The Todd Herman Show

Speaking of Jeff Bezos and the dying Washington Post, wanna hear a Bezos story? Ep-1680

Speaking of Jeff Bezos and the dying Washington Post, want to hear a Bezos story? I’ll share a Jeff Bezos story with you. If you've been with us a long time, you might have heard it, but it bears repeating because the people who run the Washington Post, Bezos among them, are facing pushback from their team. They tried to put an editor in place to change things, but the editor got ran out of town. And, I'll remind you of the sort of person that Jeff Bezos can be. Remember when they had William Shatner who got to go on one of Bezos rockets? You might remember when Bezos stole the stage from Shatner who was trying to tell an emotional story. We'll also look at some of the changes that have gone on in a world related to the Washington Post. For some reason, is being celebrated now by conservatives for suddenly telling the truth about Ashley Biden's diary and something else. But why are we celebrating this? It's seven years later. This no longer matters in the election cycle. Lots of people in the media, though, should be doing the same thing that Snopes has done. Anderson Cooper did an entire segment on right wing media selectively editing videos. But, wasn't there a time when Anderson Cooper did the same thing? And, we can't ignore this because it's so central to what Democrats have become, Jamal Bowman, the guy who pulled the fire alarm in order to disrupt an official government proceeding, went out and showed exactly who he is at a rally with AOC in Brooklyn.
What does God’s Word say? 
1 Corinthians 1:27-31 NIV
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.
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25 Jun 2024
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But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool! Call 1-800-Granger, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. It's any big mystery that the Mockingbird media is dying, and they're killing themselves. The data shows that the traffic to the legacy Mockingbird media is just continuing to plummet. Every single week, it seems like we've got a new person who's left the Mockingbird media to go out and do better on their own. Catherine Herridge is doing that now. I remember when they came and seized her computer when they fired her, and it was so clearly tied to the people who run Joe Biden. And we said at the time, "Hey, watch, shield's good if you go out." And Catherine Herridge reports is going to be skyrocketing, and immediately that happened. Because people have washed her for years, and I haven't been able to discern her political point of view. Wouldn't you know it though? One of her first stories is something that we can't even say on YouTube. It has to do with some stuff that people were forced to take in the military. And the military now admitting that that stuff screwed people up in a specific way that we're not allowed to say on YouTube, not that this part's going on YouTube, but just learning to speak the language. We won't, won't, censor on the main show that runs on Substack. We're not going to do that. But Jeff Bezos, who bought the Washington Post, is finding out just how thick the campus politics are in media. That is, they anticipate the Washington Post continuing to be a charity. They've succeeded in actually preventing a new boss from coming in. We'll talk about this with the help of Renew.Healthcare and, much more importantly, God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God is the side of a shall live. Casey Hunt is emblemic of what is and has become of the Mockingbird media. She said when a Rand Paul was attacked by a neighbor, and he was pretty seriously injured, by the way. New details today on the incident that left Senator Rand Paul with six broken ribs. This might be one of my favorite stories. Casey Hunt said on air. So, for some reason, the people who advised President Trump decided that he should go into this debate on CNN. Now, in their defense, the dwindling audience that CNN maintains is actually an audience of people who do contain persuadable people. That is people who consider themselves moderates. And President Trump, in order to convince them, must use the language of caring and fairness. Remind everybody. We conservatives, we care about law and order, we care about authoritarianism, we care about public safety, we care about the economy, we care about borders, we care about things like that across the board. We care about all the things. Moderates care about the things, but only, only through the lens of caring and fairness. That is the only thing that animates them politically. Can they convince themselves that it's caring and fair, or does it feel caring and fair? That's a challenge for Republicans in general because, well, conservatives sometimes have to say no. The only time that the party that runs Joe