The Todd Herman Show

France finds out Episode 938

France finds out. Harvard sees an “affirmative-action” loophole, FigureHead Biden does the creepy whisper thing to a reporter who asked about his Afghanistan withdrawal catastrophe

The same elites driving hatred and division with their forced speech demands, enshrining racism into law and obvious attempts to break up the family units have caused the violent uprising in France, labeled a “civil war” by the French Police Union. Now, the French people are suffering the inevitable result of indiscriminate, mass migration of people--largely fighting age, working age, military age men--from cultures adverse to Western Values combined with the elitist fever dream of no cultural assimilation. With the exception of some stories on the sexual-left promoting FOX News, America’s Mockingbird Media is dutifully ignoring this particular insurrection because: narrative.
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. . . Doesn’t this mean France should get the Ukraine treatment, with America’s focus on defending their democracy? (Speaking of the misuse of America’s great military, did you see FigureHead Biden deliver his creepy whisper act to a reporter who asked about the ridiculously censored State Department After Action Report on the Afghanistan withdrawal?) With the Cultural Revolution in France reaching the inevitable state of violence, in America institutions like Harvard and the White House have announced, each in their own sly ways, they will refuse to follow the plain meaning and intent of the Supreme Court Ruling that reinstates the 14th Amendment by disallowing racism in college admissions. But, the New Right is not our Grandad’s party. Universities are on notice that America First Legal will immediately sue them when they violate the SCOTUS ruling. Praise God for alerting America’s parents to the Cultural Revolutionaries attacking the bodies, minds and souls of their children. With the exception of his use of the language of the enemy, this dad’s takedown of his school board is utterly brilliant. I especially applaud him for recognizing to whom he is actually speaking and it's not the spiritually captured school board members. What does God’s Word say? We are to be kind to sojourners, but lawlessness is not kindness and God is a God of compassion AND order and giving fighting age men a new home is hardly oppression. Exodus 23:9 “You shall not oppress a sojourner. You know the heart of a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.The fact that this mass migration system housed these men in enclaves unto themselves, with no cultural imperative to assimilate or grow to love France has cut many of these men off from God’s design for us. Genesis 2:1818 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”<a...

Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2023