The Todd Herman Show

SHOCK STATISTIC! 100 of Conservatives Are Going To Die! - How to Lie With Statistics Ep-1682

Shock statistic! 100% of conservatives are going to die! Well, you know, someday. We're gonna talk about how to lie with statistics and why to lie with statistics. I saw an interesting example of this on my Twitter feed. It comes with eye-catching photos of photogenic women showing their bust. Why would that be? Here's the headline: Your bra size affects how much you sweat and women with bigger bust sweat less. Now, I have not gone around to grocery stores and such asking large busted women, “do you sweat less?”. But, I did read the article. How did they get this statistic? There's also, of course, many, many lies on the climate front. Michael Mann, who in my opinion is a vicious paid liar, is back to lying using statistics, but in a very sloppy way. Sometimes, they don't bother with statistics. They just laugh and giggle when we point out that the people who are coming across the border sure do seem to contain a lot of cartel members and rapists. So what is the end goal? I will also answer some emails from frustrated listeners about my coverage of the Southern Baptist Convention debate around the Nicene Creed.

What does God’s Word say? 
Matthew 23:1-3 ESV  
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. They do all their deeds to be seen by others. 
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26 Jun 2024
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[LAUGHS] One of the things I actually did, believe it or not, was they put the temperature sensors in the holes of boats, in the holes of ships, which get warm the further they go, because the engines are on heating up the sensors, or you locate them as they did in urban areas with no grass and no trees and with reflective pavement. There's lots of ways to lie with statistics. Some of them is to just ignore some of the context. We talk about this with this lie. That black babies are more likely to die with white doctors. I think I've addressed that. So I want to talk about some of the ways that they're lying with statistics. But I also want to begin with an email, because it's representative of a ton of emails I got in relation to the show we did on the Southern Baptist Convention, or not the show, but was part of a show about the Southern Baptist Convention. And in fact, I think I was actually sloppy on something. And I see where people are coming from. I should have used a different title for the show, My Fault. So I want to address that right off the bat, because this is, when I say podcast family, I'm not making up a phrase. I feel that way. You guys support us and have for so many years, most of you, that I owe it to you when I think I went a little far, or was sloppy to own up to it, so we will. America, we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By honoring your sacred vocation of education, you impact your family, your friends, and your community. At Grand Canyon University, our online bachelors, masters, and doctoral education degree programs allow you to balance online coursework with observational and hands-on experience in the field. Find your purpose at GCU, private, Christian, affordable. Visit And Father God, please help me do a good job of communicating this, because last time, I don't know that I did. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these at the time, so which God has decided we shall live. Appreciate you being there, whether watching, end or listening. Curtis Christensen and others had some quick responses to the show we did where I mentioned the Southern Baptist Convention, and I entitled the show Satan's Basic Church. That was overreach. That was sloppy, and it was rude, and I changed it later. I went and changed it to Satan's Basic Church question mark. Is that what the SBC is? And I said, no. But I'm very concerned about the way they're leaning into something. And on that topic, I stand by what I said. So Curtis Christensen, a gentleman named Jonathan, both wrote to me about this. And Curtis was pretty stringent in his remarks. Clear, loving, and corrective. So I want to get to that first Jonathan's note. Love listening to your show from Texas. As a Southern Baptist, I disagree with your assessment. Well, I have no problem with the creed. This is the Nicene creed. The commentary was about the fact that the Southern Baptist are debating whether to have the Nicene creed or not. But they didn't appear to have a problem with something that J.D. Greer did. The president of the Southern Baptist Convention, I'll get to that. Well, I have no problem with the creed. Southern Baptists are not creedal people. For that reason, I will not accept it. Also as Baptists, we're not beholden to our convention. Each Southern Baptist Church is an autonomous with Jesus Christ as our head. We don't have to do anything the SBC says and can even control the amount of money we send their way, which is reviewed multiple times a year. I am the head of our finance committee. Hope this finds you well. Grace and peace of a Lord Jesus Christ be with you, Jonathan. What a beautiful note, Jonathan. Thank you very, very much. Not creedal people didn't know that. And that's good to know. And the Nicene creed to me is simply a neat and tidy way of wrapping up what it means to be a believing Christian, a Bible believing Christian. That's his note. Curtis Christensen got very precise with me, very loving and frustrated with me. Tod I was very upset when I heard you're opening on the episode 1667 regarding the SBC. As a strong Christian man who grew up in the Anglican tradition, we use the Nicene creed constantly, along with the Athanasian creed and the Westminster Confession of Faith. So with what I believe is some authority as a strong Christian man, I feel the need to admonish you for your statements in an episode. First