it or not, my son is half Latin, even though he doesn't look like it. I hold a million cards in your game of woke victimology poker. And when I leave California, maybe you've lost your mind, just maybe. Like when you, when you have me running from home, maybe it's gone way too far. What was the line? Like what was it? Girl, there's not enough time. And I actually take this line from Bill and Elon Musk and they're like, I actually haven't changed. The world around me is shifting and I haven't moved. So some of these laws that are passing here are absolutely f***ing mind boggling in relation to crime, protecting our kids. Like we're decriminalizing everything, which arguably I would probably be okay with, but we're not regulating any of it. Right. So it's like, okay, you're going to decriminalize sex work, but only so women can legally loiter on the streets, like not to keep them safe, not to have them pay taxes, not to make them, you know, regularly check for STDs, not to take away the pimps out of the equipment. It's the, like if you made that argument to me, it'd be like, well, yes, we want, of course. I mean, I could be liberal. I could go there with you, but I grew up this way. But when it's like, oh, and then what we're going to do is we're going to pass a law for LGBTQ rights so that 24 year old men can sleep with 14 year old boys and not have to register as a sex offender because it's just not fair to the gays. I'm like, what? It's what? Like, I don't know if you saw that one. That was like, I think early 2020, when they passed that law. And it's, I was like, if a 24 year old man touches my 14 year old son, oh, I will get it gone. Like how to send my own ads. Yes. Like, are you kidding? Or the fact that a 12 year old child can be put on off label cancer drugs to irreparably change their body. Again, if my son came to me and said, mom, my daughter, I think I'm trans. I'd say, okay, you know, like, you want to dress this way, you want me to call you, whatever the heck you want me to try, fine, explore it. I love you. I'm cool. Like, do you, as long as we're safe, but we're not changing your body until it's fully developed. I'm sorry. Conversations over. Can't get a **** tattoo. Exactly. It's insane. Like, I'm, I, I just can't, it's, it's madness. It's madness to me. I could go on and on and on and it's madness. I have a question for Jillian. And let me just pause here for a second. The question begins with why and how. It's a two-part question. So let me pause at that two-part question. Why and how? She talked about the so-called medical procedures. We just talked about this with Ethan Haim. That medicine so often has been used to abuse. I have a book and I'm just now beginning to read it. It's called, oh, gosh, now I've been created a subjected to science, subjected to science. And it's about the long time, long history of science being used to destroy people, to, to subject us to experiments without telling us. It's not just Tuskegee and it's not, quote, just the Holocaust is not those things. It's not, it's not limited to that. This has been done continually through society. And of course, you can call the transing of kids and experiment. It's not because everybody knows what it does. It's a movement. It's an effort to divide the country. It's an effort to invent a whole new kind of sub-race of human beings who are dependent upon government for their very, very self-image. It's brilliant. It's deeply evil. And when this happens, many, many doctors are waking up. And they're saying, I can't practice in this world. I met two such doctors when I was in Mexico, legends. One of them is an author of books that are perennially New York Times best sellers, like, like a sugar crush is his favorite of its books. The other guy sat on every possible professional board that a hematologist can be on blood doc. I mean, if you're a blood doc at that level on every single professional board that you could ever want to be on, you know things about the human body that I'm never going to learn. And frankly, most of us never are. They left the practice of insurance-backed medicine because they were no longer able to obey the Hippocratic Oath. First, you know, harm or to obey one of the implications of the Hippocratic Oath. Take the least invasive process possible. So if you are facing an invasive surgery or having to take invasive drugs to manage pain, you're being told that the only way out of arthritis is some surgery and maybe some more drugs or neurological issues you're facing. If you're in that situation, go where these docs went. I met them at Renew Healthcare in Mexico. I ended up talking with them for over two hours. We recorded it. And I'm having trouble making sense of the video and audio quality. I want you to see this. I may have these guys on if they'll come on the program. I want you to hear why they left and why they went there for treatment with the ethically gathered stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords. Why are they sending their patients there for treatment? Why? They could do any other thing. So they think it works or they wouldn't put it in their own bodies. Send your MRI results, get your doctor in touch with