Biden says no is if it's something that they've painted into being racist, or homophobic, or nativistic, nativism, right? So they decided that the debates are going to be on CNN, and this has obviously made the rounds. It's obvious what CNN has set up, and it's obvious that Team Trump intends to take CNN's bias and use it as a tool against them. Casey Hunt, the woman who celebrated Rand Paul getting beat up and having six ribs broken, shut off the mic of a Trump spokeswoman, Carolyn Levitt. It takes someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper, Donald Trump, to see that Jake Tapper has consistently contributed. You're going to keep attacking my colleagues. Ma'am, I'm going to stop this interview if you're continuing to attack my colleagues. I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who you work for. Yes, if you are here to speak on his behalf, I will have this conversation. I am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past now. I'm sorry, guys. We're going to come back out to the panel. Caroline, thank you very much for your time. You are welcome to come back at any point. She is welcome to come back and speak about Donald Trump, and Donald Trump will have equal time to Joe Biden when they both join us now at next early later this week in Atlanta for this debate. She's welcome to come back and speak about Donald Trump. See, they're back to what aboutisms. Remember that they banned what aboutisms? See, comparisons are really important in life. And when we're going to have these people moderating, they are part of the story. We all know this. The Mockingbird media simply cannot find their way out of their own way. And Jeff Bezos is now going to learn that the college campuses that he's helped fund and the leftists that he's helped create are in sconched at the Washington Post, so he's not going to be able to help himself. There's already been a revolt. They've already succeeded in blocking a new boss from coming in. We'll get into that because these things matter for the unfolding fact that our republic, our democratic republic, is leaning. It's teetering. Every election gets more important. And in fact, every single time it happens, there's huge amounts of money at play. If you're watching this live, it's Tuesday morning. If you're listening or watching later, we love you equally. If you are watching it live or watching it on Tuesday, listening to it on Tuesday, two days from now, on Thursday. My friend Zack Abraham is doing a free live workshop. It's his second one in recent times on inflation and how it is the silent assassin of retirement portfolios. In normal times, Zack only does one of these per quarter. He's doing this about a month after his last one because it's in such high demand. The fact of the matter is, in this election cycle, the people who run figurehead by continue to lie about inflation. They continue to hide inflation. You experience it if you do the grocery shopping. My wife the other day said, Todd, I really don't think you know how expensive things have become. And she was right. I started to pay attention to this so that money in your retirement account, it's getting sucked dry. If it's not set up for an inflationary time, which in my mind requires active management of portfolios. You know, risk management, the thing that bulwark does. So this workshop is free, but you have to register to attend. Zack will talk about inflation, how it attacks retirement portfolios, and how you can balance against that hedge against it. Go to That's K-N-O-W,, and register. Bulwark Capital Management is an investment advisor representative, a truck financial LLC, an SEC registered investment advisor. Investments involve risk. You could lose money. Past performance does not necessarily guarantee future results. Jeff Bezos is walking into this environment, or has. He's holding the Washington Post for some time. This is a picture of a guy named Tyler Cherry. Tyler Cherry with the bare chest and the, are those hearts on him? It is in lace. Oh, look. Hey, wait. He's wearing earrings. Oh, that's right. He's neither man nor woman. He's non-binary. And Tyler, at least years ago, you know, 2017, 2018, used to like to cuss and use F words, and I guess young people do that. He also wanted to see Israel completely bereft of arms. He apparently hates the Israeli people and loves the Muslim faith. Even though in a Muslim adhered country, he'd be thrown off a rooftop for pretending to be neither man nor woman. He's now the assistance communications chief for the White House. We'll talk some more about his tweets that he's tried to walk back. Notice that they're picking the same sorts of people for the same sorts of reasons because they're showing folks that want to believe they've been victimized. Join us. You'll get to crack heads, even if it's rhetorically. Jeff Bezos is walking into that environment at the Washington Post or has