The Todd Herman Show

The “Cheap Fakes” Lie Could Become a New Form of Censorship Unless We Get Ahead of The Left Ep-1674

Cheap fakes and a cheap excuse. The people who run Joe Biden are saying they're all cheap fakes. It's all deep fakery. Joe Biden's fine. You remember when Rahm Emanuel talked about never letting a good crisis go to waste? I think they've got a plan behind this now. Why censor things when you can do something else? I think there's a policy coming. I think you're going to see some watermarks on videos, but from “trusted” media organizations. And, as we talk through cheap fakery and deep fakery, the deep fakery of academia appears to have no bottom. This is a professor explaining why we have a parental relationship saying that the state needs to be the ultimate guarantor of a child's well-being.

What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 19:9 ESV  
A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.
John 8:44 ESV 
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Revelation 21:8 ESV  
But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”
Proverbs 14:5 ESV  
A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.
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21 Jun 2024
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Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, tenants draft the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintenance application. Whew! Sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's warehouse. Never let a good crisis go to waste and never fail to recognize the patterns. Who came up with the word "cheap fake"? Obviously, it's a take on the phrase "deep fake," which actually means something. Cheap fake is a fun phrase because it doesn't mean anything. But so weird, the people who run Joe Biden started to use that. Then CBS News adopted it. Now, the AP is adopting it. Funny how that spread, isn't it? There's going to be a policy, and this is an official prediction. There's going to be a policy based upon "cheap fakes," never let a good crisis go to waste. And I was thinking through this, remembering when the US Postal Service, you might not remember this. When the internet was just becoming a thing, this would have been 1996-97, when email was in its infancy, the US Postal Service came along and said, "Hey, here's the deal. We need to make sure emails get to the right people." So we're going to have your emails forwarded to us. We will put a stamp on it, and then we'll forward it to the proper party. So no mistakes are made. Let's get to delay things back a couple of days, but who cares? See, they knew what was going to happen with email and how that would disrupt written correspondence between people. The people who run Joe Biden know what they're doing with the insertion of the phrase "cheap fakes." One is a stopgap measure. It is a disaster control, because it's so evident that Joe Biden has lost his mind. The other, though, is a strategy. It's another way to censor without censoring. Yeah, an official prediction. I'll explain what I'm talking about in a second. We'll get started with the help of our YouTube channel. It's the Todd Herman Show, all sorts of free, lovingly crafted video clips created by Niana in her kitchen at home, and they smell of fresh cookies or something. Also, of course, thank God for the opportunity to visit again together. Thank you, God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the emerald city exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which God has decided we should live. Appreciate you being there, whether you're watching live, the video dot the Todd Herman Show dot com, to which you can get a free trial, or watching and listening later, we love you all equally. Pretty excited about a couple shows next week, strong men standing up to be strong and courageous against sex trafficking. All happening in my neck of the woods, because it's small towns, believe it or not, that present the least risk for sex traffickers. I never thought of it that way, but a couple of gentlemen enjoyed us next week were being strong and courageous in the way the Bible tells us to be strong and courageous, and they're winning. Can't wait to share that with you. This is the worst clip in my judgment. There's a lot of bad clips of Joe Biden. There's the one that's where he pretended that he used to drive truck. He used to drive semis. And that's just Joe lying. I think that's just him lying. He just he lies. He's lied forever. And saying he was a college president or professor, never any of those things. That's just Joe lying. This blue screen here, and obviously I'm not a doctor. I'm not a neurologist, but this is a symptom of something very, very bad because he doesn't just lose track of where he's at. He starts to spew gibberish, which he's done before. But man, if you've not seen the video of this, the other thing that's disturbing to me is you look at the people behind the figurehead. And if you study them, this isn't a natural reaction. When someone who's supposedly a leader, just utterly blue screens like this. Thanks to all members of Congress and Homeland Security, Secretary of the United States. They're frozen. Chuck E. Schumer is over the figurehead's right shoulder. And Chuck E. Schumer's face is frozen in time. There's one woman whose head is behind the figurehead so you can't tell what she's doing. But I know enough about Washington, D.C. to know this. You are prepped as to how to act around your principle. So for instance, back in the day when I worked at the Republican National Committee on the leadership team, we on the leadership team were prepped to understand Michael Steele's