The Todd Herman Show

A huge Covid meeting just occurred. Conservative media largely ignored it Episode_848

The Mockingbird Media and rest of The Party has “moved on” from the Covid plan. We will not “move on”, because the Covid Program is still killing people. Excess, non-Covid deaths in the U.K. are at about 21%; to put that in perspective, some 4,000 more people dying every two weeks in the U.K. since the forced injection program is akin to a 9/11 terrorist attack every two weeks. The Mockingbirds refuse to report it. I will not move on from Covid.

The International Covid Summit III in the European Parliament just occurred with a stunning series of revelations. For instance, when did the Medical Technocrats start playing around with Coronaviruses? The late 60’s. When did Big Pharma patent their first “vaccine” for them? 1990. When did Big Pharma know coronaviruses will evade all attempted vaccines? In that same time-frame. How many randomized trials proved Ivermectin works as an early treatment? It’s well into the hundreds. How did Big Pharma rig the “big-6” Ivermectin studies? They changed the target date DURING the trial. How are the mRNA injections causing turbo-cancers? This was all covered with source material, studies, cross tabs, methodologies disclosed and . . . the Mockingbird Media did not cover it. We will.

What does God’s Word say?

The silence of the Mockingbirds and The Party is a tactic. It’s a massive lie . . .

“You shall not lie.”

It’s a deadly lie . . .

“You shall not kill.”

And God told us there would be times such as these.

2 Timothy 3:2

For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

Episode 848 Links:

· Media Silent as UK Data Show Sharp Increase in Excess Deaths; John Campbell, Ph.D., a retired accident and emergency nurse, nurse teacher and author of two nursing textbooks, analyzed the latest U.K. data showing a sharp increase in excess deaths. Campbell said if this was a terrorist attack “it would be a state of war.”
· They want MORE nano-lipid-particles: Scientists have developed a new way to fight a nearly untreatable brain cancer; Crossing the blood-brain barrier may be crucial to provide glioblastoma therapy.
· mRNA & Breastfeeding: COVID-19 vaccinated mothers who breastfeed - babies have serious reactions including death, decreased breast milk production, milk discoloration, bleeding - 16 cases. NOT SAFE!
· Videos: The International Covid Summit III in the European Parliament, Brussels; The full video as well as the speaker list with presentation titles (time stamped)

Broadcast on:
24 May 2023