walked into it. Bezos is facing a revolt. CNN writes, "Jeff Bezos is under fire at the Washington Post. His patience wears thin among staffers." That's by Oliver Darcy, who by the way is a liar. Oh yes, he totally lied about me. And when I was filling in for Rush Limbaugh, I pretended to listen to the whole show I did when it was clear he might have listened to 10 minutes. This from Dylan Byers, an observer of media. New, Jeff Bezos sends memo to the Washington Post staff. Team, I know you've already heard this from Will, but I wanted also to weigh in directly. The journalistic standards and ethics at the Post will not change. To be sure, it can't be business as usual at the Post. The world's evolving rapidly. We do need to change as a business with your support. We'll do that and lead this great institution into the future. But as the newsroom leaders who've been shaping and guiding our coverage, you also know our standards at the Post have always been very high. That can't change and it won't. You have my full commitment to maintaining the quality, ethics, and standards we all believe in. A huge thank you for continuing to do the work that makes us all proud and makes this institution so important. So why is he writing that? He's writing it because there is a revolt, a successful one. Let's talk, though, about Jeff Bezos and what the people at the Post might not know. Now before Bezos became someone who is chemically altered, you don't achieve the physique he's done. Just do hard work. It just doesn't happen at that age. I know that because I work very, very hard in the gym and I take testosterone. I have HGH now. I know that. I admit it to you. I don't have a big problem with it. Jeff Bezos doesn't go around talking about the chemicals he takes, but I think it's probably more than HGH and testosterone, but I'm just guessing. I don't know it. I'm just guessing, looking at his physique and how quickly it changed. Prior to going around in leather pants and prior to being with this woman who is, well, fond of putting her body on display and I'm not the judge. Jesus is the judge. I'm just describing the circumstance. Prior to all that, Jeff Bezos was cold and he was vindictive. Now, I only met Jeff a couple of times. I talked to him one time very casually, actually in a bathroom at the Seahawks game, embarrassingly enough. And one time in his office, very quickly, he wouldn't remember it to save his life. He couldn't remember it. But each time I kept track of it. First time I met him in the bathroom and talked to him, he was just starting Amazon. We ought to sense that it was going to be very big. And at that point, he was really awkward, giggly, cackled when he laughed. Meeting him in his office later and just having a very, very brief conversation with him about platforms and video platforms, he was inquisitive. He asked questions, but it seemed that he always wanted me to give up the information about what we were doing at Microsoft and nothing about Amazon. Smart cunning, get it. But at that point, far less pleasant, not cackling, not giggling. And again, it was a business discussion. This, I know, secondhand, from a friend who told me the story. This is what the Washington Post people should understand. A woman I tried to hire at her internet radio company, she and I had a series of meetings and breakfasts and lunches. She was in the office a bunch of times. She met with a whole bunch of our team members. She really wanted to come over and work for us. And in some ways, I think if she had, we probably would have done better. Not that we didn't do well. God really blessed us with that company. She, though, could not find a way to convince herself to leave Amazon because she had, I believe, about a five million or more dollar bonus waiting. See, her stock was going to vest, meaning she'd have all of it. They do this thing where this called a cliff event. Sue, you earned little bits of stock and little bits of stock, but hanging out there is your big reward. You should call it a vesting cliff. You jumped off the cliff and all of a sudden it wasn't little bits of stock. You got the whole thing. Those are big days. Back in the days of Microsoft when you would vest, say, a gold star award, you could one day, one day, go home with a hundred thousand dollars extra money in a single day. In the case of Amazon, she was looking at five million bucks. She was in a meeting that Jeff attended. It was a marketing meeting. She had some ideas and she shared them. Jeff didn't like the ideas. She pushed back. She said, "This is what the data shows. This is what our tests have shown. This is what we're seeing in the marketplace. This has been the response. And Jeff did not like the response. He didn't want to hear her data. Bad day. I don't know. I don't know Jeff well. I spent a lot of time with her. And I know that she was a very cautious and a very thoughtful and a very clear and