them, give them the data, make a decision, go to, tell them you heard it on the show or saw it on the Todd Herman Show. It's, There's a link to any of our partners in this show notes, To Jillian and Michael to have a question, how do you know this is wrong? Why are you speaking out now? Let's start with how. How do you know this is wrong? By what measure? Something in you snapped. Something in you could no longer sit in the state of California and say, "This is okay. You're right. The world changed. I don't know you, so you tell me you haven't. I'll trust you on that." What snapped? Your conscience. Why? What's in your conscience? Is there some special thing about you where you see this is wrong but these other people don't? Maybe there is. Maybe there is. Could it be that the conscience you have was given you by God? Could it be that as the Bible teaches us, even if we've never been exposed to the law or now in the Christ area, the church era of the Lord Jesus, even if we've ever been exposed to that, right and wrong is within us. Could it be? Could it be that the senses that are waking up in you now, you talked about your 14-year-old kid, some man who comes to sexually touch your 14-year-old kid, you said you're going to get a gun. You're going to take matters into your own hands. Why? How do you know what's wrong? Maybe your 14-year-old kid wanted that. After all, he's a sentient being. But no, your motherly instincts. Is it instincts? Because there have been societies in biblical times where kids were turned into temple prostitutes. One of the things God said in the law is don't do that. Don't make your kids walk through fire. Don't dump them into volcanoes. Don't turn them into temple sex slaves. So, Jillian, isn't it interesting that everything you're talking about aligns with how God would view us. God is a God of order, not chaos. I heard you say that you're a same-sex attracted woman. I'm sure you've lived that way for most of your life. Well, what if God's saying to you, Jillian, I have said that can separate you from me. I've said that in my word. When you continued in your statement, you said something about if your kid came and said, "I'm not a boy, I'm a girl," you would say, "Okay, let's explore that." Really? Explore what? How about exploring the feelings, but not the fake reality? How about saying to your son, "No, you're a boy. Let's talk about why you feel like a girl. Why would you lean into the very lie that allowed the law to pass to let 24-year-old men inflict their sexual desires upon boys? Why would you even lean into that? Because by saying, "Well, yeah, maybe you're a girl," you're leaning into the entire argument. But wow, the platform you have. Wow, the speaking ability with which God has blessed you. Wow, the fitness with which God has blessed you and the willingness to pursue it. What if he's calling you? What if he's saying, "Gillian, you can help." What if he's saying, "Gillian, you could come home." What if he's saying, "Gillian, you could come home and you could have your kid, your 14-year-old kid, safe forever." What if he's doing that? Are you open to that? Would you be willing to take the need of that possibility? Would you be willing to submit? Truly submitting to God is horribly difficult because it means that you have to submit to not having everything you want. And that must be so hard for you. Given the money that you have earned, and I do think you've earned it by being entertaining and compelling and smart and guiding your career into these TV shows and hopefully along the way, hopefully helping people actually keep weight off and actually have healthy bodies. Hopefully you've done that, not just on that TV show where time is limited, etc., get that. But truly submitting, Gillian, would need to be that you didn't do this on your own. Truly submitting would mean that you'd have to say all these treasures matter not. All of them will turn to dust, the homes, the clothes, the podcasts, the audience. All of it will be gone. All of it. And one day it will be you, your soul, and the creator. One day. Where do you want your treasures? Something in you is telling you the world is becoming more and more obviously fallen. Do you want to fall with it? I hope not. There's lots of views of submission. And in this culture, young women are just bombarded with messages about submission and biblical submission that number one are mischaracterized. Number two for men in this culture. So often now as young men are leaning into Christianity, they're taking this idea of, okay, so we're to lead the home spiritually. How does that work? Does it mean that you are top down, that this is the way it will be done? No, let's talk about that. I want to provide two comparisons. One's a very simple, quick video from a young woman. Maybe she's just trolling. Maybe she's had a few drinks or maybe this is just the way she thinks. But it made the rounds and it got a lot of views and it sort of speaks to this cultural discord, this cultural divide. And then another young woman who takes a complete different view of men. One, I consider to be egotistical and temporary because I think that reality will crash down upon this young