proclivities and to help the chairman help the chairman. Now Michael sadly in my mind has lost his mind. And at MSNBC is now he wears the label R Republican, but I don't see anything, anything left of the Michael Steele for whom I worked. So we were caution for instance, Michael will want to carry on a conversation, particularly if that conversation is getting heated. He likes to argue with people. Part of our job as the staff was to get over and say, "Oh, Chairman, listen, did you know that this other person over here," I mean, that was part of our job, like you run interference for the boss. In this case, these people are trained to stand behind the figurehead with their faces frozen as if nothing whatsoever is wrong. Now I don't like Joe Biden. I don't pray for him. I'm supposed to. I can't. I mean, I can mouth the words, but God's called me a liar in my prayers before. God has said to me, "Lire, you're not sincerely praying that. That's not what you know. Those aren't your true feelings. You're a liar." And I try not to lie to God, but watching this is worse than listening to it. The blue screen. And if you're watching the video service, please just study the faces of the people as I play this again, Niana, so if you can re-up that. I just want to watch it one more time and have everybody just study the faces. It's the members of Congress and Homeland Security, Secretary of the United Kingdom, and I'm not sure you know they're so bad. Does he remember blanking that way? Now we could expect the people who run Joe Biden to come out with utterly lame statements that didn't happen, but now they've invented a phrase, the cheap fake. And it's difficult when you can turn to things like the transcript, I'll show you as part of a White House transcript, to say it's a deep fake, meaning absolutely invented from whole cloth, AI, et cetera. It's a phrase that means nothing, cheap fake, but there's going to be a policy that froze from this. You just look at the patterns. If you look at the patterns of many, many things, you're seeing the creation of a parallel economy. You are. In new healthcare, we've talked about the fact that the stem cells that have been so vital in revitalizing my body, my ankle, my shoulder, I've met people who've had neurological issues, profound neurological issues, inability to move hands, being hemispherically paralyzed, people who've been just racked with arthritis, people who've been told, professional golfers. Professional golfers who've been told that's up, you may be, you know, one of the top masters in the nation, but you're done because of your back. I've seen them go down and get the ethically gathered stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords and I've seen that recover. They're also though a parallel economy company because Steve and James, the partners, they did brother do this in the States. They can't because big pharma will not allow these stem cells, this Wharton-Jellies approach to be used because it gets in the way of big pharma. So they've set up a parallel economy in a parallel place in Port of Art to Mexico. I know what I thought of when I thought of healthcare in Mexico. I thought of the same thing you did, which was the beds in Cuban hospitals. It's so much not like that. This is world class and it's not just now them saying that or my observation. I've been with two world class physicians who Wharton saw renew for the first time. I was there when they saw it. I got to watch a dare response. I got to sit with them as they said, Todd, here's why this is world class. If you are in pain, you are facing surgery, you're sick of it and you're sick of being trapped in the big insurance big pharma world, then adopt the parallel economy. Get in touch with renew healthcare at, tell them your friend of the program, tell them that, they'll look at your medical situation and if they can help you, they will. If they can't, they'll tell you, hey, this isn't something we can help with. It's and it's part of a parallel system that we're setting up. The parallel reality in the people who run the Biden White House is these are all cheap fix and KGP, the spokesperson for the White House. This version of the spokesperson talking about Barack Hussein Obama, God bless Rush Limbaugh, helping the figure head off stage by grabbing his wrist. Again, this is going to lead to policy. There were two instances in recent days where leaders, former President Obama and Georgia Mueller in early, they physically put hands on the president to guide him and show him give stage directions. Are they doing that on their own or is anybody asked them to? Okay. So key here is the spokesperson is going to her binder. So they've been prepped for this. She's glancing down at either talking points or a paragraph. They either knew this question was coming and of course, someone in the media is going to ask it. They may even have set it up for this particular reporter to ask the question in this way. Sometimes that's what happens behind the scenes in this fake theater of White House. Remember, these are people who built a fake White House across the street from the real White House. So the figurehead could do his stuff in there while pretending to be in the White House and many in the media played along with that. Okay. But first of all, let me spoke to the most recent, right? As we saw on Saturday, the President Obama put President Obama's office put out a statement so I would refer you to that statement about what was being accused in those by others. And he said this did not happen in the sense of what people were saying saying they were seeing, right? Okay. What people were saying they were seeing is what