careful and respectful communicator. I know that because we're in multiple, multiple instances. And more importantly, she's a dear and dear close friend to my business mentor. They are still very close friends. They're families vacationed together. She came in at his recommendation. So the meeting ended awkwardly. And Julie went on vacation to Hawaii. When she came back, she went to work. She showed up at the Amazon headquarters that used to be up on Crown Hill in Seattle. It was a former hospital. Used to be able to, I jogged up there from time to time and it was an incredible view, but this old building, weird building really packed people in there. It was a strange place to work. And she went to the front door. So cut her card key, put it on the scanner, and it didn't work. So she tried it again. And it didn't work. And she rang security, who came to the front door with all her stuff on carts. And a note from HR, you were terminated two weeks ago. Hope you enjoyed your vacation. The vesting, the stock cliff, he fired her before she could get that. Slowly because of that meeting, I don't know. But it's indicative of a man that the staffers at the Washington Post would do well to understand. He might well do an Elon Musk. He might well go through that newsroom and start removing people who are responsible for this revolt. Because Jeff Bezos isn't always a friendly guy. There was a moment that is hard to forget if you've seen it. Jeff Bezos, with one of his space flights, allowed William Shatner onto his craft. Now that's a really cool move. A lot of people in tech really, really love Star Trek and that shouldn't surprise anybody. There were phones, some of the first generation flip films were actually made to look like the communicator. Some of them on the first gen Star Trek, if you watched the first generation Star Trek, you'd flip them up and they were crafted that way. In fact, one had a logo that looked a lot like Star Trek. They were all inspired by that. And it makes sense. Roddenberry was a visionary. So there were these big fans. Someone around Bezos or maybe Bezos himself said, "Hey, you know what, let's let Bill Shatner, William Shatner, who played Captain Kirk, the first Captain Kirk in the first gen, let's let him go fly with us." There's this moment where Jeff Bezos is standing there as William Shatner is going to share an incredibly emotional story about being in space. Now imagine this. You're Captain Kirk. That's how you're known to the world. And you get a chance to go into space and then come back and share with the world what it felt like. I'll show you that. Play it for you. You can hear the audio. Imagine how his brain tingled. Shatner. Going back through all the scenes in Star Trek as he's actually looking down at the Earth from a spacecraft. Just imagine that, the recall he had. At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call, click, or just stop by. Granger. For the ones who get it done. So the scene is this. Bill Shatner has been up in space. Courtesy of Jeff Bezos and Bezos' company. He's now down responding to this incredible life-changing moment. And Jeff Bezos is standing next to him as people are partying in the background. Pay attention to how long Bezos puts up. With William Shatner, one of the world's most recognizable actors, telling his emotional tale of being allowed to go into space. You know what, Mike? Get out of here, people! That's what I had. But I never expected. It's a shooting ball. Oh, my gosh. It can't be a shooting ball. Come here. I want one. That's Jeff. Give me a champagne bottle. I want one. I want to hear this. That's the lady who became his now wife. Wow. Now if you're watching the video, look at Bill Shatner's face. That's absolutely tragic. You brought me here for my name. The cameras are here, we're talking. I'm trying to share with you a human moment. And you can't wait 20 seconds or a minute for the champagne. The people of Washington Post would do well to understand who Jeff Bezos is. And part of me hopes that the cold Jeff Bezos comes out. Part of me does because it actually might give us back a journalistic entity that matters. It might. So here's what's gotten out of the post. This is from legal insurrection. Walt Journal revolt at Washington Post successfully blocks editor who vowed reform. The Washington Post might be doomed. Last year, the liberal paper lost almost $80 million. The executive editor was recently forced out and the paper decided to bring in Robert Winnet of the telegraph as the new chief. But the woke staff doesn't want to change their ways. So they revolted by running a hit piece about Winnet and it worked. He backed out. Tim Graham, who writes at Newsbusters, did more on this topic, but let's just examine this. They used Bezos's own paper to do a character assassination of the guy that he brought in to turn the organization around. An organization that lost $80 