woman. They're there I think to be maybe more evolved, but again, maybe it's just trolling. Sometimes people troll. After all, brain candies, a powerful way to earn money. It is submitting and we'll get to that in a second can be very, very difficult, particularly for women. And look, I get this. I don't think that people want to sign up to say, you know what I want for the rest of my life? I want another human being to make all my decisions for me. Now, there are people who like that. There really are people who choose to operate that way. I want someone else to make all my decisions. There are people who have been institutionalized in prison and they get out and they go, wait a minute, I don't know what time to eat or when I should go to the bathroom, I don't know what I should wear because they've been institutionalized. And it can be difficult to come out and go, okay, so now I need to make my own decisions. But I don't know other than that, where people have been institutionalized. I personally don't know a lot of people who want to be run around by another human being. This young woman is not even thinking about submission. She's thinking about all the ways young men submit to her or maybe old men submit to her men in general. She, in fact, I think puts us all in one box. Then we'll get to the topic of submission in a woman with another point of view. I think that so let me start that again. So she says, I don't think men have rights. Interesting. I don't have rights. I think that men are just inferior to women. I think no matter what a powerful man will send to a woman, therefore a woman and every circumstance in life is superior to a man. Any man, if you make more money than me, if you're stronger than me and you're taller than me, you'll still simp for me every single time. So I'm still superior. Charm is deceptive in beauty fades. I don't find her particularly charming. From a classical sense, if you're watching the video from a classical sense on how beauty is measured, I guess she's cute. She might even be very pretty attractive, can't tell in this video. So the men who simp for you, they're simping for what? Your intellect, your empathy, kindness, intelligence. I think you're implying it. They're simping for your physicality for what? And incidentally, what exactly did you make? In your physicality? Okay, you take care of yourself. Great. You work on fitness and looking good. Okay, great. But a man who simps for you simply based upon your physicality or what you can do for him sexually or maybe might do for him sexually. Is that a man? Or do you have someone whose hormones are simping for you? Do you have someone whose flesh is simping for your flesh? Do you have someone whose sexual desire is simping for your ability to fulfill parts or all of that sexual desire? What exactly is he simping for? And if you're bragging about this that you can get any man to simp for you, well, then what sort of man are you seeking your life? A man who does what? Looks out for you? Charm is deceitful and beauty fades, it says in the Bible. So what happens when the beauty fades? Oh, that will never happen to you. You'll never age. You're Dorian Gray. All your aging is hidden in a painting somewhere locked away in a closet. Perhaps you get a disease. Perhaps your physicality changes. Perhaps you get cancer, God forbid, or a metabolic disorder or an egregious accident. God forbid, I don't want these things to happen to you, but if it does, a man who has simped for your flesh will just go simp for someone else's because someone else's could be in better shape or more beautiful. Well, that could never happen because you won't age. You won't someday have skin that sags a little bit, never happens to you. You won't one day have your facial features change because that never happens to you. So it won't be that at any time this man or these men, you have grabbed and and charmed. Charm is deceitful and beauty fades as the beauty changes and maybe just other men that look at you and go, well, you are a very pretty 50 year old woman. A very attractive 50 year old woman, is there any depth to you? Would you have ever had to develop depth? If you've spent your life in search of men who will simp for you based upon your flesh, meeting their flesh and what you can do or think you might do or suggest to them that one day you might do, if that's how you've interacted with men, when it comes time for someone to seek depth, are you going to have any to provide? Will you ever have to work on the mental muscles, the spiritual muscles to provide that? Beauty, charm, these things fade. Well, charm doesn't, but charm can be deceitful. That's one view and I get the view because society has shown young women from the halls of junior high on. Hey, look, show the body, show more of it, suggest more things are going to happen. And now in junior high, hey, go get your own body count girls, go get your own body count, compete with the boys. I've got a bigger body count than you and you develop the muscles of what? Surely the flesh. So you cannot then develop the muscles of one flesh. What do I mean? If it's been flesh, flesh, flesh, flesh, flesh, what becomes special about the one