of all, the Southern Baptist Convention operates through the centralized structure with various entities and committees. It is not an overreaching controlling organization but a convention. The SBC adheres to the doctrine of local church autonomy. Each church voluntarily affiliates with the convention and sends messengers to the annual meeting and the SBC is not affiliated with Fuller. Now, by the way, pausing from the note, I don't believe I said that the SBC is connected to the Fullerton Institute. I don't think I said that, the Theological Institute. I don't think I said that. And I was going after Fuller for something altogether different but we'll get to that, next to the note from Curtis. Now, the reason the SBC did not add the Nicene creed to their BFM Baptist faith and message was primarily due to their desire to not make what I would call a canonical change to their statement without more review. I'm attaching some links for your reference on this. And finally, where in the world did you get the idea that the SBC's profess any of the things you specifically stated? Pretending that God did not create male and female. Pretending that God did not intend marriage to be between a man and a woman. The SBC as a body has never made any such statements and I would challenge you to please review the attached links. I am praying you will review all of this and further discuss this on the show. Calling the SBC Satan's basic church is not a Christian response to what they stand for and I believe your thoughts are not correct. I stand corrected on the use of the phrase Satan's basic church. That was wrong. I apologize for that. That was sensationalism. I try not to do that. It was sloppy. Now, on the Fuller Institute, what we're talking about there was this theological institute that has said they're going to let people come on campus in same-sex unions. Announcing then that they no longer believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, but that's not the SBC. Here's what I'm talking about with the Southern Baptists, Curtis. Southern Baptists embrace gender-inclusive language in the Bible. America's largest Protestant domination is produced to revise translation that incorporates many features that had long condemned. Gender-neutral. Hmm, God did not create a gender-neutral expression of himself, himself. Southern Baptist president says Christian should use pronoun hospitality. J.D. Greer, pastor Greer, who incidentally, I adore. I love his preaching. I love his teaching. I own two of his books. I studied one of his books and wrote about it in my pastoral residency. The book is called "Losing to Win," great book. And what God has done through him and his team to build his church, a unbelievable story. The pastor Greer is wrong. It is not hospitable to use a fake pronoun for someone. It's lying. And when you start using the pronouns, how then do you not say that the person is what they proclaim? If you're going to call a man a woman and then that man decides to marry another man, you are now voiding God's concept of marriage. These really are slippery slopes. They really do lead to accepting things that are against God's word. So Pastor Greer, when he made this statement later, wrote back and said that it's not exactly the way you think. And Rod Dryer, who wrote the book "Live Not By Lies," covered this as well. So Curtis and John, that's where I was coming from in relation to the Southern Baptist Convention. And this came on the heels of when the Presbyterian church, no, pardon me, the United Methodist church had that nightmare where they had everybody stand up forced to give their statements in their struggle sessions as regards their, you know, pronouns and introducing themselves that way. It's just atrocious. So I hope that explains things and I hope that that makes some peace between us. And I'll reach out to both of you through email. So you know, you've been featured at the opening of the show. We try to do that because I really, really do believe in podcast families. It's why we're so very serious about reviewing everything we do in the show, particularly in relation to partnerships. I'm looking at having something done physically. And I'm talking to a prospective partner of the show about having something done to reduce the loose skin on my body. Now, I want your feedback on this. If I go get this done, I'm doing it. I think, I think I'm doing this for athletic reasons. I say question mark. This is a process that's supposed to do away the loose skin on my body. It's non-invasive and I'm really studying this and I'm really praying about it. And the company that does it's great. They check out, the equipment checks out. I just wonder if I'm getting into being prideful? I've never felt prideful about my body. I don't think I do now. I think I just want the loose skin gone. Now, this is far different when it comes to something like pain. This weekend, I put myself into a workout where I was in the 169 beats per minute for about two hours in the first workout. And several times after that, that's what the day, it was a big workout day. And man, I was toast after the first workout that morning. I actually needed a nap. Now, it would have been in days gone that I would have ate a bunch of ibuprofen after that. In fact, honestly, I would have had four ibuprofen before that workout and four afterwards. I did not do that. I'm not gonna do that anymore. Ibuprofen is out of my life because I had countered native path krill. So these are special omega threes. They are first of all, they're first of all, far more absorbable than the omega threes you're taking through fish, far more absorbable. They get into the bloodstream more quickly. There's also this. They're shown to reduce blood clots by 60% and they're shown to have reduced joint pain by 28% in seven days. The native path krill comes from Antarctica. These