The Todd Herman Show

What is this “Republican Jesus” Meme the Left is Pushing Ep-1683

The Left is pushing a meme that contends that there is a Republican Jesus. Republican Jesus, of course, says things like, feed only those that look like us and pass the drug test. He might say, give your money to those who are wealthy and already have privilege. We'll go through a video that contends to show what the Republican Jesus is. In an interview with NPR, evangelical Christian leader Russell Moore, said that multiple pastors had told him disturbing stories about their congregants being upset when they read from the Sermon on the Mount in which Jesus espouses the principles of forgiveness and mercy that are central to Christian doctrine. Multiple pastors told him congregants have been upset by the “liberal” talking points from that passage of scripture. Now, that didn't happen. I mean, with all due respect to the pastor, I don't believe that for five seconds.And, we will talk about 10 commandments being made to be posted in the schools of Louisiana. I don't know that I have a view that's going to please a lot of people on this. I think my view differs from a lot of conservatives. In all of this, it's sometimes hard to find good news. Apparently, there is good news on the war on water in Idaho. 

What does God’s Word say? 
Matthew 16:13-20 NIV Peter Declares That Jesus Is the Messiah
13 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”
14 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[b] will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[c] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 20 Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.
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26 Jun 2024
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Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery. So you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-Grange-er, click or just stop by. Granger for the ones who get it done. - What does this Republican Jesus meme that's being pushed by the left? I mean, it's not that new, except they're getting better at it. They're getting better about lying about who Jesus is. And they're clever the way they do it. They take that one aspect of Jesus that the left loves. And that's the loving Jesus who accepts everybody. Right. And then tells them to change. Tells every single one of us. I love you if you accept me, have me in your hearts. Let me go about changing you because you're broken. They skip that part, of course. But it's becoming more effective so we need to drill into that. I also wanna invite you to have a little bit of fun at the expense of some others, not in an ungodly way, but at the expense of some other people who've suddenly discovered this program. We'll talk about that with the help of our YouTube channel. It's The Todd Herman show. You go and see bright responses, brilliant thoughts from some of the people in the comments section, particularly on the topic we did about what is true about America. I'll tell you about one of those bright responses in just a second because I'm stunned. I don't know how to respond if only there was a way. Do this all with the help of God Almighty who did not change, cannot change, and will not change. The Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City exile. Todd Herman. (rock music) Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times which God has decided we should live. I appreciate you being there. Whether you're listening on the audio platforms who are available on all audio podcasting platforms for free or watching on video live, you can try that out seven day free trial at video.the Todd Herman or if you happen to be watching a clip of this later on YouTube, which would be almost certainly something now that I put together. I'll tell you, I saw this comment and I didn't get to see the whole clip. It's a really short version of the show in a really, really short clip of the show we did on what's true about America. And man, a guy dove in. And I don't know how to respond to this. So maybe you guys can help me. This is sort of fun. If you haven't been to the YouTube channel yet, it's fun to see what the general population people who have not yet discovered the show think about us. I don't know how to respond to this. So the comment is, what is the truth? And Bert responded. Bert Karl, ready? Straight out of the fascist state of Idaho. If there was only a way to respond to that, because it's worthy of a response, I should call him. Actually, actually, actually, I think I just thought of a feature of the show. Comment sections come to life. Why don't we, Niana? Why did I pop Bert back a note? Why don't we invite him on the program? I know Bert's obsessed with me. Bert loves me. He loves to hate me. What do y'all think about that? Let's bring Bert on and let Bert be Bert. And he and I will have a conversation and we can start with what is fascism? How does it work? I think we might do that. Check out the comment sections. It's the Todd Herman show. Just a quick breaking news, a couple of things. Update from the state of Idaho, we were covering the attack on water there. It appears to be that this might actually be working out in the favor of, you know, sanity and the common blessings God provides us like water. Big, big win for Idaho this week, guys. So earlier this morning, I received a phone call from a