The Todd Herman Show

Donald Sutherland and Why Actors Become Liberals Ep-1677

I don't normally go around talking about actors and I'm not here to say that he was a role model or anything like that. But one thing I do want to talk about is Donald Sutherland and why actors become liberals. And I think this is evident through how Sutherland, in kind of a creepy, weird way, described his love of being an actor. He starred in some of the fundamentally most important roles, I think, for societal commentary that exists today. I also loved his role in Hunger Games and I'll tell you why. One scene in particular to me is so vitally, vitally important. Capturing Hollywood for Christ is vital and we have to be able to tap the heart of creators. Riley Gaines and her group is taking a run at this with a commercial about protecting girls' sports. TikTok, of course, has banned this. We'll also give you an update on that janitor who was held captive. Remember when the pro-homos agitators took a bunch of people captive?

What does God’s Word say? 
1 Peter 5:1-4 NIV To the Elders and the Flock
5 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.
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Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2024
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So Donald Sutherland died, and it reminded me of an opportunity to talk about something we need to do, which is to get better at understanding actors and actresses and artists. Because as Andrew Breitbart pointed out, culture is upstream of politics. And God implanted in us the need for story after all the Lord Jesus spoke in parables and told stories. He was probably the greatest storyteller who ever lived. We need to be able to understand the world and relate to people who are in the world, and in fact, we need to be able to infiltrate the world. The same way the left and Satanists have infiltrated everything else, we need to be able to infiltrate Hollywood. Donald Sutherland made some movies that conservatives should love, that conservatives should celebrate some others that know. We're going to play for you an interview with Donald Sutherland about Donald Sutherland, and part of it's cool, but part of it's so cringe, but in it, I think we see why actors become so liberal, because it's two words, and you've heard us talk about this on the program since they were presented to me. The words are caring and fairness. We conservatives and Christians, we care about law and order. We care about the economy. We care about the justice system. We care about tyranny. We care about things beyond caring and fairness. Liberals and moderates look at everything through the lens of caring and fairness. We'll apply that to Donald Sutherland. There's a lot more to the show today. There's also this reminder that Alvin Bragg, the prosecutor in New York, he's tossed nearly all the cases from the anti-Israel protests at Columbia University where they, in fact, took captives. Remember that? But it took a guy captive. He wasn't the only one to whom that happened during that period of time. We'll get started with the help of God Almighty. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to speak together again. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman Today is the day the Lord has made in these of the times to which God has decided to show them. Starting things in the world of Hollywood, let's start with this predicate, that people are successful actors or comedians when they can cause us to feel. We don't laugh at things that don't make us feel something, amusement, discomfort, a sense of unease or dis-ease, shock, and comedians run the gambit on how they do that. Some of them are just shock people. Other people like Kevin James. My wife and daughter and I went to go see Kevin James. Remember him from King of Queens? Absolutely clean humor. Throughout his program, he was building up to this end scene, this end scene that involved something his kid did with a video game. I don't want to give it away because it's actually something he's still touring on and I bet it's a routine he does, but he built that throughout the show, scripted it. So he did this through clean humor, through relating to us common events, the things that we can relate to because most of us are parents, we've all been kids. The comedians, like him, cause us to feel something. We're feeling hope for his son. Throughout the event, oh, his son's going to come around. Right? What he thought his son was coming around, Kevin James delivers the punch line that wrapped up the night, a huge laugh line, but also this huge act of sharing about he trying to be a dad. You're successful in Hollywood to the degree to which you can get people to feel. The way you get people to feel as an actor is you feel. There are method actors, actors who say, "Well, I'm just going to practice being the character and I'm just going to do that until I become the character. I'm going to stay in character on set." Okay? There are also actors who are feeling what they are portraying for us. They can do that because of whatever, a huge gift of empathy, or maybe they're just unbalanced people. It's very easy for them to get sad or happy. They can conjure emotions. I mean, there's ranges of things, but the commonality is, I think, caring and fairness. I think this is why they end up being liberal and when they become successful, there's something else. It has to do with taxation. See, when they become successful and the money