The Todd Herman Show

Undercover Vs. Sex-Traffickers in Small, US Towns- Nate Lewis, Founder & CEO INNOCENCE Rescue Mission Ep-1676

I talked to a gentleman named Nate Lewis, who's the founder and CEO of Innocence Rescue Mission. Hr told me something I didn't know, that it's actually small towns that represent the least risk for sex traffickers. Nate and his group work in a number of ways to help stop sex trafficking, including getting men who sign up to go rent the bodies of 11 year old kids and getting them arrested. Thank God. Interestingly, Nate's the only other guy near my age I've ever met who, like me, was kidnapped. His kidnapping lasted a lot longer and may have been even more dangerous than mine. He shared that with us. Nate shared with us what you can do to help his group and how they're helping law enforcement around the country. And yes, why is it's small towns that are at such risk.

What does God’s Word say? 
Leviticus 18:21 21 “‘Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the Lord.
Matthew 18:6  
6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble!
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Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2024
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It's an easy thing to say the phrase sex trafficking. It's much harder to meet people who've been through it. When we went through our three year journey through teen and family, adolescent mental health, I met a girl who was sex trafficked twice. She'd been kidnapped twice. Last trip put her in the back of a truck for several months, not knowing where she was and being abused in unspeakable ways. That's the human portion of this. The economic portion of this communicates a coldness that most people are able to operate in a blissful sense of lack of awareness. Nate Lewis, the founder and CEO of Innocence Rescue Mission doesn't have that luxury because he's in the business of helping to rescue people, rescue innocents. You hear about sex trafficking from an angle that most people have never heard about it. We'll do that with the help of bulwark capital management. Zach has wanted his free live webinars this Thursday at 330 Pacific focused on inflation as a silent, assassin of your retirement portfolio. It's free to register at and we can't do anything that matters. So if that's the help of God Almighty, thank you Lord. (explosion) - The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. (upbeat music) - Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times so which God has decided we shall live. We're excited to be joined by Nate Lewis, founder and CEO of Innocence Rescue Mission, met through friends and a pleasure to have you here. Thank you, Nate. - Thank you for having me. What drew you into this decision to get involved in such a, I mean, beautiful mission, but such a horrible line of work? - Well, I started this foundation after years of doing this work internationally and seeing the problem internationally and on just the devastating level and I can share some of that. But I heard from the people here in the United States and working with law enforcement in the United States what the issue was, why they weren't able to fight this here that's happening right here in the US. And I decided, well, if the people want to do something about it, but the police need the help, why don't we unify the people and the police. We've become the bridge that provides the grants to local law enforcement to get them the training, the equipment they can do to fight this right here inside the United States. So that's kind of. - So, but those are the mechanics. What about, tell me about your heart, something in your heart, I mean, God called you to this or something in the beating hearts of who you are, it wasn't just the mechanics, it wasn't just the need for infrastructure support and partnerships, something in you called you to this. - I would say that at first it wasn't really a calling that I was aware of, God designed this without a doubt, without me even knowing what I was getting myself into. From an early childhood experience that I experienced that I let go of for 30 years, to another kidnapping experience that I personally went through, I didn't even think about that until 20 years later when I'm here working in the space and going, "Oh, that's why I went through that back then." - Yeah. - And identifying that, "Oh, now I know why I'm here where I'm at and how I got here, even though I don't even know why I'm here, I'm here." And it makes sense to me. So there's a compassion, a relatability and an understanding to what it's like to have your freedom taken from you. And in your life, basically waved in front of you and you have no control over that and to be abused by somebody that will affect you probably the rest of your life. - God does not call the equipped, the equipped is called. - Amen. - And one of the few brothers I've met who can talk about kidnapped, I was temporarily kidnapped when I was living in Seattle, stupid, sloppy, lack of situational awareness, sat down in my car, even lunch at home. I noticed the cops in the neighborhood, but like I said, no situational awareness, sat down in my car. There was a guy with a pistol pointed at me and a woman in the backseat smoking crack. - Wow. - And I've told the story of the park, I said, "I won't belabor it." But through the grace of God, I got out of that. Largely because when that woman sneezed, I said, "God bless you." And she convinced her boyfriend to let me go. And he'd asked me, "Told me, you're gonna drive me into the project." I drove him near the project, but I said, "Nah, I'm gonna have to kill me right here. I'm not taking into the projects." Like, wow, you're gonna have to do this here. So I'd like to hear about that part of your journey, if you're willing to share that. And then I wanna get into, you mentioned seeing this in international work this internationally. I want people to understand the gravity. Again, that phrase, sex, traffic, and what was awful. We've seen the sound of freedom. Yep, I watched it too. We actually promoted the movie. We had some of the principles of the movie on the program. But I wanna get your experience in that on this very, very intimate basis. And are you willing to share a little bit about your kidnapping journey and then what you saw internationally? We'll talk about the innocent rescue mission, how we can help and