The Todd Herman Show

HUGE win for free speech and French Police say its a Civil War in France Ep_941

HUGE win for free speech and French Police say its a Civil War in France

God bless Judge Terry A. Doughty. On Independence Day, 2023, federal Judge Terry A. Doughty signed an order enjoining a long list of corrupt federal bureaucrats and their corrupt agencies from acting in concert with their corrupt partners in social media to suppress, censor or limit the speech of Americans. What an incredible time it is in America where this had to go before a judge. Were D.C. not so corrupt and spiritually captured, the people who create joint-actor status with social media companies to censor Americans would have been fired immediately and had their pensions canceled.
It might be coincidental but, a few days before this decision, Elon Musk took an action at Twitter which would make it much harder for the Silicon Valley and Government Censorship Program to continue operating what Mark Benz, Executive Director of Foundation for Freedom Online calls The Censorship Death Star.
We will need all the free speech God allows us to make sure our neighbors are aware of what’s going on in France, as the Mockingbird Media continues ignoring what the French Police Union now calls a Civil War. Given what we know about the government and social media companies being one entity, why should we believe the Mockingbirds are any different?

What does God’s Word say?
No matter how hard they try, the Silicon Valley and Government Censorship Program cannot cancel The Truth.
John 14:6 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Episode 941 Links:

Broadcast on:
06 Jul 2023