are the purest waters we have. So you're not gonna get a lot of the bad elements in them like heavy metals, et cetera, that pollute other waters. And to me, the change was almost immediate. When I started taking native path krill, I ended up no longer needing ibuprofen. And I remember I actually got a second phone call. I actually went to the team and said, I need to understand this because I've taken omega threes before, but I've never, ever had anything like this where I actually don't need to have ibuprofen. So we got to the phone call and they explained this all to me. Please, please do not continue to poison your body with ibuprofen. It's destroying the lining to your gut, which actually creates more inflammation. Please don't do this to your kidneys. I did it, I'm asking you to stop 'cause I've stopped. Go to and that's and toss out the ibuprofen. Yeah, I could talk about bonus gifts. I could talk about a bunch of things with this, but let's start with getting you healthy. Go to That's and toss that junk in the garbage. Speaking of health, I came across this article and first of all, it's got clickbait images in it of a photogenic woman showing her bust. Well, I guess those are two separate women maybe. New York Post, your brow size affects how much you sweat. Women with bigger busts sweat less. Now, I did not go around and ask women this topic because something told me, don't do that. I thought about doing that, but then something said, don't do that. Being in the grocery store, hey, you've got a large bust. May I ask you a question? I just remembered when I was super heavy, which is not having a large bust, but I, well, let's say it this way. Let's say it this way, let's say, there's a point at which I may have had a moob or two. Uncomfortable. Yeah, I could actually produce some photos of me standing at the lake when I lost my first initial 60 pounds. Think it, I looked pretty good. And I may have had some moob. They may have, they may have responded to slight wind. I mean, I've just, but it was easier for me to swim. I can tread water for six and a half hours, like, and have a martini in one hand while doing it. 'Cause I was floating. Now, it seems to me that when I had much more fat in my body, I sweated more because I sweated more. In this piece that I read it, they actually did a study. They actually took women and had various cup sizes and they actually had them do exercise. And they actually came back and said, okay, it happens that there's more sweat glands in women who have smaller busts, more sweat rhymes. So they are going to sweat more than women with large busts. And I read the article, and you know what's not in here? How often did the women with smaller busts train versus the women with larger busts? Who trained more often? In the exercise they did, who was actually exceeding their average aerobic capacity? Who was actually experiencing aerobic stress? In what energy system are you operating? Were you in zone one or zone five? Because guess what, in zone five, if you're doing that for a long time, you're gonna sweat a lot more. There's also this. How often had these people trained? Because guess what? You can actually make your sweat glands more active. If you go out and train more often or go in saunas and things like that, you lie through statistics by grabbing something like this and not providing the context. Now, wouldn't you know it? There's a sports bra being made. That's tied to this study. So often when you want to determine who's lying through statistics, figure out who paid to get the statistics. Of course, where this is most often done is in climate change. They're still pushing this, but they're changing. They know that the climate change narrative has collapsed. It's flattened, it's de-blued. So they are now shifting over to water is the crisis, but it doesn't mean that they're not done with segments like this on CNN, a climate expert explaining something about our economy, because they want to tax us for what we exhale. So he has some words of caution about our economy. - It is, it's really hot across the country this week. And I suppose there are gonna be folks who are gonna brush this off and say, "Well, it's June, it's gonna get hot." What is driving this heat wave that we're seeing right now across the country? - The sun. - Yeah, thanks, Jim, it's good to be with you. And you know, this is an early heat wave. - Okay, so this is Michael Mann, and I have to be careful 'cause Michael Mann soothes people. But in my opinion, Michael Mann is a liar. In my assessment, Michael Mann is a bully. In my assessment, Michael Mann is one of the original authors of the climate change scam. In my memory, according to my memory, and in my opinion, when he said hide the decline, he meant we've got to hide the decline in temperatures. In my judgment, when he created this hockey stick graph that showed the temperatures just skyrocketing in the world, he was using data that relied upon temperature devices being put in places that are going to show excess temperature. And of course, scoping the data in my judgment. Firmly, in my opinion, 'cause I don't want to go through what Mark Stein went through with this Michael Mann. - We're seeing the sort of heat that you really don't expect to see into well into July. We're seeing it here in mid-June. In my state, we're seeing triple digit numbers. As you mentioned, Pittsburgh, sort of record levels of-- - Pittsburgh is not a state. Hold on a second. Nana, is Pittsburgh a state? Are you sure? Okay, will you ask chat GPT? Maybe it's become a state. And it's happening early, and that's sort of what we expect. As the planet warms up, we're gonna see more frequent and more intense heat waves, but they're gonna be more pervasive, and they're going to expand over a large-- - Was it the question what's causing this? I think that was the question from the CNN, dude. What's causing this, Michael Mann? - Your enlarger fraction of our summer, until if we completely fail to act on climate, we will be dealing with a perpetual-- 270 million Americans may see temps above 90 degrees. That's what's flashing in the screen. 