good friend of mine who works up the Idaho state legislation, telling me that they were bombarded with phone calls from various people about the Idaho watershed off. Now this is a true testament to show you guys that we do have power, we do have a voice. And if we stick together, we can change things. They're going to allow the Idaho farmers to water out the rest of this year. The next year, guys, we've got a big fight coming because they're going to be trying the same thing. So thank you to everyone who called. God bless you guys. Stay true, bye American, bye local. Farmers have a very strong network and he also reported in the state of California where they're going to make an attempt to just absolutely ban family farming. We've seen this coming and understand it's part of the same bottleneck. It started the same technique. We need to make sure that all the resources are in the hands of people like Bill Gates and Monsanto and people who truly want to make sure that you can't have regenerating foods at home. You can't have regenerative seeds that that's literally a tactic of Monsanto. Speaking of fascism, Monsanto having one of the biggest lobbying departments in the world. Now, to the topic at hand, this Republican Jesus, I want to get there by starting with a comparison. One has to do with Jim Jones and Disney and then what's going on in Louisiana, a couple things in Louisiana, and to do with the Ten Commandments and the order that the Ten Commands be hung up in school buildings. Might not please everybody when I provide my feedback on this. It might not please everybody, it's not my job. My job is to tell the truth as I see it. Sometimes it's harder than you think. Sometimes on a day like today, we're warming up for five straight hours of either podcasting or national radio. And look, I'm not complaining. There's no IEDs in here. Well, I said that I almost expected an explosion because then it's prideful, there's no IEDs in here and then, oh, there was. There's not, praise God. - Your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - The people at Disney have put out a program called Cult Massacre, and it's about Jim Jones. And the Jim Jones thing is always going to be compelling to people. There's a whole generation of kids who don't know about Jim Jones and they don't know about Jonestown and they don't know about the, kind of if you lean into the Jim Jones story, there's a lot there. There is the belief that he was part of the MK ultra program, a CIA op, and there's good reason to believe that. He was left alone in some weird ways and allowed to go out and gather all these human beings and take them into the jungle where he convinced them, blackmailed them, mentally fatigued them, brainwashed them into committing suicide and also murdering their kids. It's a horrific story. And it's one of the most horrific of all cult stories. So Disney tells this in a two hour program called Cult Massacre, but they failed to mention some things. They focused on the fact that Jim Jones at a time was a so-called Christian preacher. Well, at a time he was. They hint that at a point, Jim Jones kind of left that behind, but they never really say that he absolutely departed the Christian faith because he did. In fact, he became the God. And then this, Jim Jones was a hardcore communist as socialist, probably more communist, hardcore. So in the model of communism, of course, he had his major league, huge hut, his meals, his parties, everybody else was working. Jim Jones was doing the important job of making sure everybody else worked. It's the same model that has been employed by countless cult leaders and it shouldn't surprise us because Vladimir Lenin, the inventor of communism, was number one, a cult-type leader. Number two, he was a Satanist. He didn't say he was a Satanist. He simply said that he was declaring war against God. He simply said that his works would outlast God's. He simply wrote poetry describing his utter hatred for God and look at the system he set up, utterly controlled by human beings, utterly about force, about force. The Lord Jesus never forced. He sometimes, on rare occasions, spoke sharply, harshly, particularly to who, people who were employing force in the name of God, the Pharisees and the Sadducees. He had some strong words for them. You're forcing people to come and buy your doves and your lambs to go into the temple to sacrifice. You have poor people bringing the best of their stock for these sacrifices that the Lord Jesus ended with his ultimate sacrifice. You'd have poor people walk weeks to get to the temple, show up with the very best lamb they had, and you had corruptocrats, Pharisee and corruptocrats, who would look at that lamb and go, "Oh, no, I'm sorry, that won't work for the temple. I see a blemish, but you can buy our lambs and then you can worship. And hey, if you can't afford our lambs, certainly you can afford our doves." This is one of the reasons that the Lord upset the tables in the temple. You're forcing people to do this? God, in the form of Jesus, never forced. Jim Jones did. Forced people to give up their money, contact with their family, their homes, to move to Ghana. And then he forced people who didn't want to drink the poison to drink the poison. Hey, you drink it, you might live. But if you don't, we'll go ahead and shoot you. He'd already shot a congressman and some others, or he didn't, he had