they saw a figurehead standing there a long time as people were continuing to applaud as the applause signs were certainly blinking. And then Brock, who say in Obama, God bless Rush Limbaugh, grabbing him by the wrist and escorting him off stage like an adult escorts a two year old away from the monkey cage or what was being falsely reported that they were seeing. Let's not forget. President Obama, President Biden have a relationship. They are friends. They're like family to each other. I often do that with my young friends, in fact, just the other day. Just the other day, my coach took me out to the park for a workout, surprise workout in the sun. And I thought, hey, we should leave. So I grabbed her by the wrist and just started to pull her and she just followed me right along. Actually, she said, what the h are you doing touching me? Would you touch me? What do you do? You'll never, I'll never coach. Of course she would. Oh, but she's a female. So of course I do this with my younger friends all the time. I'm at church with my friend, Ben, who's half my age. Was time to leave. I grab him by the wrist. And then I rub him on the shoulder. Oh, wait. Because he's younger than me. I went to church last night with my friend Kevin. In fact, we went to dinner beforehand. Was time to leave. I wasn't leaving soon enough. So I grabbed him by the wrist and rubbed his back and whispered it his ear. No one does this because they're friends. See this desperation for you to live in their parallel reality is incredible, but it's going to spawn policy. Watch and see how this spawns policy and I think that's what you saw. You saw the president put his hand behind the, on the back of, of President Biden and, uh, and they walked off the stage. No, we saw him grab his wrist. We saw Biden doing the dementia shuffle. We saw Obama whispering in his ear and rubbing his back like you would. Well, they scared two year old. Or in my case, that reminded me in a very sad and very sentimental way of how I helped my aged grandpa when he soiled himself. I'm not trying to be cruel and I'm not trying to be funny with that. I remember taking him back to bed after I had cleaned him up after, after taking questions or in an event, taking questions from Jimmy Kimmel. That is, that is what you saw. When someone is telling you that is what you saw, when it's not what you saw, that's a deluxe form of gaslighting, but there's going to be policy. Remember this, that they just lost a important court case. Banks in New York had been pressured to de-bank the National Rifle Association. Now, this isn't yet out of the woods because they're going to try to de-bank and they do de-bank people. They de-bank senators, they de-bank lawyers, John Eastman, one of the lawyers for President Trump has been de-banked. Of course, hasn't made news because it is so shocking that that man's legal views as a lawyer representing a client has led to him being de-banked. In the case of the National Rifle Association, they were being de-banked not because of guns they sell because the NRA doesn't sell guns. The NRA promotes the Second Amendment. The people who run Joe Biden just lost a massive court case unanimously, praise God unanimously. The Supreme Court said, "No, the government does not get to pressure banks to de-bank an organization because of that organization's political views." So the censorship industrial complex has taken a series of hits. Alex Berenson's case is going to be heard in the same courtroom. This is Berenson's case against the figurehead and the people who run the figurehead for censorship of him. The case with the state of Missouri's AG continues to proceed. In fact, the government has tried desperately to shut that down multiple times. So you have the people who run the White House aware of the fact that they are losing the censorship industrial complex court. Now, they don't care about court because they don't care about the Constitution. But it would be more convenient for them to have the Supreme Court come along and say, "Yes, this is all very perfectly legal, perfectly above board." So there's going to be policy because the invention of this phrase and then the merchandising of this phrase indicates to me the next step in not censoring, mind you, they're not going to censor anything. They wouldn't do that. They're going to help label things. Ironically, several recent fix actually attacked the president for thanking troops. For thanking troops, that is what they're attacking the president for. Both in Normandy this happened and again in Italy. And I think that it tells you everything that we need to know about how desperate Republicans are here and instead of talking about the president's performance in office and what I mean by that is his legislative wins, what he's been able to do for the American people across the country, we're seeing these deep fakes, these manipulated videos and it is again done in bad faith. So she takes the phrase deep fake and cheap fake and uses them interchangeably but let's pause for a moment. Did anyone actually criticize figurehead Biden for thanking the troops? Did that ever happen? No. The criticism was a mentally decrepit old man to whom were referred to as president who supposedly running things lost his mind in public. The world bosses were all gathered in a place. There were photographers in front of them. That man has been in the game long enough to know this is the pool of photographers. This is the stage setting. This is your mark. You stand here and you smile in all your glory with all the other well-meaning, wonderful leaders of the world who are just helping people live their best lives. There are great