how there's some things going on where I live in Idaho, where you live. But can you share the kidnappings for it? Yeah, situational awareness, you mentioned, in your situation was most of what mine was. And being in the wrong place the wrong time and being an easy target. I was an easy target, I was in Los Angeles. That was probably a gang initiation. And it was late night. And I was in the wrong place the wrong time. A couple of guys, walk up to me, put a gun in my chest, throw me into a car and go for a joy ride. And I was at that point, looking back now, I can say that I had to innately become one of them. And so I quickly became one of them, yes. Yeah, yeah, it was almost like now we were in this undercover capacity, but it was an undercover capacity to save my life in a sense, but I didn't choose to do that. I actually had a fear of dying young my whole life and I knew that, oh, this is the night. So I just let go of the fear and I relaxed and this kind of, I mean, I could go into details, there were certain things, like they kept threatening me with the gun and all the stuff. And I finally just, I was ready. And I told them like, do it, you know, like I already, at that point, I had lived such an incredible life up to that point that I was ready to go. And I was in my very early 20s. And anyways, I mean, I was freestyle wrapping, making them laugh. I don't even know if that, you know, I was just doing things I don't even know where it came from. And I don't know, they took a liking to me. Actually, I was making them laugh through some freestyle wrapping, which I'm on a freestyle wrap right now. And they said, you know what, white boy, you need a record like, you may walk tonight. And that was the first time I'm like, wait, I may walk tonight, like, oh, there's, I actually might get out of this. Yeah. And then, yeah, it was a long, longer story. And they ended up catching two of the three. They ended up going to court in Los Angeles, bringing court and facing a couple of them. And then my 10 years of, you know, situational awareness was that it's peak. You know, I was ready for the next time. I ended up meeting with the hostage negotiator and like a other professional who trained and people were taking hostage and worked me through my fears 'cause I was being prepared for the next time. And I was very simple. He said, how, like, what's the chances this happens to somebody? I was like, one in a million. He's like, come on, let's be real. I was like, one in 10 million. He's like, whatever, just go with one in 10 million. What's the chances it happens to the same person twice? I was like, oh, where were you 10 years ago? Because I was so prepared everywhere I went, everything that I did, I was ready for it to happen again. Yeah. And I let go of that. Like, oh, it's probably not gonna happen again. I've been prepared for 10 years for it, you know? It's funny. I become really, because the love is being a dad and then I don't know why. I mean, living in the ghetto, we're not supposed to call it that, but after that, man, I was full on situation aware. Yeah, I still sweep my car. I'm careful about where I parked. But I get to tell you, when I was taken captive by those guys, a man, woman, first thing I said, when we got to the car, we had the gun, he said, you're gonna drive. And I looked around, I said, okay, are the cops here for you or me? And he goes, what do you mean, I go, I got warrants, man. Are they looking for you or are they looking for me? Nice. And I said, so yeah, I'll drive, but be cool, man. Just relax, 'cause I do not need to get popped. Wow. Like instinctively, I'm putting myself on his side. So now we've got a common enemy. That's right. The cops are the common enemy. And when we got to the housing project and he'd said, go into the project and I know what's coming my way in the project, but it's not just getting capped, right? They're gonna have some fun before they cap you. And that's why I took the stand. And I said, the lady said, baby, he said, God bless you. When I sneeze, let them go. And I said, hey, what am I gonna do? Man, am I gonna call the cops? I got all sorts of warrants. You think they're gonna believe me that I was in and whatever you did, they're gonna think that you and I are partners. I can't go to the cops, right? I'm not as mine. Yeah, right? But that's a God-given gift. Keep doing it. Like, all right, God gave me. God may be a great liar, right? That shall not lie. Asterisk, unless they do lie, right? Otherwise, as a serpent, gentle as a dove. So you then internationally saw things, you smelled things, you heard things, you felt things that very few human beings could come away unaffected from it. So take us into that international experience. Man, I was six months in and it changed my life. I'll say that, I preface it by saying that instance that I just shared, I never wanted to murder those people. You know, when they asked me, like, what's the sentencing? And I wanted like a 20 foot fan spur, 24 hours ago. But I never wanted to actually take anyone's life. But I ran into a situation in Northern Africa with these children that were being sacrificed, child sacrificed by these witch doctors. And we were going after these witch doctors. And I spent all this time with these different girls that were rescued and the survivors that had just this incredible heart and they were so full of joy. I mean, I quoted them this morning. You know, yesterday's trials is today's testimony. This one girl shared with me. I was going through all this stuff and having all these experiences really for the first time I'd never really been in the space. And then I went to this home. And I met this boy that cut off his genitals in his hand and split him open and left him for dead. And they found him and we were going to meet with that boy to have doctors meet with them and that type of thing. But there was a home dedicated to children who have been sacrificed. We went up under this mountain that had been converted now with a cross eye that was a sacred mountain that they went and sacrificed these children at. It was just, it's horrific. So I don't even know if I can go do this. As I walk into this home, I even tell the gallon with who's over all the aftercare she says. I said, I don't know if I can do this. You know, I don't know, like, but I go in and these kids, laughter starts echoing off these cement walls and their joy. And I at the