270 million Americans are going to die. - Cool heat wave. Summer will be a perpetual heat wave. It's up to us. - It's up to us. We can just simply stop the sun from being the sun. - It continues, they continue in the discussion. Are we gonna get to why? 'Cause, wasn't that the question why? - Yeah, and I guess we sort of went very quickly past that graphic we showed again to our viewers about Pittsburgh. - Wait, Pittsburgh's a city. It's not a state. Pittsburgh is largely urban with concrete and blacktop and freeways and such. It's going to be harder there, plus it's not a state. - The amount of heat that they're seeing in Pittsburgh right now, I mean-- - Why did they choose Pittsburgh? Well, because it's convenient. You lie with statistics by choosing to statistics with which to lie. - They haven't seen heat like this in 30 years. Last time Pittsburgh was 95 degrees for six days. - I know, when we talk national stories, we always say pick a city. Let's just pick a city. - I mean, that's pretty wild. And Michael, I mean, it seems to me that we're seeing almost month after month, the year after year, we're breaking records. - Yeah, we are. And it's the extreme heat right now in the Eastern and Central US. Record flooding down in Florida. And of course, the wildfires out west now in New-- - The wildfire, oh! - Okay, hold on. (sighing) I'm praying to not hate him. Dear Father God, Lord, please give me patience. Remind me that Michael Mann is a spiritual captive. Let me speak in a calm sense about a guy who just appears to be lying. Let me just try to get through this clip. Maybe just, okay, but yeah, just one other thing. When you go on TV and you are unchallenged when you specifically were asked, how is this happening? You're picking one city and now you're going to talk about the West Coast and you're not going to talk about the fact that you and your type, I need to pray again. So I hate him. You and your type refused to let people thin the forests. When God's plan was, occasionally there would be lightning. It would start a fire. It would burn portions of the forest. It would turn the forest over. The it's, you stop that. When you can't stop the lightning but you refuse to let us go thin the forest when lightning does cause a fire, we had to rush in and put it out immediately. You won't go in, let's go in and cut down trees. You will not let us improve the electrical infrastructure so that when power lines are down, they don't cause fires. You won't let any of this happen. And yet you're going to pretend that this is because of the weather and notice what he's done. The story's about Pittsburgh. And now we're talking about wildfires in the West Coast. Mexico and California, more than 60,000 acres burning right now in California. And this is what we predicted. This is what we said we would be seeing if we failed to move away from fossil fuels to reduce carbon emissions. And unfortunately, as climate scientists, the worst thing to experience is seeing your predictions come true. And that's what's happening. - No, no, okay, is he going to get here to the point where I just pull a quote? Yeah, here's what he says. I can't do this anymore. I can't listen, see, because he soothes people and there's so many things that if he didn't, well, I could just say this in my opinion. In my opinion, no one has done more harm to the believability of anything to do with climate science than this, not to say fool, God says, don't call people fools, than this spiritual captive so-called Dr. Michael Mann. There's a few other climate alarmists who are lying with data, but let's just go straight to the point, no, no, no, in fact, let me do this. Let me just do this, money, okay. Lworking in the background of all this discussion about change everybody over to electricity, there's something called micronuclear. You know about this? So these very small footprints, nuclear generation plants, power power plants, tiny, they don't have those big tall towers, so they don't take up all this footprint, they don't need all the river water, and those things in the small little retail store size shops can power 3 million homes. Lworking in the background of all of this, there's going to be a shift over to nuclear, you're watching sea, but it's, and they're not gonna do this until they get the ownership lined up, watch and sea, because you're gonna switch this over to electric, which has the ports coming to your house, they gotta get rid of the natural gas, which of course is killing kids, your natural gas stove in Montana is killing BIPOC kids in the Bronx. They're all lighting up for this. So get the infrastructure built to deliver power straight into your house, and then they're gonna switch over to micronuclear and watch all of a sudden, nuclear's perfectly safe. It's always the money. Tomorrow my friend Zach Abraham is doing a free live webinar on the topic of money and inflation, and how inflation is in fact, the silent assassin of retirement portfolios, Zach is the guy who taught me about micronuclear and where he thinks that's going. He never pretends to be a soothsayer, but he has been very specific about where inflation is going, and look where inflation has gone. Largely where Zach said it would. About a month ago he did his last free live webinar on this topic and it sold out. I've never seen him do so so quickly together. Usually he waits a quarter before he does another one. This is tomorrow at 330 Pacific. You can join for free free live webinar means that, but you do have to register. Go to that's K-N-O-W,, register for the free live webinar tomorrow at 330 Pacific. But what