million. Now, in mathematical fairness, Jeff Bezos doesn't care about $80 million. To you or me, that'd be like the equivalent of you or me losing 80 cents. Maybe, maybe eight bucks, maybe. So if we don't earn eight bucks, the way Jeff Bezos does. And look, I don't begrudging his money. has been brilliantly run from day one. He was brilliant in his patience. Everything he did, execution was perfect. He knew at what time he just started caring about profits and he wasn't going to do that until he was forced to care. So Tim Graham's piece at Newsbusters. For weeks now, the Washington Post has been plagued by internal turmoil over some top new hires. It started with new publisher Will Lewis, a former Rupert Murdoch employee, who quickly attracted opposite research from NPR media reporter David Fokenfeck, a man who reports incessantly on Murdoch, like the mogul's James Bond villain at taxpayer expense. This caused a predictable ruckus among leftists, both inside the Post and outside. Since the papers owned by billionaire Jeff Bezos, the Post sees treat the newspaper like a charity, not a business. They don't seem to care that the Post lost $77 million over the past year and had to offer buyouts to several hundred staffers to address the losses. The subscribers were in revolt in a web chat with Post media editor blogger Eric Wemple. Wemple, by the way, is very good at what he does. 1. What's the best way for subscribers to let Jeff Bezos know we don't like how he's hiring so many men from Rupert Murdoch's empire to be in charge of the Washington Post? Many people are simply canceling their subscriptions, but I'm wondering if we have better options. And Wemple entertained these questions and entertained the approach. So they succeeded in blocking Jeff Bezos from getting what Jeff Bezos wants. That's dangerous. Jeff Bezos wanted that woman Julie to shut up. She didn't. I'm counting on her and her personality having been calm and respectful in the way she presented the data, but apparently according to Julie from the very tip top, you're fired. Does he still have that capacity? Again, I don't think this is revenge in my heart. Can you imagine if the Washington Post actually had the right size? Can you imagine if Jeff Bezos actually took time away from, you know, wearing leather pants and being in, well, you know, things? I think you know what I mean. If he actually came to the post and applied the same rigor that he did at Amazon, and in fact the same coldness, that they may not come, but if it did, it would be fantastic for America. There's a lot of conservatives who are now applauding another kind of archive media entity, though still with some power, Seven years after the fact, all of a sudden we see Snopes now starting to have to correct its corrections, have contents of Ashley Biden's diary been verified. It's been proven for years, and all of a sudden it's been proven. Why? Because the FBI said so because it was now an issue in court. So now they rate it true as you can see. They did the same thing about neo-Nazis in President Trump. All of a sudden, no, Trump did not call neo-Nazis and white supremacists very fine people. So why are they doing this? What is the timing? What is the lock in? I think it might be because they want to be trusted again for the election cycle. They don't want Trump to be able to point at these things. They want to be able to respond to the debate. They want to be able to build new myths. Let's not applaud them for this. Seven years after the fact, when they had already, already meddled an election, they're suddenly coming clean on this. Here's one thing it does do though. It's it allows Trump headed in these debates to have more ammunition for people like Casey Hunt, who contend that you're not being fair if you describe the behaviors of her colleagues like Jake Tapper, when in fact that's exactly fair. After all, he's a moderator. He's a host. He gets a television show to air his opinions every single week for hours and hours a day. Like I do. He just has a, well, a little bit larger audience, although CNN's continuing to shrink. They do have studios just like us. They've got cameras just like us, but they have a whole bunch of writers and people behind the scenes populating teleprompters. We don't do that here. We do what we can in the studio that God's provided us. But I do the same thing here that I do in my home. I have in this studio the OxiLeaf 2 from It's the thunderstorm device. We've got more of them at home. After all, the home's bigger. I don't talk a lot about this, but the edempur OxiLeaf 2, in addition to negating negative smells, and actually it does away with viruses. How? Well, the O3 it produces. That's ozone. It has the capacity to bond to negative molecules, be it from pet stink, or be it from cigarettes, cooking fish, et cetera, just musky. Just opening up your cabin, take the OxiLeaf 2 thunderstorm device out there from