time had a one month old and a three or two year old. And they were just reminded me so much of, even though they didn't speak our language, they reminded me so much of my kids. It was just this amazing experience and this joy and this childlike thing that was going on, even though they'd been through horrific stuff. There's a girl there whose blood had been drained for years and they did all this other stuff to her. And she's paralyzed, but her name's hope and she just lays there and smiles. And like, I'm going through all these experiences, right? And I'm just like pretty traumatized by it. And I go back to my hotel room that night and I'm flooded with like 30 different emotions. Like you shouldn't be having it at the same time. Like anger, hate, guilt, all this stuff, right? And I was so sad and mad and I hate bullies and I felt like this was the most extreme form of bullying I'd ever seen in my life and something happened to me psychologically and mentally I had never gone to before but I was ready to hunt these witch doctors down and like remove them from the planet which was not even in my dictionary at that time in my life. And I was concerned and I told my wife, I don't know what's going on. And eventually that's put me into some therapy because I'd never went into that realm, you know, of removing evil, I get it, I understand it, but I didn't personally go there and after that and then that was the beginning, that was six months in and years after throughout the entire world of different experience and different things and the things that they're doing to kids out there forcing them to bake, removing their hands, child being raped online, you know, all these things they're forced to do. I mean, it's almost a crime to ignore it. - Oh, I couldn't agree more. I had a friend of mine who did three tours in Afghanistan and he and a small team, he was a team guy. They ended up arresting men who had captured girls and poured acid on their face. - Yeah. - And I mean, his commentary about that when he finally told me the story, I've heard this from a couple guys before, but he said, yeah, there's still life. And there was this look of regret in his eye because, hey, rules war, right? And he didn't do that and we're able to say, you know, dude, you won, you didn't become the hatred, right? You didn't become the thing that you're hunting, right? And that's so, so difficult. And, you know, I think people are aware that at least this podcast family's aware that this stuff is going on in the United States, but I wanna talk about the cold economics of it, what's actually going on and you know this better than anybody. So there's a link to the Innocence Rescue Mission in the show notes. Please use that link to take action and help. And you'll probably notice this and I'm gonna involve you in an ad but you don't have to do it and partner announcement. Just, does our studio snake at all? Take a big, not in the least bit. All right, so see now, is it loud in here? Not at all. Okay, so sitting over there in that wall, is a device called the Eden Pure Oxyleaf 2. It is, is Nate and I are sitting here chatting, by the way, Nate doesn't snake at all, it would be me that obviously. Mayonna will tell you that's a fact. I just sometimes, Jim's stuff in the morning, I don't shower, he can't. No time to get in, there's a shower on the gym. That is plugged into the wall, it is producing ozone. In that ozone, O3 molecules bond to negative smells and zap it, they're gone. So it's not an air filter, otherwise Nate and I couldn't hear each other. Plus, as the guy who pays the bills, I'd be hanging out two or four hundred bucks per year to re-up on the air filter. So it's like renting a device, just posing the own. Very, very different, this is not an air filter, it's an air cleanser. And it does that through ozone. You can have this and save 200 bucks, plus get a guarantee, they call it the pet order guarantee. Come on, that's weak. It's the pet stick guarantee. When your pet produces stink, be it passively 'cause of the wet dog thing or actively to the other things. They guarantee the pet smell goes away or gets your money back. See if 200 bucks on whole home coverage is the Oxileaf 2 thunderstorm. Simply go to Use code Todd3, T-O-D-D-3 and boom, you get that guarantee and you breathe a breath of fresh air., use code Todd3. You and I were chatting before I began the show and we're talking Nate about the economics of this, that the whole economics of this, that you can use drugs once, they have to go back and reproduce it, you can capture a human being, use time and again. I want to go through the economics, but I also want to make it very, very clear to people. We're becoming, if I'm not mistaken, the United States is becoming a quote good place to traffic kids, given what's going on in our cities, the decision not to enforce laws in Seattle. There are areas, any cop will tell you, you go roll with a cop, that's a cartel area. This is the Chinese cartel, this is the Ecuadorian cartels. The Hondurans kind of run the drug trade on Capitol Hill, they'll all tell you this. So let's start with the economics and then the fact of sex trafficking in America. - Yeah, well, it's the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world due to the fact that it's extremely profitable. You're looking at, as a business, investment, sell, invest again, sell, invest again, where in trafficking you invest maybe if you do invest to a human being, then you're never-- - You're stealing a human being, right? - Yeah, opposed to like kidnapping or falsely grooming them into a lifestyle that they are now involved in and getting them addicted to drugs, there's a whole gamut and things. But essentially you're not really investing every month or week or a day or whatever it is and it's just a 100% return on profit. An average trafficker makes about a quarter of a million dollars a year off of one trafficking. - So one human being, one soul, quarter of a million bucks a year in profit. - Yeah, that's what they're making off of them. - So that's clear of the minimal costs they keep to if they have them in captivity to feed them and assume it's more profitable to not have them in captivity, have their mom and dad feed them, you just trafficked them on the side. - Yeah, I mean, they tour around. It's like a being on a concert tour. It's tour of the US on the circuit and they go from town to town. There's