it done. So God doesn't force. Well, until the choice of redemption in Jesus is gone. And then God didn't force. He warned. He stated. He pursued. He loved. Please come home. Please come home. Please take the knee to me. Please come home. I love you. Let me put up life circumstances in front of you. Let me send the Lord Jesus. Let me send my son. Let me provide my word. Let me provide Christian people. Let me provide life circumstances that show you I want you to come home. And when that choice is gone and there's no more coming home, he didn't make you do anything even at that point. Now, when eternity happens and there is the new heaven and the new earth, yes, then you will be locked into one of those places forever. There is no elimination. You are an eternal soul. So if you go to this comparison of Jim Jones departing the teachings of the Lord Jesus, trying to make himself a God, it was force, force, con, lie, ultimately, ultimately force. The governor of Louisiana, I think, is a well-intended human being. His name is Governor Landry, Jeff Landry, and I think he's well-intentioned. He, in fact, said no, and this cost him politically. He said no to a $71 million Biden administration, goody-goody. And this is how it was reported in the local news media. An attempt to get Louisiana to opt into a summer food program for children has failed. Governor Jeff Landry opted out of the federal summer EBT program. The federal government would have covered half of the state's $7 million cost to run the program, leaving the Department of Children and Family Services to cover the remaining $3.5 million. The failed effort to revive the program was an amendment to a criminal justice bill, but those who want the summer food program are not giving up yet. State Representative Jason Hughes will propose a bill that mirrors the failed amendment when the regular session convenes in March. So they hint at the fact that, oh, where there was this thing attached to it. So let's keep track. This was a summer food program attached to a criminal justice reform bill. So clearly it's the game of politics. Put Jeff Landry into position where he can't sign this and then run against him on it. He doesn't want kids to eat, but let's expand this a little further. Do we want more kids going to school for food? Do we want the school to be the parent? No, we don't. They do. The people who have launched the Republican Jesus meme in earnest and they are pushing this. They are so attempting to seize the church. It's not just the obvious woke churches, which are obviously heretical. You have so called pastors. In fact, as a guideline, it calls them impasters. In pastors, in pastors, there is, we'll get to this next week. There's a pastor who did a sermon. I mean, he has the title pastor, but clearly he's not walking with the Lord. He did it dressed up as a Star Wars figure with a lightsaber. And he announced in that, he says, well, you know what, I've given up. I just don't think of God as any more divine than pride week or the Star Wars week. It's all just a focus on what we can do as human beings. That's an obviously heretical approach. I don't think you can look at that and go, that's Christianity. I don't think you can be brainwashing the same. I'm actually here in Christianity. But what they're doing with the Republican Jesus meme, I do think it's effective because why? What are the two words? Caring and fairness. Conservatives focus on law and order or border or economy. Our national security, authoritarianism, constitutionalism, liberty, all the things. We are focused on all the things because we can see the ties. Moderates and liberals look at two factors, caring and fairness. So you see in the Republican Jesus meme, it's all coming from a perspective of caring and fairness. The Lord Jesus is caring because God is love. He is light in him. There is no darkness at all. He is fairness. They don't want his fairness. His fairness is there are things that you desire in your flesh that you do not get to have. It could be your neighbor's house, your neighbor's car, your neighbor's husband. You don't get that. Well, then you are choosing that thing over a better relationship with me and that puts you at risk. I mentioned, I think, Jeff Landry is a good man. I believe he probably serves the Lord Jesus. I believe he's probably well intended in putting the Ten Commandments in all the schools by force. Now, he knew he was going to get sued on this. Everybody knew this would be lawsuit bait. So my response to this is, does God force? When the Lord Jesus set people out, the disciples, when he sent them out to go and make disciples the first time around, he told them, look, you're going to encounter people who say, I don't want to hear your word. I hate it. He said, hey, dust off the sandals. Walk away. We're also told, do not cast your pearls before swine. Now, that's not the Lord Jesus saying, don't share the word. That's the Lord Jesus saying, look, if people hate me and they're looking in the face and saying, I hate you, I hate your guts, I hate your so-called God, don't say, but wait, it says here in the Bible, no, don't cast the pearls before swine. I'm not calling the people who are creating the Republican Jesus meme swine. I'm calling them false prophets, false teachers, and they are false prophets, they are false teachers, and I think most of them probably know what they're doing, but