starts to pour in, they're getting paid in ways you and I don't. Well, that's not true. I actually do, I actually do structure our income and the podcast through some licensing because after all, we do license the podcast to other people. But in Hollywood, a lot of the most successful actors are paying 15% income taxes, capped at that. Why? Because they're not paid based upon income, they're paid based upon licensing. So they end up with these absurd amounts of money. Now, if you are motivated by caring and fairness and you have these absurd amounts of money coming in and you know it's for pretending, it's going to create in you, I guess, some cognitive dissonance. Is this caring or fair? They perceive the rest of rich people, to be operating the same way or even well off people or even people with high incomes, weren't even necessarily well off because a lot of people are that way. We're going to go through something. Louis C.K. said something that Tim Robbins said, but we will spend a ton of time on Donald Sutherland and two pivotal movie roles, not pivotal necessarily, but I think important. One in particular is the most important societal message movie made in the last 20 years. And it's something that you should really make sure your kids understand when they watch it or watch it again and again, right? Get this in their brains. Louis C.K. talking about why in his goal, in his mind, mass migration isn't about equity or justice or whatever else people promote it to be. Now, as we watch this and or listen to it, remember, people like this, we have to understand them, we have to be able to relate to them, we have to be able to help our kids. If they choose, get into Hollywood and storytelling and music making so that they can spread the word of God, but also go be conservative in this space. But my feeling is they should open it, the border and just let them pour it, let everybody pour in and then the answer, which is, well, then there'll be all these problems. Yes, there should be. It shouldn't be so great here is what I'm saying in America. It shouldn't be it's a weird thing to sequester a certain group of people and try to keep upping their lifespan and their lifestyle and just keep trying to increase that for this group of people and then everyone's and then this pressure of people trying to come in so they can enjoy it and then it gets worse and worse down here. I'm not in Canada, it's really just from down here. There's something wrong with that. That's not a system that's working and it forces people to do cruel things to other people. There's a lot of people that die so Americans can be safe. They're just dying weddings that are drone bombed in Yemen because the guy said something that might have resulted in American insecurity, not even like definite American deaths but like just so we can breathe a little easier. Folks die and folks do labor in unsafe places so that we can keep the prices where we like them. There's so much about American life that other people pay for it. That's part of it but also it's not good for us either. It's not a good way to live in a gated community. If you let folks pour in like any other wave it'll kind of slosh and then you'll just things will be different. I don't know like what will really happen a bunch of people like well they just come with knives and start killing everybody I don't think so. Yes, not all of them have come in with knives and started killing everybody because not everybody who sneaks into the country illegally is going to do that. They're not all cartel members but to answer your question, yeah they're raping and killing kids and they're dealing drugs and they're setting up cartel camps and they're getting paid to do that. The caring and fairness lens absolutely makes people crazy because they cannot add to that law and order tyranny authoritarianism the economy or this. What Lewis CK is saying there effectively is that we shouldn't have lifeboat limits. If you're out in the sea and your boat God forbid goes down you should make sure everybody gets in the same lifeboat so it can sink. We shouldn't have limits on let's say theater capacity so when he goes and does a routine and he's doing one of his shows why not have 12,000 people in a room that fits 3000 because people will die because if God forbid there's a fire ain't no one getting out because people will get trampled. What about an airplane? Why do we need all these seats? Why don't we just fill it to capacity? Why don't we just have people standing up because they're going to get hurt? The nation is not that different but in Hollywood this mindset this caring and fairness mindset that's it that's the tunnel vision but Lewis CK what about our economy? We've got a 300 trillion dollar off the book debt well but other countries are worse so we should become worse that's actually what he's saying we should become worse. That's an illness because you could do the same thing with your house you know it's not fair that we've got a nice house let's go tear the siding off I mean I'm looking down the street these guys down here they don't have siding in their house it blew off during the storm and ours ours didn't get hit we should tear the siding off of our house. It's socialism and reverse but at least he's speaking it out truthfully other people are doing it behind the scenes actors become liberal because of the caring and fairness lens now this is creepy and it's old and it's entertainment tonight and it's it's old and there's a