The Todd Herman Show

VICTORY-We now own the word WOKE. Praise God! Keep the momentum up - Episode 880

VICTORY! We now own the word “WOKE”, praise God! Keep the momentum up”: It’s PAST Time for Conservative Lawfare Offensives: Taking Back The Culture Series.

. . . speaking the truth works. When people finally started speaking truth--and all truth is God’s truth!--we finally started to claim some territory back against the Cultural Revolutionaries. Philip Bump’s claim, above, that “WOKE” doesn’t mean anything is 100% wrong. In the hands of revolutionaries it meant nothing because it was a word designed to hide the meaning of the actions it excused and empowered. When we began attaching to WOKE the ruinous work of wokesters, people began to turn against the Cultural Revolutionaries. Now, truth-telling is becoming contagious, thank God! An NBA star is speaking the truth and is convinced he can make money selling truth-baring merchandise. A 14 year-old schoolgirl from Ireland wrote the truth into a poemthat women are reading on social media, where it is garnering tens of millions of combined views. Our truth-telling about the leadership of the FBI has 60% of Americans wanting the FBI reformed or shut-down. Even Professional Republican, Nikki Haley is being forced to acknowledge some of the truths about America’s ridiculously unverifiable election system. These are a few of the victories we will celebrate today.

What does God’s Word say?
The story of the Tower of Babel. Did God scramble the language because people were united or was it because of WHAT they united and did next? God told them to disperse, to go their separate ways and establish godly communities. Instead, they chose to stay and build a monument to themselves and their great cleverness.
Genesis 11: The Tower of Babel
How much of WOKE is described here?
Proverbs 6:16-19 16 There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,19 a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Episode 880 Links:

Broadcast on:
08 Jun 2023