protectors. You stand there and you glad hand and you look at the guy with the parachute together as all of you who hate the armed forces sit there and thank the armed forces. The figurehead minds figurehead loses his mind. He shuffles to the left. He's looking around and yeah, there's a dude putting his parachute away, but this is all given away by the fact that one of the other world bosses, a woman to whom Biden saluted. The leader of Italy, he saluted her, then he sniffed her hair. She goes and grabs him, not by the wrist, but rubs his back over here, Joe, over here. Remember, there's the pool of photographers and they're all gathered taking video and pictures of us. Smile, Joe. And in Normandy, of course, the figurehead ambling off the stage, leaving the president of France behind to thank our troops, or World War II troops. So cheap fakes. This is going to be policy. And policy is going to be about helping people. And this is going to be good because it's not going to be censorship. Given this, they never ever stop. And sometimes you can't stop, right? You can't. Yesterday turned out to be a pretty, I didn't anticipate yesterday being a can't stop day, but it was. And for me, it started with an exercise session early in the morning. If you want to know, it was a rower. It was 100 pound farmer's carries, 200 yards, 100 yards uphill, 100 down, and then a whole bunch of seal fit stuff in my lawn and front yard. Then I did not know that I was going to get tossed into the lake. I knew we were going to work out in the park. I knew it was going to be hot. I knew I was going to be uncomfortable because I need to get used to being in the heat like that. I didn't know coach is going to say, okay, you're going to go tread water, which was fun. It wasn't necessarily prepared for that. In fact, this shirt I had to get from the gym because they didn't have another one and got wet walking back to the gym. I had a medical appointment after that. So in the midst of all that, all of a sudden 1400 calories gone and all of a sudden a whole bunch of water out of my system. So I did have with me native hydrate. So this is my choice for hydration. It contains all nine essential amino acids, 14 vitamins and minerals, and it has zero sugar, a lot of electrolytes, but zero sugar. This for me, of course, replenishes the body beyond what water could do because it's not just water you lose when you go through something like that. And it helps with muscle recovery, soreness, even with muscle growth because it contains branch chain amino acids. In other words, it's a complete hydration and recovery drink. Now, you can say well and good, Herman, I don't like sweating. I don't like gyms. I like my stuff at home. Fantastic. You do you as the kids say, but you're probably dehydrated. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. So what? Well, your liver needs water to purify your body from, no, I was going to say intoxicants, but impurities. Your kidneys need it to produce good, solid blood. Your brain needs it, otherwise you get headaches because your brain separates from the membrane around it. Your lungs need it, your body needs it. Water alone will not get it done if you're chronically dehydrated. So do this. Go to and you will save today 44% on the same hydration drink I use, which by the way, very delicious, three very delicious flavors. It's You save up to 44% on this and get the power of being fully hydrated again. And if you are an amateur athlete like me, take this stuff to the gym. It will keep you going in ways that you did not expect this policy. They're going to go through a process now of going to trusted media sources. Trusted media sources to protect us from cheap fakes. How will that work? Well, YouTube, and we do business with YouTube, we have to. And in all honesty, the videos that Niana and the team are creating are really cool. And people like them and they're getting shared and praise God, the channel's growing because we have to do this as a commercial reality because of what YouTube's become, the top podcasting platform on Earth. We can't bet on it. We can't even put our full-length videos up there. There's not a show I do that we could put the whole thing on YouTube. So we have to do the clips. And of course, why is as serpent gentle as a dove? But YouTube has signaled they're going to elevate trusted media sources. In their algorithm, trusted media sources will get priority. The same thing with Facebook. So they're not talking the language of fact-checking anymore because they understand that fact-checking is now laughable. So they're now saying trusted. What does that word mean? What does fresh mean with fast food? How do you measure trusted? Now we can because we can go to the Word of God and we can examine the Word of God in terms of trust in terms of what God says about liars. There's a lot about lying in the Bible, Proverbs, chapter 19, verse 9, "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish." John, chapter 8, verse 44, "This is the Lord Jesus talking to the Pharisees. You are of the Father, the devil, and your sin is to do your Father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning that does not stand in the truth because there's no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he's a liar and the Father of lies." And we could continue because the Bible is filled with this. We can consult the fruit of the Spirit. Is this what we see in people? Or do we see people who seek to be served rather than serve? So we can analyze that. In the case of YouTube and Facebook, they're simply saying we're going to elevate trusted media sources. But here's the policy and the way I think they're going