all these sites, this is when we get into what we do. It's really cool, there's a lot of sites that people don't know about. There's the dark web which people are aware of and then there's the light web which we are all on. Most people on social media and apps and stuff like that. But in the dark web, there are many apps out there. There's many places that are just to sell sex and they claim that you have to be 19, you click a box. - Wow, there's proof. - Yeah, woo. - Those seven-year-old can click a box. And so there's these sites, you know, that we are actively on and we engage in through different forms and it's happening, man. They're selling it right here, where we live. - North Idaho. - High mountains of free America. - Yeah, we did our first undercover operation online and we do what we call like an ad. So you post like, hey, I'm advertising my product on the site, right? Within five days, we had 250 people who are interested in this area. Mostly we're coming from across the state line. They're wanting to come across straight line. - Five days, 250 people. - Well listen, so the second time we did it, within 10 minutes, we had four buyers. - And these are? - Then you're talking about 14 years old. - So you're advertising the selling of a 14-year-old's body for men to carry out their lushly, flushly, sinful desires and that quick, there's men that actively searching for this. - Oh, very quick, very quick. You're talking within 24 hours, 60 people. Here's what's even more mind blowing. And some of this has already got leaked out into the press and we're trying to not let it get leaked out because we don't want people to know, but obviously it's kind of a little late and we're here now too. But we did an 11-year-old recently and I think you might have seen this article, but-- - Yeah, that's a KHQ did this, right? - Yeah, and so when you did an 11-year-old, you advertising an 11-year-old person for sale. - Yeah, that's what I mean. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We advertising and so I was kind of debating with my team, like, is that too young, this and that? And we're like, yeah, whatever, they're gonna come back anyways next week to the 14-year-old. And we did and it was, it blew my mind. And let me just tell you this, I think this is important for the audience to know too. I've been doing this for years, mostly international and I've seen some insane stuff, the acid stuff, one of my friends that I'm now friends with. I've seen a lot of insane things. I knew it was happening in the United States, but I can't tell you how often I'm shocked here in the United States. My hometown of less than 50,000 people, we did the same ad within 24 hours, we had 55 different buyers of a 14-year-old. These are the type of things that are shocking to me. I 11-year-old, people are reaching out and showing up and getting arrested. But to me, even my mind couldn't really comprehend like really, this is happening this prevalent right here in our town, in our town, it's happening. And you know, it also is blowing my mind and you can see these every week yesterday, there was another one that came out. These guys who are successful bankers, doctors, real estate agents, whatever, they're getting caught. They're not the kids in the park with the backpack, sellin' meth, you know, these are successful people. You know how much it costs for 30 minutes with an 11-year-old? - Praise God, I have no idea. - Yeah, $250. - It's $250, but two and a half an hour. - Do you know what it costs overnight? $1,000. - Over night. - Yeah, and we had a guy who wanted two 11-year-olds overnight for $2,000. He's a single guy, not married, no kids, with the pool at his house, he's gonna have fun, he's gonna get him a drunk and he even says, "Don't worry, you won't remember what's gonna happen." $2,000, so do you think that this is like some poor person's addiction? - No, like sin knows no bounds, right? On the righteous side of the thing, God rins down the common blessings on the evil and the good, so-called good, no, so good. But no, I don't, and here's what's so remarkable to me is I hear you tell this story. There are people who would tell you, oh, there's no big rings of sex traffickers, there's no, I'm sorry, if you have, I mean, if you have billions of dollars and you've fallen into what I think is porn, I definitely think this is demonic. And porn has given you this insane sexual appetite that now there's no bottom, nothing's extreme enough. And you've got a billion dollars, why would you not create a ring? And why would you not get your own kids? You're a business person, why are you continuing to rent kids when you can own kids? So no, I don't think it's a poor person's thing. I didn't know about the economics. And in a small town, you would, gosh, I would think that you would think, gosh, this is a small town. If I'm gonna go do this, maybe I should arrange a business trip or a hunting trip or something. - Oh, that happens too. - Yeah. - Right, okay. - I think what's important to know about the small towns is that there's no risk. - What do you mean? - There's no risk in a small town. So an average large town like Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, something like that, they might have a task force with at least one or two or maybe five people, maybe, dedicated to these child crimes. In small towns, they have seven drug task force officers, but zero child crimes officers. So where are you gonna spend your time as a criminal, selling drugs? Well, it's more lucrative to have another form of business and there's no risk. And there's no risk. So that's the other thing. Well, we don't really want the press to know about it because we don't want there to know that there's risk 'cause they're sloppy when they don't think there's risk. And so what we're trying to do is how do we create risk? And we, and I've seen this, we know when we used to go into tourist island towns and we'd dismantle them and it would leak out across the entire island. 