they've conned themselves into not knowing it. So I'll get to Landry and the Ten Commandments and my argument on this, why I don't think it's a good idea, and I don't even necessarily think it's Godly. I'm open to feedback on this because I get it. I get the desire to have God's word. We are a country founded upon Christian ideals. We are a country founded to be a religious and moral people. Our Constitution is insufficient for any other. Our, in fact, system of governance mirrors what the Lord Jesus mere, what he created in terms of governance. How? Checks and balances. No concentrated power. One branch of government being able to check on the other. Diffuse forms of power. It is distributed just like in the Old Testament where Moses had to get a wake-up call from his father-in-law. You don't get to be judged. You don't have to have the time. You're going to have to set up commanders of hundreds and commanders of thousands. You're going to have to set up people who are the prophets. You're going to have to set up people who are, in fact, the preachers. The church well-run is modeled after that. Communism is the opposite. Jim Jones was a communist. It's the opposite. I do not think that force and the Ten Commandments being forced into the schools is a godly thing, and I'll explain why. I know it's unpopular. I don't know, but I don't think some people are going to find it very, very weird that I'm going to take that position. But people find a lot of the things I do weird until they try them. A friend of mine the other day asked me about, look, he was saying, "I can't put on muscle. No matter what I do, I can't put on muscle, and so I just ask some key questions. What do you eat?" "Oh, will I eat this and that?" "What's your protein?" "Well, no, I eat these foods, but wait a minute. Oh, no, stop. Hold on a second. What exactly is your source of protein and how much of it are you eating?" "Oh, I eat a lot of protein. Okay, you don't. Because if you're not measuring it, you have absolutely no idea how much you're eating. So as I dug down further, turn out he doesn't eat proteins. He eats carbohydrates and fats with a tiny little hint of protein. That's problem one. Problem two is his workout methodology. Now, I'm not here to say I'm Mr. Expert. I'm working out. I'm here to say I've spent a lot of time investing in fitness. A lot of time hanging out with people who have forgotten more about it than I've ever learned or ever will know. So people find that weird. People found it weird when I decided to put the eating pure device, I actually leave two thunderstorm devices in the studio. My wife, when we brought it home, when I brought it home and unboxed it, she goes, "What's that going to do?" "We've got a pretty big house, Todd. I know you don't think so, but we've got a pretty big house. What's that going to do?" So when I plugged it into the wall, and we had it for a couple of days, and this was to overcome the pet smell from litter boxes and wet dogs and her cooking my fish, which I really appreciate, when that was plugged in to the wall. One day my wife came out, she says, "That thing is so powerful." She says, "It's weird that that little thing can do so much." Here's why, because it's always on. It's always producing ozone. The 03 particles go about your house when they find a negative particle such as the smell of a stinky litter box or a wet dog or fish or cigarettes. Please stop smoking if you smoke, please, or an RV that's been locked up or you're at the cabin and there's sweaty wet clothes all over the place. The oxyleaf to produce is ozone, which bonds to those molecules and negates them. Boom, chemical magic, they're gone. The people at are offering you a pet stink guarantee, not just that, but $200 off the oxyleaf to thunderstorm. Three devices, whole home coverage. Go to use code TOD3. That's T-O-D-D-3. Three devices for under 200 boxes, say 200 or savings, and if it doesn't negate the pet stink, you get your money back. use code TOD3. So the governor of Louisiana signed this bill that's going to demand that the Ten Commandments be put up in every government school. This bill may enhance the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom, involving elementary, secondary, and post-education schools in St. Louis, Inc. [applause] Because if you want respect of the rule of law, you've got to start from the original law given, which was Moses. I mean, all right. That's wrong. Just... Yeah, but if I could just... No. No, Moses was not. The original law giver. In all due respect to Governor Landry, no. God gave the law. Moses and Aaron transcribed it. They were transcriptionists. The Lord told them what to speak. Moses did not give the law, sir. And on the topic of actually forcing this into government schools, I imagine your view is this. God's word never returns void. True. I imagine your view is this. Hey, let's be fair. The Ten Commandments inform Western society when it functions well. True. Absolutely. Those are all true statements. If we all just live by the Ten Commandments, things would be a lot better. True. Obviously. You're living in a godly sense. Absolutely true. Fine me. Please, please, fine me. The instance where Jesus went to government authorities and said, "Hey, I gave a great sermon. Hang it up." Doesn't exist. Reluctantly, Jesus said, I think reluctantly, he didn't go out and say, "Hey, everybody, I'm going to