Capital Management is an investment advisor representative, Trek Financial, LLC, and SEC registered investment advisor, investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance doesn't necessarily guarantee future results. How do you lie with statistics? Well, in the case of Michael Mann in My Judgment, you take a piece, which is about a city, which is about as localized as you can get, and you use it as an excuse to say Pittsburgh's really hot. Therefore, the fires on the West Coast are of the same cause. When they're not even in the approximate arena to one another. The cause on the West Coast has been years of purposeful in My Judgment, the neglect of the forests. On Twitter, Dr. Jill Belch, a climate alarmist writes awful. Don't let anyone tell you more people die from cold than heat. For the past five years, huge numbers of people dying from heat stress compared to cold. More than 550 hodge pilgrims die as temps exceed 50 degrees Celsius. Officials report treating more than 2,000 people for heat stress. Pause. A, that's very sad. That 500 people died on a religious pilgrimage. 500 and 50, B, through the desert. You walk through the desert at a hot period of time on your pilgrimage to Mecca and you don't have sufficient water and you're old and infirm, you will die. This is a known thing. Heat stress. You can put heat stress on yourself pretty easily. I did it to myself this weekend. In one of these workouts I did, I had to wear my seal fit stuff, my utility pants and shirt and boots. And I've done that workout many times, not with a weight vest. But man, when I got done with that, I, before my next workout, which was just a swim, I actually had to go home and nap. I was that zoned. But let's just go to the statistics. This is from the global, regional and national burden of mortality associated with non-optimal ambient temperatures from 2000 to 2019, Landsat July 2021. Landsat being a peer-reviewed journal. In that period of time in North America, about 300,000 people died from cold-related elements, fewer than about 50,000 from heat. Latin America, very similar in Europe. About 600,000 people died from cold-related elements in Europe, maybe 200,000 from heat, Africa. 1,000,000, about 1.2 million people died from cold death, versus heat death. In heat death in Africa, it's well below, looks to be below about maybe 25,000. Asia, cold deaths, about 2.5, maybe even 3 million from Asia. And heat deaths, maybe 200,000, maybe 200,000. Yeah, maybe 200,000. That's the data. Never let anyone tell you that more people die from cold than from heat except more people die from cold than from heat. The way you lie with statistics is you use a PhD. You use an academic title to say, "Well, I don't know if you have a PhD, I do." And never let anyone tell you that more people die from cold than from heat. Except that more people die from cold than from heat. Another way to do this is simply to choose the data you look at. It's simply to refuse to look at data. This is what the FBI did. When the FBI decided to toss out crime statistics from Los Angeles and New York and hey, maybe even Pittsburgh, they decided we don't want that data in our data. Here's a father who went to a school board meeting, you might remember this one, and he presented some data because the school officials said, "Hey, we can't find us no data." Several weeks ago, in a vote to allow trans students to use whatever bathroom they wish. Please say so-called. You assured us that these policies were perfectly safe as neither yourself nor law enforcement could provide a single example of any trans student assaulting any girl in any bathroom, in any school, in any state, anywhere in all, in fact. But not to worry, since you could locate them, I took the trouble too. See, Loudon County, Virginia, where last year, under district policy, a trans student was allowed into the women's bathroom where he assaulted a girl to cover it up. They moved him to another school where he did it again. See, Irvine, California, last month, where a trans student entered the women's locker room and flashed the girls there. When they confronted him, he mercilessly beat them. This happened again in Gwynette County, Georgia. This happened again in Oklahoma City. This happened again in Ohio, where a trans man was allowed to use the locker room where he was arrested for flashing little girls. The judge dropped the charges after he ruled that this man was too fat for them to see anything. Last month, in this city, a man using they/them pronouns, in a scene straight out of silence of the lambs, hunted down and killed a female jogger 'cause he, quote, "wanted to look just like her." And before you say that these are anecdotal evidence, just note that in a survey of trans inmates in federal prisons, half were convicted of sexual assault and 90% were convicted of violent crimes well above the general prison population. Now, it should also be noted that in each of these cases, each of these perpetrators had either changed their pronouns, had an undergone transition, or had received gender-affirming therapy and accommodations thereof. Why is this important to note? Probably for the same reason. We recognize as a society that you do not affirm that people with anorexia can be healthy in any way. You do not affirm that somebody with schizophrenia is hearing voices and you do not affirm that somebody in a manic episode is having great ideas because when you leave somebody to languish in their false mental state, i.e., men who think they are women, they will inevitably lash out and harm themselves and those around them, hurt people, hurt other people. But I don't want to pretend and have the hubris to think that I'm going to be the one to change your mind. I'm happy to share any and all of these examples with you, but you will most likely leave here tonight believing that men can become women, affirming