21 guys arrested, 42 girls, we rescued blah blah, whatever it was. For about six months, you couldn't find somebody to have sex with there on that island, right? I mean, it was like, I'm not going to prison for the rest of my life, right? So it actually created risk too. So there's that component in peace too. But for us, you know, we can get into the mechanics of what we actually do, but we're trying to, one, create risk, but we're trying to put away these guys and not just arrest guys, but we're trying to build solid cases because what's really important in law enforcement is the conviction rate, right? And then the length of sentencing, because if you arrest a guy, but your case sucks and they walk out with a misdemeanor or slap on the wrist or two months probation, there's a waste of everyone's time. And the guy's right back out on the street. - Right, well, and then you have insane places like I call it the separate country of Washington or California where they'll slap on the wrist guys like that, but I mean, and we'll talk about this, I hope. They are normalizing grooming to a degree. I talked to one of your colleagues who did Crime Stoppers International and Jim told me, yeah, the pornographic sex ed they're doing, you better believe that's a groomer's dream because it normalizes that. So we'll continue this conversation, get into specifically what you do. I'm gonna guess that you probably, you might be one of the few people who knows what the bone frog is. Bone frog is the sign of a fallen Navy SEAL. So we on this program, one of the things that we do is we take commercial place or partnership spots for companies who traditionally couldn't afford to step in and buy this with us. And in this case, it happens I get the great fun of working with a dear friend of mine, Tim Cruickshank, retired Navy SEAL, Bud's instructor did three tours for us. And he calls himself a medic. So please don't send me the email, say it's a corpsman, I know, but this is what Tim says. So I'll let Tim decide how he's referred to. He came home to the world and he started bone frog in order to provide for his family. And to just never forget the brothers who fell, that's why he called it bone frog. He didn't go out and say, which a lot of people do, man, they go like, hey, let's just private label some junk coffee. Let's put a cool brand on it and soldiers are cool and special teams guys are cool. That's what he did. He recruited a guy named Dave Stewart who started Seattle's best coffee. He's a legend in the coffee business. He should be Howard Schultz when he took the company public was basically forced to buy Seattle's best coffee 'cause the coffee's actually good. So he recruited Dave who makes some of the roasts and in fact mentors the team. Every bag says God country team on it. So here's my invitation to you. If you are new to bone frog, go get the six four ounce samples of bone frog, cake cup, French roast, whatever you want, French press, whatever you want, drip, it's all there. Try that. to get 10% off your first purchase. Now, if you are drinking the frog, you know what I'm talking about. It's great coffee. If you're not upgraded to subscription, I'm just gonna tell you, I'm gonna find out who you are and I'm gonna call Tim and he'll send some team guys out and then you're gonna subscribe right on the spot. Maybe not that, but go to Use promo code Todd to get 15% off subscription coffee. It's So what do you actually do? I mean, there's a lot to this, but what do you actually do? - Yeah, so we have a three tier approach. So we protect and preserve the innocence of children from sex trafficking, online exploitation, and sexual abuse. And so those are the three angles everyone knows now or seems to be that everybody knows and wants to talk about trafficking. And so we focus on that. That's more of an organized crime piece and component. But how we work is we train and equip law enforcement with the tools that they need to go out and the techniques and tactics. The state of the art technology that we have developed that I can't talk about publicly. But how it works is we figure how do we teach people a department how to fish and give them the equipment to fish and let them go fish them, then we can move on and they can continue to fish. And that's how we're gonna scale this. And so essentially we're doing online investigations. We're meeting the department wherever they are. If they've started doing this, they just don't know like specific chat sites and how to create these accounts and blah, blah. We can come in, give them all the equipment they need. Some of those equipment is very expensive equipment. So we can go in there and get them up to speed or get them more efficient and more effective. And if they're already doing this and they wanna get more of the organized crime part of it, which is following the money, then we can bring them up to speed wherever they are in their journey as far as building a team or task force or a couple detectives or whatever it is. And it's not what we do. And all my team is active duty law enforcement. We have a guy who's with a federal agency as well. And so they're all active duty, which is really cool because they can write search warrants. They can throw a rest people. - That's a cool trick, you know. And so that's what we wanna do. And I think it's important also for everybody to know is that this year alone, there'll be about 360,000 children that are sexually abused, right? They're not all trafficked. But there's a lot of sexual abuse. And I wanna go back to what you were talking about with the porn industry and all that stuff. So what we're really good at doing is identifying patterns of life and watching the behavior of a human, where they start and what does it lead to and where does it go from there, right? So if you understand where a human may be downloading, trading, child porn, eventually that addiction, which the entry level might for drugs is maybe marijuana or whatever prescription drugs, eventually leads to heroin or meth or whatever it may be. But porn is the kind of marijuana stage, in a sense, to where the dopamine hits eventually aren't hitting and then they have to go younger and then they have to actually go to physical abuse. And that physical abuse usually tends to at first go to, well, I'll just go pay for it, right? And then, and maybe not always, I'm just giving you some scenarios. Also, it can just go to like, well, why am I paying for it right now? Like, this girl happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And there's a case right here locally and this actually not far from here, where they caught a guy, a guy on my team, caught a guy for having a lot of child porn. And in that first little while, this is an interesting psychological part of all this, but in that first moment, they're addicted like an