give a sermon on pain's axis." But when he was pressed and they tried to trick him, Jesus, should we pay the tax? He said, "Hey, give me a coin." Who's pictures this? It's Caesars, all right? Run under Caesars that which is his and unto God that which is his. Everything is God's. But pay the tax and Caesars coin. Give it back to him. I can't find an instance where the Lord Jesus said, "No, no. You're going to listen." He could have done this, for instance. The really hard teaching, and I forget where this is in the Bible. It's in John. But when the Lord Jesus had fed the 5,000 and people were following him around, they weren't following him around to say, "Hey, you're the son of God. Tell us how to get to heaven. Tell us how to have a relationship with God. You're his son. We need to worship you. We need to be filled with your grace. How are we saved? What do we do? How do we teach our kids?" They're like, "Hey, dude, make me a sandwich." I mean, give me one of those heavenly sandwiches. And this time, how about some beef? I mean, fish is great, but man, I dig some beef. They were seeking the food that rots. And the Lord Jesus was saying, "Wait. I am the drink that always quenches, that quenches you forever. I am the food of everlasting life." In fact, and this was the difficult teaching. I'm here to tell you, those who do not eat my flesh and drink my blood have no part of me. People walked away. Now, he could have said, "Hey, stop. I'm the son of God. Sit down and listen." He could have stopped them. He could have physically prevented them from moving. They could have just been standing. They're all locked in like, "Oh, man, I can't move. No, you can't because the God of the universe stopped letting you move. But you could listen and watch and he could have taught." He didn't do that. He left the walk away. And he turned to the disciples who stayed. And he said to them, "Are you going to walk away too?" And wasn't it Peter who said, "But Lord, you are the way the truth and the life forward would go. Walk away to where?" He didn't force. He didn't start convert or die programs. That happened later. In a perversion of the faith, it happens to this day in mainstream Islam. Radicalism is mainstream in Islam. It's a different faith, which brings me to another point. Obviously, when these 10 commandments go up, every other religion gets to come along and say, "Where's our founding documents?" We're saying from the Quran, and every sect of Christianity gets to do this. And in fact, probably you could make an argument that the people who argue for a gender-free Bible get to do this now. Have a gender-free version of the 10 commandments. Honor your birthing units. It is this, though, that gets me. If we're going to let God work through us to welcome people to himself, to bring people to himself, it really isn't effective to lead with the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments are factually the best way to live because they're God's way. They're factually the best way to live because we've seen when societies follow them, they thrive. They're factually the best way to live because it's the owner's manual written by the owner of our bodies and souls. Most things are true. But in a school setting, how about this? How about training up missionaries to speak the word in school? How about making an effort to hire Christian teachers? There's nothing wrong with hiring Christian teachers. How about making an effort to teach comparative religions? To me, this would be far more effective. Actually require that comparative religions be taught with the actual texts so that when kids read the Quran, they actually read the portion of the Quran that says, "Oh, rock! Oh, rock!" reveal the Jews so they can go smash their heads. And they can understand that the Quran starts at a period of time where Muhammad was, in fact, well, had no power. As it rolls on and it gets more power, you see what was in Muhammad's heart. You observe his fruits. You observe the fruits of nine-year-old wives that still happens in Islam to this day. Nine-year-old little girls being forced to marry men I just read about. And God forgive me, this is so brutal. A nine-year-old girl who surprisingly died after her wedding night. She had all sorts of internal bleeding. Gosh, I wonder why? With her 53-year-old so-called husband. In a comparative religions sense, you are free from the state having any stink of setting up a religion. And you get to compare the actual documents. To pass the class, you actually have to make it through the Quran and the whole Bible. And get to the point where we realize, "Well, when Jesus came, they stopped doing all these sacrifices?" Yes! Because the bill had been paid. Which brings me to my last point, you cannot have a Christian theocracy. Because a Christian theocracy would be forcing people to convert eventually. You can have Christian leaders and God willing will get some. You can have people who've submitted themselves to the Lord Jesus leading the country and God willing will get some. You cannot have a Christian theocracy because it's force. There is no model for force in the way the Lord Jesus worked. There is persuasion in what did it begin with. Sharing. The Lord Jesus shared. He connected with people. He ministered to them and then he discipled them. Straight out of the book of Ephesians. The left is going to capture grounds using this