to play this out. They'll take trusted media sources like this. You've probably heard of deep fakes. But just last week, as President Biden was at the G7 Summit in Italy, cheap fake clips went viral on social media and were picked up by some news outlets. Take a look at this clip, for example. It shows Biden and other world leaders watching a skydiving demonstration before the president is seen walking away and looking in another direction. This claimed that he was sort of just aimlessly wandering away. The clip amassed millions of views within just a few hours when actually if you widen out you can see that he was talking to one of the members of the military that was participating in that demonstration. So how prevalent are cheap fakes and how big of a problem will it be in this election? Well, let's take a look with executive editor of CBS News Confirmed, Rona Tarrant who joins us now from Studio 57 to explain. We don't need to hear from Rona Tarrant's who is a fact checker now changed over to the verify team because the verify team at CBS News is everything you think it would be. But that's a trusted media source. Now let's talk about trust. The people who run Joe Biden invent the phrase cheap fake, the people at CBS News adopt it. Safe and effective, safest, most secure election in history, cheap fake. That's where it works. Here's the policy. This is my prediction. We're going to see people who run the White House circulate this idea through so-called mainstream media, but we would call the mockingbird media. They're going to circulate it through Silicon Valley tech executives. They're going to create something like a watermark. Remember I talked about the US Postal Service. US Postal Service wanted to put a stamp on every piece of email. They wanted to capture the email you sent to your friend with their unique address. They wanted that to have to flow through their servers, be parked for 24 hours, have a stamp applied, and then be sent to your friends or your business colleagues. They took a run at that. Thankfully it was laughed out of the room. This process would be very similar. It would be tech and mockingbirds teaming up together to put a watermark on something, like verified. So who would verify it and how would it be scoped? How would it be cut and edited? They're going to take this approach not just with video. I believe they'll take it with audio as well. After all, remember this. In Canada, which is a fallen country, they're inches away from forcing podcasters like me to have to register with the government. Now I won't do that, but they're attempting to force that, "Okay, then you can't be heard in Canada. Okay, I'm not registering with your government. I don't need to do that." Why do they want to do that? Because they want to license you so you can lose your license as a podcaster. In the separate country of Washington state, they made an attempt to make people who have big social media platforms or blogging platforms. They made an attempt to make us register as lobbyists. If we reach X number of people through our platforms, well, then we're lobbying because we're trying to get people to affect change. We have this, Fauci. Fauci who understands that he is as slick as they come and as good at lying as they come and as Teflon as they come has said in a statement that he absolutely respects the press and the freedom of the press. And then he underlines a phrase, the legitimate press. The Surgeon General of the United States is demanding a digital ID for online commentary. Why? To protect against deep fakes and cheap fakes. Watch this turn into policy. I mean, it's difficult for them to do anything else when I can simply pull up a White House transcript. And this is what they were forced to reproduce the figurehead's statements in writing. You know, my son says you ought to have a, you know, we all have various short-term descriptions for your jobs here, for your, what you accomplished and you should say, Joe Jobs, because it's about jobs, giving people a shot, you give them a shot, they never let you down. Barack Obama. And there you go. And then in my mind, I'm seeing Barack Obama patting Biden on the head. And now Joe, we're getting an ice cream. I get an ice cream. Yeah, Joe, but you've got to get to the edge of the stage. I actually get to the Adderall in the ice cream that we'll snort that later, Joe. Oh, don't think he doesn't snort Adderall or cocaine. Melinda Gates is not Biden, but we're going to talk about Melinda Gates in terms of cheap fakes. No, she's not creating cheap fakes. She's falling for cheap fakes. This, by the way, is the clip of, do I have this, do I have the actual clip? No, we don't have the skydiving forget that. I want to get to the Melinda Gates thing, and because she has fallen for a cheap fake, which is so, so easy to do these days, there's all sorts of imitations of truth being pushed to kids and pushed across the kids, but someone like Melinda Gates falling for it. What is it? It's the lens. It's that caring and fairness lens that makes sure that they can't see anything outside of that spectrum of emotions, caring and fairness. And people do. We do want to be caring, but sometimes we have to apply our minds to things. Conservatives care about all sorts of things, rule of law, authoritarianism, liberty, and yes, caring and fairness. We care about the economy though. We care about a range of things. People like Melinda Gates and moderates, and she's probably a far left progressive, but moderates care about caring and fairness exclusively. And that can be frustrating for those of us who put a premium on trying to use our minds. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, draft the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, make a communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check, rent collection, check, maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's warehouse. Melinda Gates falls for some emotional cheapfakes, but it simply cannot line up with the reality, but look how powerful philosophical cheapfakery is, even to some like Melinda Gates, who you would think has a pretty good intellectual capacity. It is going to come down in this election. It will come down to the women turning out in the battleground states. They, women turned out in the midterm elections and said this is enough, and we've got to do it again. Does that mean you will campaign or endorse a particular candidate? More than likely, yes. Do you want to share who that candidate might be? Well, I don't think it would be any surprise. I think, first of all, I think it's really important to say that I have voted in some elections Republican and some elections Democratic, but in this election, I cannot vote for a man who rolls back women's reproductive rights and says the heinous things that he says about women. So I absolutely am not voting for Trump and I will vote for Biden. Okay. Pause, caring and fairness using the caring and fairness lens, Linda, it is evident to me that this weighs heavy on you, that your being a woman weighs heavy on you, you having resources other women don't have economically feel like it gives you a sense of added responsibility. You having a platform other women don't have, not everybody gets interviewed by Gayle King. I can see that this weighs on you and I can see that you care. And so my question is, how is it fair that you assess President Trump and the way you do when Joe Biden's own daughter appears to describe, if not molestation, bizarre, ungodly, abusive sexual advances by her own father? How else would you describe a daughter saying, I take showers late at night to prevent my dad from jumping in the shower with me, which I'm not sure is appropriate? Remember, he's a man who married the babysitter. Well, and we have pictures of her as babysitter on his lap. He molested a girl on video. He grabbed her nipples on video. She admitted that, finally, years later. And people said, why didn't you say anything at the time? Well, we're not to ask victims that question, but she said, why? He was vice president, my family were big-time Democrats. I was a little girl. I was afraid. You've bought an emotional cheap fake on the topic of what you call reproductive rights and by which you've been abortion. How is it fair to the baby who is in a place that should be safe and warm? It's warm, but not safe, the womb. How is it fair to a baby who at six months has a personality, maybe even before then, has a personality and the desire to live? How is it fair to call that tiny little human being a choice? Are you a choice? Reasonable people can differ on this, but what you're describing, your feelings, your emotions, caring and fairness, that's all debatable. Here's what's not debatable. You're a mother. You left your husband, Bill, after it became clear that he was hanging out with a pedophile, a pedophile who did not kill himself in prison, a pedophile whose dream was to impregnate the world with his seed, a eugenicist like your ex-husband. Did you have any desire to protect your kids from a man like that? I bet you did. What about your family? You say you can't vote for the figurehead, or pardon me, for Trump, but what about your family and the future of your family? This is a law professor from William and Mary College. His name is Jim Mason. Searched with a brief introduction from the team that put this together, conceptual James posted this. But listen to this professor, Jim Mason, talk about why you have rights as a parent. Why do we need a parental rights amendment? Here's why. The state needs it. Jim Mason from, Jim Mason's from, my mistake, my Biden brain. Here's the professor. The ultimate guarantor of a child's well-being, there's just no alternative to that. Jim's wire. The reason parent-child relationships exist is because the state confers legal parenthood on people through its paternity and maternity laws. That's the state that is empowering parents to do anything with children, to take them home, to have custody and to make any kind of decisions about that. Did you get that? You're only a parent because the state says so. The views of Professor Dwyer are becoming more and more widespread. That's why we need to pass the ParentalRights amendment now before people like Professor Dwyer take charge of our children. In the separate country of Washington, there was a movement by the people, an initiative. It passed. It passed because the legislature was forced to pass it because they did not want it to have to go to the full vote of the people because they knew they'd lose. They had to take action on it and they did. It's a ParentalRights amendment. You're right to know if a teacher is using the wrong pronoun for your kid. You're right to know if your kid is expressing that. You're right to not have your kid's concerns about sexuality or gender hidden from you. You're right. The boss man of schools in the separate country of Washington who is, in my judgment, an absolute confirmed pervert says he's not going to enforce that. Yeah, it's a law, but he's not going to enforce it because he feels he doesn't have to. In Texas, you're aware, of course, of Dr. Ethan Haim and the fact that the DOJ rolled heavy to his house, armed troops, basically armed cops, coming to his house heavy and pulling him out of the house, charging him now with multiple felonies. He's