edempurdeals, and it will smell just as fresh as after a thunderstorm, and it will do it very, very quickly. Operates the same way with viruses. My experience of having this is we never have negative smells in the studio, and at home, when I did take my dog's swim and my wife hates that, I simply put the OxiLeaf 2 thunderstorm in the room and boom, the smell is gone. They've issued a pet stink guarantee when you use the OxiLeaf 2 thunderstorm from If it does not do away with stinky pet order, you get your money back, and on the front end, you already save a bunch of money. Save $200 on a whole home coverage with three of these devices. Go to, use code TOD3, that's TODD3, and they guarantee. If the pet stink stays, you get your money back,, use code TOD3. Let's not thank snopes other than for this. Allowing us to go back and look at the culture of CNN and places like that. This is Anderson Cooper. He did an entire segment, deeply, deeply concerned about the right-wing media, selectively editing videos, but wait, isn't there a history of that at his program? More now on what actually happened at the very end of President Biden's appearance, Saturday in Los Angeles, namely, was that the president freezing up with former President Obama by his side, or was the former president taking in the crowd, as his supporters have suggested? It's a serious question. A lot of the president's halting gait at times, but also in the recent wake of right-wing media, selectively editing video to claim Mr. Biden wandered off for the G7 summit. Reuters and Charlottesville chanting that, "Jews will not replace us, but there were blood in soil. Jews will not replace us. Blood in soil was a Nazi slogan, "glute and boden." Americans on the streets in America chanting Nazi slogans. They were tapping into the deep and dark vein of what's known today as replacement theory. Now, most people watching that would be outraged. The former president said this. And you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. Very fine people among Americans that night chanting Nazi slogans. And you had people, and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. President Trump said that seven years ago. He said it on the spot. Anderson Cooper is not concerned with selectively edited videos. Anderson Cooper, like most people at CNN, is an actor. He reads a teleprompter for a living. He will read whatever's in front of him, and this goes to the sinking of the mockingbird media. Everybody who writes for the teleprompter at the mockingbird media outfits, every single one of them comes from the same political view. Or if they don't, they know that they must portray the same political view in order to move up in the organization. The Washington Post is no different. Jeff Bezos should recognize this. Bezos made a point at Amazon of hiring people from different disciplines. The closest I ever got to getting a job at Amazon was at Amazon Studios when it was just being founded. And thank God I didn't take that job. It turned out that the guy who ran that place was an actual pedophile. It seemed like a nice dude. He was actually a closet conservative, but turned out to be someone who used his position in Amazon to inflict his sexual will on the bodies of children. So when I was interviewed for that job and I went to have the last final appropriate meeting, this is called the Azab. You go meet with the Az appropriate and meet with the boss. What are the things he said to me was, do you build your own spreadsheets? No. I mean, I said, oh, I can, but not like you guys. I'm not a delight consultant. I can't do the beautiful macros you guys do. That's not what I do. And yet you earn this money. Look, I earn this money because I understand the strategy of media has applied to technology because I've built regulationships in Hollywood and in New York because I've helped create some products that have done very, very well. I've helped build platforms like the AP's video platform. That's never hampered me to not be able to build a spreadsheet. He called me later and said, look, I really want to bring you on the team. Would you consider maybe, you know, getting into a class, like a three or six months focus class to learn how to build a spreadsheet, like a macro, like the people that delight do? I said, no. No, it's not something I want to spend my time doing. If this is a difference between me getting hired or not, you should hire someone else. But you're going to go find someone who builds spreadsheets and has my connections and my strategic insight. I don't think so. He told me later that he made a very, very strong push to try to get me in. The one thing that Bezos said was this. I'm not bringing in someone who can't look at the numbers in a sophisticated way, even if he's got, and I love this, a unique background. Bezos made a point of bringing in people from farming to help with agricultural pages on He brought