The Todd Herman Show

3 Young Women have more bravery than all of FBI leadership and most of the GOP combined Episode 890

Three young women have more bravery than all of FBI leadership and most of the GOP combined, how many of the Canadian fires are from arson? George Stephanopoulos play-acts for the FigureHead.

Oh, the bravery.
This weekend, many of us watched three young women--and three time national college baseball champions--put their future careers at risk with their beautiful testimonies for Christ. That was brave. The Cultural Revolutionaries will seek to punish them just as they are punishing a Catholic Family farmer who simply reminded other Catholics that June is the Month of the Sacred Heart of Christ.
Ugh. The News.
We have watched three FBI agents come forward to reveal the degree to which the FBI has become an enforcement arm of the masters of the Cultural Revolution with which America is being assaulted. That was brave. They paid a price and still are paying it as the FBI bosses seek to ruin the men. But, did we just see an act of bravery from an FBI leader or was it an act of reluctant honesty? From Revolver.News: Top FBI official and J6 Fedsurrection hatchet man OBJECTS to Mar-a-Lago raid… raises 5 key objections in bombshell letter… I think we know what we saw from George Stephanopoulos while he was interviewing a lawyer for President Trump where George burst into a “what are you talking about?” act when the lawyer detailed FigureHead Biden’s theft of classified materials.
Man, the self-obsession.
The same Mockingbird Media that didn’t care much about the massive amount of poison released in a train derailment panicked about wood smoke in New York. But, they are silent on what appears to be organized cases of arson which started some of those fires in one province of Canada.

What does God’s Word say?
We can watch the news, must be politically active and we must remember this:
1 Chronicles 29:15
We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace.

Episode 890 Links:

Broadcast on:
13 Jun 2023