phrase that Donald Trump or Donald Sutherland uses it here and it's so 1970s and it's so I think you know what I mean do you you'll see. I have such a respect for my father as an actor not only is he I believe one of the most prolific actors in the English language but I think he's made such an incredible impact. Do you love me you really love me and when you take a look at the diversity of his films from Burdle if she's 1900 to mash to ordinary people six degrees of separation I mean the list is endless I've been watching you and you watching me acting is the best job in the world acting is like having a lover that's the word that's so 1970s key party and the hair and the well the most sensational lover in the world and suddenly the phone rings and you pick it up and it's her and she says come get me so you want to go oh what a treat growing up keeper was unaware of his dad's prolific work but in 2013 he got a lifelong wish granted the father and son got to work together in the Western forsaken in every regard this was one of the great experiences of my life so an invitation come back here so Donald Sutherland has died and we're going to spend a little bit of time on forsaken but again to go back to the theme the reason I want to talk about this is because Hollywood is such a foreign place to so many many people I had the advantage of working there with Microsoft money being down there a couple three times a month and often yes handing out money not handing it out writing contracts but working in that field and encountering people who this is their life caring and fairness feelings are their lives we conservatives can't relate because we look at the full spectrum of policy we look at the full spectrum of what happens to a country when you are just ruled by feelings they don't they can't we need to understand this those of us who are in the political realm or the spiritual realm I mean we're all in the spiritual realm but those of us who want to advance the word of God we need to respect story for what story is and I think that we need to think about story in sort of a different sense in the Bible in first Peter chapter 5 verses 1 through 4 this is written to the elders and the flock so the elders among you I appeal as a fellow elder and witness of Christ's sufferings who will also share in the glory to be revealed be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care watching over them not because you must but because you were willing as God wants you to be not pursuing dishonest gain but eager to serve not learning over those entrusted to you but being examples to the flock when the chief shepherd appears you receive the crown of glory that will never fade away how did the Lord Jesus shepherd well through example but also through story the Bible itself though true is also the greatest metanerative ever written it is about a being who has existed and always will exist though he is in harmable though he's omnipotent omniscient knows all things and can do all things he allowed his creation to deny him he allowed his creation to walk away he did this because he wanted us to have liberty well and in fact freedom liberty is to be able to do what you want within the realm of principles freedom is simply do whatever you want he then put about an effort to pursue those who turned away from him please come back but he won't force us it's the greatest narrative in history the greatest story in history we need to be able to tap into this and to do that we need to be able to operate within the society of people who make movies like this operating in a society like this begins with understanding the lens the lens is caring and fairness when we communicate to the lenses of caring and fairness any policy can be explained in a way that can help appeal to people like this because they can be appealed to fact later this week we're going to talk about the fact that Hollywood is actually losing people jillian michaels is a fitness influencer she was on the show the biggest loser she likes to talk about the fact that she is a same-sex attracted woman and she's ethnically Jewish and she's a leftist did you know that she's leaving the state of california they've run her out of what she called her home there's lots of ways to try to appeal to jillian michaels first of all would be on this topic of hey come to know god the other though is yes it's unfair it's uncaring that's what she's saying california's become unfair and uncaring back to donald southerland in this movie that i hope you'll go see if you've not forsaken he first southerland plays a young man who effectively fell into being a gunfighter he found out he's really good at killing people yeah it's an old tale yeah it's an old western tale yes i get it they're reluctant hero i know heroes journey i know it's so well done there is a sort of surprise relationship in the movie between he and another gunfighter and it is actually a huge turn on how westerns are normally done but it's father and son and in a specific scene i can't help but see the actual relationship between the actual father and son being acted out on stage keitha southerland wasn't always someone respected his dad he was a prodigal of sorts how could he not be given the money and the influence his family had in hollywood in the scene keitha southerland and his actual father discuss father and son issues just because you don't believe me father makes so i told you i'm doing this because maw wanted it what your mother wanted was for you