people in from fitness to help with fitness pages, but only so long as they could be great manipulators of the numbers. He should be looking at this at the Washington Post. CNN should be looking at regards to their ratings, but they can't because they yet can't see it, which brings us to the word of God. In 1 Corinthians, chapter 1, verses 27 through 31, we learn this. But God shows the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. God shows the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God shows the lowly things of this world and the despised things and the things that are not to nullify the things that are so that no one may boast before him. If Amazon and the Washington Post, and anyone else in Mockingbird Medium, has done one thing consistently, it's boast. It's also this, to take the very simple things. Casey Hunt, as we talked about at the beginning of the show, simply could have said to the Trump spokeswoman, who said that about Jake Tapper being in balance and calling President Trump Hitler, she simply could have said, "I'll let you take that up with Jake when you're on his program." Now, let me ask you this about the debate. She could have said that. But the simple things eluded her because she understands that Jake Tapper is a star and you got to protect the stars. I think someone in Jeff Bezos' fear thinks that the stars at the Washington Post are the writers. If they are, they're the ones who are going to leave and go create their own audiences. Like Catherine Heritage is done, or Tucker Carlson or Cheryl Atkinson before that, Michelle Malkin before all of them. Michelle has a very successful career, smaller audience, more money, and influence that she cares about. That can't happen. There is a trend in Hollywood, the losing of people. We talked about Jillian Michaels. There's also a trend in Brooklyn, losing an election. It's almost tied together in a way. You have Representative Jamal Bowman, he of Fire Alarm fame and Bill Marm. We'll do a comparison here because through comparisons, we can learn a lot of things. So little side-by-side action, what do these things does not belong? Although I think they actually both belong. So we'll look at this as painful as it will be. Last night, I went to bed with something of a pain. So I was looking back at my exercise log. I write down all my workouts and I've been in pretty big detail. And I look back at the amount of volume of work I've done over the past month. And it's pretty insane. And I think it's a little much. So last night, I doubled down on my native path, Krill. Why would I do that? Because it fights inflammation. It fights it in a way that ibuprofen does not. Ibuprofen masks the symptoms of inflammation, but it causes inflammation. So it causes you to feel less of the effects. But it's building up inflammation in your body by destroying your gut lining. When that happens, there's particles that shouldn't get into your bloodstream, but do. Hey, look, that causes more inflammation. Omega-3s are common. People try them all the time, but they come with that horrible fishy taste. Do you notice that? Native path Krill does not come with that fishy taste. It comes from the Antarctic. It comes from shrimp-like crustaceans. It comes in a very rich omega oil, which is, in fact, much more absorbable than the fish-based oils. And it's much more potent. It also contains astaxanthin. This is a very powerful antioxidant, and it may help reduce inflammation in the body. It's 550 times stronger than vitamin E, 6,000 times more potent than vitamin C. What turned me on to the power of this stuff is I had never in my life thought that I could stop taking ibuprofen. The moment I began taking this and it built up on my body, I no longer needed it. So when I look back at my exercise log, I said, "Wow, that's a lot of two and three day workouts in a pretty long time." I think I need a rest day or two. I doubled down a native path Krill, and this morning, the inflammation is gone. It is that potent. Please, don't do what I did, don't give into pharma, don't continue to eat ibuprofen. I think that stuff killed my dad, or at least contributed to it, to him getting liver disease stuff destroying you. So do this. Visit today and see what deals they're offering you. There's always something. They're great that way. That's Don't forget the slash-todd part. Bill Maher isn't necessarily leaving California, but he's leaving a California mindset. And let's not hang our hopes in Bill Maher. Let's not hang our hopes on some entertainment messiah. Let's try to reach Hollywood. Let's talk the language of caring and fairness. Let's take moments like this with Bill Maher and use them to maybe welcome him to think further, to lean further into who we are. Ultimately, wouldn't it be amazing if Bill Maher came to know the Lord? Counting on that. I don't think his ego will let him do that, but maybe, maybe, with God, all