facing ten years in prison in a $250,000 fine because he availed the people of Texas in the United States with information proving that Texas, so-called children's hospital, was continuing to give wrong sex hormones and wrong sex surgery to kids. Meanwhile, there was a nurse and a nurse decided that she had had enough. She could not continue to stomach what was being done to kids. She spoke out as well. She's also facing the same sorts of visits, although in this case it wasn't rolling heavy. It was a couple of FBI agents to share this with you in a second and you have unexpected visitors to your house and sometimes that happens. That's kind of a joyful thing. I remember back in the day when I lived in an apartment building, I lived in a building and got to know some people there and from time to time people knocked on the door. Sometimes it was to borrow something. Sometimes it was just to visit. I remember neighborhoods. When I grew up in neighborhoods, it wasn't unusual. Nine o'clock in the morning, here's one of the neighbor kids coming knocking or a parent coming knocking. Hey, can my kids stay here? I just got called because we didn't have emails, social, all that stuff. Sometimes you have these unexpected visitors in your house. If you have pets and sometimes you get behind on cleaning up after the pets, it happens or all human. When we make these mistakes, you got the stink of the pets or if you're like me and you take your hound dog, even your aged hound dog, it's so sad to watch my dog get old. I love her so much. She's getting old and she can't go in the long hikes with many more, but she can swim. And on a hot day, my dog loves to go in the water and she loves to swim and drink at the same time, which is gross, but she's a dog. When she comes home, she stinks and it stinks enough that sometimes concerned the neighbors across the street can smell her stink. My friends at, the maker of the Oxhaleaf 2 thunderstorm device, among other great devices, has issued a pet stink guarantee for the thunderstorm. You simply buy these, plug them into the wall, it produces ozone in your house, which negates it, just destroys the molecules that make the bad smells and they're gone. Since it's not an air filter, you don't have to spend 200 to 400 bucks per year to change out the filters. If you have pets, like we're talking about here, you simply wipe the thing off a couple times a year with a cloth. That's it. That's all the cleaning you need to do. I'm going to save you 200 bucks. Ready? Whole home coverage. Three of these devices for under $200 with the pet guarantee, it's this. If it does not, stop and get rid of the pet odor, your money back. Go to, use code Todd3, T-O-D-D-3 to get this deal with us $200 savings. and code Todd3, breathe a breath of fresh air again. A nurse is being indicted. Ethan Haim is facing 10 years in prison. This is what it looks like when the FBI comes to your house. Hello. Hi. Hi. I'm looking for Vanessa Savage. Okay. Hello. Hello. Okay. I'll make some of the FBI's. Okay. This is a similar variety. I'm good. Okay. Nice to meet you. Hi. Hi. Hi. How are you? She sniped up on you there. You want to see too? Are we interrupting dinner? I'm really sorry. That's all right. What's going on? Um, let me start at the beginning. So I'm sure you're aware of some of the things that have been going on in your work. Okay. So pause. Here's your response. Do you have a warrant? Hi. Thank you for coming. I know you're just doing your job and your duties. You see it. Do you have a warrant? No. Okay. I'll thank you to leave. With regards to, yeah, so I got a, can I, can we sit down for a minute? No, no, no, don't do it. I don't know those FBI agents. I certainly don't know their souls. I know their jobs. Their job is to pin something on you with all due respect to law enforcement. If I'm ever in that situation, my response will be just what I said. I understand you're doing your job as you see it and your duty as you see it. Do you have a warrant? No, I don't. You may not come in. I will not speak with you. If they come back with a warrant, I record everything and I tell them I will not speak to you without the presence of an attorney period and I'm pretty good. The Lord has equipped me with one thing and that's, well, with many things. Thank you God. But speaking, I'm pretty good at, but I also know how easy it is to lay a perjury trap. It's simple. Anyone can do it. You simply get someone to say something, for instance, this, what color is that car? It's brown. Okay. Brown, you say the FBI has done this. They've actually gone back to indict a former FBI agent because they wanted to get something on them. They actually went back and checked. How does the manufacturer describe the color of the car? It's not brown. No, it's dark cinnamon. Boom, you lied to a federal agent. In our world of now, cheap fix, which don't exist, it's a phrase that means everything and nothing, we of course will stand on the root of truth. That is the vine of truth, the vine of God, the vine of Christ and we'll measure all spirits, we'll compare things against the fruits of the spirit and love in a biblical sense. And in that way, we can protect ourselves against falling for psychological, theological, political deep fix. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, drive up the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintain communication. Sound complicated? Runners' warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualified tenants? Check. Rent collection? Check. Maintenance coordination. You got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. 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