to come back from the war what about you pa do you want me to come back simple enough question to even bother you that i didn't come back after the war what are you talking about i'm talking about the day you turned your back on me the day my brother william died that's not true i'm sorry why the hell do you think she wanted us to clear this field together she tried to help us put things right there was nothing to put right i remember it as if it was yesterday mr jankis came across william and i downriver somehow he managed to drag us out of there get us up to his camera he told his boy to go fetch you i was so cold and scared i couldn't stop shaking when you arrived i could hear mr jankis trying to explain to you that one of your sons had passed before you could get the name out you rushed in and you saw me and i'll never forget it look at disappointment on your face how could you think such a thing in my room i didn't feel any disappointment far from it but i would be a liar if i said to you i haven't filtered since when word came back about your exploits i couldn't help but think with him i'd have made more of his life that scene rushes a point of resolve in the movie it's not resolved a point of resolve registers become liberal because they are paid to feel the more they feel the more they get paid because the more they feel the more we feel caring and fairness this is the key to unlocking this world it's the key to recruiting more of these people who have such a footprint societally to help us explain how we are this close to losing america for good and how they are this close to losing their souls forever it's our responsibility one of the most important societal films made in the last 20 years stars were co-star Donald Sutherland and there's a scene in it that to me explains precisely what we saw during the lockdowns precisely about what we're about to see if they succeed in rigging another election it's about fragility our system is fragile the system of finance in which we are effectively forced to operate is also fragile and it's fragile to the point of being pretend if you've got retirement money saved up how much is it i mean you might know you might be someone who focuses on that maybe you go refresh your charles Schwab account or wherever your big brokered your app maybe you bug the guy who runs your money or the woman who runs your money maybe you're on the phone with them every two weeks maybe you're logging on to the system and thinking about it well that's answer depends what's inflation the day you retire how much is it building up to the day you retire what is it after you retire this is one of the reasons why zak Abraham the chief invest in us or bulwark capital management calls inflation the silent assassin of retirement portfolios coming up this Thursday at 330 pacific zak is doing one of his free live webinars ultra focus on inflation and how actively managing retirement portfolios which is what bulwark does how that can help you weather the storm of inflation because active management can actually reduce risk and volatility after all it's risk that zak really focuses on risk management so he'll explain what he thinks might happen with inflation why he thinks that which sectors they're focusing on to help have hedges against inflation there are some inflationary items they're going to buy because zak is about hedge upon hedge upon hedge he just did one of these about a month ago now I've never seen him do another so quickly after the first but these are absolutely selling out because people are starting to get it in fact just last night my wife said I don't think you know how expensive groceries have become taught I really don't think you know I don't do the grocery shopping my wife does she's probably right this is a free live webinar but you have to register to go so go to know your risk radio calm that's K no W know your risk radio calm bulwark capital management investment advisor representative trek financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor investments involve risk you could lose money past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results I've said it before and I will stress it again the hunger games is the most important in my judgment societal film made in the last 20 years there's some others that matter if you want to look at pre programming all the movies they made about vaccines saving the world those were very very important in terms of pre programming people getting them to think about what's to come getting them to feel in other words to feel like oh gosh the vaccines will save us Brad Pitt made a great movie about that as you look back at it understand it was pre programming another was called the girl with all the gifts that's another vaccine movie another instance of pre programming but dang it so good made me feel things there's been a desert dystopian film made I think it's very very good it's called how I live now now pre programming probably but again I was made to feel in the hunger games personally I wasn't just made to feel but because of the way they tap feelings I was made to think and I was given tools to be able to point to my little girl to say this is our world if you've not watched the hunger games or read the books it's post dystopian America what's it still dystopian but post war America there's been a civil war and the capital Washington DC on this case the capital is located in Colorado for security reasons they switched it so they're up on the high