things are possible. Bill Maher is now realizing how the Democrats are rigging the 2024 election and doing it in front of us. 45% of Hispanic voters prefer Biden compared to 39% for Trump. Last time he won 59%, and that was 2020, so he's lost 14 points there. He went to Morehouse. He said, "What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?" That seemed like pandering to me. Black voters under 50. He led by 80 points in 2020, now by 37, still a lot, but he's lost 43 points off the key constituency. Student loans. He's forgiven 144 billion dollars in student loans, only 36% of student debt holders like it. I mean, if you can't win the people you're pandering to, I mean, I get it, politics is somewhat about pandering. That's not even an insult. You're supposed to do what people want to a certain degree, also be a leader. But if you're not winning these groups, and he's lost 8% off women since 2020, and yet I read in the polls he pulled ahead this week, explain that to me. They're ringing the polls. You explain that by the mockingbird media is setting the groundwork for a fourth, of course. Figure it by one. He's been leading in the polls. You didn't see this coming? It's the same technique used over and over again in the past three elections, changing the polls and lying with data as we talked about the other day. How to lie with data. Representative Jamal Bowman is not going to be able to lie his way out of this election. He's way behind by 17 points. And he has with AOC performed an event in front of people that should be the disqualifier. This is a really jury-rigged district he's in, part of its Westchester County, part of its the Bronx, this corner of the Bronx. He ran just to win the Bronx corner. Watch this and think as a black man, if you'd taken your kid to go see your congressional representative speaking or black family, this former high school principal, spouting off like this in front of a crowd trying to win re-election. In the John Federman thing with the shorts and their t-shirt. Says a backer of abortion. What it is, God uses the simple things to shame the wise. I'm not saying that Jamal Bowman is particularly wise. There is a change coming, Julian's song has been released. We'll talk about that interesting timing. We'll talk about in the UK, the politicians backing away from safe and effective. We'll talk about in the UK, the guy who helped engineer that, Andrew Brigham says that he has given names to law enforcement in an international basis of people who are engaged in high-level sex trafficking. We've been talking about this that this week. That's coming. In Canada, Tommy Robinson was just arrested for an immigration violation, outstanding immigration violation, although he'd just gotten into the country. He'd never been to Canada, and they put some travel restrictions on him. Interestingly, those travel restrictions meant that he could stay in that district, but he couldn't go give the speech that the people at Rebel News had brought him in to give. He couldn't travel to that area. He could go to other areas, but not that specific area. They didn't want him to speak. Something coming. There's something changing. This is from the UK. Why are citizens of the UK pushing President Donald Trump for election? His leadership is needed to stay the way. All of our countries to be flooded, they are destroying our cultures, they are bringing us down. There's no tuck on the west, and there's only one person still shooting it, if you have a chance to shoot me, and I'm in my way. It's happening because the mockingbird media, academia, and the party are purposely, just as he said, flooding our countries. Let's not give in to hating the people we're coming in. We're not to do that. We're to love our enemies and our opponents and our neighbors. That's very, very clear from the Bible, but understand this. People cannot forever be fooled, and as they begin to wake up, there is a reckoning coming. I hope that Jeff Bezos will actually return to the cold and calculating Jeff Bezos, and look at the numbers of the Washington Post, because think of this. If the Washington Post started to actually welcome conservatives, can you imagine how it could change the business for Jeff Bezos if he cares about it? Sad fact is, $80 million doesn't mean that much to Bezos yet. It might because in a country that's undergone the conclusion of a color revolution, sometimes money like that kind of disappears weird that way. Lord, thank you for reminding us how you use the simple things to shame the foolish. Thank you for reminding us of your word, and that unlike the Washington Post, you are truth, you are light, and you cannot change. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well and be strong and be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial-grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. 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