Republican Jesus meme. And they've thought through this. This has been a smart approach and they're getting far, far better at it. So let's dig into how they're doing this and the top-down bottom-up approach. Because you have very, very liberal so-called evangelical pastors helping them with this. Inserting what I think has to be an absolute myth of some things happening in churches that I've been around evangelical churches. Now quite a while I don't believe this happens. And then we'll talk about the further top-down with the creation of these videos you'll see and then bottom-up these memes. Because it's all, all an effort. In the efforts I've made to make myself someone who does things through ritual I have another ritual and it's at night. That is that I take two native path krill at night. This is a super powerful omega-3. And you've heard me talk about the fact that it has replaced ibuprofen in my life even on days where I'm wild sore. Yesterday I got a good surprise and went into the gym. I found out I had to do a workout called Fran which I didn't expect. It came two days after a huge workout. It wasn't my best time on it. But nonetheless I got through it and it was okay time. But man I was sore and afterwards I had to go swim. I had to lake swim. So last night I was extra sore again. Last night I took extra native path krill which replaces ibuprofen. I've talked about that but let me talk about something else. One of the reasons why this is so effective at fighting inflammation is because it makes your blood vessels more healthy. It makes your endocrine system more healthy. In fact it makes your joints more healthy. Think about that. Endocrine system blood vessels joints. That can help you solve inflammation but so much more. Better movement. Better mood. Better in fact digestion and immune support. Because we lack these things in our daily diets. Native path krill is special. It comes from the Antarctic. It's the purest possible waters. It is 60% I think more absorbable than the fish based stuff. Krill are not fish. They're crustaceans. And if you are not taking this and you're inflamed and you're taking ibuprofen. Here's the terrible news. Ibuprofen is making it worse. All it does is mask the symptoms of inflammation while causing more of it. By destroying your gut. Just do this. Go to and look at the special offers they have for you today. And understand I no longer poison my body with farmers. Ibuprofen and the derivatives they have. It's In an interview, this is a social media post making this leading into the Republican Jesus thing. In an interview with NPR. When you heard that part then you go oh never mind. In an interview because I wonder if NPR went out and shows a really conservative pastor, a really bible based pastor. Something tells me they didn't. Having once had an NPR person try to fool me in an interview. I told this dry won't tell it again but it was pretty funny. It was so amateur. I actually had to say you actually thought I was going to fall for that. I mean I've been around media a long time later. You actually think I was going to fall for that trick? Okay back to this. In an interview with NPR evangelical Christian leader Russell Moore he said that multiple pastors had told them disturbing stories about their congregants being upset when they read from the sermon on the mount. In which Jesus espoused the principles of forgiveness and mercy that are central to Christian doctrine. Well what else is central to Christian doctrine? Sacrifice? Obedience? Abiding? Joyfully abiding? Back to the meme. Multiple pastors tell me essentially the same story about quoting Jesus in the sermon on the mount. And to have someone come up after and say where did you get those liberal talking points? More added. What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios when the pastor would say I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ the response would be yes but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak. Ha! I live in North Idaho. We had trouble this morning largely my fault in my discipleship group coming off talking about conservative politics. And thank you to my brother Matt for bringing us back in shape and growing us back into the Lord. Those men in my discipleship group are 99% hardcore conservative gun-owning patriots with multiple American flags and three or four gun safes thank you dearly. 99%. Those that aren't that live in a society of men who are. Never once. Ever. Have I ever encountered anyone saying that's weak? The understanding is this. Yep, we got a ton of guns and ammo. And as Antifa learned a few summers ago when they came and tried to take over downtown cordilane wrong place, wrong peeps. You got two or three hundred people showing up in open carry most of them with long guns and spotters and shot callers on rooftops who were former Navy SEAL snipers. You picked the wrong town. And they didn't leave full of holes. No one made a canoe out of their heads. Although we could have. They were allowed to walk away. I don't believe this is happening in mass. I don't believe that there's Christians in the churches who don't understand the Sermon on the Mount or say that it's weak. I think we understand this. It's difficult. When the Lord Jesus spoke about the Sermon on the Mount spoke the Sermon on the Mount and taught it. He didn't say, by the way, this is going to be easy for you. You