care works, and that you made the right vote. But you will no longer be able to look into the eyes of your constituents and honestly say that you are unaware of the assaults that inevitably take place when we declare to women, you have no right to privacy. Thank you very much. - Boom, well done, well explained. In the separate country of Washington state, the ACLU has helped the government in that country make it illegal for you to go find out how many men are in women's prisons. It is illegal to go find their, quote, birth sex or the sex they were assigned at birth. One of the ways you lie with statistics is you make sure that people cannot get the statistics. Remember when Pfizer, with the help of the FDA, wanted the denialist ability to look at their statistics for 75 years in relation to the trials. You lie with data by making sure you can't see all the data. Sometimes you just lie. Representative Pramila Paypal, whose real name is Jayapal, I car Paypal because that's all she does is do fundraising. Wait until you hear and or see her response to a statistical anomaly of a young girl being murdered right after she was raped by illegal immigrants. Now, statistical alarm anomalies. All right, let's do this. What's a common factor of everybody who comes into the country illegally? They all break the law. Every single one of them is a criminal. They start their time in America, having broken the law. What else is common with them? Most of them are trafficked. Well, I'm not saying against their will, but most of them have coyotes and assistants getting across the border. What are coyotes? They're organized crime. When you work with organized criminals, do they just take your money and then leave you alone? No, they're criminals. They want to continue to make money off of you for the rest of your life. You can continue down this path and continue to examine people who come into this country illegally are they more likely to be in contact with cartels? Well, yeah, because they got the help of cartels to get into the country. See, when we go down this road, you can begin to look at the statistics in a different way, starting globally and going very, very specifically. So we're going to talk about this case with Pramila Paypal laughing and giggling as she talks about this rape and admit that, yeah, that one rape does not mean that all people who cross the border are rapists, but it means that we are radically increasing the odds of this happening in our cities because we are radically changing the complexion of who we led into the country, starting with the fact that we're letting in people willing to break the law. It creates a psychological type as it were. And there's types, types matter. There's types of devices. There's a device called an air filter for your house and they are generally loud. They're generally disruptive. You're not going to have them on when company's there. It's just too loud to have a decent conversation. They're expensive because you don't just buy them once. You buy the shell of the device with the motor and the shell and the infrastructure. And then a couple of times of year, you take the filters out, you throw them away, they go in a landfill somewhere and then you buy other filters for two to 400 bucks per year and you use those. On the other hand, there's something called an air cleanser, air purifier. That is what the Oxyleaf II thunderstorm is. It's an air purifier. Now, how does it purify the air? It doesn't send out robots, there's no tiny drones. It does not climb out little cleaning devices to scrub the walls. It produces ozone, O3. The chemical structure of O3 makes it able to take the chemical structure of things that say come from cat litter or from cigar smoke, cigarette smoke or fish cooking. Like my wife is kind enough to do for me in my prep cooking. It bonds to those molecules and it zaps them. It neutralizes them. It removes them. In other words, it cleanses them from the air. What you end up with then is a pleasant smell. The smell like after a thunderstorm. This is what we use in the studio. It's what I use at home. And I'm going to give you a guarantee. If you're a pet owner, the people at guarantee that this will remove the bad smells from your pets or you get your money back. And you can have whole home coverage and save $200. Just go to, use code TOD3. That's TODD3 to save $200 on the Oxyleaf II thunderstorm. Breathe a breath of fresh air. Get the pet stink guarantee. It's, use code TOD3. You lie through statistics in many different ways. Sometimes you don't even bother with the statistics. You just go to the lie. PayPal, representative PayPal from the separate country of Washington state, was on with Joy Reid. Watch as they have fun discussing the rape of a 13-year-old girl by an illegal immigrant. Great, the citizens, but there's a lot of fear of mongering. There's a lot of fear of mongering. And I think it's kind of remarkable that the polls I look at, the national polls, actually Americans still support immigrants. They support immigration. It's just that they would like to see a system that actually works and that can keep them safe and secure. So the statistics she's quoting, people like immigration. OK, what kind? Choose the data you're talking about. In her case, she's going to pretend that the discussion is about, should we have immigration? So she's pretending she's scoping the data for her convenience. And all of us want that. And I've been working on this issue for 20 years. Before I came to Congress in the streets as an activist. Let me show you this is one of the reasons that people have these sort of thinking, this sort of thinking. Here's the three cable networks reporting of this. Our banner said, soon Biden announces legal protections for undocumented spouses. A citizen CNN's banner said, Biden announces new protections for some undocumented