mountains of Colorado so that they can't be approached and attacked easily but they've built what is Washington DC everybody there has gobs of money if they want more money they take more money the nation has been split into regions and these regions are known just for their natural resources that's all that matters the people don't matter they only matter if they can fish or cut down trees and all those things are to serve the capital what the capital says is we protect you so of course you give your resources to us because we protect you the central theme of the hunger games is the people from the regions the districts they're called serving the capital up to and including fighting in wars for the entertainment value of the people of the capital in this scene darland's Donald Sutherland playing president snow is in the home of Katniss everything Katniss was one of the heroes in fact the hero of the first hunger games she defeated the games she gained the system she hacked it by refusing to kill the guy she was in the game with last pita she refused to kill him and she could have instead she changed the way the game worked there wasn't going to be a single winner the home she's in she was given as a reward for being one of the winners of the hunger games she comes home to find president snow in her house this is one of the most important scenes to understand why people who act become liberal it's also important to understand where a society is at right now such bravery such spirit such contempt and snow what an honor my dear I think we can make this so much simpler if we agree not to lie to each other what do you think yes I think that would save time sit down please I have a problem is everything a problem that began the moment you revealed those poison berries in the arena if I had game makers and a Ukraine that had in me brains at all he would have blown you to bits then and there but here you are I expect you can guess where he is yes I think so after that fast there was nothing left to do but to let you play out your little scenario and you were very good that whole love craze besotted school girl routine impressive truly you convinced the people in the capitol unfortunately not everyone in the districts fell for it I mean you can't know this but in several of them people viewed your little trick with the barriers as an act of defiance not as an active love and if a girl from district 12 of all places can defy the capitol and walk away unharmed what is to prevent them from doing the same what is to prevent say an uprising that can lead to revolution and then in a fraction of time the whole system collapses it must be a fragile system if it can be brought down by just a few berries yes it is indeed the most important line in the most societally important movie of the last 20 years it must be a fragile system if it can be brought down by just a few berries it must be a fragile system if it can be brought down just by a few people who refuse to wear woke masks it must be a fragile system if it can be brought down by just a few people who refuse to pretend that boys are girls and girls are boys it must be a fragile system if they're willing to say things like safe and effective even as lawsuits are poddling up against Pfizer Kansas and Texas are now suing Pfizer for lying about the harms of the injections and other nations are falling suit as well it must be a fragile system if what's people see they cannot unsee even people in Hollywood Tim Robbins and will share this in a bit was changed by the lockdowns remember Tim Robbins Shawshank Redemption changed by the lockdowns Gillian Michaels is leaving California because California has showed itself to be neither caring nor fair a fragile system it must be if in fact we're willing to let people count votes but only after they pretend to stop counting votes it must be a fragile system if only a few signature checks can prove that in the case of Arizona 25% of ballots did not have matching signatures it must be a fragile system if the Mockingbird media is willing to refuse to report on a proven fact that a postal employee was forced to take completed ballots in mass from one state to another and then his tractor this trailer disappeared hey where did it go where those ballots go that were completed and shipped to another state it must be a fragile system if they were willing to pressure social media companies to pretend the Hunter Biden laptop was not real it must be a fragile system if now seven years after the fact snopes calm is beginning to actually update it fact checks it's fact checks about President Trump the most important line in the most important movie in societal commentary in the last 20 years and the scene continues but not in the way you imagine it how should I imagine you should imagine thousands upon thousands of your people dead this town of yours reduced to ashes imagine it gone made radioactive buried under dirt as if it had never existed like district 13 you fought very hard in the game is miss everything but there were games would you like to be in a real war no good neither would I did your mother make these Peter oh is that a lovely boy tell me at what point did he realize the depth of your indifference towards him I'm not indifferent don't lie you promised it's the most important scene in the most important societal commentary movie in the last 20 years and they go on to make a deal Katniss is now going to be forced to convince President Snow that she's not indifferent