know what he was doing? He was amazing people with new ways to look at the law, both in beauty and in stringency. This is a meme that's going around. It's the teachings of Republican Jesus and it shows Jesus with an American flag and a shotgun. Number one, no, Jesus would not be draping himself in an American flag and no one I know says he does. We believe that the Lord blessed the United States uniquely with resources and landmass and a governing system that is closer to what God would have versus what Satan would have. Communism coming from Lenin who himself was a Satanist. He didn't say that, but he said of course I'm in war with God. Here's some of the things it says on the meme. Feed only those that look like us and pass the drug test. No. Our church has a food pantry. We don't ask for ID, we don't give drug tests. There is another church in this area, Pastor Tim Remington runs an outrage to people who are drug addicted. And alcohol addicted, it's legendary, it's called the ranch. He's not doing that. He's saying come here and get clean with the word of God at the center. Here's another, give your money to those who are wealthy and already with privilege. No. The fact of the matter is this, that most conservatives have come to understand that big businesses not our friends. Give your money wisely. Steward it with right, wise non-profits or wisely selected non-profits, your churches. Taxes are not giving. Taxes begin with taking. Blessed shall be those who take away healthcare from the sick and the meek. Hospitals, modern hospitals, the beginning of hospitals came from Christian missionaries. How can we continue to serve the Greek widows? Taking away healthcare. Governments said if you're not injected with the magic mRNA, you don't get to have a heart transplant, you don't get to come in here. There are pediatricians who fired entire families because they were told, your kids aren't getting injected. You can't, you can't have them here. Here's another in this meme. If you get hit, hit back harder. They bring a knife, we bring a gun, Barack Hussein Obama. It's hard to turn the other cheek. Jesus didn't say it's going to be easy to turn the other cheek. He knew it would be hard. That's why we need him. We need Jesus because we cannot do this on our own and he knew that. So the fact of the matter is this. When we look at Republican Jesus, we're looking at an organized attempt to make sure that people don't actually know who Jesus is, to focus on that one part. Republicans are cruel and Jesus was loving. Republicans are mean and Jesus was nice. Jesus is nice. He is loving. He is light. He is truth and he is the guy who took the whip to the temple. And he is the guy who said, if you prevent one of these little ones from getting to me, you're going to wish that you were tossed into the ocean with a millstone around your neck. He's all of these things and he's this. In Matthew chapter 16 verses 13 through 20, we read this. Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah. When Jesus came to the region at Casararia, Philippi, Philippi, he asked his disciples, who do people say the Son of the Man is? Son of Man is. They replied, some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah and still others, Jeremiah are one of the prophets. But what about you? He asked, who do you say I am? Simon Peter answered, you're the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Jesus replied, blessed are you Simon, Son of Jonah. For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter and on this rock, I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth will be loose in heaven. Then he ordered his disciples to not tell anyone that he was a Messiah. When he did these things now, and he said, the gates of Hades will not overcome what? His church. Not church is. His. One singular body of Christ. This is where the left is going so far wrong and putting so many souls at risk. And I'm going to play for you a video that's getting a ton of hits and it's being called Funny and Hilarious by people like Brooklyn Dad on Twitter, who has been revealed as a recall through media reports to be a paid shill of the people who run Joe Biden. Paid shill because there's so much money in this stuff. Track the money. It's one of the easiest things to do. Tomorrow, this is Wednesday, the 25th when we're doing this program, 2024. And tomorrow at 330 Pacific by friend and brother Zach Abraham is doing one of his free live webinars. This is going to be on the topic of inflation as the silent killer of retirement portfolios. You can register for this. You have to be able to intend. And actually, as I'm sitting about this, I forgot to get an update from Zach. There may still be spots available. I don't know that to be true. But you can go to and find out. In this free live webinar, Zach's going to answer questions about how is it that retirement accounts that look fantastic can actually be eaten from within like a cancer by inflation? How do you counter that? What are some things that you can invest in that are actually inflationary items you should have in your portfolio? And how do you do this all with an eye towards risk management? How does bulwark do it? And how are they doing at it? How's the fun performing? Go to and register. That's K-N-O-W. But work capital management is an investment advisor representative. Track financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance does not necessarily guarantee future results. So here's the video that's making the rounds that people tend to want to forward to others. It is a man in a lame, lame interpretation of Jesus. And people on the left have been told to forward this. This is clearly coming from the White House top down because all their paid shills pretend it's just hilarious. Truly, I say unto you, whoever welcomes one of these little ones, in my name, might be letting in a murderer. Or a drug. So pause, and I'll try to limit the pauses. The Lord Jesus was speaking about letting the little ones come to him spiritually to be spirits she changed. The Lord Jesus healed the lepers. He didn't walk away from the lepers. You know what else he said? Follow the laws of the nation. He himself followed the laws. You doubt it? When the Roman authorities came to get him, he could have said, yeah, I'm not going. Yeah, I'm not. What are you going to do about it? We're going to make you go. Yeah, here's 10,000 angels. Make me now. How you like me now? He didn't. He followed the law. We have immigration laws. Let's get her to a detention center, you know, so we can figure out what's going on. Yeah, let's do, because children are being brought into this country and sex traffic. So yeah, let's do figure out what's going on, because guess what the Lord Jesus would not want, that. I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. And behold, now I'm all lazy and entitled. You shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't have done that. He who will not work shall not eat. He who will not work shall not eat. Jesus is love and light and fairness and righteousness. He who will not work shall not eat. And, and as you treat the least of these, so you treat me. They only want the convenience, convenience store easily wrapped up fresh and fake Jesus. Who do others as you suspect they might want to do unto you? What is a man profited if he gained the whole world but lose his soul? A lot. He has profited a lot. One soul for the whole world. That is an amazing deal. The Lord Jesus is saying that there is no model in the world of him seeking to have money. It's treasure that moths eat. Treasure in heaven is what he sought. The left's pretense that only Republicans operate in a world of profit is hilarious when this is posted on TikTok. One of the most successful apps created for profit in the world. When their entire political pitch is, we'll force people to purchase your products even if they hate your company. We'll force parents to let you trans their kids even if they know what's wrong. Phenomenal. Why do you look at the speck of dust in your brother's eye but ignore the plank in your own? Because of her emails. The man strikes you on the right cheek. Turn to him and shoot him. It's not easy. It's not easy to do the will of Jesus. It's not easy to turn the other cheek. And remember this. The same people pushing this video are the same people who said burn the churches down. What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them now? That is the law. If you want to be perfect, go. Sell all the possessions that you have. And give the money to a solid mutual fund. No. In other words, have government come and take it from you. And unwisely invest it in a social security scheme that might return 1% if you're lucky. Not the 11% you'd get compounded over time. All of it falls apart. But we know these things. The people this is aimed at can now say, well you're not even Christian. You're Trumpy. They will know that you are my disciples. That you say Merry Christmas! Christ! Christmas! That's my name in there and I put it in there because I wanted it in there so we can all celebrate Big Boy Jesus' birthday time. Factually this, there are many, many names for God and He loves them all. And the name of Jesus, meaning Jesus Christ, Jesus the Messiah, is in fact a name to be glorified and worshipped and loved and respected. And in fact He does expect that. Petulently? No. Loveingly. Because if you don't start by respecting my name, I don't know that I can get to know you. Okay! Okay! Rabbi, Rabbi, surely you can heal me. My child, of course I could. But who would pay for it? I don't understand. I don't have any money. Yes, it is a sad story. But it does not make me responsible. College loan debt, same exact thing, same exact thing as the Lord Jesus, following the authorities, surrendering to the point of a cross, being beaten, discouraged, drinking the cup of wrath intended for the entire world that none of us can do. Oh, you think you could do the time on the cross? No. Not the way He did it. You couldn't consume the cup of wrath that would destroy you. He took it. Yeah, that's the same thing as walking into a doctor's office and paying more than a $5 copay. It's cold, it's calculated, and it's smart. Satan has very, very few tactics. He can depress, he can distort, and he can distract. In that case, it's distortion and distraction. He has a small toolkit, but he's good at using him. Thank you, Lord, for preparing us to test all spirits. Thank you for your word. Thank you for your son. Thank you for your people. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk with Jesus. The real Jesus, because there is only one. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it. Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. Ranger, for the ones who get it done.