spouses. Here was Fox's banner. Migrant arrested for raping 13-year-olds near. Yes. And so I think that's part of the problem, right? Exactly. You have a lot of the problem. Fear mark, right? Exactly. And we know that when people have economic insecurity-- That's laughing material? OK, so in her defense, she's laughing about Fox News. But it's not just, quote, just that 13-year-old. There were three other kids. In this last year, we haven't had a week go by when we're not talking about someone who's been illegally-- or murdered by an illegal immigrant or raped. And you can add this to the fact that the cartels own areas of cities. The Hondurans own, or at least did, according to drug's ink, own the drug trade. In Seattle, Honduran cartels. That's not fear-mongering. There was a woman in Europe. She is a member of a conservative political party. You know what she did? She's facing fines and sanctions from the government. Want to know what she did? She posted the government statistics on rape. And those statistics showed that recent immigrants, Muslim immigrants, are more likely to rape women. Why? Because they're from societies that say, if women are going around dressed like that, then you get to do this. We're importing people like that. That's not fear-mongering. That's just saying this is what you've decided to do. It's not fear-mongering. To go to James O'Keeffe's former organization, Project Veritas, they actually got something done without James. Imagine that. They took someone behind the scenes in the State Department. And this is a US Consular Officer talking about immigration and policy thereof. I mean, there's got to be something that you're like, man, I didn't check to tell the world about this. Oh, there's a lot of things. But mostly what immigration, immigration, because that's the one that went to lunch is really good for immigration. I was people who knew that were letting in criminals daily. Like, when I was in-- you have to come to make sure that-- you have to come to make sure. Oh, yeah. So all the good, honest, hardworking banks in the State of Mexico, and all the pieces of garbage to the United States. And those are the ones that we like. And the Mexican government has no reason to stop it, because their garbage goes to another country and sends money back to it. Like, imagine if they're worse than all the criminals in the United States, we're all going to Canada. I mean, that billions of dollars a year. Why would you stop that? I wouldn't even change the numbers of, like, if we let in 100,000 Mexicans a year, I'm like, what 100,000 Mexicans a year? I just changed the quality of the applicant. You know, say, 100,000 Mexicans, but you can't have them in the US illegally, and you can't have them at all around here. So what is the angle? Why aren't they allowing-- truth me, I want to change the terms I'm gonna say. It's very, very good. Because, I mean, no, honestly, the people from Nebraska like my country. Like, Americans that have-- I've never been recognized for 400 years. Traditional, standard Americans are not leftist. Not Americans, all people have to sleep. And it literally is just a try to change it. Coming out of our state department, just an admission apparently on a date. It's funny how many of these things appear to be dates. People will share a lot on dates when they're looking to impress another, right? So many from Latin America are leftists. No, that's true. That's what the data shows. How? Go look at the elections. Go look at the way those countries have gone. It's a way we don't want to go. That's not to say that there aren't great things in Mexico. There are. I've so enjoyed my time in Puerto Vallarta. It's the only part of Mexico to which I've been. I guess I should experience some others. But I don't want to go to Northern Mexico because it's sort of cartel run. And I go to Puerto Vallarta for a very, very specific reason. It's because that's where my partners at renew health are-- Right, I don't want to say forced, but yeah, they're forced. To do what they do, they can't be in America because in America, big pharma has said, you don't get to use stem cells from placentas or umbilical cords, even though they have magical properties. See, these cells have potential power. They have not been assigned a role. They're ready to do whatever. So build muscle in your shoulder or tendons or cartilage to help reduce inflammation. That's the first thing that these cells do wherever they go is they reduce inflammation. I went down there this time and got my ankle treated because as the doctor, the surgeon who did my injection told me he's a Harvard-certified surgeon. He told me, you don't yet have an Achilles tendon tear, but this is how to begin. It's with this repeat inflammation. He said, so you are probably working on getting one. So you came down at the right time. The day after he injected me, and he told me, I'd be a little sore, there's going to be some extra fluid back there, this is a very small place, it's going to be extra sore. The day after the day, I began to heal. The inflammation was gone. This past Saturday, wearing a 30-pound weight vest, I ran two miles on an air runner and did a whole bunch of gymnastics. After that, I went and climbed a hill. After that, I swam, which didn't really affect my heel. I'm sitting here now recording this, telling you that there's no inflammation in my heel. It's gone. Oh, on Sunday, I took my dog on a five-mile walk. Absolutely no heel pain. The stem cells do their work, starting with reducing inflammation, and then building tissue, where tissue's been damaged. Oftentimes, people do not have to have surgery. If you don't have to have surgery, why have surgery? It's You can have lower lumbar pain, being told you need surgery for that. You can have lost mobility and limbs. I've seen it happen with people hemispherically paralyzed. I've seen it