to Peter the love interest if you haven't seen the movie or seen it in a while I encourage you to watch it again if you've got teens I encourage you to watch it with them the whole series yeah the last two movies but into was a ripoff to get people pay more money to go into the theaters but now you can stream it online did you feel anything caring and fairness the entire Hunger Games movie would fall apart if we as well didn't care about caring and fairness but liberals watched it for different reasons they saw different things they only see things through caring and fairness you and I look at that and go well that's big government see that's lawlessness that's tyranny that's economic control that's a government so powerful it can give you everything you need meaning it's so powerful it can take everything you have if we communicate things to the caring and fairness lens we can get things back on track and most importantly we can help save souls through the topic of care or through the topics communicated through a caring and fairness lens it's vital to do this I'd love to be able to bet on the set when that was filmed I really would like to be able to see what the actors were like before they turned their masks on there's a lot that can be seen behind the scenes last week we had some guys in and you heard the first one or saw the first interview with Nate today they came in to talk about the evils of sex trafficking and how they're fighting against this caring and fairness right that's one of the reasons they're motivated for this I got the opportunity to take both guys downstairs into the music studio that's down there there is a world class music recording studio in this building and it blows the minds of anyone who knows the industry anytime they get in here or they've ever seen a studio like this then we come up to the little podcasting studio and it's a good studio guys built this a great studio that we steward and we steward it this way we have in here the Eden pure oxyleaf 2 thunderstorm that produces ozone in the studio so the studio smells like the room is just fresh out of a thunderstorm why because it erases the bad smells of being locked into a studio for four or five sometimes six hours a day pre recording things are working on elements of the show together and it makes it breathable and doable I have three of these at home this weekend much of my wife sugar and I took my dog swimming my wife made a point of saying the dog stinks and then she put essential oils on the dog now I think essential oil stink I said hey let's compromise this bring all the oxyleaf to thunderstorms into this room and negate the smell of the dog in fact Eden pure my friends at Eden pure deals dot com have issued a pet stink guarantee if this does not remove the stink of pets in your house you get your money back and I'll save you two hundred bucks whole home coverage three of these devices for less than 200 bucks just go to Eden pure deals dot com use code Todd three that's T O D D three the website is Eden pure deals dot com breathe a breath of fresh air again with Eden pure deals dot com code Todd three the reason I think this is so powerful the hunger games in such an important piece of societal commentary is because it resembles exactly what the party has set up Washington DC in fact just employees of government take home 42% more pay than the people who pay their bills that's us they have 72% greater benefits than the people who provide the benefits that's us when there's a recession it can't hit Washington DC or the state capitals because they just turn up the money grabbing from us and the districts yes we're being part of the parts set apart by what we have but note this in Idaho there's still pressing to steal water from ranchers why because it needs to be held by certain people who the capital they're the ones who need to make the important decisions about stuff and Hollywood is beginning to lose people why caring and fairness Tim Robbins was is he still with Susan Sutherland this Saturday I'm Susan you're supposed to know these things don't look at me that way young lady you're supposed to know all the things about Hollywood so Tim Robbins Susan Sarandon yeah no he was with Susan Sarandon she was like 20 years older than him or something see this goes back into my memory when he said care about these things still still married let's they were together all right so Niana's researching this so Tim Robbins had the great role in the Shawshank Redemption and he was the guy who got out remember the Morgan Freeman movie Andy Defrain used to say where there's smoked or fire remember that so he sat down on a podcast to listen to this through a caring and fairness lens and is Tim Robbins someone who could be persuaded to our side this was changed as well we went into lockdown with healthy people with children and that didn't seem to be wise to me so I'm not a scientist I'm not a doctor I don't know the intricacies of of data on this all I can respond to is as some someone that has is concerned about what the result of those doctrines that policy had on us as human beings and it's not good we turned into tribal angry vengeful people and caring and fairness angry vengeful tribal caring and fairness we had and to some degree still have the opportunity to communicate the COVID excesses and it was all excess since it was all a sigh up in terms of caring and fairness to look at a guy like Tim Robbins you go you're right man that's just not caring it simply