The Todd Herman Show

Now its a WUHAN SCIENTIST who says Covid was a bioweapon Episode 939

Now it’s a WUHAN SCIENTIST who says Covid was a bioweapon and a new report proves the deadly differences between three batches of the mRNA.

We cannot stop pursuing the truth about the Covid PsyOp. Everyday God provides us more evidence of what the elites planned, executed, profited from and intend to do again. For instance, a Wuhan Institute of Virology Researcher Claims Novel Coronavirus was a “Bioweapon”; Recent report from Director of National Intelligence reveals Wuhan Institute ‘collaborated’ with Chinese military on coronavirus experiments in years preceding the pandemic. Where there is a crime there is often a cover-up; when government employees use personal emails with the exp-ressed purpose of dodging FOIA requests, that is clearly a crime. Fauci Advisor Allegedly Used Private Email to Dodge FOIA Requests, COVID Origin Requests; Dr. David Morens: “I interpret this to mean that our government is lightening up but that Tony [Fauci] doesn’t want his fingerprints on origin stories.” We cannot stop pursuing justice for the people harmed and killed by these injections and the other measures in this PsyOp because The Party is STILL harming people. Listen to Judge Richard Cohen praise now former 1st Lieutenant Mark Charles Bashaw’s stellar career . . . just before the same judge removed him from the military for refusing to be injected with mRNA. What does God’s Word say? The Bible speaks often about the type of corruption that allows leaders to become bosses and dictators. Episode 939 Links:

Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2023