alcoholic to alcohol, right? Like, or to a drug and they hide it from their family, they hide it from everybody. They know that there are closet sex, a holic, or child porn, a holic. They've tried cold turkey, they've done all these things and then now they've been arrested. And in that first little window, they're like, oh, at first they don't understand the reality of what's about to happen. They're like, finally, I'm gonna finish and quit this addiction. My wife's gonna know, my kids are gonna know, my work's gonna know, I'm gonna get rid of it, right? So they're in a weird spot until they realize they're about to go to jail for a long time. But in that window, my team member asked, have you ever physically abused a child? And he was like, well, there's just one time. I was helping a friend of a friend build a deck and it was muddy and they didn't want me going inside. He's the bathroom, so I said, you this your RV. Well, they had his kids were there and the kids' friends were there and I go into the trailer and this cute little girl happened to be in there. Well, I was in there and my addiction came over me and so it overcame me. So if we can intervene before he ever would even been in that trailer to get to that girl, that's where we wanna be. Or we wanna get there before his 117th victim and the reason I use that number is 'cause on average, one of these perpetrators will abuse 117 victims in their lifetime. There are people watching and are listening who've been abused. And God loves you and you didn't do anything wrong. But he can, can't rescue you. And that doesn't define who you are, not at all. And talking about it, being with people who've been through it and processing it, you can. And God, believe it or not, can use that pain for good. Amen, for sure, right? So that could verge into like a thought crime thing. You're describing, but I get where you're going in this trajectory. So you can actually get in front of a guy and his decisions across that line. Have you actually successfully gotten in front of a guy and said, like, you're gonna stop because child porn is illegal. Images of kids being raped is illegal. So you've actually gotten ahead of the decision someone might've made to go change a kid's life. Potentially, yeah, we're in a case right now where, well, actually there are a couple cases right now where we arrested a guy who showed up to have sex with a little child who has children, girls living in his home, good God, step children or soon to be step children. And when the fiance or wife finds out that he went to meet up with a 12 year old and they have an 11 year old and a nine year old at home, she flips her lid. And so then unfortunately, we have to do an interview with the mom and with the children. And it said that 13 is usually when they come out and a young child doesn't know that, oh, is this wrong? Being raped by my stepdad or whatever, is this wrong? They don't know and how he went about it. Who knows how that process worked until they discover they're like, you know what, that was wrong. - Right, and there's that, I've talked to people who've been raising those circumstances and there's this gut feeling that it's wrong, but then that gets confused with, well, I don't like it when my mom tells me to mow the lawn and I don't like it when I have to do homework. And so maybe this is just another circumstances, maybe this is the thing a kid has to go through, right? I've talked to kids because of the thing they went through with our family. And I want to get to the more common, less dramatic being snatched off the street, like you were or, you know, I was, it does happen, but I'm, I think that maybe the more common, and you'll tell me if I'm wrong, is the, hey, working bit by bit by bit, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, your parents don't get you, you're wise beyond your years, I can help you have some independence. And hey, I love you. And then, hey, there's that night where I beat the garbage out of you, but hey, look, you made me do it, and now we gotta make up, and what did they call that, the gorilla beat down, something like that. So we'll talk about that. When I went down to Mexico, I was talking to people who live there about the sex trafficking problem there, and they really localize it, the locals, to Northern Mexico's far worse than Southern Mexico, I was in Port of Arata, and Port of Arata's sort of protected, it has these mountain ranges, and there's basically two ways out, mountain roads through the jungle, or you fly, or you get on a boat. So it's a little bit easier to protect, plus I've got seven police forces. Now, when I was down there, I was at Renew Healthcare, and I had the opportunity to watch people who've had their lives, well, just rescued in a way. Like if you're someone who said chronic back pain, and they keep telling you, well, the next surgery, or it's going to be surgery, or you've had chronic arthritis, or you're someone like me, and they try to stay active, and that comes at a cost at our age, two shoulder surgeries, side by side analysis, surgery one on my left surgery, a left shoulder. It took like 42 weeks to regain normal function. I had my pull-ups and push-ups back in 12 weeks after going to Renew and getting the ethically gathered stem cells that come from umbilical cords and placentas, absolutely no abortion. In my case, I chose the strain that is no exposure to the modified RNA injections. Although a couple doctors I met said, "Hey, Wharton's jelly probably can't transmit that stuff "injection, call me paranoid." I did that, but I saw people who were told, "You're not going to walk again." Well, hemisphereically paralyzed, but the stem cells got in and fight the inflammation and rebuild the portion of the body that's been so injured. That's the incredible miracle of these stem cells that have no assigned duty. They assign themselves the duty when they get into your body. You can elevate your quality of life by elevating your healthcare, go to with any medical circumstance, and they'll tell you, if they thumbs up or thumbs down, we can help, and they'll even tell you like, "Hey, percentage of chances works for you." I wanted to have the treatment before shoulder surgery 'cause I would have liked not to been cut open. I said, "Nah, Todd, you're going to have to have this surgery, "but we could help you heal." It's So that common, I worked with, gave money and got