flesh? Now, God can wash this. When David sins with Bathsheba, which is a horrible story, oh, that's a horrible story. It's a horrible thing he did. Got her husband killed at the front. When he went into morning and he said in full faith, wash me with his soap and I will be pure. He went to the Lord and he confessed and he mourned what he did and he lost his son because of what he did. He knew that God would forgive him and we can have this rebirth. That's one view of a young woman. This is another. Women have a problem with submission because they view it as it's something that's negative. No, you should be able to submit to your man because you should be able to trust enough in his leadership. And a lot of the times when you men say like, oh, I don't want you going to bar. I don't want you going to a club. It's because you're a man. You know what happens there. You know that men there just want to or there's weirdos that want to like put in your drinks or there's drama or it's just a whole ass environment that you can't be there to protect your female if it came down to it. You would have to live with that guilt. You know what I mean? She gets assaulted and you can't do nothing about the man that did that to her. You would live with that and women don't understand that. They think it's control. No, your man's being a protector as he should. And as a woman, you should respect this. You should honor the fact that your man can see the dangers that you can't. Simple as that. Now, I think this is a different extreme. Your men can see the dangers that you can't. Well, there are things that men can see. Sometimes that women can't. There are things that women can see that men can't. But this is where we get to partnership. Yes, there are occasions where men can look at a circumstance like a bar or a nightclub and say there is one reason men hang out there alone. Period. End of story. End of story. There are also cases where men do take that role as leader of the household and turn it into a cudgel and a hammer. This is the question. What did Jesus do? You know that ring? What would Jesus do? How about this? What did Jesus do? Did he use a cudgel or hammer when he led? He didn't. How did he do it? It started with an example. He lived the way he wanted others to live. It extended into sharing himself. It extended into ministering. It went into washing the feet of his followers, which was so utterly bizarre to them. I cannot believe the God of the universe, the Messiah wants to wash my feet. And as you know, Peter said, "You can't do this." And the Lord said, "Hey, if you're not going to let me wash your feet, you can't have any part of me. If you're not willing to be served by the king of the universe, then how are you going to serve others? If you won't watch my model of humility, then how are you going to be humble to serve and rather than seeking to be served?" That was the model. This is the strange fact of Christian leadership in a home. It has to be far more partnership than top-down spiritual bossing and end. Remember this, that the Lord tells us the husband and wife are to submit to one another, and that word, "submit," it means, "come under and lift up." The Bible does say that the man is the spiritual leader of the home. How? Edicts and rules and dictates? No. The way Christ did it, it's not the question, "What would Jesus do?" The question is, "What did Jesus do?" That's the model. And it's a model that none of us are going to be able to capture. It's one that none of us are going to be able to match. But by pursuing it, we get closer to it in pursuit. Do you know, I'm in pursuit of this thing coming up in September, and I had a little bit of a moment of panic the other day. I would just tell you. I'm thinking about it seems so far off when I started this seal-fit journey. It seems so far in the future, I've got a whole bunch of time to prep, and I was talking to Coachier the day, and I just said, "You know what? I'm panicking a little. I got to admit." I'm looking at this saying, "I haven't done enough. I'm not preparing enough. I'm not going to prepare to thrive." And Coach stops and said, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You have done so much. What I hear you saying is you want to do so much more. What I hear you saying is it's time to shift gears into an even bigger level of work. It's time to get about the seal-fit thing every day. That's what I hear you saying because you have built this base. Let's just go back and look at some of the data, Todd. Here's the data because I track my workouts, she tracks them, we analyze them together. As I'm thinking about this and looking back at that path, I am so utterly thankful that I don't have to look forward to going through seal-fit without ibuprofen. They don't let you take that stuff there. Wow. You mean all this work, this mini version of Hell Week, and I don't get to gobble ibuprofen, someone said to me, "You could actually get implants. I don't want to stick ibuprofen somewhere." No. Someone said I could get it in a patch form. No. I'm going to be the old band there anyway. I don't want to be the guy with a patch on my arm. Hey, what's that? It was ibuprofen. So what