happen with people who go down for aesthetic reasons when I was down there. There are people using this instead of getting Botox, which is a cow poison shot into your face. Stem cells from umbilical cords and placentas. Never from babies. Go to and just simply tell them you're part of the podcast family that's Let them look at your medical records and they'll tell you if they can help you or not. And if it's not, they'll tell you they can't. They can, they'll tell you how much it's gonna cost and the time it will take. That's a scientific fact. These stem cells, the way they're gathered, that they don't have these roles assigned. Size writers are the easiest, I think, to con because it starts with being a writer. It starts with that caring and fairness thing, so they want things to be true. There's a woman named Laura Helmuth, and she is a so-called science writer. It's not really being a journalist. At the disinformation chronicle, Paul Thacker points out that she's still insisting on Twitter, she's still insisting the following. Yes, of course, there absolutely is science to support the advice to send six feet away or more from people who might be infected with deadly respiratory viruses. She was responding to Marjorie Taylor Greene's attack on Fauci over COVID-6 foot rules not being based in science. Well, there's Fauci's admission that they weren't scientifically backed. You got that. There's Francis Collins, who under questioning admitted that he couldn't recall any instance of there being any scientific rigor behind this. There's the Washington Post, Dan Diamond admitting, in the pandemic, we were told to keep six feet apart. There's no science to support that. And a congressional appearance, infectious disease, expert Anthony S. Fauci characterized the recommendation as an empiric decision that wasn't based upon data. And yet, this woman continues to be allowed to write about science. Alex Berenson points this out about Fauci, one of the most prolific liars in relation to statistics who's ever lived. And there it is. Tiny Tony Fauci believes strongly in the press, the legitimate press, that is. Who wants to tell him the first amendment doesn't get to decide which reporters are legit, it says the government doesn't get to decide which reporters are legitimate. This is what Fauci said. "I believe strongly in the importance of the press, "the legitimate press, that is, "which is integral to our democracy. "Got it." That's the legitimate press. Well, here's Fauci on TV with a member of someone he no doubts considers to be a member, rather, of the legitimate press. And then when that didn't work, he started invoking magical cures like hydroxychloroquine. He being President Trump. And then when it became clear that wasn't working, he brought in Scott Atlas who told him everything he wanted to hear. And it was just wanting so much for it to go away and figuring out if it wasn't gonna go away naturally, I'm gonna act like it's gonna go away. That was the problem. - Was it dangerous for him to promote hydroxychloroquine? And I remecked it in those other cures, well, supposed cures that don't actually treat COVID? - Yeah, I mean, obviously it is. I mean, I don't wanna get into how many numbers that people would have made the difference. But clearly, he missed an opportunity because there were people out there who knew nothing about this who were saying hydroxychloroquine works. And we know that not only does it not, but it actually hurts people. He could have used the bully pulpit of the presidency to say, "Hey, listen to the scientists." But he didn't do that. - Tony Fauci is the biggest liar in the history of the world, in my judgment. He said that everybody's at the same risk for COVID. Everybody, that was a monumental lie. And he lied many other ways. See, he would so often throw around statistics that no one bothered to check. Well, what we do know is the vaccines are 98% effective against severe illness and hospitalization. Pardon, question? Define severe and hospitalization within what period of time, Tony? The magic two weeks are afterwards. You lie with statistics in many ways. One of them is you simply pull them out of the air. And if you just simply ask a question like, "Well, to find that term, you can find out they're lying." We talk a lot about the fruit of the spirit, measuring people according to the fruits that they produce. We could also turn to Matthew, chapter 23, verses one through three, for advice to people who have influence over others. Then Jesus said to the crowds and to disciples, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat. "So do and observe whatever they tell you, "but not the works they do, for they preach, "but do not practice. "They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, "and lay them other people's shoulders, "but they themselves are not willing to move them "with their finger. "They do all the deeds to be seen by others. "You can lie with statistics in many ways. "One of the things we can do is go right back to this "and say, "Wow, global warming. "I guess you don't fly in planes. "I know that's a cliche, but it's also simple. "Global warming. "You don't fly in planes. "I guess you don't use computers." Because there's no such thing as throwing away the hard drives. They have a half-life of how long? And the solar panels and the Tesla batteries and the, wait, while we're on that topic of sitting on the seat of Moses, wait, Tony, you didn't wear a mask when you thought you weren't on video. See, it's easy to make it complicated when people lie with statistics. And then the word of God that never returns void can remind us. We can take all thoughts and, in fact, spirits captive to Christ by using his word. Thank you, God, for that unspeakably important gift of your word and your son and your mercy. And this is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)