to know some of the guys at the Genesis Project in Seattle. They were active duty cops. They created a deal where they busted a woman or a girl on that day. They'd make that charge disappear, no paperwork. You're gone, right? We take you out of the circumstance, and in a couple hours, you're at a safe house in another state with a new name. Beautiful project. But they're the one who educated me into that process of just loving on these kids that they see in the mall. And am I right? They're going places like that. And hey, here's your girl who's standing office. She's not fitting in with the others. So man, she'll fit in with me. - Yes, I want to touch on several pieces of this, but I would say to take it to the reality is that 90% of people who are developmentally challenged or delayed developmentally will be sexually abused in their lifetime, and 50% of those will be sexually abused 10 times in their lifetime. They're preying on not just emotionally or distraught people, children, whose parents are divorced, they're posting how sad life is and how they hate boys and all that stuff. - Yes, and they're preying on people who are actually physically disabled. - Physically and mentally disabled. - Yes, it's insanity. It's one of the things that gets me the most and there's something local happening here too, but I'm not going to get into that. What I think is important in this topic that you're talking about when you're talking about how common it works, you're talking about earlier, grab and snag, the movie taken, all that stuff. That happens, but I'm going to tell you what's insane and what every single parent needs to know if they have children, especially girls. Your social media apps, it's a 100% guarantee, guaranteed if it's a public app and they're a young girl and they're not even barely somewhat putting themselves up. They're just being a normal kid. They will be approached, guaranteed online. And I have a ton of stats, but I believe it's one in three children will be approached and solicited for sex online before they turn 18. That's insane. That's online. We have seen, and these are like the biggest social media apps in the world. I'm not going to throw them all their names out there, but I'm sure you know, and there's one in particular and we have tons of case studies on this. You create a profile, you're 14 years old and then all this stuff and the next thing you know, you got guys sending you messages and pictures and it's not even like, some of them aren't even like walking their toes into the water. They just jump right in. Rate my junk. Send a picture. And that's the part of the innocence onion that is just peeled away. And that's some of the things that we approach, too, is how do we go after those guys that are exploiting these children online? 'Cause you know what they're doing? They're creating these accounts, they're becoming people that aren't real. And they're 50 year old men, let's just say, who are way smarter than a 14 year old boy. They're telling them things that they've never heard before. They're giving them the attention their dad doesn't give them. They're giving the attention the boys don't give them. They're giving them all the attention that they've ever wanted and desired. And they're getting it. And they think that it's a 14 year old boy. And then they're just saying, hey, what about any pictures of you and your friends by the pool? Well, the girl, that's innocent. We are in public in our bathing suits. Nothing wrong with that. Here's some pictures of me at 14 in my bathing suit. That guy, that's how he slowly starts to take those photos and they'll sell them online. And it becomes more and more and more to the point where it's insane, some of the stories where you're like, how did you fall for this? It's like the senior citizens falling for the scamming call. It's the same thing for our children. And what's incredible, I think parents need to know, is that we are a different generation. We didn't grow up with this. So we don't know how to teach our kids not to do certain things. They're teaching us about social media technology and it's changing all the time. We also don't understand, it was very easy when I was a kid, like, hey, there's a weird dude at the playground. It doesn't look like he belongs here. Don't talk to him, stay away from him, voila. These strangers are in your house behind your child's closed door to their bedroom coming through their phone. That's scary to me. And they're everywhere, you know? Yeah, everywhere. Back in the day, when I was, I'd sold my internet radio company and I was trying to figure out what to do next and doing some consulting and spending time in Hollywood. I was like helping town and agencies and movie studios figure out streaming media and as before I went to Microsoft, someone turned me onto something called camhores. So this was back there, that was the website, camhores. And girls would go there and, I mean, it's basically only fans before only fans became a thing. And I wanted to write an article about this and 'cause at the time I was doing some writing, just trying to keep my profile out there. And I contacted one of the girls and said, hey, I didn't see naked pictures of her or thank God, last time I looked at pornography was probably 25 years ago, praise God, that he took that from me. And part of it was understanding that, hey, if you're looking at porn, congratulations, you're probably looking at someone who's been sex trafficked. You're probably watching a rape. Not to mention the fact that you are separating yourself from God, not to mention the fact that it's sin, it's adultery, it's all these things. You're driving the economics, sex trafficking. So last time I could ever look at porn was then, and I was at that stage where I was looking at porn, thank God. And she said, yeah, I'll talk about what I do. So can you find out she lived in her parents' house? She did this upstairs. And I remember her name, Stephanie, I said, well, Stephanie, someone could find you. Oh, no, no, they couldn't. And it took me maybe 35 minutes, so you go back to her and say, here's your rework. This is when you go to class. And this is where you live. And this was prior to Google Earth. This is probably before all the technology we have now. Right. And this is just going through and looking at social streams and comments. GPS locations. Pictures. Right. Look at that. And she wrote back