do I do? I double and triple down on Native Path Crew, particularly leading up to this event where I'm going to be absolutely obsessive about hydrating a month in advance. When you can do something like this, you're not going to hydrate two days in advance. It begins a month in advance. It begins in starting to taper off my workouts in smart ways and making sure that when I show up there, my body is absolutely flooded with the omega-3s from Native Path Crew, which has made it absolutely unnecessary for me to have ibuprofen. Even if I'm doing a 16-hour workout, I don't need it. Ibuprofen can damage your heart, your kidneys, your liver, and it absolutely creates inflammation. That which it pretends to cure. It creates by destroying the lining to your gut, meaning that things that don't belong into your bloodstream, get into your bloodstream, they mess with your joints, your heart, your liver. So you take my ibuprofen. You can join me in this toss those bottles and get the benefits, immuno-benefits, benefits to your endocrine system, the benefits to your brain. Simply go to See what specials and discounts they're offering you today, Culture, Andrew Breitbart reminded us, is swimming upstream of politics. We've had several cultural examples, and we began with the Supreme Court deciding to castrate itself. Well, this is important because with the election looming, people are beginning to notice what's being rigged right before our eyes. The people who run Joe Biden put out an edict with his name on it. Every single federal agency is to push voter registration. Gee, I wonder for which party they're doing this at borders to illegal immigrants handing out voter registration forms. They're doing this cloud-piven style to flood the system. The system runs on votes, runs on votes, flood it with votes. People have to be registered, flood it with registration. That was the whole design behind voter voter voter was to flood the system with enough registered voters that fraud becomes a simple matter of getting access to their ballots or their names and voting them. There are people fighting this. There's a group called the Immigration Accountability Project that is fighting this. Good morning. I'm Rosemary Jenks with the Immigration Accountability Project. As Senator Lee said, we estimate that there are upwards of 30 million non-citizens, so foreign-born who have not naturalized and are therefore ineligible to vote under our laws. The problem that we have now is that the Biden administration, there's a Biden executive order that orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone they come in contact with. We also know that state election officials are not permitted to ask for proof of citizenship for applicants who fill out the federal form. So if you're a non-citizen in this country, whether you're an asylum seeker or a foreign student or whatever, if a government official hands you a voter registration form, you're going to think that you need to fill it out. There and you are going to be unlawfully registered to vote. If you vote, it is a deportable criminal offense. It is, but it won't be prosecuted unless it's in red states, and at which point the federal government will step in and say, no, you cannot deport the people. SCOTUS had a chance to address vote fraud, and they punted, oh, we can't do anything. There's no standing. Texas can't sue the other states, and if they do, they'll have to find another court. Gosh, we can't solve any disputes between the states when it relates to voting. Golly Gee, someone else will have to do it. Elon Musk noticed this. He responded to a tweet by Mike Bens. Mike Bens has made a name for himself as a national security analyst and a breaker of news. Bens writes, "It's surreal to watch Trump win in the polls while a slow motion car crash on exactly how they will rig it plays out in crystal clarity in the background." And he was responding to this, a tweet by J. Michael Waller. Welfare offices in 49 states are handing out voter registration applications to illegal immigrants. No proof of citizenship required from the New York Post. Elon Musk writes, "At this time, or at least this time, the people will know the truth." Yes, on this topic, perhaps they will, that is people who use Twitter or listen to the show or watch this program are going to know the truth. But are they going to know the truth about the background now of what continues to unfold in the greatest human rights crime in my lifetime? And that is the COVID-19 scyop and resulting response, also a scyop. You know that Kansas and Texas are suing Pfizer. They've been joined by three other states. What they're talking about here is the efficacy of the COVID-19 so-called vaccines, which are, of course, not vaccines, and Pfizer hid those harms. People are criticizing this case or saying this, that Pfizer was under no obligation to test these things. Yeah, you could make that argument except for this, the 9th Circuit Court, the most progressive boot-looking courts in the nation. Absolutely admitted, two weeks ago, these are not vaccines, and they never were. Also, except for this, the injection that was given the emergency youth authors, youth authorization