wasn't fair and this is why Tim for instance I'm so very concerned about the same people who are doing this to really confuse kids I mean it's different yes COVID there was a flu and yes some people got sick by it and there are some people who are genuinely concerned or confused about their gender that's happened Tim you know for a long time I just don't think it's caring to rush kids into surgical interventions that that could in fact sterilize them for the rest of their lives I just don't think it's fair and these wrong sex hormones I'm just so concerned about it lowering kids IQs and it does that and causing all these problems like with bone density and heart disease I just don't think it's fair to do that to kids do you see where I'm going with this Tim Robbins continues I don't think that's something that is sustainable for the earth that we start demonizing people that don't agree with our particular health policies and turn them into monsters turn them into pariahs say that they don't deserve a hospital bed I think about you know people that have made bad mistakes in their lives where they take too many drugs and they overdose and that's totally their choice that's totally their responsibility yet we take care of them yet we bring them to the hospital yet we save their lives because we're compassionate because we want to make sure that people live and this turned it turned into you should die because you have not complied that's incredibly dangerous this Tim Robbins talking to Russell Brand who just got baptized Russell Brand who just accepted Jesus I'm not saying he's a mature Christian he's not he can't be he just accepted Jesus why caring and fairness these words unlock the tap the door unlock the doorway to communicate with people like Tim Robbins like Susan Sarandon and yeah they can appear nuts they probably are nuts to a degree I think making a living pretending to be other people can make you nuts after all your characters are so much more appealing than who you really are I would think for all they're written and rehearsed massaged and word crafted we don't always get to do that Riley Gaines has someone helping her craft her narrative Riley Gaines a great Olympic swimmer or probably collegiate swimmer who set all sorts of records and of course has now been the woman who's paying the biggest cost but also getting the biggest reward for standing up against the lies of transgenderism I got to see her speak and gig harbor and she's very very good at her stump speech and it's very clearly a stump speech and it's very clearly a Hollywood style narrative she does such a good job she says just a good job of setting up her disappointment with her junior year in college that she did well but not as well she thought she could so she set her sights I'm going to win a championship it was between her and another girl she talks about this meat where they swam and this girl beat her but only by a tenth or one hundredth of a second she said it's a it's a blink of an eye and swimming so I knew I was on track to achieve my goal of a national championship and that's when I first saw the name Leah Thomas it was weird because no one of us had ever heard of a Leah Thomas and I've been going to Google and searching maybe she just had an incredible performance maybe she had some injuries maybe she hadn't swummed a while but nope there was no history on a Leah Thomas and that's when I met him see it's narrative it's storytelling it's causing you to feel something the second I heard and I know where I knew where the speech was going I knew the theme I know it's about Leah Thomas I know that her books about this swimming against the tide I got all that but it was so well done even as someone who studies story I had to sit there and I kind of laugh like wow that was so well done you got to the turn now comes the in outcomes the bad guy the gains in her group is out with a video that tells a story in a very brief amount of time and tiktok has banned it well because tiktok of course is a Chinese owned company that has permission to be here through the Chinese Communist Party there is no gender ideology in China China wants it to be here because China wants to see us collapse they don't care about American lives on our program we think all lives matter Chinese American and otherwise and of course kids who have what's called special needs Alan soaps is your way to participate in actively caring this is simply a change rather than buying soap from great big companies that probably don't care about your values simply try Alan soaps it's not some cheap so I mean it's affordable but a it's all natural be it's made in America see it's made by a family with three generations of soap making expertise d the sense the fragrances are invented by young Alan who's hugely impacted by autism he is effectively nonverbal his brother Ian works there and this week we're going to premiere a video of the third employee of alan soaps working side by side with the family she's the first non-family employee to work there this is a result of you buying enough soap that we can fill up our mission of employing people that the party or rather the capital would seem tossed out aborted or locked away in facilities go to get 10% off all the products there that's this is the tiktok that got rightly gained removed or at least this ad removed from tiktok a video that tells a story in a very very brief amount of time and it causes people to feel if you think girls and women's equality matter