and said, oh, you're freaking me out. Like, this is spooky now. I'm like, yeah, but I'm just a writer. Yeah. I'm not someone who's intent on harming somebody. That risk, people will say, oh, well, you're just trying to scare. No, because that, a child can be changed when someone cons them into giving a naked picture. And they know that a stranger has a picture. And that then moves into, I need you to do some things on video for me, right? And I need you to continue to do this. Or I'm going to show your mom and dad. Oh, yeah, that, that's classic. And when people are doing that and the parents learn, what is that like? When parents realize my angel, I know what the male viewership and listenership this podcast will say is, okay, now I'll kill. What's that like when a, when a family realizes that in our home, in your bedroom with the stuffed animals? Yeah, I think shock, I would say a lot of parents are heartbroken or they're guilty because they didn't know what was going on. Shock, people don't realize it's happened. Yeah. What's the, what's the protection scheme? I mean, to me, if I could do life again, when my little girl came and said, and, and, and moved me into getting her phone, I would have locked the whole thing down. Now I know that there are helpful friends who give kids unlocked cell phones with access to their parents accounts because their parents don't even keep track of it. I know. So what do you suggest for parents? I think, you know, coming from, from our standpoint, we're trying to protect to preserve innocence. So innocence is the most important piece. So that's the angle we come from it at. And you got to, there's several angles. You got to have a real relationship with your children, right? And then you got to have an honest one. This is the most difficult conversation to have with your child, his phone, social media, that type of thing. As men, whether you're married or divorced, it doesn't matter as the father. You need to be present in your daughter's life and you need to give them the attention that they need and desire because if you don't, they're going to seek it out somewhere else. So that's an important component of all this. I think having private accounts is very important. When we talk about innocence and I use the onion layer, there's very few things you can do to protect your child if their accounts open because guys can send them anything. And when you talk about a guy just sending an explicit picture off the bat, the first message, a layer of innocence was just removed from your child. And so I would say having real conversations, I think the kids need to get educated. That's another thing that we're doing. We're working with school resource officers, development program because the school resource office is already in the schools. Everybody wants to educate the parents, which is very important to educate the parents. But how does the parent then educate the child on a very difficult topic? So how do we, the children are the targets, right? So we have to go and educate the children first. That's really what it's going to come down to is protecting them. As parents have that relationship so that you can be open with what they're doing and what's going on and have these conversations that those don't believe. Get educated on what is happening. A person that you think has given you all that information may not actually be that. Don't ever tell your child should never send photos of themselves anywhere on the Internet. Those will be out there forever. Yep. You know, so. Could you agree more? And I would say this, if you know the school your kid is in, is teaching the perverse pornographic sex ed. Get them out. I can't homeschool. You can have a kid who's been, who's seen grooming normalized. I would tell you this, they're better being unschooled than schooled than that. And you need to investigate your schools. I hate to get off on a tangent because that can be a tangent. But having seen what I saw when this stuff was installed in Washington State and having had Jim Feud tell me, "Oh yeah, oh, not only is this a sex trafficker's dream, it's a groomer's dream, it's a rapist's dream." Because all of a sudden that, you know, you talk about the innocence onion. This is my teacher who says this is okay. So there's a lot more to this conversation. We're going to have a friend of yours on who's organizing a visibility event, a rock in North Idaho to bring some visibility to this. I intend, if the dates work, to be there. And we'll talk about that later. And how do people help you guys? Is there anything we can do to help you? We're non-profits, so we're based on the funding of the people. It's really the people supporting their local police. So we can really put your money to work in your community. So our website, You can follow us on IRmission. It's our social media links where we're going to be providing stats but also those tips, tricks, techniques, that kind of thing. I love it. Where you can kind of get little small sound bites of how you can protect and preserve the innocence of your children. You know, we do events around the country where we try to raise money for the local law enforcement. Because it's important for us to keep that money local. Not just in the United States, which 100% of what we do is in the United States. But my idea behind all this is how do we in North Idaho fund the North Idaho police departments to protect the North Idaho children and my children. And a lot of people want to do that. And so you can send an email info at and we can arrange a fundraiser for you, for your community, send out QR codes. We can do a lot of stuff for you to help protect the children in your community as well. So well organized vote. God characteristic in the way he was doing. Equipping the cold. So appreciate you brother. Thank you for coming on. God bless your mission. We'll have you back. All right. All right. Lord, thank you for a wise wisdom of new friends and for the ability to defend innocence. After all, you did say in one of your harshest statements, Lord Jesus said, "Those who come between me and the little ones won't wish. Someone had tied a millstone around their neck and tossed them into the ocean." So when God says a thing, it's already happened. And if you attempted to harm a child, if this show didn't stop it, how about eternity in hell? This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [BLANK_AUDIO]