The Todd Herman Show

Time To Cancel The Magic Words- Black, “Trans”, Migrant, “Our ‘Democracy.’” Ep-1399

It's time to cancel magic words. We talk about these words from time to time. Magic words include black, trans, migrant, our democracy, and more. We must cancel them, first in our own minds, then in the minds of our kids and grandkids, and then in the minds of the victims of the Mockingbird Media. Kari Lake has given us a great example of what this looks like, when in responding to a reporter she utterly dismantled the term “Dreamers”. Thanks to another magic word, men like Julius Malema can call for the murder of 4 million white people.

What does God’s Word say?
1 John 1:5
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.
Episode 1,399 Links:


Broadcast on:
13 Feb 2024