your girl in a balance beam standing up and girls and women's sports matter and you want your daughters to have the same opportunity you have stand up if you know that it is fair or safe boy beating up a girl in the basketball court injury man girl sports guy because breaking a girl's nose stand up don't be caught by people who call you a bigot you're not a bigot don't let men tell us how to be good girls don't let others tell you you just need to be quiet sit down be nice it's not not used to further a lie it's not mean to believe in women's equality we deserve our own sports privacy fairness safety we deserve a chance to compete and win so don't be nice don't be careful be honest be brave fight for women we've come too far to give up now and if you agree with that stand up and stand with us the only athletic brand that stands up for women's sports x-x-x-y athletics a smart move Riley Gaines very very smart parallel economy an athletic brand that actually exists to support women's sports unlike the other ones that are selling out caring and fairness we started by talking about Donald Sutherland and why actors become liberal caring and fairness we spent a good deal of time on the hunger games and I made the point that is in my mind the most important societal commentary movie in the last 20 years and we played for you what I think is the most important quote it must be a fragile society if it can be or our system must be very fragile if it can be brought down by just a few berries oh indeed it is but not the way you think miss ever deep back to the theme of the hunger games but this time in reality you remember the janitor who was taken captive when Columbia University was seized by pro-homos rioters it was horrible I was in the third floor initially I thought it was about five five or six students and I was just trying to kick them out you know and I saw them grabbing furniture and I'm like you know what are you doing you know no no no you know I don't think I concurs here but I was upset because you know they were they were doing things they weren't supposed to but when I look back they they just multiplied and multiplied and I can see my my coworker lesser on the other side of the of the third floor you know kicking trying to kick people out but we didn't think there was we thought that it was maybe 15 or 20 people it wasn't like that you know and you can't you can't possibly fight off you know 100 people they came from you know both sides of the staircases they came through the elevators and and they were just rushing it was just like they had a plan it's like we're you know it's not like oh that's just breaking to Hamilton and you know occupy the lobby no they came up to the classrooms and started taking furniture and like you know you see you know they're you see people with bags with duct tape and and and zip ties and all kinds of equipped masks gloves and it was like what what the hell's going on what happened was he was held captive his name is Martin Torres and I should use the proper phrase he's actually a custodian not a janitor I think there is a difference in that so one of the people who helped hold them captive according to the free press and other media organizations was a 40-year-old trust fund kid named James Carlson who owns a townhouse in Brooklyn worth 2.3 million dollars and comes from a politically connected family with a whole bunch of money and ties back to the capital he was there for caring and fairness he's so caring and so fair that he was part of a mob who held a working man captive after all he's only a citizen of the district if we can learn to speak the language of the left through caring and fairness we can win bill malusion pointed this that are posted this last week on twitter headline since this weekend Salvador and illegal alien charged with rape and murder of Rachel Moran entered as gotaway last year Ecuador and illegal alien charged with rape and kidnapping of 13-year-old in New York City caught and released in 2021 two Venezuelan illegals charged with murdering a 12 year-old Jocelyn Nungari in Houston both caught and released at the border this year and in replies to bill malusion from Fox people supplied other instances of children being raped and or murdered by illegal immigrants we all know that sometimes folks need help we all know that the United States is uniquely positioned to help God has gifted us he's given us great grace to whom much is given much is expected and how is it caring to take the world's greatest lifeboat and sink it how is it fair to allow illegal immigrants to enter our country when we learn that they're dangerous criminals felons murderous cartel members m s 13 types how is it fair to let them go when in fact this is the same country that has held people in solitary confinement because they peacefully walk through open doors in the nation's capital how's it fair if we will begin to communicate using that lens we can begin to sway people and much more importantly by doing that we're really practicing evangelism evangelism for actual caring and fairness because what's more fair then the fact that redemption is still anyone's to have it's so fair all you need to do is accept the Lord Jesus as your savior agrees to treat him as such and then go about doing that this is the Todd Herman show this is Todd Herman trying to say the Todd Herman show please go be well be strong be kind and please make every effort to learn what it is to submit to God in addition to simply believing in him