in this country has never been put in an arm, not once. Senator Ron Johnson has testified to this. It never happened. Therefore, what was injected was never approved. Hopefully, these lawyers will be making this case because someone's got to make this case because in the UK, Andrew Brigham's been fighting against COVID and the responses and the injections, basically all alone. But he, as a member of parliament, says things have changed. The rate of information coming out with regard to the adverse events and deaths attributed to the so-called COVID-19 vaccines, it's increasing exponentially. No one daresay, safe and effective anymore in the UK can't. They call it the best solution, the best solution, but they can't use safe and effective. I mean, quite honestly, every time they say, if they say safe and effective now, I'm putting, I think they're putting five to 10 years on their sentence when we get them in court. May God make it so. Speaking of God in the Bible, Jeremiah chapter 9, verse 3, "They bend their tongue like a bow, falsehood and not truth has grown strong in the land, for they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not know me," declares the Lord. Wow. That almost describes today. Oh, and on the topic of the injections, there's this from a country doctor. Real guy, real doctor. He made a career of being a sub-stack writer. Why? Because early on, he decided to tell the truth when other doctors wouldn't. He writes, "We now have proof that COVID-19 vaccines damage cognition, examining the causes and treatments of the common neurological injuries caused by the so-called vaccination. Story at a glance. Subtle and overt neurological injuries are one of the most common results of a pharmaceutical injury. The COVID-19 so-called vaccines excel at causing damage to cognition. And many of us have noticed both subtle and overt cognitive impairment following vaccination, relatively few people know how to address. So he's been studying this and tracking it, but now there is a huge study published in Nature Magazine, one of the top medical journals. So what are they finding? It found that the so-called vaccinations from COVID resulted in a 68% increase in depression, a 44% increase in anxiety, a disassociated stress-related and somatiform disorders, a 93.4% increase in sleep disorders, a 77% decrease in schizophrenia. Well, at least there's that and a 32.8% decrease in bipolar disorders. Well, at least there's that. So fewer schizophrenics, but more depressive and more people with suicidal intent. A previously mentioned Israeli study found that 4.5% of those who received a so-called vaccine developed anxiety depression, 26.4% already had or experienced exasperation of it. As we continue to track the evils of what's been done through pharma with the COVID responses, let's remember this. It's not just safe and effective that's taking a turn. It's, we have to do this to the children, another lawsuit. A California woman is 18 now, young woman. She's suing doctors for removing her breast when she was just 13 because she thought she was so-called trans after seeing influencers online. Her name is Kayla Lovdahl. Said doctors pressured her to do this. Now, of course, the Supreme Court has before it a ban on doing this to children. The same Supreme Court that said, "Golly, we're simply not the court that can deal with First Amendment issues." The same court that pretended that when the founders talked about men and women, they meant men who pretend to be women in addition to actual women. My sad prediction on this, that I hate making this prediction, is that they're going to side with pharma. Why do I say that? Because John Roberts sides with pharma. In the most important and fundamental case in history, that has led to many of the harms in our medical system, Obamacare. I'll say it again, John Roberts lied twice. The first lie was that the fine for not buying Obamacare is a tax. That's a lie. A tax is taking a percentage of someone's income or spending based upon an activity. A fine is taking away money from someone for not doing something. The second lie was that DC is a state. It had to be state exchanges through which people got Obamacare and every state was supposedly going to create an exchange. Some red states figured out, "Hey, we don't have to create exchanges," so they didn't, so Obamacare was not available there. So the federal government responded by saying, "You can use the DC exchange." And that went to court. Washington DC is not a state. John Roberts, for all ends and purposes, pretended it was a state, and he continues to pretend that. So once again, we're not on our own. We're in a world where we are like Gillian Michaels. Not with California. Most of us don't live in California. But with this world, here's the great news. We're leaving it. When the Lord Jesus returns as judge, we'll leave this world. Eventually, in a new heaven and a new earth, the way things were designed by God, and once again, we will walk with him and be able to ask him questions just to imagine that day. It's not something we can earn. It's a free gift given to the blood of Jesus. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of God. [Music]